B.5 Interfacing with Fortran
The facilities relevant to interfacing
with the Fortran language are the package Interfaces.Fortran and support
for specifying the Convention aspect with
The package Interfaces.Fortran defines Ada types
whose representations are identical to the default representations of
the Fortran intrinsic types Integer, Real, Double Precision, Complex,
Logical, and Character in a supported Fortran implementation. These Ada
types can therefore be used to pass objects between Ada and Fortran programs.
Static Semantics
The library package
Interfaces.Fortran has the following declaration:
with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types; --
see G.1.1
pragma Elaborate_All(Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types);
package Interfaces.Fortran
with pragma Pure
type Fortran_Integer
is range implementation-defined;
type Real
is digits implementation-defined;
type Double_Precision
is digits implementation-defined;
type Logical
is new Boolean;
package Single_Precision_Complex_Types
new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types (Real);
type Complex
is new Single_Precision_Complex_Types.Complex;
subtype Imaginary
is Single_Precision_Complex_Types.Imaginary;
i : Imaginary
renames Single_Precision_Complex_Types.i;
j : Imaginary
renames Single_Precision_Complex_Types.j;
package Double_Precision_Complex_Types is
new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types (Double_Precision);
type Double_Complex is new Double_Precision_Complex_Types.Complex;
subtype Double_Imaginary is Double_Precision_Complex_Types.Imaginary;
type Character_Set
is implementation-defined character type;
type Fortran_Character
is array (Positive
range <>)
of Character_Set
with Pack;
function To_Fortran (Item :
in Character)
return Character_Set;
function To_Ada (Item :
in Character_Set)
return Character;
function To_Fortran (Item :
in String)
return Fortran_Character;
function To_Ada (Item :
in Fortran_Character)
return String;
procedure To_Fortran (Item :
in String;
Target :
out Fortran_Character;
Last :
out Natural);
procedure To_Ada (Item :
in Fortran_Character;
Target :
out String;
Last :
out Natural);
end Interfaces.Fortran;
Implementation defined: The types Fortran_Integer,
Real, Double_Precision, and Character_Set in Interfaces.Fortran.
Ramification: {
The means by which the Complex
and Double_Complex
types are type is provided in Interfaces.Fortran
creates a dependence of Interfaces.Fortran on Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types
G.1.1). This dependence is intentional
and unavoidable, if the Fortran-compatible Complex
Double_Complex types are type is
to be useful in Ada code without duplicating facilities defined elsewhere.
The types Fortran_Integer, Real, Double_Precision, Logical, Complex,
Double_Complex, Character_Set, and Fortran_Character
are Fortran-compatible.
The To_Fortran and To_Ada functions map between the
Ada type Character and the Fortran type Character_Set, and also between
the Ada type String and the Fortran type Fortran_Character. The To_Fortran
and To_Ada procedures have analogous effects to the string conversion
subprograms found in Interfaces.COBOL.
Implementation Requirements
An implementation shall support specifying aspect Convention with a Fortran
for a Fortran-eligible type (see
Implementation Permissions
An implementation may add additional declarations to the Fortran interface
packages. For example,
declarations are permitted
for the character types corresponding to Fortran character kinds 'ascii'
and 'iso_10646', which in turn correspond to ISO/IEC 646:1991 and to
UCS-4 as specified in ISO/IEC 10646:2020 the
Fortran interface package for an implementation of Fortran 77 (ANSI X3.9-1978)
that defines types like Integer*n, Real*n, Logical*n,
and Complex*n may contain the declarations of types named Integer_Star_n,
Real_Star_n, Logical_Star_n, and Complex_Star_n.
(This convention should not apply to Character*n, for which the
Ada analog is the constrained array subtype Fortran_Character (1..n).)
Similarly, the Fortran interface package for an implementation of Fortran
90 that provides multiple kinds of intrinsic types, e.g. Integer
(Kind=n), Real (Kind=n), Logical (Kind=n), Complex
(Kind=n), and Character (Kind=n), may contain the declarations
of types with the recommended names Integer_Kind_n, Real_Kind_n,
Logical_Kind_n, Complex_Kind_n, and Character_Kind_n.
Reason: {
Fortran compilers are required to recognize 'ascii'
and 'iso_10646' as arguments to the SELECTED_CHAR_KIND intrinsic function,
but are not required to support those kinds.
Discussion: {
Implementations may add auxiliary declarations as needed to assist in
the declarations of additional Fortran-compatible types. For example,
if a double precision complex type is defined,
then Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types may be instantiated for the double
precision type. Similarly, if a wide character type is defined
to match a Fortran 90 wide character type (accessible in Fortran 90 with
the Kind
attribute modifier),
then an auxiliary character set may be declared to serve as its component
Implementation Advice
An Ada implementation
should support the following interface correspondences between Ada and
An Ada procedure corresponds to a Fortran subroutine.
An Ada function corresponds to a Fortran function.
An Ada parameter of an elementary, array, or record
type T is passed as a TF
argument to a Fortran procedure, where TF
is the Fortran type corresponding to the Ada type T, and where the INTENT
attribute of the corresponding dummy argument matches the Ada formal
parameter mode; the Fortran implementation's parameter passing conventions
are used. For elementary types, a local copy is used if necessary to
ensure by-copy semantics.
An Ada parameter of an access-to-subprogram type
is passed as a reference to a Fortran procedure whose interface corresponds
to the designated subprogram's specification.
Implementation Advice: If Fortran interfacing
is supported, the interface correspondences between Ada and Fortran should
be supported.
NOTE 1 An object of a Fortran-compatible
record type, declared in a library package or subprogram, can correspond
to a Fortran common block; the type also corresponds to a Fortran “derived
NOTE 2 {
For Fortran facilities not addressed by this subclause,
consider using the Fortran to C interoperability features defined in
ISO/IEC 1594-1:2018 along with the C interfacing features defined in
Example of Interfaces.Fortran:
with Interfaces.Fortran;
use Interfaces.Fortran;
procedure Ada_Application is
type Fortran_Matrix
array (
Fortran_Integer Integer range <>,
Fortran_Integer Integer range <>)
of Double_Precision
with Convention => Fortran; --
stored in Fortran's
column-major order
procedure Invert (Rank :
in Fortran_Integer; X :
in out Fortran_Matrix)
with Import => True, Convention => Fortran; --
a Fortran subroutine
Rank : constant Fortran_Integer := 100;
My_Matrix : Fortran_Matrix (1 .. Rank, 1 .. Rank);
Precision: constant := 6;
type Standard_Deviation is digits Precision
with Convention => Fortran;
Deviation : Standard_Deviation;
-- Declarations to match the following Fortran declarations:
-- integer, parameter :: precision = selected_real_kind(p=6)
-- real(precision) :: deviation
My_Matrix := ...;
Invert (Rank, My_Matrix);
end Ada_Application;
Wording Changes from Ada 2012
Correction: The package Double_Precision_Complex_Types
and associated types are added to package Interfaces.Fortran. In unusual
circumstances, this could cause an incompatibility; we don't document
it as an incompatibility as implementations are allowed to add declarations
to this package, so that risk of an incompatibility is present for any
move from one version of an implementation to another (not to mention
to another implementation). As such, the language-defined additions make
no change in the risk of incompatibility.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe