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5.6.1 Parallel Block Statements

{AI12-0119-1} {AI12-0436-1} [A parallel_block_statement comprises two or more sequence_of_statements separated by and where each represents an independent activity that is intended to proceed concurrently with the others.]


{AI12-0119-1} {AI12-0427-1} {AI12-0436-1} parallel_block_statement ::= 
    parallel [(chunk_specification)] [aspect_specificationdo
    end do;
{AI12-0427-1} The chunk_specification, if any, of a parallel_block_statement shall be an integer_simple_expression.

Dynamic Semantics

{AI12-0119-1} {AI12-0427-1} For the execution of a parallel_block_statement, the chunk_specification and the aspect_specification, if any, are elaborated in an arbitrary order. After elaborating the chunk_specification, if any, a check is made that the determined maximum number of chunks is greater than zero. If this check fails, Program_Error is raised.
{AI12-0119-1} {AI12-0427-1} {AI12-0436-1} {AI12-0449-1} Then, the various sequence_of_statements are grouped into one or more chunks, each with its own logical thread of control (see Clause 9), up to the maximum number of chunks specified by the chunk_specification, if any. Within each chunk every sequence_of_statements of the chunk is executed in turn, in an arbitrary order. The parallel_block_statement is complete once every one of the sequence_of_statements has completed, either by reaching the end of its execution, or due to a transfer of control out of the construct by one of the sequence_of_statements (see 5.1).
Implementation Note: {AI12-0119-1} {AI12-0436-1} Although each sequence_of_statements of a parallel block represents a separate logical thread of control, the implementation may choose to combine two or more such logical threads of control into a single physical thread of control to reduce the cost of creating numerous physical threads of control. 


{AI12-0429-1} Example of a parallel block used to walk a binary tree in parallel:
{AI12-0119-1} {AI12-0404-1} procedure Traverse (T : Expr_Ptr) is -- see 3.9.1
   if T /= null and then
      T.all in Binary_Operation'Class -- see 3.9.1
   then -- recurse down the binary tree
      parallel do
         Traverse (T.Left);
         Traverse (T.Right);
            ("Processing " & Ada.Tags.Expanded_Name (T'Tag));
      end do;
   end if;
end Traverse;
{AI12-0429-1} Example of a parallel block used to search two halves of a string in parallel:
{AI12-0119-1} function Search (S : String; Char : Character) return Boolean is
   if S'Length <= 1000 then
       -- Sequential scan
       return (for some C of S => C = Char);
       -- Parallel divide and conquer
          Mid : constant Positive := S'First + S'Length/2 - 1;
          parallel do
             for C of S(S'First .. Mid) loop
                if C = Char then
                   return True;  -- Terminates enclosing do
                end if;
             end loop;
             for C of S(Mid + 1 .. S'Last) loop
                if C = Char then
                   return True;  -- Terminates enclosing do
                end if;
             end loop;
          end do;
          -- Not found
          return False;
   end if;
end Search;

Extensions to Ada 2012

{AI12-0119-1} {AI12-0427-1} {AI12-0436-1} The parallel_block_statement is new. 

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