3.8.1 Variant Parts and Discrete Choices
Name Resolution Rules
Legality Rules
The discriminant of the
shall be of a discrete type.
The possible values
of the discriminant of a
shall be covered as follows:
If the discriminant is of a static constrained
scalar subtype then, except within an instance of a generic unit, each
others discrete_choice
shall cover only values in that subtype that satisfy its predicate, and
each value of that subtype that satisfies its predicate shall be covered
by some
(either explicitly or by
If the type of the discriminant is a descendant
of a generic formal scalar type, then the
shall have an
others discrete_choice;
Otherwise, each value of the base range of the
type of the discriminant shall be covered (either explicitly or by others).
Static Semantics
Dynamic Semantics
Example of record
type with a variant part:
type Device is (Printer, Disk, Drum);
type State is (Open, Closed);
type Peripheral(Unit : Device := Disk) is
Status : State;
case Unit is
when Printer =>
Line_Count : Integer range 1 .. Page_Size;
when others =>
Cylinder : Cylinder_Index;
Track : Track_Number;
end case;
end record;
Examples of record
subtype Drum_Unit is Peripheral(Drum);
subtype Disk_Unit is Peripheral(Disk);
Examples of constrained
record variables:
Writer : Peripheral(Unit => Printer);
Archive : Disk_Unit;
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe