Rationale for Ada 2012

John Barnes
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6.3 Iteration

Iteration and subprogram calls are in some sense the twin cornerstones of programming. We are all familiar with the ubiquitous nature of statements such as
for I in A'Range loop
   A(I) := 0;
end loop;
which in one form or another exist in all (normal) programming languages.
The detail of giving the precise description of the iteration and the indexing is really a violation of abstraction by revealing unnecessary detail. All we want to say is "assign zero to each element of the set A".
However, although it's not too much of a hassle with arrays, the introduction of containers revealed that detailed iteration could be very heavy-handed. Thus, as mentioned in the Introduction (see 1.3.5), suppose we are dealing with a list, perhaps a list of the type Twin declared as
type Twin is
      P, Q: Integer;
   end record;
To manipulate every element of the list in Ada 2005, we have to write something like
C := The_List.First;    -- C declared as of type Cursor
   exit when C = No_Element;
   E := Element(C);    -- E is of type Twin
   if Is_Prime(E.P) then
      Replace_Element(The_List, C, (E.P, E.Q + X));
   end if;
   C := Next(C);
end loop;
This reveals the gory details of the iterative process whereas all we want to say is "add X to the component Q for all members of the list whose component P is prime".
There is another way in Ada 2005 and that is to use the procedure Iterate. In that case the details of what we are doing have to be placed in a distinct subprogram called perhaps Do_It. Thus we can write
   procedure Do_It(C: in Cursor) is
      E := Element(C);       -- E is of type Twin
      if Is_Prime(E.P) then
         Replace_Element(The_List, C, (E.P, E.Q + X));
      end if;
   end Do_It;
This avoids the fine detail of calling First and Next but uses what some consider to be a heavy infrastructure.
However, in Ada 2012 we can simply say
for E of The_List loop
   if Is_Prime(E.P) then
      E.Q := E.Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
Not only is this just five lines of text rather than nine or eleven, the key point is that the possibility of making various errors of detail is completely removed.
The mechanisms by which this magic abstraction is achieved are somewhat laborious and it is anticipated that users will take a cookbook approach (show us how to do it, but please don't explain why – after all, this is the approach taken with boiling an egg, we can do it without deep knowledge of the theory of coagulation of protein material).
We will start by looking at the process using arrays. Rather than
for I in A'Range loop
   if A(I) /= 0 then
       A(I) := A(I) + 1;
   end if;
end loop;
we can write
for E of A loop
   if E /= 0 then
      E := E + 1;
   end if;
end loop;
In the case of a two-dimensional array, instead of
for I in AA'Range(1) loop
   for J in AA'Range(2) loop
      A(I, J) := 0.0;
   end loop;
end loop;
we can write
for EE of AA loop
   EE := 0.0;
end loop;
In Ada 2005 (and indeed in Ada 95 and Ada 83), the syntax for a loop is given by
loop_statement ::= [loop_statement_identifier :]
                    [iteration_scheme] loop
                    end loop [loop_identifier] ;
iteration_scheme ::= while condition
                    | for loop_parameter_specification
loop_parameter_specification ::= defining_identifier in [reverse] discrete_subtype_definition
This is all quite familiar. In Ada 2012, the syntax for loop_statement remains the same but iteration_scheme is extended to give
iteration_scheme ::= while condition
                    | for loop_parameter_specification
                    | for iterator_specification
Thus the new form iterator_specification is introduced which is
iterator_specification ::=
                   defining_identifier in [reverseiterator_name
                 | defining_identifier [: subtype_indication] of [reverseiterable_name
The first production defines a generalized iterator whereas the second defines an array component iterator or a container element iterator. For the moment we will just consider the second production which has of rather than in. The iterable_name can refer to an array or a container. Suppose it is an array such as A or AA in the examples above.
We note that we can optionally give the subtype of the loop parameter. Suppose that the type A is given as
type A is array (index) of Integer;
then the subtype of the loop parameter (E in the example) if not given will just be that of the component which in this case is simply Integer. If we do give the subtype of the loop parameter then it must cover that of the component. This could be useful with tagged types.
Note carefully that the loop parameter does not have the type of the index of the array as in the traditional loop but has the type of the component of the array. So on each iteration it denotes a component of the array. It iterates over all the components of the array as expected. If reverse is not specified then the components are traversed in ascending index order whereas if reverse is specified then the order is descending. In the case of a multidimensional array then the index of the last dimension varies fastest matching the behaviour of AA in the expanded traditional version as shown (and which incidentally is the order used in streaming). However, if the array has convention Fortran then it is the index of the first dimension that varies fastest both in the case of the loop and in streaming.
There are other obvious rules. If the array A or AA is constant then the loop parameter E or EE is also constant. So it all works much as expected. But do note carefully the use of the reserved word of (rather than in) which distinguishes this kind of iteration from the traditional form using an index.
As another array example suppose we have the following
type Artwin is array (1 .. N) of Twin;
The_Array: Artwin;
which is similar to the list example above. In the traditional way we might write
for K in Artwin'Range loop
   if Is_Prime(The_Array(K).P) then
      The_Array(K).Q := The_Array(K).Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
Using the new notation this can be simplified to
for E: Twin of The_Array loop
   if Is_Prime(E.P) then
      E.Q := E.Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
where we have added the subtype Twin to clarify the situation. Similarly, in the simple list example we could write 
for E: Twin of The_List loop
   if Is_Prime(E.P) then
      E.Q := E.Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
Note the beautiful similarity between these two examples. The only lexical difference is that The_Array is replaced by The_List showing that arrays and containers can be treated equivalently.
We now have to consider how the above can be considered as behaving like the original text which involves C of type Cursor, and subprograms First, No_Element, Element, Replace_Element and Next.
This magic is performed by several new features. One is a generic package whose specification is
   type Cursor;
   with function Has_Element(Position: Cursor) return Boolean;
package Ada.Iterator_Interfaces is
   pragma Pure(Iterator_Interfaces);
   type Forward_Iterator is limited interface;
   function First(Object: Forward_Iterator) return Cursor is abstract;
   function Next(Object: Forward_Iterator; Position: Cursor)
                      return Cursor is abstract;
   type Reversible_Iterator is limited interface and Forward_Iterator;
   function Last(Object: Reversible_Iterator) return Cursor is abstract;
   function Previous(Object: Reversible_Iterator;
                       Position: Cursor) return Cursor is abstract;
end Ada.Iterator_Interfaces;
This generic package is used by the container packages such as Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists. Its actual parameters corresponding to the formal parameters Cursor and Has_Element come from the container which includes an instantiation of Ada.Iterator_Interfaces. The instantiation then exports the various required types and functions. Thus in outline the relevant part of the list container now looks like
with Ada.Iterator_Interfaces;
   type Element_Type is private;
   with function "=" (Left, Right: Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
package Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
   type List is tagged private ...
   type Cursor is private;
   function Has_Element(Position: Cursor) return Boolean;
   package List_Iterator_Interfaces is
        new Ada.Iterator_Interfaces(Cursor, Has_Element);
end Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists;
The entities exported from the generic package Ada.Iterator_Interfaces are the two interfaces Forward_Iterator and Reversible_Iterator. The interface Forward_Iterator has functions First and Next whereas the Reversible_Iterator (which is itself descended from Forward_Iterator) has functions First and Next inherited from Forward_Iterator plus additional functions Last and Previous.
Note carefully that a Forward_Iterator can only go forward but a Reversible_Iterator can go both forward and backward. Hence it is reversible and not Reverse_Iterator.
The container packages also contain some new functions which return objects of the type Reversible_Iterator'Class or Forward_Iterator'Class. In the case of the list container they are
function Iterate(Container: in List) return
function Iterate(Container: in List; Start: in Cursor) return
These are new functions and are not to be confused with the existing procedures Iterate and Reverse_Iterate which enable a subprogram to be applied to every element of the list but are somewhat cumbersome to use as shown earlier. The function Iterate with only one parameter is used for iterating over the whole list whereas that with two parameters iterates starting with the cursor value equal to Start.
Now suppose that the list container is instantiated with the type Twin followed by the declaration of a list
package Twin_Lists is
   new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists(Element_Type => Twin);
The_List: Twin_Lists.List;
So we have now declared The_List which is a list of elements of the type Twin. Suppose we want to do something to every element of the list. As we have seen we might write
for E: Twin of The_List loop
   ...    -- do something to E
end loop;
However, it might be wise at this point to introduce the other from of iterator_specification which is
defining_identifier in [reverseiterator_name
This defines a generalized iterator and uses the traditional in rather than of used in the new array component and container element iterators. Using this generalized form we can write
for C in The_List.Iterate loop
   ...    -- do something via cursor C
end loop;
In the body of the loop we manipulate the elements using cursors in a familiar way. The reader might wonder why there are these two styles, one using in and the other using of. The answer is that the generalized iterator is more flexible; for example it does not need to iterate over the whole structure. If we write
for C in The_List.Iterate(S) loop
then the loop starts with the cursor value equal to S; this is using the version of the function Iterate with two parameters. On the other hand, the new array component and container element iterators using of are more succinct where applicable.
The generalized iterators for the list container use reversible iterators because the functions Iterate return a value of the type Reversible_Iterator'Class. The equivalent code generated uses the functions First and Next exported from List_Iterator_Interfaces created by the instantiation of Ada.Iterator_Interfaces with the actual parameters The_List.Cursor and The_List.Has_Element. The code then behaves much as if it were (see paragraph 13/3 of subclause 5.5.2 of the RM)
C: The_List.Cursor;
E: Twin;
F: Forward_Iterator'Class := The_List.Iterate;
C := F.First;
   exit when not The_List.Has_Element(C);
   E := The_List.Element(C);
   ...    -- do something to E
   C := F.Next(C);
end loop;
Of course, the user does not need to know all this in order to use the construction. Note that the functions First and Next used here (which operate on the class Forward_Iterator and are inherited by the class Reversible_Iterator) are not to be confused with the existing functions First and Next which act on the List and Cursor respectively. The existing functions are retained for compatibility and for use in complex situations.
It should also be noted that the initialization of F is legal since the result returned by Iterate is a value of Reversible_Iterator'Class and this is a subclass of Forward_Iterator'Class.
If we had written
for C in reverse The_List.Iterate
   ...    -- do something via cursor C
end loop;
then the notional code would have been similar but have used the functions Last and Previous rather than First and Next.
Another point is that the function call F.First will deliver the very first cursor value if we had written The_List.Iterate but the value S if we had written The_List.Iterate(S). Remember that we are dealing with interfaces so there is nothing weird here; the two functions Iterate return different types in the class and these have different functions First so the notional generated code calls different functions.
If we use the form
for E: Twin of The_List loop
   ...    -- do something to E
end loop;
then the generated code is essentially the same. However, since we have not explicitly mentioned an iterator, a default one has to be used. This is given by one of several new aspects of the type List which actually now is
type List is tagged private
   with Constant_Indexing => Constant_Reference,
           Variable_Indexing => Reference,
           Default_Iterator => Iterate,
           Iterator_Element => Element_Type;
The aspect we need at the moment is the one called Default_Iterator which as we see has the value Iterate (this is the one without the extra parameter). So the iterator F is initialized with this default value and once more we get
C: The_List.Cursor;
E: Twin;
F: Forward_Iterator'Class := The_List.Iterate;
The use of the other aspects will be explained in a moment.
Lists, vectors and ordered maps and sets can be iterated in both directions. They all have procedures Reverse_Iterate as well as Iterate and the two new functions Iterate return a value of Reversible_Iterator'Class.
However, it might be recalled that the notion of iterating in either direction makes no sense in the case of hashed maps and hashed sets. Consequently, there is no procedure Reverse_Iterate for hashed maps and hashed sets and there is only one new function Iterate which (in the case of hashed maps) is
function Iterate(Container: in Map) return
and we note that this function returns a value of Forward_Iterator'Class rather than Reversible_Iterator'Class in the case of lists, vectors, ordered maps, and ordered sets.
Naturally, we cannot put reverse in an iterator over hashed maps and hashed sets nor can we give a starting value. So the following are both illegal
for C in The_Hash_Map.Iterate(S) loop    -- illegal
for E of reverse The_Hash_Map loop    -- illegal
The above should have given the reader a fair understanding of the mechanisms involved in setting up the loops using the new iterator forms. We now turn to considering the bodies of the loops, that is the code marked "do something via cursor C" or "do something to E".
In the Ada 2005 example we wrote
if Is_Prime(E.P) then
   Replace_Element(The_List, C, (E.P, E.Q + X));
end if;
It is somewhat tedious having to write Replace_Element when using a container whereas in the case of an array we might directly write
if Is_Prime(A(I).P) then
   A(I).Q := A(I).Q + X;
end if;
The trouble is that Replace_Element copies the whole new element whereas in the array example we just update the one component. This doesn't matter too much in a case where the components are small such as Twin but if they were giant records it would clearly be a problem. To overcome this Ada 2005 includes a procedure Update_Element thus
procedure Update_Element(Container: in out List;
                                               Position: in Cursor;
                                               Process: not null access procedure
                                                       (Element: in out Element_Type));
To use this we have to write a procedure Do_It say thus
procedure Do_It(E: in out Twin) is
   E.Q := E.Q + X;
end Do_It;
and then
if Is_Prime(E.P) then
   Update_Element(The_List, C, Do_It'Access);
end if;
This works fine because E is passed by reference and no giant copying occurs. However, the downside is that the distinct procedure Do_It has to be written so that the overall text is something like
   procedure Do_It(E: in out Twin) is
      E.Q := E.Q + X;
   end Do_It;
   if Is_Prime(E.P) then
      Update_Element(The_List, C, Do_It'Access);
   end if;
which is a bit tedious.
But of course, the text in the body of Do_It is precisely what we want to say. Using the historic concepts of left and right hand values, the problem is that The_List(C).Element cannot be used as a left hand value by writing for example
The_List(C).Element.Q := ...
The problem is overcome in Ada 2012 using a little more magic by the introduction of generalized reference types and various aspects. In particular we find that the containers now include a type Reference_Type and a function Reference which in the case of the list containers are
type Reference_Type
      (Element: not null access Element_Type) is private
   with Implicit_Dereference => Element;
function Reference(Container: aliased in out List;
                 Position: in Cursor) return Reference_Type;
Note the aspect Implicit_Dereference applied to the type Reference_Type with discriminant Element.
There is also a type Constant_Reference_Type and a function Constant_Reference for use when the context demands read-only access.
The alert reader will note the inclusion of aliased for the parameter Container of the function Reference. As discussed in Section 4.2 on subprogram parameters, this ensures that the parameter is passed by reference (it always is for tagged types anyway); it also permits us to apply 'Access to the parameter Container within the function and to return that access value.
It might be helpful to say a few words about the possible implementation of Reference and Reference_Type although these need not really concern the user.
The important part of the type Reference_Type is its access discriminant. The private part might contain housekeeping stuff but we can ignore that. So in essence it is simply a record with just one component being the access discriminant
type Reference_Type
        (E: not null access Element_Type) is null record;
and the body of the function might be
function Reference(Container: aliased in out List;
                 Position: in Cursor) return Reference_Type is
   return (E => Container.Element(Position)'Access);
end Reference;
The rules regarding parameters with aliased (which we gloss over) ensure that no accessibility problems should arise. Note also that it is important that the discriminant of Reference_Type is an access discriminant since the lifetime of the discriminant is then just that of the return object.
Various aspects are given with the type List which as shown earlier now is
type List is tagged private
   with Constant_Indexing => Constant_Reference,
           Variable_Indexing => Reference,
           Default_Iterator => Iterate,
           Iterator_Element => Element_Type;
The important aspect here is Variable_Indexing. If this aspect is supplied then in essence an object of the type can be used in a left hand context by invoking the function given as the value of the aspect. In the case of The_List this is the function Reference which returns a value of type Reference_Type. Moreover, this reference type has a discriminant which is of access Element_Type and the aspect Implicit_Dereference with value Element and so gives direct access to the value of type Element.
We can now by stages transform the raw text. So using the cursor form we can start with
for C in The_List.Iterator loop
   if Is_Prime(The_List.Reference(C).Element.all.P) then
      The_List.Reference(C).Element.all.Q :=
         The_List.Reference(C).Element.all.Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
This is the full blooded version even down to using all.
Using the dereferencing with the aspect Implicit_Dereference we can omit the mention of the discriminant Element and the all to give
for C in The_List.Iterator loop
   if Is_Prime(The_List.Reference(C).P) then
      The_List.Reference(C).Q :=
         The_List.Reference(C).Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
Remember that Reference is a function with two parameters. It might be clearer to write this without prefix notation which gives
for C in Iterator(The_List) loop
   if Is_Prime(Reference(The_List, C).P) then
      Reference(The_List, C).Q :=
         Reference(The_List, C).Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
Now because the aspect Variable_Indexing for the type List has value Reference, the explicit calls of Reference can be omitted to give
for C in The_List.Iterator loop
   if Is_Prime(The_List(C).P) then
      The_List(C).Q := The_List(C).Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
It should now be clear that the cursor C is simply acting as an index into The_List. We can compare this text with
for C in The_Array'Range loop
   if Is_Prime(The_Array(C).P) then
      The_Array(C).Q := The_Array(C).Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
which shows that 'Range is analogous to .Iterator.
Finally, to convert to the element form using E we just replace The_List(C) by E to give
for E of The_List loop
   if Is_Prime(E.P) then
      E.Q := E.Q + X;
   end if;
end loop;
The reader might like to consider the transformations in the reverse direction to see how the final succinct form transforms to the expanded form using the various aspects. This is indeed what the compiler has to do.
This underlying technique which transforms the sequence of statements of the container element iterator can be used quite generally. For example, we might not want to iterate over the whole container but just manipulate a particular element given by a cursor C. Rather than calling Update_Element with another subprogram Do_Something, we can write
The_List.Reference(C).Q := ...
or simply
The_List(C).Q := ...
Moreover, although the various aspects were introduced into Ada 2012 primarily to simplify the use of containers they can be used quite generally.
The reader may feel that these new features violate the general ideas of a language with simple building blocks. However, it should be remembered that even the traditional form of loop such as
for Index in T range L .. U loop
   ...    -- statements
end loop;
is really simply a shorthand for
   Index: T;
   if L <= U then
      Index := L;
         ...     -- statements
         exit when Index = U;
         Index := T'Succ(Index);
      end loop;
   end if;
Without such shorthand, programming would be very tedious and very prone to errors. The features described in this section are simply a further step to make programming safer and simpler.
Further examples of the use of these new features with containers will be given in Section 8.3.
The mechanisms discussed above rely on a number of new aspects, a summary of which follows and might be found useful. It is largely based on extracts from the RM.
The following aspect may be specified for a discriminated type T.
Implicit_Dereference – This aspect is specified by a name that denotes an access discriminant of the type T.
A type with a specified Implicit_Dereference aspect is a reference type. The Implicit_Dereference aspect is inherited by descendants of type T if not overridden.
A generalized_reference denotes the object or subprogram designated by the discriminant of the reference object.
The following aspects may be specified for a tagged type T.
Constant_Indexing – This aspect is specified by a name that denotes one or more functions declared immediately within the same declaration list in which T is declared. All such functions shall have at least two parameters, the first of which is of type T or T'Class, or is an access-to-constant parameter with designated type T or T'Class.
Variable_Indexing – This aspect is specified by a name that denotes one or more functions declared immediately within the same declaration list in which T is declared. All such functions shall have at least two parameters, the first of which is of type T or T'Class, or is an access parameter with designated type T or T'Class. All such functions shall have a return type that is a reference type, whose reference discriminant is of an access-to-variable type.}
These aspects are inherited by descendants of T (including T'Class). The aspects shall not be overridden, but the functions they denote may be.
An indexable container type is a tagged type with at least one of the aspects Constant_Indexing or Variable_Indexing specified.
An important difference between Constant_Indexing and Variable_Indexing is that the functions for variable indexing must return a reference type so that it can be used in left hand contexts such as the destination of an assignment. Note that, in both cases, the name can denote several overloaded functions; this is useful, for example, with maps to allow indexing both with cursors and with keys.
Both Constant_Indexing and Variable_Indexing can be provided since the constant one might be more efficient whereas the variable one is necessary in left hand contexts. But we are not obliged to give both, just Variable_Indexing might be enough for some applications.
An iterator type is a type descended from the Forward_Iterator interface.
The following aspects may be specified for an indexable container type T.
Default_Iterator – This aspect is specified by a name that denotes exactly one function declared immediately within the same declaration list in which T is declared, whose first parameter is of type T or T'Class or an access parameter whose designated type is type T or T'Class, whose other parameters, if any, have default expressions, and whose result type is an iterator type. This function is the default iterator function for T.
Iterator_Element – This aspect is specified by a name that denotes a subtype. This is the default element subtype for T.
These aspects are inherited by descendants of type T (including T'Class).
An iterable container type is an indexable container type with specified Default_Iterator and Iterator_Element aspects.
The Constant_Indexing and Variable_Indexing aspects (if any) of an iterable container type T shall denote exactly one function with the following properties:
the result type of the function is covered by the default element type of T or is a reference type with an access discriminant designating a type covered by the default element type of T;
the type of the second parameter of the function covers the default cursor type for T;
if there are more than two parameters, the additional parameters all have default expressions. 
These functions (if any) are the default indexing functions for T.
The reader might care to check that the aspects used in the examples above match these definitions and are used correctly. Note for example that the Default_Iterator and Iterator_Element aspects are only needed if we use the of form of iteration (and both are needed in that case, giving one without the other would be foolish).
This section has largely been about the use of iterators with loop statements. However, there is one other use of them and that is with quantified expressions which are also new to Ada 2012. Quantified expressions were discussed in some detail in Section 3.4 of the chapter on Expressions so all we need here is to consider a few examples which should clarify the use of iterators.
Instead of
B := (for all K in A'Range => A(K) = 0);
which assigns true to B if every component of the array A has value 0, we can instead write
B := (for all E of A  => E = 0);
Similarly, instead of
B := (for some K in A'Range => A(K) = 0);
which assigns true to B if some component of the array A has value 0, we can instead write
B := (for some E of A => E = 0);
In the case of a multidimensional array, instead of
B := (for all I in AA'Range(1) =>
        (for all J in AA'Range(2) => AA(I, J) = 0));
we can write
B := (for all E of AA => E = 0);
which iterates over all elements of the array AA however many dimensions it has.
We can also use these forms with the list example. Suppose we are interested in checking whether some element of the list has a prime component P. We can write
B := (for some E of The_List => Is_Prime(E.P));
or perhaps
B := (for some C in The_List.Iterator =>
which uses the explicit iterator form.

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