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D.16.1 Multiprocessor Dispatching Domains

{AI05-0167-1} {AI05-0299-1} This subclause clause allows implementations on multiprocessor platforms to be partitioned into distinct dispatching domains during program startup.

Static Semantics

{AI05-0167-1} The following language-defined library package exists: 
with Ada.Real_Time;
with Ada.Task_Identification;
package System.Multiprocessors.Dispatching_Domains is
   Dispatching_Domain_Error : exception;
   type Dispatching_Domain (<>) is limited private;
   System_Dispatching_Domain : constant Dispatching_Domain;
   function Create (First, Last : CPU) return Dispatching_Domain;
   function Get_First_CPU (Domain : Dispatching_Domain) return CPU;
   function Get_Last_CPU  (Domain : Dispatching_Domain) return CPU;
   function Get_Dispatching_Domain
      (T   : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id :=
           return Dispatching_Domain;
   procedure Assign_Task
      (Domain : in out Dispatching_Domain;
       CPU    : in     CPU_Range := Not_A_Specific_CPU;
       T      : in     Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id :=
   procedure Set_CPU
      (CPU : in CPU_Range;
       T   : in Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id :=
   function Get_CPU
      (T   : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id :=
           return CPU_Range;
   procedure Delay_Until_And_Set_CPU
      (Delay_Until_Time : in Ada.Real_Time.Time; CPU : in CPU_Range);
   ... -- not specified by the language
end System.Multiprocessors.Dispatching_Domains;
 {AI05-0167-1} The type Dispatching_Domain represents a series of processors on which a task may execute. Each processor is contained within exactly one Dispatching_Domain. System_Dispatching_Domain contains the processor or processors on which the environment task executes. At program start-up all processors are contained within System_Dispatching_Domain.
 {AI05-0167-1} For a task type (including the anonymous type of a single_task_declaration), the following language-defined representation aspect may be specified:

The value of aspect Dispatching_Domain is an expression, which shall be of type Dispatching_Domains.Dispatching_Domain. This aspect is the domain to which the task (or all objects of the task type) are assigned.
Aspect Description for Dispatching_Domain: Domain (group of processors) on which a given task should run.

Legality Rules

 {AI05-0167-1} The Dispatching_Domain aspect shall not be specified for a task interface.

Dynamic Semantics

 {AI05-0167-1} The expression specified for the Dispatching_Domain aspect of a task is evaluated for each task object (see 9.1). The Dispatching_Domain value is then associated with the task object whose task declaration specifies the aspect.
 {AI05-0167-1} If a task is not explicitly assigned to any domain, it is assigned to that of the activating task. A task always executes on some CPU in its domain.
 {AI05-0167-1} If both Dispatching_Domain and CPU are specified for a task, and the CPU value is not contained within the range of processors for the domain (and is not Not_A_Specific_CPU), the activation of the task is defined to have failed, and it becomes a completed task (see 9.2).
 {AI05-0167-1} The function Create creates and returns a Dispatching_Domain containing all the processors in the range First .. Last. These processors are removed from System_Dispatching_Domain. A call of Create will raise Dispatching_Domain_Error if any designated processor is not currently in System_Dispatching_Domain, or if the system cannot support a distinct domain over the processors identified, or if a processor has a task assigned to it, or if the allocation would leave System_Dispatching_Domain empty. A call of Create will raise Dispatching_Domain_Error if the calling task is not the environment task, or if Create is called after the call to the main subprogram.
 {AI05-0167-1} The function Get_First_CPU returns the first CPU in Domain; Get_Last_CPU returns the last one.
 {AI05-0167-1} The function Get_Dispatching_Domain returns the Dispatching_Domain on which the task is assigned.
 {AI05-0167-1} {AI05-0278-1} A call of the procedure Assign_Task assigns task T to the CPU within Dispatching_Domain Domain. Task T can now execute only on CPU unless CPU designates Not_A_Specific_CPU, in which case it can execute on any processor within Domain. The exception Dispatching_Domain_Error is propagated if T is already assigned to a Dispatching_Domain other than System_Dispatching_Domain, or if CPU is not one of the processors of Domain (and is not Not_A_Specific_CPU). A call of Assign_Task is a task dispatching point for task T unless T is inside of a protected action, in which case the effect on task T is delayed until its next task dispatching point. If T is the Current_Task the effect is immediate if T is not inside a protected action, otherwise the effect is as soon as practical. Assigning a task to System_Dispatching_Domain that is already assigned to that domain has no effect.
 {AI05-0167-1} {AI05-0278-1} A call of procedure Set_CPU assigns task T to the CPU. Task T can now execute only on CPU, unless CPU designates Not_A_Specific_CPU, in which case it can execute on any processor within its Dispatching_Domain. The exception Dispatching_Domain_Error is propagated if CPU is not one of the processors of the Dispatching_Domain on which T is assigned (and is not Not_A_Specific_CPU). A call of Set_CPU is a task dispatching point for task T unless T is inside of a protected action, in which case the effect on task T is delayed until its next task dispatching point. If T is the Current_Task the effect is immediate if T is not inside a protected action, otherwise the effect is as soon as practical.
 {AI05-0167-1} The function Get_CPU returns the processor assigned to task T, or Not_A_Specific_CPU if the task is not assigned to a processor.
 {AI05-0167-1} A call of Delay_Until_And_Set_CPU delays the calling task for the designated time and then assigns the task to the specified processor when the delay expires. The exception Dispatching_Domain_Error is propagated if P is not one of the processors of the calling task's Dispatching_Domain (and is not Not_A_Specific_CPU).

Implementation Requirements

 {AI05-0167-1} The implementation shall perform the operations Assign_Task, Set_CPU, Get_CPU and Delay_Until_And_Set_CPU atomically with respect to any of these operations on the same dispatching_domain, processor or task.

Implementation Advice

 {AI05-0167-1} Each dispatching domain should have separate and disjoint ready queues.
Implementation Advice: Each dispatching domain should have separate and disjoint ready queues.

Documentation Requirements

 {AI05-0167-1} The implementation shall document the processor(s) on which the clock interrupt is handled and hence where delay queue and ready queue manipulations occur. For any Interrupt_Id whose handler can execute on more than one processor the implementation shall also document this set of processors.
Documentation Requirement: The processor(s) on which the clock interrupt is handled; the processors on which each Interrupt_Id can be handled.

Implementation Permissions

 {AI05-0167-1} An implementation may limit the number of dispatching domains that can be created and raise Dispatching_Domain_Error if an attempt is made to exceed this number.

Extensions to Ada 2005

{AI05-0167-1} {AI05-0278-1} The package System.Multiprocessors.Dispatching_Domains and the aspect Dispatching_Domains are new. 

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