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Ada Conformity Assessment Authority

Information Resources

The Ada Conformity Assessment Authority is responsible for the management of Ada Conformity Assessments (previously known as "validations"). This page provides several resources to find out more about the ACAA.

Contacting the ACAA

Contact the ACAA to get specific questions answered about this site or about the ACAA.

Article: An ISO Standard Guards the Ada Henhouse

This article gives an overview of the ISO standard for conformity assessment and Ada conformity assessment. Highly recommended if you are interested in the Ada conformity assessment process and procedures. This article originally appeared in IEEE Software.

Article: Ada Conformity Assessment: Only the names have changed

This article gives a readable overview of the conformity assessment process and the changes from the previous AJPO sponsered process. Recommended if you are interested in the Ada conformity assessment process. This article originally appeared in Ada Letters.

ADALOG Ada Conformity Assessment Laboratory

Offering a full range of conformity assessment services for Ada, including conformity assessment testing and extended derivation preparation. Contact Jean-Pierre Rosen for more information.

Ada Conforming Processors List (CPL)

Search a list of certified (validated) Ada compilers by vendor, compiler name, host, or target.

Ada Conformity Assessment Test Reports (ACATRs)

Browse all test reports for conformity assessments performed for ACATS 2.1 and later. Individual test reports for conformity assessments can be found via the CPL (see above). Test reports document the conformity assessment of Ada processors, in conformance with the Ada Conformity Assessment Procedures in effect at the time of the assessment.

ACAA Operating Procedures (version 3.1)

This document contains the current operating procedures of the ACAA. It is detailed and in intended primarily for readers already familar with Ada conformity assessment. This document is the "ACAP" mentioned in the ISO Conformity Assessment standard (ISO/IEC 18009:1999).
The document is available in various formats. We recommend the PDF version for most purposes.
Superceded ACAA Operating Procedures and Ada Compiler Validation Procedures can be found here. These include previous versions of the ACAA operating procedures and the procedures in effect before the creation of the ACAA on October 1, 1998.

ACAA Mailing List

The ACAA mailing list contains announcements from the ACAA (such as new tests) and discussion about Ada Conformity Testing. While primarily intended for Ada compiler implementors, it is open to the general public. To subscribe, send a message with the body text "Join ACAA" to