Version 1.2 of si99s/si99-0061-1.txt
!standard 15.24 10-01-26 SI99-0061-1/01
!class ramification 10-01-26
!status work item 10-01-26
!status received 09-11-11
!priority Medium
!difficulty Easy
!qualifier Omission
!subject Gap in Asis.Declarations.Corresponding_Declaration.
15.24 says:
If an inherited subprogram declaration is given, the specification returned
is the one for the user-defined subprogram from which the argument was
ultimately inherited.
In addition, it is defined to only return declarations.
type E is new Float;
function "=" (A, B : E) return Boolean is
return abs (A - B) < 0.01;
end "=";
type DE is new E;
Type DE inherits "=" from the body declaration of "=" for E.
What should be returned by Corresponding_Declaration when applied to
this inherited subprogram? (Nil_Element).
The only possibility is the body declaration, but this contradicts
with the definition of the returned kinds list for
The wording of 15.24 also says:
Returns Nil_Element if no explicit specification exists, or the
declaration is the proper body of a subunit.
That surely applies to this case. It would be amazingly strange if
the Corresponding_Declaration for "=" on E returns Nil_Element,
but "=" on DE returned some body.
In addition, it appears that the query Corresponding_Subprogram_Derivation
was provided to provide the answer to this question if the caller wants
to get an answer whether or not the item is inherited from a body.
Thus, there is no missing functionality in ASIS for this case.
One could argue that the design of this function is wrong, in that
the body of "=" acts as its declaration, and thus it should be returned.
But that was a mistake made long ago, and attempting to fix it would
add incompatibilities to ASIS functions. The existence of
Corresponding_Subprogram_Derivation makes it unnecessary to make any change.
From: Sergey I. Rybin
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 1:41 PM
15.24 says:
If an inherited subprogram declaration is given, the specification returned
is the one for the user-defined subprogram from which the argument was
ultimately inherited.
and it defines the list of returned kinds as
And now consider:
type E is new Float;
function "=" (A, B : E) return Boolean is
return abs (A - B) < 0.01;
end "=";
type DE is new E;
Type DE inherits "=" from the *body* declaration of "=" for E, The question is -
what should be returned by Corresponding_Declaration when applied to this
inherited subprograms The only reasonable possibility is the body declaration,
but this contradicts with the definition of the returned kinds list for
It seems that the list of returned Declaration_Kinds of this query should be
extended by
From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:32 PM
I just finished an SI for a question Sergey submitted back in November. After
study, I believe he is wrong. As such, I wrote up the SI as a ramification.
Following is the meat of the SI (SI99-0061-1):
[Following was version /01 of the SI. - ED]
Before I discovered Corresponding_Subprogram_Derivation, I was going to
recommend using the semantic subsystem. But it does not appear to expose the
inheritance relationship. I find this weird: it has queries about ancestors,
about primitiveness, and about overriding, but not about inheritance. One could
use the three things I mentioned to figure out the inheritance relationship, but
it would be a pain. Inheritance is one thing I would definitely expect to find
in the semantic interface - I find it odd that it does not provide such
interfaces -- especially as it provides overriding interfaces. (You *can* come
back to the syntactic interface and use Corresponding_Subprogram_Derivation, but
that would seem to require rapidly going back and forth between the subsystems.)
If we wanted to add them, I would suggest using the
Is_Overriding/Overridden_Declarations interface as an example; possibly add
Is_Inherited/Inherited_from_Declarations directly into 23.2.8. (If there is any
support for this idea, I'll just add it to the existing SI99-0054-1.)
From: Jean-Pierre Rosen
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:01 AM
> I just finished an SI for a question Sergey submitted back in November.
> After study, I believe he is wrong. As such, I wrote up the SI as a
> ramification. Following is the meat of the SI (SI99-0061-1):
I agree with your analysis, but I wonder why Sergey thought differently...
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