!standard 1.3 07-11-10 SI99-0030-1/01 !standard (all) !class binding interpretation 07-11-10 !status work item 07-11-10 !status received 07-11-10 !priority Medium !difficulty Easy !qualifier Omission !subject Add definition section to the standard !summary The ISO documentation drafting standard recommends (but doesn't require) a definition section. We should consider adding this section to the ASIS standard. !question Should we add a definition section to the ASIS standard? (Two options) !recommendation Update section 1.3 to reference the Ada 2005 standard versus the Ada95 standard. Add missing acronyms to the Glossary. There are then two possible options to complete this SI, listed below. !wording Change the first sentence of section 1.3 to: For the purposes of this International Standard, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) and the following apply. (note that the Ada95 standard references should be updated globally for a few other instances.) Add the following definitions to the Annex A Glossary section: CASE, DII, IDL, IEC, ISO, JTC, and ORB. The existing ASIS definition will be reformatted as below along with any others added to this section in alphabetical order. ASIS - is used in reference to the acronym Ada Semantic Interface Specification. it is also used in reference to the Ada package Asis. Option 1: The above changes are the only changes to be made. This is the minimal change to the existing standard. Option 2: If we want a Terms and Definitions section, with all definitions, this should still be section 1.3. The changes outlined above will still be made. Additionally the Glossary annex would be moved to this section so that all terms and definitions are here versus in an annex. !discussion The drafting standard says that a definitions section is optional, but it doesn't make clear whether that is because to have definitions is optional or whether splitting them out is optional. (The Ada standard assumes the latter.) We agree that making a separate definitions section is important, ASIS doesn't have many definitions anyway. Which clause is it? Some standards have it in 2 and some in 4. Anyway, it should be a clause near the top. Actually, it could replace the current 1.3. Greg will decide (and create this section and an SI to match). Initially I decided that as section "1.3 Terms and Definitions" already has a single definition for ASIS itself this is where additional definitions should be added. Research of issue: Section 1.3 states: For the purposes of this International Standard, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 8652:1995 and the following apply. (This needs to be updated to reference the Ada 2005 standard.) The next paragraph starts: Additional terms are defined throughout this International Standard, indicated by italic type.... I scanned the standard through Annex A (the Glossary) and found the following unique italicized items: ASIS, environment, context, unit, containers, element, explicit, implicit, erroneous, trait, ancestors, descendants, supporters and family. All but ASIS (as an acronym), erroneous and trait are defined in the Annex A Glossary. ASIS already exists in section 1.3. Trait is a secondary part of the Trait_Kind definition, of section 3.9.5 and does not appear to need a secondary definition. Erroneous is defined in the Ada standard and this is referenced as a source of term definitions in the first paragraph of section 1.3 Thus there is no need for a separate (new) definition section. Prior to section 1 the following acronyms are defined and used: ISO, IEC, JTC, ORB, DII, IDL and CASE. All but CASE are accompanied by their definition. CASE or all of these could be added to the existing glossary. !appendix ****************************************************************