-- Count numbered paragraphs in a version of the RM, and store -- store the results into a CVS file. Run this program in the directory -- with the RM*.html files. -- Edit History: -- -- 2/21/19 - RLB - Created program. with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Directories; package Para_Cnt_Pkg is Result_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; procedure Count_File (Item : in Ada.Directories.Directory_Entry_Type); end Para_Cnt_Pkg; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; package body Para_Cnt_Pkg is procedure Count_File (Item : in Ada.Directories.Directory_Entry_Type) is Cnts : array ('0'..'9') of Natural := (others => 0); Total : Natural := 0; The_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; Buffer : String (1..1024); BLen : Natural; LCnt : Long_Integer := 0; PStart : Natural; PEnd : Natural; begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Counting file " & Ada.Directories.Simple_Name (Item)); Ada.Text_IO.Open (The_File, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Ada.Directories.Full_Name (Item)); begin loop Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (The_File, Buffer, BLen); LCnt := LCnt + 1; -- In the absence of a bug, there should be only one -- paragraph per line. A paragraph number looks like: --
-- Older files are missing the anchor (the "a" command). PStart := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(1..BLen), "
"); if PStart /= 0 then -- A paragraph number found. PEnd := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart..BLen), "
"); if PEnd = 0 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** Unable to find paranum end on line" & LCnt'Image); elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PEnd..BLen), "
") /= 0 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** Multiple paranums on line" & LCnt'Image); else Total := Total + 1; if Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart+22..PEnd+4), "/1<") /= 0 then Cnts('1') := Cnts('1') + 1; elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart+22..PEnd+4), "/2<") /= 0 then Cnts('2') := Cnts('2') + 1; elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart+22..PEnd+4), "/3<") /= 0 then Cnts('3') := Cnts('3') + 1; elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart+22..PEnd+4), "/4<") /= 0 then Cnts('4') := Cnts('4') + 1; elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart+22..PEnd+4), "/5<") /= 0 then Cnts('5') := Cnts('5') + 1; elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart+22..PEnd+4), "/6<") /= 0 then Cnts('6') := Cnts('6') + 1; elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart+22..PEnd+4), "/7<") /= 0 then Cnts('7') := Cnts('7') + 1; elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart+22..PEnd+4), "/8<") /= 0 then Cnts('8') := Cnts('8') + 1; elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Buffer(PStart+22..PEnd+4), "/9<") /= 0 then Cnts('9') := Cnts('9') + 1; else -- No expected / number. Cnts('0') := Cnts('0') + 1; end if; end if; -- else no paragraph number. end if; end loop; exception when Ada.Text_IO.End_Error => -- Reached the end of the file. Ada.Text_IO.Close (The_File); end; -- Write the results: Ada.Text_IO.Put (Result_File, Ada.Directories.Simple_Name (Item)); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Result_File, "," & Total'Image); for I in Cnts'Range loop Ada.Text_IO.Put (Result_File, "," & Cnts(I)'Image); end loop; Ada.Text_IO.New_Line (Result_File); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Saw" & Total'Image & " paragraphs"); end Count_File; end Para_Cnt_Pkg; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Directories; with Ada.Command_Line; with Para_Cnt_Pkg; procedure Para_Cnt is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Paragraph Count v. 1.0"); if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count /= 1 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** No output file specified on command line!"); return; -- else OK. end if; Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Write results to " & Ada.Command_Line.Argument(1) & ".csv"); Ada.Text_IO.Create (Para_Cnt_Pkg.Result_File, Ada.Text_IO.Out_File, Ada.Command_Line.Argument(1) & ".csv"); -- Put a CVS header: Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Para_Cnt_Pkg.Result_File, "File, Total, Org, '/1, '/2, '/3, '/4, '/5, '/6, '/7, '/8, '/9"); Ada.Directories.Search (Directory => ".", Pattern => "RM-*.html", Process => Para_Cnt_Pkg.Count_File'Access); Ada.Text_IO.Close (Para_Cnt_Pkg.Result_File); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Paragraph Counting completed"); end Para_Cnt;