private package ARM_Format.Data is -- -- Ada reference manual formatter (ARM_Form). -- -- This package contains various data used by the input file parser. -- -- --------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2011 AXE Consultants. -- P.O. Box 1512, Madison WI 53701 -- E-Mail: -- -- ARM_Form is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 -- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- AXE CONSULTANTS MAKES THIS TOOL AND SOURCE CODE AVAILABLE ON AN "AS IS" -- BASIS AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, -- CAPABILITY, EFFICIENCY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FUNCTIONING OF THIS TOOL. -- IN NO EVENT WILL AXE CONSULTANTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY GENERAL, -- CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, -- EVEN IF AXE CONSULTANTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH -- DAMAGES. -- -- A copy of the GNU General Public License is available in the file -- gpl-3-0.txt in the standard distribution of the ARM_Form tool. -- Otherwise, see . -- -- If the GPLv3 license is not satisfactory for your needs, a commercial -- use license is available for this tool. Contact Randy at AXE Consultants -- for more information. -- -- --------------------------------------- -- -- Edit History: -- -- 8/ 8/11 - RLB - Split from base package, mainly to reduce the -- size of that package. -- - RLB - Added aspect index commands. -- 10/18/11 - RLB - Changed to GPLv3 license. type LString is record Length : Natural; Str : String(1..40); end record; Paragraph_Kind_Name : constant array (Paragraph_Type) of LString := (Plain => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Introduction => (Length => 17, Str => "Introductory Text "), -- IntroName Language_Design => (Length => 25, Str => "Language Design Principle "), -- MetaRulesName Syntax => (Length => 11, Str => "Syntax Rule "), -- SyntaxName Resolution => (Length => 20, Str => "Name Resolution Rule "), -- ResolutionName Legality => (Length => 13, Str => "Legality Rule "), -- LegalityName Static_Semantics=> (Length => 20, Str => "Static Semantic Item "), -- StaticSemName Link_Time => (Length => 21, Str => "Post-Compilation Rule "), -- LinkTimeName Run_Time => (Length => 21, Str => "Dynamic Semantic Item "), -- RunTimeName Bounded_Errors => (Length => 24, Str => "Bounded (Run-Time) Error "), -- BoundedName Erroneous => (Length => 19, Str => "Erroneous Execution "), -- ErronName Requirements => (Length => 26, Str => "Implementation Requirement "), -- ImplReqName Documentation => (Length => 25, Str => "Documentation Requirement "), -- DocReqName Metrics => (Length => 6, Str => "Metric "), -- MetricsName Permissions => (Length => 25, Str => "Implementation Permission "), -- ImplPermName Advice => (Length => 21, Str => "Implementation Advice "), -- ImplAdviceName Notes => (Length => 4, Str => "Note "), -- NotesName Single_Note => (Length => 4, Str => "Note "), -- SimpleNoteName Examples => (Length => 7, Str => "Example "), -- ExamplesName Ada83_Inconsistencies => (Length => 25, Str => "Inconsistency with Ada 83 "), -- Inconsistent83Name Ada83_Incompatibilities => (Length => 27, Str => "Incompatibility with Ada 83 "), -- Incompatible83Name Ada83_Extensions=> (Length => 19, Str => "Extension to Ada 83 "), -- Extend83Name Ada83_Wording => (Length => 26, Str => "Wording Change from Ada 83 "), -- DiffWord83Name Ada95_Inconsistencies => (Length => 25, Str => "Inconsistency with Ada 95 "), -- Inconsistent95Name Ada95_Incompatibilities => (Length => 27, Str => "Incompatibility with Ada 95 "), -- Incompatible95Name Ada95_Extensions=> (Length => 19, Str => "Extension to Ada 95 "), -- Extend95Name Ada95_Wording => (Length => 26, Str => "Wording Change from Ada 95 "), -- DiffWord95Name Ada2005_Inconsistencies => (Length => 27, Str => "Inconsistency with Ada 2005 "), -- Inconsistent2005Name Ada2005_Incompatibilities => (Length => 29, Str => "Incompatibility with Ada 2005 "), -- Incompatible2005Name Ada2005_Extensions => (Length => 21, Str => "Extension to Ada 2005 "), -- Extend2005Name Ada2005_Wording => (Length => 28, Str => "Wording Change from Ada 2005 "), -- DiffWord2005Name Element_Ref => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Child_Ref => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Usage_Note => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Reason => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Ramification => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Proof => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Imp_Note => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Corr_Change => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Discussion => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Honest => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Glossary_Marker => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Bare_Annotation => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Wide_Above => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Example_Text => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Child_Example_Text => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Indented_Example_Text=>(Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Code_Indented => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Indent => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Bulleted => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Nested_Bulleted => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Nested_X2_Bulleted=>(Length=> 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Display => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Syntax_Display => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Syntax_Indented => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Syntax_Production=>(Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Enumerated => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Nested_Enumerated=>(Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Hanging_Indented=> (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Title => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. In_Table => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' '))); -- Not used. Paragraph_Kind_Title : constant array (Paragraph_Type) of LString := (Plain => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), Introduction => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- IntroTitle (deleted). Language_Design => (Length => 26, Str => "Language Design Principles "), -- MetaRulesTitle Syntax => (Length => 6, Str => "Syntax "), -- SyntaxTitle Resolution => (Length => 21, Str => "Name Resolution Rules "), -- ResolutionTitle Legality => (Length => 14, Str => "Legality Rules "), -- LegalityTitle Static_Semantics=> (Length => 16, Str => "Static Semantics "), -- StaticSemTitle Link_Time => (Length => 22, Str => "Post-Compilation Rules "), -- LinkTimeTitle Run_Time => (Length => 17, Str => "Dynamic Semantics "), -- RunTimeTitle Bounded_Errors => (Length => 25, Str => "Bounded (Run-Time) Errors "), -- BoundedTitle Erroneous => (Length => 19, Str => "Erroneous Execution "), -- ErronTitle Requirements => (Length => 27, Str => "Implementation Requirements "), -- ImplReqTitle Documentation => (Length => 26, Str => "Documentation Requirements "), -- DocReqTitle Metrics => (Length => 7, Str => "Metrics "), -- MetricsTitle Permissions => (Length => 26, Str => "Implementation Permissions "), -- ImplPermTitle Advice => (Length => 21, Str => "Implementation Advice "), -- ImplAdviceTitle Notes => (Length => 5, Str => "NOTES "), -- NotesTitle Single_Note => (Length => 5, Str => "NOTES "), -- SimpleNoteTitle Examples => (Length => 8, Str => "Examples "), -- ExamplesTitle Ada83_Inconsistencies => (Length => 27, Str => "Inconsistencies With Ada 83 "), -- Inconsistent83Title Ada83_Incompatibilities => (Length => 29, Str => "Incompatibilities With Ada 83 "), -- Incompatible83Title Ada83_Extensions=> (Length => 20, Str => "Extensions to Ada 83 "), -- Extend83Title Ada83_Wording => (Length => 27, Str => "Wording Changes from Ada 83 "), -- DiffWord83Title Ada95_Inconsistencies => (Length => 27, Str => "Inconsistencies With Ada 95 "), -- Inconsistent95Title Ada95_Incompatibilities => (Length => 29, Str => "Incompatibilities With Ada 95 "), -- Incompatible95Title Ada95_Extensions=> (Length => 20, Str => "Extensions to Ada 95 "), -- Extend95Title Ada95_Wording => (Length => 27, Str => "Wording Changes from Ada 95 "), -- DiffWord95Title Ada2005_Inconsistencies => (Length => 29, Str => "Inconsistencies With Ada 2005 "), -- Inconsistent2005Title Ada2005_Incompatibilities => (Length => 31, Str => "Incompatibilities With Ada 2005 "), -- Incompatible2005Title Ada2005_Extensions => (Length => 22, Str => "Extensions to Ada 2005 "), -- Extend2005Title Ada2005_Wording => (Length => 29, Str => "Wording Changes from Ada 2005 "), -- DiffWord2005Title Element_Ref => (Length => 19, Str => "Element Reference: "), -- Paragraph start. Child_Ref => (Length => 28, Str => "Child Elements returned by: "), -- Paragraph start. Usage_Note => (Length => 12, Str => "Usage Note: "), -- Paragraph start. Reason => (Length => 8, Str => "Reason: "), -- Paragraph start. Ramification => (Length => 14, Str => "Ramification: "), -- Paragraph start. Proof => (Length => 7, Str => "Proof: "), -- Paragraph start. Imp_Note => (Length => 21, Str => "Implementation Note: "), -- Paragraph start. Corr_Change => (Length => 8, Str => "Change: "), -- Paragraph start. Discussion => (Length => 12, Str => "Discussion: "), -- Paragraph start. Honest => (Length => 14, Str => "To be honest: "), -- Paragraph start. Glossary_Marker => (Length => 16, Str => "Glossary entry: "), -- Paragraph start. Bare_Annotation => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Wide_Above => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Example_Text => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Child_Example_Text => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Indented_Example_Text=>(Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Code_Indented => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Indent => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Bulleted => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Nested_Bulleted => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Nested_X2_Bulleted=>(Length=> 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Display => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Syntax_Display => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Syntax_Indented => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Syntax_Production=>(Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Enumerated => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Nested_Enumerated=>(Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Hanging_Indented=> (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. Title => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' ')), -- Not used. In_Table => (Length => 0, Str => (others => ' '))); -- Not used. type Command_Type is ( -- Paragraphs: Text_Begin, Text_End, Redundant, Comment, Part, New_Page, Soft_Page, New_Column, RM_New_Page, -- Basic text formatting: Bold, Italic, Roman, Swiss, Fixed, Roman_Italic, Shrink, Grow, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Keyword, Non_Terminal, Non_Terminal_Format, Example_Text, Example_Comment, No_Prefix, No_Para_Num, Keep_with_Next, Leading, Trailing, Up, Down, Thin_Line, Thick_Line, Tab_Clear, Tab_Set, -- Tables: Table, Table_Param_Caption, Table_Param_Header, Table_Param_Body, Table_Last, -- Pictures: Picture_Alone, Picture_Inline, -- Indexing: Index_List, Defn, RootDefn, PDefn, Defn2, RootDefn2, PDefn2, Index_See, Index_See_Also, See_Other, See_Also, Index_Root_Unit, Index_Child_Unit, Index_Subprogram_Child_Unit, Index_Type, Index_Subtype, Index_Subprogram, Index_Exception, Index_Object, Index_Package, Index_Other, Index_Check, Index_Attr, Index_Pragma, -- Clause labels: Labeled_Section, Labeled_Section_No_Break, Labeled_Clause, Labeled_Subclause, Labeled_Subsubclause, Labeled_Revised_Section, Labeled_Revised_Clause, Labeled_Revised_Subclause, Labeled_Revised_Subsubclause, Labeled_Added_Section, Labeled_Added_Clause, Labeled_Added_Subclause, Labeled_Added_Subsubclause, Labeled_Deleted_Clause, Labeled_Deleted_Subclause, Labeled_Deleted_Subsubclause, Preface_Section, Labeled_Annex, Labeled_Revised_Annex, Labeled_Added_Annex, Labeled_Informative_Annex, Labeled_Revised_Informative_Annex, Labeled_Added_Informative_Annex, Labeled_Normative_Annex, Labeled_Revised_Normative_Annex, Labeled_Added_Normative_Annex, Unnumbered_Section, Subheading, Heading, Center, Right, Added_Subheading, -- Clause references: Ref_Section, Ref_Section_Number, Ref_Section_by_Number, -- Links: Local_Target, Local_Link, URL_Link, AI_Link, -- Information: Syntax_Rule, Syntax_Rule_RHS, Syntax_Term, Syntax_Term_Undefined, Syntax_Prefix, Syntax_Summary, Syntax_Xref, Added_Syntax_Rule, Deleted_Syntax_Rule, Implementation_Defined, Implementation_Defined_List, To_Glossary, To_Glossary_Also, Change_To_Glossary, Change_To_Glossary_Also, Glossary_Text_Param, -- This is a parameter of the last four. Glossary_List, Prefix_Type, Reset_Prefix_Type, Attribute, Attribute_Leading, Attribute_Text_Param, -- The last is a parameter of Attribute. Attribute_List, Pragma_Syntax, Pragma_List, Added_Pragma_Syntax, Package_List, Type_List, Subprogram_List, Exception_List, Object_List, -- Corrigendum changes: Change, Change_Param_Old, Change_Param_New, -- The latter are the parameters of "Change". Change_Reference, Change_Note, Change_Added, Change_Added_Param, Change_Deleted, Change_Deleted_Param, Change_Implementation_Defined, Change_Impdef_Text_Param, -- This is a parameter of the previous. Change_Implementation_Advice, Change_Impladv_Text_Param, -- This is a parameter of the previous. Added_Implementation_Advice_List, Change_Documentation_Requirement, Change_DocReq_Text_Param, -- This is a parameter of the previous. Added_Documentation_Requirements_List, Change_Aspect_Description, Change_AspectDesc_Text_Param, -- This is a parameter of the previous. Added_Aspect_Description_List, Change_Attribute, Change_Prefix_Type, Change_Prefix_Text_Param, -- This is a parameter of the previous. -- Text macros: Intro_Name, Syntax_Name, Resolution_Name, Legality_Name, Static_Name, Link_Name, Run_Name, Bounded_Name, Erroneous_Name, Req_Name, Doc_Name, Metrics_Name, Permission_Name, Advice_Name, Notes_Name, Single_Note_Name, Examples_Name, Meta_Name, Inconsistent83_Name, Incompatible83_Name, Extend83_Name, Wording83_Name, Inconsistent95_Name, Incompatible95_Name, Extend95_Name, Wording95_Name, Inconsistent2005_Name, Incompatible2005_Name, Extend2005_Name, Wording2005_Name, Syntax_Title, Resolution_Title, Legality_Title, Static_Title, Link_Title, Run_Title, Bounded_Title, Erroneous_Title, Req_Title, Doc_Title, Metrics_Title, Permission_Title, Advice_Title, Notes_Title, Single_Note_Title, Examples_Title, Meta_Title, Inconsistent83_Title, Incompatible83_Title, Extend83_Title, Wording83_Title, Inconsistent95_Title, Incompatible95_Title, Extend95_Title, Wording95_Title, Inconsistent2005_Title, Incompatible2005_Title, Extend2005_Title, Wording2005_Title, -- Character macros: EM_Dash, EN_Dash, LE, LT, GE, GT, NE, PI, Times, PorM, Single_Quote, Latin_1, Unicode, Ceiling, Floor, Absolute, Log, Thin_Space, Left_Quote, Right_Quote, Left_Double_Quote, Right_Double_Quote, Left_Quote_Pair, Right_Quote_Pair, Small_Dotless_I, Capital_Dotted_I, Unknown); function Command (Name : in ARM_Input.Command_Name_Type) return Command_Type; -- Return the command value for a particular command name: end ARM_Format.Data;