with ARM_Output, ARM_Contents; --private -- Ada 2005 with ARM_Input, ARM_Database, ARM_Subindex; package ARM_Format is -- -- Ada reference manual formatter (ARM_Form). -- -- This package contains the routines to parse the input files, and -- determine what to output. -- -- --------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012 -- AXE Consultants. All rights reserved. -- P.O. Box 1512, Madison WI 53701 -- E-Mail: randy@rrsoftware.com -- -- ARM_Form is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 -- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- AXE CONSULTANTS MAKES THIS TOOL AND SOURCE CODE AVAILABLE ON AN "AS IS" -- BASIS AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, -- CAPABILITY, EFFICIENCY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FUNCTIONING OF THIS TOOL. -- IN NO EVENT WILL AXE CONSULTANTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY GENERAL, -- CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, -- EVEN IF AXE CONSULTANTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH -- DAMAGES. -- -- A copy of the GNU General Public License is available in the file -- gpl-3-0.txt in the standard distribution of the ARM_Form tool. -- Otherwise, see . -- -- If the GPLv3 license is not satisfactory for your needs, a commercial -- use license is available for this tool. Contact Randy at AXE Consultants -- for more information. -- -- --------------------------------------- -- -- Edit History: -- -- 4/14/00 - RLB - Created base package. -- 4/18/00 - RLB - Added additional information to Object; -- added Scan. -- 4/24/00 - RLB - Added Change_Kind and Display_Index_Entries. -- - RLB - Added Change format. -- 4/25/00 - RLB - Added Size. -- 4/26/00 - RLB - Added paragraph formats. -- 5/10/00 - RLB - Added additional paragraph kinds. -- 5/11/00 - RLB - Added numbers for enumerated paragraphs. -- 5/12/00 - RLB - Added attribute prefix text. -- 5/15/00 - RLB - Split input from parsing/formatting. -- 5/16/00 - RLB - Added database objects and Destroy. -- 5/23/00 - RLB - Added tab stops. -- 5/24/00 - RLB - Implemented subscript/superscript commands. -- 5/28/00 - RLB - Implemented index operations. -- 6/ 2/00 - RLB - Added Unit. -- 8/ 2/00 - RLB - Added Leading and Syntax_Leading styles. -- 8/ 4/00 - RLB - Added more new styles. -- 8/ 7/00 - RLB - Added Leading flag, removed Leading styles. -- 8/ 8/00 - RLB - Added Attr_Leading flag. -- 8/16/00 - RLB - Added No_Para_Num flag, removed No_Pnum formats. -- 8/17/00 - RLB - Changed Leading flag to Space_After. -- 8/28/00 - RLB - Added flags for ChgAttribute and ChgImpldef commands. -- 8/31/00 - RLB - Added the New_Changes change kind. -- 9/26/00 - RLB - Added Syntax_Display format. -- 6/17/02 - RLB - Added Ada95 changes sections. -- 7/18/02 - RLB - Moved document type here. -- - RLB - Added Changes_Only and versioning for individual changes. -- 9/10/04 - RLB - Added support for nested changes. -- 9/14/04 - RLB - Moved Change_Version_Type to ARM_Contents. -- 11/03/04 - RLB - Added Nested_X2_Bulleted. -- 11/16/04 - RLB - Added Attr_Prefix_Text_Change_Kind. -- 12/06/04 - RLB - Added reference chain for Format_Type. -- 12/11/04 - RLB - Increased Syntax_NT length. -- 10/17/05 - RLB - Added Glossary change items. -- 10/28/05 - RLB - Added Language-Define subindexes. -- 1/12/06 - RLB - Replaced "Document" with a number of new more general -- properties. -- 1/16/06 - RLB - Added "Unnumbered_Section" counter, so we can assign -- names without special cases. -- 1/18/06 - RLB - Added "Example_Font". -- 9/22/06 - RLB - Added "Use_ISO_2004_Note_Format". -- - RLB - Revised to use Clause_Number_Type. -- 9/25/06 - RLB - Added "Use_ISO_2004_Contents_Format". -- 10/04/06 - RLB - Added "Use_ISO_2004_List_Format". -- 2/ 5/07 - RLB - Added Usage_Note for ASIS, and renamed Wide paragraph -- kinds. -- 2/13/07 - RLB - Redid output formating to use an explict indent; -- added ChildExample. -- 2/16/07 - RLB - Added Indent. -- 2/19/07 - RLB - Added Title format. -- 4/23/10 - RLB - Added Ada 2005 header. -- 8/ 8/11 - RLB - Added Aspect DB. -- 10/18/11 - RLB - Changed to GPLv3 license. -- 3/12/12 - RLB - Lengthened unit name so -- "Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Wide_Equal_Case_Insensitive" -- would fit (have we lost our minds??). -- 8/31/12 - RLB - Put glossary components into a subrecord to prevent -- inappropriate usage. -- 10/18/12 - RLB - Put impdef components into a subrecord to prevent -- inappropriate usage. type Format_Type is tagged limited private; type Change_Kind is (Old_Only, New_Only, Changes_Only, Show_Changes, New_Changes); -- Which changes to show? -- If Old_Only, we will get the original Ada Reference Manual or AARM. -- If New_Only, we will get the reference documents with the updates -- up to the Change_Version specified included. -- If Changes_Only, we will get the reference documents with the updates -- up to the Change_Version specified included; and insertions and -- deletions will be shown for Change_Version. -- If Show_Changes, original RM text will be shown as deleted, -- and new RM text will be shown as inserted, up to and including the -- Change_Version specified. -- If New_Changes, original RM text removed, but new RM text will be -- shown as inserted, up to and including the Change_Version specified. -- In all cases, changes with versions newer than Change_Version are -- ignored. Thus Change_Version = '0' is the same as Old_Only no -- matter what command is given. procedure Create (Format_Object : in out Format_Type; Changes : in ARM_Format.Change_Kind; Change_Version : in ARM_Contents.Change_Version_Type; Display_Index_Entries : in Boolean; Include_Annotations : in Boolean; Include_ISO : in Boolean; Link_Non_Terminals : in Boolean; Number_Paragraphs : in Boolean; Examples_Font : in ARM_Output.Font_Family_Type; Use_ISO_2004_Note_Format : in Boolean; Use_ISO_2004_Contents_Format : in Boolean; Use_ISO_2004_List_Format : in Boolean); -- Initialize an input object. Changes and Change_Version determine -- which changes should be displayed. If Display_Index_Entries is True, -- index entries will be printed in the document; otherwise, they -- will not generate any visible text (although they might generate -- a link anchor). If Include_Annotations is True, annotations (AARM -- text) will be included in the output; otherwise it will not be. -- If Include_ISO is True, ISOOnly text will be included in the output -- (and NotISO text will not); otherwise the reverse is true. -- If Link_Non_Terminals is True, links will be generated for -- each Non_Terminal, linking it to its definition. -- If Number_Paragraphs is true, paragraphs will be numbered (per -- subclause); otherwise they will not be. -- Example_Font specifies the font that examples will be set in. -- If Use_ISO_2004_Note_Format is true, that format will be used; -- else the Ada95 standard's format will be used for notes. -- If Use_ISO_2004_Contents_Format is true, that format will be used; -- else the Ada95 standard's format will be used for the table of contents. -- If Use_ISO_2004_List_Format is true, then lists will be lettered; -- else the Ada95 standard's numbering format will be used for -- enumerated lists. procedure Destroy (Format_Object : in out Format_Type); -- Destroy a format object, releasing any resources. procedure Scan (Format_Object : in out Format_Type; File_Name : in String; Section_Number : in ARM_Contents.Section_Number_Type; Starts_New_Section : in Boolean); -- Scans the contents for File_Name, determining the table of contents -- for the section. The results are written to the contents package. -- Starts_New_Section is True if the file starts a new section. -- Section_Number is the number (or letter) of the section. -- Note: We need this scanning pass so we can process @SeeSec, -- @SeeSecNum, and similar commands. For that, we need the full names -- of the sections and clauses. procedure Write_Table_of_Contents ( Format_Object : in out Format_Type; Output_Object : in out ARM_Output.Output_Type'Class); -- Writes the table of contents for the document. (It will have -- a section name of "TOC"). procedure Process (Format_Object : in out Format_Type; File_Name : in String; Output_Object : in out ARM_Output.Output_Type'Class; Section_Name : in String; Section_Number : in ARM_Contents.Section_Number_Type; Starts_New_Section : in Boolean); -- Process the contents for File_Name, writing the results to -- Output_Object. (Output_Object uses dispatching calls to provide -- the correct formatting). Section_Name is the name of the section -- for this file. Starts_New_Section is True if the file starts -- a new section. Section_Number is the number (or letter) of the -- section. Values > 20 represent annex letters (21 => A, 22 => B, etc.) procedure Format (Format_Object : in out Format_Type; Text : in String; Output_Object : in out ARM_Output.Output_Type'Class; Text_Name : in String; No_Annotations : in Boolean); -- Format the contents of Text, writing the results to -- Output_Object. (Output_Object uses dispatching calls to provide -- the correct formatting). Text is assumed to be a component of -- a larger section. Text_Name is an identifying name for error messages. -- If No_Annotations is true, we don't want any annotations even if we -- are generating a document with annotations. private type Paragraph_Type is (Plain, Introduction, Language_Design, -- AARM-only. Syntax, Resolution, Legality, Static_Semantics, Link_Time, Run_Time, Bounded_Errors, Erroneous, Requirements, Documentation, Metrics, Permissions, Advice, Notes, Single_Note, Examples, Ada83_Inconsistencies, Ada83_Incompatibilities, -- AARM-only. Ada83_Extensions, Ada83_Wording, -- AARM-only. Ada95_Inconsistencies, Ada95_Incompatibilities, -- AARM-only. Ada95_Extensions, Ada95_Wording, -- AARM-only. Ada2005_Inconsistencies, Ada2005_Incompatibilities, -- AARM-only. Ada2005_Extensions, Ada2005_Wording, -- AARM-only. Element_Ref, Child_Ref, Usage_Note, -- For ASIS (AASIS-only). -- AARM annotations (no headers) Reason, Ramification, Proof, Imp_Note, Corr_Change, Discussion, Honest, Glossary_Marker, Bare_Annotation, -- Format only: Wide_Above, Example_Text, Child_Example_Text, Indented_Example_Text, Code_Indented, Indent, Bulleted, Nested_Bulleted, Nested_X2_Bulleted, Display, Syntax_Display, Syntax_Indented, Syntax_Production, Enumerated, Nested_Enumerated, Hanging_Indented, Title, In_Table); type Reference; type Reference_Ptr is access Reference; type Reference is record Ref_Name : ARM_Input.Command_Name_Type; Ref_Len : Natural; -- Length of the reference. Is_DR_Ref : Boolean; -- True for a DR reference; False for an AI reference. Next : Reference_Ptr; end record; type Glossary_Info_Type (Active : Boolean := False; Change_Kind : ARM_Database.Paragraph_Change_Kind_Type := ARM_Database.None) is record -- The Change_Kind of ToGlossary. case Active is when False => null; -- No glossary entry in use. when True => -- Glossary actively being processed; used only when -- processing [Chg]ToGlossary[Also] commands. Term : String (1..50); -- Glossary term. Term_Len : Natural := 0; Add_to_Glossary : Boolean; -- Add this item to the Glossary. (Not the same -- as "Active"; when generating older versions -- of a document, this would be False for a -- new glossary entry.) Displayed : Boolean; -- The text was displayed in the document. case Change_Kind is when ARM_Database.None => null; when others => Version : ARM_Contents.Change_Version_Type; -- The version number of the changed paragraph. end case; end case; end record; type Impdef_Command_Type is (None, Aspect, Impdef, Docreq, ImplAdv); type Impdef_Info_Type (Command : Impdef_Command_Type := None) is record case Command is when None => null; -- No impdef, docreq, impladv, aspectdesc in use. when others => -- Impdef, Docreq, Impladv, Aspectdesc actively being processed; -- used only when processing ImplDef, ChgImplDef, -- ChgDocReq, ChgImplAdv, and ChgAspectDesc. Change_Kind : ARM_Database.Paragraph_Change_Kind_Type := ARM_Database.None; -- The Change_Kind of the command. Version : ARM_Contents.Change_Version_Type; -- If the kind is not "None", this is the version -- number of the changed paragraph. Initial_Version : ARM_Contents.Change_Version_Type; -- This is the version number of the original paragraph. Paragraph_String : String (1 .. 10); -- Paragraph number. Paragraph_Len : Natural; Add_to_DB : Boolean; -- Add this item to the appropriate DB. (Not the same -- as "Active"; when generating older versions -- of a document, this would be False for a -- new impdef, docreq, etc. entry.) case Command is when Aspect => Aspect_Name : String (1..30); -- Aspect name text Aspect_Name_Len : Natural := 0; when others => null; end case; end case; end record; type Format_Type is tagged limited record -- Document information: Changes : ARM_Format.Change_Kind; -- No Both here. Change_Version : ARM_Contents.Change_Version_Type; Display_Index_Entries : Boolean; Include_Annotations : Boolean; Include_ISO : Boolean; Link_Non_Terminals : Boolean; Number_Paragraphs : Boolean; Examples_Font : ARM_Output.Font_Family_Type; Use_ISO_2004_Note_Format : Boolean; Use_ISO_2004_Contents_Format : Boolean; Use_ISO_2004_List_Format : Boolean; -- Clause numbers: Clause_Number : ARM_Contents.Clause_Number_Type; -- The current clause number (Section, clause, subclause, subsubclause). Unnumbered_Section : Natural; -- The current (if any) clause number -- for unnumbered sections. -- Paragraph format info: Next_Paragraph_Change_Kind : ARM_Database.Paragraph_Change_Kind_Type; -- The change kind of the next paragraph. This is -- reset to none after each paragraph. Next_Paragraph_Version : ARM_Contents.Change_Version_Type; -- If the kind is not "None", this is the version -- number of the changed paragraph. Last_Paragraph_Subhead_Type : Paragraph_Type; -- The last paragraph subhead generated. Next_Paragraph_Subhead_Type : Paragraph_Type; -- The next paragraph subhead to generate (not -- necessarily the same as Next_Paragraph_Format_Type). -- This indicates the current paragraph type. Next_Paragraph_Format_Type : Paragraph_Type; -- The format type of the next paragraph to -- generate. We keep this separately so that the -- first paragraph of a grouping can be in a -- different format than the standard one, and -- still generate a subheading. Paragraph_Tab_Stops : ARM_Output.Tab_Info := ARM_Output.NO_TABS; -- The tab stops for the next paragraph. In_Bundle : Boolean := False; -- Are we in a bundle? References : Reference_Ptr := null; -- Any references to generate at the start of the -- next paragraph. -- Paragraph numbering info: Next_Note : Natural; -- The number of the next note. These are -- per-section, not per-clause (unless ISO 2004 is set). Next_Paragraph : Positive; -- The number of the next paragraph. These -- are per-(sub)clause. Next_Insert_Para : Positive; -- The subnumber of the next inserted -- paragraph. Next_AARM_Sub : Character; -- The letter of the next AARM subclause. -- These are reset when the paragraph number -- changes. Next_AARM_Insert_Para : Positive; -- The subnumber of the next inserted -- AARM paragraph. Next_Enumerated_Num : Positive; -- If the format is enumerated, this is the -- number of the next paragraph. Enumerated_Level : Natural; -- Number of enumerated formats that we're in. Current_Paragraph_String : String (1 .. 10); -- The current paragraph number string (only -- valid if In_Paragraph is True). Current_Paragraph_Len : Natural; -- Text format info: Text_Format : ARM_Output.Format_Type; -- Holds the current text format. Style : ARM_Output.Paragraph_Style_Type; -- What is the current paragraph style? Indent : ARM_Output.Paragraph_Indent_Type; -- What is the current paragraph indent? In_Paragraph : Boolean; -- Are we currently in a paragraph? No_Start_Paragraph : Boolean; -- Did we suppress "Start_Paragraph"? No_Prefix : Boolean; -- Should we suppress any prefix on the next paragraph? No_Para_Num : Boolean; -- Should we suppress the paragraph number on the next paragraph? Keep_with_Next : Boolean; -- Should we force this paragraph to bind to the next -- (disallowing a page break between)? Space_After : ARM_Output.Space_After_Type; -- Space following this -- paragraph. No_Breaks : Boolean; -- Should we allow page breaks in this paragraph? In_Change : Boolean; -- Are we in a change region? Last_Non_Space : Boolean; -- Is the last character written into the -- paragraph a non-space? (If nothing has been -- written into the paragraph, then this is False). -- Indexing: Unit : String (1..72); -- Unit for predefined definitions. Used only -- by a handful of indexing commands. Unit_Len : Natural := 0; -- Syntax: Syntax_NT : String (1..80); -- Syntax non-terminal; used only during the -- processing of the Syn command. Syntax_NT_Len : Natural := 0; Syntax_Tab : String (1..40); -- Syntax tab string; used only during the -- processing of the Syn command. Syntax_Tab_Len : Natural := 0; -- Attributes: Prefix_Text : String (1..160) := "@b{NONE!}" & (10..160 => ' '); -- This text is used as part of the attribute list text. -- It is shared between multiple attributes, which is why it is -- handled this way. Prefix_Text_Len : Natural := 9; Attr_Prefix : String (1..10); -- Attribute prefix text Attr_Prefix_Len : Natural := 0; Attr_Prefix_Change_Kind : ARM_Database.Paragraph_Change_Kind_Type; Attr_Prefix_Version : ARM_Contents.Change_Version_Type; Attr_Name : String (1..30); -- Attribute name text Attr_Name_Len : Natural := 0; Attr_Leading : Boolean := False; -- Attribute leading flag Attr_Change_Kind : ARM_Database.Paragraph_Change_Kind_Type; Attr_Prefix_Text_Change_Kind : ARM_Database.Paragraph_Change_Kind_Type; Attr_Version : ARM_Contents.Change_Version_Type; -- The above ten items are used only when processing Attribute -- and Attribute_Leading commands. Attr_DB : ARM_Database.Database_Type; -- Pragmas: Pragma_DB : ARM_Database.Database_Type; -- Glossary: Glossary_Info : Glossary_Info_Type; Glossary_DB : ARM_Database.Database_Type; -- Aspects: Aspect_DB : ARM_Database.Database_Type; -- Also see Impdef_Info, below. -- Implementation advice: Impladv_DB : ARM_Database.Database_Type; -- Also see Impdef_Info, below. -- Documentation requirements: Docreq_DB : ARM_Database.Database_Type; -- Also see Impdef_Info, below. -- Implementation-defined: Impdef_DB : ARM_Database.Database_Type; -- Also see Impdef_Info, below. -- For all of the above four: Impdef_Info : Impdef_Info_Type; -- Used only during processing of ImplDef, ChgImplDef, -- ChgDocReq, ChgImplAdv, and ChgAspectDesc. -- Language-Defined entity subindexes: Package_Index : ARM_Subindex.Subindex_Type; Type_Index : ARM_Subindex.Subindex_Type; Subprogram_Index : ARM_Subindex.Subindex_Type; Exception_Index : ARM_Subindex.Subindex_Type; Object_Index : ARM_Subindex.Subindex_Type; end record; end ARM_Format;