with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Fixed, Ada.Characters.Handling, Ada.Command_Line; with ARM_Format, ARM_Output, ARM_Text, ARM_HTML, ARM_RTF, ARM_Contents; procedure ARM_Formatter is -- -- Main program: format the sources for the Ada reference manual -- (in a vaguely Scribe-like macro language) into the actual -- reference manual files (in various formats). -- -- --------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2000, 2002 AXE Consultants. -- P.O. Box 1512, Madison WI 53701 -- E-Mail: randy@rrsoftware.com -- -- AXE Consultants grants to all users the right to use/modify this -- formatting tool for non-commercial purposes. (ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 22 WG 9 -- activities are explicitly included as "non-commercial purposes".) -- Commercial uses of this software and its source code, including but not -- limited to documents for sale and sales of modified versions of this -- tool, are prohibited without the prior written permission of -- AXE Consultants. All rights not explicitly granted above are reserved -- by AXE Consultants. -- -- You use this tool and/or its source code on the condition that you indemnify and hold harmless -- AXE Consultants, its agents, and employees, from any and all liability -- or damages to yourself or your hardware or software, or third parties, -- including attorneys' fees, court costs, and other related costs and -- expenses, arising out of your use of this tool and/or source code irrespective of the -- cause of said liability. -- -- AXE CONSULTANTS MAKES THIS TOOL AND SOURCE CODE AVAILABLE ON AN "AS IS" -- BASIS AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, -- CAPABILITY, EFFICIENCY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FUNCTIONING OF THIS TOOL. -- IN NO EVENT WILL AXE CONSULTANTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY GENERAL, -- CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, -- EVEN IF AXE CONSULTANTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH -- DAMAGES. -- --------------------------------------- -- -- Edit History: -- -- 3/ 9/00 - RLB - Created base program. -- 4/14/00 - RLB - Created from analysis program. -- 4/18/00 - RLB - Added scanning pass. -- 4/19/00 - RLB - Split 03 into two files. Added HTML output object. -- 4/24/00 - RLB - Added Change_Kind and Display_Index_Entries. -- 5/15/00 - RLB - Split formatter from input. -- 5/16/00 - RLB - Added missing Destroy for formatting objects. -- 5/18/00 - RLB - Added RTF output object. -- 5/25/00 - RLB - Added the Big-Files option. Added the library separator. -- 5/28/00 - RLB - Added index. -- 8/31/00 - RLB - Added the New-Changes option. -- 7/18/02 - RLB - Changed copyright date. -- - RLB - Changed Creates to include title and header. -- - RLB - Added Version parameter to command line and formatting -- commands. -- Standard commands: -- For Original RM: -- Arm_Form RM No-Changes 0 Big_Files -- For Original AARM: -- Arm_Form AARM No-Changes 0 Show-Index-Entries -- For RM with Corr: -- Arm_Form RM New-Changes 1 Big_Files -- For AARM with Corr: -- [HTML; RTF for display]: -- Arm_Form RM Show-Changes 1 Show-Index-Entries -- [TXT; RTF for printing]: -- Arm_Form RM New-Only 1 Show-Index-Entries -- For RM with Corr and Amd: -- Arm_Form RM New-Changes 2 Big_Files -- For AARM with Corr and Amd: -- [HTML; RTF for display]: -- Arm_Form RM Changes-Only 2 Show-Index-Entries -- [TXT; RTF for printing]: -- Arm_Form RM New-Only 2 Show-Index-Entries type Output_Format_Type is (HTML, RTF, Text, All_Formats); No_Command_Error : exception; Format : Output_Format_Type; -- Format to generate. Document : ARM_Format.Document_Type; -- Document to generate. Change_Kind : ARM_Format.Change_Kind; -- Changes to generate. Change_Version : ARM_Output.Change_Version_Type; -- Change version. Display_Index_Entries : Boolean; -- Should Index entries be displayed? Use_Large_Files : Boolean; -- Use large output files. procedure Get_Commands is -- Process the command line for this program. begin if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count not in 1 .. 6 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** Wrong number of arguments"); raise No_Command_Error; end if; if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count >= 5 then Display_Index_Entries := False; Use_Large_Files := False; if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count >= 6 then declare Options_Arg : String := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower ( Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Ada.Command_Line.Argument(6), Ada.Strings.Right)); begin if Options_Arg = "show-index-entries" then Display_Index_Entries := True; elsif Options_Arg = "big-files" then Use_Large_Files := True; else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** Unrecognized option: " & Options_Arg); raise No_Command_Error; end if; end; end if; declare Options_Arg : String := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower ( Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Ada.Command_Line.Argument(5), Ada.Strings.Right)); begin if Options_Arg = "show-index-entries" then Display_Index_Entries := True; elsif Options_Arg = "big-files" then Use_Large_Files := True; else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** Unrecognized option: " & Options_Arg); raise No_Command_Error; end if; end; else Display_Index_Entries := False; Use_Large_Files := False; end if; if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count >= 4 then declare Version_Arg : String := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower ( Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Ada.Command_Line.Argument(4), Ada.Strings.Right)); begin if Version_Arg'Length = 1 and then Version_Arg(Version_Arg'First) in ARM_Output.Change_Version_Type then Change_Version := Version_Arg(Version_Arg'First); else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** Unrecognized change version: " & Version_Arg); raise No_Command_Error; end if; end; else Change_Version := '0'; end if; if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count >= 3 then declare Changes_Arg : String := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower ( Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Ada.Command_Line.Argument(3), Ada.Strings.Right)); begin if Changes_Arg = "no-changes" then Change_Kind := ARM_Format.Old_Only; elsif Changes_Arg = "new-only" then Change_Kind := ARM_Format.New_Only; elsif Changes_Arg = "changes-only" then Change_Kind := ARM_Format.Changes_Only; elsif Changes_Arg = "show-changes" then Change_Kind := ARM_Format.Show_Changes; elsif Changes_Arg = "new-changes" then Change_Kind := ARM_Format.New_Changes; else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** Unrecognized changes: " & Changes_Arg); raise No_Command_Error; end if; end; else Change_Kind := ARM_Format.New_Only; end if; if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count >= 2 then declare Format_Arg : String := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower ( Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Ada.Command_Line.Argument(2), Ada.Strings.Right)); begin if Format_Arg = "all" then Format := All_Formats; elsif Format_Arg = "rtf" then Format := RTF; elsif Format_Arg = "html" then Format := HTML; elsif Format_Arg = "text" then Format := Text; else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** Unrecognized format: " & Format_Arg); raise No_Command_Error; end if; end; else Format := All_Formats; end if; declare Document_Arg : String := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower ( Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Ada.Command_Line.Argument(1), Ada.Strings.Right)); begin if Document_Arg = "aarm" then Document := ARM_Format.AARM; elsif Document_Arg = "rm" then Document := ARM_Format.RM; elsif Document_Arg = "iso-rm" then Document := ARM_Format.RM_ISO; else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** Unrecognized document: " & Document_Arg); raise No_Command_Error; end if; end; exception when No_Command_Error => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Usage: Arm_Form [, [, [, []]]}"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" where: = 'RM' (reference manual),"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'ISO-RM' (reference manual for ISO),"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'AARM' (annotated reference manual);"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" where: = 'Text' (text files),"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'HTML' (HTML files),"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'RTF' (RTF files for Word 97 or later),"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'All' (Files of all formats);"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" where: = 'No-Changes' (RM text),"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'New-Only' (Revised RM text only for ),"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'Changes-Only' (Text with changes marked for only),"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'Show-Changes' (Text with changes marked for and earlier),"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'New-Changes' (Text with insertions marked for and earlier);"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" where: = a value in 0 .. 9 representing the change version"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 0-Original Ada 95 (equivalent to No-Changes)"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 1-Technical Corrigendum 1"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 2-Amendment 1"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" where: = 'Show-Index-Entries' (print in document);"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" 'Big-Files' (large output files)."); raise No_Command_Error; end Get_Commands; procedure Scan is -- Scan the document for section/clause headings, building the -- table of contents. Format : ARM_Format.Format_Type; begin ARM_Format.Create (Format, Document, Change_Kind, Change_Version, Display_Index_Entries); ARM_Contents.Initialize; -- Make sure that the contents DB is empty. -- Scan each of the files in order: ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Title.MSS", Section_Number => 0, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Front_matter.MSS", Section_Number => 0, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "01.MSS", Section_Number => 1, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "02.MSS", Section_Number => 2, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "03A.MSS", Section_Number => 3, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "03B.MSS", Section_Number => 3, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "04.MSS", Section_Number => 4, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "05.MSS", Section_Number => 5, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "06.MSS", Section_Number => 6, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "07.MSS", Section_Number => 7, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "08.MSS", Section_Number => 8, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "09.MSS", Section_Number => 9, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "10.MSS", Section_Number => 10, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "11.MSS", Section_Number => 11, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "12.MSS", Section_Number => 12, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "13.MSS", Section_Number => 13, Starts_New_Section => True); -- Library separator page: ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "LIBRARY.MSS", Section_Number => 20, -- Not a real section number. Starts_New_Section => True); -- Normative annexes: ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "PRE.MSS", Section_Number => 21, -- represents A Starts_New_Section => True); -- Note: All of the following named "Pre_" are sections of "Pre". -- These were include files, which I've eliminated. ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "PRE_Standard.MSS", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "PRE_Ada.MSS", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "PRE_Chars.MSS", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "PRE_Strings.MSS", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "PRE_Math.MSS", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Real_Attribs.MSS", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "PRE_IO.MSS", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "PRE_Cmdln.MSS", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); -- Back to "normal" appendixes: ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Interface.MSS", Section_Number => 22, -- represents B Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "SP.MSS", Section_Number => 23, -- represents C Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "RT.MSS", Section_Number => 24, -- represents D Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "DS.MSS", Section_Number => 25, -- represents E Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "InfoSys.MSS", Section_Number => 26, -- represents F Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Numerics.MSS", Section_Number => 27, -- represents G Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Safety.MSS", Section_Number => 28, -- represents H Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Obsolescent.MSS", Section_Number => 30, -- represents J Starts_New_Section => True); -- Informative annexes: ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Attribs.MSS", Section_Number => 31, -- represents K Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Pragmas.MSS", Section_Number => 32, -- represents L Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Impldef.MSS", Section_Number => 33, -- represents M Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Glossary.MSS", Section_Number => 34, -- represents N Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. ARM_Format.Scan (Format, "Syntax.MSS", Section_Number => 36, -- represents P Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. ARM_Format.Insert_Index (Format); ARM_Format.Destroy (Format); end Scan; procedure Generate (Output_Object : in out ARM_Output.Output_Type'Class) is -- Generate a document into Output_Object. Format : ARM_Format.Format_Type; begin ARM_Format.Create (Format, Document, Change_Kind, Change_Version, Display_Index_Entries); -- This subprogram stands in for Ada.MSS in the original Scribe -- sources (which we don't use). -- For the RTF output, we had better use the big-files option, so -- we get one large file. ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Title.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "Ttl", Section_Number => 0, Starts_New_Section => True); -- The table of contents goes here in the collating order for the -- final document. However, for Word, we let Word generate -- it (this lets us use page number references in the ToC). ARM_Format.Write_Table_of_Contents (Format, Output_Object); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Front_matter.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "00", Section_Number => 0, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "01.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "01", Section_Number => 1, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "02.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "02", Section_Number => 2, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "03A.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "03", Section_Number => 3, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "03B.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "03", Section_Number => 3, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "04.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "04", Section_Number => 4, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "05.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "05", Section_Number => 5, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "06.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "06", Section_Number => 6, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "07.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "07", Section_Number => 7, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "08.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "08", Section_Number => 8, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "09.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "09", Section_Number => 9, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "10.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "10", Section_Number => 10, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "11.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "11", Section_Number => 11, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "12.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "12", Section_Number => 12, Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "13.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "13", Section_Number => 13, Starts_New_Section => True); -- The "standard libraries" separator page: ARM_Format.Process (Format, "LIBRARY.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "Lib", Section_Number => 0, -- Not a real section number. Starts_New_Section => True); -- Normative annexes: ARM_Format.Process (Format, "PRE.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "A", Section_Number => 21, -- represents A Starts_New_Section => True); -- Note: All of the following named "Pre_" are sections of "Pre". -- These were include files, which I've eliminated. ARM_Format.Process (Format, "PRE_Standard.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "A", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "PRE_Ada.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "A", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "PRE_Chars.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "A", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "PRE_Strings.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "A", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "PRE_Math.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "A", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Real_Attribs.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "A", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "PRE_IO.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "A", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "PRE_Cmdln.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "A", Section_Number => 21, Starts_New_Section => False); -- Back to "normal" appendixes: ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Interface.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "B", Section_Number => 22, -- represents B Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "SP.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "C", Section_Number => 23, -- represents C Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "RT.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "D", Section_Number => 24, -- represents D Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "DS.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "E", Section_Number => 25, -- represents E Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "InfoSys.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "F", Section_Number => 26, -- represents F Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Numerics.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "G", Section_Number => 27, -- represents G Starts_New_Section => True); ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Safety.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "H", Section_Number => 28, -- represents H Starts_New_Section => True); -- Do something here so that the next Annex is Annex J; -- ISO requires skipping I and O. ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Obsolescent.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "J", Section_Number => 30, -- represents J Starts_New_Section => True); -- Informative annexes: ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Attribs.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "K", Section_Number => 31, -- represents K Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Pragmas.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "L", Section_Number => 32, -- represents L Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Impldef.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "M", Section_Number => 33, -- represents M Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Glossary.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "N", Section_Number => 34, -- represents N Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. -- Do something here so that the next Annex is Annex P; -- ISO requires skipping I and O. ARM_Format.Process (Format, "Syntax.MSS", Output_Object, Section_Name => "P", Section_Number => 36, -- represents P Starts_New_Section => True); -- Mostly generated from the sections and annexes. -- The index is generated here. ARM_Format.Write_Index (Format, Output_Object); ARM_Format.Destroy (Format); end Generate; procedure Create (Output_Object : in out ARM_Output.Output_Type'Class) is -- Create an Output_Object for the current parameters. begin case Document is when ARM_Format.AARM => if ARM_Format."=" (Change_Kind, ARM_Format.Old_Only) or else Change_Version = '0' then ARM_Output.Create (Output_Object, Page_Size => ARM_Output.Letter, Includes_Changes => False, Big_Files => Use_Large_Files, For_ISO => False, File_Prefix => "AA", Title => "Annotated Ada Reference Manual", Header_Prefix => "ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E)"); elsif Change_Version = '1' then ARM_Output.Create (Output_Object, Page_Size => ARM_Output.Letter, Includes_Changes => True, Big_Files => Use_Large_Files, For_ISO => False, File_Prefix => "AA", Title => "Annotated Ada Reference Manual", Header_Prefix => "ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) with COR.1:2001"); else ARM_Output.Create (Output_Object, Page_Size => ARM_Output.Letter, Includes_Changes => True, Big_Files => Use_Large_Files, For_ISO => False, File_Prefix => "AA", Title => "Annotated Ada Reference Manual", Header_Prefix => "ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) with COR.1:2001 and AMD.1:Draft"); end if; when ARM_Format.RM => if ARM_Format."=" (Change_Kind, ARM_Format.Old_Only) or else Change_Version = '0' then ARM_Output.Create (Output_Object, Page_Size => ARM_Output.Ada95, Includes_Changes => False, Big_Files => Use_Large_Files, For_ISO => False, File_Prefix => "RM", Title => "Ada Reference Manual", Header_Prefix => "ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E)"); elsif Change_Version = '1' then ARM_Output.Create (Output_Object, Page_Size => ARM_Output.Ada95, Includes_Changes => True, Big_Files => Use_Large_Files, For_ISO => False, File_Prefix => "RM", Title => "Ada Reference Manual", Header_Prefix => "ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) with COR.1:2001"); else ARM_Output.Create (Output_Object, Page_Size => ARM_Output.Ada95, Includes_Changes => True, Big_Files => Use_Large_Files, For_ISO => False, File_Prefix => "RM", Title => "Ada Reference Manual", Header_Prefix => "ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) with COR.1:2001 and AMD.1:Draft"); end if; when ARM_Format.RM_ISO => if ARM_Format."=" (Change_Kind, ARM_Format.Old_Only) or else Change_Version = '0' then ARM_Output.Create (Output_Object, Page_Size => ARM_Output.A4, Includes_Changes => False, Big_Files => Use_Large_Files, For_ISO => False, File_Prefix => "RM", Title => "Ada Reference Manual", Header_Prefix => "ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E)"); elsif Change_Version = '1' then ARM_Output.Create (Output_Object, Page_Size => ARM_Output.A4, Includes_Changes => True, Big_Files => Use_Large_Files, For_ISO => False, File_Prefix => "RM", Title => "Ada Reference Manual", Header_Prefix => "ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) with COR.1:2001"); else ARM_Output.Create (Output_Object, Page_Size => ARM_Output.A4, Includes_Changes => True, Big_Files => Use_Large_Files, For_ISO => False, File_Prefix => "RM", Title => "Ada Reference Manual", Header_Prefix => "ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) with COR.1:2001 and AMD.1:Draft"); end if; end case; end Create; begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("ARM 95/0Y formatter"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Copyright 2000, 2002 AXE Consultants"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" P.O. Box 1512, Madison WI 53701"); Get_Commands; Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Document = " & ARM_Format.Document_Type'Image(Document)); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Format = " & Output_Format_Type'Image(Format)); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Changes = " & ARM_Format.Change_Kind'Image(Change_Kind)); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Version = " & Change_Version); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Display Index Entries = " & Boolean'Image(Display_Index_Entries)); Scan; case Format is when HTML => declare Output : ARM_HTML.HTML_Output_Type; begin Create (Output); Generate (Output); ARM_HTML.Close (Output); end; when RTF => declare Output : ARM_RTF.RTF_Output_Type; begin Create (Output); Generate (Output); ARM_RTF.Close (Output); end; when Text => declare Output : ARM_Text.Text_Output_Type; begin Create (Output); Generate (Output); ARM_Text.Close (Output); end; when All_Formats => declare TOutput : ARM_Text.Text_Output_Type; ROutput : ARM_RTF.RTF_Output_Type; HOutput : ARM_HTML.HTML_Output_Type; begin Create (TOutput); Generate (TOutput); ARM_Text.Close (TOutput); Create (ROutput); Generate (ROutput); ARM_RTF.Close (ROutput); Create (HOutput); Generate (HOutput); ARM_HTML.Close (HOutput); end; end case; Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("ARM 95/0Y document created"); exception when No_Command_Error => null; -- Error message displayed by command line processor. end ARM_Formatter;