package ARM_Contents is -- -- Ada reference manual formatter. -- -- This package contains the routines to manage section/clause/subclause -- references. -- -- --------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2000, AXE Consultants. -- P.O. Box 1512, Madison WI 53701 -- E-Mail: -- -- AXE Consultants grants to all users the right to use/modify this -- formatting tool for non-commercial purposes. (ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 22 WG 9 -- activities are explicitly included as "non-commercial purposes".) -- Commercial uses of this software and its source code, including but not -- limited to documents for sale and sales of modified versions of this -- tool, are prohibited without the prior written permission of -- AXE Consultants. All rights not explicitly granted above are reserved -- by AXE Consultants. -- -- You use this tool and/or its source code on the condition that you indemnify and hold harmless -- AXE Consultants, its agents, and employees, from any and all liability -- or damages to yourself or your hardware or software, or third parties, -- including attorneys' fees, court costs, and other related costs and -- expenses, arising out of your use of this tool and/or source code irrespective of the -- cause of said liability. -- -- AXE CONSULTANTS MAKES THIS TOOL AND SOURCE CODE AVAILABLE ON AN "AS IS" -- BASIS AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, -- CAPABILITY, EFFICIENCY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FUNCTIONING OF THIS TOOL. -- IN NO EVENT WILL AXE CONSULTANTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY GENERAL, -- CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, -- EVEN IF AXE CONSULTANTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH -- DAMAGES. -- --------------------------------------- -- -- Edit History: -- -- 4/19/00 - RLB - Created base package. -- 4/26/00 - RLB - Added Previous_Clause and Next_Clause. -- 5/15/00 - RLB - Added rules about unnumbered sections. -- 5/22/00 - RLB - Added Unnumbered_Section level. -- 8/ 7/00 - RLB - Made Make_Clause visible. -- 8/22/00 - RLB - Added Old_Title handling. subtype Title_Type is String (1 .. 80); -- The type of a title. type Section_Number_Type is range 0 .. 47; -- Values > 20 represent annex letters (21 => A, 22 => B, etc.) -- Value = 0 represents the preface, introduction, etc. No -- number is generated if Section_Number = 0. Not_Found_Error : exception; procedure Initialize; -- Initialize this package; make sure the contents are empty. type Level_Type is (Section, Unnumbered_Section, Normative_Annex, Informative_Annex, Clause, Subclause); -- Defines the level of a clause header. procedure Add (Title : in Title_Type; Level : in Level_Type; Section_Number : in Section_Number_Type; Clause_Number : in Natural := 0; Subclause_Number : in Natural := 0); -- Add a section or clause to the contents. It has the specified -- characteristics. procedure Add_Old (Old_Title : in Title_Type; Level : in Level_Type; Section_Number : in Section_Number_Type; Clause_Number : in Natural := 0; Subclause_Number : in Natural := 0); -- Add an old title for a section or clause to the contents. It has -- the specified characteristics. function Make_Clause_Number (Level : in Level_Type; Section_Number : in Section_Number_Type; Clause_Number : in Natural := 0; Subclause_Number : in Natural := 0) return String; -- Returns a properly formatted Section or clause number reference. -- Note that an unnumbered section returns a number with a -- Section_Number of zero (for sorting purposes). procedure Make_Clause (Clause_String : in String; Section_Number : out Section_Number_Type; Clause_Number : out Natural; Subclause_Number : out Natural); -- Returns the clause number for a properly formatted Section or -- clause string. function Lookup_Clause_Number (Title : in Title_Type) return String; -- Given the title of a clause, returns the formatted Section or -- clause number reference for that title. The Title must match -- exactly, except for case. Raises Not_Found_Error if not found. function Lookup_Level (Title : in Title_Type) return Level_Type; -- Given the title of a clause, returns the level for that title. The Title must match -- exactly, except for case. Raises Not_Found_Error if not found. function Lookup_Title (Level : in Level_Type; Section_Number : in Section_Number_Type; Clause_Number : in Natural := 0; Subclause_Number : in Natural := 0) return Title_Type; -- Given the level, section, and clause numbers, return the appropriate -- title. Raises Not_Found_Error if not found. function Lookup_Old_Title (Level : in Level_Type; Section_Number : in Section_Number_Type; Clause_Number : in Natural := 0; Subclause_Number : in Natural := 0) return Title_Type; -- Given the level, section, and clause numbers, return the appropriate -- old title. Calls Lookup_Title if not found (thus returning the -- regular (new) title. function Previous_Clause (Clause : in String) return String; -- Returns the string of the previous clause (in the table of contents) -- for the properly formatted clause string Clause. -- Raises Not_Found_Error if not found. function Next_Clause (Clause : in String) return String; -- Returns the string of the next clause (in the table of contents) -- for the properly formatted clause string Clause. -- Raises Not_Found_Error if not found. generic with procedure Operate (Title : in Title_Type; Level : in Level_Type; Section_Number : in Section_Number_Type; Clause_Number : in Natural; Subclause_Number : in Natural; Quit : out Boolean) is <>; procedure For_Each; -- Call Operate for each title in the contents, in the order that -- they were added to the contents. If the Quit parameter to Operate -- is True when Operate returns, the iteration is abandoned. end ARM_Contents;