Version 1.4 of ais/ai-00433.txt
!standard 1.1.4(9) 05-08-09 AI95-00433/04
!standard 2.3(8)
!standard 2.5(5)
!standard 2.6(9)
!standard 2.8(29)
!standard 3.2.2(15)
!standard 3.3.1(27)
!standard 3.3.1(29)
!standard 3.3.1(31)
!standard 3.3.1(33)
!standard 3.3.2(10)
!standard 3.6(30)
!standard 3.7(37)
!standard 3.9.4(1)
!standard 3.10(22)
!standard 3.10.1(19)
!standard 3.10.1(20)
!standard 3.10.1(21)
!standard 4.3.3(43)
!standard 4.4(15)
!standard 6.5.1(1)
!standard 6.7(1)
!standard 8.3.1(1)
!standard 9.1(24)
!standard 9.11(3)
!standard 9.11(6)
!standard 9.11(7)
!standard 9.11(8)
!standard 9.11(9)
!standard 9.11(10)
!standard 10.1.2(8)
!standard 11.3(6)
!standard 11.4.3(2)
!standard 11.4.3(6)
!standard 12.5.5(5)
!standard 12.6(18)
!standard 12.7(11)
!class amendment 05-05-18
!status Amendment 200Y 05-05-18
!status ARG Approved 12-0-0 05-06-19
!status work item 05-05-18
!status received 05-05-18
!priority High
!difficulty Easy
!subject Examples in the Standard
(See proposal.)
The examples in the RM must be updated to reflect the new language.
Tuck did the examples in a stream-of-consciousness manner, and Pascal got the
short stick to write an AI.
(See corrigendum.)
The example of AI-407 depends on the example of 3.9.4 given here.
An example for examples? Get real!
!corrigendum 1.1.4(9)
Replace the paragraph:
return_statement ::= return [expression];
return_statement ::= return; | return expression;
simple_return_statement ::= return [expression];
simple_return_statement ::= return; | return expression;
!corrigendum 2.3(8)
Replace the paragraph:
Count X Get_Symbol Ethelyn Marion
Snobol_4 X1 Page_Count Store_Next_Item
Count X Get_Symbol Ethelyn Marion
Snobol_4 X1 Page_Count Store_Next_Item
Πλάτων -- Plato
Чайковский -- Tchaikovsky
θ φ -- Angles
!corrigendum 2.5(5)
Replace the paragraph:
'A' '*' ''' ' '
'A' '*' ''' ' '
'L' 'Л' 'Λ' -- various els
'∞' 'א' -- Big numbers - infinity and aleph
!corrigendum 2.6(9)
Replace the paragraph:
"Message of the day:"
"" -- a null string literal
" " "A" """" -- three string literals of length 1
"Characters such as $, %, and } are allowed in string literals"
"Message of the day:"
"" -- a null string literal
" " "A" """" -- three string literals of length 1
"Characters such as $, %, and } are allowed in string literals"
"Archimedes said ""Εύρηκα"""
"Volume of cylinder (πr²h) = "
!corrigendum 2.8(29)
Replace the paragraph:
pragma List(Off); -- turn off listing generation
pragma Optimize(Off); -- turn off optional optimizations
pragma Inline(Set_Mask); -- generate code for Set_Mask inline
pragma Suppress(Range_Check, On => Index); -- turn off range checking on Index
pragma List(Off); -- turn off listing generation
pragma Optimize(Off); -- turn off optional optimizations
pragma Inline(Set_Mask); -- generate code for Set_Mask inline
pragma Import(C, Put_Char, External_Name => "putchar"); -- import C putchar function
!corrigendum 3.2.2(15)
Replace the paragraph:
subtype Rainbow is Color range Red .. Blue; -- see 3.2.1
subtype Red_Blue is Rainbow;
subtype Int is Integer;
subtype Small_Int is Integer range -10 .. 10;
subtype Up_To_K is Column range 1 .. K; -- see 3.2.1
subtype Square is Matrix(1 .. 10, 1 .. 10); -- see 3.6
subtype Male is Person(Sex => M); -- see 3.10.1
subtype Rainbow is Color range Red .. Blue; -- see 3.2.1
subtype Red_Blue is Rainbow;
subtype Int is Integer;
subtype Small_Int is Integer range -10 .. 10;
subtype Up_To_K is Column range 1 .. K; -- see 3.2.1
subtype Square is Matrix(1 .. 10, 1 .. 10); -- see 3.6
subtype Male is Person(Sex => M); -- see 3.10.1
subtype Binop_Ref is not null Binop_Ptr; -- see 3.10
!corrigendum 3.3.1(27)
Replace the paragraph:
John, Paul : Person_Name := new Person(Sex => M); -- see 3.10.1
John, Paul : not null Person_Name := new Person(Sex => M); -- see 3.10.1
!corrigendum 3.3.1(29)
Replace the paragraph:
John : Person_Name := new Person(Sex => M);
Paul : Person_Name := new Person(Sex => M);
John : not null Person_Name := new Person(Sex => M);
Paul : not null Person_Name := new Person(Sex => M);
!corrigendum 3.3.1(31)
Replace the paragraph:
Count, Sum : Integer;
Size : Integer range 0 .. 10_000 := 0;
Sorted : Boolean := False;
Color_Table : array(1 .. Max) of Color;
Option : Bit_Vector(1 .. 10) := (others => True);
Hello : constant String := "Hi, world.";
Count, Sum : Integer;
Size : Integer range 0 .. 10_000 := 0;
Sorted : Boolean := False;
Color_Table : array(1 .. Max) of Color;
Option : Bit_Vector(1 .. 10) := (others => True);
Hello : aliased String := "Hi, world.";
θ, φ : Float range -π .. +π;
!corrigendum 3.3.1(33)
Replace the paragraph:
Limit : constant Integer := 10_000;
Low_Limit : constant Integer := Limit/10;
Tolerance : constant Real := Dispersion(1.15);
Limit : constant Integer := 10_000;
Low_Limit : constant Integer := Limit/10;
Tolerance : constant Real := Dispersion(1.15);
Hello_Msg : constant access String := Hello'Access; -- see 3.10.2
!corrigendum 3.3.2(10)
!comment This is just a correction to an existing example.
@xcode<Max : @b<constant> := 500; --@ft<@i< an integer number>>
Max_Line_Size : @b<constant> := Max/6 --@ft<@i< the integer 83>>
Power_16 : @b<constant> := 2**16; --@ft<@i< the integer 65_536>>
One, Un, Eins : @b<constant> := 1; --@ft<@i< three different names for 1>>>
@xcode<Max : @b<constant> := 500; --@ft<@i< an integer number>>
Max_Line_Size : @b<constant> := Max/6; --@ft<@i< the integer 83>>
Power_16 : @b<constant> := 2**16; --@ft<@i< the integer 65_536>>
One, Un, Eins : @b<constant> := 1; --@ft<@i< three different names for 1>>>
!corrigendum 3.6(30)
Replace the paragraph:
Grid : array(1 .. 80, 1 .. 100) of Boolean;
Mix : array(Color range Red .. Green) of Boolean;
Page : array(Positive range <>) of Line := -- an array of arrays
(1 | 50 => Line'(1 | Line'Last => '+', others => '-'), -- see 4.3.3
2 .. 49 => Line'(1 | Line'Last => '|', others => ' '));
-- Page is constrained by its initial value to (1..50)
Grid : array(1 .. 80, 1 .. 100) of Boolean;
Mix : array(Color range Red .. Green) of Boolean;
Msg_Table : constant array(Error_Code) of access constant String :=
(Too_Big => new String'("Result too big"), Too_Small => ...);
Page : array(Positive range <>) of Line := -- an array of arrays
(1 | 50 => Line'(1 | Line'Last => '+', others => '-'), -- see 4.3.3
2 .. 49 => Line'(1 | Line'Last => '|', others => ' '));
-- Page is constrained by its initial value to (1..50)
!corrigendum 3.7(37)
Replace the paragraph:
type Item(Number : Positive) is
Content : Integer;
-- no component depends on the discriminant
end record;
task type Worker(Prio : System.Priority; Buf : access Buffer) is
-- discriminants used to parameterize the task type (see 9.1)
pragma Priority(Prio); -- see D.1
entry Fill;
entry Drain;
end Worker;
!corrigendum 3.9.4(1)
!comment This is not the full section, see the conflict files for that.
Nonlimited interface types have predefined nonabstract equality operators.
These may be overridden with user-defined abstract equality operators. Such
operators will then require an explicit overriding for any nonabstract
descendant of the interface.
@i<Example of a limited interface and a synchronized interface extending it:>
@xcode<@b<type> Queue @b<is limited interface>;
@b<procedure> Append(Q : @b<in out> Queue; Person : @b<in> Person_Name) @b<is abstract>;
@b<procedure> Remove_First(Q : @b<in out> Queue; Person : @b<out> Person_Name) @b<is abstract>;
@b<function> Cur_Count(Q : @b<in> Queue) @b<return> Natural @b<is abstract>;
@b<function> Max_Count(Q : @b<in> Queue) @b<return> Natural @b<is abstract>;
-- @ft<@i<See 3.10.1 for Person_Name.>>
Queue_Error : @b<exception>;
--@ft<@i< Append raises Queue_Error if Count(Q) = Max_Count(Q)>>
--@ft<@i< Remove_First raises Queue_Error if Count(Q) = 0>>
@b<type> Synchronized_Queue @b<is synchronized interface and> Queue; --@ft<@i< see 9.11>>
@b<procedure> Append_Wait(Q : @b<in out> Synchronized_Queue; Person : @b<in> Person_Name) @b<is abstract>;
@b<procedure> Remove_First_Wait(Q : @b<in out> Synchronized_Queue; Person : @b<out> Person_Name) @b<is abstract>;
@b<procedure> Transfer(From : @b<in out> Queue'Class;
To : @b<in out> Queue'Class;
Number : @b<in> Natural := 1) @b<is>
Person : Person_Name;
@b<for> I @b<in> 1..Number @b<loop>
Remove_First(From, Person);
Append(To, Person);
@b<end loop>;
@b<end> Transfer;>
This defines a Queue interface defining a queue of people. (A similar
design could be created to define any kind of queue simply by replacing
Person_Name by an appropriate type.)
The Queue interface has four dispatching operations, Append,
Remove_First, Cur_Count, and Max_Count. The body of a class-wide
operation, Transfer is also shown. Every non-abstract extension
of Queue must provide implementations for at least its four
dispatching operations, as they are abstract. Any object of a type
derived from Queue may be passed to Transfer as either the From
or the To operand. The two operands need not be of the same type
in any given call.
The Synchronized_Queue interface inherits the four dispatching
operations from Queue and adds two additional dispatching
operations, which wait if necessary rather than raising the
Queue_Error exception. This synchronized interface may only
be implemented by a task or protected type, and as such
ensures safe concurrent access.
@i<Example use of the interface:>
@b<type> Fast_Food_Queue @b<is new> Queue @b<with record> ...;
@b<procedure> Append(Q : @b<in out> Fast_Food_Queue; Person : @b<in> Person_Name);
@b<procedure> Remove_First(Q : @b<in out> Fast_Food_Queue; Person : @b<in> Person_Name);
@b<function> Cur_Count(Q : @b<in> Fast_Food_Queue) @b<return> Natural;
@b<function> Max_Count(Q : @b<in> Fast_Food_Queue) @b<return> Natural;
Cashier, Counter : Fast_Food_Queue;
-- @ft<@i<Add George (see 3.10.1) to the cashier's queue:>>
Append (Cashier, George);
-- @ft<@i<After payment, move George to the sandwich counter queue:>>
Transfer (Cashier, Counter);
An interface such as Queue can be used directly as the parent of a new type
(as shown here), or can be used as a progenitor when a type is derived.
In either case, the primitive operations of the interface are inherited. For
Queue, the implementation of the four inherited routines must be provided.
Inside the call of Transfer, dispatching calls to the implementations of
Append and Remove_First for type Fast_Food_Queue will be made.
@i<Example of a task interface:>
@xcode<@b<type> Serial_Device @b<is task interface>; --@ft<@i< see 9.1>>
@b<procedure> Read (Dev : @b<in> Serial_Device; C : @b<out> Character) @b<is abstract>;
@b<procedure> Write(Dev : @b<in> Serial_Device; C : @b<in> Character) @b<is abstract>;>
The Serial_Device interface has two dispatching operations
which are intended to be implemented by task entries (see 9.1).
!corrigendum 3.10(22)
Replace the paragraph:
type Peripheral_Ref is access Peripheral; -- see 3.8.1
type Binop_Ptr is access all Binary_Operation'Class;
-- general access-to-class-wide, see 3.9.1
type Peripheral_Ref is not null access Peripheral; -- see 3.8.1
type Binop_Ptr is access all Binary_Operation'Class;
-- general access-to-class-wide, see 3.9.1
!corrigendum 3.10.1(19)
Replace the paragraph:
type Person(<>); -- incomplete type declaration
type Car; -- incomplete type declaration
type Person(<>); -- incomplete type declaration
type Car is tagged; -- incomplete type declaration
!corrigendum 3.10.1(20)
Replace the paragraph:
type Person_Name is access Person;
type Car_Name is access all Car;
type Person_Name is access Person;
type Car_Name is access all Car'Class;
!corrigendum 3.10.1(21)
Replace the paragraph:
type Car is
Number : Integer;
Owner : Person_Name;
end record;
type Car is tagged
Number : Integer;
Owner : Person_Name;
end record;
!corrigendum 4.3.3(43)
Insert after the paragraph:
D : Bit_Vector(M .. N) := (M .. N => True); -- see 3.6
E : Bit_Vector(M .. N) := (others => True);
F : String(1 .. 1) := (1 => 'F'); -- a one component aggregate: same as "F"
the new paragraphs:
Example of an array aggregate with defaulted others choice and with an
applicable index constraint provided by an enclosing record aggregate:
Buffer'(Size => 50, Pos => 1, Value => String'('x', others => <>)) -- see 3.7
!corrigendum 4.4(15)
Replace the paragraph:
Volume -- primary
not Destroyed -- factor
2*Line_Count -- term
-4.0 -- simple expression
-4.0 + A -- simple expression
B**2 - 4.0*A*C -- simple expression
Password(1 .. 3) = "Bwv" -- relation
Count in Small_Int -- relation
Count not in Small_Int -- relation
Index = 0 or Item_Hit -- expression
(Cold and Sunny) or Warm -- expression (parentheses are required)
A**(B**C) -- expression (parentheses are required)
Volume -- primary
not Destroyed -- factor
2*Line_Count -- term
-4.0 -- simple expression
-4.0 + A -- simple expression
B**2 - 4.0*A*C -- simple expression
R*Sin(θ)*Cos(φ) -- simple expression
Password(1 .. 3) = "Bwv" -- relation
Count in Small_Int -- relation
Count not in Small_Int -- relation
Index = 0 or Item_Hit -- expression
(Cold and Sunny) or Warm -- expression (parentheses are required)
A**(B**C) -- expression (parentheses are required)
!corrigendum 6.5.1(1)
!Comment This is a new clause, so this a dummy and the real thing is in the
!comment conflicts.
If the body of a non-returning procedure completes normally, Program_Error is
raised at the point of the call.
@xcode<@b<procedure> Fail(Msg : String); --@ft<@i< raises Fatal_Error exception>>
@b<pragma> No_Return(Fail);
--@ft<@i< Inform compiler and reader that procedure never returns normally>>>
!corrigendum 6.7(1)
!Comment This is a new clause, so this a dummy and the real thing is in the
!comment conflicts.
The execution of a null procedure is invoked by a subprogram call. For the
execution of a subprogram call on a null procedure, the execution of the
@fa<subprogram_body> has no effect.
@xcode<@b<procedure> Simplify(Expr : @b<in out> Expression) @b<is null>; --@ft<@i< see 3.9>>
--@ft<@i< By default, Simplify does nothing, but it may be overridden in extensions of Expression>>>
!corrigendum 8.3.1(1)
!Comment This is a new clause, so this a dummy and the real thing is in the
!comment conflicts.
The use of @fa<overriding_indicator>s allows the detection of errors at
compile-time that otherwise might not be detected at all. For instance, we
might declare a security queue derived from the Queue interface of 3.9.4 as:
@xcode<@b<type> Security_Queue @b<is new> Queue @b<with record> ...;>
@b<procedure> Append(Q : @b<in out> Security_Queue; Person : @b<in> Person_Name);>
@b<procedure> Remove_First(Q : @b<in out> Security_Queue; Person : @b<in> Person_Name);>
@b<function> Cur_Count(Q : @b<in> Security_Queue) @b<return> Natural;>
@b<function> Max_Count(Q : @b<in> Security_Queue) @b<return> Natural;>
@xcode<@b<not overriding>
@b<procedure> Arrest(Q : @b<in out> Security_Queue; Person : @b<in> Person_Name);>
The first four subprogram declarations guarantee that these subprograms will
override the four subprograms inherited from the Queue interface.
A misspelling in one of these subprograms will be detected by the
implementation. Conversely, the declaration of Arrest guarantees that this
is a new operation.
!corrigendum 9.1(24)
Replace the paragraph:
task type Keyboard_Driver(ID : Keyboard_ID := New_ID) is
entry Read (C : out Character);
entry Write(C : in Character);
end Keyboard_Driver;
task type Keyboard_Driver(ID : Keyboard_ID := New_ID) is
new Serial_Device with -- see 3.9.4
entry Read (C : out Character);
entry Write(C : in Character);
end Keyboard_Driver;
!corrigendum 9.11(3)
Replace the paragraph:
task body Producer is
Char : Character;
... -- produce the next character Char
exit when Char = ASCII.EOT;
end loop;
end Producer;
task body Producer is
Person : Person_Name; -- see 3.10.1
... -- simulate arrival of the next customer)
exit when Person = null;
end loop;
end Producer;
!corrigendum 9.11(6)
Replace the paragraph:
task body Consumer is
Char : Character;
exit when Char = ASCII.EOT;
... -- consume the character Char
end loop;
end Consumer;
task body Consumer is
Person : Person_Name;
exit when Person = null;
... -- simulate serving a customer)
end loop;
end Consumer;
!corrigendum 9.11(7)
Replace the paragraph:
The buffer object contains an internal pool of characters managed in a
round-robin fashion. The pool has two indices, an In_Index denoting the space
for the next input character and an Out_Index denoting the space for the next
output character.
The buffer object contains an internal array of person names managed in a
round-robin fashion. The array has two indices, an In_Index denoting the index
for the next input person name and an Out_Index denoting the index for the next
output person name.
The Buffer is defined as an extension of the Synchronized_Queue
interface (see 3.9.4), and as such promises to implement the abstraction
defined by that interface. By doing so, the Buffer can be passed to the
Transfer class-wide operation defined for objects of a type covered by
!corrigendum 9.11(8)
Replace the paragraph:
protected Buffer is
entry Read (C : out Character);
entry Write(C : in Character);
Pool : String(1 .. 100);
Count : Natural := 0;
In_Index, Out_Index : Positive := 1;
end Buffer;
protected Buffer is new Synchronized_Queue with -- see 3.9.4
entry Append_Wait(Person : in Person_Name);
entry Remove_First_Wait(Person : out Person_Name);
function Cur_Count return Natural;
function Max_Count return Natural;
procedure Append(Person : in Person_Name);
procedure Remove_First(Person : out Person_Name);
Pool : Person_Name_Array(1 .. 100);
Count : Natural := 0;
In_Index, Out_Index : Positive := 1;
end Buffer;
!corrigendum 9.11(9)
Replace the paragraph:
protected body Buffer is
entry Write(C : in Character)
when Count < Pool'Length is
Pool(In_Index) := C;
In_Index := (In_Index mod Pool'Length) + 1;
Count := Count + 1;
end Write;
protected body Buffer is
entry Append_Wait(Person : in Person_Name)
when Count < Pool'Length is
end Append_Wait;
procedure Append(Person : in Person_Name) is
if Count = Pool'Length then
raise Queue_Error with "Buffer Full"; -- see 11.3
end if;
Pool(In_Index) := Person;
In_Index := (In_Index mod Pool'Length) + 1;
Count := Count + 1;
end Append;
!corrigendum 9.11(10)
Replace the paragraph:
entry Read(C : out Character)
when Count > 0 is
C := Pool(Out_Index);
Out_Index := (Out_Index mod Pool'Length) + 1;
Count := Count - 1;
end Read;
end Buffer;
entry Remove_First_Wait(Person : out Person_Name)
when Count > 0 is
end Remove_First_Wait;
procedure Remove_First(Person : out Person_Name) is
if Count = 0 then
raise Queue_Error with "Buffer Empty"; -- see 11.3
end if;
Person := Pool(Out_Index);
Out_Index := (Out_Index mod Pool'Length) + 1;
Count := Count - 1;
end Remove_First;
function Cur_Count return Natural is
return Buffer.Count;
end Cur_Count;
function Max_Count return Natural is
return Pool'Length;
end Max_Count;
end Buffer;
!corrigendum 10.1.2(8)
!comment There is a lot of text inserted here, so this a dummy and the real
!comment thing is in the conflicts.
@xbullet<in the scope of a @fa<use_clause> which names an entity declared
within the declarative region of the @fa<library_item>.>
@xcode<@b<package> Office @b<is>
@b<end> Office;>
@xcode<@b<with> Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
@b<package> Office.Locations @b<is>
@b<type> Location @b<is new> Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
@b<end> Office.Locations;>
@xcode<@b<limited with> Office.Departments; --@ft<@i< types are incomplete>>
@b<private with> Office.Locations; --@ft<@i< only visible in private part>>
@b<package> Office.Employees @b<is>
@b<type> Employee @b<is private>;
@b<function> Dept_Of(Emp : Employee) @b<return access> Departments.Department;
@b<procedure> Assign_Dept(Emp : @b<in out> Employee;
Dept : @b<access> Departments.Department);
@b<type> Employee @b<is>
Dept : @b<access> Departments.Department;
Loc : Locations.Location;
@b<end record>;
@b<end> Office.Employees;
@b<limited with> Office.Employees;
@b<package> Office.Departments @b<is>
@b<type> Department @b<is private>;
@b<function> Manager_Of(Dept : Department) @b<return access> Employees.Employee;
@b<procedure> Assign_Manager(Dept : @b<in out> Department;
Mgr : @b<access> Employees.Employee);
@b<end> Office.Departments;>
The @fa<limited_with_clause> may be used to support mutually dependent
abstractions that are split across multiple packages. In this
case, an employee is assigned to a department, and a department has
a manager who is an employee. If a @fa<with_clause> with the reserved
word @b<private> appears on one library unit and mentions a second
library unit, it provides visibility to the second library unit, but
restricts that visibility to the private part and body of the first
unit. The compiler checks that no use is made of the second unit in
the visible part of the first unit.
!corrigendum 11.3(6)
Replace the paragraph:
raise Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error; -- see A.13
raise Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error; -- see A.13
raise Queue_Error with "Buffer Full"; -- see 9.11
!corrigendum 11.4.3(2)
Replace the paragraph:
with Ada.Exceptions;
use Ada;
package File_System is
type File_Handle is limited private;
package File_System is
type File_Handle is limited private;
!corrigendum 11.4.3(6)
Replace the paragraph:
package body File_System is
procedure Open(F : in out File_Handle; Name : String) is
if File_Exists(Name) then
"File not found: " & Name & ".");
end if;
end Open;
package body File_System is
procedure Open(F : in out File_Handle; Name : String) is
if File_Exists(Name) then
raise File_Not_Found with "File not found: " & Name & ".";
end if;
end Open;
!corrigendum 12.5.5(1)
!Comment This is a new clause, so this a dummy and the real thing is in the
!comment conflicts.
The actual type shall be a limited, task, protected, or synchronized interface
if and only if the formal type is also, respectively, a limited, task,
protected, or synchronized interface.
@xcode<@b<type> Root_Work_Item @b<is tagged private>;>
@b<type> Managed_Task @b<is task interface>;
@b<type> Work_Item(<@>) @b<is new> Root_Work_Item @b<with private>;
@b<package> Server_Manager @b<is>
@b<task type> Server @b<is new> Managed_Task @b<with>
@b<entry> Start(Data : @b<in out> Work_Item);
@b<end> Server;
@b<end> Server_Manager;>
This generic allows an application to establish a standard interface
that all tasks need to implement so they can be managed appropriately
by an application-specific scheduler.
!corrigendum 12.6(18)
Replace the paragraph:
with function "+"(X, Y : Item) return Item is <>;
with function Image(X : Enum) return String is Enum'Image;
with procedure Update is Default_Update;
with function "+"(X, Y : Item) return Item is <>;
with function Image(X : Enum) return String is Enum'Image;
with procedure Update is Default_Update;
with procedure Pre_Action(X : in Item) is null; -- defaults to no action
with procedure Write(S : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Desc : Descriptor)
is abstract Descriptor'Write; -- see 13.13.2
-- Dispatching operation on Descriptor with default
!corrigendum 12.7(11)
Insert after the paragraph:
For the purposes of matching, if the actual instance A is itself a
formal package, then the actual parameters of A are those specified
explicitly or implicitly in the formal_package_actual_part for A, plus,
for those not specified, the copies of the formal parameters of the
template included in the visible part of A.
the new paragraphs:
Example of a generic package with formal package parameters:
with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps; -- see A.18.6
with package Mapping_1 is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps(<>);
with package Mapping_2 is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps
(Key_Type => Mapping_1.Element_Type,
others => <>);
package Ordered_Join is
-- Provide a "join" between two mappings
subtype Key_Type is Mapping_1.Key_Type;
subtype Element_Type is Mapping_2.Element_Type;
function Lookup(Key : Key_Type) return Element_Type;
end Ordered_Join;
Example of an instantiation of a package with formal packages:
with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps;
package Symbol_Package is
type String_Id is ...
type Symbol_Info is ...
package String_Table is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps(Key_Type => String,
Element_Type => String_Id);
package Symbol_Table is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps(Key_Type => String_Id,
Element_Type => Symbol_Info);
package String_Info is new Ordered_Join(Mapping_1 => String_Table,
Mapping_2 => Symbol_Table);
Apple_Info : constant Symbol_Info := String_Info.Lookup("Apple");
end Symbol_Package;
!ACATS test
This one is going to be hard to test!
From: Georg Bauhaus
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:05 PM
!topic mistyped type in example?
!reference Amendmend D12 3.9.4
Clause 3.9.4 in Amendment-D12.html presents an example of
a descendant interface, viz. Synchronized_Queue.
Two new primitive operations are to be added. However,
the two procedures following Synchronized_Queue only have
a Queue parameter, not a Synchronized_Queue parameter.
Is this correct?
From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:10 PM
That was noticed during the review of the examples at the York ARG meeting.
(The examples were newly added in April.) There were several dozen changes to
the new examples (all marked as part of AI-433).
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