!standard A (2) 05-07-26 AI95-00424/03 !class presentation 05-04-05 !status Amendment 200Y 05-04-05 !status ARG Approved 11-0-0 05-04-17 !status work item 05-04-05 !status received 05-04-05 !priority High !difficulty Easy !subject List of language-defined units !summary The list of language-defined units needs to be updated. !question There is a list of language-defined units at the start of Annex A, but this does not include the many new units defined by the Amendment. Should these be added? (Yes.) !recommendation (See summary.) !wording (See corrigendum.) !discussion (See summary.) !corrigendum A(02) @drepl @xhang<@s9> @dby @xhang<@s9> !ACATS test None needed. !appendix ****************************************************************