Version 1.9 of ais/ai-00362.txt
!standard 03.09(06) 04-02-02 AI95-00362/06
!standard 11.04.01(02)
!standard 11.04.01(03)
!standard 13.07(03)
!standard 13.07(36)
!standard 13.07.1(03)
!standard 13.07.1(15)
!standard A.03.02(02)
!standard A.04.02(03)
!standard A.04.06(03)
!standard A.04.07(46)
!standard C.07.01(02)
!standard D.05(03)
!standard D.10(03)
!standard D.11(03)
!class amendment 03-11-26
!status Amendment 200Y 04-06-29
!status WG9 approved 04-11-18
!status ARG Approved 9-0-0 04-06-13
!status work item 03-11-26
!status received 03-10-04
!priority Medium
!difficulty Medium
!subject Some predefined packages should be recategorized
Some predefined packages have categorization added or strengthened.
Predefined Ada packages should be categorized as restrictively as possible,
in order for them to be as widely applicable as possible. AI-161 provides a
mechanism to allow more packages to be preelaborated. AI-366 loosens the
restrictions on pure packages. All Ada 95 packages should be checked to insure
that they are categorized correctly.
Preelaborated units automatically eliminate some sources of potential error
(including some checks that otherwise would have to be done at runtime). Thus,
it is to the advantage of Ada programmers to use them whereever possible. But
the categorization of predefined packages makes that impossible in many cases
where it otherwise would be possible:
Specific problems that have been identified include:
* Ravenscar and other restricted environments map naturally to preelaborated
units, but most real-time packages can't be used in preelaborated units.
* Raising and handling exceptions with information is needed in preelaborated
units; but Ada.Exceptions is not usable in such units;
* All forms of I/O are prohibited in preelaborated units (no predefined I/O
package is preelaborated), making it difficult to use preelaborated units
in environments where logging/field debugging are necessary (such as
unattended servers).
Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control is declared preelaborated.
Ada.Characters.Handling is declared pure.
Ada.Dynamic_Priorities is declared preelaborated.
Ada.Exceptions is declared preelaborated.
Ada.Strings.Maps is declared pure.
Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants is declared pure.
Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control is declared preelaborated.
Ada.Tags is declared preelaborated.
Ada.Task_Identification is declared preelaborated.
System is declared pure.
System.Storage_Elements is declared pure.
Change 3.9(6) to
package Ada.Tags is
pragma Preelaborate(Tags);
type Tag is private;
Change 11.4.1(2) to
package Ada.Exceptions is
pragma Preelaborate(Exceptions);
type Exception_Id is private;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Exception_Id);
Null_Id : constant Exception_Id;
function Exception_Name(Id : Exception_Id) return String;
Change 11.4.1(3) to
type Exception_Occurrence is limited private;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Exception_Occurrence);
type Exception_Occurrence_Access is access all Exception_Occurrence;
Null_Occurrence : constant Exception_Occurrence;
Change 13.7(3) to
package System is
pragma Pure(System);
Remove the last sentence of 13.7(36).
Change 13.7.1(2) to
package System.Storage_Elements is
pragma Pure(Storage_Elements);
Remove 13.7.1(15).
Change A.3.2(2) to
package Ada.Characters.Handling is
pragma Pure(Handling);
Change A.4.2(3) to
package Ada.Strings.Maps is
pragma Pure(Maps);
Change A.4.6(3) to
package Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants is
pragma Pure(Constants);
Add after A.4.7(46):
Pragma Pure is replaced by pragma Preelaborate in
Change C.7.1(2) to
package Ada.Task_Identification is
pragma Preelaborate(Task_Identification);
type Task_ID is private;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Task_Id);
Null_Task_ID : constant Task_ID;
function "=" (Left, Right : Task_ID) return Boolean;
Change D.5(3) to
with System;
with Ada.Task_Identification; --
package Ada.Dynamic_Priorities is
pragma Preelaborate(Dynamic_Priorities);
Change D.10(3) to
package Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control is
pragma Preelaborate(Synchronous_Task_Control);
Change the head of D.11(3) to
with Ada.Task_Identification;
package Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control is
pragma Preelaborate(Asynchronous_Task_Control);
Here we list all Ada 95 predefined packages and their standard categorization.
(We do not consider Annex E categorization here; AI-126 did that, and there
are not any proposed changes that would change the results of that AI.)
Packages that are not already either pure or preelaborated are examined to
see whether they should be given pragma Preelaborate; packages that are
preelaborated are examined to see whether they should be given pragma Pure.
The run-time implementation of two compilers (GNAT and Janus/Ada) also are
examined for impacts of any proposed change.
Remember that any dependences of a pure unit must be pure and any dependences
of a preelaborated unit must be pure or preelaborate.
We also asked implementers for comments on the difficulty of implementing
the first version of this proposal. Two implementers responded. DDCI reported
that they made the changes proposed and that no problems surfaced other than
with Ada.Characters.Mapping (which is solved by more recent versions of the
proposal). They would not want to see more extensive changes.
IBM Rational reported that making the I/O packages preelaborated would require
some rework. Moreover, Sequential_IO and Direct_IO included elaboration-time
size determinations.
They noted that it would always be possible to rewrite the packages to an
initialize-state-on-use strategy. (That is always a possible implementation
when a package depends on complex state initialized at elaboration time.)
They were concerned that a simple version of this (using a simple Boolean
flag) would be fragile in the face of tasking. (Two tasks could trigger
execution of the initialization at the same time). To fix that, a protected
object (and its overhead) would be required. In addition, such a technique
could be needed in a host of support units. Thus, restructuring of large
parts of the runtime could be needed.
Because of these points (and the fact that other implementers expressed
agreement with them), we did not propose to make any unit with significant
initial state preelaborated.
Standard -- A.1; Pure
Ada -- A.2; Pure
Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control -- D.11; not categorized.
This package depends on Ada.Task_Identification, so it cannot be pure.
This package is really an interface to the tasking runtime, and any state
needed is there. There should be no need for any separate initialization.
The task runtime must be able to be called from a pure package
(it is perfectly possible to declare or rendezvous with a task in a pure
package). Thus, this package should be Preelaborated.
Ada.Calendar -- 9.6; not categorized.
Some systems implement Clock by determining the difference between an
initial time and the current time. Getting the initial time requires
(system) subprogram calls during elaboration, which is not allowed in a
preelaborated unit.
For example, many Windows implementations use a combination of the system
time function and the high performance counter to provide decent precision
for Clock. The high performance counter is just a 64-bit counter for which
the elapsed time is the difference between two values. For this, an
initial value must be saved. Both the GNAT and Janus/Ada implementations
use this technique. Thus, making the package Preelaborated could cause an
intolerable performance incompatibility.
Oddly, AI-161 declares Ada.Calendar.Time as a type that has preelaborable
initialization, even though it is in a non-preelaborated package. The text
of the AI suggests that this is a mistake (it claims that these types are
declared in preelaborated packages).
Ada.Characters -- A.3.1; Pure
Ada.Characters.Handling -- A.3.2; Preelaborate
This package contains no state, no dependence on non-pure units, no
items that prevent the package from being pure, and does not declare
any types (so there is no problem with Annex E). The only possible reason
for not declaring this pure is so that it can be implemented by using
Ada.Strings.Maps. But this routine isn't complex enough for that to be
any real benefit. (And we're also proposing to change Ada.Strings.Maps.)
This package should be declared pure.
GNAT's implementation does with and use Ada.Strings.Maps, but does not
appear to actually reference it anywhere. Janus/Ada's implementation does
not depend on any other package.
Ada.Characters.Latin_1 -- A.3.3; Pure
Ada.Command_Line -- A.15; Preelaborate
This package has state -- the program's command line -- and thus cannot be
Ada.Decimal -- F.2; Pure
Ada.Direct_IO -- A.8.4; not categorized.
Any state that the operations need should be contained in the File_Type
object; separate state is not needed.
However, most Ada implementations depend on a central IO package to implement
all of the I/O. This package implements various operations that require state,
such as file cleanup (to deal with files left open by the program), OS
identification and the like. At least one implementer noted that extensive
rewriting of the package would be needed to make it preelaborated. They
also determined the size of file records at elaboration time.
The two implementations that we studied do not have problems.
GNAT uses a controlled object to clean up files in a package used by
Direct_IO. There is no other state in any of the packages. Janus/Ada uses
a small amount of state in a package used by Direct_IO, this could be moved
to Open/Create. There is no other state.
Still, given that a change here could cause extensive work, we are not
recommending a change in categorization for Direct_IO.
Ada.Dynamic_Priorities -- D.5; not categorized
This package depends on Ada.Task_Identification, so it cannot be pure.
This package is really an interface to the tasking runtime, and any state
needed is there. There should be no need for any separate initialization.
The task runtime must be able to be called from a pure package
(it is perfectly possible to declare or rendezvous with a task in a pure
package). Thus, this package should be Preelaborated.
Ada.Exceptions -- 11.4.1; not categorized
The package cannot be pure because it contains named access types (which
do not meet any of the exceptions in AI-366). Moreover, many of its
operations are not conceptually pure (they have significant side-effects).
The package Ada.Exceptions was not preelaborated in Ada 95 because of the
default initialized objects Null_Id and Null_Occurrence. With appropriate
use of pragma Preelaborable_Initialization, this limitation can be
eliminated. The package has no state of its own, and the routines it depends
upon must be able to be called from a pure package (it is perfectly possible
to raise and handle an exception in a pure package). Thus, this package
should be Preelaborated.
GNAT's implementation uses a lot of dependencies and state; we can't tell
if this change would be difficult to implement. Janus/Ada uses a 'built-in'
implementation of this package, thus the categorization has no impact on the
Ada.Finalization -- 7.6; Preelaborate
The operations defined by this package are not conceptually pure, so this
package should not be pure.
Ada.Float_Text_IO -- A.10.9; not categorized
Depends on Ada.Text_IO; see that unit for discussion.
Ada.Float_Wide_Text_IO -- A.11; not categorized
Depends on Ada.Wide_Text_IO; see that unit for discussion.
Ada.Integer_Text_IO -- A.10.8; not categorized
Depends on Ada.Text_IO; see that unit for discussion.
Ada.Integer_Wide_Text_IO -- A.11; not categorized
Ada.Interrupts -- C.3.2; not categorized
This package may need to execute code and/or system calls to gather the
initial state (the default handlers) of interrupts. Thus, the package cannot
be preelaborated.
Ada.Interrupts.Names -- C.3.2; not categorized
Depends on Ada.Interrupts; see the discussion of that unit.
Ada.IO_Exceptions -- A.13; Pure
Ada.Numerics -- A.5; Pure
Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions -- G.1.2; Pure
Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types -- G.1.1; Pure
Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random -- A.5.2; not categorized
The AARM notes that this cannot be pure, because the private part will
require an access type. All of the state should be implemented in the
generator object, so no initialization should be needed at elaboration time.
However, the implementation does have to depend on Ada.Calendar (or an
equivalent) to implement the one parameter Reset. Thus, since Calendar is
not preelaborated, neither can this package be preelaborated. Moreover,
the rule of A.5.2(39) requires execution of a statement at instantiation
elaboration time.
Neither GNAT nor Janus/Ada have any state here; both depend on Ada.Calendar.
Janus/Ada does execute some code at elaboration time to implement A.5.2(39);
GNAT makes this check on each call to Random (which doesn't correctly
implement A.5.2(39)).
Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions -- A.5.1; Pure
Ada.Numerics.Float_Random -- A.5.2; not categorized
The AARM notes that this cannot be pure, because the private part will
require an access type. All of the state should be implemented in the
generator object, so no initialization should be needed at elaboration time.
However, the implementation does have to depend on Ada.Calendar (or an
equivalent) to implement the one parameter Reset. Thus, since Calendar is
not preelaborated, neither can this package be preelaborated.
Neither GNAT nor Janus/Ada have any state here; both depend on Ada.Calendar.
Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions -- G.1.2; Pure
Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types -- G.1.1; Pure
Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions -- A.5.1; Pure
Ada.Real_Time -- D.8; not categorized
The implementation of this package is similar to Ada.Calendar, see that
package's discussion.
Ada.Sequential_IO -- A.8.1; not categorized
Any state that the operations need should be contained in the File_Type
object; separate state is not needed. However, this package has the same
issues as Direct_IO; see the discussion of that package.
GNAT uses a controlled object to clean up files in a package used by
Sequential_IO. There is no other state in any of the packages. Janus/Ada uses
a small amount of state in a package used by Sequential_IO, this could be
moved to Open/Create. There is no other state.
For the same reasons as Direct_IO, this package's categorization is not
Ada.Storage_IO -- A.9; Preelaborate
This probably could be made pure, but there doesn't seem to be any need.
Ada.Streams -- 13.13.1; Pure
Ada.Streams.Stream_IO -- A.12.1; not categorized
Any state that the operations need should be contained in the File_Type
object; separate state is not needed. However, this package has the same
issues as Direct_IO; see the discussion of that package.
GNAT uses a controlled object to clean up files in a package used by
Stream_IO. There is no other state in any of the packages. Janus/Ada uses
a small amount of state in a package used by Stream_IO, this could be moved
to Open/Create. There is no other state.
For the same reasons as Direct_IO, this package's categorization is not
Ada.Strings -- A.4.1; Pure
Ada.Strings.Bounded -- A.4.4; Preelaborate
This package contains no state, no dependence on non-pure units, no
other items that prevent the package from being pure, and does not declare
any types that would be a problem for Annex E, so it could be declared pure.
But it's large and complex, and many of the operations are not conceptually
pure (they do in-place updates), so no change is recommended.
Ada.Strings.Fixed -- A.4.3; Preelaborate
This package is similar to Ada.Strings.Bounded. For similar reasons,
no change is recommended; see the discussion on Ada.Strings.Bounded for
Ada.Strings.Maps -- A.4.2; Preelaborate
This package contains a named access-to-subprogram type. AI-366 makes
it possible for such packages to be pure.
This package contains no state, no dependence on non-pure units, no
other items that prevent the package from being pure, and does not declare
any types that would be a problem for Annex E.
This package should be declared pure.
Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants -- A.4.6; Preelaborate
Since Ada.Strings.Maps is now pure, this package can be as well.
Ada.Strings.Unbounded -- A.4.5; Preelaborate
Any implementation will have to depend on Ada.Finalization.
Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded -- A.4.7; Preelaborate
Depends on Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps, see that package's discussion.
Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed -- A.4.7; Preelaborate
Depends on Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps, see that package's discussion.
Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps -- A.4.7; Preelaborate
This package contains a named access-to-subprogram type. AI-366 makes
it possible for such packages to be pure. However, implementations of this
package may use access types. Thus, we are not recommending any change here.
Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Constants -- A.4.7; Preelaborate
Depends on Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps, see that package's discussion.
Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded -- A.4.7; Preelaborate
Depends on Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps, see that package's discussion.
Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control -- D.10; not categorized
This package is really an interface to the tasking runtime, and any state
needed is either in it or in Suspension_Object. There should be no need
for any separate initialization. The routines it depends upon must be able
to be called from a pure package (it is perfectly possible to declare or
rendezvous with a task in a pure package). Thus, this package should be
Ada.Tags -- 3.9; not categorized
Package Tags has state, so it cannot be pure. That state is generally either
set up at link-time (before elaboration) or during the elaboration of tagged
types (that is, during the elaboration of other units). In either case, no
complex state need be initialized at elaboration time. Thus, this package
can be Preelaborated.
GNAT's implementation includes a large number of routines beyond those in
the standard definition. Nevertheless, their package could be preelaborated.
Janus/Ada uses a 'built-in' implementation of this package, thus the
categorization has no impact on the implementation.
Ada.Task_Attributes -- C.7.2; not categorized
This package depends on Ada.Task_Identification and has an access type (with
a non-empty pool), so it cannot be pure. The state is either local or in the
task runtime; but setting it could require copying the Initial_Value object,
which is not allowed for a preelaborated package.
Ada.Task_Identification -- C.7.1; not categorized
This package is really an interface to the tasking runtime. It has no
state of its own. This package should not be pure, because we do not
want to insist on support of task_ids in multiple partitions. It couldn't be
preelaborated in Ada 95, because of the default initialized constant
Null_Task_Id. With appropriate use of pragma Preelaborable_Initialization,
this limitation can be eliminated. The package has no state of its own, and
the routines it depends upon must be able to be called from a pure package
(it is perfectly possible to declare or rendezvous with a task in a pure
package). Thus, this package should be Preelaborated.
GNAT's implementation uses a lot of dependencies but no state; we cannot tell
if this change would be difficult to implement. Janus/Ada uses a 'built-in'
implementation of this package, thus the categorization has no impact on the
Ada.Text_IO -- A.10.1; not categorized
The standard files require state and potentially system subprogram calls to
initialize. Therefore, Ada.Text_IO cannot be preelaborated.
Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO -- G.1.3; not categorized
Depends on Ada.Text_IO, see the discussion of that unit.
Ada.Text_IO.Editing -- F.3.3; not categorized
Depends on Ada.Text_IO, see the discussion of that unit.
Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams -- A.12.2; not categorized
Depends on Ada.Text_IO, see the discussion of that unit.
Ada.Unchecked_Conversion -- 13.9; Pure
Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation -- 13.11.2; Preelaborate
Doesn't need to be pure because it only works on a non-empty storage pool,
which is not allowed in a Pure package.
Ada.Wide_Text_IO -- A.11; not categorized
This should be the same as Ada.Text_IO; see the discussion there.
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO -- G.1.3; not categorized
This should be the same as Ada.Wide_Text_IO; see the discussion there.
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Editing -- F.3.4; not categorized
This should be the same as Ada.Wide_Text_IO; see the discussion there.
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Text_Streams -- A.12.3; not categorized
This should be the same as Ada.Wide_Text_IO; see the discussion there.
Interfaces -- B.2; Pure
Interfaces.C -- B.3; Pure
Interfaces.C.Pointers -- B.3.2; Preelaborate
Can't be pure because it contains an access type that doesn't meet the
exceptions of AI-366.
Interfaces.C.Strings -- B.3.1; Preelaborate
Can't be pure because it contains an access type that doesn't meet the
exceptions of AI-366.
Interfaces.COBOL -- B.4; Preelaborate
This contains variables Ada_to_Cobol and Cobol_to_Ada in the specification.
Thus, it cannot be pure.
Interfaces.Fortran -- B.5; Pure
System -- 13.7; Preelaborate
Ada 95 already allows this to be pure. It did not require this to be pure
because we did not want to require System.Address to be transmitted between
partitions. However, all of the existing compiler implementers that responded
reported that System was already pure in their compiler (and thus
transmitting was supported). Since that is not considered an issue by
implementers, we should simply define this package as pure.
Note that making this pure may require some implementations to support
explicit 'Read/'Write redefinitions, as AI-366 requires that of any
type which has an access type part. It is known that some implementations
implement Address as a private type with a full type that is an access type.
This is not a problem, as 13.7(36) allows anything to be added to System.
System.Address_To_Access_Conversions -- 13.7.2; Preelaborate
Declares a named access type with a non-empty pool; thus it cannot be pure.
System.Machine_Code -- 13.8; unspecified
This package's contents and thus categorization are implementation-defined.
System.RPC -- E.5; not categorized
It is expected that this package will need to set up the communications
channel when it elaborates, thus it cannot be Preelaborable.
System.Storage_Elements -- 13.7.1; Preelaborate
This depends on System, which we are changing the categorization of.
It also had a permission to be pure in Ada 95; and it does nothing
that would be a problem. Thus we require that it be pure.
System.Storage_Pools -- 13.11; Preelaborate
Doesn't need to be pure because only empty storage pools are allowed in
Pure packages.
None needed for this proposal.
!corrigendum 3.9(06)
Replace the paragraph:
package Ada.Tags is
type Tag is private;
package Ada.Tags is
pragma Preelaborate(Tags);
type Tag is private;
!corrigendum 11.4.1(02)
Replace the paragraph:
package Ada.Exceptions is
type Exception_Id is private;
Null_Id : constant Exception_Id;
function Exception_Name(Id : Exception_Id) return String;
package Ada.Exceptions is
pragma Preelaborate(Exceptions);
type Exception_Id is private;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Exception_Id);
Null_Id : constant Exception_Id;
function Exception_Name(Id : Exception_Id) return String;
!corrigendum 11.4.1(03)
Replace the paragraph:
type Exception_Occurrence is limited private;
type Exception_Occurrence_Access is access all Exception_Occurrence;
Null_Occurrence : constant Exception_Occurrence;
type Exception_Occurrence is limited private;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Exception_Occurrence);
type Exception_Occurrence_Access is access all Exception_Occurrence;
Null_Occurrence : constant Exception_Occurrence;
!corrigendum 13.7(03)
Replace the paragraph:
package System is
pragma Preelaborate(System);
package System is
pragma Pure(System);
!corrigendum 13.7(36)
Replace the paragraph:
An implementation may add additional implementation-defined declarations to
package System and its children. However, it is usually better for the
implementation to provide additional functionality via implementation-defined
children of System. Package System may be declared pure.
An implementation may add additional implementation-defined declarations to
package System and its children. However, it is usually better for the
implementation to provide additional functionality via implementation-defined
children of System.
!corrigendum 13.7.1(02)
Replace the paragraph:
package System.Storage_Elements is
pragma Preelaborate(System.Storage_Elements);
package System.Storage_Elements is
pragma Pure(Storage_Elements);
!corrigendum 13.7.1(15)
Delete the paragraph:
Package System.Storage_Elements may be declared pure.
!corrigendum A.3.2(02)
Replace the paragraph:
package Ada.Characters.Handling is
pragma Preelaborate(Handling);
package Ada.Characters.Handling is
pragma Pure(Handling);
!corrigendum A.4.2(03)
Replace the paragraph:
package Ada.Strings.Maps is
pragma Preelaborate(Maps);
package Ada.Strings.Maps is
pragma Pure(Maps);
!corrigendum A.4.6(03)
Replace the paragraph:
package Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants is
pragma Preelaborate(Constants);
package Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants is
pragma Pure(Constants);
!corrigendum A.4.7(46)
Insert after the paragraph:
Character_Set : constant Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set;
-- Contains each Wide_Character value WC such that Characters.Is_Character(WC) is True
the new paragraph:
Pragma Pure is replaced by
pragma Preelaborate in Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Constants.
!corrigendum C.7.1(02)
Replace the paragraph:
package Ada.Task_Identification is
type Task_ID is private;
Null_Task_ID : constant Task_ID;
function "=" (Left, Right : Task_ID) return Boolean;
package Ada.Task_Identification is
pragma Preelaborate(Task_Identification);
type Task_ID is private;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Task_Id);
Null_Task_ID : constant Task_ID;
function "=" (Left, Right : Task_ID) return Boolean;
!corrigendum D.5(03)
Replace the paragraph:
with System;
with Ada.Task_Identification; -- See C.7.1
package Ada.Dynamic_Priorities is
with System;
with Ada.Task_Identification; -- See C.7.1
package Ada.Dynamic_Priorities is
pragma Preelaborate(Dynamic_Priorities);
!corrigendum D.10(03)
Replace the paragraph:
package Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control is
package Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control is
pragma Preelaborate(Synchronous_Task_Control);
!corrigendum D.11(03)
Replace the paragraph:
with Ada.Task_Identification;
package Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control is
procedure Hold(T : in Ada.Task_Identification.Task_ID);
procedure Continue(T : in Ada.Task_Identification.Task_ID);
function Is_Held(T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_ID)
return Boolean;
end Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control;
with Ada.Task_Identification;
package Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control is
pragma Preelaborate(Asynchronous_Task_Control);
procedure Hold(T : in Ada.Task_Identification.Task_ID);
procedure Continue(T : in Ada.Task_Identification.Task_ID);
function Is_Held(T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_ID)
return Boolean;
end Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control;
!ACATS test
ACATS test(s) should be constructed to check that the listed packages
are pure and/or preelaborable.
Report on making System Pure:
Taft (Sofcheck) : No problem (presuming AI-366 passes).
Dismukes (GNAT): Already Pure.
Cvar (OCS): Already Pure.
Eilers (Irvine): Already Pure.
Nielsen (DDCI): Already Pure.
Brukardt (RRS): Categorization of built-in packages unchecked; effectively Pure.
Questions? Ask the ACAA Technical Agent