Version 1.2 of ais/ai-00353.txt

Unformatted version of ais/ai-00353.txt version 1.2
Other versions for file ais/ai-00353.txt

!standard D.7 (10)          03-10-23 AI95-00353/02
!class amendment 02-09-24
!status Amendment 200Y 03-10-23
!status ARG Approved 10-0-0 03-10-03
!status work item 02-09-24
!status received 02-09-24
!priority High
!difficulty Medium
!subject New Restrictions identifier No_Synchronous_Control
A new Restricitions identifier is needed to specify that there are no dependencies on Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control to enable the development of runtime systems that do not include any part of an Ada tasking kernel.
In some implementations, the feature Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control requires the inclusion of a portion of the tasking module of an Ada runtime system. To enable the development of a minimal runtime system that eliminates all of the Ada tasking and scheduling features, a new restriction is needed to specify that there are no dependencies on Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control.
(See wording.)
Following paragraph 10 of section D.7 add the following
There are no semantic dependences on the package Synchronous_Task_Control.
!corrigendum D.7(10)
Insert after the paragraph:
There are no semantic dependences on the package Asynchronous_Task_Control.
the new paragraph:
There are no semantic dependences on the package Synchronous_Task_Control.
!ACATS test
An ACATS test should be created for this pragma.

From: Joyce Tokar
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003  12:11 PM

Attached please find two candidate AIs that are a result of last week's IRTAW
meeting.  I am submitting these for consideration of the ARG at the next


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