Version 1.3 of ais/ai-00301.txt

Unformatted version of ais/ai-00301.txt version 1.3
Other versions for file ais/ai-00301.txt

!standard A.4.5          02-08-23 AI95-00301/02
!class amendment 02-06-12
!status work item 02-06-12
!status received 02-06-12
!priority Medium
!difficulty Easy
!subject Missing operations in Ada.Strings.Unbounded
Additional Index functions are added to Ada.Strings.Fixed, Ada.Strings.Bounded, and Ada.Strings.Unbouned. Some additional operations are added to Ada.Strings.Unbounded and Ada.Strings.Bounded. I/O operations on unbounded strings are provided in a new child package of Ada.Text_IO.
The interface defined for Ada.Strings.Unbounded contains several instances where the Unbounded_String abstraction is incomplete. For instance, the Insert, Overwrite, and Replace_Slice routines do not include a version in which the new portion is an Unbounded_String. Thus, it is necessary to leave the Unbounded_String abstraction (by converting to String) in order to use these operations. This extra conversion also carries an unnecessary time and storage overhead.
A similar problem occurs when a slice of an Unbounded_String is needed. The Slice function returns a String, which is outside of the Unbounded_String abstraction.
Another problem is that Unbounded_Strings typically are implemented as a controlled type. That means that an assignment of an Unbounded_String has substantial overhead in the form of calls to Finalize and Adjust, and probably includes allocation of memory. Unbounded_Strings are often given values with the function To_Unbounded_String. However, when this function is used in an assignment statement, memory may be allocated twice (once by the function, and once by Adjust), which is substantial extra overhead. A procedure version of To_Unbounded_String would avoid this problem.
A commonly encountered problem is the need to find all of the occurrences of a pattern in a string. The Index function always searches the entire string. This is not a major problem for a String, as searching the appropriate slice is easy. However, for an Unbounded_String, the only practical solution is to convert the Unbounded_String to a String, again breaking the abstraction. A variant with a starting index as a parameter would be very useful.
And finally, I/O operations with Unbounded_Strings as parameters are not provided. These are commonly needed, and (in the case of Get_Line) are not trivial to write. An child package similar to the ones provided for Complex types would be valuable.
Additional Index functions are added to Ada.Strings.Fixed:
function Index (Source : in String; Pattern : in String; From : in Positive; Going : in Direction := Forward; Mapping : in Maps.Character_Mapping := Maps.Identity) return Natural; -- If Going = Forward, this is equivalent to -- Index (Source(From..Source'Last), Pattern, Going, Mapping) -- Otherwise, this is equivalent to -- Index (Source(Source'First..From), Pattern, Going, Mapping)
function Index (Source : in String; Pattern : in String; From : in Positive; Going : in Direction := Forward; Mapping : in Maps.Character_Mapping_Function) return Natural; -- If Going = Forward, this is equivalent to -- Index (Source(From..Source'Last), Pattern, Going, Mapping) -- Otherwise, this is equivalent to -- Index (Source(Source'First..From), Pattern, Going, Mapping)
function Index (Source : in String; Set : in Maps.Character_Set; From : in Positive; Test : in Membership := Inside; Going : in Direction := Forward) return Natural; -- If Going = Forward, this is equivalent to -- Index (Source(From..Source'Last), Set, Test, Going) -- Otherwise, this is equivalent to -- Index (Source(Source'First..From), Set, Test, Going)
function Index_Non_Blank (Source : in String; From : in Positive; Going : in Direction := Forward) return Natural; -- If Going = Forward, this is equivalent to -- Index_Non_Blank (Source(From..Source'Last), Going) -- Otherwise, this is equivalent to -- Index_Non_Blank (Source(Source'First..From), Going)
Similar functions are added to Ada.Strings.Bounded and Ada.Strings.Unbounded.
The following operation is added to package Ada.Strings.Bounded:
procedure To_Bounded_String
(Target : in out Bounded_String;
Str : in String);
-- Identical in effect to Target := To_Bounded_String (Str);
The following operation is added to package Ada.Strings.Unbounded:
procedure To_Unbounded_String
(Target : in out Unbounded_String;
Str : in String);
-- Identical in effect to Target := To_Unbounded_String (Str);
The following operations are added to package Ada.Strings.Unbounded:
function Slice
(Source : in Unbounded_String;
Low : in Positive; High : in Natural)
return Unbounded_String; -- Identical to To_Unbounded_String (Slice (Source, Low, High));
procedure Slice
(Source : in Unbounded_String;
Target : out Unbounded_String; Low : in Positive; High : in Natural);
-- Identical to Target := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (Source, Low, High));
function Replace_Slice
(Source : in Unbounded_String;
Low : in Positive; High : in Natural; By : in Unbounded_String)
return Unbounded_String; -- Identical in effect to -- Replace_Slice (Source, Low, High, To_String (By));
procedure Replace_Slice
(Source : in out Unbounded_String;
Low : in Positive; High : in Natural; By : in Unbounded_String);
-- Identical in effect to -- Replace_Slice (Source, Low, High, To_String (By));
function Insert
(Source : in Unbounded_String;
Before : in Positive; New_Item : in Unbounded_String)
return Unbounded_String; -- Identical in effect to Insert (Source, Before, To_String (New_Item));
procedure Insert
(Source : in out Unbounded_String;
Before : in Positive; New_Item : in Unbounded_String);
-- Identical in effect to Insert (Source, Before, To_String (New_Item));
function Overwrite
(Source : in Unbounded_String;
Position : in Positive; New_Item : in Unbounded_String)
return Unbounded_String; -- Identical in effect to -- Overwrite (Source, Position, To_String (New_Item));
procedure Overwrite
(Source : in out Unbounded_String;
Position : in Positive; New_Item : in Unbounded_String);
-- Identical in effect to -- Overwrite (Source, Position, To_String (New_Item));
Similar operations are added to Ada.Strings.Bounded.
The following child package is defined:
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; package Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO is
procedure Put (File : in File_Type; Item : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); -- Identical in effect to -- Ada.Text_IO.Put (File, To_String (Item));
procedure Put (Item : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); -- Identical in effect to -- Ada.Text_IO.Put (To_String (Item));
procedure Put_Line (File : in Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; Item : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); -- Identical in effect to -- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (File, To_String (Item));
procedure Put_Line (Item : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); -- Identical in effect to -- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (To_String (Item));
function Get_Line (File : in File_Type) return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; -- Equivalent to: -- declare -- Buffer : String (1 .. String'Last); -- Last : Natural; -- begin -- Get_Line (File, Buffer, Last); -- return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String(Buffer(1..Last)); -- end; -- Note: This code will not work on most compilers.
function Get_Line return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; -- Identical to Get_Line (Ada.Text_IO.Current_Input);
procedure Get_Line (File : in File_Type; Item : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); -- Equivalent to Item := Get_Line (File);
procedure Get_Line (Item : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); -- Equivalent to Item := Get_Line;
end Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
There is a similar package for Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Wide_Unbounded_IO.
Detailed wording changes are not yet provided.
However, the existing Index routines ought to be described in terms of the new versions with the From parameter, not the other way around.
Get_Line ought to be described in terms of words similar to the existing Get_Line, not as above.
The new operations added to Ada.Strings.Fixed, Ada.Strings.Bounded, and Ada.Strings.Unbounded could potentially cause new ambiguities in programs if there is a use clause for the string package. However, this is unlikely, and no programs change meaning (any incompatibilities cause compile-time errors).
The procedure version of To_Bounded_String and To_Unbounded_String probably would be better named 'Set'. However, that would increase the possibility of a name collision incompatibility, so we did not change the names.
An earlier proposal for the Index functions was to add a defaulted From parameter to the end of the existing routine. This would look like:
function Index (Source : in String; Pattern : in String; Going : in Direction := Forward; Mapping : in Maps.Character_Mapping := Maps.Identity; From : in Positive := 1) return Natural;
This has the advantage of not adding new routines. However, there are several serious drawbacks. First, this is significantly more incompatable than just adding new routines. Adding a parameter like this affects renames and overridings. One compiler vendor notes that they've seen derivations of Unbounded_Strings in their customer's code.
Second, the correct default value is not clear. For Ada.Strings.Fixed, it depends on the bounds of Source and Going. Since a default value cannot depend on the values of other parameters, it is not possible to write the correct default value. For Ada.Strings.Bounded and Ada.Strings.Unbounded, the value depends on Going and Length(Source), which again is a problem. We could define the parameter to have type Natural, and define 0 to mean the start or end of Source as needed, but that seems very ugly and confusing.
Thus, we added new routines with the From parameter as the last non-defaulted parameter.
Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.Get_Line can be implemented as follows:
procedure Get_Line (File : in File_Type; Item : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is Buffer : String (1 .. 80); Last : Natural; begin Get_Line (File, Buffer, Last); Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (Item, Buffer(1..Last)); while Last = Buffer'Last loop Get_Line (File, Buffer, Last); Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (Item, Buffer(1..Last)); end loop; end Get_Line;
However, all of the I/O operations can be better implemented if they have access to the internal representation of the Unbounded_String type. That can be accomplished with an implementation-defined child package of Ada.Strings.Unbounded.
Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO is defined as a child of Text_IO to match the already existing Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO. This makes the definition of a similar package for Bounded_Strings complex. It could be defined something like:
with Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length; generic with package Bounded is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length (<>); package Ada.Text_IO.Bounded_IO is
procedure Put (File : in File_Type; Item : in Bounded.Bounded_String);
end Ada.Text_IO.Bounded_IO;
but this didn't seem to have sufficient benefit to mandate. (An implementation can add this package if it likes.) Note that we're never going to be totally consistent here, as Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO already exists for another purpose, and such a package would not make any sense anyway, as Text_IO already includes the needed operations.
Consider the task of finding all occurrences of a given string Pattern in a given Unbounded_String Source. Currently, one either has to convert the whole unbounded string into a string and search on that, or implement the search oneself (ignoring character mappings here):
declare Src_Length : constant Natural := Length (Source); From : Positive := 1; begin while From + Pattern'Length - 1 <= Src_Length loop if Slice (Source, From, From + Pattern'Length - 1) = Pattern then -- Found an occurrence of Pattern; process it, then advance From From := From + Pattern'Length; -- No overlapping occurrences! else From := From + 1; end if; declare end loop; end;
This incurs quite some extra storage overhead because the (necessary!) call to Slice is required to return a copy of the slice of Source.Reference. With the proposed new Index functions, this could be simplified to:
declare Src_Length : constant Natural := Length (Source); From : Positive := 1; Idx : Natural; begin while From + Pattern'Length - 1 <= Src_Length loop Idx := Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Index (Source, Pattern, From); exit when Idx = 0; -- Found an occurrence of Pattern starting at Idx. -- Process this occurrence, then advance From From := Idx + Pattern'Length; -- No overlapping occurrences! end loop; end;
which may be much more efficient because there are no intermediary copies to String involved.
The same is true for writing an Unbounded_String. Currently, one has to do
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (My_Unbounded_String));
which also incurs this extra intermediary String representation, which could be avoided with the new operation
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO (My_Unbounded_String);

Editor's note: The original proposal was submitted by Thomas Wolf on
Wednesday, June 12, 2002. It was edited slightly, but otherwise used intact
as the initial draft of this AI.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002  10:14 PM

Thanks for the submission.

I've recently had similar problems using Unbounded_Strings. The fact that
you have to frequently convert to strings to get anything done is rather
annoying. I'm surprised I haven't heard about it before. (I personally
hadn't tried to use Unbounded_Strings before the recent program, a spam

Some comments:

I ran into a significant performance problem when I needed to test whether
the start of an unbounded string matched some other string. The simple
solution of
   if Index (Source, To_String(Pattern)) = 1 then
turned out to be horribly inefficient.

The better solution of
   if Slice (Source, 1, Length(Pattern)) = To_String(Pattern) then
is wrong if Source is too short (Constraint_Error is raised).

The correct solution of
   if Length (Source) >= Length (Pattern) and then
      Slice (Source, 1, Length(Pattern)) = To_String(Pattern) then
also is rather inefficient, because it has 5 function calls and two
unconstrained string returning function calls, which need to use heap or
other expensive memory allocation, and of course, two extra copies.

Being a compiler writer, I ended up declaring
    Is_Prefix (Source, Pattern : in Unbounded_String)
in a child package, and implemented it myself. But I don't recommend that
solution to everyone.

I also ran into the missing Index from the middle issue (which comes up when
you want to process all of the matches for the pattern), which I solved by
punting: convert to a String and use Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index.

> Also, while there is a function To_Unbounded_String, there is
> no procedural variant for this operation. However, such a
> procedure would be very useful, for it might be more efficient
> than the function.

Arguably, a procedural variant of To_String also would be useful, and it
certainly would be more efficient. (Indeed, the To_Unbounded_String
function, which returns a bounded record type, is usually cheap in most

> Implementation advice: all these new operations should be implemented such
> that no extra (intermediary) copy of the string (slice) data is created.

I'm not sure there is much point to this. The existing implementations of
Ada.Strings.Unbounded vary wildly in efficiency, I don't see any reason to
try to say anything more about any new functions.

I realize that you are trying to prevent people from implementing these
simply by calling Slice or To_String, but an implementor that would do that
probably has done it in many other parts of Ada.Strings.Unbounded.


>   function Get_Line
>     (File : in Ada.Text_IO.File_Type)
>     return Unbounded_String;
>   --  Reads up to the end of the line, returning the whole line as an
>   --  unbounded string. If a line terminator is met, Skip_Line is (in effect)
>   --  called with a spacing of 1, and the characters up to but not including
>   --  the line terminator are returned. If a file terminator is met, the
>   --  characters up to but not including the file terminator are returned,
>   --  except if the file terminator is met before any characters have been
>   --  read; in this case, Ada.IO_Exceptions.End_Error is raised.

There are two problems with this. First, you've left out the part of about
what happens if the string is full. This is a real issue on compilers where
Integer is 16-bit. The standard has to cover all of the cases, even if they
are unlikely on most implementations.

Second, there is no good reason to change the semantics of Get_Line at a
file terminator. But this is based on a serious misconception about Ada (see
below). And in any case, Get_Line should operate like the Get_Line we all

> Implementation advice: the Put and Put_Line operations should be implemented
> such that no extra copy of the string data occurs.

This one if even more dubious than the first one. It's likely that the
implementation has to copy the string data for the existing Put and
Put_Line, to put it into a buffer or to pass it to the operating system.
You're saying that it can't do that? I think every implementation would have
to violate this advice, making it useless. I realize your point is that you
want the string directly written out, but again I think you have to leave
this to the implementor.

> BTW: since Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_Line returns True when a line *or a file*
> terminator are next in the input (A.10.5(13)), I believe it would make sense
> to clearly define that Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line does *not* raise End_Error upon
> the last line of a file if that last line has no line terminator, but ends
> on EOF directly. Otherwise, it may get rather difficult to read the last
> line of such a file. In other words, define "end of the line" as "line
> terminator or EOF", and Get_Line to read up to the end of the line (and
> call Skip_Line (1) if it stopped on a line terminator, but not if it
> stopped on EOF).

Why do you think this is not true? There is always an line terminator (and
page terminator) before the file terminator, see A.10(7). If a file does not
explicitly have a line terminator at the end of the file, the implementation
has to implicitly provide one. That's been true since Ada 80.

> It should also be evaluated whether similar additions as proposed above
> for bounded strings (Ada.Strings.Bounded) would make sense.

Deleting bounded strings would make more sense. :-)

In your discussion section, you probably should mention that being forced to
leave the unbounded string abstraction to do common operations substantially
weakens the abstraction. If you have to do it often enough, you begin to
wonder what exactly you are gaining by using Unbounded_String. (I doubt that
I will use Unbounded_String again, because it was as messy or messier than
simply using good old regular strings - in large part because I continually
had to convert back to String.)


From: Ted Baker
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002  5:55 AM

I would second Randy's comments on Unbounded_String.  Back when we
were teaching Ada here I tried to introduce this package for
students to use in programming assignments.  I ended up giving up.
I reverted to an Ada 83-style package of my own construction in
which the (length, string) components were both visible.
Otherwise, the students ended up doing so many copying conversion
operations that I felt embarassed.  I was embarassed because the
less perceptive students might think I meant to teach that
sloppiness about recopying arrays is good style, and the better
students might conclude that Ada is an inherently inefficient


From: Thomas Wolf
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002  5:20 AM

On 12 Jun 2002 at 22:14, Randy Brukardt wrote:

> I've recently had similar problems using Unbounded_Strings.

Good to see that I'm not the alone with this!

> Second, there is no good reason to change the semantics of Get_Line at a
> file terminator. But this is based on a serious misconception about Ada (see
> below). And in any case, Get_Line should operate like the Get_Line we all
> expect.

About the misconception, see below.

> > Implementation advice: the Put and Put_Line operations should be
> > implemented such that no extra copy of the string data occurs.
> This one if even more dubious than the first one. It's likely that the
> implementation has to copy the string data for the existing Put and
> Put_Line, to put it into a buffer or to pass it to the operating system.
> You're saying that it can't do that? I think every implementation would have
> to violate this advice, making it useless. I realize your point is that you
> want the string directly written out, but again I think you have to leave
> this to the implementor.

No. The intention of this is just to discourage an implementation like

procedure Put_Line (S : in Unbounded_String) is
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (To_String (S));
end Put_Line;

(well, at least discourage it unless the compiler is smart enough to
avoid doing in effect

     Tmp : String := To_String (S);
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Tmp);

That's what I meant by "extra copy". Note that I wrote "extra copy",
not just "copy".)

> Why do you think this is not true? There is always an line terminator (and
> page terminator) before the file terminator, see A.10(7). If a file does not
> explicitly have a line terminator at the end of the file, the implementation
> has to implicitly provide one. That's been true since Ada 80.

Indeed. I misread A.10(7) and was tricked into thinking it wasn't so
because I have come across at least one implementation that didn't do
it this way and failed horribly on the last line of a file if that line
didn't have and end-of-line. But you're right, the whole issue is moot.

> > It should also be evaluated whether similar additions as proposed above
> > for bounded strings (Ada.Strings.Bounded) would make sense.
> Deleting bounded strings would make more sense. :-)

I do see the smiley, but much as I'd like to see it go, it wouldn't be
backwards compatible. So I'm afraid somebody will have to think about
whether there should be similar operations for bounded strings, too.


From: Robert A. Duff
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002  9:27 AM

> No. The intention of this is just to discourage an implementation like
> procedure Put_Line (S : in Unbounded_String) is
> begin
>   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (To_String (S));
> end Put_Line;

It's a mistake to try to put this sort of thing in a standard.
If you want the compiler to do things efficiently, pester your
compiler vendor (preferably with checkbook in hand).  ;-)

The language definition should make it feasible, and perhaps even easy,
to do things efficiently.  But it should not try to *force* efficiency.

> (well, at least discourage it unless the compiler is smart enough to
> avoid doing in effect
>   declare
>      Tmp : String := To_String (S);
>   begin
>      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Tmp);
>   end;
> That's what I meant by "extra copy". Note that I wrote "extra copy",
> not just "copy".)

OK, I have an implementation that does 37 copies, but it doesn't do the
"extra" 38'th one I was thinking of.  Is that good enough?  ;-)

My point is that defining "extra" in the context of a standard is not
feasible.  So don't waste a lot of energy trying.

Compiler writers do not deliberately try to make their products
inefficient.  Of course they cut corners to save money.  So what they
need is pressure from paying customers, so they can set their
optimization priorities right.


From: Robert A. Duff
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002  9:39 AM

Randy said:

> Deleting bounded strings would make more sense. :-)

A year or so ago, I was writing a lexical analyzer.
I needed a buffer to keep the token text in (for identifiers
and the like), and there's a max length for tokens,
so I used Bounded_Strings, with a max length of 1000 or so.

I expected the lexer to be slower than the parser, since lexers look at
each character, whereas parsers look only at each token.  But the lexer
was 60 *times* slower, which surprised me.

After some investigation, I discovered that for each token, and for each
whitespace and comment character, it was entering the block that
declared the buffer.  One might expect that to be nearly free -- it has
to initialize the buffer length to 0.

But the implementation of Bounded_Strings initialized all 1000
characters (because some AI says "=" has to compose on these things)!

Changing it to use my own record type (length plus array of characters,
just like Bounded_String, but without the useless initialization),
increased the speed of the lexer by a factor of 100.

So much for reusable abstractions.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002  6:30 AM

> Implementation advice: the Put and Put_Line operations should be implemented
> such that no extra copy of the string data occurs.

The Ada RM is no place to put in requests for some particular optimization
that you want to see. How to spend time and effort in improving performance
of various language constructs is between vendors and the marketplace.

This partciular IA is ill advised in my opinion in any case, but for sure
IA of this type does not belong.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002  7:17 AM

> Compiler writers do not deliberately try to make their products
> inefficient.  Of course they cut corners to save money.  So what they
> need is pressure from paying customers, so they can set their
> optimization priorities right.

It is not a matter of cutting corners even. A simple implementation that
does an extra copy may be far superior to a complex one that does an
extra copy if the time for the extra copy is negligible in the entire
context of performance requirements.


From: Robert A. Duff
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002  11:55 AM

> It is not a matter of cutting corners even.

Well, perhaps "cutting corners" is a somewhat rude choice of words.

>... A simple implementation that
> does an extra copy may be far superior to a complex one that does an
> extra copy if the time for the extra copy is negligible in the entire
> context of performance requirements.

I think you're missing a "not" in the above sentence.  Amusing typo.  ;-)

Anyway, you and I obviously agree that the kind of optimization advice
being discussed does not belong in the RM.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002  6:33 AM

Here is a package that we provide with GNAT that we have found useful for
solving some of these problems

--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT RUNTIME COMPONENTS                          --
--                                                                          --
--            A D A . S T R I N G S . U N B O U N D E D . A U X             --
--                                                                          --
--                                 S p e c                                  --
--                                                                          --
--                            $Revision: 1.3 $                              --
--                                                                          --
--          Copyright (C) 1992-1998, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
-- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
--                                                                          --
-- As a special exception,  if other files  instantiate  generics from this --
-- unit, or you link  this unit with other files  to produce an executable, --
-- this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  executable  to  be --
-- covered  by the  GNU  General  Public  License.  This exception does not --
-- however invalidate  any other reasons why  the executable file  might be --
-- covered by the  GNU Public License.                                      --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
--                                                                          --

--  This child package of Ada.Strings.Unbounded provides some specialized
--  access functions which are intended to allow more efficient use of the
--  facilities of Ada.Strings.Unbounded, particularly by other layered
--  utilities (such as GNAT.Patterns).

package Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Aux is
pragma Preelaborate (Aux);

   function Get_String (U  : Unbounded_String) return String_Access;
   pragma Inline (Get_String);
   --  This function returns the internal string pointer used in the
   --  representation of an unbounded string. There is no copy involved,
   --  so the value obtained references the same string as the original
   --  unbounded string. The characters of this string may not be modified
   --  via the returned pointer, and are valid only as long as the original
   --  unbounded string is not modified. Violating either of these two
   --  rules results in erroneous execution.
   --  This function is much more efficient than the use of To_String
   --  since it avoids the need to copy the string. The lower bound of the
   --  referenced string returned by this call is always one.

   procedure Set_String (UP : in out Unbounded_String; S : String);
   pragma Inline (Set_String);
   --  This function sets the string contents of the referenced unbounded
   --  string to the given string value. It is significantly more efficient
   --  than the use of To_Unbounded_String with an assignment, since it
   --  avoids the necessity of messing with finalization chains. The lower
   --  bound of the string S is not required to be one.

   procedure Set_String (UP : in out Unbounded_String; S : String_Access);
   pragma Inline (Set_String);
   --  This version of Set_String takes a string access value, rather than a
   --  string. The lower bound of the string value is required to be one, and
   --  this requirement is not checked.

end Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Aux;


--  ----------------------------
--  revision 1.1
--  date: 1997/01/25 15:24:52;  author: dewar;  state: Exp;
--  Initial revision
--  ----------------------------
--  revision 1.2
--  date: 1997/01/26 20:31:05;  author: dewar;
--  Add pragma Inline for Set_String
--  (Set_String): New version taking a String_Access value
--  ----------------------------
--  revision 1.3
--  date: 1998/04/27 12:14:21;  author: dewar;
--  Remove unused withs
--  Add missing copyright line to header
--  ----------------------------
--  New changes after this line.  Each line starts with: "--  "


From the minutes of the Vienna meeting:

Randy explains that the readability of programs using unbounded strings is a
problem, because you have to convert to type String to do anything interesting.

Jean-Pierre comments that unbounded strings are really for storage; don't use
them for manipulation. That doesn't seem to be the intent expressed in the

Tucker would like to see a procedure version of To_Unbounded_String. He also
would like to add a defaulted starting parameter to all the Index functions.
Pascal immediately claims that that is not compatible.

Tucker hates making this look like an add-on. The new parameter would have to
be at the end. In that case, only renames (and overriding via derivation) would
be incompatible. These are unlikely.

There is not much interest in the slice version of the operations that were

The group feels that I/O is generally valuable. Complex has this, and it is a
child of Text_IO. But you need access to the representation of unbounded
string. So it appears that it has to be a child of Unbounded. Steve Baird
objects, you could have an implementation package as a child of Unbounded.

Thus, we settle on the name Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO to make it like
Complex_IO. It could be a rename from an implementation package. There also
would be a wide version (Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Unbounded_IO), of course.

The From parameter will need to be added to all index functions (for Fixed,
Bounded, and Unbounded).


From: Adam Beneschan []
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 3:33 PM

[Editor's note: This comment was sent on a different subject, but since it
gives information about the real-world uses of Unbounded_Strings, I've also
attached it here...]

It may not be as weird as you think.  If Ada.Strings.Unbounded.-
Unbounded_String (defined as untagged private) is implemented as a
child of Ada.Finalization.Controlled (which is tagged), as suggested
by the Rationale, then any package that tries to derive from
Unbounded_String will run into this situation.  (We've seen real-life
Ada code that does define types derived from Unbounded_String.)


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