Version 1.1 of ais/ai-00265.txt
!standard D.2.2 (5) 01-05-10 AI95-00265/01
!standard D.7 (00)
!class amendment 01-05-10
!status work item 01-05-10
!status received 01-05-10
!priority High
!difficulty Medium
!subject Task Activation Policy for High-Integrity Systems
A configuration pragma is proposed to select the task activation
policy. This is in response to certification concerns about hazardous
race conditions that could occur due to tasks being activated prior to
completion of the library-level elaboration code.
There are determinism and hazard mitigation issues relating to task
activation semantics for Safety-Critical and High-Integrity applications.
To satisfy the requirements of the Safety Critical and High-Integrity
domains, there is a need to define the behavior of program elaboration
to be atomic; that is, no interrupts are delivered and task activation
shall be deferred until the completion of all library-level elaboration
code. This eliminates all hazards that relate to tasks and interrupt
handlers accessing global data prior to it having been elaborated,
without having to resort to potentially complex elaboration order
control. In some cases, it may be that the correct sequential
elaboration order of the library units conflicts with an order that
would need to be imposed to allow a task to use fully-elaborated global
data as part of execution of its elaboration code.
A proposed approach to addressing this concern is to introduce a
configuration pragma that defines the task activation policy. This
pragma is considered independently of the Ravenscar Profile definition
since this dynamic behavior is optional rather than mandated by the
Profile. In addition, it may be required by programs that do not use
the Ravenscar Profile.
The policy is selected by configuration pragma Task_Activation_Policy.
Two policy identifiers are defined by the Standard : Deferred and
Standard. The default policy is Standard.
Static Semantics
pragma Task_Activation_Policy ( <policy_identifier> );
Dynamic Semantics
Task_Activation_Policy => Standard
With the Standard value as the task activation policy, the execution of
the declarative part of the Environment task is as defined by the
standard mode of operation with respect to task activation and interrupt
handler attachment.
Task_Activation_Policy => Deferred
With the Deferred value as the task activation policy, all task
activation for library-level tasks, and all interrupt handler attachment
for library-level interrupt handlers is deferred. The deferred task
activation and handler attachment occurs immediately after the "begin"
of the Environment task. At this point, the Environment task is
suspended until all deferred task activation and handler attachment is
In this mode of operation, it is a bounded error for the Environment
task to execute a potentially-blocking operation other than a delay
statement during its declarative part. Program_Error may be raised by
the call, or the active partition may deadlock.
In this mode of operation, it is a bounded error for any deferred task
activation to fail. The Environment task and all tasks whose
activations fail are terminated. A task whose activation succeeds may
continue to execute, or may instead become immediately terminated,
thereby completing execution of the active partition.
Implementation Advice
For a Task_Activation_Policy of Deferred, if the Environment task executes
a (permanently) blocking operation during its declarative part (prior to
activation of tasks and enabling of delivery of interrupts) then it is
recommended that the active partition be immediately terminated. However,
detection of this case may introduce distributed overhead in the runtime
execution, and so it is not mandated.
If any deferred task activation fails, it is recommended that the active
partition be immediately terminated to mitigate the hazard posed by
continuing execution with a subset of the tasks being active. However,
detection of this case may introduce distributed overhead in the runtime
execution, and so it is not mandated.
!ACATS test
[Editor's note: This originally was part of the Ravenscar proposal,
see AI-249.]
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