Version 1.10 of ais/ai-00254.txt

Unformatted version of ais/ai-00254.txt version 1.10
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!standard 3.10 (06)          04-05-24 AI95-00254/08
!standard 3.10 (12)
!standard 3.7 (09)
!standard 3.10.2 (13)
!standard 4.9.1 (02)
!standard 6.1 (24)
!standard 6.1 (27)
!standard 8.5.1 (03)
!standard 8.5.1 (04)
!class amendment 00-12-06
!status Amendment 200Y 04-01-13
!status ARG Approved 11-0-2 03-12-12
!status work item 02-11-06
!status ARG Approved 5-0-2 02-02-11
!status work item 01-08-29
!status received 00-12-06
!priority Low
!difficulty Hard
!subject Anonymous access to subprogram types
Anonymous access-to-subprogram types are introduced as possible forms of access parameters and in other contexts as well by analogy with anonymous access-to-object types. Such anonymous types increase the flexibility of manipulating an access to a subprogram and in particular allow an access to a subprogram at any level to be passed as an actual parameter to a subprogram.
Despite the improvements introduced in Ada 95, there is still no convenient way to perform certain general operations such as integration, minimization, iteration etc. where the operation has to be parameterized by a subprogram. This functionality was provided in Algol 60 and Pascal and it is surprising that it is not in Ada. This is the main motivation for introducing anonymous access-to-subprogram types.
Furthermore, experience with anonymous access-to-object types has shown that they are not as flexible as might have been desired and it is thus proposed that they be permitted in more contexts as described in AI-230 and with further control over whether they have a null value as described in AI-231. Similar flexibility is hereby proposed for anonymous access-to-subprogram types.
NOTE: this AI assumes that AI-230 and AI-231 are approved. It is based on AI-230/12 and AI-231/09. Changes may be required if these AIs are modified.
The key change is that the syntactic form access_definition which currently is used solely for anonymous access-to-object types is extended to include anonymous access-to-subprogram types. Thus
access_definition ::= [null_exclusion] access [general_access_modifier] subtype mark | [null_exclusion] access [protected] procedure parameter_profile | [null_exclusion] access [protected] function parameter_and_result_profile
Recall that AI-230 permits access_definition in contexts other than as formal parameters. We will first consider the use of anonymous access-to-subprogram types as formal parameters and then in other contexts.
function Integrate(Fn: access function(X: Float) return Float; Lo, Hi: Float) return Float;
The actual subprogram corresponding to an anonymous access-to-subprogram parameter such as Fn must be an access value designating a subprogram which is subtype conformant to the formal profile. If a null_exclusion is supplied then the actual parameter must not be null (this is a runtime check).
Thus within the function Integrate we might have
function F(X: Float) return Float is begin return ...; end F;
... := Integrate(F'access, 0.0, 1.0);
The only operations permitted on a formal subprogram parameter such as Fn are a) to call it, b) to pass it as an actual parameter to another subprogram call, and c) to rename it, see below. (This simple semantics avoids many implementation problems and parallels the functionality of the corresponding construction in languages such as Pascal.)
The accessibility level of such parameters is considered to be infinite. This prevents all explicit type conversions on such parameters. Moreover, since they are of anonymous type (like access-to-object parameters) this implies that assignment of them is forbidden. Note that the infinite accessibility level also prevents the writing of Fn.all'Access which could otherwise create a hidden type conversion. (These restrictions again avoid a number of potential implementation difficulties.)
Accessibility checks are never required and so such parameters do not need to carry an accessibility level with them in contrast to access-to-object parameters.
Default parameters are permitted for access-to-subprogram parameters with the usual semantics for parameters of mode in.
The convention of an access-to-subprogram parameter is protected if the access definition includes the word protected and otherwise is the convention of the subprogram that contains the parameter.
Anonymous access-to-subprogram types may also be used in other contexts by analogy with access-to-object types and in particular as extended by AI-230. These contexts are renamings, component definitions and discriminants.
In these other contexts, the infinite accessibility rule does not apply. They take the normal accessibility level as applied to access-to-object types.
Thus we might have
P: access function (F: Float) return Float renames Fn;
Note that we are renaming the parameter Fn of Integrate which is an object, we are not renaming a subprogram per se. The accessibility level is inherited from the renamed object which might or might not be infinite.
type R is record CP: access function(F: Float) return Float; end record;
A_Record: R := (CP => Sqrt'access);
type A is array (Integer range <>) of access function(F: Float)return Float;
An_Array: A := (Sqrt'access, Sin'access, Log'access,...);
type DR(D: access function(Integer) return Integer) is record ... end record;
In all these situations subtype conformance is required.
This assumes wording as already modified by AI-230/12 and AI-231/09.
Replace 3.7(9) by
The subtype of a discriminant may be defined by an optional null_exclusion and a subtype_mark, in which case the subtype_mark shall denote a discrete or access subtype, or it may be defined by an access_definition. A discriminant that is defined by an access_definition is called an access discriminant and is of an anonymous access type.
Replace 3.10(6) by
null_exclusion ::= not null
access_definition ::= [null_exclusion] access [general_access_modifier] subtype mark | [null_exclusion] access [protected] procedure parameter_profile | [null_exclusion] access [protected] function parameter_and_result_profile
Replace 3.10(12) by
An access_definition defines an anonymous general access type or an anonymous access-to-subprogram type. For a general access type, the subtype mark denotes its designated subtype; if the reserved word constant appears, the type is an access-to-constant type; otherwise it is an access-to-variable type. For an access-to-subprogram type, the parameter_profile or parameter_and_result_profile denotes its designated profile. If a null_exclusion is present, or the access_definition is for a controlling access parameter (see 3.9.2), the access_definition defines an access subtype which excludes the null value; otherwise the subtype includes a null value.
Replace 3.10.2(13) by
* The accessibility level of the anonymous access type of an access
parameter specifying an access-to-object type is the same as that of the view designated by the actual. If the actual is an allocator, this is the accessibility level of the execution of the called subprogram.
* The accessibility level of the anonymous access type of an access parameter
specifying an access-to-subprogram type is infinite.
Replace 4.9.1(2) by
A subtype statically matches another subtype of the same type if they have statically matching constraints. Two anonymous access subtypes statically match if their designated subtypes statically match or their designated profiles are subtype conformant.
Replace 6.1(24) by
An access parameter is a formal in parameter specified by an access_definition. An access parameter is of an anonymous access type (see 3.10). Access parameters of an access-to-object type allow dispatching calls to be controlled by access values. Access parameters of an access-to-subprogram type permit calls to subprograms passed as parameters irrespective of their accessibility level.
Replace 6.1(27) by
* For any access parameters of an access-to-object type, the designated
subtype of the parameter type.
* For any access parameters of an access-to-subprogram type, the subtypes of
the profile of the parameter type.
Add after 6.3.1(13)
* The calling convention for an access parameter of an access-to-subprogram
type is protected if the reserved word protected appears in its definition and otherwise is the convention of the subprogram that contains the parameter.
Replace 8.5.1(3) by
The type of the object_name shall resolve to the type determined by the subtype_mark, or in the case where the type is defined by an access_definition, to a specific anonymous access type which in the case of an access-to-object type shall have the same designated type as that of the access definition and in the case of an access-to-subprogram type shall have a designated profile which is subtype conformant with that of the access_definition.
Replace 8.5.1(4) by
The renamed entity shall be an object. In the case of a renaming with an access_definition of an access-to-object type, then the access_definition shall be of an access-to-constant type if and only if the renamed object is of an access-to-constant type.
Add after 8.6(25):
* when T is an anonymous access-to-subprogram type (see 3.10), to an access-to-subprogram type whose designated profile is subtype conformant with that of T.
There are two basic uses for what might loosely be called pointers to subprograms. One use is as parameters to other subprograms where the parameter defines the activity to be performed; examples are routines for integration, iteration and so on. The other use is where the subprogram is provided for return communication purposes (usually known as callback); the pointer is passed to some other program which later calls back to the client by calling the subprogram whose address was handed over. A variation on this is where pointers to subprograms are held in data structures for later use.
The first usage was familiar in older languages such as Algol and Pascal. The second usage was provided in newer languages such as C and Modula. Ada 83 was unhelpful in both areas and workarounds had to be used. Ada 95 solved the callback problem through the introduction of named access-to- subprogram types. However, the functional parameterization problem in its general form still remains.
LSN 1083, a condensed version of which is at the end of this discussion section, outlined the problem and identified two possible solutions, namely, the introduction of limited access to subprogram types or, alternatively, access to subprogram parameters. It concluded that it would have been inappropriate to include either at the time of the design of Ada 9X largely because of implementation difficulties for display-based implementations and for those with shared generics. It should be noted that it was recognized that there were workarounds involving generics and/or the new tagged types.
The example in LSN 1083 concerns iterators. An example from the field of numerical analysis is presented after this discussion.
The workarounds provided in Ada 95 essentially involve polymorphism of some form - either dynamic polymorphism using tagged types or static polymorphism using generics. The workaround using tagged types is verbose and unnatural. And that involving generics lacks generality because of the static nature of generic instantiation.
with hindsight, it is clear that the tagged workaround is so unnatural as to not be a workaround at all in the mind of the potential user.
The generic workaround for numerical applications can lean on the excuse that standard routines should be generic anyway because of the desire to parameterize the floating type. However, such parameterization has perhaps been a lost cause because most users just use Float or Long_Float anyway.
The other objection concerned implementation difficulty with display based models. However, it is now clear that, given appropriate restrictions on the details of the feature, the implementation difficulties are not so severe as once thought.
As mentioned above, the ability to pass access to subprogram parameters with full scope environment intact was a standard feature of Algol 60 and widely used by numerical applications some 40 years ago. The feature was also present in Algol 68 and Pascal. It was not part of Ada 83 because it was claimed that it violated one of the Steelman requirements for predictability; the objection was that it allowed dynamic binding of procedure calls and thus it was not possible in general to predict which actual subprogram was called in certain circumstances. With hindsight this was a foolish objection because predictability for safety-critical programs is marred by many other dynamic features and in any event a particular program does not have to use the feature. The workaround provided by Ada 83 was of course the generic mechanism. If Ada claims to be a general purpose language then it ought to provide the full range of useful standard techniques that have evolved over the years.
It is concluded (see the example) that the workarounds are not satisfactory and that Ada 2005 should include the feature.
LSN 1083 suggested two mechanisms: limited access-to-subprogram types and access-to-subprogram parameters. Of these, the second is preferred because (a) it is close to the techniques in Algol 60 and Pascal, and (b) it fits in with the existing access parameters. This mechanism is thus proposed here.
The example discussed below shows the access-to-subprogram profile in situ thus
package Integrate is function Do_It(Fn: access function(X: Float) return Float; Lo, Hi: Float); end;
In some ways it could be argued that Ada 95 made the situation seem worse. In Ada 83, one had to use generics and just put up with it. Ada 95 introduced access-to-subprogram types which work for simple situations; however, this perhaps led to the expectation that access-to-subprogram types would work for all situations. It is rather frustrating to find that it does not. This lack of natural extensibility is unfortunate.
Ada 83 had just one workaround. Ada 95 has at least three different workarounds, two use generics and one uses tagged types - none is satisfactory.
There now follows a somewhat condensed form of LSN 1083 which was written during the design of Ada 9X. It concluded by recommending that downward closures not be supported for three reasons: a) it is a burden for some implementations, b) workarounds exist, c) it is too big a change at this stage (Ada 9x time).
Addressing these three reasons: a) the proposal given here disallows all assignment of access-to-subprogram parameters thereby greatly reducing the implementation burden, b) the workarounds are horrid and a continual embarrassment in a general purpose language, c) seemingly much bigger changes are being formulated for Ada 2005 and it would not seem that much of a change to users but a relief.
Finally it should be noted that further flexibility is being added for access types in general by AI-230 and AI-231. In particular anonymous access-to-object types are being permitted in contexts such as renaming and as components. For uniformity, similar flexibility is proposed for access-to-subprogram types. These follow automatically from the few general wording changes concerning the syntactic item access_definition.
============== LSN 1083 (slightly condensed extracts)
1 Background to Downward Closures:
Ada's access-to-subprogram types represent assignable subprogram values. They support the ability to create data structures containing the identities of subprograms. They support callbacks, where one software component declares a subprogram and hands its identity to another software component, which can then "call back" the first software component at a later time.
These types do not support downward closures, where the identity of a more nested subprogram can be passed to a less nested subprogram. Downward closures can be used, for example, to implement iterators, like this:
package P is type Integer_Set is private; ... -- various operations type Integer_Action is access procedure(I: Integer); procedure Iterate(S: Integer_Set; Action: Integer_Action); -- Call Action on each member of S. end P;
function Count(S: Integer_Set) return Natural is Result: Natural := 0; procedure Increment(I: Integer) is begin Result := Result + 1; end Increment; begin Iterate(S, Increment'access); -- Illegal! return Result; end Count;
Increment'Access above is illegal, because Increment is more nested than type Integer_Action. It would be bad to have to make Increment global, because that would require making the variable Result global. It is a bad idea to force the use of global variables in a language that has tasks -- in this example, Count would not be reentrant if Result were global.
Note that this situation is typical of iterators and similar things -- in typical use, the action passed to an iterator will often need visibility upon a variable declared in the caller of the iterator, in order to accumulate some sort of result.
The reason for the restriction is that access-to-subprogram types allow assignment. At the point where Iterate is called, we don't know if the body of Iterate is going to save the access value in a global variable. We disallow passing the nested Increment procedure because Iterate might save a pointer to it, and call it later, after Increment (and the variable Result) no longer exist.
2 Implementation Issues:
In a language (like Ada) with nested subprograms, each subprogram needs some way to access its environment -- that is, the variables declared outside it. There are two common methods for representing this environment: static links, and displays. Most Ada compilers use static links, but some use displays. One key difference between the two methods is that static links have a compile-time-known size (32 bits, on a typical machine), whereas the size of a display depends on the maximum nesting depth throughout the partition.
In an implementation with static links, an access-to-subprogram value is generally represented as a pair of addresses -- the address of the subprogram's code, and the static link. However, given the current Ada 9X rules, an access-to-subprogram type that is declared at library level does not need the static link -- it can be represented as just a code address. This is nice, because it is efficient, and it allows the representation to easily match C's typical representation of function pointers. Access-to-subprogram types declared one level deeper than library level can also be represented as just a code address. However, two or more levels deeper requires the static link.
In an implementation with displays, given the current rules, an access-to-subprogram value can be represented as just a code address -- it is not necessary to attach a display to each access value. This also has the nice interoperability-with-C property.
It has been suggested that downward closures be supported by allowing the Unchecked_Access attribute on subprograms. This is rejected because it would be unsafe and it would be uncomfortable to introduce erroneousness to a high-level feature like downward closures. It would also require every access-to-subprogram value to carry a static link or display, because the nesting level of the designated subprogram would no longer be restricted at compile time. This would break the interoperability-with-C property, and would be less efficient.
3 Possible implementations:
There are two ways to support downward closures that we would recommend, if downward closures are to be supported. Both ways recognize the fact that downward closures really need a separate feature from the callback style of access-to-subprograms:
- Limited access-to-subprogram types.
- Access-to-subprogram parameters.
limited access types were in an earlier version of Ada 9X. Since they would be limited, assignment would be disallowed, so downward-closure-style parameter passing could be allowed, and would be safe. The compiler would implement limited access-to-subprogram types with a static link or display. Nonlimited ones would retain the interoperability-with-C property. The syntax would be something like this:
type Integer_Action is limited access procedure(I: Integer); -- ^^^^^^^ procedure Iterate(S: Integer_Set; Action: Integer_Action); -- Call Action on each member of S.
Type conversion from limited to nonlimited would be illegal.
Access-to-subprogram parameters would be an extension to access parameters (not to be confused with parameters of a named access type). The syntax would be something like this:
procedure Iterate(S: Integer_Set; Action: access procedure(I: Integer)); -- Call Action on each member of S.
This is quite similar to the syntax used in Pascal. As for any access parameter, the access type would be anonymous. Parameter type matching would be based on the designated profile. Access parameters already use run-time accessibility checks -- this new kind would do likewise. Thus, assignment would be allowed, but the accessibility checks would prevent dangling pointers. In our iterator example, if Iterate were to try to copy Action to a global variable (during the call to Iterate from Count), then Constraint_Error would be raised, because Count.Increment is too deeply nested. The value of an access-to-subprogram parameter would need to have a static link or display. Library-level access types could retain the interoperability-with-C property.
Of the two workable methods outlined above, the access-to-subprogram parameters method would be somewhat simpler in Reference Manual terms, because it would be able to piggyback on the existing access parameters feature for its rules and semantics. The implementation complexity seems equivalent. Efficiency of the limited access types method would be slightly better, because it would not be necessary to pass in information needed for the run-time accessibility checks. Limited access types would be the first elementary limited types; we would have to reword the parameter passing rules to avoid a contradictory requirement to pass by copy and by reference. (It doesn't really matter which is done, actually.)
For implementations with static links, the implementation of either method is straightforward. Such implementations already need to include a static link in at least some access-to-subprogram values, and the downward-closure ones would be the same.
However, for implementations with displays, either method is an implementation burden, because:
- The current rules do not require carrying the display
with the access-to-subprogram value, whereas the new rules would.
- The size of the display is not easily known at compile time.
Its size can be calculated at run time, or a maximum possible size can be known if there is a restriction on nesting depth. Either way, managing the passing of the unknown size display causes complexity. ...
It should also be noted that an implementation with displays would be less efficient than one with static links, because an indirect call would require copying the entire display. It's not that big of a deal, however -- it just means copying several words of memory, and there would be no distributed overhead.
4 Conclusion
We (reluctantly) recommend not supporting downward closures, because:
- An implementation burden exists for display-based implementations.
- Workarounds exist.
- It seems like too big a change to make to the language at this
late date.
I say "reluctantly" recommend, because it is clear to me that the functionality is desirable, and if we were designing Ada 9X from scratch, we would support downward closures.
================ End of condensed form of LSN 1083
Consider the problem of integrating a function Fn of one variable X between limits Lo and Hi. The specification of a function to do this might be
package Integrate is type Integrand is access function(X: Float) return Float; function Do_It(Fn: Integrand; Lo, Hi: Float) return Float; end;
If the function to be integrated is a simple pure mathematical function such as Sqrt, with specification
function Sqrt(X: Float) return Float;
and which is declared at library level, then in order to integrate it between limits of 0 and 1, we simply write
Result := Integrate.Do_It(Sqrt'access, 0.0, 1.0);
Suppose, however, that the function to be integrated is more complex such that its value is not given just by the single parameter X but that auxiliary information has to be supplied as well. Because of the need to match the type Integrand, this can only be done via variables global to the function and difficulties are then encountered.
A good practical example is provided by a double integral where the function to be integrated is itself the result of an integration. Suppose we wish to compute the integral of the product xy over the square region [0, 1],[0, 1]. We can pose this as the result of integrating the function G(x) between 0 and 1 where the value of G(x) is the result of integrating the function F(y) between 0 and 1 where F(y) is in fact xy and thus depends upon x as well as upon y.
(The astute reader will instantly see that the answer is 1/4 and so there is no point in this silly example; such a reader can imagine a double elliptic function substituted for the humble product and allow us mere mortals to continue with our simplest of examples.)
The answer is given by
Result := Integrate.Do_It(G'access, 0.0, 1.0);
The essence of G is
function G(X: Float) return Float is begin return Integrate.Do_It(F'access, 0.0, 1.0); end G;
where the function F is
function F(Y: Float) return Float is begin return X*Y; end F;
The natural way to arrange this is as follows
with Integrate; procedure Main is function G(X: Float) return Float is function F(Y: Float) return Float is begin return X*Y; end F; begin return Integrate.Do_It(F'access, 0.0, 1.0); -- illegal end G;
Result: Float; begin Result := Integrate.Do_It(G'access, 0.0, 1.0); -- illegal ... end Main;
The function F is declared inside G so that it can access X. However, this is illegal in Ada 95 because we cannot apply Access to a subprogram declared at an inner level to the access type concerned (in this case the access type is Integrate.Integrand). Thus both F'Access and G'Access are illegal. We can of course move G to the top level without too much trouble thus
with Integrate; function G(X: Float) return Float is function F(Y: Float) return Float is begin return X*Y; end F; begin return Integrate.Do_It(F'access, 0.0, 1.0); -- illegal end G;
with Integrate; with G; procedure Main is Result: Float; begin Result := Integrate.Do_It(G'access, 0.0, 1.0); -- OK ... end Main;
But the trouble remains with F'Access. We could of course move F to the top level as well and use a global variable to copy the value of X thus
package Nasty is Variable: Float; end Nasty;
with Nasty; function F(Y: Float) return Float is begin return Nasty.Variable*Y; end F;
with Integrate; with F; with Nasty; function G(X: Float) return Float is begin Nasty.Variable := X; return Integrate.Do_It(F'access, 0.0, 1.0); end G;
with Integrate; with G; procedure Main is Result: Float; begin Result := Integrate.Do_It(G'access, 0.0, 1.0); ... end Main;
Apart from being nasty programming, it does not work in a multi-tasking situation. This therefore has to be rejected as a general approach.
There are two almost respectable workarounds. The first uses generics. We rewrite the integrate package as a generic thus
generic package Generic_Integrate is type Integrand is access function(X: Float) return Float; function Do_It(Fn: Integrand; Lo, Hi: Float) return Float; end;
and then we instantiate this at the level concerned. We now go back to the original example and obtain
with Integrate; procedure Main is function G(X: Float) return Float is function F(Y: Float) return Float is begin return X*Y; end F;
package F_Integrate is new Generic_Integrate;
begin return F_Integrate.Do_It(F'access, 0.0, 1.0); end G;
package G_Integrate is new Generic_Integrate;
Result: Float; begin Result := G_Integrate.Do_It(G'access, 0.0, 1.0); ... end Main;
Note that the instantiation has to be done at the inner level in order to avoid the accessibility problem. This means that it has to be done twice unless we use the Nasty.Variable trick.
This workaround is unnatural in that it introduces the genericity sledgehammer where there is no real genericity in the problem.
Another workaround uses tagged types. The integrate package then becomes
package Integrate is type Integrator is abstract tagged null record; function Integrand(X: Float; Int: Integrator) return Float is abstract; function Do_It(Fn: Integrator'Class; Lo, Hi: Float) return Float; end;
Inside the body of Do_It there will be dispatching calls on Integrand and the correct integrand is thus chosen according to the tag of Fn. This contrasts with the situation using access types where within the body of Do_It the choice of integrand was determined by the access-to-subprogram parameter in which case the actual parameter was simply called by dereferencing.
The idea is that we now extend the type Integrator as necessary to enable it to pass any auxiliary data such as the nonlocal variable X.
with Integrate; package P is
type F_Integrator is new Integrate.Integrator with record X_Copy: Float; end record; function Integrand(Y: Float: Int: F_Integrator) return Float;
type G_Integrator is new Integrate.Integrator with null record; function Integrand(X: Float: Int: G_Integrator) return Float; end P;
package body P is
function Integrand(Y: Float: Int: F_Integrator) return Float is begin return Int.X_Copy*Y; end Integrand;
function Integrand(X: Float: Int: G_Integrator) return Float is Int_F: F_Integrator; begin Int_F.X_Copy := X; return Integrate.Do_It(Int_F, 0.0, 1.0); end Integrand;
with Integrate, P; procedure Main is Int_G: P.G_Integrator; Result: Float; begin Result := Integrate.Do_It(Int_G, 0.0, 1.0); ... end Main;
The above will work and is flexible and does not involve generics. However, by no stretch of the imagination can it be considered natural or elegant. It is absolutely disgusting. It is probably the case that typical programmers can only use this technique by copying an example from a textbook. It therefore fails as an acceptable workaround.
The proposed solution using access-to-subprogram parameters is as follows. The integrate package now becomes
package Integrate is function Do_It(Fn: access function(X: Float) return Float; Lo, Hi: Float) return Float; end;
Note that the function Do_It now has an access-to-subprogram parameter. The program becomes
with Integrate; procedure Main is function G(X: Float) return Float is function F(Y: Float) return Float is begin return X*Y; end F; begin return Integrate.Do_It(F'access, 0.0, 1.0); end G;
Result: Float; begin Result := Integrate.Do_It(G'access, 0.0, 1.0); ... end Main;
Note that this is precisely how we originally tried to write it. There are no longer any problems with accessibility because the accessibility of the parameter type is deemed to be infinite.
An alternative proposal might be to mirror more closely the procedure parameter facility of Pascal and so sweep the access mechanism under the rug. This would mean that the calls of Integrate.Do_It would have actual parameters of just F and G rather than F'Access and G'Access. Although this might be more natural if starting from scratch, nevertheless given the existence of access-to-subprogram types for callback etc, it seems more natural to make the notations uniform.
Finally, it should be noted that neither of the above workarounds were applicable to Ada 83 which did not have access-to-subprogram types. Instead a generic formal parameter had to be used in order to pass the function to be integrated. The integration function might be
generic with function Fn(X: Float) return Float; function Generic_Integrate(Lo, Hi: Float) return Float;
The program then becomes
with Integrate; procedure Main is function G(X: Float) return Float is function F(Y: Float) return Float is begin return X*Y; end F;
function F_Integrate is new Generic_Integrate(F);
begin return F_Integrate(0.0, 1.0); end G;
function G_Integrate is new Generic_Integrate(G);
Result: Float; begin Result := G_Integrate(0.0, 1.0); ... end Main;
Again two instantiations are required; this time because each instantiation applies to a different function to be integrated. Some variations are possible such as making Lo and Hi generic parameters as well.
It could be argued that using generics is always the best way since we should really parameterize with the floating type as well. However, if multiple instantiations are to be avoided then we still have to use access-to- subprogram parameters.
!corrigendum 3.7(9)
Replace the paragraph:
The subtype of a discriminant may be defined by a subtype_mark, in which case the subtype_mark shall denote a discrete or access subtype, or it may be defined by an access_definition (in which case the subtype_mark of the access_definition may denote any kind of subtype). A discriminant that is defined by an access_definition is called an access discriminant and is of an anonymous general access-to-variable type whose designated subtype is denoted by the subtype_mark of the access_definition.
The subtype of a discriminant may be defined by an optional null_exclusion and a subtype_mark, in which case the subtype_mark shall denote a discrete or access subtype, or it may be defined by an access_definition. A discriminant that is defined by an access_definition is called an access discriminant and is of an anonymous access type.
!corrigendum 3.10(6)
Replace the paragraph:
access_definition ::= access subtype_mark
null_exclusion ::= not null access_definition ::= [null_exclusion] access [general_access_modifier] subtype_mark | [null_exclusion] access [protected] procedure parameter_profile | [null_exclusion] access [protected] function parameter_and_result_profile
!corrigendum 3.10(12)
Replace the paragraph:
An access_definition defines an anonymous general access-to-variable type; the subtype_mark denotes its designated subtype. An access_definition is used in the specification of an access discriminant (see 3.7) or an access parameter (see 6.1).
An access_definition defines an anonymous general access type or an anonymous access-to-subprogram type. For a general access type, the subtype_mark denotes its designated subtype; if the reserved word constant appears, the type is an access-to-constant type; otherwise it is an access-to-variable type. For an access-to-subprogram type, the parameter_profile or parameter_and_result_profile denotes its designated profile. If a null_exclusion is present, or the access_definition is for a controlling access parameter (see 3.9.2), the access_definition defines an access subtype which excludes the null value; otherwise the subtype includes a null value.
!corrigendum 3.10.2(13)
Replace the paragraph:
!corrigendum 4.9.1(2)
Replace the paragraph:
A subtype statically matches another subtype of the same type if they have statically matching constraints. Two anonymous access subtypes statically match if their designated subtypes statically match.
A subtype statically matches another subtype of the same type if they have statically matching constraints. Two anonymous access subtypes statically match if their designated subtypes statically match or their designated profiles are subtype conformant.
!corrigendum 6.1(24)
Replace the paragraph:
An access parameter is a formal in parameter specified by an access_definition. An access parameter is of an anonymous general access-to-variable type (see 3.10). Access parameters allow dispatching calls to be controlled by access values.
An access parameter is a formal in parameter specified by an access_definition. An access parameter is of an anonymous access type (see 3.10). Access parameters of an access-to-object type allow dispatching calls to be controlled by access values. Access parameters of an access-to-subprogram type permit calls to subprograms passed as parameters irrespective of their accessibility level.
!corrigendum 6.1(27)
Replace the paragraph:
!corrigendum 6.3.1(13)
Insert after the paragraph:
the new paragraph:
!corrigendum 8.5.1(3)
Replace the paragraph:
The type of the object_name shall resolve to the type determined by the subtype_mark.
The type of the object_name shall resolve to the type determined by the subtype_mark, or in the case where the type is defined by an access_definition, to a specific anonymous access type which in the case of an access-to-object type shall have the same designated type as that of the access_definition and in the case of an access-to-subprogram type shall have a designated profile which is subtype conformant with that of the access_definition.
!corrigendum 8.5.1(4)
Replace the paragraph:
The renamed entity shall be an object.
The renamed entity shall be an object. In the case where the type is defined by an access_definition of an access-to-object type, the renamed entity shall be of an access-to-constant type if and only if the access_definition defines an access-to-constant type.
!corrigendum 8.6(25)
Insert after the paragraph:
the new paragraph:
!ACATS test
ACATS tests need to be constructed to test this feature.

From: Robert A Duff
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 7:56 AM

Here's more mailbox stuffing...
I guess it's better than ballot box stuffing.
Not as good as turkey stuffing.

Erhard says:

> We don't have an AI for that. It was a proposal for an Enhancement
> ('Unrestricted_Access) discussed at the Westboro Mtg, 9/99. At the
> time, the argument against it was a technical difficulty in supporting
> it for subprograms within generics. There was supposed to be some old
> MRT documentation, exploring this issue (an LSN ?), in addition to
> Randy's Prototyping report.
> Your action item is to do some archeology to see whether you can
> retrieve and distribute this LSN or whatever. (It was not an action
> item to rethink the issue in the absence of such documentation.)

OK, I dug up the original LSN on the subject of downward closures.


!topic LSN on General Access Types
!key LSN-1083 on General Access Types
!reference RM9X-3.10.2;4.0
!reference RM9X-3.10.2(16);4.0
!reference AARM-12.3(12.p,12.q);4.0
!reference LSN-1042 on Accessibility Checks in Generics
!from Bob Duff $Date: 2004/05/29 00:38:35 $ $Revision: 1.10 $

Two issues related to access types and the accessibility rules came
up again at the recent DR/XRG meeting in the UK:

    - The rules prevent "downward closures".

    - The rules are applied in an assume-the-worst manner in generic

These issues keep coming up, because they represent clearly-desirable
functionality, but with a substantial implementation cost (at least for
some implementations).  It is difficult to make the trade-off.  We
recommend not supporting downward closures, but solving the generic
problem by going over to run-time accessibility checks in generics.
Below, we discuss the issues, and the reasons for our recommendation.

LSN-1042, published in October, 1992, discusses in general the
relationship between accessibility checks and the generic contract


Downward Closures:

Ada's access-to-subprogram types represent assignable subprogram
values.  They support the ability to create data structures
containing the identities of subprograms.  They support callbacks,
where one software component declares a subprogram and hands its
identity to another software component, which can then "call back"
the first software component at a later time.

These types do not support downward closures, where the identity of a
more nested subprogram can be passed to a less nested subprogram.
Downward closures can be used, for example, to implement iterators,
like this:

    package P is
        type Integer_Set is private;
        ... -- various operations
        type Integer_Action is access procedure(I: Integer);
        procedure Iterate(S: Integer_Set; Action: Integer_Action);
            -- Call Action on each member of S.
    end P;

    function Count(S: Integer_Set) return Natural is
        Result: Natural := 0;
        procedure Increment(I: Integer) is
            Result := Result + 1;
        end Increment;
        Iterate(S, Increment'Access); -- Illegal!
        return Result;
    end Count;

Increment'Access above is illegal, because Increment is more nested
than type Integer_Action.  It would be bad to have to make Increment
global, because that would require making the variable Result global.
It is a bad idea to force the use of global variables in a language
that has tasks -- in this example, Count would not be reentrant if
Result were global.

Note that this situation is typical of iterators and similar things
-- in typical use, the action passed to an iterator will often need
visibility upon a variable declared in the caller of the iterator, in
order to accumulate some sort of result.

The reason for the restriction is that access-to-subprogram types
allow assignment.  At the point where Iterate is called, we don't
know if the body of Iterate is going to save the access value in a
global variable.  We disallow passing the nested Increment procedure
because Iterate *might* save a pointer to it, and call it later,
after Increment (and the variable Result) no longer exist.

Pascal supports downward closures, but it does not support Ada's
callback style, because the identity of a subprogram being passed as
a parameter cannot be copied.  Modula-2 supports the callback style,
but not the downward closure style.  Languages like Lisp support a
much more general form of closure, which is not of interest to us,
since it requires "stack frames" to be heap allocated -- "heap
frames", really, in the general case.  C supports the callback style,
but since there are no nested functions, the question of downward
closures does not arise.  There are no tasks, either, in C, so making
variables global (or C's "static") does not cause as much trouble as
in Ada.  (Supporting threads in C presents some interesting

Implementation Issues: In a language (like Ada) with nested
subprograms, each subprogram needs some way to access its environment
-- that is, the variables declared outside it.  There are two common
methods for representing this environment: static links, and
displays.  Most Ada compilers use static links, but some use
displays.  One key difference between the two methods is that static
links have a compile-time-known size (32 bits, on a typical machine),
whereas the size of a display depends on the maximum nesting depth
throughout the partition.

In an implementation with static links, an access-to-subprogram value
is generally represented as a pair of addresses -- the address of the
subprogram's code, and the static link.  However, given the current
Ada 9X rules, an access-to-subprogram type that is declared at
library level does not need the static link -- it can be represented
as just a code address.  This is nice, because it is efficient, and
it allows the representation to easily match C's typical
representation of function pointers.  Access-to-subprogram types
declared one level deeper than library level can also be represented
as just a code address.  However, two or more levels deeper requires
the static link.

In an implementation with displays, given the current rules, an
access-to-subprogram value can be represented as just a code address
-- it is not necessary to attach a display to each access value.
This also has the nice interoperability-with-C property.

It has been suggested that downward closures be supported by allowing
the Unchecked_Access attribute on subprograms.  (It is currently
allowed only on objects.)  The semantics would presumably be that the
access value returned is valid (the designated subprogram can be
called) so long as the designated subprogram (and it's containing
stack frame) still exist.  If it doesn't exist, a dereference would
be erroneous.  We do not recommend this method for these reasons:

    - It would be unsafe -- it is uncomfortable to introduce
      erroneousness to a high-level feature like downward closures.

    - It would require every access-to-subprogram value to carry a
      static link or display, because the nesting level of the
      designated subprogram would no longer be restricted at
      compile time.  This would break the interoperability-with-C
      property, and would be less efficient.  (One could imagine
      an implementation using a different representation when the
      Convention is C, but that adds complexity, and doesn't solve
      the efficiency problem in the Ada-only case.)

There are two ways to support downward closures that we would
recommend, if downward closures are to be supported.  Both ways
recognize the fact that downward closures really need a separate
feature from the callback style of access-to-subprograms:

    - Limited access-to-subprogram types.

    - Access-to-subprogram parameters.

Limited access types were in an earlier version of Ada 9X.  Since
they would be limited, assignment would be disallowed, so
downward-closure-style parameter passing could be allowed, and would
be safe.  The compiler would implement limited access-to-subprogram
types with a static link or display.  Non-limited ones would retain
the interoperability-with-C property.  The syntax would be something
like this:

    type Integer_Action is limited access procedure(I: Integer);
                        -- ^^^^^^^
    procedure Iterate(S: Integer_Set; Action: Integer_Action);
        -- Call Action on each member of S.

Type conversion from limited to non-limited would be illegal.

Access-to-subprogram parameters would be an extension to access
parameters (not to be confused with parameters of a named access
type).  The syntax would be something like this:

    procedure Iterate(S: Integer_Set;
                      Action: access procedure(I: Integer));
        -- Call Action on each member of S.

This is quite similar to the syntax used in Pascal.  As for any access
parameter, the access type would be anonymous.  Parameter type matching
would be based on the designated profile.  Access parameters already use
run-time accessibility checks -- this new kind would do likewise.  Thus,
assignment would be allowed, but the accessibility checks would prevent
dangling pointers.  In our iterator example, if Iterate were to try to
copy Action to a global variable (during the call to Iterate from
Count), then Constraint_Error would be raised, because Count.Increment
is too deeply nested.  The value of an access-to-subprogram parameter
would need to have a static link or display.  Library-level access types
could retain the interoperability-with-C property.

Of the two workable methods outlined above, the access-to-subprogram
parameters method would be somewhat simpler in Reference Manual
terms, because it would be able to piggyback on the existing access
parameters feature for its rules and semantics.  The implementation
complexity seems equivalent.  Efficiency of the limited access types
method would be slightly better, because it would not be necessary to
pass in information needed for the run-time accessibility checks.
Limited access types would be the first elementary limited types;
we would have to reword the parameter passing rules to avoid a
contradictory requirement to pass by copy and by reference.  (It
doesn't really matter which is done, actually.)

For implementations with static links, the implementation of either
method is straightforward.  Such implementations already need to
include a static link in at least some access-to-subprogram values,
and the downward-closure ones would be the same.

However, for implementations with displays, either method is an
implementation burden, because:

    - The current rules do not require carrying the display
      with the access-to-subprogram value, whereas the new
      rules would.

    - The size of the display is not easily known at compile time.
      It's size can be calculated at run time, or a maximum possible
      size can be known if there is a restriction on nesting depth.
      Either way, managing the passing of the unknown size display
      causes complexity.  It is certainly *possible* to implement:
      I know of at least one Pascal compiler that used displays,
      and implemented downward closures.  Gnu C supports nesting
      of functions as an extension, and supports pointers to them.
      And Ada has other features that require the management of
      unknown-sized data structures.  Nonetheless, the implementation
      is not trivial.

It should also be noted that an implementation with displays would be
less efficient than one with static links, because an indirect call
would require copying the entire display.  It's not that big of a
deal, however -- it just means copying several words of memory, and
there would be no *distributed* overhead.

Note also that there are workarounds: Subprograms can be passed as
generic formal parameters, so an iterator can often be implemented as
a generic formal parameter.  However, that prevents recursion, and is
more verbose.  A closure can also be represented as an
access-to-class-wide value.  In the iterator example, whatever state
is needed by the Action procedure would be encapsulated in a type
extension.  However, this method is even more verbose.

One possibility would be to not support downward closures directly as
access-to-subprogram types, but to make the workaround a bit easier.  In
particular, we could allow limited tagged types to be extended in a more
nested place than the parent type.  (The accessibility rule would remain
as is for non-limited type extensions.)  Instead, a rule would be needed
for allocators, similar to the current rule for types with access
discriminants.  This relaxation is possible for limited types, because
they have no assignment, and hence cannot be copied to a place where the
object lives longer than its type.  This would allow the following:

    package P is
        type Integer_Set is private;
        ... -- various operations
        type Closure is tagged limited null record;
        procedure Action(C: Closure; I Integer);
        procedure Iterate(S: Integer_Set; C: Closure);
            -- Call Do_It(Action, M) for each member M of S.
    end P;

    function Count(S: Integer_Set) return Natural is
        type My_Closure_Type is new Closure with null record; -- Illegal!
        Result: Natural := 0;
        procedure Action(C: Closure; I: Integer) is
            Result := Result + 1;
        end Action;
        My_Closure: My_Closure_Type;
        Iterate(S, My_Closure);
        return Result;
    end Count;

The above is less verbose than the current workaround, and has the
advantage that My_Closure_Type can be declared where it arguably belongs
-- inside Count.

The implementation could store the static link or display in each object
of a limited type extension that was declared at a more-nested level
than its parent.  Code would be added to each potentially primitive
subprogram of such a type, to move the static link or display from the
parameter object to its proper location.  Note that no change to the
call sites is necessary.  Nonetheless, there is some implementation
burden, because extra compiler work is needed for declaring these
objects, and in the bodies of the potentially primitive subprograms.

(The reason I say "potentially" primitive is that because of renaming,
we don't know in general while compiling a given subprogram that it will
be primitive.  Potentially primitive subprograms are essentially the
ones declared at the same nesting level, and that take a parameter of
the type.)

We (reluctantly) recommend not supporting downward closures, because:

    - An implementation burden exists for display-based implementations.

    - Workarounds exist.

    - It seems like too big a change to make to the language at this
      late date.

I say "reluctantly" recommend, because it is clear to me that the
functionality is desirable, and if we were designing Ada 9X from
scratch, we would support downward closures.


Generic Bodies:

Currently, accessibility rules are checked in generic bodies in an
assume-the-worst manner (see 3.10.2(16) and 12.3(12.p,12.q)).  This
means that such rules are checked assuming the instantiation will be
more nested than the generic unit.  This is unfortunate, since most
of the time, the instance will be at the same nesting level as the
generic unit; the rules are therefore more pessimistic than is
usually necessary.

In many cases, it is possible to work around the problem by moving
something from the generic body up to the private part.  For example,
suppose P is a subprogram declared in a generic body, and the body
wishes to do P'Access, of an access type declared outside the generic
unit.  This is illegal, but one can move the declaration of the
subprogram to the private part of the generic, and declare a
constant, also in the private part:

    P_Access: constant Global_Access_To_Subprogram_Type := P'Access;

Similarly, type extensions can be declared in the private part of the
generic when they are illegal in the body.

For the Access attribute for objects, a different workaround is
possible -- use Unchecked_Access instead.  Unfortunately, this throws
away all the benefit of the accessibility checks, and can lead to
erroneous execution if one is not careful.

Another case is for type conversion of an access type declared in the
generic unit (spec or body) to a type global to the generic unit.
This is currently illegal.  A possible workaround is to add a
conversion function to the generic body:

    function Convert(Ptr: access ...) return Global_Access_Type is
        return Global_Access_Type(Ptr);
    end Convert;

Then, if X is of the inner access type, Convert(X) will do a run-time
check, which will fail if and only if the current instance is more
nested than the generic unit.

All of the above workarounds are annoying, because they cause trouble
when converting a package into a generic package -- one has to apply
the above workarounds after having written and tested the non-generic

One possible solution to the above problems is to define some extra
syntax, or a pragma that means "this generic unit will be
instantiated only at the same nesting level".  However, extra syntax
for a small issue seems like too big a change at this point.  And a
pragma with such a heavy semantic effect seems ugly.

Perhaps a better solution would be to say that all accessibility
rules are checked at run time in instance bodies.  (Doing things at
run time is one way of getting around generic contract model
problems in general, and it would work here.)  An implementation that
does macro expansion for generic instantiations could always detect
these "run-time" errors at macro-expansion time.  An implementation
that does code sharing would have to generate code to do the run-time

One problem with either solution is that there is a substantial
implementation burden for implementations that do universal generic
code sharing.  For such implementations, when a subprogram declared
inside the generic unit is called, it needs to be implicitly passed
an extra parameter that represents the current instance.  This extra
parameter is used by the subprogram to address variables declared in
the generic body.

Since such subprograms have a different calling convention, if one
allows access values pointing at them to escape outside the generic,
then one has a problem.

We recommend using the run-time accessibility checking solution.
However, because of the implementation problem, we recommend using this
solution only for access-to-object types, and not solving the problem
for access-to-subprogram types.  The implementation problem mentioned
above does not exist for access-to-object types.  This solution is not
entirely consistent, but note that it is already the case that
access-to-subprogram types are different: there are no anonymous
access-to-subprogram types, and there is no Unchecked_Access attribute
for these types.



Downward closures can be sensibly supported, and are quite desirable,
but cause implementation difficulties for display-based
implementations.  Therefore, we recommend not solving this problem.

Removing the accessibility restrictions on generic bodies can also be
sensibly supported, and is also desirable, but (for access-to-subprogram
types) presents severe implementation difficulties for implementations
that do universal sharing of generic bodies.  We recommend solving the
problem for access-to-object types by using run-time checks.  We
recommend not solving the problem for access-to-subprogram types.


From: Robert A Duff
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 7:58 AM

I wrote:

> OK, I dug up the original LSN on the subject of downward closures.

Since LSN-1083 refers to LSN-1042, I'll send that along, too, though I'm
not sure how relevant it is.


!topic LSN on Accessibility Checks in Generics
!key LSN-1042 on Accessibility Checks in Generics
!reference MS-12;4.6
!from Bob Duff $Date: 2004/05/29 00:38:35 $ $Revision: 1.10 $

This Language Study Note discusses accessibility checks, and their
relationship to the Ada 9X version of the generic contract model.

Ada 83 originally intended to support a "contract model" of generics,
in which the generic specification forms a contract between clients of
the generic and the body of the generic.  However, there were certain
holes in the contract model.  The Ada 9X requirements document
directs us to address these problems.  Requirement R4.4-B(1),
"Dependence of Instantiations on Bodies" states that "A user must
have the ability to compile a generic instantiation before compiling
the corresponding generic body."  Study Topic S4.4-B(2), "Tighten the
Contract Model" states that "Ada 9X should ensure that compatibility
of a generic instantiation with the corresponding generic body is
based solely on the compatibility of each with the generic
specification."  Although this is a study topic, we see no way of
achieving R4.4-B(1) without also achieving S4.4-B(2).  Therefore, we
have tried to ensure that there are no holes in the Ada 9X generic
contract model.  We have patched the holes of Ada 83, and avoided
adding new ones related to new Ada 9X features.

We agree with the Requirements document -- it is essential to have an
air-tight contract model.

One might think that the generic formal part would contain all the
information that is necessary to determine whether an instantiation
is legal.  However, we have found that to be infeasible.  Therefore,
we have extended the contract model to include the entire
specification of the generic, including the private part, if any.
This means that compile-time rules are checked in the instance
specification.  On the other hand, compile-time rules are not checked
in the instance body; instead, they are checked in an "assume the
worst" manner in the generic body.  Assume the worst means that we
ensure that ANY instance body will be legal.

In MS;4.6, certain "scope checking" rules were defined.  We are now
calling these "accessibility rules".  These rules are intended to
prevent dangling references.

Here's how the Ada 9X generic contract model relates to the
accessibility rules.  Within a generic body, we must "assume the
worst", which in this case means that we must assume that the generic
will be instantiated at a place that is more nested than the generic
declaration.  This implies, for example, that one cannot declare a
type extension in a generic body.  (Type extensions must be declared
at the same level as the parent type.)

However, within the specification of the generic, we defer the check
until instantiation time, when we know the actual nesting level.  This
means that if a type extension appears in a generic spec, an
instantiation that appears at the same level as the generic declaration
will be legal, whereas a more nested instantiation will be illegal.
(Remember that the "nesting" we're talking about here does not include
nesting within a package.)

Here's an example:

    package Library_Pack_1 is
            type T is tagged private;
        package G is
            -- Note to clients: You must instantiate this at library
            -- level.
            type T2 is new T with ...;
        end G;
    end Library_Pack_1;

    package Library_Pack_2 is
    end Library_Pack_2;

    package body Library_Pack_2 is
        package Instance is new G(...); -- Legal.

        procedure Nested is
            package Bad_Instance is new G(...); -- Illegal!
        end Nested;
    end Library_Pack_2;

The programmer really wanted to declare type T2 in the body of G.
However, that would be illegal.  But at least there is a workaround:
T2 can be declared in the private part of G.  This may not be ideal,
but it is the only way we have found to preserve the contract model.
In practice, the restrictions are not a problem, since most
instantiations can be placed at library level without difficulty.  It
might seem more consistent to treat the spec of G in the same way as
the body.  However, that would remove an important set of
capabilities.  Since bodies generally assume the worst, one needs a
way to get around various rules -- that way is to put declarations in
the private part of the generic.

Given the contract model that we have chosen, it would be strange to
do the accessibility checks in a different way.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 11:40 AM

Thanks, Bob, now I don't have to try to find this stuff.

I have one quibble with this LSN:

> One problem with either solution is that there is a substantial
> implementation burden for implementations that do universal generic
> code sharing.  For such implementations, when a subprogram declared
> inside the generic unit is called, it needs to be implicitly passed
> an extra parameter that represents the current instance.  This extra
> parameter is used by the subprogram to address variables declared in
> the generic body.

This really is misleading, in that it identifies the problem as one that
occurs only with universal sharing. If that was the case (and given that RR
is the only compiler that does this), a reasonable result would be to say
"universal sharing isn't worth it, let's have this feature anyway".

However, the problem is actually much broader. It occurs with any
implementation of sharing that doesn't look in the body (i.e. one that
shares based on the contract of the specification). Unless the
implementation knows for sure that there aren't any variables in the body,
it will have to somehow provide a method of instancing those variables. That
means somehow passing an instance pointer into the subprogram (as described

Thus, relaxing this rule makes not only universal sharing impossible, but as
well any version of sharing based only on the contract. Essentially, with a
relaxed rule, sharing is only possible if the body does not contain a
subprogram 'Access or doesn't contain any local objects. (I would expect
that implementations wouldn't bother with both cases if they did any sharing
at all; the second case almost never would happen, given it would require
both no objects and instantiations that are virtually identical.)

This would render moot the discussions about contract enhancing pragmas and
the DEC patent. It also means that an implementation which supported any
kind of sharing could not make a decision about how to generate a generic at
the instantiation site, as the body would control whether or not sharing was
possible. Personally, I think this would prevent any implementations from
bothering with sharing at all.


From: Dan Eilers
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 2:33 PM

Randy wrote:
> This really is misleading, in that it identifies the problem as one that
> occurs only with universal sharing. If that was the case (and given that RR
> is the only compiler that does this), a reasonable result would be to say
> "universal sharing isn't worth it, let's have this feature anyway".

The RR compiler is of course _not_ the only compiler that does universal
sharing of generics.


From: Dan Eilers
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 2:20 PM

Motivation for adding downward closures to Ada includes the bad press Ada
gets for not supporting this programming paradigm, such as the paper:
"Using Procedural Parameters and Continuations in Combinatorial Searches"
in Software - Practice and Experience, Volume 24, 1994, pp 377-386, by
Wen-Ping Hwang and Ching-Lin Wang.

The conclusion of this paper states:

"Although the code is given in Pascal, the technique is applicable in other
imperative languages such as Modula-2, and impurely functional languages
such as ML and Scheme that allow side-effects.  However, it is not
applicable in C, since functions may not be defined within other functions,
and Ada, since recursive instantiations of generic subprograms are disallowed."


From: Robert A Duff
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 8:06 AM

Thanks for the info, Dan.

> The conclusion of this paper states:
> "Although the code is given in Pascal, the technique is applicable in other
> imperative languages such as Modula-2, and impurely functional languages
> such as ML and Scheme that allow side-effects.  However, it is not
> applicable in C, since functions may not be defined within other functions,
> and Ada, since recursive instantiations of generic subprograms are disallowed."

The part about Modula-2 sounds fishy to me.  Modula-2 does not have
downward (inward?) closures.  I found this a disappointment when moving
from Pascal to Modula-2, because I had thought that Modula-2 was Wirth's
"Better Pascal" (which in many other respects it is).

Modula-2 has pointer-to-procedure types, but they can't point to nested
procedures.  This is essentially the same restriction we have in Ada
with the accessibility rules: you can't pass a nested procedure as a
parameter to an outer procedure.

I haven't read the paper, so I don't know if their technique requires
downward closures.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 9:43 AM

I suppose we could dig up the old proposals in this area. I must say that
if the strongest argument is alleged "bad press" I find that very weak.
What would be convincing would be real customer experience. We have not
had any demands in the GNAT community, but that may be deceptive because
of the availability of Urestricted_Access in GNAT -- which indeed is
very useful, and which we use ourselves and find critically important.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 7:34 AM

<<The other objection concerned implementation difficulty with display based
models. It so happens that in terms of number of users, display based
implementations are now very much in the minority. It would thus seem foolish
to deprive the majority of users of an important and natural feature because
of a minority difficulty.>>

Are you sure? I was under the impression that *all* Aonix compilers still
used displays. Now I am the first to say that if you take all users of
GNAT into use including the public version, then probably the statement
is strictly true, and that Aonix users are in the minority, but this is
a pretty big minority to simply write off this way.

Furthermore, are we really sure that DDC-I, Rational, OCS, GHS, and any
others that I have forgotten to mention are using static links at this stage?


From: Pascal Leroy
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 7:55 AM

> Are you sure? I was under the impression that *all* Aonix compilers still
> used displays.

The old (Ada 83) Aonix technology surely used displays, but I thought that
the new one uses static links

> Furthermore, are we really sure that DDC-I, Rational, OCS, GHS, and any
> others that I have forgotten to mention are using static links at this

My understanding was that Janus is the only compiler which still uses static
links.  (Well, not sure about Irvine.)


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 9:17 AM

<<The old (Ada 83) Aonix technology surely used displays, but I thought that
the new one uses static links>>

That's not what I was told when I enquired, because they were using much
the same runtime with the new Aonix technology as with the old, but perhaps
this was false information.

Anyway, to the extent that our decisions are guided by current technology
let's make sure we know what we are talking about.

So far, we have clear information on

GNAT uses static links (and implements 'Unrestricted_Access :-)
Rational uses static links
Janus uses displays

I still think incidentally that displays are the more efficient choice for
Ada, assuming you do the appropriate optimizations, since you only pay an
overhead for calls to procedures that contain nested procedures, so still
from a theoretical point of view it is good to retain this possibility, but
pragmatically if no one does it, why bother. (the reason GNAT uses static
links is not because of a careful design decision, but rather GNAT just
inherits the gcc decision here).


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 8:57 AM

> > Are you sure? I was under the impression that *all* Aonix compilers still
> > used displays.
> The old (Ada 83) Aonix technology surely used displays, but I thought that
> the new one uses static links

I believe it depends on the target.  I think the x86 target
still uses displays, while the RISC targets use static links.
Ben, do you recall?

> > Furthermore, are we really sure that DDC-I, Rational, OCS, GHS, and any
> > others that I have forgotten to mention are using static links at this
> > stage?
> My understanding was that Janus is the only compiler which still uses static
> links.  (Well, not sure about Irvine.)

I presume both of the above paragraphs should read "displays" where
they say "static links"...


From: Dan Eilers
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 11:45 AM

Irvine uses static links for all targets.

TLD may still be using displays.

Irvine does implement shared-body generics (allowing users to select on
a per-generic basis whether the generic should always be implemented
as shared-body or macro-expanded).  The !discussion notes potential
problems with shared-body generics, without any further discussion
(except in attached email) as to how to resolve such problems.
I don't know if the difficulties with shared-body generics are
unique to RR's implementation model, or are common to all potential
implementations of shared-body generics.

I am in favor of supporting downward closures, even at the expense
of giving up shared-body generics, but if the proposal is to jettison
shared-body generics, (rather than accommodating them somehow), then
that should be explicitly stated.  And if so, various other accommodations
in the language for shared-body generics should probably be eliminated,
and class-wide untagged types should probably be added in lieu of
shared-body generics.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 11:53 AM

<<and class-wide untagged types should probably be added in lieu of
shared-body generics.>>

I don't understand the connection here?


From: Dan Eilers
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 12:14 PM

As noted in the Ada83 Rationale, shared-body generics are intended
to be used for utility routines that you don't want replicated
n times just because you have n different type derivations.  For
example, you don't want 10 identical copies of the generated code
for generic_elementary_functions just because you have 10 different
types derived from float.  Class-wide untagged types would serve
the same purpose.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 12:35 PM

I still don't see the connection. It is always possible to share generics
in some limited circumstances, and the cases where class-wide untagged
types would help are precisely those in which generics can be shared.

I don't think it makes sense at this time to add class-wide untagged types.
This is too large a change, without sufficient justification from real
customer apps.


From: Robert Duff
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001  1:47 PM

These two features can do some of the same things.
For example, if Text_IO had a Put procedure that takes
a parameter of type root_integer'Class, then we wouldn't
need the generic package Integer_IO.

The implementation issue is separate: you can have shared or not-shared
generic bodies, and you have the same choice for untagged class-wide
types (duplicate the above-mentioned imaginary Put for each type, or

I don't remember about the implementation difficulties, but I think I
wrote an LSN about it some years ago -- anybody who's interested could
try looking that up.


From: Dan Eilers
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001  1:58 PM

I guess the issue boils down to this:  Is generic code sharing the
best (long-term) mechanism for addressing the issue of how to write
utility functions that depend only on the representation of a type?

In Ada83, generic code sharing served multiple purposes, and was accommodated
by the language design, and expected to be implemented, as noted in the
Rationale, and was in fact reasonably widely implemented, (DEC, Rational,
RR, ICC, TLD, others??).

In Ada95, generics are not well accommodated by the language design,
and are less often needed in cases where code replication is an issue.
In particular, linked lists and other polymorphic container
classes can be created with tagged types instead of generics, avoiding
the code replication issue.  Subprograms can be passed as parameters
without using generics, again avoiding the code replication issue.
This Ada95 functionality has two advantages:  it assures that the
generated code will not be replicated, and it simplifies the source
code by eliminating instantiations.

However, the case remains that utility functions needing only the
properties of the base type, are not well supported in Ada95
(except of course for the predefined operators and attribute functions).

My contention is that it would be much easier for implementations to
support such utility functions by extending the language to allow
user-defined operations on untagged class-wide types, than
it would be for implementations to support shared-body generics.
Implementations already support untagged class-wide types--for
the predefined operators and attributes.

Even the implementations currently supporting shared-body generics
would likely jettison that support, since the reasons for it
would have essentially all been eliminated, given the maintenance
difficulties of shared-body generics.  And it would be more convenient
for the users as well, since instantiations would be avoided.


From: Robert Duff
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001  2:23 PM

> I don't think it makes sense at this time to add class-wide untagged types.

Well, if I recall, you never thought it made sense at *any* time.  ;-)

> This is too large a change, without sufficient justification from real
> customer apps.

I agree that it doesn't make sense at this time.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001  3:11 PM

True, but my point was that we discussed this issue at length at that time,
and I don't see anything significant to change the decision at this stage.
There are lots more valuable things that can be done (like making it possible
to use Annex E with CORBA :-)


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001  2:57 PM

Well we have seen almost no demand for shared generic implementation. It
would not be at all hard to do in the simple cases, but we don't see it
as a significant requirement from our customers point of view, and so to
the extent that untagged class-wide types are solving the same problem, this
feature is not of interest to us (and I doubt we would implement this extension
to the language at the current time).


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001  5:35 PM

Dan Eilers wrote:
> ...
> In Ada83, generic code sharing served multiple purposes, and was accommodated
> by the language design, and expected to be implemented, as noted in the
> Rationale, and was in fact reasonably widely implemented, (DEC, Rational,
> RR, ICC, TLD, others??).
> In Ada95, generics are not well accommodated by the language design,
> ...

Can you clarify "not well accommodated"?  Does it relate
to it being harder to implement shared generics?
Both you and Randy have mentioned that sharing generics
is harder in Ada 95 than Ada 83, but I can never
remember what feature it is that makes that true.
I thought we had actually tried to make it *easier*
to share, by firming up the contract model.  In what
way did we miss the target?  (I realize you or Randy
may have already answered this question in the past.)


From: Dan Eilers
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001  11:34 PM

> In Ada95, generics are not well accommodated by the language design,

There is a typo here.  As you deduced, I intended to say "shared generics"
rather than generics in general.

One example of a change in Ada95 that makes shared generics
more difficult (although not impossible) is the rule that
the choice in a variant record in a generic spec can be
of a generic formal type.

Formal discrete types can now be modular, which complicates things,
since you can't do all discrete arithmetic with 32-bit signed ints.

Something that would have helped, but which wasn't included in
Ada95, was a mechanism for finer control of generic formal types,
such as size clauses to restrict all actual parameters to a
particular size.

And of course it would have helped to have a way to indicate that
a generic is intended to be shared (besides pragma optimize).


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001   9:40 PM

Dan said, responding to Tucker:

> > In Ada95, generics are not well accommodated by the language design,
> There is a typo here.  As you deduced, I intended to say "shared generics"
> rather than generics in general.
> One example of a change in Ada95 that makes shared generics
> more difficult (although not impossible) is the rule that
> the choice in a variant record in a generic spec can be
> of a generic formal type.
> Formal discrete types can now be modular, which complicates things,
> since you can't do all discrete arithmetic with 32-bit signed ints.

To abstract a bit, the contract model was a help, but all of the new
features in Ada 95 hurt, a lot in some cases.

To add to the list:

The fact that decimal fixed types match ordinary fixed point formals means
that arithmetic on formal fixed types has to be thunked.

The fact that 'Access can be used to pass an access to a object of a formal
type outside of a generic eliminates the possibility for the representation
tricks that made sharing in Ada 83 efficient.

The "assume-the-best" rules in a generic spec. means that many more items
have to be constructed at instantiation time and passed to the body.

The generic derived types for untagged types means that actuals can have
vastly different representations in ways that the body can see. This is
especially a problem for record types. And its annoying, because it is very
rare that anyone actually takes advantage of this capability (different
representations for derived record types) much less pass them into a generic

I could probably find more. None of these are insurmountable, but the effect
of all of them is that sharing is supported only in a couple of compilers
where the implementor couldn't justify the cost of getting rid of it. :-)


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001  10:37 PM

Having read this proposed AI, I'm not really sure what the proposal is. (I
purposely did not reread the LSN -- the AI has to stand on its own without
any of the appendix information.) The AI essentially gives only the syntax,
while it is the semantics of the proposal (especially in converting to other
types) that will make or break the proposal.

Additionally, the AI spends a lot of time taking potshots at implementations
using displays (as the implementor in question, I especially resent that).
That especially  silly when there is no implementation problem at all with
displays in this context. It merely is a matter of how fat is an access to
subprogram parameter. (Since it needs to carry a static link in such
implementations, it clearly is going to be fatter than a "normal" (C-like)
access-to-subprogram pointer in any case. (Peeking at the LSN, it makes this
point clearly -- so why so much emphasis on an obvious red herring???)

The AI is also full of cheerleading language which has no place in a
rational technical discussion. "It is time now to do the job properly."

And, of course, it completely ignores the generic sharing issue, the one
that kept this feature out of Ada 95 in the first place. Without tackling
the tough issue, (and without enough details to evaluate it), this AI is
hardly worth discussing at all.

All of that said, the main issue here is whether or not we continue to work
to allow the use of generic sharing. An unrestricted version of downward
closures (in this proposal, where access-to-subprogram parameters are freely
convertible to "regular" access-to-subprogram types) would certainly mean
that no practical generic body sharing is possible. (It could only be done
by examining the actual body before sharing, and then would have to be
undone if the body changes. A source-based implementation like GNAT might be
able to work within those restrictions, but a traditional library-based
implementation would find it impossible.)

However, if the restrictions on 'Access for subprograms in a generic unit
are preserved, and apply to any conversions from an access-to-subprogram
parameter to a regular access-to-subprogram type, I think it would be
possible to implement these for shared generic bodies. It wouldn't be pretty
(it would require an even fatter pointer), but I think it would work.

The idea is that the access-to-subprogram parameter would have to carry the
address of the subprogram, the static link or display, and the generic
instance information.  Each call to an access-to-subprogram parameter would
inspect the pointer, and pass the generic instance information if necessary
in whatever the standard format for that compiler is. (For Janus/Ada, these
parameters are passed first, in front for the "real" parameters. We would
only have a store a count and list of parameters). This would complicate the
calls a bit, but it would work fine.

The problem comes if this fat pointer was converted to a "regular"
access-to-subprogram type, which does not carry any of this information (and
cannot, in order to be compatible with C). After such a conversion, the
parameter information is no longer available, so a correct call cannot be

Thus, it is critical that the access-to-subprogram that allows downward
closures is syntactically separate from "regular" access-to-subprogram types
(which this proposal does), and that conversions of these types (at least
those derived from a generic) to "regular" access-to-subprogram types be
disallowed. (The proposal is completely silent on this issue, and it is the
critical one.) The LSN implies a runtime check, which could easily be
extended to include whether the access came from a generic.

I have no choice but to fight every step of the way any proposal to
completely eliminate generic sharing as a possibility (to fail to do so
would open me to action by RR's many outside shareholders). So I hope that
we can find a solution which gives the needed functionality without having
to rescind an important design goal of Ada 83.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  12:09 AM

Thanks for reminding me of the problems.  The formal
derived untagged type does seem nasty.  The need to
support 'Succ and 'Pred on discrete types that might
be modular I can see also is a new challenge.  On the
other hand, I think you have misremembered the rule
about decimal fixed point -- they don't match ordinary
fixed point.

I suppose one approach would be to create a single
"typical" shared body that works for all "well-behaved"
actuals, and do a macro expansion for the rare ill-behaved
instantiations.  Of course that means you need to support
both sharing and macro expanding, which doubles the work
and the possibilities for bugs...


From: David Emery
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001  9:12 AM

>Well we have seen almost no demand for shared generic implementation. It
>would not be at all hard to do in the simple cases, but we don't see it
>as a significant requirement from our customers point of view, and so to
>the extent that untagged class-wide types are solving the same problem, this
>feature is not of interest to us (and I doubt we would implement
>this extension to the language at the current time).

I certainly cannot speak for what GNAT users want. But I
will point out that I spent about 4 months on CAATS to
take a generic and 'hand-share it' (using every dirty
trick I knew :-)  The rationale for this effort was clear.
There were about 350 instantiations of this generic, and
each instantiation used about 250kb of memory.  Since we
had a requirement for the entire application to be resident
in RAM, all of these instantiations added up to an additional
RAM chip in each workstation, at a cost of about $1m, if I
remember right...  I was able to get the per-instantiation
load down to about 20kb/instantiation.  I've been in other
situations where we made heavy use of generics and were
significantly disappointed when we didn't get this
optimization.  But CAATS is the one case where I could
quantify both the size impact and the resulting cost of
not having this optimization.  (p.s.  I asked for but
did not get a salary award on the basis of saving the
company so much money :-) :-)

Redesigning was not an option, as this was one of the key
parts of the design.  (It connected all of the application
logic to all of the user interface, and changes to this
component would have touched about 1/3 of the total system,
running into 750k sloc...)  Granted this was Ada83, but
as has been pointed out, many Ada83 compilers provided support
for shared generic instantiations.  With 20-20 hindsight
and the new features of Ada95, we probably could have come
up with an alternative design that did not make use of
generics (and did not have this memory cost...)

There are a few Ada optimizations that can have substantial
impact on how you design your software.  Code sharing on
generics and passive task optimizations are two that come
to mind.  Without such optimizations, designers would
probably change their approach, due to implementation costs
of these features.  More classic optimizations (e.g. loop
invariants) don't strike me as having -design level- impacts.

p.s.  I have to admit that it was a lot of fun to take a
generic and "hand share it".  And I freely admit that
the result was not guaranteed to be portable, although I had a
lot of confidence that the code would port to "most reasonable
Ada compilers".  Basically what I did was generate "dope"
for each instantiation with pointers to both data structures
and subprograms via address attributes and mechanisms to invoke
subprograms specified by address.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  7:02 AM

Of course the interesting thing in such a specific case (as Dave describes
for CAATS) is to know exactly what the generic profile looks like, to get an
idea of

a) how easy it would be to avoid the use of a generic in such a case

b) Whether indeed this would be one of the easy cases to share

I must say that 350 instantiations of a single generic is a bit mind
boggling in any case, were these really independent instantiations?


From: David Emery
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  8:26 AM

It was pretty "ugly", as I recall.  Enumeration type, access
to array type, several subprograms.  Instantiation of the
outer generic contained an inner generic, which also had
many different kinds of parameters.

It would have been extremely nice to have code sharing, but
it was clear to me that this would have been very difficult
to implement.

But it would have matched the Ada95 notion of generic package
parameters very nicely.

>I must say that 350 instantiations of a single generic is a bit mind
>boggling in any case, were these really independent instantiations?

Absolutely.  There was an instantiation of the outer
generic for each window/display on the system.  (The system
had 350 different 'windows', where each window consisted of
a bunch of related X widgets to implement a specific piece
of functionality.)  There was an instantiation of the
inner generic for each widget in the window.  If you're
really interested in the details, look for the paper by
P. Kruchten, in IEEE Computer from about 5
years ago.  (I don't have the exact reference in front of

You can argue the design, particularly in Ada95, but the
absolute fact of the matter was that was what it was...
In fact, I didn't design the component.  Rather, I was the
first maintainer of the component, and rewrote it twice, once
for time (changing data structures) and the second time
for space (reducing instantiation footprint.)


From: Pascal Leroy
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  3:20 AM

> The problem comes if this fat pointer was converted to a "regular"
> access-to-subprogram type, which does not carry any of this information (and
> cannot, in order to be compatible with C). After such a conversion, the
> parameter information is no longer available, so a correct call cannot be
> made.

I do not understand the parenthetical comment about compatibility with C.

My understanding (but I agree that it should spelled out in the AI) was that
anonymous access-to-subprogram types have convention Ada; that they can be
converted to named access-to-subprogram types only under the condition of
subtype conformance; meaning that an anonymous access-to-subprogram type
cannot be converted to a convention C named access-to-subprogram type.

This implies that pretty much any access-to-subprogram type with convention
Ada has to be fat, that those with convention C can be simple code
addresses, and that you probably have to disallow convention C on nested
subprograms.  That doesn't seem unreasonable to me.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  8:22 AM

Well GNU-C most certainly allows access to nested procedures using trampolines,
so of course GNAT needs to follow that rule (and always has). So most certainly
in GNAT we allow convention C on nested subprograms, but then we are not using
displays -- most certainly it is *permissible* to disallow convention C on
nested subprograms :-)


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  2:34 PM

It comes from the LSN, which dismisses 'Unchecked_Access on subprograms with
the following:

    - It would require every access-to-subprogram value to carry a
      static link or display, because the nesting level of the
      designated subprogram would no longer be restricted at
      compile time.  This would break the interoperability-with-C
      property, and would be less efficient.  (One could imagine
      an implementation using a different representation when the
      Convention is C, but that adds complexity, and doesn't solve
      the efficiency problem in the Ada-only case.)

> My understanding (but I agree that it should spelled out in the AI) was that
> anonymous access-to-subprogram types have convention Ada; that they can be
> converted to named access-to-subprogram types only under the condition of
> subtype conformance; meaning that an anonymous access-to-subprogram type
> cannot be converted to a convention C named access-to-subprogram type.
> This implies that pretty much any access-to-subprogram type with convention
> Ada has to be fat, that those with convention C can be simple code
> addresses, and that you probably have to disallow convention C on nested
> subprograms.  That doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

I think we have to be really careful about passing rules which require
existing implementations to change the representation of existing types.
Rules that required that in Ada 95 caused no end of trouble. I've been
trying to look at this (and most other proposals) from the perspective that
existing types should not be forced to change representations to support it.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  9:54 AM

> This implies that pretty much any access-to-subprogram type with convention
> Ada has to be fat,

I presume you mean "has to be fat in the presence of universal generic

> ... that those with convention C can be simple code
> addresses, and that you probably have to disallow convention C on nested
> subprograms.  That doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

... for an implementation that uses universal generic sharing, I presume
you mean.


From: Pascal Leroy
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  10:29 AM

No I didn't, but then I have a very shallow understanding of these issues,
so feel free to educate me.

We seem to have established that an anonymous access-to-subprogram type has
to be fat (either it contains a static link, or (part of) the display at the
time when the access is created).  If we can freely convert between
anonymous and named access-to-subprogram types (modulo the usual
accessibility checks) then it seems to me that named access types also need
to come with a static link or display.  This is irrespective of generic

But again, I may be completely confused...


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  1:03 PM

A named access-to-subprogram type, unlike the proposed anonymous ones,
is only allowed to point to subprograms declared at the same level
as the type, or further out.  In our implementation, this allows
us to use "slim" pointers for values of a library-level (level
"zero") access-to-subp type (since the static link is effectively
zero) and for level one access-to-subp type, because the static link
can be set when a call through the pointer is made to equal the
current level one frame pointer, since that is either the correct
value or the static link is going to be ignored.

I don't think the ability to convert to or from an anonymous access-to-subp
type has any impact on this.  When you convert to the anonymous type,
you need to synthesize the same static link you would synthesize when
you currently make a call.  When you convert from the anonymous type
to a level zero or level one named type, you need to verify that the
value of the static link is either null or matches that associated
with the target type.


From: Gary Dismukes
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  5:16 PM

That's an interesting optimization (the level one case), but how
do you deal with the potential for blowing the stack on indirect
calls to global subprograms (e.g., if the calls occur within a loop)?


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001 10:25 AM

You have lost me.  We pass the static link as a separate parameter.
There is no extra stack space involved.  Perhaps you mean that the
called routine gets one extra parameter, and doesn't pop the
stack sufficiently after the call?  I presume that stack is popped
by the caller, since we are using "C"-like calling conventions.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  11:23 AM

If indeed stack is consumed at all for the parameter, which is not the
case in most architectures.


From: Gary Dismukes
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  1:54 PM

Yes, that's what I was alluding to (passing an extra parameter
which might not get popped).  I would have thought that it would
be target-dependent whether the callee or caller has to pop
stack arguments, but certainly if the caller pops them then
there's no problem.  (I didn't realize that C calling conventions
required the caller to do this, surely there are architectures
that don't easily conform to that?)


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  1:59 AM

In traditional C, the caller has to pop, because only the caller knows
the number of arguments in the call, which does not have to match
the number of arguments defined in the function, so yes, on all targets
that I am aware of (which is a lot), the caller always pops.


From: Gary Dismukes
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  2:32 PM

OK.  Btw, it's not true on the JVM (admittedly a non-C machine :-) nor on
Rockwell's AAMP (I'm not sure how they handle such C arguments there, but
it's probably not pretty).


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  2:55 PM

The JVM is a very special case, since they don't directly
support calling through a pointer.  Almost certainly an
access-to-subp value for the JVM will need to be an object
with a "call-me" method, of a class constructed at the
point of the 'Access or access subp conversion.  And of
course you have garbage collection...

On the AAMP, I presume they would end up passing a pointer to
a parameter block, or some such thing, to accommodate unknown
length parameter lists, for something like printf.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  9:52 AM

I really think that universal generic sharing is a lost cause, and not one
that is worth spending time on at this stage.


From: Dan Eilers
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  12:08 PM

It is certainly true that there are many generics for which it makes no
sense to share all instantiations.  However, it is equally true that
there are many generics for which it makes no sense to expand all
instantiations, especially when the actual types have common
representation, and the body of the generic does not depend on any
properties of the formal type other than its representation.  The
predefined Ada95 libraries are full of such examples (I/O, string
processing, math functions, etc.)


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  1:14 PM

Absolutely, I don't think anyone would disagree with this assessment.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  3:35 PM

> I really think that universal generic sharing is a lost cause, and not one
> that is worth spending time on at this stage.

Keep in mind that we are not talking about just "universal" sharing, but any
sharing based on the contract (specification) alone.

I don't think that sharing based on body inspection is worthwhile (among
other things, it means that the advantage of not having to recompile
instantiations when bodies change is lost), so I believe that to throw out
"universal" sharing essentially means that we are throwing out all language
support for any sort of sharing.

(If that is done, I agree with Dan that all of the rules to support sharing
should be junked -- any implementation that wanted to do any sharing would
have to stand on its head anyway, so why bother to give them any help?)


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  6:54 PM

I disagree that it is a significant advantage to avoid recompilation when
bodies change. The motivation for generic sharing that is convincing is
saving space. Speeding up compilation is an entirely secondary concern.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  7:34 PM

Well, the original reason we adopted it was because it made compilation
possible (there simply wasn't enough RAM on MS-DOS machines to implement a
macro-type scheme; we were pretty much out of RAM as it was). We also
expected space savings -- but those are largely illusory. The overhead of
the shared data area (indirect access to objects, indirect access to ranges,
etc.) and the loss of optimization opportunities mean that you need a lot of
instantiations to break even. (Dave Emery's app probably would have come out
better; poorly designed generics with lots of code in them that doesn't
depend on the formal parameters probably would come out better as well. But
there isn't much of that around.)

Technically, I'd prefer to abandon sharing. Making it work takes just too
much effort, and Ada 95 is rather hostile to it. But it simply does not make
business sense. For an investment of only $500,000, our customers get:
    -- Loads of new bugs;
    -- Much slower binding times;
    -- Slower runtimes (because our runtime is tuned for shared generics);
    -- Customers that actually get a benefit from sharing lose that benefit.

I cannot imagine a circumstance where it would make economic sense to make
that investment (short of winning the lottery)!


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  7:40 PM

Sure it is always a strong argument that you are already doing things one
particular way. That's why we left out downward closures :-)

But I still think that general sharing makes little sense, but limited
sharing, e.g. when representations are really the same, can in fact save
a lot of room, e.g. lots of instantiations of integer_io for 32 bit integers.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  7:56 PM

My understanding is that that would infringe on the DEC patent. (Even though
the technique is obvious.)


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  8:13 PM

Hard to say if it would infringe or not, there is prior art and as long as
you are very careful to copy the prior art exactly, you should be fine. Also
what's the date on the DEC patent, it must be close to running out.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  8:25 PM

The abstract Dan Eilers posted was dated "January 18, 1994". I think they
last longer than 7 years...

(Ed note: That is in AC-00003.)


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  9:14 PM

As I say, there is clear prior art on the DEC patent. That does not mean
the DEC patent is invalid, you have to look very carefully to see if the
prior art really teaches everything in the claims, but if you stick to what
the prior art *does* teach, then you will be safe.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  6:45 AM

<<Additionally, the AI spends a lot of time taking potshots at implementations
using displays (as the implementor in question, I especially resent that).
That especially  silly when there is no implementation problem at all with
displays in this context. It merely is a matter of how fat is an access to...>>

Indeed, as I mentioned in my previous note, displays are clearly technically
superior to the use of static links for Ada 83 and Ada 95 as they are defined
right now. It is possible that this new AI tips the balance, and if so, that
is a serious technical issue that should be seriously examined in the AI.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  6:49 AM

<<I suppose one approach would be to create a single
"typical" shared body that works for all "well-behaved"
actuals, and do a macro expansion for the rare ill-behaved
instantiations.  Of course that means you need to support
both sharing and macro expanding, which doubles the work
and the possibilities for bugs...>>

In practice, I suspect that an accurate generic sharing implementation
has no choice but to use multiple bodies in some cases. It is too hard
to do things, or involves too much thunking otherwise. In particular,
the fact that floating-point can be more than one size is rather deadly
(I believe that RR "cheats" by doing everything in maximum precision,
but this is really unpleasant since

   a) it gives annoying extra precision, which, while allowed by the language
      is a really deadly nuisance in numeric work, as we know from the ia32
      disaster of always using 80 bits.

   b) it causes problems with unchecked conversions at least



From: Dan Eilers
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  12:08 PM

ICC also uses a maximum precision floating point in a single body
in shared-body mode.  Any user who finds this a nuisance can specify
macro-expanded mode for the generic.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  1:18 PM

That's reasonable, it means that for strict conformance you need to specify
macro expansion (if one is being very technical, it should be the case that
you can specify this with a command line switch).

But switches are definitely allowed to make changes in behavior :-)


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  2:31 PM

Robert said:

> In practice, I suspect that an accurate generic sharing implementation
> has no choice but to use multiple bodies in some cases. It is too hard
> to do things, or involves too much thunking otherwise. In particular,
> the fact that floating-point can be more than one size is rather deadly
> (I believe that RR "cheats" by doing everything in maximum precision,
> but this is really unpleasant since..

For the record, Janus/Ada 95 does not "do everything" in maximum precision.
Janus/Ada 83 did do that, but the representation of items in memory in Ada
95 have to be as of the actual, or 'Access does not work.

We do use maximum precision for intermediate results of calculations, but we
do that for ALL real operations (in or out of a generic); that's really all
that makes sense on the Intel Pentium family processors.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  6:48 PM

<<For the record, Janus/Ada 95 does not "do everything" in maximum precision.
Janus/Ada 83 did do that, but the representation of items in memory in Ada
95 have to be as of the actual, or 'Access does not work.>>

So how do you handle floating-point generic parameters?

<<We do use maximum precision for intermediate results of calculations, but we
do that for ALL real operations (in or out of a generic); that's really all
that makes sense on the Intel Pentium family processors.>>

That's far from true, because it results in non-IEEE compliant results
(because of double rounding for one thing). For extensive discussions,
see recent thread on gcc mailing list on relaxed math mode.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  7:06 PM

> <<For the record, Janus/Ada 95 does not "do everything" in maximum precision.
> Janus/Ada 83 did do that, but the representation of items in memory in Ada
> 95 have to be as of the actual, or 'Access does not work.>>
> So how do you handle floating-point generic parameters?

With read and write thunks. (Barf!) If an object needs to be allocated, it
uses the largest possible size, but the extra bits (if the actual is smaller
than the largest) are never used.

> <<We do use maximum precision for intermediate results of calculations, but we
> do that for ALL real operations (in or out of a generic); that's really all
> that makes sense on the Intel Pentium family processors.>>
> That's far from true, because it results in non-IEEE compliant results
> (because of double rounding for one thing). For extensive discussions,
> see recent thread on gcc mailing list on relaxed math mode.

That's pretty much a "don't care" here. We don't implement Annex G, and we
don't have customers with strict numeric requirements. It would take far
more code (and time) to not use extra precision in intermediate results
(essentially a store to memory between every operation) and it's perfectly
legal in Ada. So I stand by my statement. YMMV.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  7:12 PM

<<With read and write thunks. (Barf!) If an object needs to be allocated, it
uses the largest possible size, but the extra bits (if the actual is smaller
than the largest) are never used.>>

Yes, OK, but that's a huge hit in efficiency. I think you really *have*
to specialize by floating-point size for any reasonable performance.

<<That's pretty much a "don't care" here. We don't implement Annex G, and we
don't have customers with strict numeric requirements. It would take far
more code (and time) to not use extra precision in intermediate results
(essentially a store to memory between every operation) and it's perfectly
legal in Ada. So I stand by my statement. YMMV.>>

That's a long cru from "that's really all that makes sense on the Intel
Pentium family processors", since that seemed to be an absolute statement,
not qualified by "if you don't care about strict numeric requirements".


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  7:42 PM

Well, it's actually not much a time hit (at least on the Pentium). I was quite
surprised by how little it matters. The main cost is that it costs in space,
which makes it less likely that the sharing will save anything.

But there really wasn't any choice. That change was the only way to get some of
the ACVC's to pass.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  9:52 AM

Randy Brukardt wrote:

> All of that said, the main issue here is whether or not we continue to work
> to allow the use of generic sharing. An unrestricted version of downward
> closures (in this proposal, where access-to-subprogram parameters are freely
> convertible to "regular" access-to-subprogram types) would certainly mean
> that no practical generic body sharing is possible. (It could only be done
> by examining the actual body before sharing, and then would have to be
> undone if the body changes. A source-based implementation like GNAT might be
> able to work within those restrictions, but a traditional library-based
> implementation would find it impossible.)

Actually that is not true, for what it is worth.  There were several
library-based implementations that did partial sharing which depended
on the body.  The design for this was published back in 1983, I believe,
by Gary Bray of Intermetrics, and essentially the same design was
patented by DEC a decade later (;-).

In any case, clearly part of the problem is that there are few people on
earth who understand the implications of doing "universal"
generic sharing, and when the AI author is not one of those
few people, attempts to analyze the impact on universal
generic sharing are difficult if not impossible.

> However, if the restrictions on 'Access for subprograms in a generic unit
> are preserved, and apply to any conversions from an access-to-subprogram
> parameter to a regular access-to-subprogram type, I think it would be
> possible to implement these for shared generic bodies. It wouldn't be pretty
> (it would require an even fatter pointer), but I think it would work.
> The idea is that the access-to-subprogram parameter would have to carry the
> address of the subprogram, the static link or display, and the generic
> instance information.  Each call to an access-to-subprogram parameter would
> inspect the pointer, and pass the generic instance information if necessary
> in whatever the standard format for that compiler is. (For Janus/Ada, these
> parameters are passed first, in front for the "real" parameters. We would
> only have a store a count and list of parameters). This would complicate the
> calls a bit, but it would work fine.
> The problem comes if this fat pointer was converted to a "regular"
> access-to-subprogram type, which does not carry any of this information (and
> cannot, in order to be compatible with C). After such a conversion, the
> parameter information is no longer available, so a correct call cannot be
> made.
> Thus, it is critical that the access-to-subprogram that allows downward
> closures is syntactically separate from "regular" access-to-subprogram types
> (which this proposal does), and that conversions of these types (at least
> those derived from a generic) to "regular" access-to-subprogram types be
> disallowed. (The proposal is completely silent on this issue, and it is the
> critical one.) The LSN implies a runtime check, which could easily be
> extended to include whether the access came from a generic.

I think you will need to help define what the rule should be, keeping in
mind it shouldn't feel unnecessarily restrictive for non-shared-generic

> I have no choice but to fight every step of the way any proposal to
> completely eliminate generic sharing as a possibility (to fail to do so
> would open me to action by RR's many outside shareholders). So I hope that
> we can find a solution which gives the needed functionality without having
> to rescind an important design goal of Ada 83.

I don't think you need to be strident.  As I indicated above,
the most common problem is that we don't really understand the
sharing problems.  Please enlighten us.  No need to get your dander up ;-).


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001  2:58 PM

> I think you will need to help define what the rule should be, keeping in
> mind it shouldn't feel unnecessarily restrictive for non-shared-generic
> users.

The rule should essentially be the same as the (revised in AI-229) rule for
'Access. That is, if an explicit 'Access (to a regular access-to-subprogram
[A2S]) would be illegal, then a conversion from an anon A2S to a regular A2S
also would be disallowed (by a runtime check). Essentially, if the
subprogram designated by an anon A2S is declared in a generic and the
'Access is in the same generic, the value cannot be converted to a regular
A2S unless that regular A2S is declared in the same generic. (I think the
latter part would be too hard to check for most implementations, because a
runtime indication of the generic would be needed.)

The examples of uses of anon A2Ss in the AI never do any conversions, so it
appears that the capability to convert is not very important.


From: John Barnes
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  8:17 AM

I see that my attempt at AI-254 has stirred a lot of discussion. It was not in
any sense meant to be a completed job but simply to lay out the problem with
one coherent example and to outline what I believe is the best solution. And I
had no intention of making unpleasant remarks aimed at any implementations and
if I have given offence, I am sorry. I also apologise if my British sense of
humour is not appreciated.

I feel quite strongly about this topic in a somewhat philosophical vein. One of
my earliest jobs (around 1962) was to estimate parameters describing chemical
reactions. We had various data points from experiments measuring conditions at
different points in time and space. We also had models describing the chemistry
but with various unknown rate constants and similar parameters. The technique
was to integrate the equations with estimated values of the parameters and then
to compare the computed data points with the measured values. Some measure of
the error (typically weighted sum of squares) was then minimized with respect
to the parameters and this gave an estimate of the parameters. Everything was
hopelessly non- linear and could only be solved by iterative and often
heuristic algorithms. I coded the general algorithms in Algol 60 in order to
provide a general library for myself and co-workers. The specific equations to
be minimized or integrated were defined via procedure parameters. It all worked
fine and it seemed a natural and logical that the routines should be nested as
in the example in the AI. Indeed triple nesting often occurred because multiple
integrals coupled with minimization were common.

I don't know how one does this sensibly in a flat language like Fortran.  I
assume that one cannot and has to use nasty tricks with global common in order
to pass the auxiliary information. I never did like Fortran. I only ever wrote
one program in Fortran on an IBM 1401 and I never got it to work because the
compiler was riddled with errors. Still one shouldn't condemn a language
because of lousy compilers but it is often done as we know.

So procedure parameters and full block structure were a natural tool in my
earliest programming days. And they carried through into Algol 68 and Pascal. I
assumed that they were part of the given infrastructure for any modern

In the Strawman to Steelman days, I really couldn't believe that David Fisher
was demanding a language without procedure parameters and that Jean was going
along with it. I thought that the requirements were substantially flawed in
failing to meet this, to me, obvious requirement.

Of course we were cajoled or whatever into accepting the generic solution. It
was said to be good for us because we needed to parameterize by the type
anyway. Well each language generation becomes bemused by the latest fad and
generics seemed to be the thing.

So the poor community was lumbered with having to pretend that the optimization
of generic sharing was a sensible solution and we have suffered ever since. Of
course generic sharing is appropriate for handling types if you must have
several types all derived from Float but it seems to me to be a daft way to do
procedure parameters.

I think there is a strong analogy with the foolishness over tasking (which I
went along with I seem to remember). It was equally mad to pretend that the
rendezvous and dynamic tasks would solve everything and then have to introduce
passive tasks as an optimization.

Optimizations should be just that in my view, neat improvements of a modest
kind and not distortions pretending to introduce features that are missing in
order to give orders of magnitude of improvement.

So in Ada 95 we put right the tasking mess by introducing protected objects.
This doesn't seem to have been such a terrible burden on implementers because
the structural implications were restricted to a smallish part of the

As we know, the introduction of tagged types does enable downward closures to
be simulated without recourse to heavy optimizations such as generic sharing.
I was originally happy with this (it made an interesting exercise in my book)
but latterly I have felt that it is really a bizarre approach. It seems
unnatural and, as I hope the example in the AI demonstrates, the distortion
is now placed on the user which in many ways is worse since it forces all users
to visibly distort their programs whereas with optimizations it is partly
hidden by the implementation.

It is of course unfortunate that the original absence of full procedure
parameters enabled and maybe encouraged implementations to use techniques which
in many cases are difficult to adapt to meet the features of the AI.

I don't really care about the implementation details since I wrote the AI from
the point of view of the user. My own compilers for block structured languages
always used displays so I am not against displays per se except inasmuch that
it had seemed to become the view that displays stood in the way of doing
downward closures and hence my remarks.

Clearly the AI is not complete and fine detail like convention needs to be
added. I could also of course, move the copy of the LSN on which it leans from
the appendix into the discussion but that is merely a detail and not of the
essence of the matter.

Finally, I don't think it matters if all implementations cannot do new features
such as downward closures. We are now in a more pragmatic world and clearly
they do not matter for many users. Maybe they could go in the Numerics annex or
maybe we should have a Hard annex. But I would like to see the feature accepted
so that the language is rounded out properly to meet my expectations of 25
years ago.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001 11:29 AM

<<So in Ada 95 we put right the tasking mess by introducing
protected objects. This doesn't seem to have been such a terrible burden
on implementers because the structural implications were restricted to a
smallish part of the implementation.>>

Speaking for GNAT, the implementation of protected types was a major
development effort, and it is by no means complete, in terms of
specialized optimizations that we would like to do.

So if the judgment is that downward closures are anything like that
big a hit, I would judge the addition out of the question.


From: Ted Baker
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  5:09 PM

As one of the implementors for whom Robert speaks, I'd like
to affirm that protected types were a major development effort
and not "restricted to a smallish part of the implementation".
There are complex interactions with tagged types, initialization
and finalization, exception propagation, and of course tasking.

And, by the way, most of the complexities were not predicted
by the published reports on early prototype implementations.
They seemed simple, because they did not implement the full
language, with all the potential interplays of features, and
they were not held to any validation, stress, or performance
testing.  As usual "the devil is in the details".


From: Dan Eilers
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  6:29 PM

Would you go so far as to contend that protected types are more
problematic than equivalent passive task optimizations?

I agree with the analogy John makes, that the original Ada definition
contemplated the need for passive tasks, subprograms as parameters,
(and, I would add, untagged class-wide programming), but mistakenly
relied on heroic optimizations (passivating tasks and sharing generic
bodies) to meet such needs.  Such optimizations go against the
important principle of programming by contract, since they involve
inspection of the task or generic body.  Instead, protected types
were (properly) made a distinct feature from tasks, and downward
closures are (properly) proposed to be distinct from generics.

Even if protected types and/or downward closures are problematic,
they are presumably not more problematic than the equivalent heroic
optimizations.  And the user benefits by not having to wonder whether
a task passivation optimization or generic body sharing optimization
will actually be performed.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  8:03 PM

<<Would you go so far as to contend that protected types are more
problematic than equivalent passive task optimizations?>>

Absolutely! It would have been far less effort to do passive task
optimizations. This is the point that Paul Hilfinger made during
the design process. After all several vendors implemented passive
task optimizations quite effectively, and indeed we find several
customers who really miss passive task optimizations, and find
protected types only a partially satisfactory substitute.


From: Ted Baker
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2001  9:43 AM

| Would you go so far as to contend that protected types are more
| problematic than equivalent passive task optimizations?

No, PT's are not more problematic than passive tasks.
It is just that they turned out to be more complicated
than first appeared, due to the piling-on of requirements for
their use in combination with other language features.

Passive tasks had a different problem.  They created a design
problem for users.  ... but I don't want to get trapped
into rehashing the whole story.

Ironically, some of the complications with protected objects
are there because of a recurrence of the reasoning that in
Ada 83 made people believe that passive task optimizations
were the answer.  For example, we knew that allowing 'Count
in barrier expressions would require up to three evaluations of
the barrier for a protected entry call (before queuing,
after queuing, and after completion of the protected body),
but it was argued that optimizations would eliminate this
overhead in important cases.  Similarly with the need to
wrap the barrier evaluation with an exception handler, the
need to allow for queue reordering with priority changes, etc.
We found out that protected objects were not quite so lean and
mean as originally conceived, so long as the compiler and runtime
system have to handle the worst-case semantics, that
there is a practical limit to the number of cases one
can optimize for, and that vendors may differ on where
they draw the lines for optimizations.

Fortunately, even the most general case of a protected object
is much lighter weight than an active task, and the simplest
form of protected objects (with no entries) is easy enough
to optimize that performance there should be uniformly pretty
good across all implementations.

I just hope that in future language changes we can remember
these lessons:

1) Don't believe arguments that rely on complex "smart"
optimizations to excuse adding in features that obviously can have
high overhead in the general case.

2) Don't believe arguments about a feature being obviously
independent of the rest of the language.  Think through all the
ramifications and interactions with other language features. Don't
assume that somebody (implementors, ARG) else will work out the
ugly details in a satisfactory way later.


From: David Emery
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2001  10:14 AM

I'd like to add a third (first) lesson:

0)  Pay attention to arguments about how features are likely
to be used, particularly at the design/pattern level, to
determine how sensitive applications will be to the efficient
performance of "critical" language features.

Ada has both strengths and weaknesses in its support for
what we now call 'patterns'.  The great strength is Ada's
ability to define and abstract away the implementation of
a pattern.  Ada's weakness is that some of the patterns that
looked very attractive at design-time turn out to have
significant potential performance problems.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  3:07 PM

I haven't heard anything which will make this AI particularly complicated from
a run-time point of view for those implementations that do use static links.
For those that use displays and/or shared generics, we need to be sensitive to
what limitations they require to keep the implementation effort appropriate to
the benefit.

It sounds like Randy has a pretty good idea what limitations he needs, and I
would hope that someone with a connection with Aonix would at least be involved
enough to feel comfortable with the implementability.

I think the big decision is between anonymous access-to-subp and named, limited
access-to-subp.  I am personally quite comfortable with the choice of anonymous
access-to-subp, as that seems the most straightforward and most familiar from
other languages like Pascal.

Can we at least decide whether we generally agree with the anonymous
access-to-subp direction, and then work with Randy and an Aonix rep to make
sure we have the right restrictions?

Alternatively, perhaps we should take John's idea of restricting it to the
Numerics Annex seriously, though that does strike me as a bit out of character
with the annexes in general.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2001  3:52 PM

There is no good argument for restricting this to the Numerics annex, there
is no special argument that this is a place most likely to use this feature
(for my own taste, most often the generic solution is quite fine in numeric
cases, it is in non-numeric cases that it is likely to be more irritating).


From: Pascal Leroy
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2001  4:23 AM

As I recall, during the 9X process there was the decision that there should
be no new syntax in the annexes.  Of course we could decide to change that,
but I see no good reason for doing so.  Moreover, the issue of downward
closures exists in applications that don't make use of numerics.  So I think
it should go into the core language.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2001  9:48 PM

> It sounds like Randy has a pretty good idea
> what limitations he needs, and I would hope
> that someone with a connection with Aonix would
> at least be involved enough to feel comfortable
> with the implementability.

For what it's worth, I'm in favor of the feature if it can be designed to not
force changes in the implementation of existing types (and of course generics).

It seems to me (after thinking it over this weekend) that Pascal was correct
that allowing conversions from anon A2S to normal A2S would require carrying
static links or displays in the objects for nested A2S types. This is not true
in Ada 95 (certainly it is not necessary to carry a display, and there seems to
be no reason that static links are different here -- it is certainly possible
to figure out the appropriate link at the point of the call).

> I think the big decision is between anonymous access-to-subp
> and named, limited access-to-subp.  I am personally quite
> comfortable with the choice of anonymous access-to-subp,
> as that seems the most straightforward and most familiar
> from other languages like Pascal.
> Can we at least decide whether we generally agree with
> the anonymous access-to-subp direction, and then work
> with Randy and an Aonix rep to make sure we have the
> right restrictions?

I really dislike the anon A2S syntax. However, allowing them to be named (as
John proposed in the AI) would open up another whole can or worms, because we
would have to enforce some accessibility to insure that the subprogram would
not disappear while the pointer still existed, while truly anon A2S need no
checks. (This is the same problem that caused the named anon A2O to crash and
burn in Leuven.)

So I very reluctantly go along with that syntax. I prefer the limited access
type idea, except that it suffers from the same accessibility problem that a
named anon A2S has. Perhaps a runtime lifetime check would fix that (although
it would be hard to define).

> Alternatively, perhaps we should take John's idea of
> restricting it to the Numerics Annex seriously, though
> that does strike me as a bit out of character with
> the annexes in general.

Bad idea. I run into this periodically (with iterators, typically), and the
Claw Builder doesn't have anything to do with numerics.


From: Robert Duff
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2001  6:41 PM

I am in favor of going forward with downward closures.  I agree with
John's point that Ada oughtn't to be weaker than Pascal in this rather
important way.  (Algol, too, I suppose, although my knowledge of Algol
is purely academic -- I've never written a line of it.)  I think this is
the *only* feature that exists in Pascal but not in Ada.  Am I right?

Every Ada 95 program I have written, including the one I'm working on
now, and probably most Ada 83 ones I worked on, could have made use of
better support for iterators.  I've written code that used the
workarounds (eg the generic iterator), thus cluttering the code and
namespace with irrelevant rubbage, and increasing compile times
intolerably.  And I've written code where the workarounds were so
intolerable that I decided to expose the data structure and write "for I
in Blah'Range..." or "X := X.Next" or whatever, scattered all over.

I hate having to make that tradeoff -- surely the language design should
make encapsulation and information hiding easier than the alternatives!

I've also written code that uses 'Unrestricted_Access in GNAT.  I
shouldn't have to use a non-portable and unsafe feature, when the
"right" feature has existed for decades in other languages.

> LSN 1083 suggested two mechanisms: limited access-to-subprogram types
> and access-to-subprogram-parameters. Of these, the second is preferred
> because (a) it is close to the techniques in Algol 60 and Pascal, and
> (b) it fits in with the existing access parameters. This mechanism is
> thus proposed here.

The acc-to-subp idea is closer to Pascal syntactically, but I think the
limited types idea is closer semantically.  Would it make sense to use
the syntax of acc-to-subp, but the semantics of limited access types?

The main advantage of the acc-to-subp syntax is that there is no need
for a type name.  That's a good thing, since the type name just clutters
the namespace (as do most access type names).

I wish we didn't need a name for the procedure being passed, either --
in the iterator case, that's the body of the loop.  Loop bodies are not
normally named; requiring a name clutters the namespace.  I suppose this
feature is too much to ask for, though.

I see no point in allowing type conversions from anonymous acc-to-subp
things to named acc-to-subp types.  The only reason to convert to a
named type is to save the thing in some data structure, but the
accessibility rules require that data structure to be local, which isn't
much use.  Furthermore, the possibility of the conversions causes
inefficiency by requiring an accessibility level to be passed.

Downward closures are really a completely separate feature from
callbacks (callbacks being the existing acc-to-subp feature in Ada 95).
Why allow conversions between them?

I am in favor of retaining whatever capabilities Ada 95 has with respect
to generic body sharing.  Although universal sharing is pretty hard --
as pointed out by Randy and Dan (and results in pretty inefficient
code), more limited sharing is a good idea.  Note that one way to
implement it is to let the user choose when to share (just like users
can choose when to inline calls).  I'm not sure, but I suspect that this
would avoid violating the DEC patent.  (And, as others have pointed out,
the DEC patent is at least arguably bogus because of prior art.  I would
testify in court that it's "obvious", too, but nobody has asked me to.
;-) I would think the mere fact that it was independently invented by
two different people would be evidence in that direction -- but I'm not
a patent lawyer!)

Surely Randy and Dan can state the appropriate restrictions (I think
somebody already did), so that we don't make generic body sharing any
worse than it already is.  I don't think we need to give up on downward
closures for that reason.

The AI talks about static links and displays.  I think it should at
least mention the trampoline method, as implemented in gcc (and
therefore GNAT).  The trampoline method is too bizarre for my taste, and
it sounds inefficient (to do P'Access), but I've never measured it.
Anyway, it is a viable technique.

I am against putting the downward closures feature in an optional annex.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2001  6:41 PM

<<The AI talks about static links and displays.  I think it should at
least mention the trampoline method, as implemented in gcc (and
therefore GNAT).  The trampoline method is too bizarre for my taste, and
it sounds inefficient (to do P'Access), but I've never measured it.
Anyway, it is a viable technique.>>

The use of trampolines is orthogonal to whether displays or static links
are used, although in practice it would be pretty gruesome to have
a trampoline that loaded a display, so in practice trampolines are
used with static links.

But in no sense do they someone represent a third method. The point of a
trampoline is simply to avoid the use of a fat pointer. There are two
gains from the use of trampolines

1. Subprogram pointers are only one word long, which tends to be an assumption
in C.

2. You do not pay for loading a static link in the normal case where the
pointer points to a global procedure.


From: John Barnes
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002  10:13 AM

I just sent a new version of AI-254 on downward closures to
Randy so I guess it will be on the net soon.

I felt that you might like to hear a further moan from me on
the topic.

Over Christmas I needed to solve a pair of non-linear
algebraic equations. I turned to Ada, my favourite language
for hacking such things. I quickly knocked up a general
Newton-Raphson thing hoping that it would be simple enough
to pass the functions to be solved as access-to-function
taking a vector and returning a vector. But I immediately
fell into the downward closures pit. I had to make a lot of
stuff global that shouldn't have been. In fact I ended up
with a package named Variables and context clauses saying
with Variables; use Variables; everywhere. Disgusting.

Clearly I should have called the package F_Global_Common. I
am permanently amazed that what I did so easily in 1962
using Algol 60 is beyond Ada 95 without introducing various

End of moan.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002  6:53 AM

I am a little surprised that this particular problem was not trivially
solved using a generic procedure.


From: Javier Miranda
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003  4:37 AM

There is a typo at line 30:

that they by permitted in more contexts as described in AI-230 and with


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