Version 1.3 of ais/ai-00111.txt

Unformatted version of ais/ai-00111.txt version 1.3
Other versions for file ais/ai-00111.txt

!standard D.11(18)          99-09-15 AI95-00111/02
!standard J.7.1(16)
!standard J.7.1(20)
!class presentation 98-04-27
!status Corrigendum 2000 99-07-28
!status received 98-04-27
!qualifier Presentation
!subject Accept body not defined
accept body should be replaced by other wording.
The term "accept body" is used in D.11(18), J.7.1(16), and J.7.1(20). It is not defined anywhere.
(See summary.)
(See corrigendum.)
This was an editing error; "accept body" was defined in a draft of the standard.
!corrigendum D.11(18)
Replace the paragraph:
!corrigendum J.7.1(16)
Replace the paragraph:
Interrupt entry calls may be implemented by having the hardware execute directly the appropriate accept body. Alternatively, the implementation is allowed to provide an internal interrupt handler to simulate the effect of a normal task calling the entry.
Interrupt entry calls may be implemented by having the hardware execute directly the appropriate accept_statement. Alternatively, the implementation is allowed to provide an internal interrupt handler to simulate the effect of a normal task calling the entry.
!corrigendum J.7.1(20)
Replace the paragraph:
1 Queued interrupts correspond to ordinary entry calls. Interrupts that are lost if not immediately processed correspond to conditional entry calls. It is a consequence of the priority rules that an accept body executed in response to an interrupt can be executed with the active priority at which the hardware generates the interrupt, taking precedence over lower priority tasks, without a scheduling action.
1 Queued interrupts correspond to ordinary entry calls. Interrupts that are lost if not immediately processed correspond to conditional entry calls. It is a consequence of the priority rules that an accept_statement executed in response to an interrupt can be executed with the active priority at which the hardware generates the interrupt, taking precedence over lower priority tasks, without a scheduling action.
!ACATS test
None needed.

From: 	Stephane Barbey[]
Sent: 	Monday, April 27, 1998 7:58 AM
Subject: 	Accept body

!topic     Accept body
!reference RM95 D.11(18), RM95 J.7.1(16), RM95 J.7.1(20)
!from      Stéphane Barbey 1998-4-27
<<reference as: 1998-15857.a Stephane Barbey  1998-4-27>>

RM95 D.11(18), RM95 J.7.1(16) and RM95, J.7.1(20) mention the concept
of "accept body", which is not defined elsewhere. The ARG should probably
rephrase these paragraphs, although I guess that the priority of this
item is very low.



From: Randy Brukardt, ARG Editor
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 15, 1999
Subject: Typo in this paragraph.

Kiyoshi Ishihata points out a typo in this paragraph: "a entry" should be
"an entry". I've repaired this in the corrigendum wording.



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