!standard D.4 (01) 99-09-15 AI95-00068/02 !class presentation 95-07-27 !status Corrigendum 2000 99-07-28 !status WG9 approved 96-06-14 !status received 95-07-27 !qualifier Error !subject Number of queuing policies defined !summary D.4 defines *two* language-defined policies. !question D.4(1) says "It also defines one such policy." But the language defines two such policies. What is meant here? !recommendation The wording for D.4(1) is hereby corrected. !wording (See recommendation.) !discussion This is just an editing error. Obviously, the language defines two policies (FIFO_Queuing and Priority_Queuing). !corrigendum D.4(1) @drepl This clause specifies a mechanism for a user to choose an @i policy. It also defines one such policy. Other policies are implementation defined. @dby This clause specifies a mechanism for a user to choose an @i policy. It also defines two such policies. Other policies are implementation defined. !ACATS test None needed. !appendix !section D.4(01) !subject "It also defines [one such policy]{two such policies}." !reference RM95-D.4(01) !from Bob Duff !reference as: 95-5214.c Robert A Duff 95-7-8>> !discussion I'm submitting this on behalf of Robert Dewar. There are two language-defined policies: FIFO_Queuing and Priority_Queuing. Perhaps the sentence is meant to imply that this clause defines Priority_Queuing, whereas FIFO_Queuing is defined in 9.5.3 and 9.7.1. But then, "Other policies are implementation defined." would imply that FIFO_Queuing is implementation defined, which is clearly not true. ****************************************************************