CVS log for ai22s/ai22-0091-1.html

to ai22s/
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HTML source of 1.7
Modified 2024/10/25 06:44:28 by randy with line changes +13 -12
CVS Tags: HEAD, AI250102, AI241024
Differences from 1.6
Updated status with WG 9 Approval.

HTML source of 1.6
Modified 2024/09/05 06:24:08 by randy with line changes +21 -18
Differences from 1.5
Various editorial review and regular AI updates.

HTML source of 1.5
Modified 2024/07/10 09:46:10 by randy with line changes +11 -11
CVS Tags: AI240711
Differences from 1.4
Various updates and new AIs.

HTML source of 1.4
Modified 2024/05/05 07:09:35 by randy with line changes +53 -15
Differences from 1.3
Status changes from meeting #63D, some editorial changes.

HTML source of 1.3
Modified 2024/05/02 05:42:09 by randy with line changes +29 -21
Differences from 1.2
Gary updated the example as suggested by Niklas Holsti.

HTML source of 1.2
Modified 2024/04/26 08:53:38 by randy with line changes +34 -19
CVS Tags: AI240425
Differences from 1.1
Various editorial review changes, !corrigendum sections, and other edits.

HTML source of 1.1
Modified 2023/12/08 10:01:04 by randy
CVS Tags: AI240215, AI231207
New and updated AIs from homework for meeting 63B.

This form allows you to request differences between any two revisions of a file, by number or by tag.

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