!standard 4.2.1(14/5) 22-01-14 AI22-0003-1/03 !class binding interpretation 21-11-11 !status Corrigendum 1-2022 22-01-14 !status ARG Approved 11-0-0 21-11-18 !status work item 21-11-11 !status received 21-11-10 !priority Low !difficulty Easy !qualifier Omission !subject Vestigial rule about inheritance of user-defined literal aspects !summary Delete unneeded rule. !question Consider the case of a nonabstract derived tagged type whose parent type has a specified user-defined literal aspect (for example, Integer_Literal). We have a nice description of how aspect inheritance works in this case in 13.1(15.4/5-15.6/5). But we also have in 4.2.1(14/5) a rule: If a nonabstract tagged type inherits any user-defined literal aspect, then each inherited aspect shall be directly specified as a nonabstract function for the type unless the inherited aspect denotes a nonabstract function, or functions, and the type is a null extension. Recall that user-defined literal aspects are nonoverridable (4.2.1(6/5)). Thus this rule requires overriding of a nonoverridable aspect. This requirement could be satisfied via a confirming aspect specification, but it seems very odd to require an explicit confirming aspect specification. Is this rule needed anymore? (No.) !recommendation (See Summary.) !wording Delete 4.2.1(14/5). !discussion 4.2.1(14/5) appears to be a vestigial rule left over from an earlier model that we have since moved away from. The 13.1 rules about inheritance are all that is needed; the worse-than-redundant 4.2.1 rule should be deleted. !corrigendum 4.2.1(14/5) @ddel If a nonabstract tagged type inherits any user-defined literal aspect, then each inherited aspect shall be directly specified as a nonabstract function for the type unless the inherited aspect denotes a nonabstract function, or functions, and the type is a null extension. !ACATS test No separate ACATS test is needed; tests for the inheritance of these aspects should be enough as this is loosening a restriction. !appendix ****************************************************************