Version 1.1 of ai12s/cor15con.txt
!comment This file contains Corrigendum conflicts for Amendment 3 (Ada 202x).
!comment Conflicts occur when multiple issues change the same
!comment paragraph of the standard.
!comment This file (and the reading of it in the program) would need to
!comment be changed for a new Corrigendum or Amendment.
!comment The paragraphs must be in sorted order!!
!corrigendum 4.4(3/3)
@xcode<@fa<relation ::=
simple_expression [relational_operator simple_expression]
| simple_expression [>@ft<@b<not>>@fa<] >@ft<@b<in>>@fa< membership_choice_list>>
@xcode<@fa<relation ::=
simple_expression [relational_operator simple_expression]
| @i<tested_>simple_expression [>@ft<@b<not>>@fa<] >@ft<@b<in>>@fa< membership_choice_list
| raise_expression>>
!corrigendum 11.3(4/2)
To @i<raise an exception> is to raise a new occurrence of that exception, as
explained in 11.4. For the execution of a @fa<raise_statement> with an
@i<exception_>@fa<name>, the named exception is raised. If a
@i<string_>@fa<expression> is present, the @fa<expression> is evaluated and its
value is associated with the exception occurrence. For the execution of a
re-raise statement, the exception occurrence that caused transfer of control to
the innermost enclosing handler is raised again.
To @i<raise an exception> is to raise a new occurrence of that exception, as
explained in 11.4. For the execution of a @fa<raise_statement> with an
@i<exception_>@fa<name>, the named exception is raised. Similarly, for the evaluation
of a @fa<raise_expression>, the named exception is raised. In both of these cases,
if a @i<string_>@fa<expression> is present, the @fa<expression> is evaluated and its
value is associated with the exception occurrence. For the execution of a
re-raise statement, the exception occurrence that caused transfer of control to
the innermost enclosing handler is raised again.
1 If the evaluation of a @i<string_>@fa<expression> raises an exception, that
exception is propagated rather than the one denoted by the @i<exception_>@fa<name>
of the @fa<raise_statement> or @fa<raise_expression>.>>
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