!standard 3.5(56.4/3) 21-06-03 AI12-0427-1/06 !standard 3.6(22.2/3) !standard 4.1.3(13.1/5) !standard 4.2.1(0/5) !standard 4.3.5(0/5) !standard 4.5.10(0/5) !standard 4.9.1(2/3) !standard 4.10(0/5) !standard 5.6.1(0/5) !standard 8.5(5) !standard 8.6(17.1/5) !standard 9.10.1(26/5) !standard 13.1(10/5) !standard 13.1(13.1/3) !standard 13.1.1(11/5) !standard 13.1.1(21/3) !standard 13.1.1(22/3) !standard 13.3(6) !standard 13.13.2(51/3) !standard B.3(65.1/5) !class Amendment 21-05-07 !status Amendment 1-2012 21-05-07 !status WG9 Approved 22-06-22 !status ARG Approved 14-0-1 21-06-03 !status work item 21-05-07 !status received 21-05-07 !priority Low !difficulty Easy !subject Fixups from WG 9 review !summary (1) Add rules about the propagation of exceptions from implicit calls to Put_Image. (2) Delete 8.5(5); it is not true in Ada 202x (and part of it was not true in Ada 2005 or Ada 2012, either). (3) Add "unless otherwise specified" to the second sentence of 8.6(17.1/5). (4) Add a case for "aggregates" to 13.1.1(19-22/3). (5) Generalize 13.3(6) (moving it after 13.1(13.1/3)) and 13.13.2(51/3) to apply to aspect_specifications as well as attribute_definition clauses. (6) Remove "no primitive subprograms" from 3.5(56.4/3) and 3.6(22.2/3). (7) Drop the text added by AI12-0411-1 to B3.(65.1/5). (8) Clarify the second sentence of 4.5.10(34/5). (9) Replace the original 13.1(10) in the case of primitive subprogram parameters that are passed by reference and thus cannot be converted to a different representation. (10) Add a special case to 3.5(56.4/3) to prevent problems with the inheritance of routines that would be illegal if called explicitly. (11) In 4.3.5(6/5), change the matching to require "exactly one" and allow any signed integer type for the parameter if any. (12) Clarify that the Implementation Permission in 9.10.1 also applies to All_xxx_Checks policies. (13) Clarify what is passed to xxx_Literal functions. (14) Add an aspect_specification to parallel blocks. (15) Restrict the deferred resolution of aspect_specifications to those appearing on a declaration. (16) 4.1.3(13.1/5) needs to define the context of the Access attribute so that resolution is well-defined. (17) Extend 4.9.1(1.5/5) to properly account for global aspects that contain global_names. Also, change "statically denotes" to "statically names" in 6.1.1(9/5) to allow as many names as possible to be used in a global aspect. !problem (1) Stream-oriented attributes define the subtype of the parameter of the associated subprograms with 13.13.2(51/3). We don't have any similar rule for Put_Image in 4.10. The definition of Put_Image seems to suggest that the parameter is of type T, but types do not have names in Ada -- one always has to specify a subtype. Additionally, the RM doesn't mention that the implicit calls of Put_Image propagate any exceptions (including those caused by a subtype check failure). (2) 8.5(5) says that an object of an anonymous access type cannot be renamed. However, it seems to me that the second alternative in 8.5.1(1/5), the "access_definition" case, does allow such a renaming. Similarly, 8.5(5) says that a single task or protected object cannot be renamed since the corresponding type is anonymous, but as we can now omit the subtype_mark from the object_renaming_declaration, it seems that such entities can be renamed. Either I am wrong, or the statements in 8.5(5) are wrong. (3) The nominal (sub)type specified in 8.6(17.1/5) for the "current instance" value seems to be overridden in 7.3.2(5/4) for the aspect Type_Invariant'Class, and in 7.3.3(4/5) for the aspect Default_Initial_Condition, where different types ("NT") are specified for the current instance. This apparent contradiction should be addressed in some way. (4) In RM 13.1.1(19/3-22/3) we have: Depending on which aspect is identified by the aspect_mark, an aspect_definition specifies: * a name that denotes a subprogram, object, or other kind of entity; * an expression, which is either evaluated to produce a single value, or which (as in a precondition) is to be evaluated at particular points during later execution; or * an identifier specific to the aspect. This is relatively old wording, and doesn't mention "aggregate" which is of course a kind of expression, but in newer wording is called out separately, and it is certainly misleading to talk about it being evaluated to produce a "single value." (5) Paragraphs 13.3(6) and 13.13.2(51/3) give requirements on subprograms specified for attributes (aspects) via an attribute_definition_clause. There is no rule that does that for aspects specified via aspect_specifications. (6) 3.5(56.4/3) says: If a derived type with no primitive subprograms inherits a boolean Default_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type. It is likely that the "with no primitive subprograms" was included to ensure that we didn't unintentionally override 13.1(10) with this rule. However, Ada 202x removes the bulk of 13.1(10) (which mostly was intended to avoid expensive implicit conversions -- but the effect was to prevent programmers from writing derived types that they needed even if the expensive conversion was not a problem). This means this rule as written is a wart, as it seems to prevent non-confirming Default_Value aspects in the case of a type with primitive subprograms. 3.6(22.2/3) has similar wording. (7) We have added C_bool to Interfaces.C, which is defined to be equivalent to C's "bool" (or "_Bool"). It now seems misleading to say that Ada's Standard.Boolean type "corresponds" to the C bool type. The point of introducing C_bool was so that you could be certain that you had a type compatible with C, and there was no guarantee that, for example, a record component of type Standard.Boolean would match a C struct component of type "bool." The current state of RM B.3(65.1/5) is An Ada enumeration type corresponds to a C enumeration type with corresponding enumeration literals having the same internal codes, provided the internal codes fall within the range of the C int type. The Ada Boolean type corresponds to the C bool type. That last sentence was not present when this paragraph was added, which originated from AI12-0135-1. The last sentence came from AI12-0411-1, which defined Interfaces.C.C_bool. That last sentence seems to miss the whole point of the addition of C_bool, namely, that there is no requirement that the Ada Boolean type itself corresponds to the C bool type. (8) 4.5.10 (34/5) says: For a parallel reduction expression, it is a bounded error if the reducer subprogram is not associative. That is, for any arbitrary values of subtype Value_Type A, B, C and a reducer function R, the result of R (A, R(B, C)) should produce a result equal to R (R (A, B), C)). The possible consequences are Program_Error, or a result that does not match the equivalent sequential reduction expression due to the order of calls on the reducer subprogram being unspecified in the overall reduction. Analogous rules apply in the case of a reduction procedure. The second sentence is misleading in that it is explaining what associative means while the first sentence talks about being not associative. (9) We have relaxed the rules relating to specifying type-related representation aspects when there are primitives that might be inherited by derived types with a different representation. However, we did not take into account that some parameters are necessarily passed by reference, even if the type itself is not a by-reference type. Such parameters cannot easily be converted automatically when calling an inherited subprogram. (10) Paragraphs 6.4.1(5.1/5) through 6.4.1(5.4/4) define a Legality check for some scalar view conversions passed to OUT mode parameters. When a type is derived, any inherited subprograms are called with the actual parameters of the new type view converted to the parent type. This can cause an anomaly, in that an explicit call would be illegal while calling an inherited routine (which makes the same call implicitly) is legal. Tucker notes that 6.4.1(15.1/5) says that this view conversion raises Program_Error. Therefore, there is no language bug because code that does not follow the principles cannot be executed. OTOH, the rule Tucker refers to was only intended to be used in generic bodies (and there is an AARM note to that effect). So implementers and users alike are likely to be confused. Moreover, we have a Language Design Principle (admittedly, not always followed) that a construct which will always raise an exception should be detected at compile-time. So it seems that a Legality Rule is missing here. (11) The optional parameter of the Empty function is required in 4.3.5(6/5) to be of type (Standard.) Integer. However, the language-defined containers use Empty functions that have an Ada.Containers.Count_Type parameter, and that does not match this specification. (12) Are these permissions granted also when the (stronger) policies All_Parallel_Conflict_Checks or All_Tasking_Conflict_Checks apply? It is said earlier in this subclause that these stronger policies "include" the restrictions imposed by the weaker (Known_...) policies, but it is not clear that specifying the stronger policies implies that the weaker policies also "apply", which is the condition now given for these permissions. (13) 4.2.1(7/5) says: ... The actual parameter of this notional call is a string_literal having the textual representation of the original (numeric or string) literal. Does the textual representation of a string literal include the quotes on either end? And what about doubled quotation marks occurring in the middle? Based on the example of Roman_Number, I would guess the answer is the enclosing quotes are removed, and a doubled quotation mark becomes a single quotation mark, but that is not clear from this rule. Additionally, how can a string literal have the same textual representation as a numeric literal? At a minimum it needs enclosing quotation marks. This needs to be better specified. (14) AI12-0355-2 adds aspect_specifications to "all constructs that use the reserved word parallel". But that was not done for a parallel block, which uses the reserved work parallel. (15) AI12-0355-2, as well as the previous issue, adds aspect_specifications to certain statements and expressions. 13.1.1(11/5) says: The usage names in an aspect_definition are not resolved at the point of the associated declaration, but rather are resolved at the end of the immediately enclosing declaration list, or in the case of the declaration of a library unit, at the end of the visible part of the entity. This doesn't make sense when an aspect_specification is associated with something other than a declaration -- we might not even directly be in a declaration list (and the declaration list containing a body is way too late). (16) 4.1.3(13.1/5) says: For a prefixed view of a subprogram whose first parameter is an access parameter, the prefix shall be legal as the prefix of an Access attribute reference. There are two problems with this. First, an Access attribute reference normally occurs in some specific context that, for example, defines its expected type. That is not the case here, and given that the resolution of the prefix of an Access attribute depends on the expected type, it is not completely clear what this wording means. Second, Ada doesn't define an "attribute reference". There is an implicit definition as an "attribute_reference", but that doesn't explain how the identifier is associated. Other uses use the longer but clearly correct "an attribute_reference with attribute_designator Blah". We should either define "attribute reference" properly, or use the longer wording. (17) The statically matching rule for Global aspects (4.9.1(1.5/5) says ... or each is of the form “global_mode global_designator” with the same sequence of reserved words. But a global_designator can be a global_name, so it seems like we need a requirement that corresponding global_names have to statically denote the same entity. Additionally, we now have "statically names" for objects, which allows selected and indexed names when those are known at compile-time. We should use that in 6.1.2(9/5) and in 4.9.1(1.5/5) to allow as much as possible in global aspects. !proposal (1) Add appropriate wording. (2) Delete 8.5(5). (3) Add "unless otherwise specified" to the second sentence of 8.6(17.1/5). (4) Add an extra bullet for "aggregates". (5) (See summary.) (6) (See summary.) (7) (See summary.) (8) Add clarifying text at the end of the second sentence of 4.5.10(34/5). (9) Add a definition of a "by-reference primitive", and disallow nonconfirming representation clauses if any of those are present. (10) Add a special case to 3.5(56.4/3) preventing specification of Default_Value if this problem can happen. (11) Allow the optional parameter to be of any integer type. Also, require exactly one function to match this, to avoid issues if there are multiple routines that match these profiles. (12) Add All_Parallel_Conflict_Checks or All_Tasking_Conflict_Checks to the permission of 9.10.1(26/5). (13) Clarify what is passed to xxxx_Literal functions. (14) Add an aspect_specification to a parallel block, and update the semantics to include it. (15) (See summary.) (16) (See summary.) (17) (See summary.) !wording [Editor's note: These changes have been applied to Draft 30 of the RM, even though they are not yet approved, in order that the draft reflect as much of the accepted WG 9 comments as possible.] (1) A version of the first problem also occurs in AI12-0435-1, and we chose to fix it there as that AI also includes other fixes. Add to the end of each of 4.10(28.2/5), 4.10(31/5), 4.10(34/5): Redundant[Any exception propagated by the call of S'Put_Image is propagated.] [Editor's note: There is no attempt to have such wording for the default implementations of the stream-oriented attributes, so we make no attempt to do that here, either. All such wording is redundant, since it follows directly from the definition of exception propagation in 11.4.] (2) Delete 8.5(5). (3) Modify 8.6(17.1/5): Within an aspect_specification for a type or subtype, the current instance represents a value of the type; it is not an object. {Unless otherwise specified, the}[The] nominal subtype of this value is given by the subtype itself (the first subtype in the case of a type_declaration), prior to applying any predicate specified directly on the type or subtype. If the type or subtype is by-reference, the associated object of the value is the object associated (see 6.2) with the evaluation of the usage name. (4) Modify 13.1.1(21/3): * an expression{ (other than an aggregate)}, which is either evaluated to produce a single value, or which (as in a precondition) is to be evaluated at particular points during later execution;[ or] Modify 13.1.1(22/3): * an identifier specific to the aspect{; or * an aggregate, which is positional or named, and is composed of elements of any of these four kinds of constructs}. (5) Add after 13.1(13.1/3): When specifying an aspect that denotes a subprogram, the profile of the subprogram shall be mode conformant with the one required for the aspect, and the convention shall be Ada. Additional requirements are defined for particular aspects. AARM Ramification: As well as applying to aspect_specifications, this rule applies to attribute_definition_clauses for those aspects that have associated attributes. This rule implies, for example, that if one writes: type T is ... with Read => R; R has to be a procedure with two parameters with the appropriate subtypes and modes as shown in 13.13.2. End AARM Ramification. [Editor's note: The latter half of this AARM Ramification is from the existing text, modified to use an aspect_specification.] Delete 13.3(6) and the associated notes (the rule above replaces it). Modify 13.13.2(51/3): For an attribute_definition_clause {or aspect_specification} specifying one of these attributes, the subtype of the Item parameter shall be the first subtype or the base subtype if scalar, and the first subtype if not scalar. The same rule applies to the result of the Input function. Modify AARM 13.13.2(51.b/3): The view of the type at the point of the attribute_definition_clause determines whether the base subtype is allowed. Thus, for a scalar type with a partial view (which is never scalar), whether the base subtype is allowed is determined by whether the attribute_definition_clause occurs before or after the full definition of the scalar type.{ For the same reason, the base subtype is never allowed for an attribute specified via an aspect_specification on the partial view.} (6) Modify 3.5(56.4/3): If a derived type [with no primitive subprograms] inherits a boolean Default_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type. [Editor's note: This wording is modified further by (10), below.] Modify 3.6(22.2/3): If a derived type [with no primitive subprograms] inherits a boolean Default_Component_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type. (7) Modify B.3(65.1/5): An Ada enumeration type corresponds to a C enumeration type with corresponding enumeration literals having the same internal codes, provided the internal codes fall within the range of the C int type. [The Ada Boolean type corresponds to the C bool type.] (8) Modify 4.5.10(34/5): For a parallel reduction expression, it is a bounded error if the reducer subprogram is not associative. That is, for any arbitrary values of subtype Value_Type A, B, C and a reducer function R, the result of R (A, R (B, C)) should produce a result equal to R (R (A, B), C)){; it is a bounded error if R does not}. The possible consequences are Program_Error, or a result that does not match the equivalent sequential reduction expression due to the order of calls on the reducer subprogram being unspecified in the overall reduction. Analogous rules apply in the case of a reduction procedure. (9) Modify 13.1(10/5): {A by-reference primitive is a user-defined primitive subprogram for a type T that has an access result designating type T, or that has a formal parameter that is an access parameter designating type T or is aliased and of type T.} It is illegal to specify a nonconfirming type-related representation aspect for an untagged [by-reference] type T if it is derived from a by-reference type {or inherits one or more by-reference primitives}, or if one or more types have been derived from T prior to the specification of the aspect {and type T is a by-reference type or defines one or more by-reference primitives that are inherited by these descendants}. Modify AARM 13.1(10.b/5): The reason for forbidding specification of type-related representation aspects on untagged by-reference types is because a change of representation is impossible when passing by reference (to an inherited subprogram). (A by-reference object cannot be copied to change its representation.) {The reason for forbidding specification of type-related representation aspects on untagged types with by-reference primitives is that access parameters, access results, and aliased parameters cannot be converted as part of invoking an inherited subprogram if the representation of the designated types might be different.} This rule is not needed for tagged types, because other rules prevent a type-related representation aspect from changing the representation of the parent part; we want to allow specifying a type-related representation aspect on a type extension to specify aspects of the extension part. For example, specifying aspect Pack will cause packing of the extension part, but not of the parent part. (10) Modify 3.5(56.4/3): [including the change from (6), above] If a derived type [with no primitive subprograms] inherits a boolean Default_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type.{ If a derived type T does not inherit a Default_Value aspect, it shall not specify such an aspect if it inherits a primitive subprogram that has a parameter of type T of mode OUT. AARM Reason: The second sentence is to avoid violating the rules specified in 6.4.1 about view conversions of OUT parameters with a specified Default_Value aspect.} (11) Modify 4.3.5(6/5): The name specified for Empty for an Aggregate aspect shall denote a constant of the container type, or denote [a]{exactly one} function with a result type of the container type that has no parameters, or that has one in parameter of [type Integer]{a signed integer type}. (12) Modify 9.10.1(26/5): When the conflict check policy Known_Parallel_Conflict_Checks {or All_Parallel_Conflict_Checks} applies, the implementation may disallow two concurrent actions appearing within parallel constructs if the implementation can prove they will at run-time denote the same object with uses that conflict. Similarly, when the conflict check policy Known_Tasking_Conflict_Checks {or All_Tasking_Conflict_Checks} applies, the implementation may disallow two concurrent actions, at least one of which appears within a task body but not within a parallel construct, if the implementation can prove they will at run-time denote the same object with uses that conflict. (13) Modify the last portion of 4.2.1(7/5): ... The actual parameter of this notional call is a string_literal {representing a sequence of characters that is the same as the sequence of characters in the original numeric literal, or the sequence represented by the original string} [having the textual representation of the original (numeric or string)] literal. (14) Replace 5.6.1(2/5) with: parallel_block_statement ::= parallel [(chunk_specification)] [aspect_specification] do handled_sequence_of_statements and handled_sequence_of_statements {and handled_sequence_of_statements} end do; The chunk_specification, if any, of a parallel_block_statement shall be an /integer_/simple_expression. Replace 5.6.1(3/5) with: For the execution of a parallel_block_statement, the chunk_specification and the aspect_specification, if any, are elaborated in an arbitrary order. After elaborating the chunk_specification, if any, a check is made that the determined maximum number of chunks is greater than zero. If this check fails, Program_Error is raised. Then, the various handled_sequence_of_statements are grouped into one or more /chunks/, each with its own logical thread of control (see clause 9), up to the maximum number of chunks specified by the chunk_specification, if any. Within each chunk every handled_sequence_of_statements of the chunk is executed in turn, in an arbitrary order. The parallel_block_statement is complete once every one of the handled_sequence_of_statements has completed, either by reaching the end of its execution, or due to a transfer of control out of the construct by one of the handled_sequence_of_statements (see 5.1). (15) Modify 13.1(11/5): The usage names in an aspect_definition {associated with a declaration} [Redundant: are not resolved at the point of the associated declaration, but rather] are resolved at the end of the immediately enclosing declaration list, or in the case of the declaration of a library unit, at the end of the visible part of the entity. (16) Modify 4.1.3(13.1/5): For a prefixed view of a subprogram whose first {formal} parameter is an access parameter, the prefix shall be legal as the prefix of an {an attribute_reference with attribute_designator} Access [attribute reference] {appearing as the first actual parameter in a call on the unprefixed view of the subprogram}. (17) Modify 4.9.1(1.5/5): The Global or Global'Class aspects (see 6.1.2) of two entities statically match if both consist of a single global_aspect_definition where each is the reserved word null, or each is of the form "global_mode global_designator" with {each global_mode being} the same sequence of reserved words {and each global_designator being the same reserved word, or each being a global_name that statically names the same entity}. Modify 6.1.2(9/5): A global_name shall resolve to statically {name}[denote] an object or a package (including a limited view of a package). !discussion (1) The added sentences are modeled on 13.11(21.5/3) for calls to Allocate. Note that we don't consistently mention exception propagation in the RM; such wording is not needed since the definition of exception propagation in 11.4 clearly covers that (it's not limited to particular constructs). For example, we have exception propagation wording for calls to Allocator in allocators, but we have no such wording for calls to Deallocation from Unchecked_Deallocation. As such, we only added it in a few cases where it was easy and did not disrupt the flow of the text. (2) We could try to rewrite the note to make it True. However, this note is in the introductory material for renaming, so it should not be very detailed. Moreover, the original purpose clearly is to note that not all objects can be renamed -- but all objects (and many values as well) CAN be renamed in Ada 202x, so any revised note is not longer serving that purpose. The notion that not all constructs can be used in all possible ways seems fundamental to a programming language, and the RM does not need notes to give out random facts (especially in the general overview material). Thus we recommend deleting this note. If there is felt to be value in a revised note, the Editor would suggest that such a note would be more appropriate in 8.5.1 (details of object renaming) rather than in the overview material of 8.5. (3) As noted in the !problem, 7.3.2(5/4) and 7.3.3(4/5) specify a different subtype, so we should make it clear that this rule can be overridden by a more specific rule. (4) An aggregate is composed of all of the other kinds of things, and might be evaluated piece-meal. As such, it is best to handle them separately. (5) While there can be no doubt of the intent of an equivalence between specification via an aspect_specification and an attribute_definition_clause, we have been trying to eliminate semantic rules that specifically mention how some aspect/attribute is specified, since those can be misread easily and are always confusing. The rule of 13.3(6) (which is associated with the description of attribute_definition_clauses) should be moved to 13.1 (which contains rules that apply to all aspects). There are no other rules that apply to all aspects in 13.3; this is an unusual place that even Ada experts have difficulty finding. The author checked the entire AARM for uses of attribute_definition_clause, and did not find any other rules that needed generalization. (6) As noted, 13.1(10) does not apply anymore to most derived types, so we do not want these rules enforcing an obsolete restriction. (7) We don't need to say that C_Bool corresponds to Bool, as that is required by B.3(43/5) - and a requirement is stronger than Implementation Advice. (8) The least change possible is just to make it clear that the bounded error occurs when the second sentence's requirement is False. (9) We define the term "by-reference primitives" (meaning those that have anonymous access parameters or results, or aliased parameters) to simplify whatever wording is chosen. One option is that by-reference primitives "become" abstract when inherited by a derived type with some different representation aspect. However, that is incompatible with generics, since currently all operations are available on a formal derived type inside a generic, even though all operations are effectively inherited. We also could have required such by-reference primitives to "require overriding". However, the language currently does not require overriding for any untagged type inheritance (meaning additional implementation burden), and this also doesn't solve the problem for generics, since the original operations "re-emerge" in a generic (overriding is purely a visibility effect for untagged types). Thus, the only reasonable solution is to be to go back to disallowing the specification of a nonconfirming representation aspect if there are any by-reference primitives. We considered folding the by-reference type rules into this rule for a further simplification, but 4.6 (especially 4.6(58.2/4)) assumes that any related by-reference types can be converted without any representation change. Perhaps we could change that, but doing so would cancel out any simplification to 13.1. (10) We want a Legality Rule as raising Program_Error is likely to have a greater implementation burden than enforcing a Legality Rule, and it could cause a hidden problem in a program that only occurs in unusual cases. We choose to prevent declaring a problematic type. Other rules (such as making calls on such inherited operations illegal or requiring overriding of the operations) would have a much higher implementation burden, as we're already enforcing similar rules (both this one and 13.1(10/5)). We only need to disallow adding a Default_Value aspect. The rules in 6.4.1(5.1/5) through 6.4.1(5.4/4) only disallow cases where one type has a Default_Value and the other doesn't, or where they both have it but don't have a common ancestor. Clearly a derived type and its parent have a common ancestor, and clearly you can't get rid of a Default_Value aspect when you have it, so the only issue is adding a Default_Value aspect. The choosen rule has the advantage that it could be compatibly relaxed in the future (perhaps to "require overriding" of problematic operations), if it proves to be a problem in practice. Other rules would probably require an incompatible change to be made more friendly. (11) We already have a minor issue if there is a parameterless function and one with a single Integer parameter -- which one is used for Empty? This change thus fixes that bug as well as the one mentioned in the !problem. (12) It's likely easier for implementers if this permission applies to the All_xxx_Checks as well as Known_xxx_Checks, as the former is then a more pure superset of the latter. [Editor's note: It is my contention that (assuming the All_xxx_Checks is defined as intended), that this permission can never have an effect for an All_xxx_Checks policy. Any case where later detection (such as in an instance) could happen should have been illegal initially, as All_xxx_Checks is an assume-the-worst rule -- it only allows things that are certain to not conflict. So I don't see how the permission could possibly matter, since anything that the permission could detect was already illegal. What might help here would be the reverse permission -- that is, allowing not rejecting code that can be proven safe in the All_xxx_Checks policies. But that clearly is a bridge too far at this late date - whether the effect on portability is acceptable would need lots of community input.] (13) Indeed, the intent is that no enclosing quotes are passed to these routines. That needed to be made explicit. (14) All of the reasons that it is useful to have an aspect_specification on a parallel loop (the ability to specify properties to an underlying scheduler in particular) certainly apply to a parallel block. (15) The reason for deferring names in a declaration is so that subprograms and objects declared after a subprogram or type can be used in aspects like preconditions and stream attributes. This is necessary for types as one cannot declare a subprogram with a parameter of a type or an object of a type *before* the type is declared (and is convenient in other declaration cases). This need does not apply to statements and expressions, so we resolve the aspect_definitions immediately. (16) The term "attribute reference" is not defined, and as the !problem states, it is not just an alternative for the syntax term "attribute_reference". Defining a term for this probably would be preferable for readability, but given the possibility of the definition introducing new bugs, it is just too late in the definition of Ada 202x to do that. So we use the more pedantic wording. (17) Since "statically names" is defined to be equivalent to "statically denotes" for entities that are not objects, we can use it without qualification in 6.1.1(9/5). Since 6.1.1(9/5) requires a global_name to statically name something, we can require the same for static matching. !corrigendum 3.5(56.4/3) @drepl If a derived type with no primitive subprograms inherits a boolean Default_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type. @dby If a derived type inherits a boolean Default_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type. If a derived type @i does not inherit a Default_Value aspect, it shall not specify such an aspect if it inherits a primitive subprogram that has a parameter of type @i of mode @b. !corrigendum 3.6(22.2/3) @drepl If a derived type with no primitive subprograms inherits a boolean Default_Component_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type. @dby If a derived type inherits a boolean Default_Component_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type. !corrigendum 4.1.3(13.1/5) @drepl For a prefixed view of a subprogram whose first parameter is an access parameter, the prefix shall be legal as the prefix of an Access attribute reference. @dby For a prefixed view of a subprogram whose first formal parameter is an access parameter, the prefix shall be legal as the @fa an @fa with @fa Access appearing as the first actual parameter in a call on the unprefixed view of the subprogram. !corrigendum 4.2.1(0) @dinsc See the conflict file for the changes. !corrigendum 4.3.5(0) @dinsc See the conflict file for the changes. !corrigendum 4.5.10(0) @dinsc See the conflict file for the changes. !corrigendum 4.9.1(2/3) @drepl A subtype @i another subtype of the same type if they have statically matching constraints, all predicate specifications that apply to them come from the same declarations, and, for access subtypes, either both or neither exclude null. Two anonymous access-to-object subtypes statically match if their designated subtypes statically match, and either both or neither exclude null, and either both or neither are access-to-constant. Two anonymous access-to-subprogram subtypes statically match if their designated profiles are subtype conformant, and either both or neither exclude null. @dby The Global or Global'Class aspects (see 6.1.2) of two entities @i if both consist of a single @fa where each is the reserved word @b, or each is of the form "@fa @fa" with each @fa being the same sequence of reserved words and each @fa being the same reserved word, or each being a @fa that statically names the same entity. A subtype @i another subtype of the same type if they have statically matching constraints, all predicate specifications that apply to them come from the same declarations, Nonblocking aspects have the same value, global aspects statically match, Object_Size (see 13.3) has been specified to have a nonconfirming value for either both or neither, and the nonconfirming values, if any, are the same, and, for access subtypes, either both or neither exclude null. Two anonymous access-to-object subtypes statically match if their designated subtypes statically match, and either both or neither exclude null, and either both or neither are access-to-constant. Two anonymous access-to-subprogram subtypes statically match if their designated profiles are subtype conformant, and either both or neither exclude null. !corrigendum 4.10(0) @dinsc See the conflict file for the changes. !corrigendum 5.6.1(0) @dinsc See the conflict file for the changes. !corrigendum 6.1.2(0) @dinsc See the conflict file for the changes. !corrigendum 8.5(5) @ddel 10 A task or protected object that is declared by an explicit @fa can be renamed as an object. However, a single task or protected object cannot be renamed since the corresponding type is anonymous (meaning it has no nameable subtypes). For similar reasons, an object of an anonymous array or access type cannot be renamed. !corrigendum 8.6(17.1/5) @drepl @xindent for a type or subtype, the current instance represents a value of the type; it is not an object. The nominal subtype of this value is given by the subtype itself (the first subtype in the case of a @fa), prior to applying any predicate specified directly on the type or subtype. If the type or subtype is by-reference, the associated object of the value is the object associated (see 6.2) with the evaluation of the usage name.> @dby @xindent for a type or subtype, the current instance represents a value of the type; it is not an object. Unless otherwise specified, the nominal subtype of this value is given by the subtype itself (the first subtype in the case of a @fa), prior to applying any predicate specified directly on the type or subtype. If the type or subtype is by-reference, the associated object of the value is the object associated (see 6.2) with the evaluation of the usage name.> !corrigendum 9.10.1(0) @dinsc See the conflict file for the changes. !corrigendum 13.1(10/4) @drepl For an untagged derived type, it is illegal to specify a type-related representation aspect if the parent type is a by-reference type, or has any user-defined primitive subprograms. Similarly, it is illegal to specify a nonconfirming type-related representation aspect for an untagged by-reference type after one or more types have been derived from it. @dby A @i is a user-defined primitive subprogram for a type @i that has an access result designating type @i, or that has a formal parameter that is an access parameter designating type @i or is aliased and of type @i. It is illegal to specify a nonconfirming type-related representation aspect for an untagged type @i if it is derived from a by-reference type or inherits one or more by-reference primitives, or if one or more types have been derived from @i prior to the specification of the aspect and type @i is a by-reference type or defines one or more by-reference primitives that are inherited by these descendants. !corrigendum 13.1(13.1/3) @dinsa A @fa is illegal if it has one or more progenitors, and a nonconfirming value was specified for a representation aspect of an ancestor, and this conflicts with the representation of some other ancestor. The cases that cause conflicts are implementation defined. @dinst When specifying an aspect that denotes a subprogram, the profile of the subprogram shall be mode conformant with the one required for the aspect, and the convention shall be Ada. Additional requirements are defined for particular aspects. !corrigendum 13.1.1(11/5) @drepl The usage names in an @fa are not resolved at the point of the associated declaration, but rather are resolved at the end of the immediately enclosing declaration list, or in the case of the declaration of a library unit, at the end of the visible part of the entity. @dby The usage names in an @fa associated with a declaration are not resolved at the point of the associated declaration, but rather are resolved at the end of the immediately enclosing declaration list, or in the case of the declaration of a library unit, at the end of the visible part of the entity. !corrigendum 13.1.1(21/3) @drepl @xbullet, which is either evaluated to produce a single value, or which (as in a precondition) is to be evaluated at particular points during later execution; or> @dby @xbullet (other than an @fa), which is either evaluated to produce a single value, or which (as in a precondition) is to be evaluated at particular points during later execution;> !corrigendum 13.1.1(22/3) @drepl @xbullet specific to the aspect.> @dby @xbullet specific to the aspect; or> @xbullet, which is positional or named, and is composed of elements of any of these four kinds of constructs.> !corrigendum 13.3(6) @ddel For an @fa that specifies an attribute that denotes a subprogram, the profile shall be mode conformant with the one required for the attribute, and the convention shall be Ada. Additional requirements are defined for particular attributes. !corrigendum 13.13.2(51/3) @drepl For an @fa specifying one of these attributes, the subtype of the @i parameter shall be the first subtype or the base subtype if scalar, and the first subtype if not scalar. The same rule applies to the result of the Input function. @dby For an @fa or @fa specifying one of these attributes, the subtype of the @i parameter shall be the first subtype or the base subtype if scalar, and the first subtype if not scalar. The same rule applies to the result of the Input function. !corrigendum B.3(65.1/5) @drepl @xbullet @dby @xbullet !ASIS No ASIS effect. !ACATS test No ACATS Tests needed. !appendix From: Tucker Taft Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 11:07 AM Here is a comment that might best be considered as a "WG9-stage" comment on the latest draft (#29.3) of the Ada 202X RM: [It was WG 9 issue #8, see below - Editor.] In RM 13.1.1(19/3-22/3) we have: Depending on which aspect is identified by the aspect_mark, an aspect_definition specifies: * a name that denotes a subprogram, object, or other kind of entity; * an expression, which is either evaluated to produce a single value, or which (as in a precondition) is to be evaluated at particular points during later execution; or * an identifier specific to the aspect. This is relatively old wording, and doesn't mention "aggregate" which is of course a kind of expression, but in newer wording is called out separately, and it is certainly misleading to talk about it being evaluated to produce a "single value." I would suggest we augment the above as follows: Depending on which aspect is identified by the aspect_mark, an aspect_definition specifies: * a name that denotes a subprogram, object, or other kind of entity; * an expression{ (other than an aggregate)}, which is either evaluated to produce a single value, or which (as in a precondition) is to be evaluated at particular points during later execution;[ or] * an identifier specific to the aspect{; or * an aggregate, which is positional or named, and is composed of elements of any of these four kinds of constructs}. **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2021 2:20 AM I agree this should be fixed as you suggest. It looks like an oversight to me; we made a similar fix to 13.1.1(5 through 11) and I'd guess we missed that there was a second place that needed a fix. **************************************************************** From: Tucker Taft Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 11:31 AM Randy suggested I bring this comment to the ARG as a WG9-stage comment. We have added C_bool to Interfaces.C, which is defined to be equivalent to C's "bool" (or "_Bool"). It now seems misleading to say that Ada's Standard.Boolean type "corresponds" to the C bool type. The point of introducing C_bool was so that you could be certain that you had a type compatible with C, and there was no guarantee that, for example, a record component of type Standard.Boolean would match a C struct component of type "bool." The current state of RM B.3(65.1/5) is * An Ada enumeration type corresponds to a C enumeration type with corresponding enumeration literals having the same internal codes, provided the internal codes fall within the range of the C int type. The Ada Boolean type corresponds to the C bool type. That last sentence was not present when this paragraph was added, which originated from AI12-0135-1. The last sentence came from AI12-0411-1, which defined Interfaces.C.C_bool. I admit I wrote the original version of AI12-041101, but now that last sentence seems to miss the whole point of the addition of C_bool, namely, that there is no requirement that the Ada Boolean type itself corresponds to the C bool type. It would make more sense to say something like the following, I believe: * An Ada enumeration type corresponds to a C enumeration type with corresponding enumeration literals having the same internal codes, provided the internal codes fall within the range of the C int type. Interfaces.C.C_bool, a boolean type derived from the Standard.Boolean type, corresponds to the C bool type. We could also mark this new last sentence as "redundant" (i.e., inside [ ... ] in the AARM) as it is implied by other wording now in the draft RM that says that C_bool corresponds to C's bool, plus the declaration of C_bool to be derived from Standard.Boolean. **************************************************************** From: Jean-Pierre Rosen Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 11:43 AM > * An Ada enumeration type corresponds to a C enumeration type with > corresponding enumeration literals having the same internal codes, > provided the internal codes fall within the range of the C int type. > Interfaces.C.C_bool, a boolean type derived from the > Standard.Boolean type, corresponds to the C bool type. > Does it correspond to this sea bull? https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-greenland-sea-norway-svalbard-archipelago-spitsbergen-walrus-odobenus-55591858.html **************************************************************** From: Tucker Taft Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 12:15 PM Of course the Sea Bull Walrus would let us know that... The time has come,' the Walrus said, To talk of many things: Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax — Of cabbages — and kings — And why the sea is boiling hot — And whether pigs have wings.' And whether bool is C_Bool, Or Standard dot Booling! **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2021 2:18 AM ... > I admit I wrote the original version of AI12-041101, but now that last > sentence seems to miss the whole point of the addition of C_bool, > namely, that there is no requirement that the Ada Boolean type itself > corresponds to the C bool type. I certainly agree with this, but I thought that we had that discussion at the time and I lost (and the sentence remained). I certainly thought the intent was as written -- this is Implementation Advice anyway, no one has to follow it. >It would make more sense to say something like the following, I believe: >* An Ada enumeration type corresponds to a C enumeration type with > corresponding enumeration literals having the same internal codes, > provided the internal codes fall within the range of the C int type. > Interfaces.C.C_bool, a boolean type derived from the Standard.Boolean > type, corresponds to the C bool type. I don't see any reason to mention Interfaces.C.C_bool here. We don't mention any of the other Interfaces.C types in this Implementation Advice, because they are already *normatively* corresponding (in B.3(43/5)). It makes no sense to repeat that in IA - IA is weaker, after all. >We could also mark this new last sentence as "redundant" (i.e., inside >[ ... ] in the AARM) as it is implied by other wording now in the draft >RM that says that C_bool corresponds to C's bool, plus the declaration >of C_bool to be derived from Standard.Boolean. I see no reason to mention it at all, as stated above. I thought people wanted to encourage a correspondence between Boolean and the C bool type, otherwise it should never have been there in the first place. **************************************************************** From: Tucker Taft Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2021 5:21 PM I am happy to drop the problematic sentence completely. I had the sense that Randy or someone else thought the sentence should be preserved, but if so, it should not imply a direct correspondence between Ada Boolean and C bool, but rather indicate the C_bool type, derived from Boolean, is required to correspond. But that is definitely redundant with the update made to B.3(43/5), so happy to leave it out completely. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #2. Stream attributes define the subtype of the parameter of the associated subprograms with 13.13.2(51/3). We don't have any similar rule for Put_Image in 4.10. The definition of Put_Image seems to suggest that the parameter is of type T, but types do not have names in Ada -- one always has to specify a subtype. Tucker also notes that we don't mention that the implicit calls of Put_Image propagate any exceptions (including those caused by a subtype check failure); we doubt anyone would expect anything else, but it usually is explicitly mentioned in the RM. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #151. 8.5(5): This note says that an object of an anonymous access type cannot be renamed. However, it seems to me that the second alternative in RM 8.5.1 (1/5), the "access_definition" case, does allow such a renaming. Similarly, RM 8.5 (5) says that a single task or protected object cannot be renamed since the corresponding type is anonymous, but as we can now omit the subtype_mark from the object_renaming_declaration, it seems that such entities can be renamed. Either I am wrong, or the statements in RM 8.5 (5) are wrong. Tucker Taft replied: Another good catch! I would suggest we change the note to say: 10 A task or protected object that is declared by an explicit object_declaration can be renamed as an object. However, a single task or protected object [cannot]{can} be renamed {only using the form of renaming that omits specifying the subtype} [since the corresponding type is anonymous (meaning it has no nameable subtypes). For similar reasons, an object of an anonymous array or access type cannot be renamed]. This is a bit informal (i.e. "specifying the subtype" is not a defined technical notion) but that is generally fine for a "Note". Your editor replied: I wonder if this note retains enough value to bother with it at all. The original purpose was to say that not all objects can be renamed, but that is False with Ada 202x, and indeed one now can rename most values as well. Saying that something can only be renamed with the most simple (and likely common) form of renaming is hardly interesting. We don't need notes to tell people random facts about the language. I'll write up deleting the note in AI12-0427-1 (the fixup AI), and we can decide if that is acceptable or not in the ARG. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #152. The nominal (sub)type specified in 8.6(17.1/5) for the "current instance" value seems to be overridden in RM 7.3.2 (5/4) for the aspect Type_Invariant'Class, and in RM 7.3.3 (4/5) for the aspect Default_Initial_Condition, where different types ("NT") are specified for the current instance. Perhaps this apparent contradiction should be addressed in some way, by a note or by an exception phrase in the general rule. Tucker Taft replied: Might want to add simply "Unless otherwise specified in this document, ...". **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #8. In RM 13.1.1(19/3-22/3) we have: Depending on which aspect is identified by the aspect_mark, an aspect_definition specifies: * a name that denotes a subprogram, object, or other kind of entity; * an expression, which is either evaluated to produce a single value, or which (as in a precondition) is to be evaluated at particular points during later execution; or * an identifier specific to the aspect. This is relatively old wording, and doesn't mention "aggregate" which is of course a kind of expression, but in newer wording is called out separately, and it is certainly misleading to talk about it being evaluated to produce a "single value." Suggested fix: We should augment the above as follows: Depending on which aspect is identified by the aspect_mark, an aspect_definition specifies: * a name that denotes a subprogram, object, or other kind of entity; * an expression{ (other than an aggregate)}, which is either evaluated to produce a single value, or which (as in a precondition) is to be evaluated at particular points during later execution;[ or] * an identifier specific to the aspect{; or * an aggregate, which is positional or named, and is composed of elements of any of these four kinds of constructs}. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #3. The listed paragraphs give requirements on subprograms specified for attributes (aspects) via an attribute_definition_clause. There is no rule that does that for aspects specified via aspect_specifications. There is a usual equivalence of aspects that can be specified via aspect_specifications, and the Dewar rule applies here -- it would be highly unusual for these rules to act differently than many others. However, we have been trying to eliminate semantic rules that specifically mention how some aspect/attribute is specified, since those can be misread easily and are always confusing. So we believe these paragraphs should be rewritten. Note that if we do that for 13.3(6), it should be moved somewhere more general (probably 13.1) as it currently is part of rules that only apply to attribute_definition_clauses. (A reason this change should be made, IMHO - RLB) Even language lawyers (for example, Steve Baird) have had difficulty locating this rule when wondering what rules apply to a particular aspect. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #4. 3.5(56.4/3) says: If a derived type with no primitive subprograms inherits a boolean Default_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type. Tucker tells me that the "with no primitive subprograms" was included to ensure that we didn't override 13.1(10) with this rule. However, Ada 202x removes the bulk of 13.1(10) (which mostly was intended to avoid expensive implicit conversions -- but the effect was to prevent programmers from writing derived types that they needed even if the expensive conversion was not a problem). This means this rule as written is a wart, as it seems to prevent non-confirming Default_Value aspects in the case of a type with primitive subprograms. 3.6(22.2/3) has similar wording. Suggested fix: drop the words "with no primitive subprograms" from both of these rules. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #9. [This is just a repeat of the ARG thread saved above, starting with a message from Tucker Taft, Thursday, March 18, 2021 11:31 AM - Editor.] **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #16. In 4.5.10 (34/5) we have "For a parallel reduction expression, it is a bounded error if the reducer subprogram is not associative. That is, for any arbitrary values of subtype Value_Type A, B, C and a reducer function R, the result of R (A, R(B, C)) should produce a result equal to R (R (A, B), C)). The possible consequences are Program_Error, or a result that does not match the equivalent sequential reduction expression due to the order of calls on the reducer subprogram being unspecified in the overall reduction. Analogous rules apply in the case of a reduction procedure." The second sentence is misleading in that it is explaining what associative means while the first sentence talks about being not associative. Maybe better: "For any arbitrary values of subtype Value_Type A, B, C, an associative reducer function R should guarantee that the result of R (A, R(B, C)) is equal to R (R (A, B), C))." In addition, it could be mentioned that addition and multiplication of floating point numbers are prominent examples of not associative operations. A fact that many programmers are not aware of. **************************************************************** Editor's reply to the previous item: We had a very hard time agreeing on wording for this one, so I would want to change it as little as possible. As such, I suggest adding "; it is a bounded error if R does not" to the end of the second sentence to provide the clarification you are asking for, This was added to the fixups AI (AI12-0427-1). As far as the second suggestion is concerned, we don't want "fun facts" in the normative rules of the Standard. I suppose it could be mentioned in the AARM or a user note, but that seems to be of less value since it would be separated from the reason it matters. So I'm not going to do anything with this second point. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #114. We have relaxed the rules relating to specifying type-related representation aspects when there are primitives that might be inherited by derived types with a different representation. However, we did not take into account that some parameters are necessarily passed by reference, even if the type itself is not a by-reference type. Such parameters cannot easily be converted automatically when calling an inherited subprogram. One option is for such "by-reference primitives" to "become" abstract when inherited by a derived type with some different representation aspect. However, that is incompatible with generics, since currently all operations are available on a formal derived type inside a generic, even though all operations are effectively inherited. After discussion, the simplest solution seems to be to go back to disallowing the specification of a nonconfirming representation aspect if there are any "by-reference primitives." Hence, I would suggest we modify 13.1(10/5) as follows: Modify RM 13.1(10/5): {A by-reference primitive is a user-defined primitive subprogram for a type T that has an access result designating type T, or that has a formal parameter that is an access parameter designating type T or is aliased and of type T.} It is illegal to specify a nonconfirming type-related representation aspect for an untagged [by-reference] type T if it is derived from a by-reference type {or inherits one or more by-reference primitives}, or if one or more types have been derived from T prior to the specification of the aspect {and type T is a by-reference type or defines one or more by-reference primitives that are inherited by these descendants}. {AARM Reason: Access parameters, access results, and aliased parameters cannot be converted as part of invoking an inherited subprogram if the representation of the designated types might be different.} We could simplify this further, which would effectively relax the existing rules for a by-reference type that has no primitives, to the following: {A by-reference primitive is a user-defined primitive subprogram for a type T, if T is a by-reference type, or if the primitive has an access result designating type T, or has a formal parameter that is an access parameter designating type T or is aliased and of type T.} It is illegal to specify a nonconfirming type-related representation aspect for an untagged [by-reference] type T if it [is derived from a by-reference type] {inherits one or more by-reference primitives}, or if one or more types have been derived from T prior to the specification of the aspect {and type T defines one or more by-reference primitives that are inherited by these descendants}. In the spirit of removing unnecessary restrictions, this simpler rule might be preferred. [Later message] Randy noted that we should probably not change the rules on by-reference types, since in 4.6(58.2/4) we assume all by-reference types can be converted without representation change. So that implies we should retain the distinction as suggested in the first alternative proposed above. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #5. [From Randy Brukardt:] Paragraphs 6.4.1(5.1/5) through 6.4.1(5.4/4) define a Legality check for some scalar view conversions passed to OUT mode parameters. When a type is derived, any inherited subprograms are called with the actual parameters of the new type view converted to the parent type. This can cause an anomaly, in that an explicit call would be illegal while calling an inherited routine (which makes the same call implicitly) is legal. Tucker notes that 6.4.1(15.1/5) says that this view conversion raises Program_Error. Therefore, there is no language bug in that code that does not follow the principles cannot be executed. OTOH, the rule Tucker refers to was only intended to be used in generic bodies (and there is an AARM note to that effect). So implementers and users alike are likely to be confused. Moreover, we have a Language Design Principle (admittedly, not always followed) that a construct which will always raise an exception should be detected at compile-time. So it seems that a Legality Rule is missing here. Suggested fix: Add a Legality Rule to reject any call on an inherited routine with an out parameter where the implied view conversion would be illegal. Example: Here is an example of this situation: package P1 is type Moddy is mod 2**16; procedure Convert (Ival : in Integer; Mval : out Moddy); end P1; with P1; package P2 is type IModdy is new P1.Moddy with Default_Value => 65535; -- [A] -- Convert inherited here. end P2; with P1, P2; procedure Tester is V : P2.IModdy; begin P1.Convert (10, P1.Moddy(V)); -- [B] P2.Convert (10, V); -- [C] end Tester; [C] is implemented as [B] -- 3.4(27/2). But [B] is illegal by 6.4.1(5.1-4/5) -- the operand type has a Default_Value and the target type does not. The equivalence is only for Dynamic Semantics, so the Legality Rule does not apply. But 6.4.1(15.1/5) does apply, so [C] is required to raise Program_Error. [From Tucker Taft:] It would perhaps be better to require such primitives to be overridden, since having a primitive that is illegal to call might have cascading weird effects. On the other hand, this only comes up with non-tagged types, so there is no dispatching to worry about, and ancestor primitives re-emerge in a generic, so perhaps I am merely sowing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. It still seems friendlier, though, to require overriding. You could of course override with a subprogram that always raised Program_Error if so desired, but at least you are being explicit about it. [From Randy Brukardt:] I didn't suggest requiring overriding, as that is something that currently happens only for tagged types. As such, adding it for an unlikely case for untagged types could be a substantial implementation burden. (If tagged derivation is separately implemented from untagged derivation, then one would need to implement a new mechanism for untagged types.) I do agree it would be friendlier to a user, but only in unusual circumstances (and it would be incompatible with Ada 2012 in those circumstances). I don't think there would be any "cascading weird effects", as you note that there isn't any effect in generics. [From Tucker Taft:] An alternative would be to add yet another restriction on applying a representation clause to a type with primitives. It used to be completely illegal, and now we are beginning to find out why... ;-) But at least we are certain we are keeping all of the "hair" in the same place, namely, in limiting how far we loosen this rule. I'll see if I can come up with wording for the two different approaches -- disallowing the call, or disallowing the representation change -- and I'll add it as another comment. [From Randy Brukardt:] It would seem weird to add something to 13.1(10/5) about a specific aspect used with a specific kind of parameter - it doesn't seem general enough. But I suppose we could have a wart rule in 3.5 specifically to disallow such Default_Values. That seems less friendly than just disallowing uses of such inherited routines, but it's probably not a huge issue either way. [From Steve Baird:] Given our recent discussion about inherited subprograms with aliased untagged parameters, it sounds like we are already planning on adding new cases to 13.1(10) for other reasons. So I would prefer to address this problem there. [From Tucker Taft:] We are simplifying the current rule in 3.5, so perhaps we could make it more complex again: If a derived type [with no primitive subprograms] inherits a boolean Default_Value aspect, the aspect may be specified to have any value for the derived type. {If a derived type T does not inherit a Default_Value aspect, it shall not specify such an aspect if it inherits a primitive subprogram that has a parameter of type T of mode OUT. AARM Reason: This is to avoid violating the rules specified in 6.4.1 about view conversions of OUT parameters with a specified Default_Value aspect.} The rules in 6.4.1(5.1/5) through 6.4.1(5.4/4) only disallow cases where one type has the Default_Value and the other doesn't, or where they both have it but don't have a common ancestor. Clearly a derived type and its parent have a common ancestor, and clearly you can't get rid of a Default_Value aspect when you have it, so the only issue is adding a Default_Value aspect. [From Randy Brukardt:] This rule has the advantage that it could be compatibly relaxed in the future (perhaps to "require overriding"), if it proves to be a problem. Other rules would probably require an incompatible change to be made more friendly. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #116. 4.2.1(7/5) says: ... The actual parameter of this notional call is a string_literal having the textual representation of the original (numeric or string) literal. Does the textual representation of a string literal include the quotes on either end? And what about doubled quotation marks occurring in the middle? Based on the example of Roman_Number, I would guess the answer is the enclosing quotes are removed, and a doubled quotation mark becomes a single quotation mark, but that is not clear from this rule. I would suggest the following: ... The actual parameter of this notional call is a string_literal having the textual representation of the original (numeric or string) literal{; in the case of a string literal, the enclosing quotation marks from the original textual representation are not included, and doubled quotation marks in the textual representation are represented by a single quotation mark in the actual parameter}. --- On further thought, the string literal case to some extent makes more sense than the numeric literal case. How can a string literal have the same textual representation as a numeric literal? At a minimum it needs enclosing quotation marks. I think part of the confusion here is that we are swinging between a syntactic view and a semantic view, while not always being clear which one we mean at any given time. So perhaps this should be changed as follows: ... The actual parameter of this notional call is a string_literal {representing a sequence of characters that is the same as the sequence of characters in the original numeric literal, or the sequence represented by the original string} [having the textual representation of the original (numeric or string)] literal. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #176. AI12-0355-2 starts as follows: All constructs that include the word "parallel" now permit an aspect_specification as part of their syntax. !problem We need a mechanism to pass information through to a lightweight parallelism scheduler. Something like an aspect specification might be a good way to specify such options. !proposal We propose to add an aspect_specification to every place the PARALLEL keyword is envisioned currently ... In fact, we somehow missed the parallel block feature. All of the above logic applies to a parallel block, so it makes sense to allow an aspect clause there. Hence, 5.6.1(2/5) should probably be replaced with parallel_block_statement ::= parallel [aspect_specification] do handled_sequence_of_statements and handled_sequence_of_statements {and handled_sequence_of_statements} end do; The "static semantics" section is mislabeled, and should be labeled "dynamic semantics" (also mentioned by Issue #169). RM 5.6.1(3/5) should be updated as follows: {For the execution of a parallel_block_statement, the aspect_specification, if any, is elaborated. Then every}[Each] handled_sequence_of_statements{, each of which} represents a separate logical thread of control{, executes}[ that proceeds] independently and concurrently. The parallel_block_statement is complete once every one of the handled_sequence_of_statements has completed, either by reaching the end of its execution, or due to a transfer of control out of the construct by one of the handled_sequence_of_statements (see 5.1). **************************************************************** Inspired by the above: All of this (incorrect) talk about visibility and resolution of aspect specifications along with thinking about adding aspect_specifications to parallel blocks (and other statements and expressions) caused me to wonder about resolution in those aspect_specifications. Specifically, 13.1.1(11/5) says: The usage names in an aspect_definition are not resolved at the point of the associated declaration, but rather are resolved at the end of the immediately enclosing declaration list, or in the case of the declaration of a library unit, at the end of the visible part of the entity. What if this aspect_definition is part of an aspect_specification that's in a loop or block or if statement etc??? What the heck declaration list are we talking about -- the one enclosing the body is way too late and there isn't one in the sequence_of_statements. (It's better for an aspect_specification in an expression, such as an aggregate or quantified expression, if that expression is part of some declaration, but it still means resolution is mighty late. Of course, we have a rule - 13.1.1(13/3) - that the resolution has to match at the freezing point of the declaration, but how that applies to an expression that is only loosely tied to a declaration isn't clear.) I think we patched up the freezing rules for this statement/expression case (yes, we did, see 13.14(7.2/5)), but not the resolution rules. Yikes!! Am I right? Do we have a significant last minute issue here?? [Tucker Taft replied:] I agree that we should limit the notion of "deferred" name resolution to cases where we are talking about an aspect specification on a declaration. Hence: Modify 13.1(11/5): The usage names in an aspect_definition {associated with a declaration} [Redundant: are not resolved at the point of the associated declaration, but rather] are resolved at the end of the immediately enclosing declaration list, or in the case of the declaration of a library unit, at the end of the visible part of the entity. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #132 - Steve Baird. We could quibble over 13.1/5 wording regarding "shall be legal as the prefix of an Access attribute reference", since an Access attribute reference normally occurs in some specific context that, for example, defines its expected type. So it is, arguably at least, not completely clear what this wording means. [Randy suggests that this does indeed warrant some action, and that the fix is easy.] === This also illustrates an RM consistency issue that should be cleaned up at some point (but not now). Here we use the (good & desirable) terminology "an Access attribute reference". At other places in the RM (e.g., 6.1.1(8)), we use pedantic, contorted wording like "an attribute_reference with attribute_designator Old". That sort of thing should be replaced with "an Old attribute reference". If it seems appropriate, we could add a definition saying that an " attribute reference" is an attribute_reference having the given attribute name as its attribute_designator. Or we could decide that this is sufficiently obvious that it does not need to be stated explicitly. [Randy suggests either we should explicitly define this new term or we should avoid the shorter terminology that I prefer. He doesn't like using this shorter terminology without properly defining it. I'm inclined to agree.] [Tucker Taft responds:] For the first part, I would suggest: Modify 4.1.3(13.1/5): For a prefixed view of a subprogram whose first {formal} parameter is an access parameter, the prefix shall be legal as the prefix of an Access attribute reference {appearing as the first actual parameter in a call on the unprefixed view of the subprogram}. [The Editor responds:] The second part is easy to fix in this rule, just use the defined terminology: Modify 4.1.3(13.1/5): For a prefixed view of a subprogram whose first {formal} parameter is an access parameter, the prefix shall be legal as the prefix of an {an attribute_reference with attribute_designator} Access [attribute reference] {appearing as the first actual parameter in a call on the unprefixed view of the subprogram}. No one is interested in spelunking the RM for other places where we use inprecise terminology, and adding a term is too much at this point. **************************************************************** From the WG 9 review, issue #142 - Steve Baird. The statically matching rule for Global aspects (4.9.1(1.5/5) says ... or each is of the form “global_mode global_designator” with the same sequence of reserved words. But a global_designator can be a global_name, so it seems like we need a requirement that corresponding global_names have to statically denote the same entity, or something like that. [Tucker Taft responds:] I would suggest: Modify 4.9.1(1.5/5) The Global or Global'Class aspects (see 6.1.2) of two entities statically match if both consist of a single global_aspect_definition where each is the reserved word null, or each is of the form “global_mode global_designator” with {each global_mode being} the same sequence of reserved words {and each global_designator being the same reserved word, or each being a global_name that statically denotes the same entity}. **************************************************************** From: Tucker Taft Sent: Monday, May 31, 2021 11:14 AM Item (14) of this AI proposes the wording change to parallel blocks given below, to include an aspect_specification, as with all other parallel constructs. I realized as I have been putting together a tutorial on the various Ada 2022 parallel constructs for Ada-Europe, that we should also include a chunk count for a parallel block, as we have for essentially all other parallel constructs. This is because a typical recursive divide and conquer parallel algorithm will want to use a parallel block, but will also want to control the number of logical threads spawned to handle the parallel block, as the nesting of recursion increases. The easiest way to do this programmatically is to have the chunk count go to one once sufficient parallelism has been produced, or the problem has gotten sufficiently small. Note that in OpenMP there is always an ability to turn off further parallelism under similar circumstances, by having such a limit on the number of threads devoted to the construct. As part of adding the aspect_specification to a parallel_block_statement, it makes sense to include a chunk_specification, but with the same restriction as is present for a parallel reduction, namely that the chunk_specificaiton is required to be an integer simple_expression (i.e. no named chunk parameter). Below I first give the wording change as initially proposed by AI12-0427-1, and then an alternative, which includes the chunk_specification. ===================== Here is the proposal from AI12-0427-1: (14) Replace 5.6.1(2/5) with: parallel_block_statement ::= parallel [aspect_specification] do handled_sequence_of_statements and handled_sequence_of_statements {and handled_sequence_of_statements} end do; Modify 5.6.1(3/5): {For the execution of a parallel_block_statement, the aspect_specification, if any, is elaborated. Then every}[Each] handled_sequence_of_statements{, each of which} represents a separate logical thread of control{, executes}[ that proceeds] independently and concurrently. The parallel_block_statement is complete once every one of the handled_sequence_of_statements has completed, either by reaching the end of its execution, or due to a transfer of control out of the construct by one of the handled_sequence_of_statements (see 5.1). ==== And here is what I would now recommend: (14) Replace 5.6.1(2/5) with: parallel_block_statement ::= parallel [(chunk_specification)] [aspect_specification] do handled_sequence_of_statements and handled_sequence_of_statements {and handled_sequence_of_statements} end do; The chunk_specification, if any, of a parallel_block_statement shall be an /integer_/simple_expression. Modify 5.6.1(3/5): {For the execution of a parallel_block_statement, the chunk_specification and the aspect_specification, if any, are elaborated in an arbitrary order. Then every}[Each] handled_sequence_of_statements{, each of which can} represent[s] a separate logical thread of control{ (up to the maximum specified by the value of the chunk_specification, if any), executes}[ that proceeds] independently and concurrently{, again, up to the maximum if specified}. The parallel_block_statement is complete once every one of the handled_sequence_of_statements has completed, either by reaching the end of its execution, or due to a transfer of control out of the construct by one of the handled_sequence_of_statements (see 5.1). **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 11:47 PM I noticed some minor problems with the rewording of 5.6.1(3/5) in AI12-0427-1. A summary of a private thread between Tucker and I is given below. We intend to process this rewording of the rewording as an Editorial Review change. It is a bit of a stretch for that (the missing check represents added semantics, even if obviously missing semantics). Therefore, if anyone wants to request a Letter Ballot on this change (essentially, objecting to handling this as an Editorial Review change), please speak up ASAP. Summary of private thread: From Randy Brukardt: We have in 5.6.1(3/5): {For the execution of a parallel_block_statement, the chunk_specification and the aspect_specification, if any, are elaborated in an arbitrary order. Then every}[Each] handled_sequence_of_statements{, each of which can} represent[s] a separate logical thread of control{ (up to the maximum specified by the value of the chunk_specification, if any), executes}[ that proceeds] independently and concurrently{, again, up to the maximum if specified}. The parallel_block_statement is complete once every one of the handled_sequence_of_statements has completed, either by reaching the end of its execution, or due to a transfer of control out of the construct by one of the handled_sequence_of_statements (see 5.1). I won't mention the department of redundancy department repeat of the maximum (there's nothing like it in the loop wording). But two things seem to be missing here: First, how do the limbs of a parallel block execute if there aren't enough logical threads of control for all of them? Previously, there always were enough logical threads, and they could be mapped to physical threads however the implementation wished. But now we seem to have a limit on the number of logical threads, and we never say anything about how a limb executes if it doesn't have a thread. Second, for loops have a check to ensure that the number of chunks is positive (see 5.5(8.1/5)). This is implied (very weakly!!) for reduction expressions via the references to 5.5 in 4.5.10(20-21/5). But we have no such check here, nor even a way to hand-wave a check via a reference to the check in 5.5. So, what happens with parallel (-2) do ... end do; One would hope this raised Program_Error like a loop would. But why?? From Tucker Taft: > First, how do the limbs of a parallel block execute if there aren't > enough logical threads of control for all of them? My intent was that they execute independently and concurrently only if we stay within the maximum. Otherwise, they execute sequentially. But I agree that my attempt to avoid complete rewrite was doomed. ... >One would hope this raised Program_Error like a loop would. But why?? Agreed, we should be consistent here. Here is my attempt. I have given up on using {} and [] to indicate what is new and what is pre-existing. I have dropped the "handled_" part ;-) Replace 5.6.1(3/5) with: For the execution of a parallel_block_statement, the chunk_specification and the aspect_specification, if any, are elaborated in an arbitrary order. The various sequence_of_statements are grouped into one or more /chunks/, each with its own logical thread of control (see clause 9), up to the maximum number of chunks specified by the chunk_specification, if any. Within each chunk every sequence_of_statements of the chunk is executed in turn, in an arbitrary order. The parallel_block_statement is complete once every one of the sequence_of_statements has completed, either by reaching the end of its execution, or due to a transfer of control out of the construct by one of the sequence_of_statements (see 5.1). After elaborating the chunk_specification, if any, a check is made that the determined maximum number of chunks is greater than zero. If this check fails, Program_Error is raised. **************************************************************** From: Jeff Cousins Sent: Saturday, June 5, 2021 2:29 AM Shouldn't last two sentences of the new wording come after the first sentence? **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Sunday, June 6, 2021 12:53 AM I wondered that, too. I eventually concluded it didn't matter that much, but the loop wording uses two separate paragraphs. Here, that would look something like: Replace 5.6.1(3/5) with: For the execution of a parallel_block_statement, the chunk_specification and the aspect_specification, if any, are elaborated in an arbitrary order. After elaborating the chunk_specification, if any, a check is made that the determined maximum number of chunks is greater than zero. If this check fails, Program_Error is raised. Then, the various sequence_of_statements are grouped into one or more /chunks/, each with its own logical thread of control (see clause 9), up to the maximum number of chunks specified by the chunk_specification, if any. Within each chunk every sequence_of_statements of the chunk is executed in turn, in an arbitrary order. The parallel_block_statement is complete once every one of the sequence_of_statements has completed, either by reaching the end of its execution, or due to a transfer of control out of the construct by one of the sequence_of_statements (see 5.1). Not certain if this is better, but it's more consistent with the wording for the parallel loops. Agree? Disagree? Don't care? ;-) **************************************************************** From: Jeff Cousins Sent: Sunday, June 6, 2021 2:38 AM That seems much better to me. Otherwise we might need another AI later to clarify the order in which things happen (as with 343). **************************************************************** From: Tullio Vardanega Sent: Sunday, June 6, 2021 7:52 AM I agree this way is more consistent with the related wording. **************************************************************** From: Tucker Taft Sent: Sunday, June 6, 2021 8:15 AM Fine with me. ****************************************************************