Version 1.2 of ai12s/ai12-0197-4.txt

Unformatted version of ai12s/ai12-0197-4.txt version 1.2
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!standard 9.11(0)          17-10-11 AI12-0197-4/01
!class Amendment 16-12-27
!status work item 16-12-27
!status received 16-10-20
!priority Low
!difficulty Hard
!subject Coroutines and channels
'Yield and 'Consume attributes are added to the language. Exit statements are allowed in a do statement, and implicity declared channels are defined for do statements.
The expression of computation often works on streams of data. It is often necessary to express computation of streams as incremental routines, working on chunks of data. But expressing algorithms in an incremental fashion is difficult: It implies manually keeping and maintaining the state of your algorithm, saving it on exit, and restoring it on re-entry.
Generators, often called resumable functions, or Iterators in C#, offer a way to write such incremental code in a straightforward procedural way, by giving you the possibility to resume a function after it has returned.
This resumable return capability is generally called "yield" in other languages, so we will use the same terminology in this AI.
Ada offers a similar capability via the way of tasks and rendez-vous. However, tasks have certain properties that are not always desirable:
1. Non-determinism. Tasks execution is preemptive and thus non-deterministic. It
means that any access to non-synchronized outer variables is non safe by default.
Non determinism also implies that the resulting code and runtime are much harder to certify and that it is harder to prove any properties about them.
2. Synchronization overhead. This stems from point 1, but when you need a
deterministic synchronization point, you'll pay for it in performance. Assorted is the general overhead of starting/stopping a task for short lived iterators.
A coroutine uses the same syntax as a concurrent block, but the "arms" of the block are executed one at a time. Each of the arms can communicate using an implicit data structure called a channel; a read or write on a channel causes the current "arm" to stop executing and another "arm" starts/continues execution. An "arm" blocked on the read of a channel will continue once data is written to the channel by another "arm".
This AI is dependent on AI12-0119-1 parallel operations.
Note that with just the capabilities of AI12-0119 we can already write coroutines;
e.g. Using an instantiation of Ada.Containers.Synchronous_Queuees, one could write;
declare Queue : Integer_Queues.Queue; begin
do declare X : Integer := 0; begin loop -- endless loop Integer_Queue.Enqueue (X); X := X + 1; end loop; end;
for I in 1 .. 3 loop Integer_Queue.Enqueue (1_000_000 + I); end loop;
declare Value : Integer; begin for I in 1 .. 5 loop Integer_Queue.Dequeue (Value); Put_Line ("Value=" & Integer'Image (Value)); end loop;
goto Done; -- or raise exception??? end;
end do;
Where the first two arms of the concurrent block are producing values for the third arm which is the consumer. Note that the first arm is actually an endless loop, which is a common idiom for generators in other languages. when the third arm exits the concurrent do statement via a transfer of control using the goto statement, the other arms of the generator are terminated, and the construct is left, as described in AI12-0119.
All three arms execute concurrently within the same processor as the enclosing task.
However, we would like to not have to use queue abstractions, and simplify this so that it is requires less effort to write coroutines, and allows the compiler to potentially substitute the code with a lighter-weight implementation.
To allow this, we define two new attributes that can be applied to a subtype;
'Yield, and 'Consume.
To generate a value, the 'Yield attribute may be used which writes a value to an implicitly declared buffer or 'channel' of the subtype associated with the prefix of the 'Yield. Similarly, 'Consume may be use to read a value from that same channel;
These attributes may only be used inside of a concurrent do statement, and the scope of the implicit channel is the same as that of the do statement.
Since terminating a generator is a common idiom, we also allow an exit statement to be inserted in a do statement, which provides an alternate transfer of control mechanism out of the concurrent block, similar to how an exit statement may be used to exit a loop.
Using these three features, we can now rewrite the above example as;
declare X : Integer := 0; begin loop -- endless loop Integer'Yield(X); X := X + 1; end loop; end;
for I in 1 .. 3 loop Integer'Yield(1_000_000 + I); end loop;
for I in 1 .. 5 loop Put_Line ("Value=" & Integer'Image (Integer'Consume)); end loop;
end do;
"Each exit_statement applies to a loop_statement {or concurrent do statement}; this is the loop_statement {or do statement} being exited. An exit_statement with a name is only allowed within the loop_statement denoted by the name, and applies to that loop_statement. An exit_statement without a name is only allowed within a loop_statement {or do statement}, and applies to the innermost enclosing one. An exit_statement that applies to a given loop_statement {or do statement} shall not appear within a body or accept_statement, if this construct is itself enclosed by the given loop_statement {or do statement}."
Modify 5.7 (5) "For the execution of an exit_statement, the condition, if present, is first evaluated. If the value of the condition is True, or if there is no condition, a transfer of control is done to complete the loop_statement {or do statement}. If the value of the condition is False, no transfer of control takes place. "
N.N.N Coroutine Attributes
The type-related operational attributes Consume and Yield read and write values to an implicitly declared channel associated with a concurrent block statement.
Static Semantics
For every subtype S of a specific type T, the following attributes are defined. 'Yield S'Yield denotes a procedure with the following specification:
procedure S'Yield(Item : in T)
S'Yield writes the value of Item to an implicitly declared channel associated with a concurrent do statement.
'Consume S'Consume denotes a function with the following specification:
function S'Consume return T;
S'Consume reads the value of Item from an implicitly declared channel associated with a concurrent do statement.
See Proposal.
** TBD.
!ACATS test
ACATS B- and C-Tests are needed to check that the new capabilities are supported.

From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2016  10:52 PM

Last night I was thinking about generators and coroutines and such.  One idea I
had mentioned earlier in an ARG e-mail is that we might define a kind of channel
or queue that could be used to communicate between coroutines, and then provide
a general coroutine facility.  As I thought more about this last night, I
suddenly realized that the parallel block syntax provides a good starting place
for coroutines:

    Chan : Item_Channel(Max => 1);
       --  Partially-buffered channel for values of type Item_Type.
       --  Note that channel need *not* be a synchronized/protected object.
       --  One coroutine writes into the Chan.Input when walking the Data_Structure
       Walk_And_Flatten(Data_Structure, Into => Chan.Input);
       --  One coroutine drains the channel by iterating over the Chan.Output
       for Item of Chan.Output loop
       end loop;
    end coroutine;

As with the "parallel block" construct, you could create two or more coroutines
with this construct.  They would be scheduled automatically, based on which one
is not suspended waiting on a channel (or perhaps other coroutine-supportive
structure).  They would never run in parallel.  In some sense this is like
specifying that no more than one core/executor/CPU should be executing the
coroutines (tasklet-like things) associated with each "arm" of the
coroutine-block construct.  The scheduling would be non-preemptive, switching
only when a coroutine blocks or finishes.  When the last coroutine that is
writing into a particular channel.Input finishes, the corresponding
channel.Output gets an end-of-input indication, causing the iteration to

There are various advantages of this approach to coroutines.  One, there is no
need for the coroutines to explicitly name each other when yielding -- the other
coroutines in the same construct are presumed to be working cooperatively, so
scheduling between these is pretty trivial (especially if there are only two of
them).  Secondly, you can do anything you want with a channel object as far as
passing it to recursive calls. Finally, we don't need major new syntax for
defining a whole new category of types (such as generators), with inheritance,
etc.  We are essentially piggy-backing on the lightweight tasklet idea of
parallel blocks, but saying coroutines from the same construct are essentially
equivalent to tasklets that are guaranteed to never be executing concurrently
with one another.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016  5:55 PM

Any comments on this e-mail?


From: Steve Baird
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016  6:32 PM

I'd like to see at least an informal sketch of the operations available for

I like the idea of using channels in place of generators, just because the rules
needed for generators seem to introduce a fair amount of complexity (although I
think the point made in Pittsburgh that if we do have generator types then they
need to be tagged helps with some of that).

Could you sketch out how a generator's Has_Next operation might be implemented
using a channel? Recall that if My_Generator'Has_Next ever returns False, then
it never again returns True. On the producer's side, do we just stuff a special
"That's all folks" value in the channel? I suppose that would work, although
multiple Has_Next queries might require doing something special.

Do channels (as you envision them) work with limited types where build-in-place
would be required?


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016  8:17 PM

> I'd like to see at least an informal sketch of the operations
> available for channels.

I could imagine Put/Finalize on the Output side and Get/End_Of_Input on the
Input side.

Or we could model them after streams, and provide Write/Close and

> I like the idea of using channels in place of generators, just because
> the rules needed for generators seem to introduce a fair amount of
> complexity (although I think the point made in Pittsburgh that if we
> do have generator types then they need to be tagged helps with some of
> that).
> Could you sketch out how a generator's Has_Next operation might be
> implemented using a channel? Recall that if My_Generator'Has_Next ever
> returns False, then it never again returns True. On the producer's
> side, do we just stuff a special "That's all folks" value in the
> channel? I suppose that would work, although multiple Has_Next queries
> might require doing something special.

Has_Next would be blocking if the "Output" side of the channel is still open,
but there is no item waiting.

> Do channels (as you envision them) work with limited types where
> build-in-place would be required?

Probably not.  You would have to use a level of indirection.  The channel itself
would almost certainly be of a limited type, but it seems unlikely that it is
worth allowing the elements to be of a limited type.


From: Brad Moore
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016  9:11 PM

> Any comments on this e-mail?

I have some. I've actually been giving this quite a bit of thought since we left

I like the idea of piggy backing on the parallel block feature, but here are a
few thoughts I have for consideration.

1. For a serial construct, I think it is very important that the serial flow is
   clear. In particular, which branch of the coroutine block starts things off?
   If things happen in the wrong order, it could cause undesirable behaviour in
   theory. I think we could say that the top branch in the construct is the
   initial one.

2. If the construct is to support more than two branches, then the serial flow
   between the branches needs to be obvious. According to the wikipedia
   definition of coroutine, the coroutine can control where execution continues
   after a yield. How would one reference the target coroutine with this syntax.
   Maybe there should be some way to provide a name for each branch, that can be
   referenced in a yield statement.

3. If we decide to only support two branches in the construct, then it can be
   implicit where the yield gos (always the alternate branch), this is basically
   the generator model, which is more limited than coroutines, and on the
   wikipedia page is described as a semi-coroutine.

4. I have been playing around with this and have an almost working
   implementation, based on the API of the parallel block libraries I have in
   the Paraffin libraries, except the implementation does not involve any tasks.
   I use calls to setjmp/longjmp instead.

5. J.P. said that Ada is about making abstraction using building blocks. It
   appears Ada may be missing some basic building blocks in this area.
   Specifically, support for non-local gotos are missing. One can import the C
   calls to setjmp, longjmp, but that is non-portable particularly because the
   stack information data structure used in these calls is non-portable, and
   different across targets platforms, versions of the same OS (eg 32 bit vs 64
   bit), and even different OS versions.

   It seems to me that it would be helpful to have a standard Ada version of
   setjmp/longjmp, that one can use portably across compilers. I'd be willing to
   write such an AI up, if there is enough interest.

   With such a capability, one could use that building block to create generator
   and coroutine libraries, and other abstraction in theory.

6. My library API looks like the following; The coroutines are passed as a
   single callback that accepts an id parameter from 1 to the number of
   coroutines. The users code executes a case statement based on this parameter
   to separate all the coroutines. The number associated with the coroutine is
   its id, and is used in the Yield calls to identify which coroutine is
   yielding, and which coroutine is being yielded to.

package Coroutines is

    subtype Coroutine_Count is Positive;
    subtype Coroutine_Id is Coroutine_Count;

    type Coroutine_Manager
           (Count : Coroutine_Count) is tagged limited private;

    procedure Execute
      (Manager : in out Coroutine_Manager;
       Process : not null access procedure (Id : Coroutine_Id));

    procedure Yield
      (Manager : in out Coroutine_Manager;
       From, To : Coroutine_Id)
      with Pre => (From <= Item.Count and then To <= Item.Count);


end Coroutines;

And usage for a simple generator example that generates a sequence of

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
with Coroutines;

procedure Test_Coroutines

    Generator_Value : Integer := 0;

    Manager : Coroutines.Coroutine_Manager (Count => 2);

    procedure Process (Id : Coroutines.Coroutine_Count) is
       if Id = 1 then
          while Generator_Value <= 4 loop
             --  Ask the Generator to get another value
             Manager.Yield (From => 1, To => 2);

             --  Print out the value;
             Put_Line (Integer'Image (Generator_Value));
          end loop;
          --  Generate Integer values when asked
          for I in 1 .. 10 loop
             Generator_Value := I;
             Manager.Yield (From => 2, To => 1);
          end loop;
       end if;
    end Process;

begin  -- Test_Coroutines
    Manager.Execute (Process'Access);
end Test_setjmp;

The idea is that each branch of the user supplied Process callback is a
different coroutine. The first executed coroutine is associated with Id = 1. The
Yield call specified the source and destination coroutine id's.

I think this implementation could be mapped quite easily to the syntax you


From: Brad Moore
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016  9:20 PM

A couple of other points. Note that no synchronization is needed on the
generator value in the example.

Also, this raises some interesting questions about parallel blocks, which I
think could also be configured to approximate generator behaviour, but using
tasklets, which in theory would be more expensive.

For a generator, using parallel blocks, using FIFO dispatching (run to
completion model) where there is a separate executor for both branches of the
parallel block, but both executors are bound to the same CPU, and run at the
same priority. In theory, if a Yield (as in the existing procedure in the real
time annex) statement (or delay statement) is executed that would cause the one
executing tasklet to get placed at the end of the priority queue, and the other
tasklet that was waiting to execute could then begin executing. In this manner a
generator could in theory be created where there is no synchronization on the
generator result variable, as only one executor would ever be executing at once.
I think it would be a little bit much to set this up, or rely on the handoff, so
a sequential generator as I have implemented using non-local gotos I think would
be more efficient, simpler to analyze, and more robust in maintaining sequential


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016  10:23 PM

> I like the idea of piggy backing on the parallel block feature, but
> here are a few thoughts I have for consideration.
> 1. For a serial construct, I think it is very important that the
> serial flow is clear. In particular, which branch of the coroutine
> block starts things off? If things happen in the wrong order, it could
> cause undesirable behaviour in theory. I think we could say that the
> top branch in the construct is the initial one.

Actually, my intent was that the user never need to worry about that.  The only
guarantee is that only one coroutine from a given coroutine-block will operate
at a time.

> 2. If the construct is to support more than two branches, then the
> serial flow between the branches needs to be obvious. According to the
> wikipedia definition of coroutine, the coroutine can control where
> execution continues after a yield. How would one reference the target
> coroutine with this syntax. Maybe there should be some way to provide
> a name for each branch, that can be referenced in a yield statement.

Again, my hope is that it will not matter.  When one of the coroutines blocks,
control is passed to any other coroutine of the same construct that is ready to

> 3. If we decide to only support two branches in the construct, then it
> can be implicit where the yield gos (always the alternate branch),
> this is basically the generator model, which is more limited than
> coroutines, and on the wikipedia page is described as a semi-coroutine.

I don't see the need to limit it to just two coroutines, but I do think it is
important that the coroutines should not worry about which other coroutine will
get control next. It will be necessary to create a number of examples to verify
that this approach works, but I believe it should.  It is based on the theory
that the parallel block feature will work in that way, and the only difference
is that there is no need for any locking because coroutine switching only
happens when a coroutine-cognizant blocking operation is called.

> It seems to me that it would be helpful to have a standard Ada version
> of setjmp/longjmp, that one can use portably across compilers.
> I'd be willing to write such an AI up, if there is enough interest.

I am not sure I agree with this approach.  Setjmp/longjmp are known to have all
kinds of bizarre issues.  I really believe they are better left as
implementation techniques usable by the compiler to implement things like
exceptions and coroutines.

> With such a capability, one could use that building block to create
> generator and coroutine libraries, and other abstraction in theory.

Perhaps, but if we want to go this route, I suspect "continuations" is a better
model. Scheme built a lot of very cool control-flow constructs on top of
continuations, and I suspect it is a much safer and more Ada-appropriate
building block.

> 6. My library API looks like the following; The coroutines are passed
> as a single callback that accepts an id parameter from 1 to the number
> of coroutines. The users code executes a case statement based on this
> parameter to separate all the coroutines. The number associated with
> the coroutine is its id, and is used in the Yield calls to identify
> which coroutine is yielding, and which coroutine is being yielded to. ...

As mentioned above, I think it is better to leave the choice of which coroutine
should execute next to the run-time system, and rely on the use of
coroutine-cognizant blocking operations as the way to yield control.  One of the
very nice things about the tasklet model in my view is that they are anonymous.
I think keeping the coroutines anonymous will make them much easier to use


From: Brad Moore
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016  1:31 AM

>> It seems to me that it would be helpful to have a standard Ada
>> version of setjmp/longjmp, that one can use portably across compilers.
>> I'd be willing to write such an AI up, if there is enough interest.
> I am not sure I agree with this approach.  Setjmp/longjmp are known to
> have all kinds of bizarre issues.  I really believe they are better
> left as implementation techniques usable by the compiler to implement
> things like exceptions and coroutines.

I think I spoke too soon about setjmp/longjmp. After testing some examples, i am
seeing the bizarre issues. I think there are problems with jumping over things
that need finalization for example, and other problems with how the stacks (such
as secondary stacks) are managed under the covers. So it seems at least mapping
to those C functions is not a good idea.

>> 6. My library API looks like the following; The coroutines are passed
>> as a single callback that accepts an id parameter from 1 to the
>> number of coroutines. The users code executes a case statement based
>> on this parameter to separate all the coroutines.
>> The number
>> associated with
>> the coroutine is its id, and is used in the Yield calls to identify
>> which coroutine is yielding, and which coroutine is being yielded to. ...
> As mentioned above, I think it is better to leave the choice of which
> coroutine should execute next to the run-time system, and rely on the
> use of coroutine-cognizant blocking operations as the way to yield
> control.  One of the very nice things about the tasklet model in my
> view is that they are anonymous.  I think keeping the coroutines
> anonymous will make them much easier to use properly.

I see your point. If a parallel model can work with this structure, then in
theory a sequential one could as well, if we can find an efficient way to make
it work without involving tasks. It seems that it might be confusing to call
these coroutines, as they dont seem to fit the online definition of how they
behave, however. But if the order of execution doesn't matter, then overall
effect is the same.

One question I have about channels. I like the feature the Rust language uses to
prevent data races, where basically only one place in the code has permissions
to update a variable. That seems like it would be nice to somehow fit something
like that into Ada. Is that the channel concept, or is that something somewhat


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016  8:00 AM

> One question I have about channels. I like the feature the Rust
> language uses to prevent data races, where basically only one place in
> the code has permissions to update a variable. That seems like it
> would be nice to somehow fit something like that into Ada.

SPARK does these checks as a matter of course as part of its anti-aliasing
checks.  We will need to do these as part of our Global checks if we want task
safety.  For coroutines, there is no need for such checks between coroutines,
because coroutines are never running concurrently.  It is fine if there are two
"writers" into a channel, so long as they take turns.

> ... Is that the
> channel concept, or is that something somewhat different?

Not really.  Rust (just like SPARK and ParaSail) is enforcing this at compile


From: Raphael Amiard
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016  10:08 AM

I have to think about this some more, I find the idea interesting in theory, but
I don't think it fulfills every use case of generators out of the box.

- One thing I have a big issue with to start is:

> They would be scheduled automatically, based on which one is not suspended
> waiting on a channel (or perhaps other coroutine-supportive structure).

This is not coroutines anymore in that case. Coroutines have the property that
the user decides what code is gonna run next. Generators do too, insofar as the
user knows that he is giving back control to the caller.
This makes coroutines/generators code straightforward to expand which is a key
property. The users *knows* the order of execution, and can rely on it. It seems
to me that just having a special type of channel, on which you can call "Yield",
which is defined as "put an element into the channel and yield control to
whoever is waiting on it" would be sufficient to get those kind of semantics.

- Deferring the responsibility of coroutine-like execution to the caller seems
fine to me, with one caveat: What happens if you call a subprogram that writes
into a channel in a non-coroutine context ? Will it block eventually ? (If the
channel has bounded capacity I guess it should right ?).

- Last but not least, you lose the most important part of generators: The
ability to save the context of execution of a generator, return it, and resume
it later. It's not obvious how you'd propose doing something like that on top of
this. I guess if we had lambda that saved their execution context it could work


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016  11:05 AM

>> They would be scheduled automatically, based on which one is not
>> suspended waiting on a channel (or perhaps other coroutine-supportive
>> structure).
> This is not coroutines anymore in that case. Coroutines have the
> property that the user decides what code is gonna run next. Generators
> do too, insofar as the user knows that he is giving back control to the
> caller.

True, but I am suggesting that that property is not as valuable as you think,
and makes the usage less friendly and harder to reuse in slightly different
situations.  E.g., suppose you decide to add some buffering into the channel.
If you are explicitly yielding to a specific other coroutine, you have to check
whether the channel is now full at each point, and yield only if so, etc.  This
doesn't seem useful.

> This makes coroutines/generators code straightforward to expand which is a key
> property.

Not sure what you mean by "expand."  If it means you can write out the sequence
of things that are happening, I don't see how that is necessarily true since the
data structure you are walking, for example, is not known in advance.  In any
case, to me the key property is that you don't have more than one coroutine
executing at a time.  I don't see it is that important for the user to control
the order of execution precisely.  I would need to see some examples involving
two or more coroutines where more than one is actually ready to run, and you
really care which one runs next.  When there are only two coroutines, and you
yield only as part of blocking on a channel (or other coroutine-cognizant data
structure), there is no ambiguity, and not having to name the partner in the
communication is a significant advantage in my view.

I believe one of the biggest advantages of Ada 95's protected objects over Ada
83's rendezvous is the fact that the partners in the communication or
interaction don't need to name one another.  They are connected because they
share an object through which they communicate.  Having to name the
communication partner is always more complicated and less flexible in my view.
So I am proposing that coroutines would also benefit by using anonymous
"data-oriented" communication rather than having to name the other partner in
the communication.

Think of all the complexity associated with inversion of control techniques, all
due to the fact that normal procedure calling requires that the caller name the
callee.  I see no advantage of putting that burden on coroutines, and then
having to "inject" them with the name of their partner.

> The users *knows* the order of execution, and can rely on it.

I am not convinced they should care, and they clearly don't know it precisely in
advance since, as mentioned above, you have flow of control that depends on the
structure being walked.  In any case, this only seems of concern when you have
more than two coroutines, if we presume you only yield as a side-effect of
blocking on something like a channel.

> ... It seems to me that just
> having a special type of channel, on which you can call "Yield", which
> is defined as "put an element into the channel and yield control to
> whoever is waiting on it" would be sufficient to get those kind of semantics.

That is exactly what I am proposing, so now I am unclear on how we disagree.

> - Deferring the responsibility of coroutine-like execution to the
> caller seems fine to me, with one caveat: What happens if you call a
> subprogram that writes into a channel in a non-coroutine context ?
> Will it block eventually ? (If the channel has bounded capacity I guess it
> should right ?).

It would deadlock if there are no other coroutines in existence for the same
thread of control that are ready to run.  Luckily, this kind of deadlock is easy
to detect, so it would be easy to raise Program_Error when such a situation

> - Last but not least, you lose the most important part of generators: The
> ability to save the context of execution of a generator, return it, and
> resume it later.

That is the whole point of a coroutine.  Whenever it yields control, e.g. after
writing into a channel, its context of execution is preserved.  In fact, the
advantage of this construct is that the code inside the coroutine "arm" can be
as complicated and heavily recursive as you like, since the channel object is
just a regular object which can be passed into recursive routines, referenced
using an up-level reference, etc.

> ... It's not obvious
> how you'd propose doing something like that on top of this.

Then clearly I didn't explain it very well, since that is the whole point of
this construct.  The various coroutines produced by this construct have their
own execution context, which is preserved when they block.  They necessarily
share a thread of control, but they each have their own stack, effectively.

> ... I guess if we had lambda that
> saved their execution context it could work :)

I don't see why that is needed.


From: Raphael Amiard
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016  11:46 AM

> True, but I am suggesting that that property is not as valuable as you
> think, and makes the usage less friendly and harder to reuse in
> slightly different situations.  E.g., suppose you decide to add some
> buffering into the channel. If you are explicitly yielding to a specific
> other coroutine, you have to check whether the channel is now full at each
> point, and yield only if so, etc.  This doesn't seem useful.

Well suppose you don't. The whole point is that generator model is simple in
terms of how it executes, and you just proposed 10 ways to make it more
complicated with no good reason as far as I can see.

Also, meta-point, but we shouldn't name a construct coroutines if they're not
respecting the very definition of coroutines.

I have given plenty of reasons why the determinism and easy execution model of
generators are valuable, in this and other discussions. What you didn't do on
your side, is provide reasons why they're not so valuable.

Also this whole discussion is hard because you're attacking coroutines where in
reality we're proposing generators, which are a subtly but still quite different

>> This makes coroutines/generators code straightforward to expand which is a
>> key property.
> Not sure what you mean by "expand."  If it means you can write out the
> sequence of things that are happening, I don't see how that is necessarily
> true since the data structure you are walking, for example, is not known in
> advance.

This is not the same thing. With generators, when you yield, you know that the
control is returned to the caller with the next element that he asked. For the
caller, it means that between the moment where he calls the generator and the
moment he gets the element, the only code that will execute is the one charged
to compute his next element.

This is an important contract. Now I'm not sure if the model you propose breaks
that contract or not, and in what ways and when. It seems like if you have a
channel that can buffer more than one element, it could already have
repercussions that are not expected. If you take the example of a syntax
highlighter, that will call a generator to incrementally get a list of token,
the model is simple: Every time the highlighter will get *one* token, and will
highlight it in the interface.

With your model, depending on the size of the buffer, the behavior will change
dramatically. The coroutine could either work completely as a function call,
where everything gets highlighted when the tokenizer has finished his work, if
the buffer size is very big. Or it could work as the generator model.

> I believe one of the biggest advantages of Ada 95's protected objects over Ada
> 83's rendezvous is the fact that the partners in the communication or
> interaction don't need to name one another.  They are connected because they
> share an object through which they communicate.  Having to name the
> communication partner is always more complicated and less flexible in my view.
> So I am proposing that coroutines would also benefit by using anonymous
> "data-oriented" communication rather than having to name the other partner in
> the communication.

In the case of generators, you don't need to name the calling function, which
makes them more flexible in that regard, and more limited also.

> Think of all the complexity associated with inversion of control techniques,
> all due to the fact that normal procedure calling requires that the caller
> name the callee.  I see no advantage of putting that burden on coroutines, and
> then having to "inject" them with the name of their partner.

But there is actually no current proposal for Ada on the table that proposes
doing that, so you're kind of attacking a straw-man here.

>> The users *knows* the order of execution, and can rely on it.
> I am not convinced they should care, and they clearly don't know it precisely
> in advance since, as mentioned above, you have flow of control that depends on
> the structure being walked.  In any case, this only seems of concern when you
> have more than two coroutines, if we presume you only yield as a side-effect
> of blocking on something like a channel.

This is the whole point of generators, which makes them analyzable in terms of
performance, but *also* deterministic. If the runtime can choose which coroutine
to execute next, you lose that defining property.

>> ... It seems to me that just
>> having a special type of channel, on which you can call "Yield", which is
>> defined as "put
>> an element into the channel and yield control to whoever is waiting on it"
>> would be
>> sufficient to get those kind of semantics.
> That is exactly what I am proposing, so now I am unclear on how we disagree.

We don't - on that point :)

>> - Deferring the responsibility of coroutine-like execution to the caller
>> seems fine to me,
>> with one caveat: What happens if you call a subprogram that writes into a
>> channel in a
>> non-coroutine context ? Will it block eventually ? (If the channel has
>> bounded capacity I
>> guess it should right ?).
> It would deadlock if there are no other coroutines in existence for the same
> thread of control that are ready to run.  Luckily, this kind of deadlock is
> easy to detect, so it would be easy to raise Program_Error when such a
> situation occurs.

Fair enough.

>> - Last but not least, you lose the most important part of generators: The
>> ability to save
>> the context of execution of a generator, return it, and resume it later.
> That is the whole point of a coroutine.  Whenever it yields control, e.g.
> after writing into a channel, its context of execution is preserved.  In fact,
> the advantage of this construct is that the code inside the coroutine "arm"
> can be as complicated and heavily recursive as you like, since the channel
> object is just a regular object which can be passed into recursive routines,
> referenced using an up-level reference, etc.
>> ... It's not obvious
>> how you'd propose doing something like that on top of this.
> Then clearly I didn't explain it very well, since that is the whole point of
> this construct.  The various coroutines produced by this construct have their
> own execution context, which is preserved when they block.  They necessarily
> share a thread of control, but they each have their own stack, effectively.

Yes, but you cannot *name* them, and pass them around as first class objects,
which is a key point of the generator proposal, without which they become pretty
useless in my opinion.

Taking the lexer example, where you have a generator producing tokens that you
will pass around to your parser functions, return, etc, you cannot do that with
your model. It basically has the same drawbacks as the for loop body procedure
model, IE. the whole coroutine needs to execute at the point where you declare
the coroutine block, which is a strictly less powerful model.

I could live with the execution changing depending on the size of the buffer, if
that's explicit enough I don't care, people wanting generator behavior will just
use a buffer size of 1 and only 2 threads of execution at the same time. But
this second point is a deal-breaker as far as I'm concerned.

Also meta-point: I understand that language design is a continuum. But there
should be a *very strong incentive* to do things as there are done in other
languages, if possible !

Ada has been adding features that "looks like" what you have in other languages,
but are not, and it's been confusing users. Tagged types are an example of that.
I would need to see that this model is so superior to generators that it makes
it worth doing something different.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016  1:01 PM

> ... This is an important contract. Now I'm not sure if the model you
> propose breaks that contract or not, and in what ways and when. It
> seems like if you have a channel that can buffer more than one element,
> it could already have repercussions that are not expected.
> If you take the example of a syntax highlighter, that will call a
> generator to incrementally get a list of token, the model is simple:
> Every time the highlighter will get *one* token, and will highlight it in the
> interface.

The size of the channel's buffer would be completely up to the programmer.  So
presumably they wouldn't use buffering if they didn't want it.

> ...
>> I believe one of the biggest advantages of Ada 95's protected objects
>> over Ada 83's rendezvous is the fact that the partners in the
>> communication or interaction don't need to name one another.  They
>> are connected because they share an object through which they
>> communicate.  Having to name the communication partner is always more
>> complicated and less flexible in my view. So I am proposing that
>> coroutines would also benefit by using anonymous "data-oriented"
>> communication rather than having to name the other partner in the
>> communication.
> In the case of generators, you don't need to name the calling
> function, which makes them more flexible in that regard, and more limited
> also.

Agreed.  I am suggesting that the flexibility and generality of coroutines can
be achieved without requiring naming the other partner.  I like generators as
well, but as you saw, introducing them requires a lot of mechanism.  If we could
get by with coroutines, particularly if they are seen as very similar to
parallel blocks, that could simplify the support, reduce the complexity of the
language enhancement, and give the Ada user more power over all.

>> Think of all the complexity associated with inversion of control
>> techniques, all due to the fact that normal procedure calling
>> requires that the caller name the callee.  I see no advantage of
>> putting that burden on coroutines, and then having to "inject" them with the
>> name of their partner.
> But there is actually no current proposal for Ada on the table that
> proposes doing that, so you're kind of attacking a straw-man here.

Sorry, my point was to suggest that we should consider supporting coroutines
instead of the special case that is generators, but we should not be bound by
what "conventional" coroutines do in terms of naming the partner and controlling
the sequencing.  When someone says "but those aren't coroutines" that is what I
am objecting to. In fact many languages have supported coroutines in one form or
another over the years, and in some cases they require an explicit target
whenever you yield, and in other cases they don't.

In Ada 95, protected objects were based to some degree on monitors, but those
required explicit "Wakeup" calls using a condition-variable queue.  In Ada 95,
we dispensed with explicit wakeup and made it implicit in the entry barriers,
making it much easier to talk about the state of the system, and to prove
various things about the state when an entry body was executed.  I would suggest
that we could adopt the flexibility of a coroutine-like structure, implement
generators in various ways on top of that, but dispense with the need to
identify what coroutine is taking over control as a side-effect of blocking.
Clearly that works quite well as far as supporting generators.  I hypothesize
that it would support most other contexts where coroutines are used.

> ...
> Yes, but you cannot *name* them, and pass them around as first class
> objects, which is a key point of the generator proposal, without which they
> become pretty useless in my opinion. ...

What you pass around is the channel object, rather than the generator.  That is
the key point I might not have made clear.  You can declare the channel object
at the same place where you create the two (or more) coroutines, and the first
coroutine (e.g. the lexer) keeps stuffing lexemes into the channel whenever it
is active, the other coroutine(s) performs the rest of the algorithm, fetching
tokens, say, from the channel object whenever and wherever it needs them.   You
can have multiple channels, each with a separate name, each associated with a
coroutine that is stuffing things into it, or conceivably a single coroutine
could put things into two or more channels (then you might want some buffering).

As far as what other languages are doing, "Go" has a very similar model to what
I am describing.  But Go relies on garbage collection, and the actual lifetime
of a goroutine is not particularly well defined.   But since there is no point
for a coroutine/goroutine to outlive the channel through which it is
communicating with the rest of the world, there seems no need to make the
lifetime of the coroutine indefinite.

I could see tying the declaration of the channel(s) quite closely to the
coroutine construct, e.g.:

       Lex_Chan : Lex_Channel(Size => (if Interactive then 0 else 100));
                        -- Unbuffered if taking input interactively
       Unit_Chan : Unit_Channel(Size => 0); -- Unbuffered
    begin coroutine
       Lexer(Source_File, Output => Lex_Chan);
       Parser(Input => Lex_Chan, Output => Unit_Chan);
       Backend(Input => Unit_Chan, Output => Output_File);
    end coroutine;


From: Raphael Amiard
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016  1:24 PM

It makes sense. The model is different enough that I need some time to wrap my
head around it. I feel like, me and Florian compiling that corpus of examples
for generator could be a good start, because we could then port them to this
channel model and compare them.


From: Brad Moore
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016  9:13 PM

> I don't see the need to limit it to just two coroutines, but I do
> think it is important that the coroutines should not worry about which
> other coroutine will get control next. It will be necessary to create
> a number of examples to verify that this approach works, but I believe
> it should.  It is based on the theory that the parallel block feature
> will work in that way, and the only difference is that there is no
> need for any locking because coroutine switching only happens when a
> coroutine-cognizant blocking operation is called.

This sounds good to me. But I am wondering if instead of coming up with a new
channel mechanism, what about the idea of just using protected objects, except
that for PO's inside coroutine blocks the implementation could substitute with a
lighter weight implementation that assumes all access to the PO is via
sequential code. In most cases of coroutines, I would think some sort of
protected queue abstraction would be used to pass data between the coroutines.

The advantages I see would be;
   1) People are already familiar with the semantics of how PO's work, and
      wouldn't have to learn about a new synchronization primitive.
   2) Less work needed for implementors presumably, and less work needed to
      describe in the RM
   3) If a programmer chooses to write an abstraction using coroutines with
      serial semantics, but then later decides to switch to parallel execution,
      all that is needed is to change the "coroutine" keyword to the "parallel"
      keyword in the users code (assuming the global aspects also indicated it
      was safe to do so). It would be similarly easy to switch back to
      sequential from parallel.

As for a possible implementation, I am thinking it could be that each coroutine
would be assigned its own executor, and all executors of the same coroutine
construct would be tied to execute on the same CPU as the enclosing task. If a
task is migrated to another core, the executors would also get migrated to that
core. They presumably would run at the same priority as the enclosing task, but
since they all execute on the same core, presumably an implementation could
optimize and use lighter-weight threads of control.

Would the use of lightweight PO's instead of channels have some appeal, or do
you see channels as having other benefits that would be needed, but not possible
with PO's?


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016  4:43 PM

> For a generator, using parallel blocks, using FIFO dispatching (run to
> completion model) where there is a separate executor for both branches
> of the parallel block, but both executors are bound to the same CPU,
> and run at the same priority. In theory, if a Yield (as in the
> existing procedure in the real time annex) statement (or delay
> statement) is executed that would cause the one executing tasklet to
> get placed at the end of the priority queue, and the other tasklet
> that was waiting to execute could then begin executing. In this manner
> a generator could in theory be created where there is no
> synchronization on the generator result variable, as only one executor
> would ever be executing at once. I think it would be a little bit much
> to set this up, or rely on the handoff, so a sequential generator as I
> have implemented using non-local gotos I think would be more
> efficient, simpler to analyze, and more robust in maintaining
> sequential ordering.

Since this is essentially how tasking is implemented in Janus/Ada, I can say
that it isn't "a bit much" to set this up.

I've been toying with the idea of adding additional executors (essentually OS
threads) to the existing task manager; doing that would eliminate most of the
issues involved with supporting multiple threaded tasks without rewriting the
entire compiler. (Each entrance to the task supervisor can do the needed
saving/setup, so the runtime doesn't need to be reorganized.) I would certainly
include some API to ensure that some task/tasklet (they're essentially the same
thing in this model) is "locked" to a particular executor.

Of course, this would require some redo of task supervisors that use a more
conventional model. But it seems to me that doing so would be no harder than
implementing coroutines from scratch.

(BTW: Isn't setjmp/longjmp essentially equivalent to raising/handling an
exception? Can't you use that instead of relying on C stuff that probably
doesn't properly finalize Ada stack frames??)


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016  5:15 PM

> Also meta-point: I understand that language design is a continuum. But there
> should be a *very strong incentive* to do things as there are done in other
> languages, if possible !

The "if possible" is what makes this an almost vacuous statement, to the point
of being wrong. Almost all "interesting" languages have garbage collection.
Ada's design is actively hostile to automatic garbage collection (you cannot
garbage collect any object that has non-trivial finalization, which includes
most of the types from the standard library). The features that you can
implement and how you can implement them are very strongly influenced by the
presence or absence of garbage collection.

When you fold in Ada's very strict named typing, Ada's visibility model, Ada's
fairly strict contract model for generics, and accessibility checks, the odds
are that no language feature can make it into Ada without very substantial
modification. And even then, there is a strong concern about it appearing

I would hope that we would focus on functionality and not on particular language
features. There are always going to be languages that have "cooler" features
than Ada; the question however is whether Ada is making it too hard to get one's
work done.

Tucker's idea of piggybacking on the proposed parallel block structure seems
like an approach that fits with what we're trying to do with Ada 2020, it
doesn't appear to add a lot of language overhead beyond what is already there
(and it fits perfectly with the implementation of tasking that I envision in
Janus/Ada 2020 -- should that ever exist).

A full generator proposal, regardless of semantics, is going to be way too
heavyweight for the language. We simply don't have the time or resources (maybe
AdaCore does, but not the community as a whole) to add something that large to
the language on top of the things we're already promising. (And those are way
more important to the long-term use of the language.)

So any time spent considering that is simply wasted, in my view. Tucker is
trying to find ways to fit the generator semantics into the Ada 2020 language,
and that seems to be the only approach that has any realistic chance of success.
Work on how to improve those ideas, and don't waste your time (and ours) on
things that simply will not happen.

My $0.22 worth (overhead expenses have gone up a lot, so it's a lot more than
$0.02 these days).


From: Brad Moore
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016  2:47 PM

> (BTW: Isn't setjmp/longjmp essentially equivalent to raising/handling
> an exception? Can't you use that instead of relying on C stuff that
> probably doesn't properly finalize Ada stack frames??)

Thanks for that suggestion Randy. I was able to use that to come up with a
pretty simple working generator abstraction that does not involve any tasking,
and should be pretty efficient I think.

The basic premise is that generators typically need to involve state, such as
iterating through a binary tree of values, whereas the client usage of the
generator typically involves little or no saved state, and mostly iterates in a
loop to process values generated by the generator.

The generator code is executed first and internally calls the client procedure
after yielding a value, the client procedure raises an exception when it wants
to obtain the next value. That exception is handled inside the yield statement,
which allows the generator to obtain the next value, and yield back to another
call to the client procedure.

This raises a few questions regarding future generator support.

1) It seems that a generator abstraction is a special case of coroutine, that
  probably should be implemented differently. To implement coroutines, you
  probably need to context switch between different stacks for each coroutine,
  whereas for generator, a single stack can be used.

2) Piggybacking on the parallel block syntax for coroutines might make sense,
  but for a simple generator implementation like the one below, it's not clear
  to me that the parallel block syntax can easily be mapped to such an
  implementation. For the parallel block/coroutine syntax, we are saying that
  the order of execution is not important. However for the implementation below,
  the order is important. The generator must execute first, as it more heavily
  relies on the stack. It also ensures there is a value ready for the client, so
  the client assumes it is there initially, and only advances the generator
  after it has finished processing the value, instead of advancing the generator
  before processing the value.

3) The implementation of the generator generic is pretty trivial, once
  you realize the approach. Given the ease of use in the examples below,
  is it worth adding special generator syntax to further simplify
  expressing this construct?

Here is the generator generic I came up with;

    type Result_Type is private;
    with procedure Client;
    --  Note: Client is called once per generated value. Any state needed
    --  between calls should be stored globally to the call package Generators is

    procedure Yield (Result : Result_Type);
    --  Called by Generator to yield a result to the client

    function Value return Result_Type;
    --  Called by Client to retrieve the next value

    procedure Next;
    --  Called by Client to request Generator to obtain the next value
    --  NOTE: Next should not need to be called to obtain the first value
    --  The first value will be available before Client is called


    Next_Result : Result_Type;

    function Value return Result_Type is (Next_Result);

    pragma Inline (Value, Next);
end Generators;

package body Generators is

    Generator_Handoff : exception;

    procedure Next is
       raise Generator_Handoff;
    end Next;

    procedure Yield (Result : Result_Type) is
       Next_Result := Result;
       when Generator_Handoff =>
    end Yield;

end Generators;

And to show usage. First a generator that generates a set of increasing integer
values. The client controls execution and only wants the first 4 values;

       procedure Print_Values;

       package My_Generator is new Generators
                                      (Result_Type => Integer,
                                       Client      => Print_Values);
       Done : Boolean := False;

       procedure Print_Values is
          while My_Generator.Value <= 4 loop

             --  Print out the value;
             Put_Line (Integer'Image (My_Generator.Value));

             --  Ask the Generator to get another value
          end loop;

          Done := True;
       end Print_Values;
       while not Done loop
          My_Generator.Yield (My_Generator.Value + 1);
       end loop;

To show a more complicated example of iterating through a binary tree of integer
values. In this example, the client does not exit early. All values of the tree
are processed.

       Tree : constant Integer_Tree.Tree := Integer_Tree.Create;

       procedure Print_Values;

       package My_Generator is new Generators
                                     (Result_Type => Integer,
                                      Client      => Print_Values);

       procedure Print_Values is
          Put_Line ("Value is" & Integer'Image (My_Generator.Value));

          --  Ask the Generator to get another value
       end Print_Values;

       procedure Tree_Iterate is
          procedure Next (Root : Integer_Tree.Tree) is
             if Root.Left /= null then
                Next (Root.Left.all);
             end if;

             -- Yield a new value to the generator client
             My_Generator.Yield (Root.Value);

             if Root.Right /= null then
                Next (Root.Right.all);
             end if;
          end Next;
          Next (Tree);
       end Tree_Iterate;

       Put_Line ("Printing Tree");


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016  3:36 PM

> ... This raises a few questions regarding future generator support.
> 1) It seems that a generator abstraction is a special case of
> coroutine, that probably should be implemented differently.
> To implement coroutines, you probably need to context switch between
> different stacks for each coroutine, whereas for generator, a single stack can
> be used.

Not sure why you say that.  The "state" of a generator includes the state of its
stack, so you really need to give it its own stack.  Looking below I see you are
back to passing in a "client" procedure.  So yes, for that you don't need
another stack, but we are also back to something equivalent to the loop-body
procedure solution.

> ... Here is the generator generic I came up with;
> generic
>    type Result_Type is private;
>    with procedure Client;
>    --  Note: Client is called once per generated value. Any state needed
>    --  between calls should be stored globally to the call package
> Generators is ...

If you are passing in a "client" procedure, this isn't really a full-up
generator.  We are really back to the access-to-procedure/loop-body situation,
which I think accomplishes more easily what you are proposing here.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016  4:37 PM

> > ... Here is the generator generic I came up with;
> >
> > generic
> >    type Result_Type is private;
> >    with procedure Client;
> >    --  Note: Client is called once per generated value. Any state needed
> >    --  between calls should be stored globally to the call package
> > Generators is ...
> If you are passing in a "client" procedure, this isn't really a
> full-up generator.  We are really back to the
> access-to-procedure/loop-body situation, which I think accomplishes
> more easily what you are proposing here.

Assuming that we can come to some agreement on how to handle "early"
completion of the loop. That's not clear at this point. Else that feature may
never exist.


From: Brad Moore
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016  5:37 PM

>> ... Here is the generator generic I came up with;
>> generic
>>    type Result_Type is private;
>>    with procedure Client;
>>    --  Note: Client is called once per generated value. Any state needed
>>    --  between calls should be stored globally to the call package
>> Generators is ...
> If you are passing in a "client" procedure, this isn't really a
> full-up generator.  We are really back to the
> access-to-procedure/loop-body situation, which I think accomplishes
> more easily what you are proposing here.

I'm not sure what isn't "full-up" about this, as it looks and feels like a
generator in that it provides that view that one logic thread yields values to

But I'm not sure I'm understanding your thinking here, as there are a couple of
ways I could interpret this comment.

1) I could be using the access-to-procedure/loop-body in my abstraction as
presented. To do that, I would need to pass the client procedure access into the
call to Yield, not as a generic formal as it is currently.

I'm also thinking the code would look weird to present the call to Yield as a
loop, since in this case, it really isn't one. It's just a callout to the client
to process the yielded value.

Another issue with the loop body proposal as would apply in this case is, what
happens when there are no parameters to the loop body procedure. Presumably the
syntax would look like;

    for () of Container.Iterate(X, Y, Z) loop
    end loop;

?   (i.e. empty parens would be needed?)

In any case, I think that applying the loop body syntax to this abstraction
wouldn't work very well, and would make something that looks like a generator
look confusingly like a doubly nested loop, when the behaviour is very different
from that.

2) So I think what you are really saying is that for something like iterating
through a tree, the container abstraction should provide an Iterate call that
accepts an access to procedure.

In that case, I would agree that the loop body syntax would be preferable.
However, what if the abstraction or processing involved doesn't have such a
procedure?  I think there are probably lots of python examples of generators,
where the processing might not even be involving containers. (For example, the
case of generating a sequence of prime numbers)

This abstraction provides lazy evaluation of a generator, that can in theory be
applied in cases where no such loop body procedure is available, and in such a
case, I'm thinking it would be easier to write a generator, than to write the
Iterate procedure that could be called using the anonymous loop body syntax.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2016  8:31 AM

>> If you are passing in a "client" procedure, this isn't really a
>> full-up generator.  We are really back to the
>> access-to-procedure/loop-body situation, which I think accomplishes
>> more easily what you are proposing here.
> I'm not sure what isn't "full-up" about this, as it looks and feels
> like a generator in that it provides that view that one logic thread yields
> values to another. ...

Perhaps you missed the discussion.  For a "full-up" generator, you can pass the
generator object around, and call it whenever you want another element.  In what
you have proposed, and in the loop-body procedure proposal, the "consumer" is
always called at the same entry point, forcing the consumer (i.e. the loop body,
or the generic formal procedure in your case) to keep all of its state in state

The classic example of a "full-up" generator is a Lexer/Parser connection.  The
Lexer is the generator, the Parser is the consumer, and both can benefit from
having their own stack, since the lexer might more naturally produce the next
lexeme at different places in its logic, and the parser most naturally consumes
the next lexeme at different places in its logic.  In most compilers, we accept
the limitations of having a single stack, and design the lexer to record its
state, if needed, in persistent state variables, and restart the lexer on each
request for the "next" lexeme at the same entry point.  But expecting the parser
to be called once with each lexeme at the same entry point is very awkward in
some parsers (e.g. recursive descent parsers), because there is more state, and
the context is potentially recursive.  LALR parsers like Yacc are generally
designed to capture most of the relevant state in state variables, but they
still want to be able to call "Next_Lexeme" in th middle of the logic.  So to
summarize, a "full up" generator could be used to implement a lexer where the
state is represented by stack context rather than state variables, and this
generator could be passed around within a parser and the parser could request
the "next lexeme" wherever it so desired.

The "coroutine" model described in one of my earlier notes would use a "channel"
object (essentially a bounded queue) to hold the "next lexeme" and the lexer
would have its own stack context and could add lexemes into the channel whenever
it was "ready" to do so, and the parser would have its own stack context and
could remove them from the channel whenever it needed the next lexeme.  If the
channel is unbuffered, then every other invocation of these operations would
generally involve a context switch.  If the channel is buffered, then there
would generally be fewer context switches.

The "full up" generator model is a simplified coroutine, but still requires two
stack contexts, and seems to also require more language change.  The coroutine
model seems to be, ironically, both more powerful and somewhat simpler from a
language point of view. What you have proposed with your generic, and the
loop-body approach, are both less powerful.  In my view, the loop-body approach
is easier to use than the other alternatives, but does not provide "full up"
generator or coroutine capabilities.  The coroutine + channel approach is nice
in my view because it seems to match up quite well with the parallel block
construct which we seem to be converging on.


From: Brad Moore
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016  1:31 AM

> Perhaps you missed the discussion.  For a "full-up" generator, you can
> pass the generator object around, and call it whenever you want
> another element.  In what you have proposed, and in the loop-body
> procedure proposal, the "consumer" is always called at the same entry
> point, forcing the consumer (i.e. the loop body, or the generic formal
> procedure in your case) to keep all of its state in state variables.

OK, thanks for the clarification, and thanks for the excellent example of a
lexer as a full up generator. I actually realized after sending my last email
what you meant by full up, but didnt have a good example of one. Am I correct in
assuming also that a coroutine block acting as a generator isn't a full up
generator either, since one cannot call into the coroutine from anywhere, like a
real generator. The generator is bound to the consumer since both are within the
same construct.

eg. For a generator that generates prime numbers, I could not call
Get_Next_Prime from anywhere, as one might do in Python. It has be called from
the other coroutine.

> The classic example of a "full-up" generator is a Lexer/Parser
> connection.  The Lexer is the generator, the Parser is the consumer,
> and both can benefit from having their own stack, since the lexer
> might more naturally produce the next lexeme at different places in
> its logic, and the parser most naturally consumes the next lexeme at
> different places in its logic.  In most compilers, we accept the
> limitations of having a single stack, and design the lexer to record
> its state, if needed, in persistent state variables, and restart the
> lexer on each request for the "next" lexeme at the same entry point.
> But expecting the parser to be called once with each lexeme at the
> same entry point is very awkward in some parsers (e.g. recursive
> descent parsers), because there is more state, and the context is
> potentially recursive.  LALR parsers like Yacc are generally designed
> to capture most of the relevant state in state variables, but they
> still want to be able to call "Next_Lexeme" in the middle of the
> logic.  So to summarize, a "full up" generator could be used to
> implement a lexer where the state is represented by stack context
> rather than state variables, and this generator could be passed around within
> a parser and the parser could request the "next lexeme"
> wherever it so desired.

I can see that for complex processing such as this, both coroutines would need
their own stack, and my generic wouldn't be useful. However, for some (simpler)
examples of generators, you can get by giving the stack to the generator, and
having invoking the consumer as you need it as part of the same stack.

I'm not sure what it is I have with my generic. I might be viewed as a possible
implementation that a smart compiler might use for a coroutine block with two
coroutines, if the compiler can determine that the consumer coroutine can be
restarted as needed without affecting the result. Or it might be something that
a programmer can use in certain situations if it can significantly outperform
what you get by using a coroutine block. (Yet to be seen)

> The "coroutine" model described in one of my earlier notes would use a
> "channel" object (essentially a bounded queue) to hold the "next lexeme"
> and the lexer would have its own stack context and could add lexemes
> into the channel whenever it was "ready" to do so, and the parser
> would have its own stack context and could remove them from the
> channel whenever it needed the next lexeme.  If the channel is
> unbuffered, then every other invocation of these operations would
> generally involve a context switch.  If the channel is buffered, then
> there would generally be fewer context switches.

Makes sense.

> The "full up" generator model is a simplified coroutine, but still
> requires two stack contexts, and seems to also require more language
> change.  The coroutine model seems to be, ironically, both more
> powerful and somewhat simpler from a language point of view. What you
> have proposed with your generic, and the loop-body approach, are both
> less powerful.  In my view, the loop-body approach is easier to use
> than the other alternatives, but does not provide "full up" generator
> or coroutine capabilities.  The coroutine + channel approach is nice
> in my view because it seems to match up quite well with the parallel
> block construct which we seem to be converging on.

I do have some interesting results, from my further experimentation.

First off, I was able to improve the interface to the generic such that it looks
like a python generator. That is, you can express the generator as an endless
loop. (eg. A generator that generates a sequence of increasing prime numbers can
in theory be called an infinite number of times (limited by the target
architecture). Also, the generator code is passed as a procedure into the
generic, in addition to the client.

I also noticed that my generic actually is a full up generator for certain kinds
of generators. For lack of a better name, I call these "cursive" generators,
where the next value of the generator can be determined from the previous value
alone. The value of the generator is essentially a type of cursor. An example of
a cursive generator is the prime number example. For such a problem, one can
pass a null procedure into my generic for the consumer, and instead just execute
the generator when ever another value is needed.

This pretty much looks and behaves identically to the corresponding generator in

In Python:

       def get_primes(number):
           while True:
               if is_prime(number):
                   number = yield number
               number += 1

       def print_successive_primes(iterations, base=10):
            prime_generator = get_primes(base)
            for i in range(iterations):

Using my generic in Ada:

      package Prime_Generator is new
         Generators (Result_Type => Integer,
                     Generator   => Get_Primes,
                     Initial_Value => 0);

       procedure Get_Primes (Number : in out Integer) is
             if Is_Prime (Number) then
                Prime_Generator.Yield (Number);
             end if;

             Number := Number + 1;
          end loop;
       end Get_Primes;
       --  A full up generator, this consumer code can be called from
       --  anywhere, from multiple loops even.
       for I in 1 .. 1000 loop
           Put_Line (Prime_Generator.Next);
       end loop;

I now have two forms of generics, one is the non-cursive non-full up form, and
the other is the cursive, full up form.

Now for some interesting performance results.

I used the example of a generator that generates a sequence of numbers from 1 to
N. For this I want to generate the sum.

This gives some good performance comparisons.

First for a normal loop written as;

       for I in 1 .. N loop
          Sum := Sum + I;
       end loop;

Then written as a non-cursive, non-full up generic; One flavour of the generic
uses exceptions, and the other uses function returns.

I then ran against two other versions, a cursive full up generic using
exceptions, and another cursive, full-up generic using function returns.

Finally, I ran against another full up generic that runs the generator in a
separate task, and a protected object is used to pass values between the
generator and the consumer.

Here are the times for calculating the sum from 1 to 1_000_000.

Normal loop sum of 10000000 integers is  50000005000000,
    Elapsed = 00:00:00.04

Non-Cursive, non-full up, using exceptions Generator sum of 10000000 integers is
    Elapsed = 00:02:13.56

Non-Cursive2, non-full up, using function return Generator sum of 10000000
integers is  50000005000000,
    Elapsed = 00:00:00.12

Cursive, full up, using function return
Generator2 sum of 10000000 integers is  50000005000000,
    Elapsed = 00:00:00.09

Cursive, full up, using exceptions
Generator sum of 10000000 integers is  50000005000000,
    Elapsed = 00:02:17.37

Full Up Tasking Generator
sum of 10000000 integers is  50000005000000,
    Elapsed = 00:01:49.68

All the solutions using the exception mechanism are literally over 1000 times
slower than the simple sequential loop. The exception mechanism is zero-cost
exceptions, which is zero cost if exceptions are not raised, but since an
exception is raised for each generated value they are big-cost exceptions. The
exception versions are even slower than the full up tasking version.

Using setjmp/longjmp exceptions might give better performance, but I was unable
to get the compiler to generate code for this.

In any case, I think using exceptions in this manner for such an implementation
is a non-starter.

However, using function returns is only 3 times slower for non-full up, and only
2 times slower for the full-up cursive generic.

This is within an acceptable performance range I would think.

I suspect doing context switching as per the coroutine model would be take
considerably longer than these simple models, but hopefully much faster than the
other times I reported. It will be interesting to compare such an implementation
with these other versions.

Here is the listing of the code for the cursive, full up generator with returns
used this test:

       procedure Generate_Integers (Number : in out Long_Integer);

       package Number_Generator is new
         Cursive_Generators2 (Result_Type   => Long_Integer,
                              Generator     => Generate_Integers,
                              Initial_Value => 0);

       procedure Generate_Integers (Number : in out Long_Integer) is
          Number := Number + 1;
       end Generate_Integers;

       Sum : Long_Integer := 0;
       Put ("Cursive Generator2 sum of" & Long_Integer'Image (N) &
              " integers is ");

       for I in 1 .. N loop
          --  Print out the value;
          Sum := Sum + Number_Generator.Next;
       end loop;

       Put_Line (Long_Integer'Image (Sum));


or for comparison, the non-cursive, non-full up version.

       use all type Generators2.Consumer_Request;
       procedure Generate_Integers (Number : in out Long_Integer);
       function Add_Numbers return Generators2.Consumer_Request;

       package Number_Generator is new
         Generators2.Generators (Result_Type   => Long_Integer,
                                 Consumer      => Add_Numbers,
                                 Generator     => Generate_Integers,
                                 Initial_Value => 0);

       -- Note Generator is an endless loop
       procedure Generate_Integers (Number : in out Long_Integer) is
             Number := Number + 1;
             Number_Generator.Yield (Number);
          end loop;
       end Generate_Integers;

       Current_Index : Long_Integer := 1;
       Sum : Long_Integer := 0;

       function Add_Numbers return Generators2.Consumer_Request is
          if Current_Index <= N then
             Current_Index := Current_Index + 1;
             Sum := Sum + Number_Generator.Value;
             return Next;
          end if;
          return Done;
       end Add_Numbers;

       Put ("Non-Cursive2 Generator sum of" & Long_Integer'Image (N) &
              " integers is ");


       Put_Line (Long_Integer'Image (Sum));



From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016  7:45 AM

>> ...
>> Perhaps you missed the discussion.  For a "full-up" generator, you
>> can pass the generator object around, and call it whenever you want
>> another element.  In what you have proposed, and in the loop-body
>> procedure proposal, the "consumer" is always called at the same entry
>> point, forcing the consumer (i.e. the loop body, or the generic
>> formal procedure in your case) to keep all of its state in state variables.
> OK, thanks for the clarification, and thanks for the excellent example
> of a lexer as a full up generator. I actually realized after sending
> my last email what you meant by full up, but didnt have a good example
> of one. Am I correct in assuming also that a coroutine block acting as
> a generator isn't a full up generator either, since one cannot call
> into the coroutine from anywhere, like a real generator. The generator
> is bound to the consumer since both are within the same construct.
> eg. For a generator that generates prime numbers, I could not call
> Get_Next_Prime from anywhere, as one might do in Python. It has be
> called from the other coroutine. ...

You can pass the channel object around as much as you like, so the channel
object acts as the generator for this purpose.  The coroutine block construct
determines the lifetime of the generator/channel, so the generator/channel is
effectively finalized as you exit the coroutine block construct, but it could
still represent a large part of the life of the program if the coroutine block
construct is in the main subprogram.

So with the coroutine block construct, you do effectively "bound" the lifetime
of the generator/channel, which avoids the need for garbage collection.  One
could imagine having an unbounded-life generator/channel, using the equivalent
of an allocator to initialize it and unchecked-deallocation to finalize it.  Not
clear how important that capability would be.


From: Brad Moore
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017  5:01 PM

Here is the remainder of my homework.

This is my first stab at this AI [this is version /01 of this AI - Editor.].
It mostly builds upon the concurrent block statement defined in AI12-0119,

but adds two new attributes;

'Consume and 'Yield to read and write to an implicitly declared channel for
the subtype of the prefix of the attribute.

These may be used in a concurrent do statement to create coroutines, and pass
values back and forth safely between different arms of the concurrent do.

In addition I added an Exit statement that can be applied to a concurrent do
statement, for convenience sake that makes it easier to exit the generator
once all values needed have been generated and used.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017  7:37 PM

> but adds two new attributes;
> 'Consume and 'Yield to read and write to an implicitly declared 
> channel for the subtype of the prefix of the attribute.

I've been wondering what happens if the prefix of these attributes is of
different types or even different (constrained) subtypes. For instance:

    subtype S10 is String(1..10);
    subtype S20 is String(1..20);
       S10'Yield (Obj10);
       Obj20 := S20'Consume;
    end do;

Here, we've yielded a 10 character string and tried to consume a 20 character

One can imagine various rules and/or checks to deal with this, but there
doesn't seem to be any at all.


> In addition I added an Exit statement that can be applied to a 
> concurrent do statement, for convenience sake that makes it easier to 
> exit the generator once all values needed have been generated and used.

I'm not a fan of this, as it begs a consistency problem with other kinds of
statements (why can do be exited but not blocks or subprograms??). Moreover,
I'd expect it to work more like Continue than Exit (it terminates its own
branch but not the others).


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