!standard 13.1.1(17/3) 16-06-06 AI12-0194-1/01 !class binding interpretation 16-06-06 !status Amendment 1-2012 16-07-21 !status WG9 Approved 16-10-08 !status ARG Approved 11-0-0 16-06-11 !status work item 16-06-06 !status received 16-02-03 !priority Low !difficulty Easy !qualifier Omission !subject Language-defined aspects and entry bodies !summary Language-defined aspects are not allowed on entry bodies. !question !recommendation (See Summary.) !wording Modify 13.1.1(17/3): There are no language-defined aspects that may be specified on a renaming_declaration, a generic_formal_parameter_declaration, a subunit, a package_body, a task_body, a protected_body, {an entry_body, }or a body_stub other than a subprogram_body_stub. !discussion 13.1.1(17/3) applies to all kinds of bodies other than those that can act as specifications. Entry_Body should be included; this clearly was an oversight of AI12-0169-1 (which added these aspect_specifications). !corrigendum 13.1.1(17/3) @drepl There are no language-defined aspects that may be specified on a @fa, a @fa, a @fa, a @fa, a @fa, a @fa, or a @fa other than a @fa. @dby There are no language-defined aspects that may be specified on a @fa, a @fa, a @fa, a @fa, a @fa, a @fa, an @fa, or a @fa other than a @fa. !ASIS No ASIS effect. !ACATS test An ACATS B-Test should be created. !appendix From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 7:54 PM n AI12-0169-1, we allowed aspect specifications on entry bodies. However, we only made a syntax change. In particular, we didn't add a rule like 13.1.1(17/3) or 13.1.1(18/4) for entry bodies. As such, it doesn't appear that any rule prevents putting Pre on an entry body: entry Fooey (P : in out Natural) with Pre => P mod 2 = 0 is ... end Fooey; This appears legal, while the similar subprogram body would be illegal. It's bizarre that we ban language-defined aspects on all bodies *except* entry bodies. I have to think this is an oversight (probably happened because we were too tired after arguing about the syntax). **************************************************************** From: Tucker Taft Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 9:41 PM Agreed. Shouldn't be legal. ****************************************************************