Version 1.3 of ai12s/ai12-0109-1.txt

Unformatted version of ai12s/ai12-0109-1.txt version 1.3
Other versions for file ai12s/ai12-0109-1.txt

!standard 13.1(10/3)          14-11-14 AI05-0109-1/02
!class binding interpretation 14-05-15
!status Corrigendum 2015 14-11-14
!status ARG Approved 7-0-1 14-10-19
!status work item 14-05-15
!status received 14-03-16
!priority Low
!difficulty Medium
!qualifier Omission
!subject Representation of untagged derived types
Late representation changes of a parent type are banned if the parent type is a by-reference type.
13.1(15/3) is intended even if the aspect has not yet been resolved or evaluated.
(1) There appears to be a hole related to 13.1(10/3).
The problem is that there is nothing forbidding specifying a type-related representation aspect of the parent type (Arr in the example below) after a derivation takes place (definition of Arrx), and that will create the same situation that 13.1(10/3) is intended to prevent.
For instance:
procedure rep_clause is package P is type Val is (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H); type Arr is array (1 .. 16) of Val; procedure xxx (Arg : arr); type Arrx is new Arr; for Arr'Component_Size use 3; --<< *parent* type aspect Input_Data : Arrx; end p;
package body p is procedure xxx (Arg : arr) is null; end p; begin (p.Input_Data); end;
If Arr had been a by-reference type, it would have been impossible to do conversions between Arr and Arrx (as copying of by-reference types is not allowed during parameter passing).
Should this be fixed? (Yes.)
(2) A related question noticed during this is that the inheritance of aspect specifications by a derived type is not defined. Specifically, when do aspect specifications become inheritable, given that name resolution of aspect specifications is deferred in some cases? That is, if you derive from a parent type before it has been frozen, and the parent type had some aspect specifications, are they all inherited, even if they haven't even undergone name resolution?
This should be specified, right? (Yes.)
(See Summary.)
Add at the end of 13.1(10/3):
Similarly, it is illegal to specify a non-confirming type-related representation aspect for an untagged by-reference type after one or more types have been derived from it.
AARM Discussion: "By-reference type" usually cannot be used in legality rules, as it is privacy breaking. Our use here is privacy breaking, but we're stuck with it for compatibility reasons. Since representation aspects cannot be specified on partial views, privacy violations can only happen when a type includes a component of a private type. In that case, whether these rules are triggered depends on the full type of the private type -- which is clearly privacy breaking.
AARM Reason: The by-reference rules prevent the need to generate impossible conversions between the derived types (a by-reference object cannot be copied to change its representation).
Add after AARM 13.1(15.b.1/1): [a Ramification]
If an aspect was specified by an aspect_specification and the parent type has not yet been frozen, then the inherited aspect will not yet have been resolved and evaluated. The implementation will need to have a mechanism to handle such an aspect.
The rule 13.1(10/3) is a strange combination of a required semantic rule and a methodological restriction. It is intended to prevent the need to make implicit conversions when calling n inherited primitive subprogram.
In some cases (such as limited by-reference types), making a copy of an object is prohibited and therefore it is impossible to make any implicit conversion. For such cases, a rule like 13.1(10/3) is absolutely required.
For other cases (such as fixed point types with different values of 'Small), doing an implicit conversion could be done, but it would have an undesirable semantic effect (potential loss of precision, especially when the conversions are made both ways as for in out parameters). Here, a rule like 13.1(10/3) is definitely desirable.
Finally, there are cases where there is no semantic problem as the conversions are semantics-preserving. These mainly are cases where the types have different but equivalent representations, such as packed and unpacked versions of an untagged record, or arrays with different component sizes. Here, 13.1(10/3) provides a purely methodological restriction, preventing potentially expensive implicit conversions (but also preventing inexpensive implicit conversions).
Methodological restrictions are always questionable, as they merely prevent a programmer from doing something that they may actually want to do. After all, there are plenty of operations that can be quite expensive in practice (controlled types, equality of composites, and so on). Generally, it's better to let knowledgable users write the code that they need (especially given that 13.6 recommends this approach for representation conversions), and give warnings if that leads to overly expensive code.
13.1(10/3) is intended to require explicitly converting between two different representations. That seems admirable, until one realizes that the effect is to require the elimination of all primitive operations of a (record) type in order to use Ada-language conversions. That means that the standard organization of putting a type and its operations together in a package cannot be followed - the operations have to placed somewhere else in order to take advantage of compile-generated representation change. For many types (especially ones in packages already in use for which moving operations would require changes to many clients), the net effect is that derivation is infeasible and the representation changes end up getting written manually by the user, with all of the potential for mistakes and higher execution costs that entails.
The question shows that users have been clever in finding ways around this restriction. Moreover, there is a concern that fixing this hole would have significant compatibility effects, because users have been using this loophole over the years; it is claimed that GNAT has implemented this "feature" for 20 years.
As such, we only fix as much of the loophole as necessary to eliminate semantic problems. We extend the rules from AI05-0246-1 so that they cover such late representation changes, as well as banning them for Small. This is the minimum that we can do.
It would be appealing to relax 13.1(10/3) to match the new rule. After all, this provides a way to end-run 13.1(10/3), much like generics provided a way to end-run the ban on redefinition of "=" in Ada 83. However, that's going beyond the question of the AI, and some misguided people think that the methodological restriction is a good idea.
An alternative fix would be to ban the derivation of an untagged type with primitives in the same package. That would certainly fix the problem, but it was judged to be too incompatible.
Another alternative fix would be to say that the representation of the untagged derived type with primitives is the same as the parent type if that derivation is in the same package as the derived type. For most implementations, that would just fix a bug. But it would be inconsistent if in fact the implicit conversions were supported, as is claimed for GNAT. Thus it is rejected.
Note that this is a nasty check. It requires rejecting something based on how it is used. Typical implementations do not keep track of how things are used, so at best implementing this check will require building a data structure solely for the purpose of this check (with all the complications of a little used data structure). At worst, it would require a brute-force search of the package specification for every type-related aspect specification. (That could be a significant time hit if the package is large and most types have representation clauses -- this describes Claw exactly). And it's unfortunate that all of this complication happens for something that is quite unlikely.
13.1(15/3) says:
A derived type inherits each type-related representation aspect of its parent type that was directly specified before the declaration of the derived type, or (in the case where the parent is derived) that was inherited by the parent type from the grandparent type.
It seems clear enough that the aspect is inherited in such a case. It would have to be inherited without knowing the actual value. At the point of the derivation, the only thing that could be inherited is the unresolved and unevaluated expression. An alternative view would have us somehow inheriting the future value of the aspect. That would require a substantial implementation cost used solely for this rather unlikely case (derivations after freezing of the parent type -- including in other packages -- would not use it, the current implementation [whatever it is] sufficies in that case). As such, we assume the simpler model (which would just reuse the existing aspect mechanism) and see where it leads.
There is clearly a possibility of anomalies given that the aspect has neither been resolved or evaluated at the point of the derived type (presuming that no freezing point of the parent type has occurred).
First of all, inheriting the raw aspect means that the aspect would be evaluated twice. This seems like it would be a problem, but it isn't as most type-related aspects require static expressions. Those that don't (like Storage_Size and Storage_Pool) are not allowed on derived types. Thus we conclude that there is no problem from re-evaluation of aspects.
Second, the question arises is to whether the two copies could ultimately get different values. We certainly would not want that, as the entire issue with 13.1(10/3) is to ensure the values are the same. But 13.1.1(13/3) prevents that. Anything that would make the values different would also make one or the other expressions resolve differently -- and that is illegal.
Third, one wonders if 13.1.1(13/3) could make the inherited aspect illegal when the original aspect was legal. But that can't happen because the redefinition of an entity would have to follow the derived type in order that the inherited aspect is illegal. The first freezing point of the derived type would have to be before the redefined entity. But that point must either freeze the parent type (in which case it is also illegal) or the parent type would have to have been frozen previously (again making it illegal). It is possible for the parent type's aspect to be illegal and the derived type to be legal, but that isn't related to the derivation so it is irrelevant for this purpose.
Thus, we conclude that the model of inheriting the raw (unresolved and unevaluated) aspect works. As such, we simply add an AARM note to verify that this is the intent and claim victory. :-)
!corrigendum 13.1(10/3)
Replace the paragraph:
For an untagged derived type, it is illegal to specify a type-related representation aspect if the parent type is a by-reference type, or has any user-defined primitive subprograms.
For an untagged derived type, it is illegal to specify a type-related representation aspect if the parent type is a by-reference type, or has any user-defined primitive subprograms. Similarly, it is illegal to specify a non-confirming type-related representation aspect for an untagged by-reference type after one or more types have been derived from it.
No ASIS effect.
!ACATS test
An ACATS B-Test should be created to check the new rule. It probably should have the form of the example found in the mail, so that it is clear why the (nasty) check is needed. An ACATS C-Test that the end-run around 13.1(10/3) works in cases that are not by-reference would also be valuable.

From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014  9:47 PM

Robert and others discovered that there is a hole in 13.1 related to paragraph

   For an untagged derived type, it is illegal to
   specify a type-related representation aspect if
   the parent type is a by-reference type, or has
   any user-defined primitive subprograms.

The problem is that there is nothing forbidding specifying a type-related
representation aspect of the *parent* type (Arr below) after a derivation takes
place (definition of Arrx), and that will create the same undesirable situation,
where you will need to do an expensive conversion as part of calling an
inherited subprogram ("xxx" below), or need to perform an impossible conversion
between related by-reference types with different representations.  What is
missing is a corresponding rule to prevent specifying a non-confirming aspect
after derivation happens.  E.g., add after the above paragraph:

   Similarly, it is illegal to specify a non-confirming
   type-related representation aspect for an untagged type
   after one or more types have been derived from it,
   if the type is a by-reference type, or if any
   user-defined primitive subprograms were inherited
   by the derived types.

Below are two example programs indicating the problem.  First one (rep_clause_a)
is illegal by paragraph 10/3.  Second one (rep_clause_b) is currently legal, but
would be made illegal by the proposed new paragraph.

      1. procedure rep_clause_a is
      2.    package P is
      3.       type Val is (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
      4.       type Arr is array (1 .. 16) of Val;
      5.       procedure xxx (Arg : arr);
      6.       type Arrx is new Arr;
      7.       for Arrx'Component_Size use 3;  --<< *derived* type aspect
         >>> representation item appears too late
         >>> primitive operations already defined for "arr"

      8.       Input_Data  : Arrx;
      9.    end p;
     11.    package body p is
     12.       procedure xxx (Arg : arr) is begin null; end;
     13.    end p;
     14. begin
     15. (p.Input_Data);
     16. end;

So what's going on here, what's the point of rep_clause_a.adb being
illegal if rep_clause_b.adb is legal:

      1. procedure rep_clause_b is
      2.    package P is
      3.       type Val is (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
      4.       type Arr is array (1 .. 16) of Val;
      5.       procedure xxx (Arg : arr);
      6.       type Arrx is new Arr;
      7.       for Arr'Component_Size use 3;  --<< *parent* type aspect
      8.       Input_Data  : Arrx;
      9.    end p;
     11.    package body p is
     12.       procedure xxx (Arg : arr) is begin null; end;
     13.    end p;
     14. begin
     15. (p.Input_Data);
     16. end;


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014  10:51 PM

> Robert and others discovered that there is a hole in 13.1 related to
> paragraph 10/3:
>    For an untagged derived type, it is illegal to
>    specify a type-related representation aspect if
>    the parent type is a by-reference type, or has
>    any user-defined primitive subprograms.
> The problem is that there is nothing forbidding specifying a
> type-related representation aspect of the *parent* type (Arr
> below) after a derivation takes place (definition of Arrx), and that
> will create the same undesirable situation, where you will need to do
> an expensive conversion as part of calling an inherited subprogram
> ("xxx" below),

I remain unconvinced that is a real problem. If it hurts, don't do it. :-) And
this rule prevents such conversions even explicitly (at least without an
unnatural program structure that separates the types from the operations - which
can be difficult to add after the fact).

I was led to believe that the real problem was the potential loss of precision
for real (float and fixed) types when converting between different
representations. There would have been better ways to deal with that problem.

> ...or need to
> perform an impossible conversion between related by-reference types
> with different representations.

Which also could have been solved separately. One obvious solution in both cases
would be to disallow these only when there is a real semantic problem (loss of
precision, impossible conversions) and let them happen in other cases. Anyway,
that's probably not happening - sigh.

>...  What is missing is a
> corresponding rule to prevent specifying a non-confirming  aspect
>after derivation happens.  E.g., add after the above paragraph:
>    Similarly, it is illegal to specify a non-confirming
>    type-related representation aspect for an untagged type
>    after one or more types have been derived from it,
>    if the type is a by-reference type, or if any
>    user-defined primitive subprograms were inherited
>    by the derived types.

I see the problem, but it's uncomfortable to have a rule that says that some
unrelated use can change what is legal for a declaration. I suppose it's not as
bad as it could be since the effect has to happen in the same package. Still,
I'd prefer to solve this some other way.

The obvious solution is not allow the derivation of an unfrozen untagged
(corrected-ED) type that has primitives. That would could only make a difference
in the same package, and as it's illegal by 13.1(10) to change the
representation, that's a pretty useless thing to do. (The unfortunately common
use of derivation as a stand-in for type renaming doesn't make sense in the same
package.) Even so, there is a possible incompatibility.

Probably a better solution is to simply say that for such types, the
representation attributes of the derived type are the same as the parent type.
That's what we want anyway (for the reasons that Tucker stated. 13.1(15/3) is a
very complex way of saying that, why not simplify it in the case of untagged
derivation with primitives? The effect would be that the parent's aspects would
be used regardless of how or when they are set.

13.1(15/3) is rather bogus anyway for Ada 2012, as we don't necessarily know the
values of the aspects when the type is derived. (Aspect specifications aren't
resolved until the end of the declarative list - 13.1.1(11/3).) That wasn't true
in Ada 95. For instance:

package P3 is
   type Val is (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
   type Arr is array (1 .. 16) of Val with Component_Size => CS;
   procedure xxx (Arg : arr);
   type Arrx is new Arr;

   CS : constant Natural := 3;
   Input_Data : Arrx;
end P3;

CS isn't even declared until after the derived type, so there is no benefit to a
rule that requires inheritance only of what's known at that point. For aspects
evaluated dynamically (like Storage_Pool), we can't even cheat and figure this
out. We're going to need some sort of retroactive aspect setting for the derived
type (probably best done at the freezing point).

Anyway, I would like us to consider if there is a better way to do this that
doesn't depend on usage changing legality down the road. The few cases where
we've had such rules in Ada, we've usually regretted them ('Class on untagged
incomplete types comes to mind).


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014  11:12 PM

Not sure I follow all the details of Randy's response, but I do think an
invariant of the final solution should be that we NEVER have expensive implicit
conversion operations and "don't do that" is not a good enough insurance against
this happening.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014  11:33 PM

> Not sure I follow all the details of Randy's response, but I
> do think an invariant of the final solution should be that we NEVER
> have expensive implicit conversion operations and "don't do that" is
> not a good enough insurance against this happening.

I've never figured out why "expensive implicit conversions" are so much worse
than other expensive implicit operations in Ada - controlled types being an
example - for which "don't do that" is exactly the solution. ("Don't do that"
can be backed up by tools and/or restrictions, of course.)

But I'm not advocating for any change to this, just griping about this rule that
makes untagged derived types even more useless than they are naturally. I'm
pretty sure that whatever solution we adopt will ensure that the representations
of the parent and the derived type are the same, or the program is illegal.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  10:25 AM

> The obvious solution is not allow the derivation of an unfrozen tagged
> type

Did you mean "unfrozen *un*tagged type"?  This whole issue only arises with
untagged types.

> that has primitives. That would could only make a difference in the
> same package, and as it's illegal by 13.1(10) to change the
> representation, that's a pretty useless thing to do. (The
> unfortunately common use of derivation as a stand-in for type renaming
> doesn't make sense in the same
> package.) Even so, there is a possible incompatibility.

Your suggestion seems much more likely to introduce an incompatibility.  The
restriction I am suggesting is much less onerous, I believe, and less likely to

> Probably a better solution is to simply say that for such types, the
> representation attributes of the derived type are the same as the
> parent type. That's what we want anyway (for the reasons that Tucker stated.
> 13.1(15/3) is a very complex way of saying that, why not simplify it
> in the case of untagged derivation with primitives? The effect would
> be that the parent's aspects would be used regardless of how or when they are set.

That would seem worse, as it could produce an inconsistency.

> 13.1(15/3) is rather bogus anyway for Ada 2012, as we don't
> necessarily know the values of the aspects when the type is derived.
> (Aspect specifications aren't resolved until the end of the
> declarative list - 13.1.1(11/3).) That wasn't true in Ada 95. For instance:
> package P3 is
>     type Val is (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
>     type Arr is array (1 .. 16) of Val with Component_Size => CS;
>     procedure xxx (Arg : arr);
>     type Arrx is new Arr;
>     CS : constant Natural := 3;
>     Input_Data : Arrx;
> end P3;
> CS isn't even declared until after the derived type, so there is no
> benefit to a rule that requires inheritance only of what's known at
> that point. For aspects evaluated dynamically (like Storage_Pool), we
> can't even cheat and figure this out. We're going to need some sort of
> retroactive aspect setting for the derived type (probably best done at the
> freezing point).

I agree that we should review the wording of 13.1(15) in the context of deferred
interpretation of aspect specifications.  It does seem somewhat weird now...

> Anyway, I would like us to consider if there is a better way to do
> this that doesn't depend on usage changing legality down the road. The
> few cases where we've had such rules in Ada, we've usually regretted
> them ('Class on untagged incomplete types comes to mind).

I suspect you may be over-thinking this one.  The rule we suggested doesn't seem
that difficult to enforce or define, and the other fixes you suggest seem likely
to introduce nastier incompatibilities, and possibly inconsistencies.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  4:12 PM

Thinking more about this, I am *strongly* opposed to any incompatible change in
the language.

Yes, the language is broken, it makes no sense to go to all those efforts to
forbid expensive implicit conversions in one case, and miss it in the other

Furthermore, contrary to Randy's thinking, these implicit conversions can be
terribly expensive, NOTHING else in the language is comparable, e.g. you can end
up quite unintentionally converting a 100,000 element array from packed to
unpacked form or vice versa.

But, even though the language is broken, I fear the cure of introducing an
incompatible change would be much worse than the disease.

After all this bug has been there 30 years, and it was only by accident that I
noticed it. I don't think it is worth any more time discussing this, since I see
such discussions as 100% worthless to the Ada community.

What I will do for GNAT is to issue appropriate warnings, that's quite good

EVen if the ARG were to introduce an incompatible change here, we would not make
it the default, but rather, if forced to, e.g. by a misguided ACATS test, have a
special flag --pedantic or somesuch to enable the inompatible change.

Will be interesting to see how many tests in our test suite (now tens of
millions of lines of code) will be affected by these new warnings.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  4:16 PM

> But I'm not advocating for any change to this, just griping about this
> rule that makes untagged derived types even more useless than they are
> naturally.

I think this is bogus, you can always rearrange things to get what you want.
Unless you want implicit conversions, in which case you are (quite deliberately,
and desirably, out of luck, though actually given noticing this bug in the
language, you can probably get any effect you want!)

> I'm pretty sure that whatever solution we adopt will ensure that the
> representations of the parent and the derived type are the same, or
> the program is illegal.

I am pretty sure this is wrong, since there is no way to achieve this without
introducing a possibly quite significant incompatibility.


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  4:18 PM

>> The obvious solution is not allow the derivation of an unfrozen
>> tagged type

> Your suggestion seems much more likely to introduce an
> incompatibility.  The restriction I am suggesting is much less
> onerous, I believe, and less likely to arise.

I agree this suggestion is a non-starter

>> Probably a better solution is to simply say that for such types, the
>> representation attributes of the derived type are the same as the
>> parent type. That's what we want anyway (for the reasons that Tucker
>> stated. 13.1(15/3) is a very complex way of saying that, why not
>> simplify it in the case of untagged derivation with primitives?
>> The effect would be that the parent's aspects would be used
>> regardless of how or when they are set.
> That would seem worse, as it could produce an inconsistency.

Yes, definitely another non-starter

> I suspect you may be over-thinking this one.  The rule we suggested
> doesn't seem that difficult to enforce or define, and the other fixes
> you suggest seem likely to introduce nastier incompatibilities, and
> possibly inconsistencies.

I agree, except I think introducing ANY illegality is a non-starter.
In practice a (suppressible) warning is quite good enough.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  5:48 PM

> Thinking more about this, I am *strongly* opposed to any incompatible
> change in the language.

I've come to almost the same conclusion, but probably for different reasons.

> Yes, the language is broken, it makes no sense to go to all those
> efforts to forbid expensive implicit conversions in one case, and miss
> it in the other case.
> Furthermore, contrary to Randy's thinking, these implicit conversions
> can be terribly expensive, NOTHING else in the language is comparable,
> e.g. you can end up quite unintentionally converting a 100,000 element
> array from packed to unpacked form or vice versa.

Sure, but isn't that what warnings are for? It's not like the compiler doesn't
know that will happen. But why use the worst case to deny the capability when it
is useful?

The cases where this matters is for derived integer types (since the language
won't let you have different sizes for subtypes -- I know GNAT can handle this
case, because Object_Size allows it), and for converting between small records
with different representations (it's not uncommon to store items in a packed
format and use them in an unpacked format). These conversions aren't free, but
they're not very expensive, either.

Yes, you can usually rearrange the code (but not always, if the parent type is
declared in a package outside of your control). In these cases, the compiler
probably can do a better job of converting than the programmer can, and in any
case, the compiler won't make mistakes like swapping components or parameters --
which a programmer does all the time. The compiler has to be prepared to do them
explicitly since they're legal if there are no primitives, so it's just silly to
deny them explicitly to a programmer while still requiring them to work
implicitly (as in the case of deriving 'Base).

I'd much prefer to use targeted rules to avoid the truly bad cases semantically.
(By-reference, Small, etc.)

> But, even though the language is broken, I fear the cure of
> introducing an incompatible change would be much worse than the
> disease.
> After all this bug has been there 30 years, and it was only by
> accident that I noticed it.

I agree this is exceedingly unlikely. But for compatibility to be an issue at
all, GNAT must have implemented it correctly (that is, with the implicit
conversions). Is that the case?

If it isn't the case (the conversions don't happen even though the
representations different or something error happens), then either the case
never existed at all (so whatever rule is decided on is practically irrelevant)
or the compiler is generating garbage (in which case some sort of check seems
like an improvement).

> I don't think it is worth any
> more time discussing this, since I see such discussions as 100%
> worthless to the Ada community.

That's not quite true. The by-reference array case is truly broken (it's
impossible to implement it correctly) and we had previously introduced slightly
incompatible checks to unrelated array conversion to fix that. If there is still
a hole in that fix for related types, we need to plug it up, too. The
alternative is for compilers to generate some sort of garbage (most likely by
copying by-reference objects). We could make that rule specific to by-reference
types (which would make the incompatibility non-existent in practice).

The other cases, my preference is to eliminate the root rule other than in cases
(like the by-reference ones) where there is a semantic problem. That's an
extension rather than an incompatibility, and it would have the effect of making
untagged derived types somewhat more useful. It's silly to allow different
representations only by a number of backdoors -- this is looking a lot like the
prohibition against redefining "=" in Ada 83 -- in that it doesn't actually
prohibit anything, it just makes it a lot harder to accomplish.

> What I will do for GNAT is to issue appropriate warnings, that's quite
> good enough.
> EVen if the ARG were to introduce an incompatible change here, we
> would not make it the default, but rather, if forced to, e.g. by a
> misguided ACATS test, have a special flag --pedantic or somesuch to
> enable the inompatible change.
> Will be interesting to see how many tests in our test suite (now tens
> of millions of lines of code) will be affected by these new warnings.

My guess is zero. Which is why I'd be willing to go so far as ban the derivation
-- I'd still expect that to be zero occurrences. But we can surely make the
incompatibility much less than that.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  5:55 PM

> >> Probably a better solution is to simply say that for such types,
> >> the representation attributes of the derived type are the same as
> >> the parent type. That's what we want anyway (for the reasons that
> >> Tucker stated. 13.1(15/3) is a very complex way of saying that, why
> >> not simplify it in the case of untagged derivation with primitives?
> >> The effect would be that the parent's aspects would be used
> >> regardless of how or when they are set.
> >
> > That would seem worse, as it could produce an inconsistency.

This is only inconsistent if implementations actually implement the trailing
representation clause and the associated implicit conversions. In that case,
your suggestion is an incompatibility and the inconsistency is hardly worse --
they're both unacceptable.

If implementations allow the calls and DOESN'T make the conversion, then the
compiler is generating garbage and the change is merely fixing a bug -- which is
way better than introducing an incompatibility.

If the compiler is rejecting something, then defining the rule such that it
makes sense is an extension compared to what the compilers are doing.

And please recall that I was only suggesting this in the case where there are
primitive operations (not all derived types).

But I'd much prefer to weaken 13.1(10) and allow this in cases where it makes
semantic sense (at least integer representations and records). That's an
extension, but it's the least incompatible solution. It seems that what Robert
wants, too (the least incompatible solution).


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  6:07 PM

> This is only inconsistent if implementations actually implement the
> trailing representation clause and the associated implicit
> conversions. In that case, your suggestion is an incompatibility and
> the inconsistency is hardly worse
> -- they're both unacceptable.

GNAT accepts the representation clause and silently generates the associated
implicit conversion.

> And please recall that I was only suggesting this in the case where
> there are primitive operations (not all derived types).
> But I'd much prefer to weaken 13.1(10) and allow this in cases where
> it makes semantic sense (at least integer representations and
> records). That's an extension, but it's the least incompatible
> solution. It seems that what Robert wants, too (the least incompatible solution).

No, Robert wants NO incompatible change AT ALL. And is happy to leave the
current situation intact, which is inconsistent and a bit odd, but perfectly
well defined, and implemented at least in all GNAT compilers for over two


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  6:11 PM

> The cases where this matters is for derived integer types (since the
> language won't let you have different sizes for subtype

That's just wrong, look at the RM rule:

> 10/3 For an untagged derived type, it is illegal to specify a
> type-related representation aspect if the parent type is a
> by-reference type, or has any user-defined primitive subprograms.

And size and alignment are subtype related representation aspects, which are not


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  10:26 PM

For interest, here is the new warning output by GNAT. A bit wordy, but it's a
rather involved situation :-)

>      1. procedure rep_clause1 is
>      2.    package P is
>      3.       type Val is (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
>      4.       type Arr is array (1 .. 16) of Val;
>      5.       procedure xxx (Arg : arr);
>      6.       type Arrx is new Arr;
>      7.       for Arr'Component_Size use 3;
>               |
>         >>> warning: representation item for "component_size"
>             appears after derived type declaration at line 6,
>             may result in implicit conversions for primitive
>             operations of "Arr", to change representations when
>             called with arguments of type "Arrx"
>      8.       Input_Data  : Arrx := (others => A);
>      9.    end p;
>     10.
>     11.    package body p is
>     12.       procedure xxx (Arg : arr) is begin null; end;
>     13.    end p;
>     14. begin
>     15. (p.Input_Data);
>                    |
>         >>> warning: change of representation required
>     16. end;


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014  10:57 AM

In discussing the very old issue relating to deriving one type from another
where they end up with different representations, we encountered a more
fundamental issue.  When do aspect specifications become inheritable, given that
name resolution of aspect specifications is deferred in some cases?  That is, if
you derive from a parent type before it has been frozen, and the parent type had
some aspect specifications, are they all inherited, even if they haven't even
undergone name resolution?

I am presuming the answer is that an aspect is "directly specified" as soon as
the aspect specification occurs, even if name resolution is deferred.  That
means it is possible to inherit an aspect specification before the names have
been resolved, which might require some fancy footwork in the compiler, but
seems implementable.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014  6:40 PM

> > But I'd much prefer to weaken 13.1(10) and allow this in cases where
> > it makes semantic sense (at least integer representations and
> > records). That's an extension, but it's the least incompatible
> > solution. It seems that what Robert wants, too (the least
> incompatible solution).
> No, Robert wants NO incompatible change AT ALL. And is happy to leave
> the current situation intact, which is inconsistent and a bit odd, but
> perfectly well defined, and implemented at least in all GNAT compilers
> for over two decades.

"NO incompatible change AT ALL" isn't possible, unless you prefer to leave a
mess in the language and in GNAT. In particular, I refer to the situation
discussed in AI95-0246-1 (and which led to the rules 4.6(24.7/2) and
4.6(24.9/2). The discussion of that AI says that 13.1(10) prevents the similar
situation from happening for related types. We now know that isn't true.

Thus we'll need SOME new rule to at least prevent those cases from happening.
(That rule does not need to go further than that, however -- it certainly does
not need to go as far as either Tucker's or my suggestions.)

Just to see what happens, I just created a little test program (attached to this
message) to see what current compilers do with this case.

GNAT 7.2.1 reports:

    72.     P.Check (P.A1(Y1), '1'); -- Value conversion.
        >>> left hand of assignment must not be limited type
        >>> component type "T" of type "A1" is limited

which is a little weird because there is no assignment here, just a conversion.
But it gets weirder. If one comments out the calls at lines 72 and 74 (74 being
essentially the same as 72), the program compiles without complaint. That means
GNAT accepted the explicit view conversion and all of the implicit conversions
without complaint. (There is a warning about the component of A1 being padded
with 56 bits, but that's it. Of course, I don't have a version of GNAT with
Robert's new warning.)

That was interesting enough that I made the attached self-checking version,
which when run reports:

--- TestBR - Check what happens when doing implicit conversions of a by-reference type
-- A1'Component_Size = 64
-- A2'Component_Size = 8
** X(2).Ch is 'N' but should be '4'
** X(2).Ch is 'O' but should be '5'
*** TestBR Failed

which suggests the implicit conversions were not made at all, and the original
object (with Component_Size 8) was passed by reference to a routine expecting an
array with Component_Size 64. Of course making such implicit conversions would
also be nonsense, copying limited objects. *Something* has to be rejected here.

Janus/Ada rejects the Component_Size clause:
In File D:\Testing\Win\console\testbr.ada at line 26
   25:          type A2 is new A1;
   26:          for A1'Component_Size use 64;
*ERROR* This size is not supported for this type (6.4.17)
 Continue <Sp> or Abort <^C>?
which prevents the problem but the error message isn't very enlightening as to
why. It in fact rejects all attempts to make this anything other than 8. I
didn't try to figure out whether that's because of some understanding of this
problem or just a bug somewhere (honestly, I'd guess the latter is more likely).

Hope this explains why we're going to continue to discuss this, even if "do
nothing" seems appealing.

----- Test program follows -----

with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure TestBr is
    -- Test the combination of the Dewar late representation example and the
    -- AI95-0246-1 example.
    -- (This AI claims that 13.1(10) prevents all problems with related type
    -- conversions, but we now know this is not true.)

    type Result_Kind is (Passed, Failed, NA);
    Result : Result_Kind := Passed;

    function Two return Integer is
        V : Integer := 1;
        return V+1;
    end Two;

    package P is
        type T is limited record
            Ch : Character;
        end record with Size => 8; -- Limited by-reference type
        type A1 is array (1..2) of T;
        procedure Succ1 (X : in out A1);
        procedure Check (X : in A1; C : Character);
        type A2 is new A1;
        for A1'Component_Size use 64;
    end P;

    package body P is
        procedure Succ1 (X : in out A1) is
            X(1).Ch := Character'Succ(X(1).Ch);
            X(Two).Ch := Character'Succ(X(Two).Ch);
        end Succ1;

        procedure Check (X : in A1; C : Character) is
            if X(1).Ch /= C then
                Result := Failed;
                Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** X(1).Ch is '" & X(1).Ch &
                    "' but should be '" & C & "'");
            end if;
            if X(Two).Ch /= C then
                Result := Failed;
                Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("** X(2).Ch is '" & X(2).Ch &
                    "' but should be '" & C & "'");
            end if;
        end Check;
    end P;

    X8: P.A1 := (others => (Ch => '8'));
    Y1: P.A2 := (others => (Ch => '1'));
    Y4: P.A2 := (others => (Ch => '4'));

    Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("--- TestBR - Check what happens when doing implicit" *
      " conversions of a by-reference type");

    Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("-- A1'Component_Size =" & Natural'Image(P.A1'Component_Size));
    Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("-- A2'Component_Size =" & Natural'Image(P.A2'Component_Size));

    if P.A1'Component_Size = P.A2'Component_Size then
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("%% Not applicable - Component sizes the same.");
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("%% Change the value and try again.");
        Result := NA;
    end if;

    -- No conversions:
    P.Check (X8, '8');
    P.Succ1 (X8);
    P.Check (X8, '9');

    -- Explicit conversions:
    P.Check (P.A1(Y1), '1'); -- Value conversion.
    P.Succ1 (P.A1(Y1));      -- View conversion.
    P.Check (P.A1(Y1), '2'); -- Value conversion.

    -- Implicit conversions (calls to inherited primitive routines):
    P.Check (Y4, '4'); -- Implicit value conversion.
    P.Succ1 (Y4); -- Implicit value conversion.
    P.Check (Y4, '5'); -- Implicit view conversion.

    case Result is
       when Passed => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("--- TestBR Passed");
       when Failed => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("*** TestBR Failed");
       when NA     => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("%%% TestBR Not Applicable");
    end case;
end TestBr;


From: Robert Dewar
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014  7:21 PM

> "NO incompatible change AT ALL" isn't possible, unless you prefer to
> leave a mess in the language and in GNAT. In particular, I refer to
> the situation discussed in AI95-0246-1 (and which led to the rules
> 4.6(24.7/2) and 4.6(24.9/2). The discussion of that AI says that
> 13.1(10) prevents the similar situation from happening for related
> types. We now know that isn't true.

I don't see any mess in GNAT, yes, you can have implicit conversions, so what?
Not a big deal, especially since you get a nice warning as I showed! The
semantics is absolutely clear

> Thus we'll need SOME new rule to at least prevent those cases from
> happening. (That rule does not need to go further than that, however
> -- it certainly does not need to go as far as either Tucker's or my
> suggestions.)

Why bother, programs have been able to take advantage of this for 30 years, as
far as we know, no real programs have taken advantage of this (and we know that
some compilers other than GNAT do have a bug of not doing the needed
conversions, so that is probably the strongest argument for turning this into an

As for a mess in the language, given the unimportance of the issue, I would
describe this as more like a minor inconsistency.

> which suggests the implicit conversions were not made at all, and the
> original object (with Component_Size 8) was passed by reference to a
> routine expecting an array with Component_Size 64. Of course making
> such implicit conversions would also be nonsense, copying limited
> objects. *Something* has to be rejected here.

Indeed there is a problem there

> Hope this explains why we're going to continue to discuss this, even
> if "do nothing" seems appealing

Well the discussion has zero value to Ada programmers, so let's not spend too
much time on it. As I reported, only one test in our test suite runs into this,
and it was an artificial test, so likely anything we decide will have zero
impact. And if you are going to have zero impact, then the most efficient way of
having zero impact is to do nothing, just write up the issue, declare it a
pathology, and let it sit without action.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014  5:01 PM

I'm writing up the AI about my least favorite paragraph (OK, to be fair I
probably dislike the coextension ones more).

13.1(10/3) says:

For an untagged derived type, it is illegal to specify a type-related
representation aspect if the parent type is a by-reference type, or has any
user-defined primitive subprograms. \

The problem here is that "by-reference type" is privacy-breaking, and thus we
shouldn't use it in a legality rule.

I briefly thought this was OK here, because we can't specify a representation
aspect on a private type. That helps, but we still could break privacy as
by-reference also depends on the types of the subcomponents. This latter case
seems potentially troublesome:

   package P1 is
      type Priv is private;
      type Priv is tagged null record; -- (1)
      -- type Priv is null record; -- (2)
   end P1;

   with P1;
   package P2 is
      type Arr1 is array (1..4) of P1.Priv;

      type Arr2 is new Arr1
          with Component_Size => 16;  -- (3)
   end P2;

[BTW, these examples are a lot easier to write using arrays and Component_Size.
But in the real world, these would records and the second one would have a
record representation clause. We'd have the same problem.]

13.1(10/3) makes the declaration of (3) illegal if the full type of Priv is (1),
but it's legal if it is (2).

This seems like a maintenance hazard (as are all privacy breaking issues).

The array conversion rules get around this by banning "a tagged, private, or
volatile subcomponent", as well as either type being limited, rather than using
the by-reference definition.

That's almost the same as by-reference, but we assume-the-worst for private
types. As such, it would be slightly incompatible to apply it to 13.1(10/3) -
meaning it's probably too late to fix this. (Unfortunately, the by-reference
case is the one where this rule is really required, so we can't just weaken the
rule in this case.)

Did we intentionally make 13.1(10/3) break privacy? If so, we surely should have
documented that in the AARM note.

Are we stuck with this situation? If so, I need to add an AARM note to explain
it. Otherwise, we should fix it.


From: Steve Baird
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014  5:01 PM

> Did we intentionally make 13.1(10/3) break privacy?

How is this any different than the privacy issues associated with the following
Ada83 example

    package Pkg is
       type Private_Type is private;
       type Private_Type is new Integer;
    end record;

    type Rec is
         F1, F2 : Pkg.Private_Type;
      end record;

    for Rec'Size use 2 * Integer'Size;


The general principle, I thought, is that we don't worry too much about privacy
when it comes to checking legality of representation aspect specifications.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014  5:47 PM

The client intentionally broke privacy in this case (probably because
Private_Type'Size isn't static). There is nothing "private" about Integer'Size.

> The general principle, I thought, is that we don't worry too much
> about privacy when it comes to checking legality of representation
> aspect specifications.

I agree that sizes in particular tend to require privacy breaking (logically,
not actually, as in your example). But not all representation aspects (visibly)
depend on Size. Consider Pack:

   package P1 is
      type Priv is private;
      type Priv is tagged null record; -- (1)
      -- type Priv is null record; -- (2)
   end P1;

   with P1;
   package P3 is
      type Rec1 is record
         B : Boolean;
         C : P1.Priv;
      end record;

      type Rec2 is new Rec1 with Pack;  -- (3)
   end P3;

Whether or not Rec2 is legal depends upon whether the full definition of Priv is
(1) or (2). And there is nothing about the clients code that is inherently
privacy breaking - all they're looking for is storage minimization (possibly for
long-term storage, or for data transport).

If someone changes from (2) to (1), the client (3) is in for a lot of work,
since they're going to have to eliminate the derivation and write their own
conversion functions. That's nasty, and it's a lot worse than just updating a
rep clause as in your original example. The client would have been better off
had (3) been illegal all along, as then they wouldn't have been hoodwinked into
thinking that the language was going to help them out here.

Anyway, your response says that you think it is expected that these rules are
privacy breaking. I certainly can live with that (I apparently have been for a
long time), but the AARM should note that because there are very, very few
Legality Rules that break privacy -- and they all should be documented. That's
what I did for now (pending more responses).


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014  8:52 PM

I agree with Steve -- representation clauses are allowed to break privacy, and
regularly do so.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014  9:25 PM

OK. I agree that's true when you're talking about the *values* allowed in rep.
clauses; that's non-portable implementation-defined stuff.

But this case feels different to me. It's about whether or not you're allowed
to have representations at all; in particular, Pack (which as we know after
much argument is never supposed to be illegal -- but it's illegal in this

Well, maybe that's splitting hairs.

In any case, I'd like more visibility that the rules in 13.1 intentionally
flaunt privacy even when they don't have to. It's good to remind the poor
editor that the rules that apply everywhere else for language wording should
be ignored in 13.1!


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