!standard 6.1.1(0/3) 12-04-20 AI12-0023-1/01 !class Amendment 12-04-20 !status work item 12-04-20 !status received 12-01-29 !priority Medium !difficulty Hard !subject Make Root_Stream_Type an interface !summary **TBD. !proposal It is annoying that it is impossible to make a type which is both a stream and controlled (because these are separate abstract types). There are ways to have the effect of this, such as having a controlled component in a Stream type, but it is a bit awkward, and perhaps not obvious for someone is trying to create such an abstraction. A better idea would be to make Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type into an interface. !wording ** TBD. !discussion Just making Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type into an interface would be incompatible, for two reasons: (1) Interfaces cannot be hidden, while abstract types can. Thus, the following is illegal if Root_Stream_Type is an interface: private with Ada.Streams; package My_Stream is type T is tagged limited private; private type T is new Root_Stream_Type with null record; overriding procedure Read (Stream : in out T; Item : out Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset); overriding procedure Write (Stream : in out T; Item : Stream_Element_Array); end My_Stream; (2) Types do not inherit limitedness from interfaces, while they do inherit it from abstract types. Thus: type T is new Root_Stream_Type with -- no "limited" here record X: Some_Limited_Type; -- (A) end record; (A) is legal in Ada now, but would be illegal if Root_Stream_Type is an interface. (1) is not very likely to occur in practice (why hide streamability?), but (2) is quite likely to happen (indeed, the GNAT runtime has several instances of it). At the very least, we would need to do something to eliminate (2) before making this change. !ACATS test ** TBD. !appendix From: Brad Moore Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:57 AM One of the Canadian reviewers raised a comment during the National Body Review, asking if Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type could be modified to be an interface, rather than an abstract type. This would for example, facilitate creating controlled stream types. There are ways to do this now, such as having a controlled component in a Stream type, but it is a bit awkward, and perhaps not obvious for someone is trying to create such an abstraction. It would be much nicer if one could simply say, for example; with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization; with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams; package My_Stream is type T is new Limited_Controlled and Root_Stream_Type with private; private ... end My_Stream; Making Root_Stream_Type an interface however, would introduce an incompatibility for cases where types have private streams. For example, the following legal code becomes illegal if we make Root_Stream_Type an interface, since hidden interfaces are not allowed by 7.3 (7.3/2). private with Ada.Streams; package My_Stream is type T is tagged limited private; private type T is new Root_Stream_Type with null record; overriding procedure Read (Stream : in out T; Item : out Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset); overriding procedure Write (Stream : in out T; Item : Stream_Element_Array); end My_Stream; However, the incompatibility is easy to fix. Simply change type T is limited private; in the visible part of the package to type T is limited new Root_Stream_Type with private; One also has to wonder how often types are declared with private streamability in practice. Hiding the Read and Write primitives, for example, means that the type cannot be used for streaming external to the package. In digging into this issue, I discovered that this issue had been raised in the past on Ada comment. (See the attached AC-00190.TXT) I asked Randy about this, and he said that the issue was never voted on by the ARG, and that if I wanted to raise the issue, I should ask the ARG for full consideration of AC-00190.TXT. If someone were to second this motion, then then the issue would get put into an AI12. I think the issue is worth pursuing, so I am asking the ARG for full consideration of AC-00190.TXT. **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 12:37 PM > One of the Canadian reviewers raised a comment during the National > Body Review, asking if Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type could be modified > to be an interface, rather than an abstract type. Probably a good idea, except: > Making Root_Stream_Type an interface however, would introduce an > incompatibility for cases where types have private streams. That kills the idea, for me. It's also incompatible in another way: type T is new Root_Stream_Type with -- no "limited" here record X: Some_Limited_Type; -- illegal if Root_Stream_Type is an interface end record; And finally, I'll trot out my usual argument: it's too late for this. **************************************************************** From: Robert Dewar Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 6:05 PM >> Making Root_Stream_Type an interface however, would introduce an >> incompatibility for cases where types have private streams. > > That kills the idea, for me. Me too, introducing this incoimpatibility is out of the question **************************************************************** From: Stephen Michell Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 7:55 AM <> I agree with the issue and with your proposed action. **************************************************************** From: Brad Moore Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:18 AM > And finally, I'll trot out my usual argument: it's too late for this. A couple of points though. 1) The thought here was that this would form the basis for an AI12, ie. Not For Ada 2012, but for the following version of Ada. I presume your argument about it being too late, is referring to things we want to roll into Ada 2012. 2) What if we could come up with a way that did not introduce any incompatibility? For example, say we invented a new aspect, Hideable, that could be applied to an interface declaration. i.e type Root_Stream_Type is limited interface with => Hideable; A hideable interface could only be used in an interface_type_definition, a record_type_definition, or a private_type_declaration. In cannot be used in a record extension or a private extension declaration. In addition, if a hideable interface is a limited interface, it is implicitly and immutably limited. You cannot derive a non-limited type from an implicitly limited interface, and you do not need the limited keyword on a record_type_definition or private_type_declaration that derives from an implicitly limited interface. It seems to me that such a type declaration would not be susceptible to the problems that 7.3 (7.3/2) is trying to solve, and would also avoid the second incompatibility you mention. The ability to declare hidden interfaces might be a useful extension to the interface concept. **************************************************************** From: Tucker Taft Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:30 AM > ... The ability to declare hidden interfaces might be a useful > extension to the interface concept. I agree with this in general. I have not reviewed your particular proposal, but I agree that for the next version of Ada, the ability to have "hidden interfaces" would definitely be a feature. Root_Stream_Type and Controlled_Type would be obvious candidates. **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 10:37 AM > 1) The thought here was that this would form the basis for an AI12, ie. > Not For Ada 2012, but for the following version of Ada. I call the next version "Ada 2020", because then we can make silly jokes about 20-20 vision, hindsight, &c. > I presume your argument about it being too late, is referring to > things we want to roll into Ada 2012. Yes. It's not too late for Ada 2020. One could argue the opposite -- that it's premature to be adding features before the ink is dry on the Ada 2012 standard. ;-) > 2) What if we could come up with a way that did not introduce any > incompatibility? Then I might be in favor, but only if the solution doesn't add significant complexity. Ada 2012 is over-the-top complex, and I think we should be much more conservative next time around. Simply changing Root_Stream_Type into an interface doesn't add any complexity as far as I can see. But adding a Hideable aspect as you suggest does. We'd have to think this through carefully, because we tried allow hidden interfaces in the first place, and ran into all sorts of trouble. I remember the meeting. It was at SofCheck's office in Burlington. I think I was the one who suggested cutting the gordian knot by making all interfaces public (after all, they're call "interfaces"). We currently have "type inherits limitedness from parent". Oh, but "except if the parent is an interface". [*] Adding, and another exception: "except if the parent is a hideable interface" does not simplify! [*] Yeah, yeah, I know what a progenitor is, but normal Ada programs don't, and should have to. > It seems to me that such a type declaration would not be susceptible > to the problems that 7.3 (7.3/2) is trying to solve, and would also > avoid the second incompatibility you mention. I'm not sure -- maybe you're right. **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 10:43 AM > > ... The ability to declare hidden interfaces might be a useful > > extension to the interface concept. > > I agree with this in general. I have not reviewed your particular > proposal, but I agree that for the next version of Ada, the ability to > have "hidden interfaces" would definitely be a feature. > Root_Stream_Type and Controlled_Type would be obvious candidates. Yeah, but you have a seemingly-infinite tolerance of language complexity, perhaps because you're smarter than the average language lawyer. ;-) We need to find a way to rein in the complexity. That's hard, because we vote on individual features, and for each one, we say, "yeah sounds kind of useful, and not terribly complex by itself". I'm not sure how ARG can view the "big picture". I find it disturbing that no single person has read the Ada 2012 manual from cover to cover, because it's just too big. **************************************************************** From: Tucker Taft Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 11:14 AM > Yeah, but you have a seemingly-infinite tolerance of language > complexity, perhaps because you're smarter than the average language > lawyer. ;-) Actually, Ada 2012 tested even my tolerance for complexity. However, I think the current restriction on interfaces adds complexity for the user. I would be interested in reopening the question of whether interfaces cannot be hidden. I would personally only be interested in a solution that simplified things for the user, and just slapping on a bunch of additional rules would not be the answer. Perhaps it is impossible, or perhaps there is an elegant solution waiting out there for us, if we have a bit more time to think about it. > We need to find a way to rein in the complexity. That's hard, because > we vote on individual features, and for each one, we say, "yeah sounds > kind of useful, and not terribly complex by itself". I'm not sure how > ARG can view the "big picture". I completely agree. In fact, this is the first specific proposal that I have seen that feels worth investigating in the context of Ada 2020, in that the "no hidden interfaces" rule feels like a "wart." The "no nested type extensions" of Ada 95 also felt like a "wart," and I am glad we figured out a way to eliminate it in Ada 2005. It added complexity for the implementor, but didn't really affect the typical user, who can now extend types wherever it is appropriate. The "no hidden interfaces" might have a straightforward solution for the user as well, but perhaps not. But it feels like it might be something worth investigating. > I find it disturbing that no single person has read the Ada 2012 > manual from cover to cover, because it's just too big. If it is any comfort, I have now read large parts of the C++ manual, and I can safely say it makes Ada 2012 look like a "Run, Spot, Run" level primer. ;-) **************************************************************** From: Robert Dewar Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 11:15 AM >> I presume your argument about it being too late, is referring >> to things we want to roll into Ada 2012. > > Yes. It's not too late for Ada 2020. One could argue the opposite -- > that it's premature to be adding features before the ink is dry on the > Ada 2012 standard. ;-) It's too late to make incompatible changes for Ada 2020, because there will never be a right time to introduce incompatibilities! **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 11:21 AM > It's too late to make incompatible changes for Ada 2020, because there > will never be a right time to introduce incompatibilities! I'd prefer to keep "incompatible" and "too late" as separate concerns. Brad has switched to a compatible version of his interface proposal, so we can no longer use "incompatible" as an argument against it. Nor can we use "too late", since 2020 gives plenty of time. **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 11:32 AM > Actually, Ada 2012 tested even my tolerance for complexity. OK. > However, I think the current restriction on interfaces adds complexity > for the user. I would be interested in reopening the question of > whether interfaces cannot be hidden. > I would personally only be interested in a solution that simplified > things for the user, and just slapping on a bunch of additional rules > would not be the answer. Perhaps it is impossible, or perhaps there > is an elegant solution waiting out there for us, if we have a bit more > time to think about it. Sounds reasonable. > I completely agree. In fact, this is the first specific proposal that > I have seen that feels worth investigating in the context of Ada 2020, > in that the "no hidden interfaces" rule feels like a "wart." Maybe, but it doesn't seem entirely unreasonable that an "interface" is something that is exposed to clients -- that's what the word "interface" means. >...The "no nested type extensions" of Ada 95 also felt like a "wart," >and I am glad we figured out a way to eliminate it in Ada 2005. It >added complexity for the implementor, but didn't really affect the >typical user, who can now extend types wherever it is appropriate. Agreed. > If it is any comfort, I have now read large parts of the C++ manual, > and I can safely say it makes Ada 2012 look like a "Run, Spot, Run" > level primer. ;-) Yeah, I know. And even the supposedly-simple C standard has grown rather unwieldy. And Fortran. **************************************************************** From: Robert Dewar Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 11:49 AM >> It's too late to make incompatible changes for Ada 2020, because >> there will never be a right time to introduce incompatibilities! > > I'd prefer to keep "incompatible" and "too late" as separate concerns. > Brad has switched to a compatible version of his interface proposal, > so we can no longer use "incompatible" > as an argument against it. Nor can we use "too late", since 2020 > gives plenty of time. That's fine if the proposal is upwards compatible then my comment does not apply. **************************************************************** From: Brad Moore Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 6:12 PM >> 2) What if we could come up with a way that did not introduce any >> incompatibility? > We currently have "type inherits limitedness from parent". > Oh, but "except if the parent is an interface". [*] Adding, and > another exception: "except if the parent is a hideable interface" does > not simplify! > > [*] Yeah, yeah, I know what a progenitor is, but normal Ada programs > don't, and should have to. Note: This can be simplified to one exception; "type inherits limitedness from parent" "except if the parent is a non-hideable interface" In fact, it would reduce the size of the set of cases that are an exception from the main rule. **************************************************************** From: Brad Moore Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 7:51 AM >> In fact, this is the first specific proposal that I have seen that >> feels worth investigating in the context of Ada 2020, in that the "no >> hidden interfaces" rule feels like a "wart." > Maybe, but it doesn't seem entirely unreasonable that an "interface" > is something that is exposed to clients -- that's what the word > "interface" means. Not all clients are public though. I think in real life, there are public interfaces, and there are hidden interfaces. We could consider that the public interface to a car, for example, is the steering wheel, gas pedal, brake pedal, gearshift, radio control knobs, light switch, windshield-wipers control, etc. These are the interfaces that the driver of the car needs to be aware of, in order to drive the car. But there are many hidden (internal) interfaces as well. The carburetor has an interface to the fuel system of the engine, the alternator interfaces to the electrical system, the spark plugs have an interface to the combustion chamber, the radio has an interface to the speakers, etc. These are all internal hidden interfaces that the driver of the car should not have to be aware of, but are necessary for the vehicle to function. (Maybe not the speakers, but some driver's might get mighty annoyed if this interface isn't working) **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 4:18 PM > >> 2) What if we could come up with a way that did not introduce any > >> incompatibility? > > We currently have "type inherits limitedness from parent". > > Oh, but "except if the parent is an interface". [*] Adding, and > > another exception: "except if the parent is a hideable interface" > > does not simplify! > > > > [*] Yeah, yeah, I know what a progenitor is, but normal Ada programs > > don't, and should have to. I meant, "programMERs don't, and shouldN'T have to." > Note: This can be simplified to one exception; > > "type inherits limitedness from parent" > "except if the parent is a non-hideable interface" > > In fact, it would reduce the size of the set of cases that are an > exception from the main rule. True, but it's still more complicated to describe and understand. **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 6:38 PM But this obscures the real problem: the difficulty in describing how a hideable interface might work. After all, if that was easy, we would have done it in the first place! Defining the rules and restrictions on a hideable interface will be complex at best, and talking about how the concept might be applied if it in fact existed completely ignores that. I'm rather dubious that a set of rules that would work will pass the Baird filter -- after all, many other good ideas (such as grandparent overriding -- which is closely related to this problem) went there to die. I expect the rules needed to add a lot to the complexity of the language. (It should be noted that most of the complexity of Ada 2012 exists to keep compatibility [or make sense out of] existing language features, many of which are mistakes of one degree or other (coextensions, accessibility checks, etc.). [Let me interrupt this rant to point out that I don't object to someone trying to figure this out -- so long as it is for Ada 2020 -- as it's always possible that a solution exists and we can't find it if we don't try. My guess is the best solution is a new, separate streams interface that we somehow allow to be used interchangably.] To remind everyone of the problem with hidden interfaces, ask yourself what happens when a descendant tries to add the hidden interface again? Ada currently says that you get new versions of routines (they don't override) when you declare new routines with the same profile as ones that are hidden. But that doesn't work for interfaces, especially if you can get visibility on both versions of the interface (how do you select which one you get). So it seems necessary to have hidden interfaces break privacy in some sense. Since these same types are also inheriting concrete definitions at the same time, it's hard to imagine quite how this will work. (Special rules for primitives of hidable interfaces? How does that work in a generic? Etc.) It strikes me that the absolute first requirement for a hidable interface is "no null procedure primitives". If all of the primitives are abstract, then they all have to be overridden. (Except when the type itself is abstract, which might cause trouble. What if a hidable interface is combined with a non-hidable interface, and more primitives are added??) That at least would prevent using some of the hidden routines in a descendant (a clear violation of privacy). We're talking about a case like (note: I didn't waste time looking up the names of things, this is just an outline): package P is type T is tagged private; private type T is new Streams with null record; procedure Read (A : T; B : Stream_Element_Array; C : Natural); -- Same for Write. end P; package P.C is type TT is new T and Streams with null record; procedure Read (A : TT; B : Stream_Element_Array; C : Natural); -- Same for Write. end P.C; In the body of P.C, we can see both interfaces. The usual Ada rule is that the two Reads get different dispatching slots (they don't override each other), but that cannot work if the type is used in a dispatching call on Streams'Class. So we have to have some sort of wart on the overriding rules, one that necessarily breaks privacy. Note that Bob's suggestion that interfaces are never really hidden applies here. Interfaces are either present or not present for a single type, and that has to hold even when the interface is applied privately. So the fact that the interface is given in the private part inevitably will "leak out". It's hard to say for certain if this is a problem, but it doesn't look good on the surface. Anyway, this looks like a massive can of worms to me. My original thought to Brad was that it seemed unlikely that the incompatibilities would really happen much in practice. And I thought we should consider whether the gain of making root streams an interface would outweigh the small incompatibilities involved. (We've done that in other instances, such as composition of equality -- a much worse incompatibility, IMHO, as it happens at runtime and cannot be detected by tools.) I don't think interfaces could ever be worth introducing another huge can of worms into the language. And changing the way routines override surely could have that effect. **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 7:21 PM > Anyway, this looks like a massive can of worms to me. Probably so. >...My original thought to > Brad was that it seemed unlikely that the incompatibilities would >really happen much in practice. I've done some experiments, and it seems like they do happen in practice. I changed it to an interface in GNAT, and tried to run our regression test suite, but didn't get that far, because the GNAT run-time system has types that depend on inheriting limitedness from the Root_Stream parent. I didn't try fixing all those, so I couldn't run the regression test suite itself. I conclude that simply changing to "interface" won't work. Maybe some other solution would, but I skept. **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 4:39 PM Thanks for the information. In the interest of wasting more time on this because it is more interesting than processing comments :-), I've tried to prove that the "hideable" interface idea wouldn't work. But I haven't succeeded yet, although a number of rules are clearly necessary. Let me outline these for the record. One problem (and probably the worst problem) is the one I outlined yesterday about adding a hideable interface to a type that already has it (but hidden). We have to prevent that from breaking privacy. Because it is clear that there are going to be places where both interfaces are visible, we need to decide how to handle that. And because treating these as different interfaces brings up a load of implementation and usability problems (if there are two stream interfaces on a type, which one do we dispatch to? How do we choose if we care?), I suggest that we assume that hideable interfaces (like other interfaces) can only be on a type once (that means that the two different applications of the interface are considered the same in practice, and there is only one set of dispatching routines). I think this makes logical sense: it should only be necessary to have a way to stream a particular concrete type (substitute any interface for "stream" here; if it does make sense to have multiple ways, it does not make sense for it to be an interface in the Ada sense, hideable or not). One requirement that is clearly necessary (but probably not sufficient) is that we cannot ever inherit a routine that we cannot see. We will need some rules to prevent that from happening, either at the derivation point or by what is allowed to be hideable. For a concrete type, that is already true for abstract primitives (they have to be overridden). We would not allow invisible routines to provide the bodies for these, (but of course if the primitives are visible then of course they can be inherited). OTOH, null procedures clearly are trouble: either the new routine is null (possibly clobbering an existing non-null routine), or the existing routine is inherited, causing privacy leakage. So I think a hideable interface cannot have any null primitives. Second, combining a hideable interface with something else loses the "hideable" property. You have to specify it again to get that property on the new type (and of course the new type would have to meet all of the properties needed). Third, you can't add a hideable interface privately to an abstract type. This follows from the rule that you can't have any hidden abstract primitives. (One could imagine allowing this IFF all of the primitives are declared visibly, but what's the point of hiding the interface then?) Relaxing the "no hidden abstract primitives" rule is not possible, as doing so would destroy privacy (you would have to override routines you do not know about in order to derive from such an abstract type -- which is silly). I do not claim that these three rules are enough, but they seem to be the minimum necessary to allow "hideable interfaces". I would expect that we would need additional rules to deal with the various Baird-cases that are sure to pop up. Anyway, my conclusion is that we probably do need an AI12 in order to investigate this idea fully. I'm still dubious that it will work out in the end, but I haven't been able to identify any showstoppers that would prevent it from working. **************************************************************** From: Brad Moore Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 9:03 PM > But this obscures the real problem: the difficulty in describing how a > hidable interface might work. After all, if that was easy, we would > have done it in the first place! Well maybe its easier now that we have some infrastructure in place. (eg, Definitions for immutably limited, and aspects, for instance). It is not clear to me at this point if the direction I was taking can lead toward a workable solution, or whether it will lead to a dead end, (putting perceived complexity aside) But there does seems to be interest in exploring the problem space for solution possibilities for Ada 2020. The good news is we have lots of time to explore. At this point, we don't know if we are opening a can of worms, a can of beans, or a can of ice cold beer. Obviously the best solution is the one we'd want to go with, if we can find one at all. Looking at what I had proposed, I see already some errors that did not capture my intent, plus Randy raised some good points below, and in his most recent email. My proposal has some significant differences from Randy's, and while the ideas are still fresh in my mind and still toying with the idea, I thought it would be good to incorporate some of the good points Randy has already brought up, and integrate into my thoughts, and hopefully provide another option for an approach that might work. Here is a more detailed description of my thoughts, with some refinements and corrections..... ================================================================================ The basic idea was to avoid overriding problems by disallowing problematic type derivations. - Essentially, a view of a hidable interface becomes a view of an abstract record_type_definition within a derived_type_definition where the parent_subtype_indication is abstract or is of a non-interface type that has ancestors. (i.e. It cannot appear in an interface_list for such a declaration, and an abstract type cannot have a hidable interface). - A hidable interface cannot appear in the interface list of a private_extension_declaration (similarly, because it is a view of an abstract record_type_definition). - A hidable interface can have null procedure primitives, as opposed to Randy's proposal where they cannot. I'm not absolutely sure about this, but in this proposal, a null procedure of a hidable interface can only be introduced once to a concrete type. Any further introduction of interfaces cannot be hidable, and any reoccurrences of primitives with the same profile would be an override. - For a tagged formal private type, or tagged formal derived type, it is assumed the actual has ancestors that are non-interfaces. (i.e, a hidable interface cannot appear in the interface_list for any derivations of a tagged formal private type, or tagged derived formal private type, because it is a view of an abstract record_type_definition) - For formal interface types, the actual cannot be a hidable interface. (It's a view of an abstract record_type_definition, which is not an interface) - The hidability is not inherited. An Interface that derives from a hidable interface unless it also has the hidable aspect specified as True. Rather than try to have the aspect hidable force immutability, (as in my initial proposal) I think it is better to have two separate aspects. Hidable interfaces are a desirable language feature on its own right, and shouldn't be mixed with the forced limited derivation, which is only needed to support backwards compatibility for types like Root_Stream_Type. This allows Hideable Interfaces work much more like regular interfaces. The hidable aspect can be applied to an interface declaration that indicates that the interface can be hidden. The Limited_Derivation aspect can be applied to an interface declaration that indicates that any derivations of that interface are limited types. So, the original problem with Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type can be addressed by declaring it like; type Root_Stream_Type is limited interface with Hidable, Limited_Derivation; Which actually also reads nicely. This way, Bob's exception seems less complex, or at least more intuitive. "type inherits limitedness from parent" "except if the parent is an interface without Limited_Derivations aspect True " Hidability has nothing to do with this, and does not impact limitedness, on its own, so that seems to make that aspect quite a bit less complex. I'm thinking there may be times when you would want to use the limited_derivation aspect by itself without the Hidable aspect, and similarly, you might want the hidable aspect without the Limited_Derivation aspect. There likely are more holes that need to be addressed, but maybe this captures the bulk of the idea. With these ideas in mind, lets see how Randy's questions would be addressed by this proposal. See below.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 31/01/2012 5:37 PM, Randy Brukardt wrote: > To remind everyone of the problem with hidden interfaces, ask yourself > what happens when a descendant tries to add the hidden interface > again? Ada currently says that you get new versions of routines (they > don't override) when you declare new routines with the same profile as ones that are hidden. > But that doesn't work for interfaces, especially if you can get > visibility on both versions of the interface (how do you select which one you get). In this case, the descendant would not be allowed to add the the hidden interface again. The rules are intended to prevent this from happening. > So it seems necessary to have hidden interfaces break privacy in some sense. > Since these same types are also inheriting concrete definitions at the > same time, it's hard to imagine quite how this will work. (Special > rules for primitives of hidable interfaces? How does that work in a > generic? Etc.) I dont think there should be a need to break privacy with this proposal, or at least I don't see it. > It strikes me that the absolute first requirement for a hidable > interface is "no null procedure primitives". As I mentioned above, I think with this proposal, null procedure primitives might actually be OK. > If all of the primitives are abstract, then they all have to be > overridden. (Except when the type itself is abstract, which might > cause trouble. What if a hidable interface is combined with a > non-hidable interface, and more primitives are added??) That at least > would prevent using some of the hidden routines in a descendant (a > clear violation of privacy). Hidable interfaces can be combined with non-hidable interfaces, so long as there are no ancestors that are non-interfaces. Hidability is not inherited, which helps here also. > We're talking about a case like (note: I didn't waste time looking up > the names of things, this is just an outline): > package P is > type T is tagged private; > private > type T is new Streams with null record; > procedure Read (A : T; B : Stream_Element_Array; C : Natural); > -- Same for Write. > end P; > > package P.C is > type TT is new T and Streams with null record; > procedure Read (A : TT; B : Stream_Element_Array; C : Natural); > -- Same for Write. > end P.C; > > In the body of P.C, we can see both interfaces. The usual Ada rule is > that the two Reads get different dispatching slots (they don't > override each other), but that cannot work if the type is used in a > dispatching call on Streams'Class. So we have to have some sort of > wart on the overriding rules, one that necessarily breaks privacy. With my proposal, P.C would not be allowed to use the Streams interface, so this wouldn't be a problem. > Note that Bob's suggestion that interfaces are never really hidden > applies here. Interfaces are either present or not present for a > single type, and that has to hold even when the interface is applied > privately. So the fact that the interface is given in the private part inevitably will "leak out". > It's hard to say for certain if this is a problem, but it doesn't look > good on the surface. Hopefully it's not a problem... **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 9:57 PM > > But this obscures the real problem: the difficulty in describing how > > a hidable interface might work. After all, if that was easy, we > > would have done it in the first place! ... ... > > To remind everyone of the problem with hidden interfaces, ask > > yourself what happens when a descendant tries to add the hidden > > interface again? Ada currently says that you get new versions of > > routines (they don't override) when you declare new routines with > > the same profile as ones that are hidden. > > But that doesn't work for interfaces, especially if you can get > > visibility on both versions of the interface (how do you select > > which one you get). > > In this case, the descendant would not be allowed to add the the > hidden interface again. > The rules are intended to prevent this from happening. That would be horribly privacy breaking, would it not? The descendant doesn't have visibility on the parent, so it doesn't "know" that the parent has this interface. (That's the whole point of hiding it.) > > So it seems necessary to have hidden interfaces break privacy in > > some sense. > > Since these same types are also inheriting concrete definitions at > > the same time, it's hard to imagine quite how this will work. > > (Special rules for primitives of hidable interfaces? How does that > > work in a generic? Etc.) > I dont think there should be a need to break privacy with this > proposal, or at least I don't see it. Banning adding interfaces again is definitely privacy breaking, unless you have something else in mind? (Only if there is some point where both interfaces are visible *might* be OK, but still nasty.) > > It strikes me that the absolute first requirement for a hidable > > interface is "no null procedure primitives". > As I mentioned above, I think with this proposal, null procedure > primitives might actually be OK. I think you are breaking privacy far worse than just banning null procedures would. ... > > We're talking about a case like (note: I didn't waste time looking > > up the names of things, this is just an outline): > > package P is > > type T is tagged private; > > private > > type T is new Streams with null record; > > procedure Read (A : T; B : Stream_Element_Array; C : Natural); > > -- Same for Write. > > end P; > > > > package P.C is > > type TT is new T and Streams with null record; > > procedure Read (A : TT; B : Stream_Element_Array; C : Natural); > > -- Same for Write. > > end P.C; > > > > In the body of P.C, we can see both interfaces. The usual Ada rule > > is that the two Reads get different dispatching slots (they don't > > override each other), but that cannot work if the type is used in a > > dispatching call on Streams'Class. So we have to have some sort of > > wart on the overriding rules, one that necessarily breaks privacy. > With my proposal, P.C would not be allowed to use the Streams > interface, so this wouldn't be a problem. But change P.C into Q. The same problems exist, but now there is no visibility into P (anywhere). You still have two streams interfaces, and you can use type conversions to get into P and dispatch from there. Which one do you get? If the answer is Q.TT is still illegal, you've destroyed privacy. If the interface is really hidden, then it's presence cannot affect the legality of any code that cannot see it. If the answer is that both interfaces get added, and which Read you dispatch to depends on where you dispatch, you are on the path to madness. So I think the Read has to override, and that requires "complete" overriding of all of the primitives of a hideable interface (in case it is added in the private part somewhere). Nice try, but I think you have to get closer to my suggestion. I do like the idea of separating out the limited derivation problem. I don't think that is a major issue semantically, and perhaps the *real* solution is to add such an aspect and then just make Root_Stream_Type an interface. That would be incompatible in a few unusual cases, but it doesn't make much sense to hide streamedness (unlike controlledness). The problems Bob reported would be taken care of by the new aspect. Then maybe he could tell us if hidden streaming actually happens in practice. **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2012 4:06 PM > But there does seems to be interest in exploring the problem space for > solution possibilities for Ada 2020. I hope you won't be offended if I don't pay attention to this proposal until a couple of years after the ink is dry on the final Ada 2012 Standard. ;-) **************************************************************** From: Brad Moore Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2012 5:13 PM Thats totally fine with me.This all started from a comment raised by one of the canadian reviewers. It seemed like a good issue to raise, not knowing where it would end up. I think the reviewer will be happy to know that his comment received attention, and that it likely will receive future attention some time down the road, after the ink dries, as you say. **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 11:27 PM I'm creating an AI from this old thread, and rereading the mail shows that I never read Brad's last proposal for hideable interfaces very carefully. I made some comments, but there are a couple of others that trump those. So I'd like a put a couple of comments on the record here: ... > Here is a more detailed description of my thoughts, with some > refinements and corrections..... > ============================================================== > ================== > > The basic idea was to avoid overriding problems by disallowing > problematic type derivations. This sounds like a good idea, except that it completely misses the point (coming up with a way to eliminate incompatibilities from switching Root_Stream_Type from abstract to an interface). That is, as soon as you start making type derivations illegal, you're reintroducing the incompatibility (as there might be existing code structured that way). There is also the problem that such type derivations are likely to require privacy breaking in order to determine if there is a problem. I was trying to approach this with the idea that the only restrictions could be on the form of the original type declaration/primitives. That way, there are no possible incompatibities with existing code. > - Essentially, a view of a hidable interface becomes a view of an > abstract record_type_definition within a derived_type_definition where > the parent_subtype_indication is abstract or is of a non-interface > type that has ancestors. > (i.e. It cannot appear in an interface_list for such a declaration, > and an abstract type cannot have a hidable interface). This surely would prevent Root_Stream_Type from being "added" as an interface to almost any existing type. Indeed, when would it be legal to use one of these as an interface? Almost of my tagged types are derived from (limited_)controlled, and it would never be legal to use either (limited_)controlled [which are abstract] nor a type derived from them as the ancestor. Isn't that the motivating example (wanting to have a type which is both a stream and controlled??) I suppose you could be assuming that controlled is also a hidable interface, but you ought to forget that. That won't happen unless you kill off the existing implementers, as it would require supporting full multiple inheritance for components. (Humm, actually, with this incredibly restrictive model, it actually would work, because you could do nothing beyond create a base type out of interfaces with it. The problem being that everyone is expecting to be able to add these interfaces to existing hierarchies, and a model that doesn't allow that is never going to fly.) Besides, interfaces are abstract, so even adding interfaces together that wouldn't work with these rules. > - A hidable interface cannot appear in the interface list of a > private_extension_declaration (similarly, because > it is a view of an abstract record_type_definition). Again, see above. > - A hidable interface can have null procedure primitives, as opposed > to Randy's proposal where they cannot. > I'm not absolutely sure about this, but in this proposal, a null > procedure of a hidable interface can only be introduced once to a > concrete type. Any further introduction of interfaces cannot be > hidable, and any reoccurrences of primitives with the same profile > would be an override. This is surely true, since it's never legal to use a hideable interface in this model as an interface! So what's the point? I see my previous comments about breaking privacy (back in February) and incompatibility were wrong, because this proposal never allows using an interface as a progenitor. So you can't break privacy, and you can't be incompatible, because you can't use the type for anything interesting. The problem is that you now have a lot of mechanism for almost no gain. I don't see that flying - I would hope this is about more than just being able to declare a controlled stream type. Anyway, more food for thought on this idea. **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 8:57 AM > I'm creating an AI from this old thread, and rereading the mail shows > that I never read Brad's last proposal for hideable interfaces very carefully. I'm still opposed to adding hideable interfaces. In fact, I'm pretty much opposed to any large new features until the dust settles. Preferably, there should be 2 or more Ada compilers in the world first. >...That won't happen unless you kill off the existing implementers, as >it would require supporting full multiple inheritance for components. In GNAT, types [Limited_]Controlled have no components (other than the Tag field). I think Rational/IBM is the same. **************************************************************** From: Brad Moore Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 12:57 AM > I'm creating an AI from this old thread, and rereading the mail shows > that I never read Brad's last proposal for hideable interfaces very > carefully. I made some comments, but there are a couple of others that > trump those. So I'd like a put a couple of comments on the record here: I've been giving my earlier proposal some thought, and I think I have come up with a simpler model, that is easier to understand. Here is the meat of the new and improved proposal. A hidable interface can be added to the private or public part of a declaration, so long as that declaration is not derived from an ancestor that is a private type or a private extension (unless it is a private type that is visibly declared to have the No_Hidden_Interfaces aspect). A hidable interface cannot be added to the private completion of an abstract type declaration. In other words, this is an assume-the-worst type of rule. If any ancestor has a non-visible completion, then it is assumed that the non-visible completion could have any hidable interface, so you are not allowed to add further hidable interfaces to any derivations of those ancestors. Now this doesn't quite work for Ada.Finalization.Controlled or Limited_Controlled, because currently they are typically declared as private types (with a null record completion). So we'd either need to make Controlled and Limited_Controlled visible record type declarations, or I think a better approach would be to have a new aspect, No_Hidden_Interfaces, that can be applied to the public part of a private type declaration, to inform the client that the completion of the type in the private part does not involve the use of any hidden interfaces. So this would look like; package Ada.Finalization is type Controlled is abstract tagged private with No_Hidden_Interfaces; ... type Limited_Controlled is abstract tagged limited private with No_Hidden_Interfaces; private ... end Ada.Finalization package Ada.Streams is type Root_Stream_Type is limited interface with Hidable, Limited_Derivation; ... end Ada.Streams; private with Ada.Streams; package P is type T is tagged private; private use Ada.Streams; type T is new Root_Stream_Type with null record; end P; > ... >> Here is a more detailed description of my thoughts, with some >> refinements and corrections..... >> ============================================================== >> ================== >> >> The basic idea was to avoid overriding problems by disallowing >> problematic type derivations. > > This sounds like a good idea, except that it completely misses the > point (coming up with a way to eliminate incompatibilities from > switching Root_Stream_Type from abstract to an interface). That is, as > soon as you start making type derivations illegal, you're > reintroducing the incompatibility (as there might be existing code > structured that way). There is also the problem that such type > derivations are likely to require privacy breaking in order to determine if there is a problem. I don't see this because the only problematic type derivations I am wanting to make illegal, are the problematic new ones that would be introduced if Root_Stream_Type became an interface. The idea is to make hidable interfaces look and behave more like an abstract type declaration, which is what Root_Stream_Type is today. I don't think there is any incompatibility being introduced, that I can see. >> - Essentially, a view of a hidable interface becomes a view of an >> abstract record_type_definition within a derived_type_definition >> where the parent_subtype_indication is abstract or is of a >> non-interface type that has ancestors. >> (i.e. It cannot appear in an interface_list for such a declaration, >> and an abstract type cannot have a hidable interface). > > This surely would prevent Root_Stream_Type from being "added" as an > interface to almost any existing type. Indeed, when would it be legal > to use one of these as an interface? Almost of my tagged types are > derived from (limited_)controlled, and it would never be legal to use > either (limited_)controlled [which are abstract] nor a type derived > from them as the ancestor. Isn't that the motivating example (wanting > to have a type which is both a stream and controlled??) > > I suppose you could be assuming that controlled is also a hidable > interface, I wasn't assuming that, but I think I was assuming that Controlled was a visible record type. Anyway, the new proposal above better addresses this. > I see my previous comments about breaking privacy (back in February) > and incompatibility were wrong, because this proposal never allows > using an interface as a progenitor. So you can't break privacy, and > you can't be incompatible, because you can't use the type for anything > interesting. The problem is that you now have a lot of mechanism for > almost no gain. I don't see that flying - I would hope this is about > more than just being able to declare a controlled stream type. The new proposal still avoids breaking privacy, and is generally usable **************************************************************** From: Tucker Taft Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 12:15 PM Here is some design on the fly: type T is new B and others with private; to indicate that T is derived from B and perhaps some hidden interfaces. Not clear how this would help, but perhaps it might solve some problems. **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 3:35 PM > > I'm creating an AI from this old thread, and rereading the mail > > shows that I never read Brad's last proposal for hideable > interfaces very carefully. > > I'm still opposed to adding hideable interfaces. In fact, I'm pretty > much opposed to any large new features until the dust settles. > Preferably, there should be 2 or more Ada compilers in the world > first. I agree that we shouldn't *add* anything at this point, but that shouldn't prevent us from exploring the solution space from problems that are "left over" from previous version. And the desire to make Controlled and Streams interfaces has existed from the first moment that interfaces have existed. > >...That won't happen unless you kill off the existing implementers, > >as it would require supporting full multiple inheritance for components. > > In GNAT, types [Limited_]Controlled have no components (other than the > Tag field). I think Rational/IBM is the same. I guess that means that some implementers might only need heavy inducements in order to go along with that. ;-) It strikes me that for "Controlled" that there is a semi-reasonable solution, which is that all tagged types have the controlled components and dispatching slots. But only tagged objects with the Controlled interface would need runtime registration. That would be a significant space penalty for some applications, but most would see little or no difference (many types are already controlled, and many others only have a few instances so the size difference wouldn't matter much). And no time penalty. If the idea gets extended to other types that have components, then it's extremely expensive. Still, I think I'd probably only support the idea with sufficient inducements (perhaps some combination of strippers, alcohol, and cameras would do the trick :-). **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 3:42 PM ... > In other words, this is an assume-the-worst type of rule. If any > ancestor has a non-visible completion, then it is assumed that the > non-visible completion could have any hidable interface, so you are > not allowed to add further hidable interfaces to any derivations of > those ancestors. Yes, this makes sense to me. The obvious flaws of the earlier ideas aren't present; there's clearly no privacy breaking, and there is no possibility of adding an interface twice. There is the problem that this is fairly restrictive in that most existing reusable types (like Claw windows) could not have a hideable interface added (as they wouldn't have the appropriate aspect, and presumably they're private types). But that's not a huge deal (you can't do it now, either). The rules would have to allow all of the existing ways these things are used, but probably that would happen "naturally" (if Root_Stream is the parent, there is no other ancestor that is private). **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 10:54 PM ... > > A hidable interface can be added to the private or public part of a > > declaration, so long as that declaration is not derived from an > > ancestor that is a private type or a private extension (unless it is > > a private type that is visibly declared to have the > > No_Hidden_Interfaces aspect). > > > > A hidable interface cannot be added to the private completion of an > > abstract type declaration. > > > > In other words, this is an assume-the-worst type of rule. If any > > ancestor has a non-visible completion, then it is assumed that the > > non-visible completion could have any hidable interface, so you are > > not allowed to add further hidable interfaces to any derivations of > > those ancestors. It strikes me that combining Tucker's idea with this assume-the-worst rule eliminates the need for "hideable" interfaces altogether. Specifically, if we were to allow: type T is new B and others with private; to indicate that T is derived from B and perhaps some interfaces. (Note the change from Tucker's suggestion.) In this case, we'd allow (any) interfaces on the full declaration, but any type derived from T could not have any interfaces. We'd also need a counterpart where there is no (visible) parent: type T is new others with private; We'd retain the current rules on the existing forms of private view. The slight downside is that changing Streams to an interface in this scheme would be incompatible, in that something like: package P is type Priv is tagged private; private type Priv is new Root_Stream_Type with null record; end P; would be illegal because of the hidden interface (but this cannot happen often). It would have to be changed to: package P is type Priv is new others with private; private type Priv is new Root_Stream_Type with null record; end P; We'd still need the limitedness aspect, of course, but no special "hidable interfaces". Anyway, another idea for the pile of ideas. **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 8:40 AM > The slight downside is that changing Streams to an interface in this > scheme would be incompatible, ... Your ideas are probably good ones in the abstract (pun?), but I think nothing in this discussion warrants any incompatibility. ARG needs to be very reluctant to introduce incompatibilities. By the way, are "upward compatible" and "backward compatible" synonymous? If not, what's the diff? **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 2:29 PM > > The slight downside is that changing Streams to an interface in this > > scheme would be incompatible, ... > > Your ideas are probably good ones in the abstract (pun?), but I think > nothing in this discussion warrants any incompatibility. > ARG needs to be very reluctant to introduce incompatibilities. I admit that I had written almost all of that message before I realized that there was any incompatibility. I probably wouldn't have bothered to write it up had I thought of that first. OTOH, this incompatiblity seems to be in very unlikely code (at least for Streams), so it may make sense to consider it anyway. (This was my original thought behind suggesting that Brad submit this request: the incompatibility is very unlikely and we may decide it is not worth worrying about. If we decide it *is* worth worrying about, then I don't think we should make any change.) > By the way, are "upward compatible" and "backward compatible" > synonymous? If not, what's the diff? Different direction, isn't it? I think "upward compatible" is Ada 2005 code compiled with a Ada 2012 compiler (to take a specific example). That we try to support with few exceptions. "Backward compatible" is Ada 2012 code compiled with a Ada 2005 compiler. We don't try to support that at all, other than in specific cases. **************************************************************** From: Bob Duff Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 4:00 PM > I admit that I had written almost all of that message before I > realized that there was any incompatibility. I probably wouldn't have > bothered to write it up had I thought of that first. > > OTOH, this incompatiblity seems to be in very unlikely code (at least > for Streams), so it may make sense to consider it anyway. (This was my > original thought behind suggesting that Brad submit this request: the > incompatibility is very unlikely and we may decide it is not worth > worrying about. If we decide it *is* worth worrying about, then I > don't think we should make any > change.) OK, fair enough. I vote for "*is* worth worrying about". It's a cost/benefit thing, and you're saying the cost is low, but I'm saying the benefit is also low. In this case. > > By the way, are "upward compatible" and "backward compatible" > > synonymous? If not, what's the diff? > > Different direction, isn't it? I'm not sure. The terms _sound_ like opposites, but I see people using them interchangeably. >...I think "upward compatible" is Ada 2005 code compiled with a Ada >2012 compiler (to take a specific example). That we try to support >with few exceptions. "Backward compatible" is Ada 2012 code compiled >with a Ada 2005 compiler. If that's what "backward compatible" means, then why would anybody ever use the term? Would it ever make sense? >...We don't try to support that at all, other than in specific cases. Which specific cases? I mean, yeah, many Ada 2012 programs work as Ada 2005 programs, but so what? **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 5:07 PM ... > > > By the way, are "upward compatible" and "backward compatible" > > > synonymous? If not, what's the diff? > > > > Different direction, isn't it? > > I'm not sure. The terms _sound_ like opposites, but I see people > using them interchangeably. People misuse terms all the time. So what? > >...I think "upward compatible" is Ada 2005 code compiled with a Ada > >2012 compiler (to take a specific example). That we try to support > >with few exceptions. "Backward compatible" is Ada 2012 code compiled > >with a Ada 2005 compiler. > > If that's what "backward compatible" means, then why would anybody > ever use the term? Would it ever make sense? I don't think it necessarily makes sense for a programming language. It makes sense for other things, say the file format for a word processor. A "backward compatible" format could be loaded into an older version of the word processor and still work (other than some new features being ignored). That usually is a property that you want in file formats, and it definitely deserves a term to describe it. (It's a property of the file formats used by the Claw Builder, for instance, and that was a design criteria.) You might even want that property in some specific cases in a programming language, but I think that would be rare. > >...We don't try to support that at all, other than in specific cases. > > Which specific cases? I mean, yeah, many Ada 2012 programs work as > Ada 2005 programs, but so what? I was thinking about things like the definition of aspects - we've purposely kept them the same in newer versions of the language. But I agree that we almost never care about "backward compatibility" in a programming language. Anyone who is talking about it (like Tucker was recently) is usually just confused (and/or confusing). **************************************************************** From: Robert Dewar Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 5:40 PM > ... >>>> By the way, are "upward compatible" and "backward compatible" >>>> synonymous? If not, what's the diff? >>> >>> Different direction, isn't it? >> >> I'm not sure. The terms _sound_ like opposites, but I see people >> using them interchangeably. > > People misuse terms all the time. So what? This is not a misuse, indeed upward compatible and backward compatible mean the same thing for almost everyone (google them to see). If all the world uses words in one way, and Randy uses them in another, he may like Humpty-Dumpty claim the right to use words as he pleases, but claiming everyone else is wrong is a bit silly! The opposite term is downward(s) compatile (I have not heard the word forward compatible used, though if I saw it I would know what it meant i.e. = downards compatible >>> ...I think "upward compatible" is Ada 2005 code compiled with a Ada >>> 2012 compiler (to take a specific example). That we try to support >>> with few exceptions. "Backward compatible" is Ada 2012 code compiled >>> with a Ada 2005 compiler. >> >> If that's what "backward compatible" means, then why would anybody >> ever use the term? Would it ever make sense? No, that's downward compatible, and yes, of course this compatibility makes perfectly good sense. Ffor instance in GNAT, we have to make sure that code remains downward compatible with old versions of the compiler for bootstrap purposes (we can't use Ada 2012 constructs in the compiler proper for this reason). > I was thinking about things like the definition of aspects - we've > purposely kept them the same in newer versions of the language. But I > agree that we almost never care about "backward compatibility" in a programming language. > Anyone who is talking about it (like Tucker was recently) is usually > just confused (and/or confusing). Randy you will confuse EVERYONE if you use backward compatible to mean downward compatible! Think of versions as a list Ada 83 Ada 95 Ada 2005 Ada 2010 upward compatible means you are compatible with things above you in the list, so it has this idea of a list written that way. backward compatible is looking at the timeline, so going back from Ada 2012 we have Ada 2005. The result is the same downward and forward are the appropriate opposites. **************************************************************** From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 6:27 PM > This is not a misuse, indeed upward compatible and backward compatible > mean the same thing for almost everyone (google them to see). If all > the world uses words in one way, and Randy uses them in another, he > may like Humpty-Dumpty claim the right to use words as he pleases, but > claiming everyone else is wrong is a bit silly! > > The opposite term is downward(s) compatile (I have not heard the word > forward compatible used, though if I saw it I would know what it meant > i.e. = downards compatible Well, I took your suggestion and googled "backward compatible". Here is the first paragraph of the wikipedia article (which was the first hit I got): "In the context of telecommunications and computing, a device or technology is said to be backward or downward compatible if it can work with input generated by an older device.[1] If products designed for the new standard can receive, read, view or play older standards or formats, then the product is said to be backward-compatible; examples of such a standard include data formats and communication protocols." "The reverse is forward compatibility, which implies that old devices allow (or are expected to allow) data formats generated by new (or future) devices, perhaps without supporting all new features. A standard supports forward compatibility if older product versions can receive, read, view, or play the new standard." Which says that we're both wrong. (Wikipeda defines "forward compatible" and "upward compatible" to mean the same thing as well, and the opposite of the meaning that both of us gave "upward compatible"). Or, more likely, the uses of the terms are irretrievably confused (if wikipedia gets it wrong, it's pretty confused!). Moral: Keep directions out of programming descriptions; they only serve to confuse. ... > Randy you will confuse EVERYONE if you use backward compatible to mean > downward compatible! And wikipedia says these two terms mean the same thing! And opposite what I thought. Best avoid them all! For our purposes here, we only are interested in compatibility of older Ada code with Ada compilers for the most recent version of the Ada standard, so "compatible" and "incompatible" are enough. Let's not confuse everyone with directions that don't even seem to have a consistent meaning. ****************************************************************