Version 1.2 of ai05s/ai05-0268-1.txt
!standard 4.1.5(9/3) 11-11-08 AI05-0268-1/01
!class Amendment 11-11-08
!status work item 11-11-08
!status received 11-07-20
!priority Low
!difficulty Easy
!qualifier Error
!subject Examples in new sections of the Standard
** TBD.
The examples in 4.1.5, 4.1.6, and 5.5.2 seem incomplete or are missing altogether.
Add the following to the example in 4.1.5:
type Container is tagged limited private; --
C: aliased Container;
Then the calls of Find have to be updated like so:
Find (C'Access, "grape") := Element'(...); -- Assign through a reference.
-- This is equivalent to:
Find (C'Access, "grape").Data.all := Element'(...);
Add an example to 4.1.6:
type Container is tagged limited private
with Variable_Indexing => Find;
-- All these calls are then equivalent:
Find (C'Access, "grape").Data.all := Element'(...);-- (see 4.1.5) traditional call
C.Find ("grape").Data.all := Element'(...); -- call of prefixed view
C.Find ("grape") := Element'(...); -- (see 4.1.5) implicit dereference
C ("grape") := Element'(...); -- implicit Indexing
Add an example to 5.5.2:
** TBD.
** TBD.
The example in the containers section covers most of this material. Should we
use a forward reference instead??
None needed.
No change needed.
!topic Incomplete and missing Examples in the RM
!reference Ada 2012 RM-4.1.5, 4.1.6, 5.5.2
!from Christoph Grein 2011-07-20
!keywords Examples, aspects, User-Defined References,
Implicit_Dereference, User-Defined Indexing, Variable_Indexing,
For the new syntaxes, especially the ones in the sections above,
examples are incomplete or completely missing.
4.1.5(9/3..13/3) gives this coding example:
type Ref_Element(Data: access Element) is
new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with private
with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
-- This Ref_Element type is a "reference" type.
-- "Data" is its reference discriminant.
function Find(C : access Container; Key : String) return Ref_Element;
-- Return a reference to an element of a container.
Find(C, "abc") := Element'(...); -- Assign through a reference.
-- This is equivalent to:
-- Find(C, "abc").Data.all := Element'(...);
Here the parameter C and also the Container type are undefined. It
doesn't really matter for this example, but I think for completeness
(and to avoid any guessing on the side of the reader) the following two
declarations have to be added at appropriate places:
type Container is tagged limited private; -- holds objects of type
C: aliased Container;
Then the calls of Find have to be updated like so:
Find (C'Access, "abc") := Element'(...); -- Assign through a reference.
-- This is equivalent to:
Find (C'Access, "abc").Data.all := Element'(...);
(I would prefer to see "Apple" or something more speaking as the key.)
Note: GNAT GPL 2011 already implements this aspect, but rejects this
on the left-hand side of an assignment. Is this an implementation
On subsection 4.1.6, an example is completely missing. I think the
example above can very easily extended like this:
type Container is tagged limited private
with Variable_Indexing => Find;
-- Container is an indexable type,
-- Find (see 4.1.5) is the generalized indexing operation.
-- All these calls are then equivalent:
Find (C'Access, "Apple").Data.all := Element'(...);-- (see 4.1.5) trad.
C.Find ("Apple").Data.all := Element'(...); -- Object.Operation
C.Find ("Apple") := Element'(...); -- (see 4.1.5) impl. Deref.
C ("Apple") := Element'(...); -- implicit Indexing
Note: I'm not sure that this is correct; I haven't yet tried this with
(I do not know whether this aspect is already implemented).
5.5.2 Generalized Loop Iteration should provide examples as well,
preferably based on the above. I do not try for assorted reasons. I'm
aware that examples might get quite long here.
(I'm aware of the fact that containers has a complete example (A.18.33).
So I'm not sure what to do here. Perhaps a forward reference? Currently
there is no such thing in the RM, all examples are (or have to be)
complete or based on previous (sub)chapters.)
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