Version 1.3 of ai05s/ai05-0211-1.txt

Unformatted version of ai05s/ai05-0211-1.txt version 1.3
Other versions for file ai05s/ai05-0211-1.txt

!standard D.7(5)          10-08-12 AI05-0211-1/02
!standard D.7(10/2)
!standard D.7(10.4/2)
!standard D.7(10.7/2)
!class binding interpretation 10-04-24
!status Amendment 2012 10-08-12
!status WG9 Approved 10-10-28
!status ARG Approved 10-0-0 10-06-19
!status work item 10-04-24
!status received 10-03-25
!priority Low
!difficulty Easy
!qualifier Omission
!subject No_Relative_Delay should not allow relative timing events
Restriction No_Relative_Delay does not allow relative timing events.
Should the Restriction, No_Relative_Delay, also restrict the use of relative delays when setting the execution time of a Timing Event? (Yes.)
(See Summary.)
Modify D.7(10.4/2) to:
There are no delay_relative_statements{, and there is no use of a name that denotes the Timing_Events.Set_Handler subprogram that has a Time_Span parameter}.
In D.7(5), D.7(10/2), and D.7(10.7/2), replace "are no calls" with "is no use of a name denoting".
For consistency the restriction should be added.
During review of this AI's wording, it was noted that the "no calls" wording does not handle uses that occur through renaming or as the prefix of an attribute (such as 'Access or 'Address). These all should be rejected as well (to prevent "hidden" calls). We adjusted the wording of three other restrictions (D.7(5), D.7(10/2), and D.7(10.7/2) to eliminate this problem there as well.
!corrigendum D.7(5)
Replace the paragraph:
There are no abort_statements, and there are no calls on Task_Identification.Abort_Task.
There are no abort_statements, and there is no use of a name denoting Task_Identification.Abort_Task.
!corrigendum D.7(10/2)
Replace the paragraph:
There is no call to any of the operations defined in package Interrupts (Is_Reserved, Is_Attached, Current_Handler, Attach_Handler, Exchange_Handler, Detach_Handler, and Reference).
There is no use of a name denoting any of the operations defined in package Interrupts (Is_Reserved, Is_Attached, Current_Handler, Attach_Handler, Exchange_Handler, Detach_Handler, and Reference).
!corrigendum D.7(10.4/2)
Replace the paragraph:
There are no delay_relative_statements.
There are no delay_relative_statements, and there is no use of a name that denotes the Timing_Events.Set_Handler subprogram that has a Time_Span parameter.
!corrigendum D.7(10.7/2)
Replace the paragraph:
There are no calls to the Set_Specific_Handler and Specific_Handler subprograms in Task_Termination.
There is no use of a name that denotes the Set_Specific_Handler and Specific_Handler subprograms in Task_Termination.
Make a B-Test to cover this case.


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