!standard 4.5.5(19.2/3) 10-02-23 AI05-0209-1/01 !class binding interpretation 10-02-23 !status work item 10-02-23 !status received 10-02-23 !priority Low !difficulty Easy !qualifier Omission !subject Universal operators of fixed point types (again) !summary Operators of incomplete views of fixed point types are considered when determining if the predefined universal_fixed operators can be used. !question The discussion of AI05-0020-1 ends with: This latter case can't happen for fixed-point types, because use of an untagged incomplete type as a non-access parameter is prohibited: function "*" (Left, Right : Incomp); -- Illegal! However, AI05-0151-1 has indeed made this legal. So this case can happen and the wording needs to reflect that. !recommendation (See Summary.) !wording Modify 4.5.5(19.2/3) (as modified by AI05-0020-1) to: * it is declared immediately within the same declaration list as the type or any partial {or incomplete} view thereof; and !discussion !corrigendum 4.5.5(19.2/3) @drepl @xbullet @dby @xbullet !ACATS Test Make a C-Test to cover this case. !appendix From: Randy Brukardt Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 5:22 PM I'm going through AIs creating a spreadsheet of information so we can see the Big Picture. I happened to notice the following in the discussion of AI-20: This latter case can't happen for fixed-point types, because use of an untagged incomplete type as a non-access parameter is prohibited: function "*" (Left, Right : Incomp); -- Illegal! Whomever wrote that never read AI-151 (probably because it hadn't been written yet). Looks like we'll need another AI to fix the wording. ****************************************************************