Version 1.1 of ai05s/ai05-0081-1.txt

Unformatted version of ai05s/ai05-0081-1.txt version 1.1
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!standard 4.8(5.1/2)          08-01-16 AI05-0081-1/01
!class binding interpretation 08-01-16
!status work item 08-01-16
!status received 08-01-10
!priority Low
!difficulty Medium
!qualifier Omission
!subject 4.8(5.1) should be checked in the private part of an instance
(See Subject.)
In an instance, 12.3(11) says that the Legality Rules are normally checked in the visible part of an instance, but not the private part. However, there are lots of Legality Rules that the RM says are also checked in the private part.
Should 4.8(5.1) be one of those? It looks like a possible oversight that it isn't.
package Pak1 is
type Root is tagged null record; type Root_Acc is access all Root'Class;
generic type T is new Root with private; Init : T; package Gen_Pack is private X : Root_Acc := new T' (Init); end Gen_Pack;
end Pak1;
with Pak1; procedure Proc1 is type Child is new Pak1.Root with record ... end record; Child_Init : constant Child := ...; package Inst is new Pak1.Gen_Pack (Child, Child_Init); begin ... end Proc1;
With the current wording of the Standard, it appears that the instance would be illegal if X were in the visible part of Gen_Pack; but with X in the private part, the program is legal but will raise an exception at runtime. There doesn't seem to be a good reason for this difference.
(See Subject.)
Add at the end of 4.8(5.1/2) and 4.8(5.2/2):
In addition to the places where Legality Rules normally apply (see 12.3), this rule applies also in the private part of an instance of a generic unit.
This appears to be an oversight. There doesn't seem to be any benefit in postponing detection of an error from compile-time to run-time.
A more interesting question is whether this should also apply to 4.8(5.2/2). It appears it should as well, for similar reasons.
It would be nice to factor this wording out and have it apply to all of the Legality Rules of 4.8. However, because of the special body rules for 4.8(5.3/2), it seems that it would be confusing (the boilerplate would apply to all of the rules; the special wording only to the last one).
--!corrigendum 13.9(7)

!topic Should 4.8(5.1) be checked in the private part of an instance?
!reference RM05 4.8(5.1), 12.3(11)
!from Adam Beneschan 08-01-10

In an instance, 12.3(11) says that the Legality Rules are normally
checked in the visible part of an instance, but not the private part.
However, there are lots of Legality Rules that the RM says are also
checked in the private part.  

Should 4.8(5.1) be one of those?  It looks like a possible oversight
that it isn't.

    package Pak1 is

       type Root is tagged null record;
       type Root_Acc is access all Root'Class;

          type T is new Root with private;
          Init : T;
       package Gen_Pack is
          X : Root_Acc := new T' (Init);
       end Gen_Pack;

    end Pak1;

    with Pak1;
    procedure Proc1 is
       type Child is new Pak1.Root with record ... end record;
       Child_Init : constant Child := ...;
       package Inst is new Pak1.Gen_Pack (Child, Child_Init);
    end Proc1;

It appears that the instance would be illegal if X were in the visible
part of Gen_Pack; but with X in the private part, the program is legal
but will raise an exception at runtime.  There doesn't seem to be a
good reason for this.  (GNAT rejects this program, by the way.)


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008  9:06 PM

> In an instance, 12.3(11) says that the Legality Rules are normally
> checked in the visible part of an instance, but not the private part.
> However, there are lots of Legality Rules that the RM says are also
> checked in the private part.

I don't think there is much doubt that we got the default wrong on this; it
should always be checked in the private part unless there is a rule that
says it is not. But it is waaayyy too late to make that kind of change.

> Should 4.8(5.1) be one of those?  It looks like a possible oversight
> that it isn't.

Most certainly. There are probably only a handful of rules in the entire
standard that it shouldn't apply to. Of course, there are many where it does
not matter either way.

>     package Pak1 is
>        type Root is tagged null record;
>        type Root_Acc is access all Root'Class;
>        generic
>           type T is new Root with private;
>           Init : T;
>        package Gen_Pack is
>        private
>           X : Root_Acc := new T' (Init);
>        end Gen_Pack;
>     end Pak1;
>     with Pak1;
>     procedure Proc1 is
>        type Child is new Pak1.Root with record ... end record;
>        Child_Init : constant Child := ...;
>        package Inst is new Pak1.Gen_Pack (Child, Child_Init);
>     begin
>        ...
>     end Proc1;
> It appears that the instance would be illegal if X were in the visible
> part of Gen_Pack; but with X in the private part, the program is legal
> but will raise an exception at runtime.  There doesn't seem to be a
> good reason for this.  (GNAT rejects this program, by the way.)

I suspect GNAT is just following good sense here.


From: Pascal Leroy
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008  1:35 AM

I can't verify this, but I suspect that the IBM compiler also rejects this code.


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