Version 1.11 of ai05s/ai05-0067-1.txt

Unformatted version of ai05s/ai05-0067-1.txt version 1.11
Other versions for file ai05s/ai05-0067-1.txt

!standard 4.3.2(5/2)          08-11-18 AI05-0067-1/08
!standard 7.5(8.1/2)
!standard 7.5(9/2)
!standard 7.6(0)
!standard 7.6(16)
!standard 7.6(17/2)
!standard 7.6(17.1/2)
!standard 7.6(18)
!standard 7.6(19)
!standard 7.6(20)
!standard 7.6(21/2)
!class binding interpretation 07-10-22
!status ARG Approved 6-0-1 08-11-02
!status work item 07-10-22
!status received 07-09-03
!priority High
!difficulty Hard
!qualifier Error
!subject Objects that are built in place
The rules for build-in-place function calls and aggregates are clarified. Rather than trying to view the two objects as "the same", the model is that there are two distinct objects: the anonymous object (function or aggregate result) and the newly-created object (the one being initialized). The anonymous object "mutates into" the newly-created object. The intended implementation model is still the same: both objects occupy the same storage, so this "mutating" is implemented as a no-op in most cases.
For an extension aggregate of the form "(F(...) with ...)", the Tag of the anonymous function result object is that of the function's result type. The Tag of the newly-created aggregate object is that of its type. Thus, in the case where the result of F is built in place, the Tag of the anonymous object is different from the Tag of the newly-created object it mutates into.
For an extension aggregate of the form "(T with ...)" there is only one Tag -- that of the aggregate.
Other properties are preserved by the "mutating" operation -- for example, access values that designate the anonymous object are updated to designate the newly-created object.
Is a type derived from a build-in-place type also a build-in-place type? (Yes.)
In an extension aggregate of a build-in-place type, what is the tag of the ancestor part? (See summary.)
What happens to self-referential access values when the object is built in place? (They end up pointing to the newly-created object.)
The assignment operation is defined for all types in the Amendment. But 7.6(16) and 7.6(18) have parenthetical remarks suggesting that they apply only to nonlimited types. Should that be corrected? (Yes.)
(See summary.)
Add to AARM note: 3.9.1(8.a): After first sentence, add "It also makes it easier to implement extension aggregates in the case where the type is limited, the object is allocated from a user-defined storage pool, and the discriminants are inherited from the parent type."
Add after 4.3.2(5/2):
If the ancestor_part is a function call and the type of the ancestor_part is limited, then the ancestor_part shall have a constrained nominal subtype unless there are no components needed in the record_component_association_list.
AARM Reason: This restriction simplifies implementation, because it ensures that either the caller or the callee knows the size to allocate for the aggregate. Without this restriction, information from both caller and callee would have to be combined to determine the appropriate size.
The (F(...) with null record) case is exempt from this rule, because such extension aggregates are created internally for inherited functions returning null-extension types -- we can't very well make those illegal. Moreover, we don't need the rule for null extensions, as the result can simply use the space returned by the function call. [end AARM Reason]
Remove 7.5(8.1/2), which is an "Implementation Requirements". Move the AARM note as noted below.
Add "(see 7.6)" to the end of 7.5(9/2).
Rename section 7.6 from "User-Defined Assignment and Finalization" to "Assignment and Finalization".
The first sentence of 7.6(16) should be modified:
To adjust the value of a [(nonlimited)] composite object, the values of the components of the object are first adjusted in an arbitrary order, and then, if the object is {nonlimited} controlled, Adjust is called.
Add after 7.6(17), the following (this is under "Dynamic Semantics"):
When a function call or aggregate is used to initialize an object, the result of the function call or aggregate is an anonymous object, which is assigned into the newly-created object. For such an assignment, the anonymous object might be built in place. Under certain circumstances, the anonymous object is required to be "built in place", in which case the assignment does not involve any copying. In particular:
- If the full type of any part of the object is immutably limited,
the anonymous object is built in place.
- In the case of an aggregate, if the full type of any part of the
newly-created object is controlled, the anonymous object is built in place.
- In other cases, it is unspecified whether the anonymous object is
built in place.
["Immutably limited type" is defined in AI05-0052-1 - ED]
AARM Discussion: We say assignment to built-in-place objects does not involve copying, which matches the intended implementation (see below). Of course, the implementation can do any copying it likes, if it can make such copying semantically invisible (by patching up access values to point to the copy, and so forth).
AARM Reason: We talk about the full types being immutably limited, as (like parameter passing), this is independent of the view of a type. That is, privacy is ignored for this purpose.
[Place existing AARM notes 7.6(17.h.1-17.i/2) here.]
AARM Discussion: For function calls, we only require building in place for immutable types. These are the types that would have been return-by-reference types in Ada 95. We do this because we want to minimize disruption to Ada 95 implementations and users. [This note was 7.5(8.a/2) - ED]
Notwithstanding what this International Standard says elsewhere, if an object is built in place:
- Upon successful completion of the return statement or aggregate,
the anonymous object "mutates into" the newly-created object; that is, the anonymous object ceases to exist, and the newly-created object appears in its place.
- Finalization is not performed on the anonymous object.
- Adjustment is not performed on the newly-created object.
- All access values that designate parts of the anonymous object now
designate the corresponding parts of the newly-created object.
- All renamings of parts of the anonymous object now denote views of the
corresponding parts of the newly-created object.
- Coextensions of the anonymous object become coextensions of the
newly-created object.
AARM Implementation Notes:
The intended implementation is that the anonymous object is allocated at the same address as the newly-created object. Thus, no run-time action is required to cause all the access values and renamings to point to the right place. They just point to the newly-created object, which is what the return object has magically "mutated into".
There is no requirement that 'Address of the return object is equal to 'Address of the newly-created object, but that will be true in the intended implementation.
For a function call, if the size of the newly-created object is known at the call site, the object is allocated there, and the address is implicitly passed to the function; the return object is created at that address. Otherwise, a storage pool is implicitly passed to the function; the size is determined at the point of the return statement, and passed to the Allocate procedure. The address returned by the storage pool is returned from the function, and the newly-created object uses that same address. If the return statement is left without returning (via an exception or a goto, for example), then Deallocate is called. The storage pool might be a dummy pool that represents "allocate on the stack".
The Tag of the newly-created object may be different from that of the result object. Likewise, the master and accessibility level may be different.
An alternative implementation model might allow objects to move around to different addresses. In this case, access values and renamings would need to be modified at run time. It seems that this model requires the full power of tracing garbage collection.
AARM To Be Honest: This "mutating" does not necessarily happen atomically with respect to abort and other tasks. For example, if a function call is used as the parent part of an extension aggregate, then the tag of the anonymous object (the function result) will be different from the tag of the newly-created object (the parent part of the extension aggregate). In implementation terms, this involves modifying the tag field. If the current task is aborted during this modification, the object might become abnormal. Likewise, if some other task accesses the tag field during this modification, it constitutes improper use of shared variables, and is erroneous.
Remove 7.6(17.1/2), which is an "Implementation Requirements". Move the AARM notes 7.6(17.h.1-17.i/2) as noted above.
Modify 7.6(18) as follows:
An implementation is allowed to relax the above rules [(for nonlimited controlled types)] {for assignment_statements} in the following ways:
Modify 7.6(19) as follows:
[For an assignment_statement that assigns to]{If} an object {is assigned }the value of that same object, the implementation need not do anything.
Modify 7.6(20) as follows:
For [an assignment_statement for]{assignment of} a noncontrolled type, the implementation may finalize and assign each component of the variable separately (rather than finalizing the entire variable and assigning the entire new value) unless a discriminant of the variable is changed by the assignment.
Modify 7.6(21/2) as follows:
[For an aggregate or function call whose value is assigned into a target object, the implementation need not create a separate anonymous object if it can safely create the value of the aggregate or function call directly in the target object. Similarly, for an assignment_statement, the]{The} implementation need not...
Consider the following example. We have an allocator with a limited heap object initialized with an extension aggregate, where the parent part is given by a build-in-place function call to Make_T1. The expected implementation strategy is to pass T1_Ref'Storage_Pool as an implicit parameter to Make_T1, along with the size and alignment of the extension part as determined by Comp2. The size of the parent part is determined at the return statement in Make_T1. Make_T1 must calculate the size and alignment to allocate based on the two sizes and two alignments, and pass that on to the storage pool's Allocate procedure. Make_T1 will return the address of returned by Allocate, and that will be used at the call site to calculate the address of Comp2.
package P1 is type T1 (D1 : Integer) is tagged limited private; type T1_Ref is access all T1'Class; for T1_Ref'Storage_Pool use ...;
package Nested_Pkg is function Make_T1 (D1 : Integer) return T1; end Nested_Pkg; private type T1 (D1 : Integer) is tagged limited record Comp1 : String (1..D1); end record; end P1;
with P1; use P1; package P2 is type T2 is new T1 with private; function Make return T1_Ref; N : Integer := 7; private type T2 is new T1 with record Comp2 : String (1..N); end record; end P2;
package body P1 is package body Nested_Pkg is function Make_T1 (D1 : Integer) return T1 is begin return Result : T1 (D1) do Result.Comp1 := (others => 'x'); end return; end Make_T1; end Nested_Pkg; end P1;
package body P2 is function Make return T1_Ref is begin return Result : T1_Ref := new T2' (Nested_Pkg.Make_T1 (D1 => 5) with -- Now illegal. Comp2 => "ABCDEFG") do null; end return; end Make; end P2;
with P1; use P1; with P2; use P2; procedure Main is Ptr : T1_Ref := Make; begin null; end Main;
Note that the size of Comp2 (based on N) need not be known at compile time, but it cannot depend on the discriminant. This is fortunate -- otherwise we would need to pass a size-calculating thunk to Make_T1.
On the other hand, if T2 had a discriminant part (for example, "type T2 (D1, D2 : Integer) is new T1 (D1) with...") then we can calculate the size to allocate at the call site. In that case, we would pass the address of the parent part to Make_T1, instead of the storage pool and the size/alignment information.
The Tag of the return object in Make_T1 is T1'Tag. The Tag of the return object in Make is T2'Tag. Semantically, we have two separate objects, but in implementation terms, this means the Tag will be overwritten in Make, since the two objects' Tags are at the same address.
The case in Make is complex enough that we make cases with unconstrained nominal subtypes (including this one) illegal.
Paragraphs 7.6(16) and 7.6(18) apply to all types, and surely should not claim to apply to nonlimited types only.
In addition, 7.6(16) should say that Adjust is called only for nonlimited controlled types, so that the canonical semantics is well-defined (limited controlled types do not have Adjust). Note that any non-limited components of a limited type that is not required to be built in place could need to be adjusted, so that needs to be well defined.
!corrigendum 4.3.2(5/2)
Insert after the paragraph:
If the ancestor_part is a subtype_mark, it shall denote a specific tagged subtype. If the ancestor_part is an expression, it shall not be dynamically tagged. The type of the extension_aggregate shall be derived from the type of the ancestor_part, through one or more record extensions (and no private extensions).
the new paragraph:
If the ancestor_part is a function call and the type of the ancestor_part is limited, then the ancestor_part shall have a constrained nominal subtype unless there are no components needed in the record_component_association_list.
!corrigendum 7.5(8)
Delete the paragraph:
Implementation Requirements
For an aggregate of a limited type used to initialize an object as allowed above, the implementation shall not create a separate anonymous object for the aggregate. For a function_call of a type with a part that is of a task, protected, or explicitly limited record type that is used to initialize an object as allowed above, the implementation shall not create a separate return object (see 6.5) for the function_call. The aggregate or function_call shall be constructed directly in the new object.
!corrigendum 7.5(9)
Replace the paragraph:
14 While it is allowed to write initializations of limited objects, such initializations never copy a limited object. The source of such an assignment operation must be an aggregate or function_call, and such aggregates and function_calls must be built directly in the target object.
14 While it is allowed to write initializations of limited objects, such initializations never copy a limited object. The source of such an assignment operation must be an aggregate or function_call, and such aggregates and function_calls must be built directly in the target object (see 7.6).
!corrigendum 7.6(0)
Replace the paragraph:
User-Defined Assignment and Finalization
Assignment and Finalization
!corrigendum 7.6(16)
Replace the paragraph:
To adjust the value of a (nonlimited) composite object, the values of the components of the object are first adjusted in an arbitrary order, and then, if the object is controlled, Adjust is called. Adjusting the value of an elementary object has no effect, nor does adjusting the value of a composite object with no controlled parts.
To adjust the value of a composite object, the values of the components of the object are first adjusted in an arbitrary order, and then, if the object is nonlimited controlled, Adjust is called. Adjusting the value of an elementary object has no effect, nor does adjusting the value of a composite object with no controlled parts.
!corrigendum 7.6(17)
Insert after the paragraph:
For an assignment_statement, after the name and expression have been evaluated, and any conversion (including constraint checking) has been done, an anonymous object is created, and the value is assigned into it; that is, the assignment operation is applied. (Assignment includes value adjustment.) The target of the assignment_statement is then finalized. The value of the anonymous object is then assigned into the target of the assignment_statement. Finally, the anonymous object is finalized. As explained below, the implementation may eliminate the intermediate anonymous object, so this description subsumes the one given in 5.2, “Assignment Statements”.
the new paragraphs:
When a function call or aggregate is used to initialize an object, the result of the function call or aggregate is an anonymous object, which is assigned into the newly-created object. For such an assignment, the anonymous object might be built in place. Under certain circumstances, the anonymous object is required to be built in place, in which case the assignment does not involve any copying. In particular:
Notwithstanding what this International Standard says elsewhere, if an object is built in place:
!corrigendum 7.6(17.1/2)
Delete the paragraph:
Implementation Requirements
For an aggregate of a controlled type whose value is assigned, other than by an assignment_statement, the implementation shall not create a separate anonymous object for the aggregate. The aggregate value shall be constructed directly in the target of the assignment operation and Adjust is not called on the target object.
!corrigendum 7.6(18)
Replace the paragraph:
An implementation is allowed to relax the above rules (for nonlimited controlled types) in the following ways:
An implementation is allowed to relax the above rules for assignment_statements in the following ways:
!corrigendum 7.6(19)
Replace the paragraph:
For an assignment_statement that assigns to an object the value of that same object, the implementation need not do anything.
If an object is assigned the value of that same object, the implementation need not do anything.
!corrigendum 7.6(20)
Replace the paragraph:
For an assignment_statement for a noncontrolled type, the implementation may finalize and assign each component of the variable separately (rather than finalizing the entire variable and assigning the entire new value) unless a discriminant of the variable is changed by the assignment.
For assignment of a noncontrolled type, the implementation may finalize and assign each component of the variable separately (rather than finalizing the entire variable and assigning the entire new value) unless a discriminant of the variable is changed by the assignment.
!corrigendum 7.6(21/2)
Replace the paragraph:
This just clarifies the rules, so that additional tests are not needed. However, it could change the semantics of a few existing tests.
But, the new legality rule for extension aggregates should be tested with a B-Test.

!topic Limited type extensions and build-in-place
!reference RM 3.2(6), 3.8(13.1), 7.5(8.1)
!from Adam Beneschan 07-06-25

package Pack1 is
    type Typ1 is tagged limited record
        F1 : Integer;
        F2 : Integer;
    end record;
end Pack1;

with Pack1;
package Pack2 is
    type Typ2 is new Pack1.Typ1 with record
        F3 : Integer;
    end record;
    function Func (Z : Integer) return Typ2;
end Pack2;

with Pack2;
procedure Proc is
    X : Pack2.Typ2 := Pack2.Func (123);  -- built-in-place?

Does the language require Func to build its result in place?

It would seem that it should; if an anonymous object were created,
you'd be copying a Typ1 along with F3, which should be a no-no.  But,
since I have this ridiculous habit of trying to read the RM literally,
it seems to me that the rules as written don't actually require the
function result to be built in place.  Here's how I read it:

The Implementation Requirement in 7.5(8.1) says that when a function
call is used to initialize an object, and the function call has a type
"with a part that is of a task, protected, or explicitly limited
record type", build-in-place is required.

Typ2, however, is not an explicitly limited record type.  This is
defined in 3.8(13.1) to be a record_type_definition that includes the
reserved word "limited", and the definition of Typ2 doesn't include
the word "limited" in it anywhere.  I can't find anything in the RM
that says a type extension derived from an "explicitly limited" record
type is also explicitly limited.  (It's not in 3.9.1; if it's
somewhere else, the index entry for "explicitly limited" doesn't point
to it.)

Also, I don't think Typ2 has a *part* that is an explicitly limited
record type.  "Part" is defined in 3.2(6): "Similarly, a _part_ of an
object or value is used to mean the whole object or value, or any set
of its subcomponents."  Even though an object of type Typ2 contains a
portion has Typ1, I don't think this meets the definition of "part".
A Typ2 doesn't have a component or subcomponent of type Typ1; and
while the "set of its subcomponents" phrase means that the set {F1,
F2} would be a "part" of a Typ2 object, to me there is a definite
distinction between the type Typ1 and the subcomponent set {F1, F2}.
In my opinion, it would be a real stretch to use that phrase to claim
that a Typ1 is a "part" of a Typ2.

So based on that, an object of thpe Typ2 doesn't meet the language of
7.5(8.1) and therefore the Implementation Requirement does not apply.

(I haven't looked at types derived from untagged limited types very
closely, but might those not have the same problem?)

Assuming that I haven't missed something and that my analysis is
correct, and that it was the intent that the Implementation
Requirement should apply to such type extensions, the best solution is
probably to change 7.5(8.1) to say "with a part that is of a task or
protected type or a type that is a descendant of an explicitly limited
record type".  (I haven't checked to make sure this would be good
enough to deal with generic formal limited types.)  This would still
conform to the rationale given in AARM 7.5(8.a/2): "For a
function_call, we only require build-in-place for a limited type that
would have been a return-by-reference type in Ada 95", since types
descended from explicitly limited types were return-by-reference (RM95


From: Robert A. Duff
Sent: Saturday June 30, 2007  9:22 AM

> Does the language require Func to build its result in place?
> It would seem that it should;

Certainly true.

> So based on that, an object of thpe Typ2 doesn't meet the language of
> 7.5(8.1) and therefore the Implementation Requirement does not apply.

This does seem like a hole in the wording.

> (I haven't looked at types derived from untagged limited types very
> closely, but might those not have the same problem?)
> Assuming that I haven't missed something and that my analysis is
> correct, and that it was the intent that the Implementation
> Requirement should apply to such type extensions, the best solution is
> probably to change 7.5(8.1) to say "with a part that is of a task or
> protected type or a type that is a descendant of an explicitly limited
> record type".  (I haven't checked to make sure this would be good
> enough to deal with generic formal limited types.)

Generics are irrelevant.  Building in place happens at run-time, so the type
we're talking about is the actual type passed in to the generic.  One instance
might use b-i-p, and the other not.

>...  This would still
> conform to the rationale given in AARM 7.5(8.a/2): "For a
> function_call, we only require build-in-place for a limited type that
> would have been a return-by-reference type in Ada 95", since types
> descended from explicitly limited types were return-by-reference (RM95
> 6.5(11)).

I think that rationale is intended to be stronger -- the b-i-p types are
intended to be exactly the types that were ret-by-ref in Ada 95.  (Ret-by-ref
was a nasty language design mistake, by the way.  I wish JDI had invented
b-i-p in 1980.)


From: Stephen W. Baird
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007  6:10 PM

When an aggregate is used to initialize an object, initialization is
performed "in place" in some cases. In other words, instead of
creating a separate anonymous object for the aggregate and then
assigning it to the object being initialized, the aggregate is
built in place.

This is required in some cases (7.5(8.1/2), 7.6(17.1/2)) and permitted
in others (7.6(21/2)).

When a function call is used as the ancestor expression of a
build-in-place extension aggregate, the RM seems to impose
contradictory requirements on the initialization
of the tag component of the object being initialized.

Consider the following example:

  with Ada.Tags;
  procedure Test is
    type T0 is tagged limited null record;
    type Enclosed (Enclosing : access T0'Class) is limited null record;

    type T1 (N : Natural) is new T0 with
            Self_Ref          : Enclosed (T1'Access);
            Discrim_Dependent : String (1 .. N);
        end record;

    type T2 is new T1 with
            Ptr : Some_Access_Type;
            Lim : Some_Limited_Type;
        end record;
    F_Result_Tag : Ada.Tags.Tag;

    function F return T1 is
      return Result : T1 (Ident_Int (1234)) do
        F_Result_Tag := Result.Self_Ref.Enclosing.all'Tag;
        -- What value is assigned here?
        Some_Procedure (Result);
      end return;
    end F;

    type T0_Ref is access T0'Class;
    for T0_Ref'Storage_Pool use ... ;
    Allocator_Value : constant T0_Ref :=
       new T2'(F with Ptr => Some_Function, Lim => Some_Other_Function);
    Allocated       : T2 renames T2 (Allocator_Value.all);
  end Test;
Is F_Result_Tag assigned the value T1'Tag or T2'Tag?

The first sentence of 6.5(8/2) seems to require T1'Tag. The first
sentence of 3.9(3) seems to require T2'Tag. Assigning T1'Tag 
would introduce a violation of the fundamental rule that a tagged object's
tag is immutable over the lifetime of the object. If the call to F is
to be viewed as initializing a portion of an object of type T2, then
it seems that T2'Tag should be assigned.

If F.Result is used as the controlling operand of a dispatching call, 
one might equivalently ask which subprogram body is executed - T1's or T2's?

Suppose that F_Result_Tag is assigned T2'Tag and this dispatching call
executes the subprogram body associated with T2. This
leads to another question about the state of the T2-specific portion of
F.Result at the time of the dispatching call. Might this portion of
F.Result be uninitialized at this point, resulting in an
access-before-initialization problem?

Certainly AI95-00373 (the "requires late initialization" AI)
is only an incomplete solution to the problem of references to an object whose
initialization is in progress. This part of the language definition is
not completely bulletproof. Still, a user might reasonably conclude that it
is safe, for example, to pass F.Result off to a procedure which then
makes a dispatching function call using the operand it has been passed.
The memory fault that results when the called function attempts to
dereference a T2-specific access component which happens to contain the
value "37" will probably not amuse the user. Within the statement list of
an extended return statement, it seems quite reasonable to assume that the
return object's initialization is complete.

One solution would be to ignore the problem and hope that users won't do this
sort of thing very often.

Another solution would be to introduce a requirement that the
initialization of an extended return object must be complete before
beginning execution of the statement list of an extended return statement.
This might sound like an obvious consequence of existing language rules,
but the substance of this requirement stems from the inclusion of extension
components which are not components of the function result type.

Is this implementable?

Consider an implementation which passes a storage-allocating callback
routine into F in order to allocate storage for the function result.
In the case of this particular example, that function might be called
with the discriminant value of the result. It would then apply T2's (not T1's)
discriminant-to-size mapping function and allocate the appropriate
amount of storage out of the right storage_pool. It could also, before
returning to F, initialize the tag component to T2'Tag and then
initialize the T2-specific portions of the allocated object
by calling Some_Function and Some_Other_Function.

This would meet the proposed requirement and solve the aforementioned
access-before-initialization problem, but it would introduce a somewhat
peculiar possibility. Suppose that F repeatedly enters the extended return
statement and exits it (e.g., via a goto statement) before finally returning
a value. This would result in multiple calls to the storage-allocating
callback routine. This would in turn mean that the initialization of the
T2-specific portion of F.Result would be executed repeatedly. The RM does
not currently permit this sort of oddness. Note that this only arises in the
presumably rare case of exiting an extended return statement without returning.

Showing how this requirement might be satisfied for one particular example
does not demonstrate that it can always be satisfied, but the approach of
initializing the extension components before, rather than after, the
ancestor portion of the extension aggregate seems to generalize well.

Returning to the original question about F_Result_Tag, the other alternative
is that F_Result_Tag is assigned T1'Tag and a dispatching call executes the
subprogram body associated with T1. After F has returned, the tag of the
allocated object is changed from T1'Tag to T2'Tag.

This form of mutable tags doesn't seem to introduce any *definitional*

There would be a problem if the language included some form of a general
access type which could only designate objects with one particular tag,
but it doesn't.

The major problem with this approach seems to be a safety issue associated
with usage patterns. Suppose, for example, that a customer has a pair of
dispatching operations, Acquire and Release, that are supposed to match
up in some way. A dispatching call to Acquire is executed while an
object has one tag value; later, after the object's tag value has changed,
a dispatching call to Release is executed. This is likely to lead to
inconsistencies. This issue alone seems like enough to rule out the
"mutable tags" model.

Mutable tags would also introduce some peculiar corner cases, most of them
involving the Unchecked_Access attribute.
If F passes Result'Unchecked_Access off to a task
which then renames The_Pointer_I_Was_Passed.Some_Dispatching_Operation,
it will be odd when two calls to that rename end up executing different
subprogram bodies. An implementation which resolved the call address
at the point of the rename declaration would presumably be in error.

In the case of optional build-in-place aggregates,
the mutable tag model does introduce fewer portability problems.
Dispatching calls will execute the same subprogram bodies if an
aggregate is built in a a separate object vs. being built in
place with a mutable tag. If it is built in place with an
immutable tag, then different subprogram bodies may be executed.
This is probably not a major concern as long as no
access-before-initialization problems are introduced.

Pascal Leroy has pointed out (in private correspondence) that there is
an analogous issue in Ada95 because of RM95 7.6(17.1/1).
An Initialize procedure plays the role of the Ada05 build-in-place function.
Consider the following Ada95 example:

  with Ada.Finalization;
  package Pkg is
    type T1 is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record;
    procedure Initialize (X1 : in out T1);

    type T2 is new T1 with ...;
  end Pkg;

  with Ada.Tags;
  with Text_Io;
  package body Pkg is
    procedure Initialize (X1 : in out T1) is
        Text_Io.Put_Line (Ada.Tags.Expanded_Name (T1'Class (X1)'Tag));
    end Initialize;
  end Pkg;

  procedure Pkg.Maine is
    X : T2 := (T1 with null record);
  end Pkg.Maine;
It seems clear that a call to Pkg.Maine should output the line "PKG.T2".
It is true that RM95 4.3.2(7) talks about initialization "as for an object
of the ancestor type", but this initialization does not include the tag
component itself. Ada95 also has an analogous access-before-initialization
issue - the Initialize procedure in the above example might make a dispatching
call and end up accessing uninitialized T2-specific components. It seems that
while this was possible in Ada95, it did not come up in practice. With the
introduction of extended return statements and build-in-place function calls,
this may be a more serious problem in Ada05.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007  6:55 PM

Replying to Steve Baird (whose message is in some funny format that I can't
seem to quote):

As you point out in toward the end of this message, this is nothing new. The
issue seems to revolve around (re)dispatch and direct access to tags.

Re-dispatch is generally considered bad design. Indeed, Ada recognizes this
by making it hard to write: you have to insert an explicit conversion to a
class-wide type in order to force a redispatch. It seems even more dangerous
in an initialization context, because many of the components may not yet be
initialized. Direct uses of tag values are rare, and doing things based on
them is also considered bad practice.

Mostly likely, this issue has never come up because it is hard to write a
redispatch by mistake, and the "bad practice" thoughts noted above keep
people from doing it on purpose.

All that seems to be new here is to note that an extended_return_statement
is also an initialization context where redispatch is a very bad idea.

The only real question in my mind is whether we ought to make a language
change to discourage redispatch even further. Ideally, it should be banned
outright in initialization contexts. But I don't think that can be done
without compatibility issues (especially inside of Initialize).

Steve's "solution" to the problem of putting even more requirements on
initialization order doesn't really solve the problem of redispatch, and it
seems to make finalization more risky. (If the components are finalized in
reverse order, a redispatch in a Finalize routine has the same problem of
potentially accessing components that have already been finalized; if the
"arbitrary order" of the RM is used, you again cannot reason about what a
redispatch will do in terms of accessing components. I realize that the
Finalize case probably wouldn't make a program erroneous, but if you can't
reason about the behavior of Finalize, the program might as well be
erroneous because you can't write anything that will be guaranteed to work.)

In any case, I don't think this will be a problem in
extended_return_statements any more than in Initialize routines. It's
unlikely that anyone will be writing redispatching calls in these contexts
unless they're seriously confused (if you need to do something to the object
as a whole, you have to do it via the whole-object Initialize/Adjust).

This all leads me to think that the problem is with 6.5(8/2). This rule does
not make sense for build-in-place, because we don't know the tag of the
ultimate object. So I think we need to drop it or modify it such that it
does not apply inside the function or to build-in-place objects. (Not sure

Steve didn't tell us why this issue came up; I doubt it was a user problem.
It seems most likely to be an implementation problem which he is then trying
to make into a mountain.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007  8:22 PM

My view is that you should not take "build in place"
too literally from a semantic point of view.  It
is more of an implementation requirement, where the
the semantics should generally work out as they would
without build-in-place.  In particular, the "outer"
object of an extension aggregate doesn't really exist
until the aggregate is fully evaluated.  While
evaluating the parent part, the parent part is
a separate object, that just happens to overlap
with the ultimate resting place of the outer

So in my view, until you return from the function,
the return object it is building is definitely of the
result type of the function, and so the tag will
be T1 until that moment.

I also don't think 3.9(3) is really violated by this
model, because the outer object doesn't really exist
until all of the components of the aggregate have
been evaluated.  You certainly don't want anyone
manipulating an object corresponding to the
result of an aggregate until these evaluations
have occurred.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2007  12:19 PM

> So in my view, until you return from the function,
> the return object it is building is definitely of the
> result type of the function, and so the tag will
> be T1 until that moment.

That's a more consistent view than whatever I was babbling about last night.
I like it better, so I'm going to switch my answer to agree with Tucker, as
it means that "optional" build-in place won't change the semantics of a
return statement (and that would be very bad).

OTOH, I don't think we're going to be seeing any tests of redispatching in
extended_return_statements, so I doubt much that whatever implementations do
will matter much in practice.


From: Stephen W. Baird
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007  7:58 PM

 > Steve didn't tell us why this issue came up; I doubt it was a user problem.

It was an implementation question.
I'm just trying to figure out how build-in-place
extension aggregates are supposed to work.

 > .. the "outer"
 > object of an extension aggregate doesn't really exist
 > until the aggregate is fully evaluated.  While
 > evaluating the parent part, the parent part is
 > a separate object, that just happens to overlap
 > with the ultimate resting place of the outer
 > object.
 > So in my view, until you return from the function,
 > the return object it is building is definitely of the
 > result type of the function, and so the tag will
 > be T1 until that moment.

Given that Randy and I were unable to deduce this two-object model
from the RM, it seems that some clarification is needed.

Viewing an extension aggregate as two distinct objects
residing at the same location certainly seems more appealing
than viewing it as a single object whose tag value changes
midway through its lifetime. This definition does, however,
seem to involve some handwaving.

In Ada terms, "residing at the same location" means
at least the following:

  a) The metamorphosis of the first object into (a portion
     of) the second is accomplished without any
     Adjust/Finalize calls or any other user-visible side effects.

  b) An access value which refers to (a part of) the first
     object implicitly becomes a reference to the (corresponding
     part of) the second object at the end of the lifetime of the
     first object (i.e., at the time of the assignment of the
     first object to the second). This is an exception to the usual rule
     that access values which refer to an object after the
     end of the object's lifetime are dangling references.
     Similarly, references derived from such access values (e.g.,
     a rename of Outstanding_Access_Value.all.Some_Component)
     are similarly transformed.

  c) Coextension ownership is handed off from the first object to
     the second.

Should all of this be spelled out in an AARM note?

The two-object approach also opens the door for a violation of the
last sentence of 3.9.3(1/2):
    Because objects of an abstract type cannot be created, a dispatching
    call to an abstract subprogram always dispatches to some overriding

If the ancestor type of an extension aggregate is abstract, then a
dispatching call may end up attempting to execute an abstract subprogram:

  procedure Abstract_Call is
    package Pkg1 is
      type T1 is abstract tagged limited null record;
      function Abstract_Function (X1 : T1) return Integer is abstract;
    end Pkg1;

    function Dispatcher (Ref : access Pkg1.T1'Class) return Integer is
      return Pkg1.Abstract_Function (Ref.all);
    end Dispatcher;

    package Pkg2 is
      type T2 is abstract new Pkg1.T1 with
          F1 : Integer := Dispatcher (T2'Access);
        end record;
    end Pkg2;

    package Pkg3 is
      type T3 is new Pkg2.T2 with
          F2, F3 : Integer;
        end record;
      function Abstract_Function (X3 : T3) return Integer;
    end Pkg3;

    package body Pkg3 is
      function Abstract_Function (X3 : T3) return Integer is
        return 123;
      end Abstract_Function;
    end Pkg3;

    X : Pkg3.T3 := (Pkg2.T2 with 456, 789);
  end Abstract_Call;

How is this supposed to work?

When this example is compiled with our compiler, the tag
field of the aggregate is never set to anything other than
T3'Tag and Dispatcher's call dispatches to Pkg3.Abstract_Function.

Is our implementation in error?


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007  8:08 AM

... As far as your question about an ancestor part
that is specified by an abstract ancestor
subtype_mark, the dynamic semantics are actually pretty
different.  There is no separate object created in that
case.  It simply says that the components that are not
given by the association list are initialized by default.
By contrast, when the ancestor part is specified by
an expression, the expression is evaluated, which
creates a separate object (with its own tag) that is then assigned
to the ancestor part of the aggregate object.
So I don't see the need to ever have a tag
that identifies an abstract type, since there is no
separate object when you specify an ancestor
subtype_mark rather than an ancestor expression.

I believe that the key thing is that in build-in-place,
the assignment and associated adjust/finalize become
no-ops at run-time.  But if there are two objects in
the "normal" semantics, then there are still two
objects conceptually in the build-in-place semantics.
It probably would be worth describing in more detail what
sort of transformation happens upon a build-in-place
"assignment," especially to an ancestor part.  I think most
of it could be in AARM implementation notes.  It is
important probably in normative words somewhere to
say that access values remain valid, though for the
ancestor part, they now denote a view of the "new" object
whose type is that of the ancestor part.  I.e., it is roughly
equivalent to 'Access applied to a view conversion, e.g.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007  10:38 PM

Not wanting to do anything tough, I'm working on test objectives for 7.6 this evening
before leaving. I noticed a very minor glitch in 7.6(16) and 7.6(18).

7.6(13-15) talks about the canonical implementation of the assignment operation. That
is now defined for limited types. 7.6(16) defines adjustment for, including a call to
Adjust. The paragraph parenthetically claims to apply only to non-limited types, but that
begs the question of what the meaning of this is for limited types. (Yes, I know that
later requirements are intended to make this moot, but should the canonical semantics
really be undefined??)

So I suggest removing the parenthetical non-limited, and adding a word to make it clear
that adjusting a limited type is a no-op (and surely does not call a routine that does
not exist!):

"To adjust the value of a [(nonlimited)] composite object, the values of the components
of the object are first adjusted in an arbitrary order, and then, if the object is
{nonlimited} controlled, Adjust is called. Adjusting the value of an elementary object
has no effect, nor does adjusting the value of a composite object with no controlled parts."

We could add something to the last phrase about limited objects, but since it is already
considered redundant, it isn't necessary (and might be considered conflicting with the
requirements following).

The AARM note at 7.6(16.a) also needs a bit of repair.

There is a similar problem with 7.6(18). It has a parenthetical "for nonlimited
controlled types", but 7.6(21/2) is the rule that 7.6(17.1/2) is requiring to be
implemented -- for both limited and nonlimited aggregates (and functions for that
matter). It's quite clear that 7.6(21/2) *can* happen for limited types, the
so-called proof of 7.6(18.a) notwithstanding.

So I propose dropping "nonlimited" from 7.6(18) and fixing 7.6(18.a) to read
something like:
    Ramification: The rules below about assignment_statements apply only to
    nonlimited controlled types, as assignment_statements are not allowed for
    limited types. The other rule applies to both limited and nonlimited types,
    and in fact is required for all assignment operations involving aggregates
    and function calls. This is important because the programmer can count on
    a stricter semantics for limited controlled types. 

As both of these are parenthetical remarks, they don't affect the correctness of
the language. As such, I propose to add these changes to the presentation AI.


!topic Effect of build-in-place on "current instance" of a type
!reference 7.5(8.1), 4.3(5), 8.6(17)
!from Adam Beneschan 07-08-31

This is kind of a nitpick, but it's a bit disturbing to me.

My understanding of the RM is that the "Dynamic Semantics" sections
define what the effect of a legal Ada program will be when it runs.
There are "Implementation Requirements" sections that impose
additional constraints how things work, but those generally aren't
supposed to affect the semantics, except perhaps that certain checks
not take place, or things may not work exactly according to the
Dynamic Semantics in some error or boundary cases, or some redundant
Adjust/Finalize pairs may be eliminated.  But is that the basic idea?

If so, I'm not sure what to make of this:

   type T is limited record
       F1 : Integer;
       F2 : access T := T'Unchecked_Access;
   end record;

   R : aliased T := (F1 => 5, F2 => <>);

I can't find anywhere in the RM that says that R.F2 will be R'Access
after R is created.  The semantics of the aggregate are that an
anonymous object is created and the components are assigned (4.3(5));
based on 4.3.1(19.1) and 8.6(17), the initial value of F2 should then
be an access to an anonymous object.

7.5(8.1) says that for an aggregate of a limited type, the
*implementation* shall not create a separate anonymous object, but
that the aggregate shall be constructed directly in the target object.
In my opinion, this isn't quite strong enough; while this tells
something about how the operation will be implemented (and implies
that there is no extra assignment that would cause an adjust/finalize
operation to be performed), it doesn't say anything to the effect that
the anonymous object is "identified" with the target object, or the
target object is treated as the anonymous object.  The semantics of
4.3(5), 4.3.1(19.1) and 8.6(17) seem to require that F2 be initialized
to point to some anonymous object, and while 7.5(8.1) says we're not
supposed to create an anonymous object, it doesn't say what will
replace the anonymous object for the purposes of the above RM

I'm sure we all know what's *supposed* to happen, and that R.F2 will
point to R.  But I'm not quite comfortable with that sort of
fuzziness, especially given all the effort that those of you who work
on the RM put into making sure things are precise.  I think there's a
little bit of language missing.  Perhaps something needs to be added
to 7.5(8.1) like, "The aggregate or function_call shall be constructed
directly in the new object; and for the purposes of 8.6(17), the new
object [or a corresponding subcomponent of the new object?] is
considered to be the object 'associated with the execution that
evaluates the usage name', when an expression that contains the
current instance of the type [or the current instance of the type of a
subcomponent?] is evaluated".


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2007  4:12 PM

Some discomfort with this area has already been expressed
by some members of the ARG.  The conclusion seems
to be that we should be more explicit about what sorts
of things are preserved by the "in-place" assignment.
In particular, access values designating the "temporary"
object will also designate the more "permanent" object.

We'll factor in some of your issues when we tackle that.


From: Robert A. Duff
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007  1:03 PM

> My view is that you should not take "build in place"
> too literally from a semantic point of view.  It
> is more of an implementation requirement, where the
> the semantics should generally work out as they would
> without build-in-place.  In particular, the "outer"
> object of an extension aggregate doesn't really exist
> until the aggregate is fully evaluated.  While
> evaluating the parent part, the parent part is
> a separate object, that just happens to overlap
> with the ultimate resting place of the outer object.
> So in my view, until you return from the function,
> the return object it is building is definitely of the
> result type of the function, and so the tag will
> be T1 until that moment.

FWIW, GNAT agrees with Tucker's interpretation.
In the example below, A_Function returns T1, so it creates 
an object with T1'Tag.  When a call to A_Function is used
as the parent part of a T2 aggregate, that's still the case,
but the final T2 object has T2'Tag.  Makes sense to me.

But dispatching within the return statement seems questionable.
I wonder if it makes sense to make that a run-time error.
(I can think of various ways to implement that without
distributed overhead.)


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Tags; use Ada.Tags;
package Ext_Agg_Test is

   type T0 is tagged limited null record;
   procedure Prim (X : T0);
   procedure Class_Wide (X : T0'Class);

   type T1 is new T0 with null record;
   procedure Prim (X : T1);

   type T2 is new T1 with null record;
   procedure Prim (X : T2);

end Ext_Agg_Test;

package body Ext_Agg_Test is

   procedure Prim (X : T0) is
      Put_Line ("Prim (T0)");
   end Prim;

   procedure Class_Wide (X : T0'Class) is
      Put_Line ("Class_Wide (T0'Class)");
      Put_Line (Expanded_Name (X'Tag));
      Prim (X);
      Put_Line ("Class_Wide (T0'Class) done");
   end Class_Wide;

   procedure Prim (X : T1) is
      Put_Line ("Prim (T1)");
   end Prim;

   procedure Prim (X : T2) is
      Put_Line ("Prim (T2)");
   end Prim;

end Ext_Agg_Test;

procedure Ext_Agg_Test.Test is

   function A_Function return T1 is
     return Result : T1 do
        if True then
           Class_Wide (Result);
        end if;
     end return;
   end A_Function;

   Put_Line ("Calling A_Function");
      T1_Obj : T1 := A_Function;
      Put_Line ("A_Function returned");
      Class_Wide (T1_Obj);


   Put_Line ("Calling A_Function again");
      T2_Obj : T2 := (A_Function with null record);
      Put_Line ("A_Function returned again");
      Class_Wide (T2_Obj);
end Ext_Agg_Test.Test;

Here's the output:

Calling A_Function
Class_Wide (T0'Class)
Prim (T1)
Class_Wide (T0'Class) done
A_Function returned
Class_Wide (T0'Class)
Prim (T1)
Class_Wide (T0'Class) done

Calling A_Function again
Class_Wide (T0'Class)
Prim (T1)
Class_Wide (T0'Class) done
A_Function returned again
Class_Wide (T0'Class)
Prim (T2)
Class_Wide (T0'Class) done


From: Robert A. Duff
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2008  1:11 PM

Here's wording for AI05-67. [This is version /02 of the AI - ED.]

[Wording omitted.]


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2008  1:31 PM

I think we use the term "unspecified" rather than
"implementation dependent" in the RM.

You start talking about a "thunk" in the AARM note
somewhat out of the blue.  Is there really a need
for a thunk?  If so, I think you need to explain
what it does.  I suspect that some implementations
might prefer to create "pseudo" storage pools
rather than thunks, though that is hopefully not
semantically significant.

Overall, the solution you propose seems reasonable.
It will probably require some rewording in AI-66
(which I sent around last night).


From: Robert A. Duff
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2008  6:25 PM

> I think we use the term "unspecified" rather than
> "implementation dependent" in the RM.


> You start talking about a "thunk" in the AARM note
> somewhat out of the blue.  Is there really a need
> for a thunk?  If so, I think you need to explain
> what it does.  I suspect that some implementations
> might prefer to create "pseudo" storage pools
> rather than thunks, though that is hopefully not
> semantically significant.

That "thunk" is an editing mistake.  I think I thunk about the GNAT
implementation details too much ;-), and then eliminated those details, but
missed that one.  The basic idea is that a storage pool is passed in.  One
common "storage pool" is the "allocate-on-secondary-stack" storage pool.
I think this is optimized in the GNAT case by passing various flags that bypass
the actual pool -- e.g. a flag might say "allocate on secondary stack".
I don't remember the details of the GNAT implementation, but anyway, the AARM
doesn't need to talk too much about those optimization details.  Maybe just
mention the possibility.

There's one more occurrence of the term "thunk", which I really mean.

> Overall, the solution you propose seems reasonable.
> It will probably require some rewording in AI-66
> (which I sent around last night).

Right, I noticed that, but didn't say anything.

I'm glad you say "reasonable".  I'm thinking there are two objects, the return
object and the newly-created object that it turns into.  In my AI writeup, I
said "becomes", but I wish there were a more evocative word -- "morphs into"
or "magically transforms itself" or (from the minutes) "poofs"?


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2008  10:29 PM

> > I think we use the term "unspecified" rather than
> > "implementation dependent" in the RM.
> OK.

Either that or "implementation-defined". In this case, "unspecified" is
better, I think.

> > You start talking about a "thunk" in the AARM note
> > somewhat out of the blue.  Is there really a need
> > for a thunk?  If so, I think you need to explain
> > what it does.  I suspect that some implementations
> > might prefer to create "pseudo" storage pools
> > rather than thunks, though that is hopefully not
> > semantically significant.
> That "thunk" is an editing mistake.  I think I thunk about the GNAT
> implementation details too much ;-), and then eliminated those details, but
> missed that one.  The basic idea is that a storage pool is passed in.  One
> common "storage pool" is the "allocate-on-secondary-stack" storage pool.
> I think this is optimized in the GNAT case by passing various flags that
> bypass the actual pool -- e.g. a flag might say "allocate on secondary
> stack". I don't remember the details of the GNAT implementation, but
> anyway, the AARM doesn't need to talk too much about those optimization
> details. Maybe just mention the possibility.


> There's one more occurrence of the term "thunk", which I really mean.
> > Overall, the solution you propose seems reasonable.
> > It will probably require some rewording in AI-66
> > (which I sent around last night).
> Right, I noticed that, but didn't say anything.

We'll have to reconcile a number of these AIs when I integrate this stuff.
That's what I get paid for, usually. :-)

> I'm glad you say "reasonable".  I'm thinking there are two objects, the
> return object and the newly-created object that it turns into.  In my AI
> writeup, I said "becomes", but I wish there were a more evocative word
> -- "morphs into" or "magically transforms itself" or (from the minutes)
> "poofs"?

I prefer "morphs into". As long as it's in the notes. "Becomes" sounds too
much like normal assignment (":=" is supposed to be read "becomes" after
all - 2.2(13)).

I'm made these minor changes to the AI that we'll discuss in Florida. (And
reworded to use "inherently limited type", otherwise we'd still have the bug
from AI05-0059-1.)


From: Edmond Schonberg
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008  1:51 PM

[Commenting on version /05 of the AI - ED.]

Neat example,  package P2 crashes gnat right now :-)!


From: Gary Dismukes
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008  6:11 PM

It's not too surprising to me that GNAT chokes on the aggregate in P2,
since I believe it's just the sort of case that we discussed in Florida
as causing major implementation headaches, enough that we decided to
make it illegal.

In fact, AI-67 includes the wording change to make this illegal:

> Add after 4.3.2(5/2):
> If the ancestor_part is a function call and the type requires 
> build-in-place (see 7.6), then the ancestor_part shall have a 
> constrained nominal subtype, unless the record_component_association_list
> is *null record*.

What's puzzling to me is that this example from the !discussion uses
just this very kind of extension aggregate, but there doesn't seem
to be any mention that it's illegal by the AI. (The nominal subtype of the
ancestor part is P1.T1, which is unconstrained.) Bob, am I missing something?


From: Robert A. Duff
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008  6:51 PM

No, just that I worked mainly on the RM wording. I admit I missed that
example, and neglected to change it from "horror for implementers" to


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008  6:51 PM

> Bob, am I missing something?

Perhaps that part of the discussion predates Bob's work? It's a
common problem with multiple-author AIs. Or he just forgot to update
that part (I saw that with an AI I was working on yesterday, and there
were a number of such problems uncovered in the recent editorial review).

Anyway, what I remember most about the rule we talked about in Florida
was that someone announced at lunch on the veranda that there was some
problem with the rule that was likely to cause major problems. I don't
know if Bob has adequately covered that.

I do know that the rule Bob proposed doesn't work, because there is no
such rule that applies in generic private parts (he didn't use the
boilerplate, so there is no recheck), and thus the supposedly significant
expense still exists in that case. For a rule that is supposed to be
eliminating expensive cases, there can be no holes.

I'm still dubious about having a complex rule whose sole purpose is to
avoid a supposedly annoying implementation. Bob's discussion shows that
there a reasonable (maybe annoying) ways to implement this case, and
I am dubious that we need this wart. (Of course, Janus/Ada, which doesn't
insist on allocating objects contigiously anyway would have no problem
with this case. The base memory of an object is always fixed size and
never depends on any bounds or discriminants; the rest is allocated when
we know the appropriate constraint.)

[Note that I'm only talking about the quoted rule; the primary intent of
the AI, the early raising of certain errors is fine by me and probably
should be allowed in more cases anyway.]


From: Gary Dismukes
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008  7:36 PM

> Perhaps that part of the discussion predates Bob's work? It's a common 
> problem with multiple-author AIs. Or he just forgot to update that 
> part (I saw that with an AI I was working on yesterday, and there were 
> a number of such problems uncovered in the recent editorial review).

Yes, based on Bob's recent message sounds like it just didn't get updated.

> Anyway, what I remember most about the rule we talked about in Florida 
> was that someone announced at lunch on the veranda that there was some 
> problem with the rule that was likely to cause major problems. I don't 
> know if Bob has adequately covered that.

It was more than just a lunch discussion (btw, Steve B. was the one who
brought it up at lunch). We discussed it during the meeting as part of
AI-67, and took a straw poll in favor of adding the restriction (5-0-2).
Not sure there was a decision to put it in AI-67, but I guess Bob took
the initiative.

> I do know that the rule Bob proposed doesn't work, because there is no 
> such rule that applies in generic private parts (he didn't use the 
> boilerplate, so there is no recheck), and thus the supposedly 
> significant expense still exists in that case. For a rule that is 
> supposed to be eliminating expensive cases, there can be no holes.

Doesn't seem like it would be too hard to correct that oversight. :)

> I'm still dubious about having a complex rule whose sole purpose is to 
> avoid a supposedly annoying implementation. Bob's discussion shows 
> that there a reasonable (maybe annoying) ways to implement this case, 
> and I am dubious that we need this wart. (Of course, Janus/Ada, which 
> doesn't insist on allocating objects contigiously anyway would have no
> problem with this case. The base memory of an object is always fixed
> size and never depends on any bounds or discriminants; the rest is
> allocated when we know the appropriate constraint.)

There appear to be real hardships for implementing this in both GNAT and
the IBM compiler (due to different difficulties in the two compilers).
There seemed to be broad agreement during the meeting that this restriction
would help, and not be a signficant loss of user functionality (though
I think you may have been one of the two abstainers, I can't recall clearly).

> [Note that I'm only talking about the quoted rule; the primary intent 
> of the AI, the early raising of certain errors is fine by me and 
> probably should be allowed in more cases anyway.]

Right, except the r-t checks are AI-50; this is AI-67 we're discussing here. :-)


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008  8:15 PM

> It was more than just a lunch discussion (btw, Steve B. was the one 
> who brought it up at lunch).  We discussed it during the meeting as 
> part of AI-67, and took a straw poll in favor of adding the 
> restriction (5-0-2).  Not sure there was a decision to put it in 
> AI-67, but I guess Bob took the initiative.

No, no, no. The discussion I remember is someone stating *after* the
rule was adopted that it would not work. I note that the minutes has
a note that Steve Baird said something "on Sunday" about generic bodies;
perhaps that is the concern that was raised that I am remembering.
Perhaps it was at breakfast on Sunday and not lunch (we were on that
veranda a lot).

> > I do know that the rule Bob proposed doesn't work, because there is 
> > no such rule that applies in generic private parts (he didn't use 
> > the boilerplate, so there is no recheck), and thus the supposedly 
> > significant expense still exists in that case. For a rule that is 
> > supposed to be eliminating expensive cases, there can be no holes.
> Doesn't seem like it would be too hard to correct that oversight. :)

I'm not certain that the boilerplate is the right solution here; I think
it would be good for someone actually in favor of the rule to check out
whether it works in generics (specs and bodies). In bodies, in particular,
it would seem to pretty much disallow extension aggregates (as anything
that *might* be build-in-place -- which is any type and surely any formal
type -- would trigger the rule). Surely it should apply to any function
that returns a descendant of a generic formal type, for instance (I don't
understand why Bob only discusses formal functions in his assume-the-worst
rule). Such a function could have been inherited from an interface or
formal derived type, or be a local function. The problem would still
exist for all of those.

Anyway, I'm sure we'll discuss this more next week.


From: Gary Dismukes
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2008  1:07 AM

> No, no, no. The discussion I remember is someone stating *after* the 
> rule was adopted that it would not work. I note that the minutes has a 
> note that Steve Baird said something "on Sunday" about generic bodies; 
> perhaps that is the concern that was raised that I am remembering. 
> Perhaps it was at breakfast on Sunday and not lunch (we were on that veranda a lot).

OK, sorry.  I was thinking of a discussion during Saturday lunch.

> I'm not certain that the boilerplate is the right solution here; I 
> think it would be good for someone actually in favor of the rule to 
> check out whether it works in generics (specs and bodies). In bodies, 
> in particular, it would seem to pretty much disallow extension 
> aggregates (as anything that *might* be build-in-place -- which is any 
> type and surely any formal type -- would trigger the rule). Surely it 
> should apply to any function that returns a descendant of a generic 
> formal type, for instance (I don't understand why Bob only discusses 
> formal functions in his assume-the-worst rule). Such a function could 
> have been inherited from an interface or formal derived type, or be a
> local function. The problem would still exist for all of those.

Well, it couldn't be any formal type, it would have to be limited, but you
may be right that it has to be pretty restrictive in generics.

> Anyway, I'm sure we'll discuss this more next week.

Sorry I won't be there for the discussion -- as it happens I'll be in
Wisconsin at that time. I hope the flooding's mostly over by the time
we arrive (and that you don't end up getting stuck there!).

Have a good meeting!


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008  12:11 AM

A tiny nitpick on the following wording:

>If the ancestor_part is a function call and the type requires build-in-place
>(see 7.6), then the ancestor_part shall have a constrained nominal 
>subtype, unless the record_component_association_list is *null record*.

This means that
    (F with null record) is always legal, but
    (F with others => <>) might not be legal, even if <> is not associated
         with any components.

We've worked hard to ensure that these two are always equivalent, and this
wording needs to reflect that. We probably need to add: "... is *null
record* {or is *others* => <> with no associated components}."


From: Edmond Schonberg
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008  1:42 AM

> We've worked hard to ensure that these two are always equivalent, and 
> this wording needs to reflect that. We probably need to add: "... is 
> *null record* {or is *others* => <> with no associated components}."

Why not just say "unless the type is a null extension"?


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008  2:01 AM

I was thinking there was some reason for this to be syntactical. If not,
"unless the type of the extension aggregate is a null extension" would
work. (I think it is necessary to identify which type, because it isn't
clear whether we're talking about the type of the ancestor part or the
type of the aggregate as a whole. The first reference can afford to be
sloppy (either works), but this one cannot.)


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008  2:32 AM

Just because a type is a null extension, the extension aggregate might
still have lots of components specified, since the ancestor part need
not be of the immediate parent type, but may be a more distant ancestor.

I think you could say something like "... unless there are no components
needed in the record_component_association_list of the extension
aggregate," since that is exactly when *null record* is allowed.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008  9:25 PM

My notes for the minutes on AI05-0067-1 say:

Tucker doesn't like the change to 7.6(16). Randy explains the reasons
(the canonical semantics apply to limited and nonlimited), Tucker would
prefer no change at all. But Randy disagrees, and Ed eventually stops the
discussion as non-productive. The rest of the group doesn't seem to have
an opinion on the issue, so Randy and Tuck are directed to resolve this
between themselves.

This morning you said that you had come to agree with me, but since there
are a number of issues where you disagreed with me (but not as significantly),
I'm not sure we have the right one. So let me explain my reasoning in a
message and you can tell me if you still want a reword and what it ought to be.

The proposed wording change is to the first sentence of 7.6(16):
  To adjust the value of a [(nonlimited)] composite object, the values of the components
  of the object are first adjusted in an arbitrary order, and then, if the object is
  {nonlimited} controlled, Adjust is called.

The reason for the change is to ensure that the semantics is defined for all
objects, regardless of whether they are limited or not. I think you were trying to
convince me that the limited case cannot happen and should not be adjusted at all,
but I don’t think that is correct.

Remember that this is "limited", not "immutably limited". So this covers types
that are not necessarily build-in-place. If they are not built-in-place, then
the "the object is not adjusted" when it mutates doesn't apply and we have to
define what happens. That is important because we surely want any non-limited
controlled components to get adjusted. Thus the parenthetical remark is wrong
and needs to be dropped.

For example:

     package P is
         type LP is limited private;
         function Constructor return LP;
         type LP is record
             Comp : <Some Non-limited controlled type>;
         end record;
     end P;

     with P;
     package Q is
         Obj : P.LP := P.Constructor; -- (1)
     end Q;

If the function call at (1) is not built-in-place, then there is a copy going on
for a supposedly limited type. That copy includes Comp, and the Adjust of the
type of Comp ought to be called (else we would have model breakage where
Adjusts and Finalizes wouldn't match up and/or pointers wouldn't get updated
and would point nowhere [and 7.6(26/2) would be violated]).

Technically, we probably don't need the inserted "nonlimited", as any "limited
controlled" type would require build-in-place and by the new AI05-0067-1 would
never be adjusted. But I don't like that we've defined this for limited types
(as noted above) and yet seem to require calling a non-existent procedure
for limited controlled. That looks bad. I could see adding an AARM "Honest"
note to say that because of the Notwithstanding build-in-place rules, it's not
actually possible for a "limited controlled" type be to Adjusted.


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008  9:47 PM

Yes, this was the issue, and yes "I was wrong"!
The case of a non-build-in-place limited type with nonlimited controlled components
is exactly the case that convinced me you were right and I was off base.  Clearly
when you return one of these beasts and it is not built in place, the controlled
components need to be adjusted.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008  10:51 PM

I noticed that after applying the changes of AI05-0067-1, we have the three
bullets here that all start with "For an assignment_statement...". That looks

Moreover, the lead-in starts "An implementation is allowed to relax the above
rules (for controlled types)...", but the second bullet applies only to
non-controlled types, so it surely isn't relaxing any controlled type rules!
This is confusing (at least to me). I think it would be better to talk about
relaxing rules for assignment, since we're really talking about relaxing 7.6(13-17)
in a number of special cases. (Those rules are mainly visible in the case of
controlled types, but that seems like unnecessary information when defining the rules.)

So I think these paragraphs should be changed to something like:

An implementation is allowed to relax the above rules for assignment_statements
in the following ways:

* If an object is assigned the value of that same object, the implementation need
not do anything. 

* For assignment of a noncontrolled type, the implementation may finalize and assign
each component of the variable separately (rather than finalizing the entire variable
and assigning the entire new value) unless a discriminant of the variable is changed
by the assignment. 

* The implementation need not create an anonymous object if the value being assigned
is the result of evaluating a name denoting an object (the source object) whose
storage cannot overlap with the target. If the source object might overlap with
the target object, then the implementation can avoid the need for an intermediary
anonymous object by exercising one of the above permissions and perform the assignment
one component at a time (for an overlapping array assignment), or not at all (for
an assignment where the target and the source of the assignment are the same object).

Should this be done? (Or something like it?) If so, should this be done as part of
the editorial review of AI05-0067-1, or do we have to create a separate AI for it?


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008  10:58 PM

Feels like an editorial review kind of thing to me.


From: Randy Brukardt
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008  11:11 PM

You didn't say whether you thought the change *ought* to be done. That's slightly
more important than *how* it is done. :-)


From: Tucker Taft
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008  11:20 PM

Sorry, I thought that was implicit.  Yes, I like your rewording.


From: Edmond Schonberg
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008  7:57 AM

>> Feels like an editorial review kind of thing to me.

Ditto, and it is an (explicitly!) an improvement.


From: Pascal Leroy
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008  8:21 AM

> Sorry, I thought that was implicit.  Yes, I like your rewording.

Same here.  FWIW, I like this AI.  Much better than the original Amendment.

Two typos in the AI in the AARM Discussion after 7.6(17): "Ada 95.We"
should be "Ada 95. We" and 7.5(8.e/2) should be 7.5(8.a/2).


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