CVS log for ais/ai-00243.txt

to ais/
Request differences between arbitrary revisions
Note: The reading versions are automatically formatted from the original source files, which contain no formatting. As such, they reflect a program's guess about the meaning of the contents of the source file, which cannot be accurate in all circumstances. The purpose of these versions is to make the files easier to read in normal circumstances; the formatting was created as a service to the Ada community by volunteers. If the format of the reading contains unacceptable errors, please refer to the regular unformatted version. As we cannot change the contents of the original source files, and it is impractical to build a formatter that can properly format largely unstructured text in all circumstances, please do not send comments on the quality of the formatting, use the regular raw version instead. The reading versions will be removed entirely if this guidance is not followed.

Reading version of 1.6
Modified 2005/06/16 23:47:14 by Randy with line changes +5 -4
CVS Tags: HEAD, AI070120, AI060306, AI051215, AI050615
Differences from 1.5
AI corrections based on AARM comments, to be approved (or changed) at the York ARG meeting.

Reading version of 1.5
Modified 2003/01/03 00:01:35 by randy with line changes +1 -0
CVS Tags: AI050415, AI041115, AI040915, AI040301, AI040125, AI030925, AI030620, AI-030201
Differences from 1.4
Updated statuses for results of WG0 meeting.

Reading version of 1.4
Modified 2002/12/04 23:43:37 by randy with line changes +6 -6
Differences from 1.3
Changes from Editorial Review by the ARG.

Reading version of 1.3
Modified 2002/10/29 20:24:57 by maintenance with line changes +2 -0
CVS Tags: AI021030
Differences from 1.2
Recent mail and changes from Bedford ARG meeting.

Reading version of 1.2
Modified 2000/10/06 22:00:51 by Randy with line changes +42 -0
CVS Tags: AI020210, AI011001, AI010601, AI001001
Differences from 1.1
Added mail, made corrections.

Reading version of 1.1
Modified 2000/10/05 02:47:31 by Randy
Added various E-Mail.

This form allows you to request differences between any two revisions of a file, by number or by tag.

Differences between

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