ACAA Header
This is a cross reference of all Ada 95 Issues, except for the presentation issues. Priority is Low, Medium, or High; Difficulty is Easy, Medium, or Hard. Some AIs have alternatives; these are used when the best solution is not apparent. Alternatives share the AI number, but have a different alternative number (following the second dash). For issues that probably will not be considered by the ARG, look in the Ada Commentaries Index. For Ada 2005 issues that have or will be considered by the ARG, look in the Ada 2005 Issues Index. For Ada 2012 issues that have or will be considered by the ARG, look in the Ada 2012 Issues Index. For Ada 2022 issues that have or will be considered by the ARG, look in the Ada 2022 Issues Index.
The Ada 95 Issues are indexed in numeric order, by the class of issue, by the current status, and by the section referenced.

AIs listed by Status

The statuses are:

Corrigendum 2001

AI95-00001-01/07   2000-07-11 -- Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream can raise Status_Error

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  A.12.01 (29)   A.12.01 (36)   13.13.01 (08-09)  
AI95-00002-01/04   1999-10-08 -- Subunits of a preelaborated subprogram

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  10.02.01 (11)  
AI95-00003-01/02   1999-09-15 -- Access types declared in shared passive generic packages
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.01 (07)  
AI95-00004-01/06   1999-08-31 -- Conversions to types derived from remote access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.02 (09)  
AI95-00007-01/02   2000-07-11 -- Enumeration_IO does not allow instantiation for a float type
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.10 (17)  
AI95-00012-01/04   1999-10-07 -- The first subtype of a type defined by an access[_type]_definition
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  3.10 (14)  
AI95-00026-01/06   2000-09-26 -- Stream_IO.Read and Stream_IO.Write advance the current index

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  A.12.01 (28-35)  
AI95-00028-01/01   1999-08-31 -- Should "pragma" be in boldface?

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  G.01.01 (02)  
AI95-00029-01/03   2000-04-11 -- Does Complex_IO handle extended real literals?

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  G.01.03 (12)  
AI95-00030-01/01   1999-08-31 -- The word "prefix" should be in sans serif font

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  3.06.02 (02)  
AI95-00033-01/07   1999-10-07 -- Delayed declaration of inherited primitive subprograms
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.03.01 (03)   7.03.01 (04)   7.03.01 (05)   7.03.01 (06)  
AI95-00036-01/06   2000-04-11 -- What are the rules for named notation in pragmas?

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  2.08 (04)   B.01 (09)  
AI95-00037-01/07   1999-08-31 -- In Interfaces.C, nul and wide_nul represent zero
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  B.03 (20)   B.03 (30-31)   B.03 (63)  
AI95-00039-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Effect of Update(Null_Ptr,...)

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  B.03.01 (44)  
AI95-00041-01/14   2000-07-13 -- Program unit pragmas in generic units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  8.03 (16)   8.03 (18)   10.01.05 (07)   12.03 (13)   12.03 (14)  
AI95-00043-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Predefined operators for generic formal array types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  12.05 (08)  
AI95-00044-01/06   1999-10-07 -- Overriding by implicit declarations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  8.03 (09-10)   8.03 (26)  
AI95-00047-01/05   2000-04-11 -- {User-defined} Read and Write attributes

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  E.02.02 (14)  
AI95-00048-01/10   2000-04-11 -- An RCI unit can be a library subprogram
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.03 (07)   E.02.03 (09-14)   E.02.03 (19)   E.02 (04)  
AI95-00050-01/03   1999-08-31 -- External files of Standard_Input and Standard_Output

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.03 (25)   A.14 (03)   A.10 (05)  
AI95-00054-01/03   1999-08-31 -- When is a Small clause allowed?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.05.10 (02)  
AI95-00057-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Text_IO.Flush should use mode 'in'

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.01 (21)   A.10.03 (20)   A.12.01 (25)  
AI95-00062-01/06   1999-10-07 -- Derived access types share the same pool

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  3.04 (31)   3.10 (07)  
AI95-00063-01/07   2000-07-13 -- Erroneous execution for closing default files
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.03 (23)  
AI95-00064-01/10   2000-04-20 -- Elaboration checks for renamings-as-body
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  3.11 (10)   3.11.01 (01)   8.05.04 (08)  
AI95-00066-01/01   1999-08-31 -- Incorrect syntax in example -- remove "limited"

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.11 (39)  
AI95-00067-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Pragma Restrictions(Max_Tasks, Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.07 (15)   D.07 (17-19)  
AI95-00068-01/02   1999-09-15 -- Number of queuing policies defined

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.04 (01)  
AI95-00070-01/02   2000-06-19 -- Incorrect picture string example

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  F.03.02 (74)  
AI95-00071-01/04   2000-06-19 -- Correction to the Valid function in COBOL interface
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  B.04 (63-65)  
AI95-00072-01/04   2000-04-11 -- Clarification of result length for conversions in COBOL interface
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  B.04 (71)   B.04 (79)   B.04 (87)  
AI95-00081-01/02   2000-04-11 -- Integer_Text_IO, etc. not listed in A(2)

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  A (02)  
AI95-00082-01/03   2000-04-11 -- The PCS may be defined by the user

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-08
    RM References:  E.04 (20)   E.05 (24)  
AI95-00083-01/07   2000-07-13 -- Aggregates of a controlled type

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06 (17)   7.06 (21)  
AI95-00089-01/06   2000-04-11 -- Float_Random.Value, Discrete_Random.Value
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  A.05.02 (40)  
AI95-00091-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Pragma Locking_Policy cannot be in a program unit

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  D.03 (06)  
AI95-00092-01/08   1999-09-15 -- Priority changes due to Set_Priority and Hold are not transitive
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  D.11 (05)   D.01 (21)   D.01 (22)  
AI95-00093-01/06   2000-07-31 -- Float_Type'Small

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.01.04 (12)  
AI95-00095-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Modular types on one's complement machines
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Ramification                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.05.04 (07)   3.05.04 (27)  
AI95-00098-01/02   1999-08-31 -- unknown_discriminant_parts on generic formal types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.07 (08)   12.05 (10)  
AI95-00101-01/06   1999-09-15 -- Abort_Task has a parameter of mode 'in'

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  C.07.01 (03)  
AI95-00104-01/08   1999-09-15 -- Version and Body_Version attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  E.03 (05)  
AI95-00106-01/10   2000-07-11 -- Freezing rules
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  13.14 (06)   13.14 (08)   13.14 (11)   13.14 (04)  
AI95-00108-01/08   2000-07-31 -- Inheritance of stream attributes for type extensions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  13.13.02 (09)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36)  
AI95-00111-01/03   2000-04-11 -- Accept body not defined

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.11 (18)   J.07.01 (16)   J.07.01 (20)  
AI95-00113-01/04   1999-09-13 -- Exception raised by Month, Day, Seconds in Ada.Calendar?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  9.06 (26)  
AI95-00116-01/05   2000-06-21 -- Elaboration of a task with no task_definition
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  9.01 (09)  
AI95-00117-01/08   2000-04-11 -- Calling conventions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.09.02 (10)   6.03.01 (13)   13.01 (11)   B.01 (28)  
AI95-00118-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Termination signals query of Terminate attribute
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  9.10 (06)  
AI95-00121-01/06   2000-04-11 -- Pragma Attach_Handler on nested objects
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (12)   C.03.01 (14)  
AI95-00123-01/12   2000-08-17 -- Equality for composite types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  4.05.02 (24)   4.05.02 (32)  
AI95-00124-01/04   1999-08-31 -- The AE characters are allowed in identifiers
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  1.02 (08)   2.01 (08)  
AI95-00126-01/11   2000-07-13 -- Classification of language-defined packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  E.02.02 (08)   7.06 (04)   A.05.01 (09)   G.01.01 (25)   G.01.02 (09)  
AI95-00127-01/10   2000-07-31 -- Expected type of a 'Access attribute
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.09.02 (07)   3.09.02 (09)   3.10.02 (24)   3.10.02 (27)   4.08 (03)  
AI95-00128-01/08   2000-07-31 -- String packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (68)   A.04.04 (101)   A.04.04 (102-105)   A.04.05 (86-87)   A.04.03 (2,74)  
AI95-00130-01/07   2000-04-11 -- Enforcing Restrictions might violate the generic contract model
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  13.12 (08)   13.12 (09)   D.07 (04)   H.04 (08)  
AI95-00131-01/11   2000-04-11 -- Interface to C -- passing records as parameters of mode 'in'
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  B.01 (01)   B.01 (13-18)   B.01 (60-61)   B.01 (68-69)  
AI95-00132-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Exception raised at end of stream
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.13.01 (08)   13.13.02 (35)   A.13 (13)  
AI95-00135-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Circular renamings as body
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  8.05.04 (05)   8.05.04 (08)  
AI95-00136-01/06   1999-08-31 -- Placement of program unit pragmas in generic packages
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  10.01.05 (05)  
AI95-00137-01/08   2000-08-31 -- Attribute definition clause for stream attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.01 (10-11)  
AI95-00139-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Interfaces.C.Strings.Value raises Constraint_Error when Length is 0
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  B.03.01 (36)  
AI95-00140-01/06   2000-07-11 -- Semantics of Interfaces.C.Strings.To_Char_Ptr when Nul_Check is False
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  B.03.01 (24)  
AI95-00142-01/01   1999-08-31 -- Incorrect example for Interfaces.C.Pointers

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  B.03.02 (49)  
AI95-00145-01/04   2000-07-13 -- Profile of predefined operators for scalar types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.05 (15)   8.05.04 (05)   A.01 (07)   A.01 (09-10)  
AI95-00150-01/07   1999-10-07 -- Uniqueness of component names
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  8.03 (26)  
AI95-00151-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Bounds of string returned by Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Range
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  A.04.02 (63)  
AI95-00153-01/03   1999-09-15 -- Picture string grammar or composition rules need tightening
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  F.03.01 (04-38)   F.03.01 (01)   F.03.01 (43)  
AI95-00156-01/07   2000-07-31 -- Polar implementation of complex exponentiation for negative exponents
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  G.01.01 (55)  
AI95-00159-01/07   2000-05-30 -- Shared variables in Shared_Passive?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  9.10 (00)   E.04 (20)  
AI95-00164-01/07   2000-09-26 -- Definition of remote access type
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  E.02.02 (09)  
AI95-00165-01/08   2000-06-19 -- Recursive use of task attributes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  C.07.02 (13)   C.07.02 (15)   C.07.02 (16)  
AI95-00166-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Parameterless_Handler values designating default treatment
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  C.03.02 (16)   C.03.02 (18)  
AI95-00168-01/09   2000-09-25 -- Aliased objects cannot have discriminants modified
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   3.07.01 (07)  
AI95-00169-01/06   2000-08-18 -- Exceptions raised by Adjust/Finalize -- missing cases
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (14)   7.06.01 (17)  
AI95-00171-01/09   2000-07-13 -- Elaboration of subtype_indications with per-object constraints
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.08 (18)   3.03.01 (18)   3.06 (22)   4.03.01 (19)   4.08 (10)   9.04 (14)   9.05.02 (22)  
AI95-00175-01/04   2000-07-31 -- Full conformance of expressions with attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-25
    RM References:  6.03.01 (19)   6.03.01 (21)  
AI95-00176-01/05   1999-08-31 -- Access_Check is performed for access discriminants
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  11.05 (11)  
AI95-00177-01/04   1999-09-15 -- Interfaces.C.Strings.Value with Length returning String
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  B.03.01 (40)  
AI95-00181-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Components of Stream_Element_Array should be aliased
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  13.13.01 (04)   13.13.01 (09)  
AI95-00182-01/05   1999-10-07 -- Extension aggregates with controlled subcomponents
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06 (11)   7.06.01 (13)  
AI95-00184-01/08   2000-07-13 -- Definiteness and type derivation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.06 (05)   4.06 (54)   8.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00190-01/05   1999-10-08 -- Compile-time enforcement of pragma Restrictions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  13.12 (09)   D.07 (15)  
AI95-00192-01/06   2000-04-11 -- A library subprogram_body should replace, not complete, an instance
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-08
    RM References:  6.03 (04)   10.01.04 (04)  
AI95-00193-01/06   1999-09-15 -- Initialize, Adjust, and exceptions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  7.06.01 (04)   7.06.01 (16)  
AI95-00194-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Error in Standard_Error definition
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  A.10.03 (12)  
AI95-00202-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Primitives of formal type derived from another formal type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  12.05.01 (21)  
AI95-00203-01/04   1999-10-06 -- S'Digits when T'Machine_Radix is 10
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.05.08 (02)  
AI95-00205-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Priority changes in abortable part
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  D.04 (10)   D.04 (11)  
AI95-00207-01/05   2000-07-10 -- Only the current unit is affected by pragma Inspection_Point
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  H.03.02 (5)   H.03.02 (8)  
AI95-00208-01/05   1999-08-31 -- What is the meaning of "same representation" in all partitions?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  E.02 (13)  
AI95-00213-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Formal object matching for formal packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  12.07 (05)   12.07 (06)  
AI95-00215-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Returning remote class-wide values
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  E.04 (18)  

Records of Response 2000

AI95-00018-01/05   2000-01-24 -- Inconsistency with Ada 83 in the definition of exponentiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  4.05.06 (11)  
AI95-00025-01/05   2000-07-12 -- Matching rules for generic formal access-to-constant types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00034-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Unconstrained formal types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  3.02 (09)  
AI95-00035-01/06   2000-01-25 -- Type descriptors can be laid out at compile time
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  7.03.01 (07)  
AI95-00038-01/05   2000-01-25 -- Mapping between Interfaces.C.char and Standard.Character

    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  B.03 (46)  
AI95-00040-01/07   2000-07-12 -- A box for a formal subprogram_default freezes the actual
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  13.14 (05)  
AI95-00053-01/06   2000-08-29 -- Case sensitivity of Wide_Value and Value attributes

    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  3.05 (43)  
AI95-00069-01/03   2000-01-25 -- One queuing policy per partition

    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  D.04 (15)  
AI95-00077-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Separate compilation of generic bodies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  10.01.04 (03)  
AI95-00087-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Saving and restoring Current_Output
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  A.10.03 (00)  
AI95-00097-01/07   2000-01-25 -- Conversions between access types with different representations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  4.06 (47)  
AI95-00103-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Storage pools and access types designating task types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  13.11 (00)  
AI95-00115-01/03   2000-07-13 -- Controlled types in language-defined generic packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   7.06 (04)   A (00)  
AI95-00119-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Is normal termination an "external interaction"?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  1.01.03 (15)  
AI95-00125-01/04   2000-07-12 -- Order of Size and Small clauses for fixed point types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  13.03 (55)  
AI95-00152-01/06   2000-01-25 -- Operators not inherited from root numeric types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  4.05.05 (17)  
AI95-00157-01/06   2000-07-13 -- Visibility of inherited private components
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  7.03 (15)  
AI95-00160-01/04   2000-07-12 -- Daylight savings and Ada.Calendar
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  9.06 (24)  
AI95-00179-01/05   2000-07-12 -- Finalization and Unchecked_Deallocation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  7.06.01 (17)  
AI95-00180-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Pragma Elaborate for child units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  10.01.02 (06)  
AI95-00183-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Primitive operations declared before it is known if the type is tagged
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  3.09.02 (01)  
AI95-00206-01/05   2000-07-07 -- Ada.Task_Identification.Is_Callable for the environment task
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  C.07.01 (10)  
AI95-00211-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Can an abstract subprogram be renamed?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  8.05.04 (7)  

Amendment 2007

AI95-00051-02/03   2005-04-03 -- Size and Alignment clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (30)   13.03 (31)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (42)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (50)
                    13.03 (56)   13.03 (53)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00051-01
AI95-00085-01/09   2005-01-25 -- Append_File, Reset, and positioning for Stream_IO
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  A.08.02 (16)   A.12.01 (28.1)   A.12.01 (33)  
AI95-00100-01/05   2004-04-22 -- Truncation required for static expressions if Machine_Rounds is false
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  4.09 (38)   3.05.09 (08)  
AI95-00133-01/06   2005-08-09 -- Controlling bit ordering
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  13.05.03 (08)   13.03 (08)   13.05.01 (10)   13.05.01 (13)   13.05.01 (17)   13.05.02 (02)   13.05.02 (03)   13.05.02 (04)  
AI95-00147-01/12   2002-11-23 -- Optimization of controlled types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  7.06 (21)  
AI95-00158-01/06   2005-03-07 -- Primitives of a class-wide generic actual type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-09
    RM References:  12.05 (06)   12.05.01 (23)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00162-01/09   2005-08-21 -- Anonymous access types and task termination/controlled type finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.10.02 (3)   3.10.02 (7)   3.10.02 (13)   6.05 (18)   7.06.01 (3)   7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (13.1)   9.03 (2)
                    9.03 (3)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00167-01/04   2003-05-03 -- Scalar unchecked conversion can be used with 'Valid to prevent erroneousness
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-19
    RM References:  13.09.01 (12)  
AI95-00185-01/05   2005-12-05 -- Branch cuts of inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  G.01.02 (15)   G.01.02 (16)   G.01.02 (17)   G.01.02 (20)  
AI95-00188-02/04   2005-12-05 -- Setting a task base priority is immediate
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  D.05 (10)   D.05 (12)   D.04 (15)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00188-01
AI95-00195-01/17   2005-08-08 -- Streams
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  8.03 (23)   13.13.02 (09/1)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (35)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.13.02 (36.1/1)  
AI95-00196-01/04   2004-11-15 -- Assignment and tag-indeterminate calls with controlling results
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  3.09.02 (17)   3.09.02 (18)  
AI95-00200-01/04   2005-11-15 -- Generic formal subprograms as dispatching operations
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  3.02.03 (07)  
AI95-00204-01/06   2004-11-08 -- Language interfacing support is optional
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.02 (12)  
AI95-00209-01/04   2004-05-21 -- pragma Reviewable; can objects become uninitialized?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  H.03.01 (8)   H.03.02 (9)  
AI95-00212-01/04   2004-09-16 -- Restrictions on configuration pragmas
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  10.01.05 (09)  
AI95-00214-01/04   2004-11-08 -- Distinct Names for Compilation Units (again)
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  10.01.04 (07)  
AI95-00216-01/17   2005-09-28 -- Unchecked unions -- variant records with no run-time discriminant
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-17
    RM References:  B.03.03 (00)   B.03 (60.2)   B.03 (74)  
AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00218-03/09   2005-05-27 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-21
    RM References:  8.03.01 (1)   2.09 (2)   6.01 (2)   6.01 (3)   6.01 (30)   6.03 (2)   8.05.04 (2)   10.01.03 (3)
                    12.03 (2)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-02
AI95-00220-01/03   2002-11-27 -- Subprograms withing private compilation units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-24
    RM References:  10.01.02 (8)  
AI95-00221-01/04   2005-08-09 -- Default_Bit_Order is static
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  13.07 (15)   13.07 (35)  
AI95-00223-01/03   2001-09-07 -- Line terminators are skipped by Get.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  A.10.06 (05)  
AI95-00224-01/11   2005-06-10 -- pragma Unsuppress
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-17
    RM References:  11.05 (1)   11.05 (3)   11.05 (4)   11.05 (5)   11.05 (6)   11.05 (7)   11.05 (8)   11.05 (27)
                    11.05 (29)   11.05 (30)   11.05 (32)   J.10 (00)  
AI95-00225-01/04   2002-06-07 -- Aliased current instance for limited types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  3.10 (09)  
AI95-00226-01/03   2004-11-30 -- Cyclic Elaboration Dependences
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  E.01 (10)  
AI95-00227-01/05   2001-09-11 -- Behavior of Ada.Streams.Read when at the end of stream
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-01-17
    RM References:  13.13.01 (4)   13.13.01 (5)   13.13.01 (8)  
AI95-00228-01/07   2005-09-20 -- Premature use of "shall be overridden" subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  3.09.03 (6)   8.05.04 (5/1)  
AI95-00229-01/07   2004-11-24 -- Accessibility rules and generics
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  3.10.02 (32)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00233-01/03   2002-05-09 -- Inheritance of components of generic formal derived types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (20)   12.05.01 (21)  
AI95-00235-01/08   2005-02-05 -- Resolving 'Access
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  3.10.02 (02)   4.01.04 (14/1)  
AI95-00237-01/08   2005-02-28 -- Finalization of task attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  C.07.01 (17)   C.07.02 (13)   C.07.02 (15.1/1)   C.07.02 (17)   C.07.02 (30)  
AI95-00238-01/03   2002-05-09 -- What is the lower bound of Ada.Strings.Bounded.Slice?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  A.04.04 (101)  
AI95-00239-01/04   2004-11-08 -- Controlling inherited default expressions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.02 (18)  
AI95-00240-01/04   2002-05-09 -- Stream attributes for limited types in Annex E
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  E.02.02 (8)   E.02.02 (14)   E.02.03 (14)  
AI95-00241-01/03   2001-09-11 -- Testing for Null_Occurrence
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  11.04.01 (14)  
AI95-00242-01/02   2001-10-18 -- Surprise behavior of Update
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  B.03.01 (50)  
AI95-00243-01/03   2005-06-08 -- Is a subunit of a subunit of L also a subunit of L?
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  10.01.03 (8)  
AI95-00246-01/06   2004-12-29 -- View conversions between arrays of a by-reference type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   4.06 (12.1)   4.06 (09)   4.06 (24)  
AI95-00247-01/03   2005-04-04 -- Alignment of composite types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  13.03 (26)   13.03 (37)  
AI95-00248-01/17   2006-02-03 -- Directory Operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-12
    RM References:  A.16 (00)   A.08.02 (22)  
AI95-00249-01/12   2005-10-01 -- Ravenscar profile for high-integrity systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  D.13 (01)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00252-01/10   2005-02-05 -- Object.Operation notation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-23
    RM References:  4.01.03 (09)   4.01.03 (13)   4.01.03 (15)   4.01.03 (17)   6.03.01 (10)  
AI95-00253-01/04   2005-08-17 -- The legality rules for pragmas Attach_Handler and Interrupt_Handler are similar
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  C.03.01 (08)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00255-01/03   2002-10-25 -- Object renaming of subcomponents of generic in out objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-25
    RM References:  8.05.01 (05)   12.04 (09)  
AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  
AI95-00257-01/05   2005-08-20 -- Restrictions for implementation-defined entities
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  13.12.01 (01)  
AI95-00258-01/03   2001-09-11 -- Behavior of Interfaces.C.To_C when the result is null
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  B.03 (50)  
AI95-00259-01/05   2003-05-02 -- Can accesses to volatile objects be combined?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  C.06 (21)  
AI95-00260-02/09   2006-02-01 -- Abstract formal subprograms and dispatching constuctors
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (18)   3.09 (25)   3.09 (26)   3.09 (30)   3.09.02 (01)
                    3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (22)   3.09.03 (03)   3.09.03 (11)   12.06 (02)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (08)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00260-01
AI95-00262-01/09   2005-07-11 -- Access to private units in the private part
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-11
    RM References:  10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (08)  
AI95-00263-01/03   2002-11-27 -- Scalar formal derived types are never static
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-25
    RM References:  4.09 (29)  
AI95-00265-01/09   2005-10-08 -- Partition Elaboration Policy for High-Integrity Systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  H.06 (00)  
AI95-00266-02/12   2005-10-01 -- Task termination procedure
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-25
    RM References:  C.07.03 (01)   C.07 (00)   C.07 (01)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00266-01
AI95-00267-01/06   2005-10-13 -- Fast float-to-integer conversions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  4.06 (33)   A.05.03 (41)  
AI95-00268-01/04   2005-05-16 -- Rounding of real static expressions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  4.09 (38)  
AI95-00269-01/08   2005-07-07 -- Generic formal objects can be static in the instance
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  4.09 (35)   4.09 (36)   4.09 (37)   4.09 (38)   12.04 (10)  
AI95-00270-01/08   2005-05-09 -- Stream item size control
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  13.13.02 (02)   13.13.02 (09/1)   13.13.02 (17)   13.03 (77)  
AI95-00272-01/02   2002-05-10 -- Pragma Atomic and slices
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  C.06 (07)  
AI95-00273-01/02   2002-05-09 -- Use of PCS should not be normative
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  E.05 (01)   E.05 (27)  
AI95-00276-01/02   2001-11-27 -- Interfaces.C.Strings.Chars_Ptr_Array has aliased components
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  B.03.01 (06)  
AI95-00279-01/09   2005-08-08 -- Tag read by T'Class'Input
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-24
    RM References:  13.13.02 (34)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (26)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (19/1)  
AI95-00280-01/08   2005-12-05 -- Allocation, deallocation, and use of objects after finalization
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  9.04 (20)   4.08 (11)   7.06.01 (11)   11.05 (20)   11.05 (21)  
AI95-00283-01/04   2005-08-11 -- Truncation of stream files by Close and Reset
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  A.12.01 (28)   A.08.02 (03)   A.08.02 (10)   A.08.02 (16)   A.08 (01)  
AI95-00284-02/03   2004-11-09 -- New reserved words
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  2.09 (02)   J.12 (01)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00284-01
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00286-01/11   2005-12-05 -- Assert pragma
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  11.04.02 (01)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00291-02/06   2005-10-10 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (7)   13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)
                    13.03 (24)   13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (34)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-01
AI95-00296-01/12   2005-12-05 -- Vector and matrix operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  G.03 (01)   G.03.01 (01)   G.03.02 (01)   G (05)   G (06)  
AI95-00297-01/15   2005-12-05 -- Timing events
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.13.01 (01)   D.15 (01)  
AI95-00298-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Non-Preemptive Dispatching
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02.04 (00)  
AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  
AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00303-01/03   2004-12-02 -- Removal of library-level requirement for interrupt handler objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  C.03.01 (08)   C.03.01 (13)  
AI95-00305-01/14   2005-09-20 -- New pragma and additional restriction identifiers for real-time systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.07 (19)   H.05 (01)   9.05.01 (22)  
AI95-00306-01/03   2003-05-22 -- Class-wide extension aggregate expressions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  4.03.02 (05)  
AI95-00307-01/13   2005-10-01 -- Execution-time clocks
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.14 (00)   D.14.01 (00)  
AI95-00309-01/02   2004-11-30 -- Pragma Inline compatibility
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  6.03.02 (06)   6.03.02 (03)   10.01.05 (02)   10.01.05 (05)   10.01.05 (06)  
AI95-00310-01/04   2003-05-22 -- Ignore abstract nondispatching subprograms during overloading
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-19
    RM References:  6.04 (08)  
AI95-00311-01/04   2005-11-15 -- Static matching of scalar formal subtypes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  4.09 (31)   4.09.01 (01)  
AI95-00312-01/03   2005-10-13 -- Environment-level visibility rules and generic children
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  10.01.06 (05)   10.01.06 (02)   4.01.03 (04)  
AI95-00316-01/02   2003-05-22 -- Return accessibility checks and value conversions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  6.05 (18)  
AI95-00317-01/11   2005-08-09 -- Partial parameter lists for formal packages
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  12.07 (03)   12.07 (05)   12.07 (06)   12.07 (10)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00320-01/05   2005-08-20 -- Violating Ada semantics with an interfacing pragma
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.01 (38)   B.01 (49)  
AI95-00321-01/06   2005-10-01 -- Definition of dispatching policies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02 (01)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.01 (02)   D.02.01 (04)   D.02.01 (05)   D.02.01 (06)   D.02.01 (07)   D.02.01 (08)
                    D.02.01 (09)   D.02.01 (10)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (07)   D.02.02 (08)   D.02.02 (09)
                    D.02.02 (10)   D.02.02 (11)   D.02.02 (12)   D.02.02 (13)   D.02.02 (14)   D.02.02 (15)   D.02.02 (16)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.02.02 (18)   D.02.02 (19)   D.02.02 (20)   D.02.02 (21)   D.02.03 (01)   D.05 (15)  
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  
AI95-00327-01/13   2006-02-08 -- Dynamic ceiling priorities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.03 (13)   D.03 (06)   D.03 (08)   D.03 (09)   D.03 (10)   D.05 (00)   D.05.01 (00)   D.05.02 (00)
                    D.07 (09)  
AI95-00328-01/03   2003-12-03 -- Preinstantiations of Complex_IO
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-15
    RM References:  G.01.03 (10)  
AI95-00329-01/06   2004-11-04 -- pragma No_Return -- procedures that never return
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  6.05.01 (01)   11.04.01 (04)   11.04.01 (14)  
AI95-00330-01/02   2004-12-03 -- Generic actual parameters are always value conversions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  4.06 (05)  
AI95-00331-01/02   2004-11-30 -- 10.1.1(19) doesn't handle multiple nesting?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  10.01.01 (19)  
AI95-00332-01/04   2004-12-02 -- Resolution of qualified expressions and object renamings
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  8.06 (27)  
AI95-00333-01/07   2005-10-05 -- Other Locking_Policies can be used with FIFO_Within_Priorities
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (03)  
AI95-00334-01/03   2004-11-08 -- Is overriding of abstract equality required?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)  
AI95-00335-01/05   2005-11-23 -- Stream attributes may be dispatching subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.02 (01)  
AI95-00337-01/03   2005-02-28 -- Applicability of C interfacing advice to private types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  B.03 (71)  
AI95-00340-01/04   2004-05-29 -- Mod attribute
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.05.04 (16)  
AI95-00341-01/02   2003-11-08 -- Primitive subprograms are frozen with a tagged type
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  13.14 (15)  
AI95-00343-01/01   2003-08-04 -- C_Pass_By_Copy convention is required
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  B.03 (68.1/1)   B.03 (69/1)  
AI95-00344-01/12   2005-08-08 -- Allow nested type extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-01
    RM References:  3.09 (04)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (25)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.01 (07)   4.08 (05)
                    4.08 (07)   6.05 (08)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00347-01/04   2005-08-08 -- Title of Annex H
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-23
    RM References:  H    1.01.02 (13)   13.12 (10)   H (1)   H.04    H.04 (2)  
AI95-00348-01/08   2005-05-23 -- Null procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-04-16
    RM References:  6.07 (01)   3.01 (03)   3.09.03 (1)   3.09.03 (3)   6.01 (03)   6.01 (04)   6.01 (20)   6.01 (30)
                    6.01 (31)   7.06 (06)   7.06 (08)   7.06 (09)   8.03.01 (1)   12.06 (03)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
AI95-00351-01/10   2005-12-05 -- Time operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-26
    RM References:  9.06 (11)   9.06 (24)   9.06.01 (01)   1.02 (5)  
AI95-00354-01/11   2005-12-05 -- Group execution-time budgets
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-25
    RM References:  D.14.02 (01)  
AI95-00355-01/10   2005-12-02 -- Priority Specific Dispatching including Round Robin
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.05 (00)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (01)   D.02.02 (02)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (04)   D.02.02 (06)
                    D.02.02 (06)   D.02.02 (17)   D.02.02 (18)   D.02.03 (01)   D.02.04 (01)   D.04 (07)   D.09 (14)  
AI95-00357-01/13   2005-12-02 -- Support for Deadlines and Earliest Deadline First Scheduling
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  D.02.06 (01)   D.01 (20)   D.11 (04)   D.11 (05)   D.11 (06)  
AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  
AI95-00361-01/06   2006-02-08 -- Raise with message
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  11.03 (2)   11.03 (3)   11.03 (4)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  
AI95-00364-01/06   2004-12-30 -- Fixed-point multiply/divide
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  4.05.05 (20)  
AI95-00366-01/12   2005-12-02 -- More liberal rules for Pure units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)   3.02 (6)   3.08 (9)   4.08 (5)   10.02.01 (17)   10.02.01 (18)   13.13.02 (36/1)   E.02.02 (8)
                    E.02.02 (14/1)   E.02.02 (17/1)   E.02.03 (14/1)  
AI95-00368-01/05   2005-08-20 -- Restrictions for obsolescent features
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  13.12 (7)   J (1)  
AI95-00370-01/06   2005-08-16 -- Environment variables
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  A.17 (00)  
AI95-00373-01/08   2005-10-12 -- Undefined discriminants caused by loose order of init requirements
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (18/1)   3.03.01 (19)   3.03.01 (20)   4.08 (07)   4.08 (08)   4.08 (10)   7.06 (10)
                    7.06 (11)  
AI95-00376-01/04   2005-08-17 -- Interfaces.C works for C++ as well
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.03 (01/1)   B.03 (02)   1.02 (8/1)  
AI95-00377-01/03   2004-11-30 -- Naming of generic child packages
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  8.03 (26/1)  
AI95-00378-01/02   2004-11-09 -- The bounds of Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  11.04.01 (10)   11.04.01 (12)   11.04.01 (13)  
AI95-00381-01/07   2005-10-13 -- New Restrictions identifier No_Dependence
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  13.12 (4)   13.12.01 (1)  
AI95-00382-01/05   2005-07-20 -- Current instance rule and anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  8.06 (17)   9.01 (19)   9.04 (21)  
AI95-00384-01/04   2004-11-09 -- Access to discriminated type conversion rules made symmetric
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  4.06 (16)  
AI95-00385-01/04   2005-03-23 -- Stand-alone objects of anonymous access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.03.01 (02)   3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (16)   3.10.02 (11)   7.04 (05)  
AI95-00386-01/03   2005-03-18 -- Further functions returning Time_Span values
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  D.08 (14)   D.08 (26)  
AI95-00387-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Introduction to Amendment
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References: 
AI95-00388-01/03   2005-10-10 -- Add Greek pi to Ada.Numerics
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  A.05 (3)  
AI95-00391-01/06   2005-09-20 -- Functions with controlling results in null extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.09.03 (04)   3.04 (27)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.03 (06)  
AI95-00392-01/02   2005-02-25 -- Prohibit unsafe array type conversions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-07
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   4.06 (39)   4.06 (24)  
AI95-00394-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Redundant Restriction Identifiers and completing Ravenscar definition
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  D.07 (09)   D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.13.01 (01)   H.04 (2)   H.04 (3)   H.04 (9)   H.04 (16)
                    H.04 (23)   J.13 (1)   13.12 (7)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  
AI95-00396-01/03   2005-05-18 -- The "no hidden interfaces" rule
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-13
    RM References:  3.09.04 (1)   7.03 (7)  
AI95-00397-01/08   2005-09-20 -- Conformance and overriding for entries and protected operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  6.03.01 (24)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)   9.05.02 (2)   9.05.02 (10)   9.05.02 (13)   10.01.01 (8)  
AI95-00398-01/02   2005-03-13 -- A parameter of a formal package should be given at most once
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-13
    RM References:  12.07 (4)  
AI95-00399-01/03   2005-06-05 -- Single task and protected objects implementing interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-08
    RM References:  9.01 (3)   9.04 (3)  
AI95-00400-01/04   2005-06-01 -- Wide_ and Wide_Wide_ images of identifiers
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-03
    RM References:  3.09 (7)   3.09 (10)   11.04.01 (2)   11.04.01 (5)   11.04.01 (12)   C.05 (7)  
AI95-00401-01/08   2006-01-13 -- Terminology for interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (17)   3.04 (18)   3.04 (22)   3.04 (23)
                    3.04 (23.1)   3.04 (27)   3.04 (35)   3.04.01 (02)   7.03 (16)   7.03 (20)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)
                    12.05.01 (05)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.01 (21)   12.05.05 (04)  
AI95-00402-01/02   2005-03-11 -- Access discriminants of non-limited types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-11
    RM References:  3.07 (10)   3.07 (11)   6.05 (20)  
AI95-00403-01/03   2005-05-05 -- Preelaboration checks and formal objects

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-17
    RM References:  10.02.01 (11)  
AI95-00404-01/06   2005-08-15 -- Not null and all in access parameters and types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  3.10 (6)   3.09.02 (11)  
AI95-00405-01/03   2005-03-10 -- Determining the ancestor interfaces in Ada.Tags
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.09 (7)   3.09 (12)  
AI95-00406-01/02   2005-03-08 -- Aliased permitted with anonymous access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-08
    RM References:  3.03.01 (2)   3.06 (7)  
AI95-00407-01/05   2005-05-18 -- Terminology and semantics of prefixed views
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  4.01.03 (09)   4.01.03 (13)   4.01.03 (17)   6.03.01 (10)   6.04 (10)  
AI95-00408-01/02   2005-02-26 -- Visibility for attribute_definition_clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-26
    RM References:  8.03 (23)   8.02 (10)  
AI95-00409-01/05   2006-01-06 -- Conformance and overload resolution related to anon access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-09
    RM References:  6.03.01 (15)   6.03.01 (16)   8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (3)   8.05.01 (4)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00411-01/02   2005-02-26 -- Predefined equality for types derived from interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-26
    RM References:  7.05 (4)   3.09.04 (1)  
AI95-00412-01/06   2005-07-12 -- Subtypes of incomplete types; renamings of limited views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  3.10.01 (2)   3.10.01 (7)   8.03 (20)   8.05.03 (3)   8.05.03 (4)   10.01.02 (8)  
AI95-00414-01/03   2005-05-19 -- pragma No_Return for overriding procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-09
    RM References:  6.05.01 (01)  
AI95-00415-01/04   2005-07-09 -- Presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  4.01 (11)   1.02 (03)   1.02 (04)   1.02 (07)   1.03 (01)   3.02 (08)   9.03 (07)   A.01 (35)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00417-01/01   2005-03-09 -- Lower bound of functions in Ada.Tags and Ada.Exceptions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-03
    RM References:  3.09 (12)   11.04.01 (12)  
AI95-00418-01/03   2005-05-05 -- Vector norm
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  G.03.01 (1)   G.03.02 (1)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00420-01/04   2005-12-05 -- Resolution of universal operators in package Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  4.05.05 (20)   4.05.02 (9)  
AI95-00421-01/04   2005-05-05 -- Sequential activation and attachment
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  H.06 (01)  
AI95-00423-01/09   2006-02-24 -- Renaming, null exclusion and formal objects
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-10
    RM References:  8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (4)   8.05.04 (4)   12.04 (2)   12.04 (5)   12.04 (7)   12.04 (9)   12.06 (8)  
AI95-00424-01/04   2006-02-08 -- List of language-defined units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-04-05
    RM References:  A (2)  
AI95-00425-01/02   2005-05-05 -- Organization of Annex M
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-04-06
    RM References:  M (1)   M.01 (1)   M.02 (1)   M.03 (1)  
AI95-00426-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Language-defined routines returning abnormal and invalid values
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  13.09.01 (6)   13.09 (11)   13.09.02 (12)  
AI95-00427-01/05   2005-07-20 -- Default parameters and Calendar operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  9.06.01 (1)  
AI95-00428-01/02   2005-05-05 -- Input-output for bounded strings
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  A.10.11 (1)  
AI95-00430-01/01   2005-05-05 -- Conventions of inherited subprograms
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  3.09.02 (10/1)  
AI95-00431-01/01   2005-05-05 -- Conversions to remote access-to-subprogram types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  E.02.02 (11)  
AI95-00432-01/02   2005-10-05 -- Out of range values in Ada.Real_Time
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  D.08 (24)   D.08 (26)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  
AI95-00435-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Storage pools for access-to-subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-18
    RM References:  13.11 (12)  
AI95-00436-01/01   2005-09-16 -- Record representation clauses for limited record types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-09-16
    RM References:  13.05.01 (8)  
AI95-00437-01/05   2006-04-19 -- Glossary updates for the Amendment
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-17
    RM References:  N (01)   N (03)   N (04)   N (06)   N (08)   N (12)   N (13)   N (15)
                    N (17)   N (19)   N (20)   N (21)   N (23)   N (24)   N (25)   N (29)
                    N (30)   N (33)   N (36)   N (37)   N (38)   N (40)   N (41)   N (42)  
AI95-00438-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Stream attribute availability for limited language-defined types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (06)   11.04.01 (16)  
AI95-00440-01/01   2005-10-21 -- Index of language-defined entities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  Q (00)   Q.01 (00)   Q.02 (00)   Q.03 (00)   Q.04 (00)   Q.05 (00)   Q.06 (00)  
AI95-00441-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Passing a null stream access value to stream attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-24
    RM References:  13.13.02 (04)   13.13.02 (07)   13.13.02 (12)   13.13.02 (15)   13.13.02 (20)   13.13.02 (23)   13.13.02 (30)   13.13.02 (33)
                    13.13.02 (60)   3.09 (18)  
AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  
AI95-00443-01/01   2005-12-14 -- Synchronized private extensions

    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-04
    RM References:  3.09.04 (1)   7.03 (3)   7.03 (6)   7.03 (8)   12.05.01 (3)   12.05.01 (5)   12.05.01 (5.1)  
AI95-00444-01/02   2006-02-24 -- Streaming of untagged types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-04
    RM References:  13.01 (15.1)   13.13.02 (8.1)   13.13.02 (25)   13.13.02 (41)  
AI95-00445-01/02   2006-01-18 -- Dynamic ceilings and interrupt handlers

    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-10
    RM References:  D.05.02 (1)  
AI95-00446-01/01   2006-02-03 -- Raise_Exception for Null_Id
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  11.04.01 (14)  

WG9 Approved

AI95-00006-01/02   1999-05-27 -- private child in with_clause
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  10.01.02 (08)  
AI95-00014-01/02   1999-05-27 -- ... and {its calling convention} shall not be Intrinsic.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  3.10.02 (32)  
AI95-00027-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Typo: is access all {Ada.}Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  A.12.02 (03)  
AI95-00031-01/05   2000-07-07 -- Unpacking a record type with primitive subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  13.06 (02)  
AI95-00032-01/02   1999-05-27 -- visible part of a renaming
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  8.02 (05)  
AI95-00042-01/03   1999-07-08 -- use of incomplete types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  3.10.01 (09)  
AI95-00045-01/03   1999-07-08 -- Servicing of entry calls is part of a protected action
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  9.05.03 (00)  
AI95-00046-01/05   2000-07-07 -- Intent of "only"

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  E.02.02 (14)  
AI95-00049-01/03   1999-05-27 -- Reserved_128, etc.

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  A.01 (35)  
AI95-00055-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Overflow for Adjacent, Machine, and Model attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved  97-11-14
    RM References:  A.05.03 (50)  
AI95-00056-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Create(Mode => Append_File)

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  A.08.02 (02)  
AI95-00059-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Specifying Storage size for tasks
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  13.03 (61)  
AI95-00060-01/05   1999-05-27 -- No predefined 'Truncate Attribute on Fixed-Point Types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  A.05.04 (00)  
AI95-00073-01/01   1999-05-28 -- Pragmas are allowed in generic_formal_parts.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  2.08 (05)  
AI95-00074-01/02   1999-05-28 -- Pragma Inline Requires an Argument
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  6.03.02 (02)  
AI95-00076-01/03   1999-07-08 -- String literal constraint ramification is correct.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  4.02 (11)  
AI95-00078-01/03   1999-07-08 -- semantic dependence on illegal or obsolete units
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  10.01.04 (05)  
AI95-00084-01/03   1999-07-08 -- Questions about Generic_Elementary_Functions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  A.05.01 (00)  
AI95-00094-01/01   1999-07-08 -- Exponentiation: 0.0 ** 0.0 raises Argument_Error.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  A.05.01 (42)  
AI95-00096-01/03   1999-07-08 -- sparse case statements
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  5.04 (00)  
AI95-00099-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Accuracy requirements for elementary functions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  A.05.01 (01)  
AI95-00102-01/02   1999-05-28 -- A generic formal limited private type can have an access discriminant.
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved  97-11-14
    RM References:  3.07 (10)  
AI95-00105-01/04   1999-05-27 -- extra negative value
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  3.05.04 (09)  
AI95-00107-01/06   1999-05-28 -- Base attribute for non-scalar subtypes?
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  4.01.04 (12)  
AI95-00110-01/04   1999-05-27 -- No Constraint Check on 'out' Parameter of an Access Type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  6.04.01 (13)  
AI95-00112-01/04   1999-05-27 -- Wide_String file names
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  A.11 (00)  
AI95-00120-01/05   1999-05-28 -- What is the minimal upper bound of type Integer?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  3.05.02 (03)  
AI95-00122-01/03   1999-05-28 -- Use_type_clause where First Subtype is not Directly Visible
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  8.04 (08)  
AI95-00129-01/03   1999-05-28 -- Discriminant Inheritance for Private Extensions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  7.03 (10)  
AI95-00134-01/02   1999-05-27 -- Source Representation
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  2.01 (18)  
AI95-00138-01/03   1999-05-28 -- Null String Literals when the Index Type is Modular
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  4.02 (10)  
AI95-00141-01/07   1999-05-27 -- Exceptions in Interfaces.C and its Children
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved  97-11-14
    RM References:  B.03 (00)  
AI95-00143-01/04   1999-05-27 -- Distinct Names for Compilation Units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  8.03 (25)  
AI95-00148-01/03   2004-05-21 -- Requeue of protected entry calls
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 04-06-18
    RM References:  9.05.04 (07)  
AI95-00163-01/05   2000-07-07 -- User-defined fixed,fixed multiplying op
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  4.05.05 (18)  
AI95-00170-01/02   1999-07-27 -- Can an attribute defined in an annex be set in an attribute definition clause?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 99-06-12
    RM References:  13.03 (05)  
AI95-00178-01/04   2003-05-03 -- Which I/O operations are potentially blocking?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 03-06-20
    RM References:  9.05.01 (18)  
AI95-00198-01/02   1999-07-28 -- pragma Convention(Intrinsic) is not a completion
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 99-06-12
    RM References:  6.03.01 (11)  
AI95-00210-01/03   1999-07-28 -- Questions on pragma Restriction No_Recursion and No_Reentrancy
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 99-06-12
    RM References:  H.04 (24)   H.04 (27)  
AI95-00236-01/02   2000-11-19 -- Minimum criteria for metrics documentation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 01-10-05
    RM References:  D (02)  
AI95-00245-01/03   2004-05-24 -- Consistency of inlined calls
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 04-06-18
    RM References:  10.01.04 (07)  
AI95-00294-01/04   2004-04-22 -- Instantiating with abstract operations
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 04-11-18
    RM References:  3.09.03 (09)  
AI95-00349-01/02   2003-11-07 -- Equality on private extensions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 04-11-18
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   4.05.02 (14)  
AI95-00429-01/01   2005-03-15 -- Representation of minus signs
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: WG9 Approved 06-06-09
    RM References:  A.05.03   

ARG Approved

AI95-00447-01/03   2007-05-25 -- Null_exclusions allowed in Ada 95
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: ARG Approved  12-0-1  06-06-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)  

Work Item

AI95-00114-01/00   2000-08-31 -- Editorial Comments on AARM
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Work Item    96-04-10
    RM References:  12.03 (11)  




No Action

AI95-00051-01/15   2004-12-08 -- Size and Alignment clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (30)   13.03 (31)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (42)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (50)
                    13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00051-02
AI95-00058-01/08   1999-09-26 -- Accessibility Rules for Shared_Passive Packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  E.02.01 (08)  
AI95-00144-01/01   1997-11-14 -- Pragma List
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     11-1-0  97-11-14
    RM References:  2.08 (25)  
AI95-00146-01/00   1997-11-14 -- Controlled Components are Finalized
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     10-0-2  97-11-14
    RM References:  7.06.01 (04)  
AI95-00149-01/04   2000-10-04 -- Miscellaneous confirmations
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-11-20
    RM References:  8.06 (12)  
AI95-00172-01/05   2004-03-23 -- Questions about main subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.02 (07)  
AI95-00173-01/01   2003-08-01 -- Optimizations and the use of 'Address
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (11-0-0) 04-06-17
    RM References:  13.03 (16)  
AI95-00186-01/04   2004-04-01 -- Range of root_integer
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (5-0-4) 04-11-21
    RM References:  3.05.04 (14)   3.04 (9)  
AI95-00187-01/00   1997-08-19 -- Task attribute operations are atomic but not sequential
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  C.07.02 (16)  
AI95-00188-01/07   2004-11-08 -- Setting a task base priority is vague
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-11-20
    RM References:  D.05 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00188-02
AI95-00189-01/01   2000-11-17 -- The meaning of the terms "processor", "multiprocessor", and "processing node"
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     00-11-17
    RM References:  E (02)  
AI95-00191-01/02   2001-01-29 -- Are formal parameters passed by reference objects or views?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  3.03 (04)  
AI95-00201-01/01   1998-04-01 -- object subtype must statically match designated subtype
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     10-0-2  98-04-01
    RM References:  4.06 (16)  
AI95-00217-01/03   2000-04-13 -- Handling Mutually Dependent Type Definitions that Cross Packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  10.01.02 (01)   3.10.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-02/02   2001-09-03 -- Handling mutually recursive types via package "abstracts"
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  7.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-03/01   2001-09-21 -- Handling mutually recursive types via separate incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-04/04   2002-12-02 -- Type stubs with package specifiers
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    J.10 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-05/02   2003-03-18 -- Type stubs with limited context clauses
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    10.01.02 (03)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (08)   10.02 (04)   J.11 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-07/02   2003-05-16 -- Incomplete type completed in a child
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (11)   8.03 (19)   8.05.03 (04)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06
AI95-00218-01/06   2001-09-11 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  8.03 (26)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-02  AI95-00218-03
AI95-00218-02/04   2003-04-28 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  8.03 (26)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-03
AI95-00222-01/01   1999-06-25 -- Feature control
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  13.12 (1-11)  
AI95-00232-01/01   2000-04-13 -- Dispatching operation visibility and ambiguity
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-06
    RM References:  10.01.02 (01)  
AI95-00234-01/02   2000-11-28 -- Unsigned integer types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 00-11-18
    RM References:  3.05.04 (00)  
AI95-00244-01/01   2000-10-30 -- Legal units which depend on illegal units
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.01.04 (05)   10.01.04 (06)  
AI95-00250-01/03   2001-04-29 -- Protected Types, Extensible, Tagged, Abstract
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  9.04 (05)   9.05.02 (02)   9.05.03 (02)  
AI95-00260-01/04   2002-05-10 -- How to control the tag representation in a stream
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  13.13.02 (28)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)   13.13.02 (38)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00260-02
AI95-00261-01/01   2001-02-15 -- Extending enumeration types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 03-02-07
    RM References:  13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00264-01/01   2001-05-09 -- Exceptions as Types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  11.01 (02)   11.03 (02)  
AI95-00266-01/05   2002-03-09 -- Task Termination procedure
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  D.02.02 (5)   D.07 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00266-02
AI95-00274-01/00   2001-09-19 -- Requiring complete record representation clauses
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 03-02-07
    RM References:  13.05.01 (2)  
AI95-00275-01/01   2001-09-20 -- Aliased components and generic formal arrays
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  12.05.03 (08)  
AI95-00278-01/01   2001-10-17 -- Task Entry without Accept Statement
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-0) 02-02-10
    RM References:  9.05.02 (27)  
AI95-00281-01/01   2001-12-26 -- Representation of enumeration type image attribute
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-0) 02-02-10
    RM References:  13.04 (04)  
AI95-00282-01/01   2001-12-26 -- Ada unit information symbols
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 03-10-03
    RM References:  10.03 (00)  
AI95-00284-01/04   2002-11-27 -- Nonreserved keywords
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  2.09 (02)   2.09 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00284-02
AI95-00288-01/02   2004-02-29 -- Pre- and Postconditions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00289-01/03   2002-03-19 -- Truncation of real static expressions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-0) 03-02-09
    RM References:  4.09 (38)  
AI95-00290-01/01   2004-02-29 -- Declaring functions Pure
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.02.01 (00)  
AI95-00291-01/06   2004-12-07 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)   13.03 (24)
                    13.03 (25)   13.03 (26)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-02
AI95-00292-01/00   2002-04-23 -- Sockets operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.15 (00)  
AI95-00293-01/00   2002-04-23 -- Built-in hash function
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 03-10-03
    RM References:  13.14 (00)  
AI95-00295-01/02   2002-09-27 -- Another violation of constrained access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  3.07.01 (7/1)   3.06 (11)   3.06 (22/1)   3.08 (18/1)  
AI95-00299-01/02   2002-09-25 -- Defaults for generic formal parameters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-1-1) 02-10-11
    RM References:  8.05.05 (2)   12.04 (6)   12.05 (2)   12.07 (2)  
AI95-00300-01/01   2002-06-13 -- The standard storage pool
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-1) 02-06-23
    RM References:  13.03    13.11   
AI95-00302-01/07   2003-09-25 -- Data structure components for Ada
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.16   
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-03  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00302-02/02   2003-09-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.16   
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-03  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00302-04/00   2004-02-13 -- Container library (mail container)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (11-0-0) 05-04-16
    RM References:  A.17   
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-03
AI95-00304-01/01   2003-09-30 -- Reemergence of "=" in generics.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  12.05 (8)   A.04.04    3.02.01 (3)  
AI95-00308-01/01   2002-08-30 -- Private generic children are private
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 03-02-09
    RM References:  A.05.04 (00)  
AI95-00313-01/01   2002-09-27 -- Self-reference in subprogram access
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 02-10-11
    RM References:  8.03 (16)   8.03 (17)  
AI95-00314-01/00   2002-09-30 -- Standardize Discard_Names
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-2-0) 02-10-13
    RM References:  C.05 (00)  
AI95-00315-01/02   2004-02-27 -- Full support for IEC 559:1989
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 04-09-17
    RM References:  A.05.03 (00)  
AI95-00318-01/03   2004-02-28 -- Returning [limited] objects without copying
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  3.03.01 (02)   6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-02
AI95-00319-01/02   2003-09-19 -- Object_Size attribute
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (6-1-1) 03-02-08
    RM References:  13.03 (58)  
AI95-00322-01/00   2003-01-22 -- User-defined operator symbols
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (6-2-0) 03-02-08
    RM References:  6.06 (00)  
AI95-00323-01/01   2003-01-22 -- Allow in out parameters for functions.
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-1-0) 03-02-08
    RM References:  6.01 (18)   6.06 (03)   9.05.01 (02)  
AI95-00324-01/01   2003-02-01 -- Physical Units Checking
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.16 (01)  
AI95-00325-01/01   2003-02-05 -- Anonymous access types as function result types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-1-1) 04-03-07
    RM References:  3.10 (01)  
AI95-00338-01/00   2003-07-31 -- Constrained attribute for generic formal private types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-04
    RM References:  3.07.02 (02)  
AI95-00339-01/01   2003-07-31 -- Add use clauses to protected types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  9.04 (05)   9.04 (08)  
AI95-00342-01/00   2003-08-04 -- Requirement for freeing task storage on unchecked deallocation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  D.12 (04)  
AI95-00346-01/02   2003-10-23 -- Roots of polynomials
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 03-10-03
    RM References:  G.03.04   
AI95-00350-01/01   2003-09-16 -- Allocating and comparing zero-size objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (5-3-1) 04-06-14
    RM References:  4.05.02 (12)   13.11 (7)  
AI95-00352-01/01   2003-09-24 -- ARINC_653_Processes Profile
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 03-10-03
    RM References:  D.13 (01)  
AI95-00353-01/03   2003-12-04 -- New Restrictions identifier No_Synchronous_Control
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  D.07 (10)  
AI95-00356-01/01   2003-09-27 -- Support for Preemption Level Locking Policy
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-13
    RM References:  D.03 (00)  
AI95-00358-01/01   2003-09-27 -- Application-defined scheduling
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 04-03-05
    RM References:  9.06 (00)   D.09 (00)  
AI95-00359-01/03   2004-06-07 -- Deferring Freezing of a Generic Instantiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-03  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-02/02   2004-07-02 -- Deferring Freezing of a Generic Instantiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-03  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-03/01   2004-07-29 -- Delayed completion of a generic instantation
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-04/05   2004-11-21 -- Partial view of generic instantiations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-11-21
    RM References:  12.03 (02)   12.03.01 (01)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-03
AI95-00365-01/02   2004-01-09 -- Permissions to create grandchildren of Ada
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-1-1) 03-12-13
    RM References:  A (04)   A.02 (04)  
AI95-00367-01/01   2004-04-02 -- Add subtype declarations for Natural_n and Positive_n in package Interfaces
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.02.01   
AI95-00369-01/00   2004-02-05 -- Completions and renaming
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  3.11.01 (04)   D.07 (04)  
AI95-00371-01/01   2004-02-05 -- New hierarchy for OS-dependent services
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (6-1-3) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.18   
AI95-00372-01/01   2004-02-05 -- Restrictions for default stream attributes of elementary types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  13.12   
AI95-00374-01/01   2004-02-28 -- Assertions_Only pragma
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00375-01/01   2004-02-29 -- Type and Package Invariants
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00379-01/01   2004-04-20 -- Static evaluation of numeric attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-2) 04-11-21
    RM References:  A.05.03 (26)   A.05.03 (29)   A.05.03 (47)  
AI95-00380-01/00   2004-04-26 -- Sign of zero in complex values
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (6-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  G.01.01 (58)   11.04.01 (12)   11.04.01 (13)  
AI95-00389-01/03   2004-12-03 -- Allow aggregates of partial views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  4.03.01 (8)   4.03.01 (16)   4.03.01 (17)   4.03.02 (4)   4.03.02 (5)  
AI95-00390-01/02   2004-11-14 -- Defining by renaming an inherited subprogram
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-11-20
    RM References:  8.05.04 (02)   8.05.04 (03)  
AI95-00393-01/01   2004-12-15 -- Defaulted generic parameters evaluation and elaboration check

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-3) 05-02-13
    RM References:  3.11 (13)  
AI95-00410-01/01   2005-02-07 -- Limited with should be allowed on bodies
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  10.01.02 (18/2)  
AI95-00413-01/01   2005-02-07 -- Partial view, task, and protected aggregates
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  4.03.01   
AI95-00422-01/01   2005-03-09 -- User data for timing events
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (11-0-0) 05-04-16
    RM References:  D.15 (1)  
AI95-00439-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Transitioning to Ada 2005
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-2) 05-11-19
    RM References:  1.01.03 (06)  
AI95-00448-01/01   2006-11-13 -- Extended range of Year_Number
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-5) 06-11-17
    RM References:  9.06 (11)  


AI95-00065-01/01   1995-09-05 -- (Deleted)

    Class: Ramification                Status: Deleted      96-09-05
    RM References:  3.09.02 (01)  
AI95-00086-01/07   2004-06-10 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Deleted      04-06-10
    RM References:  12.07 (0) (00)  
AI95-00090-01/04   1996-02-06 -- (Deleted)

    Class: Ramification                Status: Deleted      96-02-06
    RM References:  D.01 (22)  
AI95-00109-01/08   2004-04-20 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      04-04-20
    RM References:  13.03 (55)  
AI95-00155-01/02   1996-09-15 -- (Deleted)

    Class: Ramification                Status: Deleted      96-09-15
    RM References:  13.13.02 (00)  
AI95-00174-01/01   2000-11-28 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Deleted      00-11-28
    RM References:  13.13.02 (09)  
AI95-00197-01/04   1999-11-18 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      99-11-18
    RM References:  7.06 (21)  
AI95-00199-01/07   2000-04-13 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      00-04-13
    RM References:  10.01.05 (07)  
AI95-00219-01/01   1999-05-14 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      04-03-29
    RM References:  4.06 (8-23)  
AI95-00271-01/03   2002-01-04 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Deleted      02-01-04
    RM References:  7.01 (02)  
AI95-00277-01/02   2002-01-04 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Deleted      02-01-04
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)  
AI95-00336-01/00   2003-07-31 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      04-03-24
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)  
AI95-00383-01/02   2005-05-23 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      06-03-15
    RM References:  B.03 (19)   B.03 (39)  

AIs listed by Class

The classes are:


AI95-00006-01/02   1999-05-27 -- private child in with_clause
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  10.01.02 (08)  
AI95-00014-01/02   1999-05-27 -- ... and {its calling convention} shall not be Intrinsic.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  3.10.02 (32)  
AI95-00018-01/05   2000-01-24 -- Inconsistency with Ada 83 in the definition of exponentiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  4.05.06 (11)  
AI95-00025-01/05   2000-07-12 -- Matching rules for generic formal access-to-constant types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00027-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Typo: is access all {Ada.}Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  A.12.02 (03)  
AI95-00031-01/05   2000-07-07 -- Unpacking a record type with primitive subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  13.06 (02)  
AI95-00032-01/02   1999-05-27 -- visible part of a renaming
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  8.02 (05)  
AI95-00035-01/06   2000-01-25 -- Type descriptors can be laid out at compile time
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  7.03.01 (07)  
AI95-00038-01/05   2000-01-25 -- Mapping between Interfaces.C.char and Standard.Character

    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  B.03 (46)  
AI95-00042-01/03   1999-07-08 -- use of incomplete types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  3.10.01 (09)  
AI95-00045-01/03   1999-07-08 -- Servicing of entry calls is part of a protected action
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  9.05.03 (00)  
AI95-00046-01/05   2000-07-07 -- Intent of "only"

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  E.02.02 (14)  
AI95-00049-01/03   1999-05-27 -- Reserved_128, etc.

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  A.01 (35)  
AI95-00053-01/06   2000-08-29 -- Case sensitivity of Wide_Value and Value attributes

    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  3.05 (43)  
AI95-00055-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Overflow for Adjacent, Machine, and Model attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved  97-11-14
    RM References:  A.05.03 (50)  
AI95-00056-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Create(Mode => Append_File)

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  A.08.02 (02)  
AI95-00059-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Specifying Storage size for tasks
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  13.03 (61)  
AI95-00060-01/05   1999-05-27 -- No predefined 'Truncate Attribute on Fixed-Point Types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  A.05.04 (00)  
AI95-00069-01/03   2000-01-25 -- One queuing policy per partition

    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  D.04 (15)  
AI95-00073-01/01   1999-05-28 -- Pragmas are allowed in generic_formal_parts.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  2.08 (05)  
AI95-00074-01/02   1999-05-28 -- Pragma Inline Requires an Argument
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  6.03.02 (02)  
AI95-00076-01/03   1999-07-08 -- String literal constraint ramification is correct.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  4.02 (11)  
AI95-00077-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Separate compilation of generic bodies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  10.01.04 (03)  
AI95-00078-01/03   1999-07-08 -- semantic dependence on illegal or obsolete units
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  10.01.04 (05)  
AI95-00084-01/03   1999-07-08 -- Questions about Generic_Elementary_Functions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  A.05.01 (00)  
AI95-00085-01/09   2005-01-25 -- Append_File, Reset, and positioning for Stream_IO
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  A.08.02 (16)   A.12.01 (28.1)   A.12.01 (33)  
AI95-00086-01/07   2004-06-10 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Deleted      04-06-10
    RM References:  12.07 (0) (00)  
AI95-00087-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Saving and restoring Current_Output
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  A.10.03 (00)  
AI95-00094-01/01   1999-07-08 -- Exponentiation: 0.0 ** 0.0 raises Argument_Error.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  A.05.01 (42)  
AI95-00096-01/03   1999-07-08 -- sparse case statements
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  5.04 (00)  
AI95-00097-01/07   2000-01-25 -- Conversions between access types with different representations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  4.06 (47)  
AI95-00099-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Accuracy requirements for elementary functions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  A.05.01 (01)  
AI95-00102-01/02   1999-05-28 -- A generic formal limited private type can have an access discriminant.
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved  97-11-14
    RM References:  3.07 (10)  
AI95-00103-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Storage pools and access types designating task types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  13.11 (00)  
AI95-00105-01/04   1999-05-27 -- extra negative value
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  3.05.04 (09)  
AI95-00107-01/06   1999-05-28 -- Base attribute for non-scalar subtypes?
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  4.01.04 (12)  
AI95-00110-01/04   1999-05-27 -- No Constraint Check on 'out' Parameter of an Access Type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  6.04.01 (13)  
AI95-00112-01/04   1999-05-27 -- Wide_String file names
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  A.11 (00)  
AI95-00114-01/00   2000-08-31 -- Editorial Comments on AARM
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Work Item    96-04-10
    RM References:  12.03 (11)  
AI95-00115-01/03   2000-07-13 -- Controlled types in language-defined generic packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   7.06 (04)   A (00)  
AI95-00120-01/05   1999-05-28 -- What is the minimal upper bound of type Integer?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  3.05.02 (03)  
AI95-00122-01/03   1999-05-28 -- Use_type_clause where First Subtype is not Directly Visible
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  8.04 (08)  
AI95-00125-01/04   2000-07-12 -- Order of Size and Small clauses for fixed point types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  13.03 (55)  
AI95-00129-01/03   1999-05-28 -- Discriminant Inheritance for Private Extensions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  7.03 (10)  
AI95-00134-01/02   1999-05-27 -- Source Representation
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  2.01 (18)  
AI95-00138-01/03   1999-05-28 -- Null String Literals when the Index Type is Modular
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  4.02 (10)  
AI95-00141-01/07   1999-05-27 -- Exceptions in Interfaces.C and its Children
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved  97-11-14
    RM References:  B.03 (00)  
AI95-00143-01/04   1999-05-27 -- Distinct Names for Compilation Units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  8.03 (25)  
AI95-00144-01/01   1997-11-14 -- Pragma List
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     11-1-0  97-11-14
    RM References:  2.08 (25)  
AI95-00146-01/00   1997-11-14 -- Controlled Components are Finalized
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     10-0-2  97-11-14
    RM References:  7.06.01 (04)  
AI95-00148-01/03   2004-05-21 -- Requeue of protected entry calls
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 04-06-18
    RM References:  9.05.04 (07)  
AI95-00149-01/04   2000-10-04 -- Miscellaneous confirmations
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-11-20
    RM References:  8.06 (12)  
AI95-00152-01/06   2000-01-25 -- Operators not inherited from root numeric types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  4.05.05 (17)  
AI95-00160-01/04   2000-07-12 -- Daylight savings and Ada.Calendar
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  9.06 (24)  
AI95-00163-01/05   2000-07-07 -- User-defined fixed,fixed multiplying op
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  4.05.05 (18)  
AI95-00170-01/02   1999-07-27 -- Can an attribute defined in an annex be set in an attribute definition clause?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 99-06-12
    RM References:  13.03 (05)  
AI95-00172-01/05   2004-03-23 -- Questions about main subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.02 (07)  
AI95-00174-01/01   2000-11-28 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Deleted      00-11-28
    RM References:  13.13.02 (09)  
AI95-00179-01/05   2000-07-12 -- Finalization and Unchecked_Deallocation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  7.06.01 (17)  
AI95-00180-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Pragma Elaborate for child units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  10.01.02 (06)  
AI95-00183-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Primitive operations declared before it is known if the type is tagged
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  3.09.02 (01)  
AI95-00187-01/00   1997-08-19 -- Task attribute operations are atomic but not sequential
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  C.07.02 (16)  
AI95-00188-01/07   2004-11-08 -- Setting a task base priority is vague
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-11-20
    RM References:  D.05 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00188-02
AI95-00189-01/01   2000-11-17 -- The meaning of the terms "processor", "multiprocessor", and "processing node"
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     00-11-17
    RM References:  E (02)  
AI95-00198-01/02   1999-07-28 -- pragma Convention(Intrinsic) is not a completion
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 99-06-12
    RM References:  6.03.01 (11)  
AI95-00201-01/01   1998-04-01 -- object subtype must statically match designated subtype
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     10-0-2  98-04-01
    RM References:  4.06 (16)  
AI95-00210-01/03   1999-07-28 -- Questions on pragma Restriction No_Recursion and No_Reentrancy
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 99-06-12
    RM References:  H.04 (24)   H.04 (27)  
AI95-00236-01/02   2000-11-19 -- Minimum criteria for metrics documentation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 01-10-05
    RM References:  D (02)  
AI95-00245-01/03   2004-05-24 -- Consistency of inlined calls
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 04-06-18
    RM References:  10.01.04 (07)  
AI95-00308-01/01   2002-08-30 -- Private generic children are private
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 03-02-09
    RM References:  A.05.04 (00)  


AI95-00034-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Unconstrained formal types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  3.02 (09)  
AI95-00040-01/07   2000-07-12 -- A box for a formal subprogram_default freezes the actual
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  13.14 (05)  
AI95-00065-01/01   1995-09-05 -- (Deleted)

    Class: Ramification                Status: Deleted      96-09-05
    RM References:  3.09.02 (01)  
AI95-00090-01/04   1996-02-06 -- (Deleted)

    Class: Ramification                Status: Deleted      96-02-06
    RM References:  D.01 (22)  
AI95-00095-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Modular types on one's complement machines
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Ramification                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.05.04 (07)   3.05.04 (27)  
AI95-00119-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Is normal termination an "external interaction"?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  1.01.03 (15)  
AI95-00139-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Interfaces.C.Strings.Value raises Constraint_Error when Length is 0
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  B.03.01 (36)  
AI95-00155-01/02   1996-09-15 -- (Deleted)

    Class: Ramification                Status: Deleted      96-09-15
    RM References:  13.13.02 (00)  
AI95-00157-01/06   2000-07-13 -- Visibility of inherited private components
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  7.03 (15)  
AI95-00178-01/04   2003-05-03 -- Which I/O operations are potentially blocking?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 03-06-20
    RM References:  9.05.01 (18)  
AI95-00191-01/02   2001-01-29 -- Are formal parameters passed by reference objects or views?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  3.03 (04)  
AI95-00206-01/05   2000-07-07 -- Ada.Task_Identification.Is_Callable for the environment task
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  C.07.01 (10)  
AI95-00211-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Can an abstract subprogram be renamed?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  8.05.04 (7)  
AI95-00294-01/04   2004-04-22 -- Instantiating with abstract operations
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 04-11-18
    RM References:  3.09.03 (09)  
AI95-00316-01/02   2003-05-22 -- Return accessibility checks and value conversions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  6.05 (18)  
AI95-00349-01/02   2003-11-07 -- Equality on private extensions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 04-11-18
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   4.05.02 (14)  
AI95-00376-01/04   2005-08-17 -- Interfaces.C works for C++ as well
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.03 (01/1)   B.03 (02)   1.02 (8/1)  

Binding Interpretation

AI95-00001-01/07   2000-07-11 -- Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream can raise Status_Error

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  A.12.01 (29)   A.12.01 (36)   13.13.01 (08-09)  
AI95-00002-01/04   1999-10-08 -- Subunits of a preelaborated subprogram

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  10.02.01 (11)  
AI95-00003-01/02   1999-09-15 -- Access types declared in shared passive generic packages
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.01 (07)  
AI95-00004-01/06   1999-08-31 -- Conversions to types derived from remote access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.02 (09)  
AI95-00007-01/02   2000-07-11 -- Enumeration_IO does not allow instantiation for a float type
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.10 (17)  
AI95-00012-01/04   1999-10-07 -- The first subtype of a type defined by an access[_type]_definition
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  3.10 (14)  
AI95-00026-01/06   2000-09-26 -- Stream_IO.Read and Stream_IO.Write advance the current index

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  A.12.01 (28-35)  
AI95-00029-01/03   2000-04-11 -- Does Complex_IO handle extended real literals?

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  G.01.03 (12)  
AI95-00033-01/07   1999-10-07 -- Delayed declaration of inherited primitive subprograms
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.03.01 (03)   7.03.01 (04)   7.03.01 (05)   7.03.01 (06)  
AI95-00036-01/06   2000-04-11 -- What are the rules for named notation in pragmas?

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  2.08 (04)   B.01 (09)  
AI95-00037-01/07   1999-08-31 -- In Interfaces.C, nul and wide_nul represent zero
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  B.03 (20)   B.03 (30-31)   B.03 (63)  
AI95-00039-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Effect of Update(Null_Ptr,...)

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  B.03.01 (44)  
AI95-00041-01/14   2000-07-13 -- Program unit pragmas in generic units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  8.03 (16)   8.03 (18)   10.01.05 (07)   12.03 (13)   12.03 (14)  
AI95-00043-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Predefined operators for generic formal array types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  12.05 (08)  
AI95-00044-01/06   1999-10-07 -- Overriding by implicit declarations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  8.03 (09-10)   8.03 (26)  
AI95-00047-01/05   2000-04-11 -- {User-defined} Read and Write attributes

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  E.02.02 (14)  
AI95-00048-01/10   2000-04-11 -- An RCI unit can be a library subprogram
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.03 (07)   E.02.03 (09-14)   E.02.03 (19)   E.02 (04)  
AI95-00050-01/03   1999-08-31 -- External files of Standard_Input and Standard_Output

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.03 (25)   A.14 (03)   A.10 (05)  
AI95-00051-01/15   2004-12-08 -- Size and Alignment clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (30)   13.03 (31)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (42)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (50)
                    13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00051-02
AI95-00051-02/03   2005-04-03 -- Size and Alignment clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (30)   13.03 (31)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (42)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (50)
                    13.03 (56)   13.03 (53)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00051-01
AI95-00054-01/03   1999-08-31 -- When is a Small clause allowed?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.05.10 (02)  
AI95-00057-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Text_IO.Flush should use mode 'in'

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.01 (21)   A.10.03 (20)   A.12.01 (25)  
AI95-00058-01/08   1999-09-26 -- Accessibility Rules for Shared_Passive Packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  E.02.01 (08)  
AI95-00062-01/06   1999-10-07 -- Derived access types share the same pool

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  3.04 (31)   3.10 (07)  
AI95-00063-01/07   2000-07-13 -- Erroneous execution for closing default files
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.03 (23)  
AI95-00064-01/10   2000-04-20 -- Elaboration checks for renamings-as-body
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  3.11 (10)   3.11.01 (01)   8.05.04 (08)  
AI95-00067-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Pragma Restrictions(Max_Tasks, Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.07 (15)   D.07 (17-19)  
AI95-00071-01/04   2000-06-19 -- Correction to the Valid function in COBOL interface
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  B.04 (63-65)  
AI95-00072-01/04   2000-04-11 -- Clarification of result length for conversions in COBOL interface
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  B.04 (71)   B.04 (79)   B.04 (87)  
AI95-00082-01/03   2000-04-11 -- The PCS may be defined by the user

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-08
    RM References:  E.04 (20)   E.05 (24)  
AI95-00083-01/07   2000-07-13 -- Aggregates of a controlled type

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06 (17)   7.06 (21)  
AI95-00089-01/06   2000-04-11 -- Float_Random.Value, Discrete_Random.Value
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  A.05.02 (40)  
AI95-00091-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Pragma Locking_Policy cannot be in a program unit

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  D.03 (06)  
AI95-00092-01/08   1999-09-15 -- Priority changes due to Set_Priority and Hold are not transitive
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  D.11 (05)   D.01 (21)   D.01 (22)  
AI95-00093-01/06   2000-07-31 -- Float_Type'Small

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.01.04 (12)  
AI95-00098-01/02   1999-08-31 -- unknown_discriminant_parts on generic formal types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.07 (08)   12.05 (10)  
AI95-00100-01/05   2004-04-22 -- Truncation required for static expressions if Machine_Rounds is false
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  4.09 (38)   3.05.09 (08)  
AI95-00101-01/06   1999-09-15 -- Abort_Task has a parameter of mode 'in'

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  C.07.01 (03)  
AI95-00104-01/08   1999-09-15 -- Version and Body_Version attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  E.03 (05)  
AI95-00106-01/10   2000-07-11 -- Freezing rules
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  13.14 (06)   13.14 (08)   13.14 (11)   13.14 (04)  
AI95-00108-01/08   2000-07-31 -- Inheritance of stream attributes for type extensions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  13.13.02 (09)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36)  
AI95-00109-01/08   2004-04-20 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      04-04-20
    RM References:  13.03 (55)  
AI95-00113-01/04   1999-09-13 -- Exception raised by Month, Day, Seconds in Ada.Calendar?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  9.06 (26)  
AI95-00116-01/05   2000-06-21 -- Elaboration of a task with no task_definition
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  9.01 (09)  
AI95-00117-01/08   2000-04-11 -- Calling conventions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.09.02 (10)   6.03.01 (13)   13.01 (11)   B.01 (28)  
AI95-00118-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Termination signals query of Terminate attribute
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  9.10 (06)  
AI95-00121-01/06   2000-04-11 -- Pragma Attach_Handler on nested objects
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (12)   C.03.01 (14)  
AI95-00123-01/12   2000-08-17 -- Equality for composite types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  4.05.02 (24)   4.05.02 (32)  
AI95-00124-01/04   1999-08-31 -- The AE characters are allowed in identifiers
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  1.02 (08)   2.01 (08)  
AI95-00126-01/11   2000-07-13 -- Classification of language-defined packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  E.02.02 (08)   7.06 (04)   A.05.01 (09)   G.01.01 (25)   G.01.02 (09)  
AI95-00127-01/10   2000-07-31 -- Expected type of a 'Access attribute
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.09.02 (07)   3.09.02 (09)   3.10.02 (24)   3.10.02 (27)   4.08 (03)  
AI95-00128-01/08   2000-07-31 -- String packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (68)   A.04.04 (101)   A.04.04 (102-105)   A.04.05 (86-87)   A.04.03 (2,74)  
AI95-00130-01/07   2000-04-11 -- Enforcing Restrictions might violate the generic contract model
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  13.12 (08)   13.12 (09)   D.07 (04)   H.04 (08)  
AI95-00131-01/11   2000-04-11 -- Interface to C -- passing records as parameters of mode 'in'
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  B.01 (01)   B.01 (13-18)   B.01 (60-61)   B.01 (68-69)  
AI95-00132-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Exception raised at end of stream
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.13.01 (08)   13.13.02 (35)   A.13 (13)  
AI95-00133-01/06   2005-08-09 -- Controlling bit ordering
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  13.05.03 (08)   13.03 (08)   13.05.01 (10)   13.05.01 (13)   13.05.01 (17)   13.05.02 (02)   13.05.02 (03)   13.05.02 (04)  
AI95-00135-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Circular renamings as body
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  8.05.04 (05)   8.05.04 (08)  
AI95-00136-01/06   1999-08-31 -- Placement of program unit pragmas in generic packages
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  10.01.05 (05)  
AI95-00137-01/08   2000-08-31 -- Attribute definition clause for stream attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.01 (10-11)  
AI95-00140-01/06   2000-07-11 -- Semantics of Interfaces.C.Strings.To_Char_Ptr when Nul_Check is False
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  B.03.01 (24)  
AI95-00145-01/04   2000-07-13 -- Profile of predefined operators for scalar types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.05 (15)   8.05.04 (05)   A.01 (07)   A.01 (09-10)  
AI95-00147-01/12   2002-11-23 -- Optimization of controlled types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  7.06 (21)  
AI95-00150-01/07   1999-10-07 -- Uniqueness of component names
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  8.03 (26)  
AI95-00151-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Bounds of string returned by Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Range
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  A.04.02 (63)  
AI95-00153-01/03   1999-09-15 -- Picture string grammar or composition rules need tightening
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  F.03.01 (04-38)   F.03.01 (01)   F.03.01 (43)  
AI95-00156-01/07   2000-07-31 -- Polar implementation of complex exponentiation for negative exponents
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  G.01.01 (55)  
AI95-00158-01/06   2005-03-07 -- Primitives of a class-wide generic actual type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-09
    RM References:  12.05 (06)   12.05.01 (23)  
AI95-00159-01/07   2000-05-30 -- Shared variables in Shared_Passive?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  9.10 (00)   E.04 (20)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00162-01/09   2005-08-21 -- Anonymous access types and task termination/controlled type finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.10.02 (3)   3.10.02 (7)   3.10.02 (13)   6.05 (18)   7.06.01 (3)   7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (13.1)   9.03 (2)
                    9.03 (3)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00164-01/07   2000-09-26 -- Definition of remote access type
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  E.02.02 (09)  
AI95-00165-01/08   2000-06-19 -- Recursive use of task attributes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  C.07.02 (13)   C.07.02 (15)   C.07.02 (16)  
AI95-00166-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Parameterless_Handler values designating default treatment
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  C.03.02 (16)   C.03.02 (18)  
AI95-00167-01/04   2003-05-03 -- Scalar unchecked conversion can be used with 'Valid to prevent erroneousness
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-19
    RM References:  13.09.01 (12)  
AI95-00168-01/09   2000-09-25 -- Aliased objects cannot have discriminants modified
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   3.07.01 (07)  
AI95-00169-01/06   2000-08-18 -- Exceptions raised by Adjust/Finalize -- missing cases
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (14)   7.06.01 (17)  
AI95-00171-01/09   2000-07-13 -- Elaboration of subtype_indications with per-object constraints
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.08 (18)   3.03.01 (18)   3.06 (22)   4.03.01 (19)   4.08 (10)   9.04 (14)   9.05.02 (22)  
AI95-00173-01/01   2003-08-01 -- Optimizations and the use of 'Address
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (11-0-0) 04-06-17
    RM References:  13.03 (16)  
AI95-00175-01/04   2000-07-31 -- Full conformance of expressions with attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-25
    RM References:  6.03.01 (19)   6.03.01 (21)  
AI95-00176-01/05   1999-08-31 -- Access_Check is performed for access discriminants
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  11.05 (11)  
AI95-00177-01/04   1999-09-15 -- Interfaces.C.Strings.Value with Length returning String
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  B.03.01 (40)  
AI95-00181-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Components of Stream_Element_Array should be aliased
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  13.13.01 (04)   13.13.01 (09)  
AI95-00182-01/05   1999-10-07 -- Extension aggregates with controlled subcomponents
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06 (11)   7.06.01 (13)  
AI95-00184-01/08   2000-07-13 -- Definiteness and type derivation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.06 (05)   4.06 (54)   8.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00185-01/05   2005-12-05 -- Branch cuts of inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  G.01.02 (15)   G.01.02 (16)   G.01.02 (17)   G.01.02 (20)  
AI95-00186-01/04   2004-04-01 -- Range of root_integer
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (5-0-4) 04-11-21
    RM References:  3.05.04 (14)   3.04 (9)  
AI95-00188-02/04   2005-12-05 -- Setting a task base priority is immediate
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  D.05 (10)   D.05 (12)   D.04 (15)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00188-01
AI95-00190-01/05   1999-10-08 -- Compile-time enforcement of pragma Restrictions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  13.12 (09)   D.07 (15)  
AI95-00192-01/06   2000-04-11 -- A library subprogram_body should replace, not complete, an instance
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-08
    RM References:  6.03 (04)   10.01.04 (04)  
AI95-00193-01/06   1999-09-15 -- Initialize, Adjust, and exceptions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  7.06.01 (04)   7.06.01 (16)  
AI95-00194-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Error in Standard_Error definition
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  A.10.03 (12)  
AI95-00195-01/17   2005-08-08 -- Streams
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  8.03 (23)   13.13.02 (09/1)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (35)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.13.02 (36.1/1)  
AI95-00196-01/04   2004-11-15 -- Assignment and tag-indeterminate calls with controlling results
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  3.09.02 (17)   3.09.02 (18)  
AI95-00197-01/04   1999-11-18 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      99-11-18
    RM References:  7.06 (21)  
AI95-00199-01/07   2000-04-13 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      00-04-13
    RM References:  10.01.05 (07)  
AI95-00200-01/04   2005-11-15 -- Generic formal subprograms as dispatching operations
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  3.02.03 (07)  
AI95-00202-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Primitives of formal type derived from another formal type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  12.05.01 (21)  
AI95-00203-01/04   1999-10-06 -- S'Digits when T'Machine_Radix is 10
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.05.08 (02)  
AI95-00204-01/06   2004-11-08 -- Language interfacing support is optional
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.02 (12)  
AI95-00205-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Priority changes in abortable part
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  D.04 (10)   D.04 (11)  
AI95-00207-01/05   2000-07-10 -- Only the current unit is affected by pragma Inspection_Point
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  H.03.02 (5)   H.03.02 (8)  
AI95-00208-01/05   1999-08-31 -- What is the meaning of "same representation" in all partitions?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  E.02 (13)  
AI95-00209-01/04   2004-05-21 -- pragma Reviewable; can objects become uninitialized?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  H.03.01 (8)   H.03.02 (9)  
AI95-00212-01/04   2004-09-16 -- Restrictions on configuration pragmas
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  10.01.05 (09)  
AI95-00213-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Formal object matching for formal packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  12.07 (05)   12.07 (06)  
AI95-00214-01/04   2004-11-08 -- Distinct Names for Compilation Units (again)
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  10.01.04 (07)  
AI95-00215-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Returning remote class-wide values
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  E.04 (18)  
AI95-00219-01/01   1999-05-14 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      04-03-29
    RM References:  4.06 (8-23)  
AI95-00220-01/03   2002-11-27 -- Subprograms withing private compilation units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-24
    RM References:  10.01.02 (8)  
AI95-00221-01/04   2005-08-09 -- Default_Bit_Order is static
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  13.07 (15)   13.07 (35)  
AI95-00223-01/03   2001-09-07 -- Line terminators are skipped by Get.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  A.10.06 (05)  
AI95-00225-01/04   2002-06-07 -- Aliased current instance for limited types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  3.10 (09)  
AI95-00226-01/03   2004-11-30 -- Cyclic Elaboration Dependences
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  E.01 (10)  
AI95-00227-01/05   2001-09-11 -- Behavior of Ada.Streams.Read when at the end of stream
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-01-17
    RM References:  13.13.01 (4)   13.13.01 (5)   13.13.01 (8)  
AI95-00228-01/07   2005-09-20 -- Premature use of "shall be overridden" subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  3.09.03 (6)   8.05.04 (5/1)  
AI95-00229-01/07   2004-11-24 -- Accessibility rules and generics
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  3.10.02 (32)  
AI95-00233-01/03   2002-05-09 -- Inheritance of components of generic formal derived types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (20)   12.05.01 (21)  
AI95-00235-01/08   2005-02-05 -- Resolving 'Access
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  3.10.02 (02)   4.01.04 (14/1)  
AI95-00237-01/08   2005-02-28 -- Finalization of task attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  C.07.01 (17)   C.07.02 (13)   C.07.02 (15.1/1)   C.07.02 (17)   C.07.02 (30)  
AI95-00238-01/03   2002-05-09 -- What is the lower bound of Ada.Strings.Bounded.Slice?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  A.04.04 (101)  
AI95-00239-01/04   2004-11-08 -- Controlling inherited default expressions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.02 (18)  
AI95-00240-01/04   2002-05-09 -- Stream attributes for limited types in Annex E
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  E.02.02 (8)   E.02.02 (14)   E.02.03 (14)  
AI95-00241-01/03   2001-09-11 -- Testing for Null_Occurrence
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  11.04.01 (14)  
AI95-00242-01/02   2001-10-18 -- Surprise behavior of Update
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  B.03.01 (50)  
AI95-00243-01/03   2005-06-08 -- Is a subunit of a subunit of L also a subunit of L?
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  10.01.03 (8)  
AI95-00244-01/01   2000-10-30 -- Legal units which depend on illegal units
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.01.04 (05)   10.01.04 (06)  
AI95-00246-01/06   2004-12-29 -- View conversions between arrays of a by-reference type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   4.06 (12.1)   4.06 (09)   4.06 (24)  
AI95-00247-01/03   2005-04-04 -- Alignment of composite types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  13.03 (26)   13.03 (37)  
AI95-00253-01/04   2005-08-17 -- The legality rules for pragmas Attach_Handler and Interrupt_Handler are similar
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  C.03.01 (08)  
AI95-00255-01/03   2002-10-25 -- Object renaming of subcomponents of generic in out objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-25
    RM References:  8.05.01 (05)   12.04 (09)  
AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  
AI95-00258-01/03   2001-09-11 -- Behavior of Interfaces.C.To_C when the result is null
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  B.03 (50)  
AI95-00259-01/05   2003-05-02 -- Can accesses to volatile objects be combined?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  C.06 (21)  
AI95-00263-01/03   2002-11-27 -- Scalar formal derived types are never static
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-25
    RM References:  4.09 (29)  
AI95-00268-01/04   2005-05-16 -- Rounding of real static expressions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  4.09 (38)  
AI95-00269-01/08   2005-07-07 -- Generic formal objects can be static in the instance
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  4.09 (35)   4.09 (36)   4.09 (37)   4.09 (38)   12.04 (10)  
AI95-00272-01/02   2002-05-10 -- Pragma Atomic and slices
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  C.06 (07)  
AI95-00275-01/01   2001-09-20 -- Aliased components and generic formal arrays
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  12.05.03 (08)  
AI95-00276-01/02   2001-11-27 -- Interfaces.C.Strings.Chars_Ptr_Array has aliased components
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  B.03.01 (06)  
AI95-00279-01/09   2005-08-08 -- Tag read by T'Class'Input
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-24
    RM References:  13.13.02 (34)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (26)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (19/1)  
AI95-00280-01/08   2005-12-05 -- Allocation, deallocation, and use of objects after finalization
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  9.04 (20)   4.08 (11)   7.06.01 (11)   11.05 (20)   11.05 (21)  
AI95-00283-01/04   2005-08-11 -- Truncation of stream files by Close and Reset
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  A.12.01 (28)   A.08.02 (03)   A.08.02 (10)   A.08.02 (16)   A.08 (01)  
AI95-00289-01/03   2002-03-19 -- Truncation of real static expressions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-0) 03-02-09
    RM References:  4.09 (38)  
AI95-00291-01/06   2004-12-07 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)   13.03 (24)
                    13.03 (25)   13.03 (26)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-02
AI95-00291-02/06   2005-10-10 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (7)   13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)
                    13.03 (24)   13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (34)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-01
AI95-00295-01/02   2002-09-27 -- Another violation of constrained access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  3.07.01 (7/1)   3.06 (11)   3.06 (22/1)   3.08 (18/1)  
AI95-00303-01/03   2004-12-02 -- Removal of library-level requirement for interrupt handler objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  C.03.01 (08)   C.03.01 (13)  
AI95-00306-01/03   2003-05-22 -- Class-wide extension aggregate expressions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  4.03.02 (05)  
AI95-00309-01/02   2004-11-30 -- Pragma Inline compatibility
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  6.03.02 (06)   6.03.02 (03)   10.01.05 (02)   10.01.05 (05)   10.01.05 (06)  
AI95-00311-01/04   2005-11-15 -- Static matching of scalar formal subtypes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  4.09 (31)   4.09.01 (01)  
AI95-00312-01/03   2005-10-13 -- Environment-level visibility rules and generic children
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  10.01.06 (05)   10.01.06 (02)   4.01.03 (04)  
AI95-00320-01/05   2005-08-20 -- Violating Ada semantics with an interfacing pragma
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.01 (38)   B.01 (49)  
AI95-00330-01/02   2004-12-03 -- Generic actual parameters are always value conversions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  4.06 (05)  
AI95-00331-01/02   2004-11-30 -- 10.1.1(19) doesn't handle multiple nesting?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  10.01.01 (19)  
AI95-00332-01/04   2004-12-02 -- Resolution of qualified expressions and object renamings
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  8.06 (27)  
AI95-00333-01/07   2005-10-05 -- Other Locking_Policies can be used with FIFO_Within_Priorities
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (03)  
AI95-00334-01/03   2004-11-08 -- Is overriding of abstract equality required?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)  
AI95-00335-01/05   2005-11-23 -- Stream attributes may be dispatching subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.02 (01)  
AI95-00336-01/00   2003-07-31 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      04-03-24
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)  
AI95-00337-01/03   2005-02-28 -- Applicability of C interfacing advice to private types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  B.03 (71)  
AI95-00341-01/02   2003-11-08 -- Primitive subprograms are frozen with a tagged type
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  13.14 (15)  
AI95-00342-01/00   2003-08-04 -- Requirement for freeing task storage on unchecked deallocation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  D.12 (04)  
AI95-00343-01/01   2003-08-04 -- C_Pass_By_Copy convention is required
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  B.03 (68.1/1)   B.03 (69/1)  
AI95-00350-01/01   2003-09-16 -- Allocating and comparing zero-size objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (5-3-1) 04-06-14
    RM References:  4.05.02 (12)   13.11 (7)  
AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  
AI95-00369-01/00   2004-02-05 -- Completions and renaming
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  3.11.01 (04)   D.07 (04)  
AI95-00373-01/08   2005-10-12 -- Undefined discriminants caused by loose order of init requirements
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (18/1)   3.03.01 (19)   3.03.01 (20)   4.08 (07)   4.08 (08)   4.08 (10)   7.06 (10)
                    7.06 (11)  
AI95-00377-01/03   2004-11-30 -- Naming of generic child packages
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  8.03 (26/1)  
AI95-00378-01/02   2004-11-09 -- The bounds of Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  11.04.01 (10)   11.04.01 (12)   11.04.01 (13)  
AI95-00379-01/01   2004-04-20 -- Static evaluation of numeric attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-2) 04-11-21
    RM References:  A.05.03 (26)   A.05.03 (29)   A.05.03 (47)  
AI95-00380-01/00   2004-04-26 -- Sign of zero in complex values
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (6-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  G.01.01 (58)   11.04.01 (12)   11.04.01 (13)  
AI95-00383-01/02   2005-05-23 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      06-03-15
    RM References:  B.03 (19)   B.03 (39)  
AI95-00393-01/01   2004-12-15 -- Defaulted generic parameters evaluation and elaboration check

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-3) 05-02-13
    RM References:  3.11 (13)  
AI95-00403-01/03   2005-05-05 -- Preelaboration checks and formal objects

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-17
    RM References:  10.02.01 (11)  
AI95-00426-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Language-defined routines returning abnormal and invalid values
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  13.09.01 (6)   13.09 (11)   13.09.02 (12)  
AI95-00431-01/01   2005-05-05 -- Conversions to remote access-to-subprogram types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  E.02.02 (11)  
AI95-00432-01/02   2005-10-05 -- Out of range values in Ada.Real_Time
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  D.08 (24)   D.08 (26)  
AI95-00435-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Storage pools for access-to-subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-18
    RM References:  13.11 (12)  
AI95-00436-01/01   2005-09-16 -- Record representation clauses for limited record types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-09-16
    RM References:  13.05.01 (8)  
AI95-00438-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Stream attribute availability for limited language-defined types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (06)   11.04.01 (16)  
AI95-00439-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Transitioning to Ada 2005
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-2) 05-11-19
    RM References:  1.01.03 (06)  
AI95-00444-01/02   2006-02-24 -- Streaming of untagged types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-04
    RM References:  13.01 (15.1)   13.13.02 (8.1)   13.13.02 (25)   13.13.02 (41)  
AI95-00446-01/01   2006-02-03 -- Raise_Exception for Null_Id
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  11.04.01 (14)  
AI95-00447-01/03   2007-05-25 -- Null_exclusions allowed in Ada 95
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: ARG Approved  12-0-1  06-06-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)  
AI95-00448-01/01   2006-11-13 -- Extended range of Year_Number
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-5) 06-11-17
    RM References:  9.06 (11)  


AI95-00216-01/17   2005-09-28 -- Unchecked unions -- variant records with no run-time discriminant
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-17
    RM References:  B.03.03 (00)   B.03 (60.2)   B.03 (74)  
AI95-00217-01/03   2000-04-13 -- Handling Mutually Dependent Type Definitions that Cross Packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  10.01.02 (01)   3.10.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-02/02   2001-09-03 -- Handling mutually recursive types via package "abstracts"
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  7.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-03/01   2001-09-21 -- Handling mutually recursive types via separate incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-04/04   2002-12-02 -- Type stubs with package specifiers
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    J.10 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-05/02   2003-03-18 -- Type stubs with limited context clauses
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    10.01.02 (03)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (08)   10.02 (04)   J.11 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-07/02   2003-05-16 -- Incomplete type completed in a child
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (11)   8.03 (19)   8.05.03 (04)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06
AI95-00218-01/06   2001-09-11 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  8.03 (26)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-02  AI95-00218-03
AI95-00218-02/04   2003-04-28 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  8.03 (26)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-03
AI95-00218-03/09   2005-05-27 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-21
    RM References:  8.03.01 (1)   2.09 (2)   6.01 (2)   6.01 (3)   6.01 (30)   6.03 (2)   8.05.04 (2)   10.01.03 (3)
                    12.03 (2)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-02
AI95-00222-01/01   1999-06-25 -- Feature control
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  13.12 (1-11)  
AI95-00224-01/11   2005-06-10 -- pragma Unsuppress
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-17
    RM References:  11.05 (1)   11.05 (3)   11.05 (4)   11.05 (5)   11.05 (6)   11.05 (7)   11.05 (8)   11.05 (27)
                    11.05 (29)   11.05 (30)   11.05 (32)   J.10 (00)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00232-01/01   2000-04-13 -- Dispatching operation visibility and ambiguity
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-06
    RM References:  10.01.02 (01)  
AI95-00234-01/02   2000-11-28 -- Unsigned integer types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 00-11-18
    RM References:  3.05.04 (00)  
AI95-00248-01/17   2006-02-03 -- Directory Operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-12
    RM References:  A.16 (00)   A.08.02 (22)  
AI95-00249-01/12   2005-10-01 -- Ravenscar profile for high-integrity systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  D.13 (01)  
AI95-00250-01/03   2001-04-29 -- Protected Types, Extensible, Tagged, Abstract
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  9.04 (05)   9.05.02 (02)   9.05.03 (02)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00252-01/10   2005-02-05 -- Object.Operation notation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-23
    RM References:  4.01.03 (09)   4.01.03 (13)   4.01.03 (15)   4.01.03 (17)   6.03.01 (10)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00257-01/05   2005-08-20 -- Restrictions for implementation-defined entities
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  13.12.01 (01)  
AI95-00260-01/04   2002-05-10 -- How to control the tag representation in a stream
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  13.13.02 (28)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)   13.13.02 (38)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00260-02
AI95-00260-02/09   2006-02-01 -- Abstract formal subprograms and dispatching constuctors
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (18)   3.09 (25)   3.09 (26)   3.09 (30)   3.09.02 (01)
                    3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (22)   3.09.03 (03)   3.09.03 (11)   12.06 (02)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (08)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00260-01
AI95-00261-01/01   2001-02-15 -- Extending enumeration types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 03-02-07
    RM References:  13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00262-01/09   2005-07-11 -- Access to private units in the private part
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-11
    RM References:  10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (08)  
AI95-00264-01/01   2001-05-09 -- Exceptions as Types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  11.01 (02)   11.03 (02)  
AI95-00265-01/09   2005-10-08 -- Partition Elaboration Policy for High-Integrity Systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  H.06 (00)  
AI95-00266-01/05   2002-03-09 -- Task Termination procedure
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  D.02.02 (5)   D.07 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00266-02
AI95-00266-02/12   2005-10-01 -- Task termination procedure
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-25
    RM References:  C.07.03 (01)   C.07 (00)   C.07 (01)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00266-01
AI95-00267-01/06   2005-10-13 -- Fast float-to-integer conversions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  4.06 (33)   A.05.03 (41)  
AI95-00270-01/08   2005-05-09 -- Stream item size control
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  13.13.02 (02)   13.13.02 (09/1)   13.13.02 (17)   13.03 (77)  
AI95-00271-01/03   2002-01-04 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Deleted      02-01-04
    RM References:  7.01 (02)  
AI95-00273-01/02   2002-05-09 -- Use of PCS should not be normative
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  E.05 (01)   E.05 (27)  
AI95-00274-01/00   2001-09-19 -- Requiring complete record representation clauses
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 03-02-07
    RM References:  13.05.01 (2)  
AI95-00277-01/02   2002-01-04 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Deleted      02-01-04
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)  
AI95-00278-01/01   2001-10-17 -- Task Entry without Accept Statement
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-0) 02-02-10
    RM References:  9.05.02 (27)  
AI95-00281-01/01   2001-12-26 -- Representation of enumeration type image attribute
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-0) 02-02-10
    RM References:  13.04 (04)  
AI95-00282-01/01   2001-12-26 -- Ada unit information symbols
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 03-10-03
    RM References:  10.03 (00)  
AI95-00284-01/04   2002-11-27 -- Nonreserved keywords
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  2.09 (02)   2.09 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00284-02
AI95-00284-02/03   2004-11-09 -- New reserved words
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  2.09 (02)   J.12 (01)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00284-01
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00286-01/11   2005-12-05 -- Assert pragma
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  11.04.02 (01)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00288-01/02   2004-02-29 -- Pre- and Postconditions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00290-01/01   2004-02-29 -- Declaring functions Pure
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.02.01 (00)  
AI95-00292-01/00   2002-04-23 -- Sockets operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.15 (00)  
AI95-00293-01/00   2002-04-23 -- Built-in hash function
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 03-10-03
    RM References:  13.14 (00)  
AI95-00296-01/12   2005-12-05 -- Vector and matrix operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  G.03 (01)   G.03.01 (01)   G.03.02 (01)   G (05)   G (06)  
AI95-00297-01/15   2005-12-05 -- Timing events
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.13.01 (01)   D.15 (01)  
AI95-00298-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Non-Preemptive Dispatching
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02.04 (00)  
AI95-00299-01/02   2002-09-25 -- Defaults for generic formal parameters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-1-1) 02-10-11
    RM References:  8.05.05 (2)   12.04 (6)   12.05 (2)   12.07 (2)  
AI95-00300-01/01   2002-06-13 -- The standard storage pool
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-1) 02-06-23
    RM References:  13.03    13.11   
AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  
AI95-00302-01/07   2003-09-25 -- Data structure components for Ada
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.16   
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-03  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00302-02/02   2003-09-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.16   
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-03  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00302-04/00   2004-02-13 -- Container library (mail container)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (11-0-0) 05-04-16
    RM References:  A.17   
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-03
AI95-00304-01/01   2003-09-30 -- Reemergence of "=" in generics.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  12.05 (8)   A.04.04    3.02.01 (3)  
AI95-00305-01/14   2005-09-20 -- New pragma and additional restriction identifiers for real-time systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.07 (19)   H.05 (01)   9.05.01 (22)  
AI95-00307-01/13   2005-10-01 -- Execution-time clocks
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.14 (00)   D.14.01 (00)  
AI95-00310-01/04   2003-05-22 -- Ignore abstract nondispatching subprograms during overloading
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-19
    RM References:  6.04 (08)  
AI95-00313-01/01   2002-09-27 -- Self-reference in subprogram access
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 02-10-11
    RM References:  8.03 (16)   8.03 (17)  
AI95-00314-01/00   2002-09-30 -- Standardize Discard_Names
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-2-0) 02-10-13
    RM References:  C.05 (00)  
AI95-00315-01/02   2004-02-27 -- Full support for IEC 559:1989
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 04-09-17
    RM References:  A.05.03 (00)  
AI95-00317-01/11   2005-08-09 -- Partial parameter lists for formal packages
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  12.07 (03)   12.07 (05)   12.07 (06)   12.07 (10)  
AI95-00318-01/03   2004-02-28 -- Returning [limited] objects without copying
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  3.03.01 (02)   6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-02
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00319-01/02   2003-09-19 -- Object_Size attribute
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (6-1-1) 03-02-08
    RM References:  13.03 (58)  
AI95-00321-01/06   2005-10-01 -- Definition of dispatching policies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02 (01)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.01 (02)   D.02.01 (04)   D.02.01 (05)   D.02.01 (06)   D.02.01 (07)   D.02.01 (08)
                    D.02.01 (09)   D.02.01 (10)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (07)   D.02.02 (08)   D.02.02 (09)
                    D.02.02 (10)   D.02.02 (11)   D.02.02 (12)   D.02.02 (13)   D.02.02 (14)   D.02.02 (15)   D.02.02 (16)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.02.02 (18)   D.02.02 (19)   D.02.02 (20)   D.02.02 (21)   D.02.03 (01)   D.05 (15)  
AI95-00322-01/00   2003-01-22 -- User-defined operator symbols
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (6-2-0) 03-02-08
    RM References:  6.06 (00)  
AI95-00323-01/01   2003-01-22 -- Allow in out parameters for functions.
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-1-0) 03-02-08
    RM References:  6.01 (18)   6.06 (03)   9.05.01 (02)  
AI95-00324-01/01   2003-02-01 -- Physical Units Checking
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.16 (01)  
AI95-00325-01/01   2003-02-05 -- Anonymous access types as function result types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-1-1) 04-03-07
    RM References:  3.10 (01)  
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  
AI95-00327-01/13   2006-02-08 -- Dynamic ceiling priorities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.03 (13)   D.03 (06)   D.03 (08)   D.03 (09)   D.03 (10)   D.05 (00)   D.05.01 (00)   D.05.02 (00)
                    D.07 (09)  
AI95-00328-01/03   2003-12-03 -- Preinstantiations of Complex_IO
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-15
    RM References:  G.01.03 (10)  
AI95-00329-01/06   2004-11-04 -- pragma No_Return -- procedures that never return
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  6.05.01 (01)   11.04.01 (04)   11.04.01 (14)  
AI95-00338-01/00   2003-07-31 -- Constrained attribute for generic formal private types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-04
    RM References:  3.07.02 (02)  
AI95-00339-01/01   2003-07-31 -- Add use clauses to protected types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  9.04 (05)   9.04 (08)  
AI95-00340-01/04   2004-05-29 -- Mod attribute
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.05.04 (16)  
AI95-00344-01/12   2005-08-08 -- Allow nested type extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-01
    RM References:  3.09 (04)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (25)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.01 (07)   4.08 (05)
                    4.08 (07)   6.05 (08)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00346-01/02   2003-10-23 -- Roots of polynomials
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 03-10-03
    RM References:  G.03.04   
AI95-00347-01/04   2005-08-08 -- Title of Annex H
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-23
    RM References:  H    1.01.02 (13)   13.12 (10)   H (1)   H.04    H.04 (2)  
AI95-00348-01/08   2005-05-23 -- Null procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-04-16
    RM References:  6.07 (01)   3.01 (03)   3.09.03 (1)   3.09.03 (3)   6.01 (03)   6.01 (04)   6.01 (20)   6.01 (30)
                    6.01 (31)   7.06 (06)   7.06 (08)   7.06 (09)   8.03.01 (1)   12.06 (03)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
AI95-00351-01/10   2005-12-05 -- Time operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-26
    RM References:  9.06 (11)   9.06 (24)   9.06.01 (01)   1.02 (5)  
AI95-00352-01/01   2003-09-24 -- ARINC_653_Processes Profile
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 03-10-03
    RM References:  D.13 (01)  
AI95-00353-01/03   2003-12-04 -- New Restrictions identifier No_Synchronous_Control
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  D.07 (10)  
AI95-00354-01/11   2005-12-05 -- Group execution-time budgets
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-25
    RM References:  D.14.02 (01)  
AI95-00355-01/10   2005-12-02 -- Priority Specific Dispatching including Round Robin
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.05 (00)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (01)   D.02.02 (02)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (04)   D.02.02 (06)
                    D.02.02 (06)   D.02.02 (17)   D.02.02 (18)   D.02.03 (01)   D.02.04 (01)   D.04 (07)   D.09 (14)  
AI95-00356-01/01   2003-09-27 -- Support for Preemption Level Locking Policy
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-13
    RM References:  D.03 (00)  
AI95-00357-01/13   2005-12-02 -- Support for Deadlines and Earliest Deadline First Scheduling
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  D.02.06 (01)   D.01 (20)   D.11 (04)   D.11 (05)   D.11 (06)  
AI95-00358-01/01   2003-09-27 -- Application-defined scheduling
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 04-03-05
    RM References:  9.06 (00)   D.09 (00)  
AI95-00359-01/03   2004-06-07 -- Deferring Freezing of a Generic Instantiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-03  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-02/02   2004-07-02 -- Deferring Freezing of a Generic Instantiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-03  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-03/01   2004-07-29 -- Delayed completion of a generic instantation
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-04/05   2004-11-21 -- Partial view of generic instantiations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-11-21
    RM References:  12.03 (02)   12.03.01 (01)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-03
AI95-00361-01/06   2006-02-08 -- Raise with message
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  11.03 (2)   11.03 (3)   11.03 (4)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  
AI95-00364-01/06   2004-12-30 -- Fixed-point multiply/divide
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  4.05.05 (20)  
AI95-00365-01/02   2004-01-09 -- Permissions to create grandchildren of Ada
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-1-1) 03-12-13
    RM References:  A (04)   A.02 (04)  
AI95-00366-01/12   2005-12-02 -- More liberal rules for Pure units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)   3.02 (6)   3.08 (9)   4.08 (5)   10.02.01 (17)   10.02.01 (18)   13.13.02 (36/1)   E.02.02 (8)
                    E.02.02 (14/1)   E.02.02 (17/1)   E.02.03 (14/1)  
AI95-00367-01/01   2004-04-02 -- Add subtype declarations for Natural_n and Positive_n in package Interfaces
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.02.01   
AI95-00368-01/05   2005-08-20 -- Restrictions for obsolescent features
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  13.12 (7)   J (1)  
AI95-00370-01/06   2005-08-16 -- Environment variables
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  A.17 (00)  
AI95-00371-01/01   2004-02-05 -- New hierarchy for OS-dependent services
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (6-1-3) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.18   
AI95-00372-01/01   2004-02-05 -- Restrictions for default stream attributes of elementary types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  13.12   
AI95-00374-01/01   2004-02-28 -- Assertions_Only pragma
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00375-01/01   2004-02-29 -- Type and Package Invariants
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00381-01/07   2005-10-13 -- New Restrictions identifier No_Dependence
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  13.12 (4)   13.12.01 (1)  
AI95-00382-01/05   2005-07-20 -- Current instance rule and anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  8.06 (17)   9.01 (19)   9.04 (21)  
AI95-00384-01/04   2004-11-09 -- Access to discriminated type conversion rules made symmetric
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  4.06 (16)  
AI95-00385-01/04   2005-03-23 -- Stand-alone objects of anonymous access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.03.01 (02)   3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (16)   3.10.02 (11)   7.04 (05)  
AI95-00386-01/03   2005-03-18 -- Further functions returning Time_Span values
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  D.08 (14)   D.08 (26)  
AI95-00387-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Introduction to Amendment
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References: 
AI95-00388-01/03   2005-10-10 -- Add Greek pi to Ada.Numerics
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  A.05 (3)  
AI95-00389-01/03   2004-12-03 -- Allow aggregates of partial views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  4.03.01 (8)   4.03.01 (16)   4.03.01 (17)   4.03.02 (4)   4.03.02 (5)  
AI95-00390-01/02   2004-11-14 -- Defining by renaming an inherited subprogram
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-11-20
    RM References:  8.05.04 (02)   8.05.04 (03)  
AI95-00391-01/06   2005-09-20 -- Functions with controlling results in null extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.09.03 (04)   3.04 (27)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.03 (06)  
AI95-00392-01/02   2005-02-25 -- Prohibit unsafe array type conversions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-07
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   4.06 (39)   4.06 (24)  
AI95-00394-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Redundant Restriction Identifiers and completing Ravenscar definition
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  D.07 (09)   D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.13.01 (01)   H.04 (2)   H.04 (3)   H.04 (9)   H.04 (16)
                    H.04 (23)   J.13 (1)   13.12 (7)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  
AI95-00396-01/03   2005-05-18 -- The "no hidden interfaces" rule
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-13
    RM References:  3.09.04 (1)   7.03 (7)  
AI95-00397-01/08   2005-09-20 -- Conformance and overriding for entries and protected operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  6.03.01 (24)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)   9.05.02 (2)   9.05.02 (10)   9.05.02 (13)   10.01.01 (8)  
AI95-00398-01/02   2005-03-13 -- A parameter of a formal package should be given at most once
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-13
    RM References:  12.07 (4)  
AI95-00399-01/03   2005-06-05 -- Single task and protected objects implementing interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-08
    RM References:  9.01 (3)   9.04 (3)  
AI95-00400-01/04   2005-06-01 -- Wide_ and Wide_Wide_ images of identifiers
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-03
    RM References:  3.09 (7)   3.09 (10)   11.04.01 (2)   11.04.01 (5)   11.04.01 (12)   C.05 (7)  
AI95-00401-01/08   2006-01-13 -- Terminology for interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (17)   3.04 (18)   3.04 (22)   3.04 (23)
                    3.04 (23.1)   3.04 (27)   3.04 (35)   3.04.01 (02)   7.03 (16)   7.03 (20)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)
                    12.05.01 (05)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.01 (21)   12.05.05 (04)  
AI95-00402-01/02   2005-03-11 -- Access discriminants of non-limited types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-11
    RM References:  3.07 (10)   3.07 (11)   6.05 (20)  
AI95-00404-01/06   2005-08-15 -- Not null and all in access parameters and types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  3.10 (6)   3.09.02 (11)  
AI95-00405-01/03   2005-03-10 -- Determining the ancestor interfaces in Ada.Tags
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.09 (7)   3.09 (12)  
AI95-00406-01/02   2005-03-08 -- Aliased permitted with anonymous access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-08
    RM References:  3.03.01 (2)   3.06 (7)  
AI95-00407-01/05   2005-05-18 -- Terminology and semantics of prefixed views
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  4.01.03 (09)   4.01.03 (13)   4.01.03 (17)   6.03.01 (10)   6.04 (10)  
AI95-00408-01/02   2005-02-26 -- Visibility for attribute_definition_clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-26
    RM References:  8.03 (23)   8.02 (10)  
AI95-00409-01/05   2006-01-06 -- Conformance and overload resolution related to anon access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-09
    RM References:  6.03.01 (15)   6.03.01 (16)   8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (3)   8.05.01 (4)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00410-01/01   2005-02-07 -- Limited with should be allowed on bodies
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  10.01.02 (18/2)  
AI95-00411-01/02   2005-02-26 -- Predefined equality for types derived from interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-26
    RM References:  7.05 (4)   3.09.04 (1)  
AI95-00412-01/06   2005-07-12 -- Subtypes of incomplete types; renamings of limited views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  3.10.01 (2)   3.10.01 (7)   8.03 (20)   8.05.03 (3)   8.05.03 (4)   10.01.02 (8)  
AI95-00413-01/01   2005-02-07 -- Partial view, task, and protected aggregates
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  4.03.01   
AI95-00414-01/03   2005-05-19 -- pragma No_Return for overriding procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-09
    RM References:  6.05.01 (01)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00417-01/01   2005-03-09 -- Lower bound of functions in Ada.Tags and Ada.Exceptions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-03
    RM References:  3.09 (12)   11.04.01 (12)  
AI95-00418-01/03   2005-05-05 -- Vector norm
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  G.03.01 (1)   G.03.02 (1)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00420-01/04   2005-12-05 -- Resolution of universal operators in package Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  4.05.05 (20)   4.05.02 (9)  
AI95-00421-01/04   2005-05-05 -- Sequential activation and attachment
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  H.06 (01)  
AI95-00422-01/01   2005-03-09 -- User data for timing events
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (11-0-0) 05-04-16
    RM References:  D.15 (1)  
AI95-00423-01/09   2006-02-24 -- Renaming, null exclusion and formal objects
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-10
    RM References:  8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (4)   8.05.04 (4)   12.04 (2)   12.04 (5)   12.04 (7)   12.04 (9)   12.06 (8)  
AI95-00427-01/05   2005-07-20 -- Default parameters and Calendar operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  9.06.01 (1)  
AI95-00428-01/02   2005-05-05 -- Input-output for bounded strings
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  A.10.11 (1)  
AI95-00430-01/01   2005-05-05 -- Conventions of inherited subprograms
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  3.09.02 (10/1)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  
AI95-00440-01/01   2005-10-21 -- Index of language-defined entities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  Q (00)   Q.01 (00)   Q.02 (00)   Q.03 (00)   Q.04 (00)   Q.05 (00)   Q.06 (00)  
AI95-00441-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Passing a null stream access value to stream attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-24
    RM References:  13.13.02 (04)   13.13.02 (07)   13.13.02 (12)   13.13.02 (15)   13.13.02 (20)   13.13.02 (23)   13.13.02 (30)   13.13.02 (33)
                    13.13.02 (60)   3.09 (18)  
AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  
AI95-00443-01/01   2005-12-14 -- Synchronized private extensions

    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-04
    RM References:  3.09.04 (1)   7.03 (3)   7.03 (6)   7.03 (8)   12.05.01 (3)   12.05.01 (5)   12.05.01 (5.1)  
AI95-00445-01/02   2006-01-18 -- Dynamic ceilings and interrupt handlers

    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-10
    RM References:  D.05.02 (1)  


AI95-00028-01/01   1999-08-31 -- Should "pragma" be in boldface?

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  G.01.01 (02)  
AI95-00030-01/01   1999-08-31 -- The word "prefix" should be in sans serif font

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  3.06.02 (02)  
AI95-00066-01/01   1999-08-31 -- Incorrect syntax in example -- remove "limited"

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.11 (39)  
AI95-00068-01/02   1999-09-15 -- Number of queuing policies defined

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.04 (01)  
AI95-00070-01/02   2000-06-19 -- Incorrect picture string example

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  F.03.02 (74)  
AI95-00081-01/02   2000-04-11 -- Integer_Text_IO, etc. not listed in A(2)

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  A (02)  
AI95-00111-01/03   2000-04-11 -- Accept body not defined

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.11 (18)   J.07.01 (16)   J.07.01 (20)  
AI95-00142-01/01   1999-08-31 -- Incorrect example for Interfaces.C.Pointers

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  B.03.02 (49)  
AI95-00415-01/04   2005-07-09 -- Presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  4.01 (11)   1.02 (03)   1.02 (04)   1.02 (07)   1.03 (01)   3.02 (08)   9.03 (07)   A.01 (35)  
AI95-00424-01/04   2006-02-08 -- List of language-defined units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-04-05
    RM References:  A (2)  
AI95-00425-01/02   2005-05-05 -- Organization of Annex M
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-04-06
    RM References:  M (1)   M.01 (1)   M.02 (1)   M.03 (1)  
AI95-00429-01/01   2005-03-15 -- Representation of minus signs
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: WG9 Approved 06-06-09
    RM References:  A.05.03   
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  
AI95-00437-01/05   2006-04-19 -- Glossary updates for the Amendment
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-17
    RM References:  N (01)   N (03)   N (04)   N (06)   N (08)   N (12)   N (13)   N (15)
                    N (17)   N (19)   N (20)   N (21)   N (23)   N (24)   N (25)   N (29)
                    N (30)   N (33)   N (36)   N (37)   N (38)   N (40)   N (41)   N (42)  



AIs listed by Section Referenced


AI95-00347-01/04   2005-08-08 -- Title of Annex H
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-23
    RM References:  H    1.01.02 (13)   13.12 (10)   H (1)   H.04    H.04 (2)  


AI95-00119-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Is normal termination an "external interaction"?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  1.01.03 (15)  
AI95-00439-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Transitioning to Ada 2005
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-2) 05-11-19
    RM References:  1.01.03 (06)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00124-01/04   1999-08-31 -- The AE characters are allowed in identifiers
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  1.02 (08)   2.01 (08)  
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00351-01/10   2005-12-05 -- Time operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-26
    RM References:  9.06 (11)   9.06 (24)   9.06.01 (01)   1.02 (5)  
AI95-00376-01/04   2005-08-17 -- Interfaces.C works for C++ as well
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.03 (01/1)   B.03 (02)   1.02 (8/1)  
AI95-00415-01/04   2005-07-09 -- Presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  4.01 (11)   1.02 (03)   1.02 (04)   1.02 (07)   1.03 (01)   3.02 (08)   9.03 (07)   A.01 (35)  


AI95-00415-01/04   2005-07-09 -- Presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  4.01 (11)   1.02 (03)   1.02 (04)   1.02 (07)   1.03 (01)   3.02 (08)   9.03 (07)   A.01 (35)  


AI95-00124-01/04   1999-08-31 -- The AE characters are allowed in identifiers
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  1.02 (08)   2.01 (08)  
AI95-00134-01/02   1999-05-27 -- Source Representation
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  2.01 (18)  
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00036-01/06   2000-04-11 -- What are the rules for named notation in pragmas?

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  2.08 (04)   B.01 (09)  
AI95-00073-01/01   1999-05-28 -- Pragmas are allowed in generic_formal_parts.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  2.08 (05)  
AI95-00144-01/01   1997-11-14 -- Pragma List
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     11-1-0  97-11-14
    RM References:  2.08 (25)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00218-03/09   2005-05-27 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-21
    RM References:  8.03.01 (1)   2.09 (2)   6.01 (2)   6.01 (3)   6.01 (30)   6.03 (2)   8.05.04 (2)   10.01.03 (3)
                    12.03 (2)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-02
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00284-01/04   2002-11-27 -- Nonreserved keywords
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  2.09 (02)   2.09 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00284-02
AI95-00284-02/03   2004-11-09 -- New reserved words
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  2.09 (02)   J.12 (01)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00284-01
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00348-01/08   2005-05-23 -- Null procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-04-16
    RM References:  6.07 (01)   3.01 (03)   3.09.03 (1)   3.09.03 (3)   6.01 (03)   6.01 (04)   6.01 (20)   6.01 (30)
                    6.01 (31)   7.06 (06)   7.06 (08)   7.06 (09)   8.03.01 (1)   12.06 (03)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  


AI95-00034-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Unconstrained formal types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  3.02 (09)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00366-01/12   2005-12-02 -- More liberal rules for Pure units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)   3.02 (6)   3.08 (9)   4.08 (5)   10.02.01 (17)   10.02.01 (18)   13.13.02 (36/1)   E.02.02 (8)
                    E.02.02 (14/1)   E.02.02 (17/1)   E.02.03 (14/1)  
AI95-00415-01/04   2005-07-09 -- Presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  4.01 (11)   1.02 (03)   1.02 (04)   1.02 (07)   1.03 (01)   3.02 (08)   9.03 (07)   A.01 (35)  
AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  


AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00304-01/01   2003-09-30 -- Reemergence of "=" in generics.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  12.05 (8)   A.04.04    3.02.01 (3)  
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  


AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00200-01/04   2005-11-15 -- Generic formal subprograms as dispatching operations
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  3.02.03 (07)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00191-01/02   2001-01-29 -- Are formal parameters passed by reference objects or views?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  3.03 (04)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00171-01/09   2000-07-13 -- Elaboration of subtype_indications with per-object constraints
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.08 (18)   3.03.01 (18)   3.06 (22)   4.03.01 (19)   4.08 (10)   9.04 (14)   9.05.02 (22)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00318-01/03   2004-02-28 -- Returning [limited] objects without copying
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  3.03.01 (02)   6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-02
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  
AI95-00373-01/08   2005-10-12 -- Undefined discriminants caused by loose order of init requirements
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (18/1)   3.03.01 (19)   3.03.01 (20)   4.08 (07)   4.08 (08)   4.08 (10)   7.06 (10)
                    7.06 (11)  
AI95-00385-01/04   2005-03-23 -- Stand-alone objects of anonymous access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.03.01 (02)   3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (16)   3.10.02 (11)   7.04 (05)  
AI95-00406-01/02   2005-03-08 -- Aliased permitted with anonymous access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-08
    RM References:  3.03.01 (2)   3.06 (7)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00062-01/06   1999-10-07 -- Derived access types share the same pool

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  3.04 (31)   3.10 (07)  
AI95-00186-01/04   2004-04-01 -- Range of root_integer
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (5-0-4) 04-11-21
    RM References:  3.05.04 (14)   3.04 (9)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00349-01/02   2003-11-07 -- Equality on private extensions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 04-11-18
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   4.05.02 (14)  
AI95-00391-01/06   2005-09-20 -- Functions with controlling results in null extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.09.03 (04)   3.04 (27)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.03 (06)  
AI95-00401-01/08   2006-01-13 -- Terminology for interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (17)   3.04 (18)   3.04 (22)   3.04 (23)
                    3.04 (23.1)   3.04 (27)   3.04 (35)   3.04.01 (02)   7.03 (16)   7.03 (20)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)
                    12.05.01 (05)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.01 (21)   12.05.05 (04)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  


AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00401-01/08   2006-01-13 -- Terminology for interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (17)   3.04 (18)   3.04 (22)   3.04 (23)
                    3.04 (23.1)   3.04 (27)   3.04 (35)   3.04.01 (02)   7.03 (16)   7.03 (20)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)
                    12.05.01 (05)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.01 (21)   12.05.05 (04)  


AI95-00053-01/06   2000-08-29 -- Case sensitivity of Wide_Value and Value attributes

    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  3.05 (43)  
AI95-00145-01/04   2000-07-13 -- Profile of predefined operators for scalar types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.05 (15)   8.05.04 (05)   A.01 (07)   A.01 (09-10)  
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00120-01/05   1999-05-28 -- What is the minimal upper bound of type Integer?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  3.05.02 (03)  
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00095-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Modular types on one's complement machines
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Ramification                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.05.04 (07)   3.05.04 (27)  
AI95-00105-01/04   1999-05-27 -- extra negative value
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  3.05.04 (09)  
AI95-00186-01/04   2004-04-01 -- Range of root_integer
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (5-0-4) 04-11-21
    RM References:  3.05.04 (14)   3.04 (9)  
AI95-00234-01/02   2000-11-28 -- Unsigned integer types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 00-11-18
    RM References:  3.05.04 (00)  
AI95-00340-01/04   2004-05-29 -- Mod attribute
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.05.04 (16)  


AI95-00203-01/04   1999-10-06 -- S'Digits when T'Machine_Radix is 10
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.05.08 (02)  


AI95-00100-01/05   2004-04-22 -- Truncation required for static expressions if Machine_Rounds is false
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  4.09 (38)   3.05.09 (08)  


AI95-00054-01/03   1999-08-31 -- When is a Small clause allowed?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.05.10 (02)  


AI95-00171-01/09   2000-07-13 -- Elaboration of subtype_indications with per-object constraints
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.08 (18)   3.03.01 (18)   3.06 (22)   4.03.01 (19)   4.08 (10)   9.04 (14)   9.05.02 (22)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00295-01/02   2002-09-27 -- Another violation of constrained access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  3.07.01 (7/1)   3.06 (11)   3.06 (22/1)   3.08 (18/1)  
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  
AI95-00406-01/02   2005-03-08 -- Aliased permitted with anonymous access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-08
    RM References:  3.03.01 (2)   3.06 (7)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00030-01/01   1999-08-31 -- The word "prefix" should be in sans serif font

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  3.06.02 (02)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00098-01/02   1999-08-31 -- unknown_discriminant_parts on generic formal types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.07 (08)   12.05 (10)  
AI95-00102-01/02   1999-05-28 -- A generic formal limited private type can have an access discriminant.
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved  97-11-14
    RM References:  3.07 (10)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  
AI95-00402-01/02   2005-03-11 -- Access discriminants of non-limited types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-11
    RM References:  3.07 (10)   3.07 (11)   6.05 (20)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00168-01/09   2000-09-25 -- Aliased objects cannot have discriminants modified
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   3.07.01 (07)  
AI95-00295-01/02   2002-09-27 -- Another violation of constrained access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  3.07.01 (7/1)   3.06 (11)   3.06 (22/1)   3.08 (18/1)  
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  


AI95-00338-01/00   2003-07-31 -- Constrained attribute for generic formal private types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-04
    RM References:  3.07.02 (02)  


AI95-00171-01/09   2000-07-13 -- Elaboration of subtype_indications with per-object constraints
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.08 (18)   3.03.01 (18)   3.06 (22)   4.03.01 (19)   4.08 (10)   9.04 (14)   9.05.02 (22)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00295-01/02   2002-09-27 -- Another violation of constrained access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  3.07.01 (7/1)   3.06 (11)   3.06 (22/1)   3.08 (18/1)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00366-01/12   2005-12-02 -- More liberal rules for Pure units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)   3.02 (6)   3.08 (9)   4.08 (5)   10.02.01 (17)   10.02.01 (18)   13.13.02 (36/1)   E.02.02 (8)
                    E.02.02 (14/1)   E.02.02 (17/1)   E.02.03 (14/1)  


AI95-00260-02/09   2006-02-01 -- Abstract formal subprograms and dispatching constuctors
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (18)   3.09 (25)   3.09 (26)   3.09 (30)   3.09.02 (01)
                    3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (22)   3.09.03 (03)   3.09.03 (11)   12.06 (02)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (08)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00260-01
AI95-00279-01/09   2005-08-08 -- Tag read by T'Class'Input
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-24
    RM References:  13.13.02 (34)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (26)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (19/1)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  
AI95-00344-01/12   2005-08-08 -- Allow nested type extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-01
    RM References:  3.09 (04)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (25)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.01 (07)   4.08 (05)
                    4.08 (07)   6.05 (08)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  
AI95-00400-01/04   2005-06-01 -- Wide_ and Wide_Wide_ images of identifiers
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-03
    RM References:  3.09 (7)   3.09 (10)   11.04.01 (2)   11.04.01 (5)   11.04.01 (12)   C.05 (7)  
AI95-00405-01/03   2005-03-10 -- Determining the ancestor interfaces in Ada.Tags
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.09 (7)   3.09 (12)  
AI95-00417-01/01   2005-03-09 -- Lower bound of functions in Ada.Tags and Ada.Exceptions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-03
    RM References:  3.09 (12)   11.04.01 (12)  
AI95-00441-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Passing a null stream access value to stream attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-24
    RM References:  13.13.02 (04)   13.13.02 (07)   13.13.02 (12)   13.13.02 (15)   13.13.02 (20)   13.13.02 (23)   13.13.02 (30)   13.13.02 (33)
                    13.13.02 (60)   3.09 (18)  


AI95-00115-01/03   2000-07-13 -- Controlled types in language-defined generic packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   7.06 (04)   A (00)  
AI95-00344-01/12   2005-08-08 -- Allow nested type extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-01
    RM References:  3.09 (04)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (25)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.01 (07)   4.08 (05)
                    4.08 (07)   6.05 (08)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00391-01/06   2005-09-20 -- Functions with controlling results in null extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.09.03 (04)   3.04 (27)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.03 (06)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  


AI95-00065-01/01   1995-09-05 -- (Deleted)

    Class: Ramification                Status: Deleted      96-09-05
    RM References:  3.09.02 (01)  
AI95-00117-01/08   2000-04-11 -- Calling conventions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.09.02 (10)   6.03.01 (13)   13.01 (11)   B.01 (28)  
AI95-00127-01/10   2000-07-31 -- Expected type of a 'Access attribute
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.09.02 (07)   3.09.02 (09)   3.10.02 (24)   3.10.02 (27)   4.08 (03)  
AI95-00183-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Primitive operations declared before it is known if the type is tagged
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  3.09.02 (01)  
AI95-00196-01/04   2004-11-15 -- Assignment and tag-indeterminate calls with controlling results
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  3.09.02 (17)   3.09.02 (18)  
AI95-00239-01/04   2004-11-08 -- Controlling inherited default expressions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.02 (18)  
AI95-00260-02/09   2006-02-01 -- Abstract formal subprograms and dispatching constuctors
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (18)   3.09 (25)   3.09 (26)   3.09 (30)   3.09.02 (01)
                    3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (22)   3.09.03 (03)   3.09.03 (11)   12.06 (02)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (08)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00260-01
AI95-00335-01/05   2005-11-23 -- Stream attributes may be dispatching subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.02 (01)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00404-01/06   2005-08-15 -- Not null and all in access parameters and types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  3.10 (6)   3.09.02 (11)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00430-01/01   2005-05-05 -- Conventions of inherited subprograms
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  3.09.02 (10/1)  


AI95-00228-01/07   2005-09-20 -- Premature use of "shall be overridden" subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  3.09.03 (6)   8.05.04 (5/1)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00260-02/09   2006-02-01 -- Abstract formal subprograms and dispatching constuctors
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (18)   3.09 (25)   3.09 (26)   3.09 (30)   3.09.02 (01)
                    3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (22)   3.09.03 (03)   3.09.03 (11)   12.06 (02)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (08)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00260-01
AI95-00294-01/04   2004-04-22 -- Instantiating with abstract operations
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 04-11-18
    RM References:  3.09.03 (09)  
AI95-00334-01/03   2004-11-08 -- Is overriding of abstract equality required?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00348-01/08   2005-05-23 -- Null procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-04-16
    RM References:  6.07 (01)   3.01 (03)   3.09.03 (1)   3.09.03 (3)   6.01 (03)   6.01 (04)   6.01 (20)   6.01 (30)
                    6.01 (31)   7.06 (06)   7.06 (08)   7.06 (09)   8.03.01 (1)   12.06 (03)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
AI95-00391-01/06   2005-09-20 -- Functions with controlling results in null extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.09.03 (04)   3.04 (27)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.03 (06)  


AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00396-01/03   2005-05-18 -- The "no hidden interfaces" rule
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-13
    RM References:  3.09.04 (1)   7.03 (7)  
AI95-00411-01/02   2005-02-26 -- Predefined equality for types derived from interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-26
    RM References:  7.05 (4)   3.09.04 (1)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  
AI95-00443-01/01   2005-12-14 -- Synchronized private extensions

    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-04
    RM References:  3.09.04 (1)   7.03 (3)   7.03 (6)   7.03 (8)   12.05.01 (3)   12.05.01 (5)   12.05.01 (5.1)  


AI95-00012-01/04   1999-10-07 -- The first subtype of a type defined by an access[_type]_definition
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  3.10 (14)  
AI95-00062-01/06   1999-10-07 -- Derived access types share the same pool

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  3.04 (31)   3.10 (07)  
AI95-00225-01/04   2002-06-07 -- Aliased current instance for limited types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  3.10 (09)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00325-01/01   2003-02-05 -- Anonymous access types as function result types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-1-1) 04-03-07
    RM References:  3.10 (01)  
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  
AI95-00404-01/06   2005-08-15 -- Not null and all in access parameters and types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  3.10 (6)   3.09.02 (11)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  
AI95-00447-01/03   2007-05-25 -- Null_exclusions allowed in Ada 95
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: ARG Approved  12-0-1  06-06-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)  


AI95-00042-01/03   1999-07-08 -- use of incomplete types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  3.10.01 (09)  
AI95-00217-01/03   2000-04-13 -- Handling Mutually Dependent Type Definitions that Cross Packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  10.01.02 (01)   3.10.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-03/01   2001-09-21 -- Handling mutually recursive types via separate incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-04/04   2002-12-02 -- Type stubs with package specifiers
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    J.10 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-05/02   2003-03-18 -- Type stubs with limited context clauses
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    10.01.02 (03)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (08)   10.02 (04)   J.11 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-07/02   2003-05-16 -- Incomplete type completed in a child
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (11)   8.03 (19)   8.05.03 (04)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06
AI95-00277-01/02   2002-01-04 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Deleted      02-01-04
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)  
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  
AI95-00412-01/06   2005-07-12 -- Subtypes of incomplete types; renamings of limited views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  3.10.01 (2)   3.10.01 (7)   8.03 (20)   8.05.03 (3)   8.05.03 (4)   10.01.02 (8)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00014-01/02   1999-05-27 -- ... and {its calling convention} shall not be Intrinsic.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  3.10.02 (32)  
AI95-00127-01/10   2000-07-31 -- Expected type of a 'Access attribute
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.09.02 (07)   3.09.02 (09)   3.10.02 (24)   3.10.02 (27)   4.08 (03)  
AI95-00162-01/09   2005-08-21 -- Anonymous access types and task termination/controlled type finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.10.02 (3)   3.10.02 (7)   3.10.02 (13)   6.05 (18)   7.06.01 (3)   7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (13.1)   9.03 (2)
                    9.03 (3)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00229-01/07   2004-11-24 -- Accessibility rules and generics
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  3.10.02 (32)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00235-01/08   2005-02-05 -- Resolving 'Access
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  3.10.02 (02)   4.01.04 (14/1)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  
AI95-00385-01/04   2005-03-23 -- Stand-alone objects of anonymous access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.03.01 (02)   3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (16)   3.10.02 (11)   7.04 (05)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00064-01/10   2000-04-20 -- Elaboration checks for renamings-as-body
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  3.11 (10)   3.11.01 (01)   8.05.04 (08)  
AI95-00393-01/01   2004-12-15 -- Defaulted generic parameters evaluation and elaboration check

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-3) 05-02-13
    RM References:  3.11 (13)  


AI95-00064-01/10   2000-04-20 -- Elaboration checks for renamings-as-body
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  3.11 (10)   3.11.01 (01)   8.05.04 (08)  
AI95-00369-01/00   2004-02-05 -- Completions and renaming
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  3.11.01 (04)   D.07 (04)  


AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00415-01/04   2005-07-09 -- Presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  4.01 (11)   1.02 (03)   1.02 (04)   1.02 (07)   1.03 (01)   3.02 (08)   9.03 (07)   A.01 (35)  


AI95-00252-01/10   2005-02-05 -- Object.Operation notation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-23
    RM References:  4.01.03 (09)   4.01.03 (13)   4.01.03 (15)   4.01.03 (17)   6.03.01 (10)  
AI95-00312-01/03   2005-10-13 -- Environment-level visibility rules and generic children
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  10.01.06 (05)   10.01.06 (02)   4.01.03 (04)  
AI95-00407-01/05   2005-05-18 -- Terminology and semantics of prefixed views
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  4.01.03 (09)   4.01.03 (13)   4.01.03 (17)   6.03.01 (10)   6.04 (10)  


AI95-00093-01/06   2000-07-31 -- Float_Type'Small

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.01.04 (12)  
AI95-00107-01/06   1999-05-28 -- Base attribute for non-scalar subtypes?
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  4.01.04 (12)  
AI95-00235-01/08   2005-02-05 -- Resolving 'Access
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  3.10.02 (02)   4.01.04 (14/1)  


AI95-00076-01/03   1999-07-08 -- String literal constraint ramification is correct.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  4.02 (11)  
AI95-00138-01/03   1999-05-28 -- Null String Literals when the Index Type is Modular
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  4.02 (10)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  


AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  


AI95-00171-01/09   2000-07-13 -- Elaboration of subtype_indications with per-object constraints
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.08 (18)   3.03.01 (18)   3.06 (22)   4.03.01 (19)   4.08 (10)   9.04 (14)   9.05.02 (22)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00389-01/03   2004-12-03 -- Allow aggregates of partial views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  4.03.01 (8)   4.03.01 (16)   4.03.01 (17)   4.03.02 (4)   4.03.02 (5)  
AI95-00413-01/01   2005-02-07 -- Partial view, task, and protected aggregates
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  4.03.01   


AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00306-01/03   2003-05-22 -- Class-wide extension aggregate expressions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  4.03.02 (05)  
AI95-00389-01/03   2004-12-03 -- Allow aggregates of partial views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  4.03.01 (8)   4.03.01 (16)   4.03.01 (17)   4.03.02 (4)   4.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00123-01/12   2000-08-17 -- Equality for composite types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  4.05.02 (24)   4.05.02 (32)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00349-01/02   2003-11-07 -- Equality on private extensions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 04-11-18
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   4.05.02 (14)  
AI95-00350-01/01   2003-09-16 -- Allocating and comparing zero-size objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (5-3-1) 04-06-14
    RM References:  4.05.02 (12)   13.11 (7)  
AI95-00420-01/04   2005-12-05 -- Resolution of universal operators in package Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  4.05.05 (20)   4.05.02 (9)  


AI95-00152-01/06   2000-01-25 -- Operators not inherited from root numeric types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  4.05.05 (17)  
AI95-00163-01/05   2000-07-07 -- User-defined fixed,fixed multiplying op
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  4.05.05 (18)  
AI95-00364-01/06   2004-12-30 -- Fixed-point multiply/divide
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  4.05.05 (20)  
AI95-00420-01/04   2005-12-05 -- Resolution of universal operators in package Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  4.05.05 (20)   4.05.02 (9)  


AI95-00018-01/05   2000-01-24 -- Inconsistency with Ada 83 in the definition of exponentiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  4.05.06 (11)  


AI95-00097-01/07   2000-01-25 -- Conversions between access types with different representations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  4.06 (47)  
AI95-00168-01/09   2000-09-25 -- Aliased objects cannot have discriminants modified
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   3.07.01 (07)  
AI95-00184-01/08   2000-07-13 -- Definiteness and type derivation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.06 (05)   4.06 (54)   8.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00201-01/01   1998-04-01 -- object subtype must statically match designated subtype
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     10-0-2  98-04-01
    RM References:  4.06 (16)  
AI95-00219-01/01   1999-05-14 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      04-03-29
    RM References:  4.06 (8-23)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00246-01/06   2004-12-29 -- View conversions between arrays of a by-reference type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   4.06 (12.1)   4.06 (09)   4.06 (24)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00267-01/06   2005-10-13 -- Fast float-to-integer conversions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  4.06 (33)   A.05.03 (41)  
AI95-00330-01/02   2004-12-03 -- Generic actual parameters are always value conversions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  4.06 (05)  
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  
AI95-00384-01/04   2004-11-09 -- Access to discriminated type conversion rules made symmetric
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  4.06 (16)  
AI95-00392-01/02   2005-02-25 -- Prohibit unsafe array type conversions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-07
    RM References:  4.06 (12)   4.06 (39)   4.06 (24)  


AI95-00127-01/10   2000-07-31 -- Expected type of a 'Access attribute
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.09.02 (07)   3.09.02 (09)   3.10.02 (24)   3.10.02 (27)   4.08 (03)  
AI95-00171-01/09   2000-07-13 -- Elaboration of subtype_indications with per-object constraints
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.08 (18)   3.03.01 (18)   3.06 (22)   4.03.01 (19)   4.08 (10)   9.04 (14)   9.05.02 (22)  
AI95-00280-01/08   2005-12-05 -- Allocation, deallocation, and use of objects after finalization
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  9.04 (20)   4.08 (11)   7.06.01 (11)   11.05 (20)   11.05 (21)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00344-01/12   2005-08-08 -- Allow nested type extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-01
    RM References:  3.09 (04)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (25)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.01 (07)   4.08 (05)
                    4.08 (07)   6.05 (08)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  
AI95-00366-01/12   2005-12-02 -- More liberal rules for Pure units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)   3.02 (6)   3.08 (9)   4.08 (5)   10.02.01 (17)   10.02.01 (18)   13.13.02 (36/1)   E.02.02 (8)
                    E.02.02 (14/1)   E.02.02 (17/1)   E.02.03 (14/1)  
AI95-00373-01/08   2005-10-12 -- Undefined discriminants caused by loose order of init requirements
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (18/1)   3.03.01 (19)   3.03.01 (20)   4.08 (07)   4.08 (08)   4.08 (10)   7.06 (10)
                    7.06 (11)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00100-01/05   2004-04-22 -- Truncation required for static expressions if Machine_Rounds is false
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  4.09 (38)   3.05.09 (08)  
AI95-00263-01/03   2002-11-27 -- Scalar formal derived types are never static
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-25
    RM References:  4.09 (29)  
AI95-00268-01/04   2005-05-16 -- Rounding of real static expressions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  4.09 (38)  
AI95-00269-01/08   2005-07-07 -- Generic formal objects can be static in the instance
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  4.09 (35)   4.09 (36)   4.09 (37)   4.09 (38)   12.04 (10)  
AI95-00289-01/03   2002-03-19 -- Truncation of real static expressions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-0) 03-02-09
    RM References:  4.09 (38)  
AI95-00311-01/04   2005-11-15 -- Static matching of scalar formal subtypes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  4.09 (31)   4.09.01 (01)  


AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00311-01/04   2005-11-15 -- Static matching of scalar formal subtypes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  4.09 (31)   4.09.01 (01)  


AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01


AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  


AI95-00096-01/03   1999-07-08 -- sparse case statements
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  5.04 (00)  


AI95-00218-03/09   2005-05-27 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-21
    RM References:  8.03.01 (1)   2.09 (2)   6.01 (2)   6.01 (3)   6.01 (30)   6.03 (2)   8.05.04 (2)   10.01.03 (3)
                    12.03 (2)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-02
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00323-01/01   2003-01-22 -- Allow in out parameters for functions.
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-1-0) 03-02-08
    RM References:  6.01 (18)   6.06 (03)   9.05.01 (02)  
AI95-00348-01/08   2005-05-23 -- Null procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-04-16
    RM References:  6.07 (01)   3.01 (03)   3.09.03 (1)   3.09.03 (3)   6.01 (03)   6.01 (04)   6.01 (20)   6.01 (30)
                    6.01 (31)   7.06 (06)   7.06 (08)   7.06 (09)   8.03.01 (1)   12.06 (03)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00192-01/06   2000-04-11 -- A library subprogram_body should replace, not complete, an instance
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-08
    RM References:  6.03 (04)   10.01.04 (04)  
AI95-00218-03/09   2005-05-27 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-21
    RM References:  8.03.01 (1)   2.09 (2)   6.01 (2)   6.01 (3)   6.01 (30)   6.03 (2)   8.05.04 (2)   10.01.03 (3)
                    12.03 (2)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-02


AI95-00117-01/08   2000-04-11 -- Calling conventions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.09.02 (10)   6.03.01 (13)   13.01 (11)   B.01 (28)  
AI95-00175-01/04   2000-07-31 -- Full conformance of expressions with attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-25
    RM References:  6.03.01 (19)   6.03.01 (21)  
AI95-00198-01/02   1999-07-28 -- pragma Convention(Intrinsic) is not a completion
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 99-06-12
    RM References:  6.03.01 (11)  
AI95-00252-01/10   2005-02-05 -- Object.Operation notation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-23
    RM References:  4.01.03 (09)   4.01.03 (13)   4.01.03 (15)   4.01.03 (17)   6.03.01 (10)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00397-01/08   2005-09-20 -- Conformance and overriding for entries and protected operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  6.03.01 (24)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)   9.05.02 (2)   9.05.02 (10)   9.05.02 (13)   10.01.01 (8)  
AI95-00407-01/05   2005-05-18 -- Terminology and semantics of prefixed views
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  4.01.03 (09)   4.01.03 (13)   4.01.03 (17)   6.03.01 (10)   6.04 (10)  
AI95-00409-01/05   2006-01-06 -- Conformance and overload resolution related to anon access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-09
    RM References:  6.03.01 (15)   6.03.01 (16)   8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (3)   8.05.01 (4)   8.06 (25)  


AI95-00074-01/02   1999-05-28 -- Pragma Inline Requires an Argument
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  6.03.02 (02)  
AI95-00309-01/02   2004-11-30 -- Pragma Inline compatibility
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  6.03.02 (06)   6.03.02 (03)   10.01.05 (02)   10.01.05 (05)   10.01.05 (06)  


AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00310-01/04   2003-05-22 -- Ignore abstract nondispatching subprograms during overloading
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-19
    RM References:  6.04 (08)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00407-01/05   2005-05-18 -- Terminology and semantics of prefixed views
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  4.01.03 (09)   4.01.03 (13)   4.01.03 (17)   6.03.01 (10)   6.04 (10)  


AI95-00110-01/04   1999-05-27 -- No Constraint Check on 'out' Parameter of an Access Type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  6.04.01 (13)  


AI95-00162-01/09   2005-08-21 -- Anonymous access types and task termination/controlled type finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.10.02 (3)   3.10.02 (7)   3.10.02 (13)   6.05 (18)   7.06.01 (3)   7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (13.1)   9.03 (2)
                    9.03 (3)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00316-01/02   2003-05-22 -- Return accessibility checks and value conversions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  6.05 (18)  
AI95-00318-01/03   2004-02-28 -- Returning [limited] objects without copying
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  3.03.01 (02)   6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-02
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00344-01/12   2005-08-08 -- Allow nested type extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-01
    RM References:  3.09 (04)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (25)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.01 (07)   4.08 (05)
                    4.08 (07)   6.05 (08)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00402-01/02   2005-03-11 -- Access discriminants of non-limited types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-11
    RM References:  3.07 (10)   3.07 (11)   6.05 (20)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00329-01/06   2004-11-04 -- pragma No_Return -- procedures that never return
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  6.05.01 (01)   11.04.01 (04)   11.04.01 (14)  
AI95-00414-01/03   2005-05-19 -- pragma No_Return for overriding procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-09
    RM References:  6.05.01 (01)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00322-01/00   2003-01-22 -- User-defined operator symbols
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (6-2-0) 03-02-08
    RM References:  6.06 (00)  
AI95-00323-01/01   2003-01-22 -- Allow in out parameters for functions.
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-1-0) 03-02-08
    RM References:  6.01 (18)   6.06 (03)   9.05.01 (02)  


AI95-00348-01/08   2005-05-23 -- Null procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-04-16
    RM References:  6.07 (01)   3.01 (03)   3.09.03 (1)   3.09.03 (3)   6.01 (03)   6.01 (04)   6.01 (20)   6.01 (30)
                    6.01 (31)   7.06 (06)   7.06 (08)   7.06 (09)   8.03.01 (1)   12.06 (03)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00217-02/02   2001-09-03 -- Handling mutually recursive types via package "abstracts"
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  7.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00271-01/03   2002-01-04 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Deleted      02-01-04
    RM References:  7.01 (02)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00129-01/03   1999-05-28 -- Discriminant Inheritance for Private Extensions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  7.03 (10)  
AI95-00157-01/06   2000-07-13 -- Visibility of inherited private components
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  7.03 (15)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00396-01/03   2005-05-18 -- The "no hidden interfaces" rule
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-13
    RM References:  3.09.04 (1)   7.03 (7)  
AI95-00401-01/08   2006-01-13 -- Terminology for interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (17)   3.04 (18)   3.04 (22)   3.04 (23)
                    3.04 (23.1)   3.04 (27)   3.04 (35)   3.04.01 (02)   7.03 (16)   7.03 (20)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)
                    12.05.01 (05)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.01 (21)   12.05.05 (04)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00443-01/01   2005-12-14 -- Synchronized private extensions

    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-04
    RM References:  3.09.04 (1)   7.03 (3)   7.03 (6)   7.03 (8)   12.05.01 (3)   12.05.01 (5)   12.05.01 (5.1)  


AI95-00033-01/07   1999-10-07 -- Delayed declaration of inherited primitive subprograms
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.03.01 (03)   7.03.01 (04)   7.03.01 (05)   7.03.01 (06)  
AI95-00035-01/06   2000-01-25 -- Type descriptors can be laid out at compile time
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  7.03.01 (07)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  


AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  
AI95-00385-01/04   2005-03-23 -- Stand-alone objects of anonymous access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.03.01 (02)   3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (16)   3.10.02 (11)   7.04 (05)  


AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00411-01/02   2005-02-26 -- Predefined equality for types derived from interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-26
    RM References:  7.05 (4)   3.09.04 (1)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  


AI95-00083-01/07   2000-07-13 -- Aggregates of a controlled type

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06 (17)   7.06 (21)  
AI95-00115-01/03   2000-07-13 -- Controlled types in language-defined generic packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   7.06 (04)   A (00)  
AI95-00126-01/11   2000-07-13 -- Classification of language-defined packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  E.02.02 (08)   7.06 (04)   A.05.01 (09)   G.01.01 (25)   G.01.02 (09)  
AI95-00147-01/12   2002-11-23 -- Optimization of controlled types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  7.06 (21)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00182-01/05   1999-10-07 -- Extension aggregates with controlled subcomponents
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06 (11)   7.06.01 (13)  
AI95-00197-01/04   1999-11-18 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      99-11-18
    RM References:  7.06 (21)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00348-01/08   2005-05-23 -- Null procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-04-16
    RM References:  6.07 (01)   3.01 (03)   3.09.03 (1)   3.09.03 (3)   6.01 (03)   6.01 (04)   6.01 (20)   6.01 (30)
                    6.01 (31)   7.06 (06)   7.06 (08)   7.06 (09)   8.03.01 (1)   12.06 (03)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  
AI95-00373-01/08   2005-10-12 -- Undefined discriminants caused by loose order of init requirements
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  3.03.01 (08)   3.03.01 (18/1)   3.03.01 (19)   3.03.01 (20)   4.08 (07)   4.08 (08)   4.08 (10)   7.06 (10)
                    7.06 (11)  


AI95-00146-01/00   1997-11-14 -- Controlled Components are Finalized
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action     10-0-2  97-11-14
    RM References:  7.06.01 (04)  
AI95-00162-01/09   2005-08-21 -- Anonymous access types and task termination/controlled type finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.10.02 (3)   3.10.02 (7)   3.10.02 (13)   6.05 (18)   7.06.01 (3)   7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (13.1)   9.03 (2)
                    9.03 (3)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00169-01/06   2000-08-18 -- Exceptions raised by Adjust/Finalize -- missing cases
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (14)   7.06.01 (17)  
AI95-00179-01/05   2000-07-12 -- Finalization and Unchecked_Deallocation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  7.06.01 (17)  
AI95-00182-01/05   1999-10-07 -- Extension aggregates with controlled subcomponents
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  7.06 (11)   7.06.01 (13)  
AI95-00193-01/06   1999-09-15 -- Initialize, Adjust, and exceptions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  7.06.01 (04)   7.06.01 (16)  
AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  
AI95-00280-01/08   2005-12-05 -- Allocation, deallocation, and use of objects after finalization
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  9.04 (20)   4.08 (11)   7.06.01 (11)   11.05 (20)   11.05 (21)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01


AI95-00032-01/02   1999-05-27 -- visible part of a renaming
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  8.02 (05)  
AI95-00408-01/02   2005-02-26 -- Visibility for attribute_definition_clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-26
    RM References:  8.03 (23)   8.02 (10)  


AI95-00041-01/14   2000-07-13 -- Program unit pragmas in generic units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  8.03 (16)   8.03 (18)   10.01.05 (07)   12.03 (13)   12.03 (14)  
AI95-00044-01/06   1999-10-07 -- Overriding by implicit declarations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  8.03 (09-10)   8.03 (26)  
AI95-00143-01/04   1999-05-27 -- Distinct Names for Compilation Units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  8.03 (25)  
AI95-00150-01/07   1999-10-07 -- Uniqueness of component names
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  8.03 (26)  
AI95-00195-01/17   2005-08-08 -- Streams
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  8.03 (23)   13.13.02 (09/1)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (35)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.13.02 (36.1/1)  
AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-07/02   2003-05-16 -- Incomplete type completed in a child
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (11)   8.03 (19)   8.05.03 (04)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06
AI95-00218-01/06   2001-09-11 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  8.03 (26)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-02  AI95-00218-03
AI95-00218-02/04   2003-04-28 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  8.03 (26)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-03
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00313-01/01   2002-09-27 -- Self-reference in subprogram access
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 02-10-11
    RM References:  8.03 (16)   8.03 (17)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00377-01/03   2004-11-30 -- Naming of generic child packages
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  8.03 (26/1)  
AI95-00408-01/02   2005-02-26 -- Visibility for attribute_definition_clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-26
    RM References:  8.03 (23)   8.02 (10)  
AI95-00412-01/06   2005-07-12 -- Subtypes of incomplete types; renamings of limited views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  3.10.01 (2)   3.10.01 (7)   8.03 (20)   8.05.03 (3)   8.05.03 (4)   10.01.02 (8)  


AI95-00218-03/09   2005-05-27 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-21
    RM References:  8.03.01 (1)   2.09 (2)   6.01 (2)   6.01 (3)   6.01 (30)   6.03 (2)   8.05.04 (2)   10.01.03 (3)
                    12.03 (2)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-02
AI95-00348-01/08   2005-05-23 -- Null procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-04-16
    RM References:  6.07 (01)   3.01 (03)   3.09.03 (1)   3.09.03 (3)   6.01 (03)   6.01 (04)   6.01 (20)   6.01 (30)
                    6.01 (31)   7.06 (06)   7.06 (08)   7.06 (09)   8.03.01 (1)   12.06 (03)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
AI95-00397-01/08   2005-09-20 -- Conformance and overriding for entries and protected operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  6.03.01 (24)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)   9.05.02 (2)   9.05.02 (10)   9.05.02 (13)   10.01.01 (8)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00122-01/03   1999-05-28 -- Use_type_clause where First Subtype is not Directly Visible
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  8.04 (08)  
AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07


AI95-00184-01/08   2000-07-13 -- Definiteness and type derivation
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  4.06 (05)   4.06 (54)   8.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00255-01/03   2002-10-25 -- Object renaming of subcomponents of generic in out objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-25
    RM References:  8.05.01 (05)   12.04 (09)  
AI95-00363-01/10   2006-01-12 -- Eliminating access subtype problems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-30
    RM References:  3.03.01 (9)   3.06 (11)   3.07.01 (7/1)   3.10 (9)   3.10.02 (26)   3.10.02 (27)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (16)
                    4.08 (6)   5.02 (16)   8.05.01 (5/1)  
AI95-00409-01/05   2006-01-06 -- Conformance and overload resolution related to anon access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-09
    RM References:  6.03.01 (15)   6.03.01 (16)   8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (3)   8.05.01 (4)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00423-01/09   2006-02-24 -- Renaming, null exclusion and formal objects
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-10
    RM References:  8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (4)   8.05.04 (4)   12.04 (2)   12.04 (5)   12.04 (7)   12.04 (9)   12.06 (8)  


AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-07/02   2003-05-16 -- Incomplete type completed in a child
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (11)   8.03 (19)   8.05.03 (04)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06
AI95-00412-01/06   2005-07-12 -- Subtypes of incomplete types; renamings of limited views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  3.10.01 (2)   3.10.01 (7)   8.03 (20)   8.05.03 (3)   8.05.03 (4)   10.01.02 (8)  


AI95-00064-01/10   2000-04-20 -- Elaboration checks for renamings-as-body
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  3.11 (10)   3.11.01 (01)   8.05.04 (08)  
AI95-00135-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Circular renamings as body
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  8.05.04 (05)   8.05.04 (08)  
AI95-00145-01/04   2000-07-13 -- Profile of predefined operators for scalar types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.05 (15)   8.05.04 (05)   A.01 (07)   A.01 (09-10)  
AI95-00211-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Can an abstract subprogram be renamed?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  8.05.04 (7)  
AI95-00218-03/09   2005-05-27 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-21
    RM References:  8.03.01 (1)   2.09 (2)   6.01 (2)   6.01 (3)   6.01 (30)   6.03 (2)   8.05.04 (2)   10.01.03 (3)
                    12.03 (2)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-02
AI95-00228-01/07   2005-09-20 -- Premature use of "shall be overridden" subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  3.09.03 (6)   8.05.04 (5/1)  
AI95-00390-01/02   2004-11-14 -- Defining by renaming an inherited subprogram
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-11-20
    RM References:  8.05.04 (02)   8.05.04 (03)  
AI95-00423-01/09   2006-02-24 -- Renaming, null exclusion and formal objects
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-10
    RM References:  8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (4)   8.05.04 (4)   12.04 (2)   12.04 (5)   12.04 (7)   12.04 (9)   12.06 (8)  


AI95-00299-01/02   2002-09-25 -- Defaults for generic formal parameters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-1-1) 02-10-11
    RM References:  8.05.05 (2)   12.04 (6)   12.05 (2)   12.07 (2)  


AI95-00149-01/04   2000-10-04 -- Miscellaneous confirmations
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-11-20
    RM References:  8.06 (12)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00254-01/14   2005-07-12 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (17)   3.07 (09)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (19)   3.10.02 (32)   3.10.02 (37)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (27)   6.03.01 (13)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (04)   8.06 (25)  
AI95-00332-01/04   2004-12-02 -- Resolution of qualified expressions and object renamings
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  8.06 (27)  
AI95-00382-01/05   2005-07-20 -- Current instance rule and anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  8.06 (17)   9.01 (19)   9.04 (21)  
AI95-00409-01/05   2006-01-06 -- Conformance and overload resolution related to anon access types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-09
    RM References:  6.03.01 (15)   6.03.01 (16)   8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (3)   8.05.01 (4)   8.06 (25)  


AI95-00116-01/05   2000-06-21 -- Elaboration of a task with no task_definition
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  9.01 (09)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00382-01/05   2005-07-20 -- Current instance rule and anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  8.06 (17)   9.01 (19)   9.04 (21)  
AI95-00397-01/08   2005-09-20 -- Conformance and overriding for entries and protected operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  6.03.01 (24)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)   9.05.02 (2)   9.05.02 (10)   9.05.02 (13)   10.01.01 (8)  
AI95-00399-01/03   2005-06-05 -- Single task and protected objects implementing interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-08
    RM References:  9.01 (3)   9.04 (3)  
AI95-00401-01/08   2006-01-13 -- Terminology for interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (17)   3.04 (18)   3.04 (22)   3.04 (23)
                    3.04 (23.1)   3.04 (27)   3.04 (35)   3.04.01 (02)   7.03 (16)   7.03 (20)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)
                    12.05.01 (05)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.01 (21)   12.05.05 (04)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00162-01/09   2005-08-21 -- Anonymous access types and task termination/controlled type finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.10.02 (3)   3.10.02 (7)   3.10.02 (13)   6.05 (18)   7.06.01 (3)   7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (13.1)   9.03 (2)
                    9.03 (3)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00415-01/04   2005-07-09 -- Presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  4.01 (11)   1.02 (03)   1.02 (04)   1.02 (07)   1.03 (01)   3.02 (08)   9.03 (07)   A.01 (35)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00171-01/09   2000-07-13 -- Elaboration of subtype_indications with per-object constraints
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.08 (18)   3.03.01 (18)   3.06 (22)   4.03.01 (19)   4.08 (10)   9.04 (14)   9.05.02 (22)  
AI95-00250-01/03   2001-04-29 -- Protected Types, Extensible, Tagged, Abstract
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  9.04 (05)   9.05.02 (02)   9.05.03 (02)  
AI95-00280-01/08   2005-12-05 -- Allocation, deallocation, and use of objects after finalization
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  9.04 (20)   4.08 (11)   7.06.01 (11)   11.05 (20)   11.05 (21)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00339-01/01   2003-07-31 -- Add use clauses to protected types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  9.04 (05)   9.04 (08)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00382-01/05   2005-07-20 -- Current instance rule and anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  8.06 (17)   9.01 (19)   9.04 (21)  
AI95-00397-01/08   2005-09-20 -- Conformance and overriding for entries and protected operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  6.03.01 (24)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)   9.05.02 (2)   9.05.02 (10)   9.05.02 (13)   10.01.01 (8)  
AI95-00399-01/03   2005-06-05 -- Single task and protected objects implementing interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-08
    RM References:  9.01 (3)   9.04 (3)  
AI95-00401-01/08   2006-01-13 -- Terminology for interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (17)   3.04 (18)   3.04 (22)   3.04 (23)
                    3.04 (23.1)   3.04 (27)   3.04 (35)   3.04.01 (02)   7.03 (16)   7.03 (20)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)
                    12.05.01 (05)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.01 (21)   12.05.05 (04)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  


AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  


AI95-00178-01/04   2003-05-03 -- Which I/O operations are potentially blocking?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Ramification                Status: WG9 Approved 03-06-20
    RM References:  9.05.01 (18)  
AI95-00305-01/14   2005-09-20 -- New pragma and additional restriction identifiers for real-time systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.07 (19)   H.05 (01)   9.05.01 (22)  
AI95-00323-01/01   2003-01-22 -- Allow in out parameters for functions.
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-1-0) 03-02-08
    RM References:  6.01 (18)   6.06 (03)   9.05.01 (02)  


AI95-00171-01/09   2000-07-13 -- Elaboration of subtype_indications with per-object constraints
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  3.08 (18)   3.03.01 (18)   3.06 (22)   4.03.01 (19)   4.08 (10)   9.04 (14)   9.05.02 (22)  
AI95-00250-01/03   2001-04-29 -- Protected Types, Extensible, Tagged, Abstract
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  9.04 (05)   9.05.02 (02)   9.05.03 (02)  
AI95-00278-01/01   2001-10-17 -- Task Entry without Accept Statement
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-0) 02-02-10
    RM References:  9.05.02 (27)  
AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01
AI95-00397-01/08   2005-09-20 -- Conformance and overriding for entries and protected operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  6.03.01 (24)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)   9.05.02 (2)   9.05.02 (10)   9.05.02 (13)   10.01.01 (8)  


AI95-00045-01/03   1999-07-08 -- Servicing of entry calls is part of a protected action
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  9.05.03 (00)  
AI95-00250-01/03   2001-04-29 -- Protected Types, Extensible, Tagged, Abstract
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  9.04 (05)   9.05.02 (02)   9.05.03 (02)  


AI95-00148-01/03   2004-05-21 -- Requeue of protected entry calls
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 04-06-18
    RM References:  9.05.04 (07)  


AI95-00113-01/04   1999-09-13 -- Exception raised by Month, Day, Seconds in Ada.Calendar?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  9.06 (26)  
AI95-00160-01/04   2000-07-12 -- Daylight savings and Ada.Calendar
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  9.06 (24)  
AI95-00351-01/10   2005-12-05 -- Time operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-26
    RM References:  9.06 (11)   9.06 (24)   9.06.01 (01)   1.02 (5)  
AI95-00358-01/01   2003-09-27 -- Application-defined scheduling
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 04-03-05
    RM References:  9.06 (00)   D.09 (00)  
AI95-00448-01/01   2006-11-13 -- Extended range of Year_Number
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-5) 06-11-17
    RM References:  9.06 (11)  


AI95-00351-01/10   2005-12-05 -- Time operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-26
    RM References:  9.06 (11)   9.06 (24)   9.06.01 (01)   1.02 (5)  
AI95-00427-01/05   2005-07-20 -- Default parameters and Calendar operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  9.06.01 (1)  


AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  


AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  


AI95-00118-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Termination signals query of Terminate attribute
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  9.10 (06)  
AI95-00159-01/07   2000-05-30 -- Shared variables in Shared_Passive?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  9.10 (00)   E.04 (20)  


AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  
AI95-00331-01/02   2004-11-30 -- 10.1.1(19) doesn't handle multiple nesting?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  10.01.01 (19)  
AI95-00397-01/08   2005-09-20 -- Conformance and overriding for entries and protected operations
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-14
    RM References:  6.03.01 (24)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)   9.05.02 (2)   9.05.02 (10)   9.05.02 (13)   10.01.01 (8)  


AI95-00006-01/02   1999-05-27 -- private child in with_clause
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  10.01.02 (08)  
AI95-00180-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Pragma Elaborate for child units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  10.01.02 (06)  
AI95-00217-01/03   2000-04-13 -- Handling Mutually Dependent Type Definitions that Cross Packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  10.01.02 (01)   3.10.01 (02)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-05/02   2003-03-18 -- Type stubs with limited context clauses
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    10.01.02 (03)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (08)   10.02 (04)   J.11 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00220-01/03   2002-11-27 -- Subprograms withing private compilation units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-24
    RM References:  10.01.02 (8)  
AI95-00232-01/01   2000-04-13 -- Dispatching operation visibility and ambiguity
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-06
    RM References:  10.01.02 (01)  
AI95-00262-01/09   2005-07-11 -- Access to private units in the private part
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-11
    RM References:  10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (08)  
AI95-00410-01/01   2005-02-07 -- Limited with should be allowed on bodies
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 05-02-12
    RM References:  10.01.02 (18/2)  
AI95-00412-01/06   2005-07-12 -- Subtypes of incomplete types; renamings of limited views
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  3.10.01 (2)   3.10.01 (7)   8.03 (20)   8.05.03 (3)   8.05.03 (4)   10.01.02 (8)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00218-03/09   2005-05-27 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-21
    RM References:  8.03.01 (1)   2.09 (2)   6.01 (2)   6.01 (3)   6.01 (30)   6.03 (2)   8.05.04 (2)   10.01.03 (3)
                    12.03 (2)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-02
AI95-00243-01/03   2005-06-08 -- Is a subunit of a subunit of L also a subunit of L?
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  10.01.03 (8)  


AI95-00077-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Separate compilation of generic bodies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  10.01.04 (03)  
AI95-00078-01/03   1999-07-08 -- semantic dependence on illegal or obsolete units
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  10.01.04 (05)  
AI95-00192-01/06   2000-04-11 -- A library subprogram_body should replace, not complete, an instance
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-08
    RM References:  6.03 (04)   10.01.04 (04)  
AI95-00214-01/04   2004-11-08 -- Distinct Names for Compilation Units (again)
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  10.01.04 (07)  
AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00244-01/01   2000-10-30 -- Legal units which depend on illegal units
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.01.04 (05)   10.01.04 (06)  
AI95-00245-01/03   2004-05-24 -- Consistency of inlined calls
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 04-06-18
    RM References:  10.01.04 (07)  


AI95-00041-01/14   2000-07-13 -- Program unit pragmas in generic units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  8.03 (16)   8.03 (18)   10.01.05 (07)   12.03 (13)   12.03 (14)  
AI95-00136-01/06   1999-08-31 -- Placement of program unit pragmas in generic packages
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  10.01.05 (05)  
AI95-00199-01/07   2000-04-13 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      00-04-13
    RM References:  10.01.05 (07)  
AI95-00212-01/04   2004-09-16 -- Restrictions on configuration pragmas
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  10.01.05 (09)  
AI95-00309-01/02   2004-11-30 -- Pragma Inline compatibility
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  6.03.02 (06)   6.03.02 (03)   10.01.05 (02)   10.01.05 (05)   10.01.05 (06)  


AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00312-01/03   2005-10-13 -- Environment-level visibility rules and generic children
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  10.01.06 (05)   10.01.06 (02)   4.01.03 (04)  


AI95-00172-01/05   2004-03-23 -- Questions about main subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.02 (07)  
AI95-00217-05/02   2003-03-18 -- Type stubs with limited context clauses
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    10.01.02 (03)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (08)   10.02 (04)   J.11 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  


AI95-00002-01/04   1999-10-08 -- Subunits of a preelaborated subprogram

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  10.02.01 (11)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00217-06/17   2005-10-11 -- Limited With Clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  10.01.01 (12)   10.01.01 (15)   10.01.01 (26)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (06)   10.01.02 (08)   10.01.02 (09)   10.01.04 (03)
                    10.01.04 (06)   10.01.06 (02)   10.02 (06)   10.02.01 (25)   3.10.01 (10)   4.01 (09)   8.03 (20)   8.04 (05)
                    8.04 (07)   8.04 (08)   8.05.03 (03)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00290-01/01   2004-02-29 -- Declaring functions Pure
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.02.01 (00)  
AI95-00336-01/00   2003-07-31 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      04-03-24
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00366-01/12   2005-12-02 -- More liberal rules for Pure units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)   3.02 (6)   3.08 (9)   4.08 (5)   10.02.01 (17)   10.02.01 (18)   13.13.02 (36/1)   E.02.02 (8)
                    E.02.02 (14/1)   E.02.02 (17/1)   E.02.03 (14/1)  
AI95-00367-01/01   2004-04-02 -- Add subtype declarations for Natural_n and Positive_n in package Interfaces
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  10.02.01   
AI95-00403-01/03   2005-05-05 -- Preelaboration checks and formal objects

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-17
    RM References:  10.02.01 (11)  


AI95-00282-01/01   2001-12-26 -- Ada unit information symbols
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 03-10-03
    RM References:  10.03 (00)  


AI95-00264-01/01   2001-05-09 -- Exceptions as Types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  11.01 (02)   11.03 (02)  


AI95-00264-01/01   2001-05-09 -- Exceptions as Types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  11.01 (02)   11.03 (02)  
AI95-00361-01/06   2006-02-08 -- Raise with message
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  11.03 (2)   11.03 (3)   11.03 (4)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00241-01/03   2001-09-11 -- Testing for Null_Occurrence
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  11.04.01 (14)  
AI95-00288-01/02   2004-02-29 -- Pre- and Postconditions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00329-01/06   2004-11-04 -- pragma No_Return -- procedures that never return
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  6.05.01 (01)   11.04.01 (04)   11.04.01 (14)  
AI95-00361-01/06   2006-02-08 -- Raise with message
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  11.03 (2)   11.03 (3)   11.03 (4)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  
AI95-00374-01/01   2004-02-28 -- Assertions_Only pragma
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00375-01/01   2004-02-29 -- Type and Package Invariants
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00378-01/02   2004-11-09 -- The bounds of Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  11.04.01 (10)   11.04.01 (12)   11.04.01 (13)  
AI95-00380-01/00   2004-04-26 -- Sign of zero in complex values
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (6-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  G.01.01 (58)   11.04.01 (12)   11.04.01 (13)  
AI95-00400-01/04   2005-06-01 -- Wide_ and Wide_Wide_ images of identifiers
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-03
    RM References:  3.09 (7)   3.09 (10)   11.04.01 (2)   11.04.01 (5)   11.04.01 (12)   C.05 (7)  
AI95-00417-01/01   2005-03-09 -- Lower bound of functions in Ada.Tags and Ada.Exceptions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-03
    RM References:  3.09 (12)   11.04.01 (12)  
AI95-00438-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Stream attribute availability for limited language-defined types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (06)   11.04.01 (16)  
AI95-00446-01/01   2006-02-03 -- Raise_Exception for Null_Id
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  11.04.01 (14)  


AI95-00286-01/11   2005-12-05 -- Assert pragma
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  11.04.02 (01)  


AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00176-01/05   1999-08-31 -- Access_Check is performed for access discriminants
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  11.05 (11)  
AI95-00224-01/11   2005-06-10 -- pragma Unsuppress
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-17
    RM References:  11.05 (1)   11.05 (3)   11.05 (4)   11.05 (5)   11.05 (6)   11.05 (7)   11.05 (8)   11.05 (27)
                    11.05 (29)   11.05 (30)   11.05 (32)   J.10 (00)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00280-01/08   2005-12-05 -- Allocation, deallocation, and use of objects after finalization
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  9.04 (20)   4.08 (11)   7.06.01 (11)   11.05 (20)   11.05 (21)  
AI95-00288-01/02   2004-02-29 -- Pre- and Postconditions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00374-01/01   2004-02-28 -- Assertions_Only pragma
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00375-01/01   2004-02-29 -- Type and Package Invariants
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  11.05 (00)   11.04.01 (10)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00041-01/14   2000-07-13 -- Program unit pragmas in generic units
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  8.03 (16)   8.03 (18)   10.01.05 (07)   12.03 (13)   12.03 (14)  
AI95-00114-01/00   2000-08-31 -- Editorial Comments on AARM
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Work Item    96-04-10
    RM References:  12.03 (11)  
AI95-00218-03/09   2005-05-27 -- Accidental overloading when overriding
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-21
    RM References:  8.03.01 (1)   2.09 (2)   6.01 (2)   6.01 (3)   6.01 (30)   6.03 (2)   8.05.04 (2)   10.01.03 (3)
                    12.03 (2)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00218-01  AI95-00218-02
AI95-00359-01/03   2004-06-07 -- Deferring Freezing of a Generic Instantiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-03  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-02/02   2004-07-02 -- Deferring Freezing of a Generic Instantiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-03  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-03/01   2004-07-29 -- Delayed completion of a generic instantation
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-04/05   2004-11-21 -- Partial view of generic instantiations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-11-21
    RM References:  12.03 (02)   12.03.01 (01)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-03


AI95-00359-04/05   2004-11-21 -- Partial view of generic instantiations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-11-21
    RM References:  12.03 (02)   12.03.01 (01)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-03


AI95-00255-01/03   2002-10-25 -- Object renaming of subcomponents of generic in out objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-25
    RM References:  8.05.01 (05)   12.04 (09)  
AI95-00269-01/08   2005-07-07 -- Generic formal objects can be static in the instance
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  4.09 (35)   4.09 (36)   4.09 (37)   4.09 (38)   12.04 (10)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  
AI95-00299-01/02   2002-09-25 -- Defaults for generic formal parameters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-1-1) 02-10-11
    RM References:  8.05.05 (2)   12.04 (6)   12.05 (2)   12.07 (2)  
AI95-00423-01/09   2006-02-24 -- Renaming, null exclusion and formal objects
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-10
    RM References:  8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (4)   8.05.04 (4)   12.04 (2)   12.04 (5)   12.04 (7)   12.04 (9)   12.06 (8)  


AI95-00043-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Predefined operators for generic formal array types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  12.05 (08)  
AI95-00098-01/02   1999-08-31 -- unknown_discriminant_parts on generic formal types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  3.07 (08)   12.05 (10)  
AI95-00158-01/06   2005-03-07 -- Primitives of a class-wide generic actual type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-09
    RM References:  12.05 (06)   12.05.01 (23)  
AI95-00233-01/03   2002-05-09 -- Inheritance of components of generic formal derived types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (20)   12.05.01 (21)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00299-01/02   2002-09-25 -- Defaults for generic formal parameters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-1-1) 02-10-11
    RM References:  8.05.05 (2)   12.04 (6)   12.05 (2)   12.07 (2)  
AI95-00304-01/01   2003-09-30 -- Reemergence of "=" in generics.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  12.05 (8)   A.04.04    3.02.01 (3)  
AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  


AI95-00158-01/06   2005-03-07 -- Primitives of a class-wide generic actual type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-09
    RM References:  12.05 (06)   12.05.01 (23)  
AI95-00202-01/05   2000-07-13 -- Primitives of formal type derived from another formal type
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  12.05.01 (21)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00233-01/03   2002-05-09 -- Inheritance of components of generic formal derived types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (20)   12.05.01 (21)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00401-01/08   2006-01-13 -- Terminology for interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (17)   3.04 (18)   3.04 (22)   3.04 (23)
                    3.04 (23.1)   3.04 (27)   3.04 (35)   3.04.01 (02)   7.03 (16)   7.03 (20)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)
                    12.05.01 (05)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.01 (21)   12.05.05 (04)  
AI95-00419-01/06   2005-08-08 -- Limitedness of derived types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-10
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (15)   3.07 (10)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.04 (01)
                    7.03 (03)   7.03 (06)   7.03 (08)   7.03 (10)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (04)   7.05 (06)   9.01 (9.1)
                    9.04 (11)   12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (05)  
AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  
AI95-00443-01/01   2005-12-14 -- Synchronized private extensions

    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-04
    RM References:  3.09.04 (1)   7.03 (3)   7.03 (6)   7.03 (8)   12.05.01 (3)   12.05.01 (5)   12.05.01 (5.1)  


AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  


AI95-00275-01/01   2001-09-20 -- Aliased components and generic formal arrays
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  12.05.03 (08)  
AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  


AI95-00025-01/05   2000-07-12 -- Matching rules for generic formal access-to-constant types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00231-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.10 (06)   3.02 (07)   3.02 (08)   3.02.02 (03)   3.04 (06)   3.07 (05)   3.07 (09)   3.10 (02)
                    3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (14/1)   3.10 (15)   4.02 (07)   4.05.02 (30)   4.06 (49)   4.06 (51)
                    4.09.01 (02)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (15)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.04 (12)   7.04 (07)   8.05.01 (04)
                    8.06 (20)   8.06 (25)   11.05 (11/1)   12.05.01 (10)   12.05.04 (04)  
AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  


AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  
AI95-00401-01/08   2006-01-13 -- Terminology for interfaces
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-01
    RM References:  3.04 (01)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (05)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (17)   3.04 (18)   3.04 (22)   3.04 (23)
                    3.04 (23.1)   3.04 (27)   3.04 (35)   3.04.01 (02)   7.03 (16)   7.03 (20)   9.01 (9.1)   9.04 (11)
                    12.05.01 (05)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.01 (21)   12.05.05 (04)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  
AI95-00442-01/03   2006-02-24 -- Classes and categories of types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-25
    RM References:  3.02 (02)   3.02 (10)   3.02 (11)   3.02 (13)   3.04 (01)   3.04 (08)   12.05 (01)   12.05 (06)
                    12.05 (07)   12.05 (08)   12.05.01 (01)   12.05.02 (01)   12.05.03 (01)   12.05.04 (01)   12.05.05 (01)  


AI95-00260-02/09   2006-02-01 -- Abstract formal subprograms and dispatching constuctors
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (18)   3.09 (25)   3.09 (26)   3.09 (30)   3.09.02 (01)
                    3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (22)   3.09.03 (03)   3.09.03 (11)   12.06 (02)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (08)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00260-01
AI95-00348-01/08   2005-05-23 -- Null procedures
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-04-16
    RM References:  6.07 (01)   3.01 (03)   3.09.03 (1)   3.09.03 (3)   6.01 (03)   6.01 (04)   6.01 (20)   6.01 (30)
                    6.01 (31)   7.06 (06)   7.06 (08)   7.06 (09)   8.03.01 (1)   12.06 (03)   12.06 (04)   12.06 (10)
                    12.06 (16)  
AI95-00423-01/09   2006-02-24 -- Renaming, null exclusion and formal objects
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-10
    RM References:  8.05.01 (2)   8.05.01 (4)   8.05.04 (4)   12.04 (2)   12.04 (5)   12.04 (7)   12.04 (9)   12.06 (8)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00086-01/07   2004-06-10 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Deleted      04-06-10
    RM References:  12.07 (0) (00)  
AI95-00213-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Formal object matching for formal packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  12.07 (05)   12.07 (06)  
AI95-00299-01/02   2002-09-25 -- Defaults for generic formal parameters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-1-1) 02-10-11
    RM References:  8.05.05 (2)   12.04 (6)   12.05 (2)   12.07 (2)  
AI95-00317-01/11   2005-08-09 -- Partial parameter lists for formal packages
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  12.07 (03)   12.07 (05)   12.07 (06)   12.07 (10)  
AI95-00398-01/02   2005-03-13 -- A parameter of a formal package should be given at most once
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-13
    RM References:  12.07 (4)  
AI95-00433-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Examples in the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-18
    RM References:  1.01.04 (9)   2.03 (8)   2.05 (5)   2.06 (9)   2.08 (29)   3.02.02 (15)   3.03.01 (27)   3.03.01 (29)
                    3.03.01 (31)   3.03.01 (33)   3.03.02 (10)   3.06 (30)   3.07 (37)   3.09.04 (1)   3.10 (22)   3.10.01 (19)
                    3.10.01 (20)   3.10.01 (21)   4.03.03 (43)   4.04 (15)   6.05.01 (1)   6.07 (1)   8.03.01 (1)   9.01 (24)
                    9.11 (3)   9.11 (6)   9.11 (7)   9.11 (8)   9.11 (9)   9.11 (10)   10.01.02 (8)   11.03 (6)
                    11.04.03 (2)   11.04.03 (6)   12.05.05 (5)   12.06 (18)   12.07 (11)  


AI95-00117-01/08   2000-04-11 -- Calling conventions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.09.02 (10)   6.03.01 (13)   13.01 (11)   B.01 (28)  
AI95-00137-01/08   2000-08-31 -- Attribute definition clause for stream attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.01 (10-11)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00291-01/06   2004-12-07 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)   13.03 (24)
                    13.03 (25)   13.03 (26)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-02
AI95-00291-02/06   2005-10-10 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (7)   13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)
                    13.03 (24)   13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (34)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-01
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  
AI95-00444-01/02   2006-02-24 -- Streaming of untagged types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-04
    RM References:  13.01 (15.1)   13.13.02 (8.1)   13.13.02 (25)   13.13.02 (41)  


AI95-00291-01/06   2004-12-07 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)   13.03 (24)
                    13.03 (25)   13.03 (26)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-02
AI95-00291-02/06   2005-10-10 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (7)   13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)
                    13.03 (24)   13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (34)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-01


AI95-00051-01/15   2004-12-08 -- Size and Alignment clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (30)   13.03 (31)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (42)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (50)
                    13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00051-02
AI95-00051-02/03   2005-04-03 -- Size and Alignment clauses
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (30)   13.03 (31)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (42)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (50)
                    13.03 (56)   13.03 (53)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00051-01
AI95-00059-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Specifying Storage size for tasks
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  13.03 (61)  
AI95-00109-01/08   2004-04-20 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      04-04-20
    RM References:  13.03 (55)  
AI95-00125-01/04   2000-07-12 -- Order of Size and Small clauses for fixed point types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  13.03 (55)  
AI95-00133-01/06   2005-08-09 -- Controlling bit ordering
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  13.05.03 (08)   13.03 (08)   13.05.01 (10)   13.05.01 (13)   13.05.01 (17)   13.05.02 (02)   13.05.02 (03)   13.05.02 (04)  
AI95-00170-01/02   1999-07-27 -- Can an attribute defined in an annex be set in an attribute definition clause?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 99-06-12
    RM References:  13.03 (05)  
AI95-00173-01/01   2003-08-01 -- Optimizations and the use of 'Address
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (11-0-0) 04-06-17
    RM References:  13.03 (16)  
AI95-00247-01/03   2005-04-04 -- Alignment of composite types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  13.03 (26)   13.03 (37)  
AI95-00270-01/08   2005-05-09 -- Stream item size control
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  13.13.02 (02)   13.13.02 (09/1)   13.13.02 (17)   13.03 (77)  
AI95-00291-01/06   2004-12-07 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)   13.03 (24)
                    13.03 (25)   13.03 (26)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-02
AI95-00291-02/06   2005-10-10 -- By-reference types and the recommended level of support for representation items
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-13
    RM References:  13.01 (7)   13.01 (18.1/1)   13.01 (21)   13.01 (24)   13.02 (06)   13.03 (18)   13.03 (22/1)   13.03 (23)
                    13.03 (24)   13.03 (25)   13.03 (28)   13.03 (32)   13.03 (34)   13.03 (43)   13.03 (56)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00291-01
AI95-00300-01/01   2002-06-13 -- The standard storage pool
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-1) 02-06-23
    RM References:  13.03    13.11   
AI95-00319-01/02   2003-09-19 -- Object_Size attribute
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (6-1-1) 03-02-08
    RM References:  13.03 (58)  


AI95-00281-01/01   2001-12-26 -- Representation of enumeration type image attribute
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-0) 02-02-10
    RM References:  13.04 (04)  
AI95-00287-01/13   2005-12-12 -- Limited aggregates allowed
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-28
    RM References:  3.03.01 (05)   3.06.02 (16)   3.08 (08)   3.08 (25)   4.03 (03)   4.03.01 (04)   4.03.01 (08)   4.03.01 (16)
                    4.03.01 (17)   4.03.01 (20)   4.03.01 (27)   4.03.01 (29)   4.03.02 (04)   4.03.03 (03)   4.03.03 (05)   4.03.03 (07)
                    4.03.03 (24)   4.08 (05)   5.02 (04)   5.02 (05)   7.03.01 (12)   7.05 (01)   7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)
                    7.05 (09)   7.05 (10)   7.05 (11)   7.05 (12)   7.05 (13)   7.05 (14)   7.05 (15)   9.01 (21)
                    9.04 (23)   12.04 (08)   13.04 (06)  


AI95-00133-01/06   2005-08-09 -- Controlling bit ordering
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  13.05.03 (08)   13.03 (08)   13.05.01 (10)   13.05.01 (13)   13.05.01 (17)   13.05.02 (02)   13.05.02 (03)   13.05.02 (04)  
AI95-00274-01/00   2001-09-19 -- Requiring complete record representation clauses
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 03-02-07
    RM References:  13.05.01 (2)  
AI95-00436-01/01   2005-09-16 -- Record representation clauses for limited record types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-09-16
    RM References:  13.05.01 (8)  


AI95-00133-01/06   2005-08-09 -- Controlling bit ordering
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  13.05.03 (08)   13.03 (08)   13.05.01 (10)   13.05.01 (13)   13.05.01 (17)   13.05.02 (02)   13.05.02 (03)   13.05.02 (04)  


AI95-00133-01/06   2005-08-09 -- Controlling bit ordering
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  13.05.03 (08)   13.03 (08)   13.05.01 (10)   13.05.01 (13)   13.05.01 (17)   13.05.02 (02)   13.05.02 (03)   13.05.02 (04)  


AI95-00031-01/05   2000-07-07 -- Unpacking a record type with primitive subprograms
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  13.06 (02)  


AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00221-01/04   2005-08-09 -- Default_Bit_Order is static
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  13.07 (15)   13.07 (35)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  


AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  


AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  


AI95-00318-02/12   2005-12-09 -- Limited and anonymous access return types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-23
    RM References:  3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (13)   3.01 (06)   3.08 (14)   3.09 (24)   4.03.03 (11)   5 (02)   5.01 (04)
                    5.01 (05)   5.01 (14)   6.01 (13)   6.01 (23)   6.01 (24)   6.01 (28)   6.03.01 (16)   6.04 (11)
                    6.05 (01)   6.05 (02)   6.05 (03)   6.05 (04)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (07)   6.05 (08)
                    6.05 (09)   6.05 (10)   6.05 (11)   6.05 (12)   6.05 (13)   6.05 (14)   6.05 (15)   6.05 (16)
                    6.05 (17)   6.05 (18)   6.05 (19)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (21)   6.05 (22)   6.05 (24)   7.03 (19)
                    7.05 (02)   7.05 (08)   7.05 (09)   7.05 (23)   7.06 (17.1)   7.06.01 (02)   7.06.01 (18)   8.01 (4)
                    9.05.02 (29)   13.08 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00318-01


AI95-00426-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Language-defined routines returning abnormal and invalid values
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  13.09.01 (6)   13.09 (11)   13.09.02 (12)  


AI95-00167-01/04   2003-05-03 -- Scalar unchecked conversion can be used with 'Valid to prevent erroneousness
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-19
    RM References:  13.09.01 (12)  
AI95-00426-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Language-defined routines returning abnormal and invalid values
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  13.09.01 (6)   13.09 (11)   13.09.02 (12)  


AI95-00426-01/05   2005-09-20 -- Language-defined routines returning abnormal and invalid values
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  13.09.01 (6)   13.09 (11)   13.09.02 (12)  


AI95-00066-01/01   1999-08-31 -- Incorrect syntax in example -- remove "limited"

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.11 (39)  
AI95-00103-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Storage pools and access types designating task types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  13.11 (00)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00300-01/01   2002-06-13 -- The standard storage pool
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (7-0-1) 02-06-23
    RM References:  13.03    13.11   
AI95-00350-01/01   2003-09-16 -- Allocating and comparing zero-size objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (5-3-1) 04-06-14
    RM References:  4.05.02 (12)   13.11 (7)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00435-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Storage pools for access-to-subprogram types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-18
    RM References:  13.11 (12)  


AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00162-01/09   2005-08-21 -- Anonymous access types and task termination/controlled type finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-03
    RM References:  3.10.02 (3)   3.10.02 (7)   3.10.02 (13)   6.05 (18)   7.06.01 (3)   7.06.01 (13)   7.06.01 (13.1)   9.03 (2)
                    9.03 (3)   13.11.02 (17)  
AI95-00416-01/15   2006-02-24 -- Access results, accessibility, and return statements
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-16
    RM References:  3.02.03 (01)   3.03 (10)   3.07 (27)   3.09.02 (02)   3.09.02 (04)   3.09.02 (05)   3.09.02 (06)   3.09.02 (11)
                    3.09.02 (18)   3.10.02 (07)   3.10.02 (09)   3.10.02 (10)   3.10.02 (11)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (13)   3.10.02 (14)
                    4.08 (05)   4.08 (10)   6.05 (05)   6.05 (06)   6.05 (20)   6.05 (22)   7.06.01 (03)   7.06.01 (09)
                    9.02 (02)   9.02 (03)   9.02 (04)   9.03 (02)   9.03 (03)   13.11 (25)   13.11.01 (3)   13.11.02 (9)
                    13.11.02 (10)   13.11.02 (17)  


AI95-00130-01/07   2000-04-11 -- Enforcing Restrictions might violate the generic contract model
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  13.12 (08)   13.12 (09)   D.07 (04)   H.04 (08)  
AI95-00190-01/05   1999-10-08 -- Compile-time enforcement of pragma Restrictions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  13.12 (09)   D.07 (15)  
AI95-00222-01/01   1999-06-25 -- Feature control
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  13.12 (1-11)  
AI95-00347-01/04   2005-08-08 -- Title of Annex H
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-23
    RM References:  H    1.01.02 (13)   13.12 (10)   H (1)   H.04    H.04 (2)  
AI95-00368-01/05   2005-08-20 -- Restrictions for obsolescent features
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  13.12 (7)   J (1)  
AI95-00372-01/01   2004-02-05 -- Restrictions for default stream attributes of elementary types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  13.12   
AI95-00381-01/07   2005-10-13 -- New Restrictions identifier No_Dependence
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  13.12 (4)   13.12.01 (1)  
AI95-00394-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Redundant Restriction Identifiers and completing Ravenscar definition
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  D.07 (09)   D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.13.01 (01)   H.04 (2)   H.04 (3)   H.04 (9)   H.04 (16)
                    H.04 (23)   J.13 (1)   13.12 (7)  


AI95-00257-01/05   2005-08-20 -- Restrictions for implementation-defined entities
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  13.12.01 (01)  
AI95-00381-01/07   2005-10-13 -- New Restrictions identifier No_Dependence
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  13.12 (4)   13.12.01 (1)  


AI95-00001-01/07   2000-07-11 -- Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream can raise Status_Error

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  A.12.01 (29)   A.12.01 (36)   13.13.01 (08-09)  
AI95-00132-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Exception raised at end of stream
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.13.01 (08)   13.13.02 (35)   A.13 (13)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00181-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Components of Stream_Element_Array should be aliased
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  13.13.01 (04)   13.13.01 (09)  
AI95-00227-01/05   2001-09-11 -- Behavior of Ada.Streams.Read when at the end of stream
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-01-17
    RM References:  13.13.01 (4)   13.13.01 (5)   13.13.01 (8)  


AI95-00108-01/08   2000-07-31 -- Inheritance of stream attributes for type extensions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  13.13.02 (09)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36)  
AI95-00132-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Exception raised at end of stream
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.13.01 (08)   13.13.02 (35)   A.13 (13)  
AI95-00155-01/02   1996-09-15 -- (Deleted)

    Class: Ramification                Status: Deleted      96-09-15
    RM References:  13.13.02 (00)  
AI95-00174-01/01   2000-11-28 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Deleted      00-11-28
    RM References:  13.13.02 (09)  
AI95-00195-01/17   2005-08-08 -- Streams
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  8.03 (23)   13.13.02 (09/1)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (35)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.13.02 (36.1/1)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00260-01/04   2002-05-10 -- How to control the tag representation in a stream
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-17
    RM References:  13.13.02 (28)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)   13.13.02 (38)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00260-02
AI95-00261-01/01   2001-02-15 -- Extending enumeration types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 03-02-07
    RM References:  13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00270-01/08   2005-05-09 -- Stream item size control
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  13.13.02 (02)   13.13.02 (09/1)   13.13.02 (17)   13.03 (77)  
AI95-00279-01/09   2005-08-08 -- Tag read by T'Class'Input
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-24
    RM References:  13.13.02 (34)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (26)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (19/1)  
AI95-00344-01/12   2005-08-08 -- Allow nested type extensions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-01
    RM References:  3.09 (04)   3.09 (07)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (25)   3.09.01 (03)   3.09.01 (04)   3.09.01 (07)   4.08 (05)
                    4.08 (07)   6.05 (08)   13.13.02 (31)   13.13.02 (34)  
AI95-00366-01/12   2005-12-02 -- More liberal rules for Pure units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)   3.02 (6)   3.08 (9)   4.08 (5)   10.02.01 (17)   10.02.01 (18)   13.13.02 (36/1)   E.02.02 (8)
                    E.02.02 (14/1)   E.02.02 (17/1)   E.02.03 (14/1)  
AI95-00441-01/02   2005-11-22 -- Passing a null stream access value to stream attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-24
    RM References:  13.13.02 (04)   13.13.02 (07)   13.13.02 (12)   13.13.02 (15)   13.13.02 (20)   13.13.02 (23)   13.13.02 (30)   13.13.02 (33)
                    13.13.02 (60)   3.09 (18)  
AI95-00444-01/02   2006-02-24 -- Streaming of untagged types

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-04
    RM References:  13.01 (15.1)   13.13.02 (8.1)   13.13.02 (25)   13.13.02 (41)  


AI95-00040-01/07   2000-07-12 -- A box for a formal subprogram_default freezes the actual
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  13.14 (05)  
AI95-00106-01/10   2000-07-11 -- Freezing rules
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  13.14 (06)   13.14 (08)   13.14 (11)   13.14 (04)  
AI95-00251-01/24   2005-12-02 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-29
    RM References:  3.04 (02)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (04)   3.02.01 (02)   3.04 (03)   3.04 (08)   3.04 (23)   3.04 (35)
                    3.04.01 (02)   3.04.01 (10)   3.07 (01)   3.07 (08)   3.09.03 (04)   3.09.03 (05)   3.09.04 (01)   4.05.02 (03)
                    4.06 (08-10)   4.06 (11/1)   4.06 (12/1)   4.06 (12.1/1)   4.06 (13-24)   7.03 (03)   8.03 (12)   12.05 (03)
                    12.05.01 (03)   12.05.01 (15)   12.05.05 (01)   13.01 (13)   13.13.02 (9)   13.13.02 (27)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (07)  
AI95-00279-01/09   2005-08-08 -- Tag read by T'Class'Input
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-24
    RM References:  13.13.02 (34)   3.09 (12)   3.09 (26)   13.13.02 (36/1)   13.14 (19/1)  
AI95-00293-01/00   2002-04-23 -- Built-in hash function
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 03-10-03
    RM References:  13.14 (00)  
AI95-00341-01/02   2003-11-08 -- Primitive subprograms are frozen with a tagged type
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  13.14 (15)  
AI95-00359-01/03   2004-06-07 -- Deferring Freezing of a Generic Instantiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-03  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-02/02   2004-07-02 -- Deferring Freezing of a Generic Instantiation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-03  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-03/01   2004-07-29 -- Delayed completion of a generic instantation
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-09-19
    RM References:  12.03 (12)   12.03 (20)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-04
AI95-00359-04/05   2004-11-21 -- Partial view of generic instantiations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 04-11-21
    RM References:  12.03 (02)   12.03.01 (01)   13.14 (05)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00359-01  AI95-00359-02  AI95-00359-03


AI95-00049-01/03   1999-05-27 -- Reserved_128, etc.

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  A.01 (35)  
AI95-00145-01/04   2000-07-13 -- Profile of predefined operators for scalar types
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.05 (15)   8.05.04 (05)   A.01 (07)   A.01 (09-10)  
AI95-00230-01/21   2006-02-02 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.04.01 (06)   3.02.01 (07)   3.02.01 (08)   3.04.01 (03)   3.04.01 (10)   3.06 (07)   3.06 (22/1)   3.07 (10)
                    3.07 (27)   3.08 (18/1)   3.10 (12)   3.10 (13)   3.10 (17)   3.10.02 (12)   3.10.02 (34)   4.02 (02)
                    4.02 (07)   4.02 (08)   4.05.02 (07)   4.05.02 (09)   4.05.02 (33)   4.06 (13)   4.06 (18)   4.06 (49)
                    4.06 (61)   8.05.01 (02)   8.05.01 (03)   8.05.01 (06)   8.06 (25)   13.07.02 (25)   13.11 (25)   A.01 (34)  
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  
AI95-00415-01/04   2005-07-09 -- Presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-28
    RM References:  4.01 (11)   1.02 (03)   1.02 (04)   1.02 (07)   1.03 (01)   3.02 (08)   9.03 (07)   A.01 (35)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00365-01/02   2004-01-09 -- Permissions to create grandchildren of Ada
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-1-1) 03-12-13
    RM References:  A (04)   A.02 (04)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00151-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Bounds of string returned by Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Range
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  A.04.02 (63)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  


AI95-00128-01/08   2000-07-31 -- String packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (68)   A.04.04 (101)   A.04.04 (102-105)   A.04.05 (86-87)   A.04.03 (2,74)  
AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  


AI95-00128-01/08   2000-07-31 -- String packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (68)   A.04.04 (101)   A.04.04 (102-105)   A.04.05 (86-87)   A.04.03 (2,74)  
AI95-00238-01/03   2002-05-09 -- What is the lower bound of Ada.Strings.Bounded.Slice?
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  A.04.04 (101)  
AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  
AI95-00304-01/01   2003-09-30 -- Reemergence of "=" in generics.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  12.05 (8)   A.04.04    3.02.01 (3)  


AI95-00128-01/08   2000-07-31 -- String packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (68)   A.04.04 (101)   A.04.04 (102-105)   A.04.05 (86-87)   A.04.03 (2,74)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  
AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  


AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  


AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  
AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00388-01/03   2005-10-10 -- Add Greek pi to Ada.Numerics
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  A.05 (3)  


AI95-00084-01/03   1999-07-08 -- Questions about Generic_Elementary_Functions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 98-06-12
    RM References:  A.05.01 (00)  
AI95-00094-01/01   1999-07-08 -- Exponentiation: 0.0 ** 0.0 raises Argument_Error.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  A.05.01 (42)  
AI95-00099-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Accuracy requirements for elementary functions
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  A.05.01 (01)  
AI95-00126-01/11   2000-07-13 -- Classification of language-defined packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  E.02.02 (08)   7.06 (04)   A.05.01 (09)   G.01.01 (25)   G.01.02 (09)  


AI95-00089-01/06   2000-04-11 -- Float_Random.Value, Discrete_Random.Value
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  A.05.02 (40)  
AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00055-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Overflow for Adjacent, Machine, and Model attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved  97-11-14
    RM References:  A.05.03 (50)  
AI95-00267-01/06   2005-10-13 -- Fast float-to-integer conversions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  4.06 (33)   A.05.03 (41)  
AI95-00315-01/02   2004-02-27 -- Full support for IEC 559:1989
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-1) 04-09-17
    RM References:  A.05.03 (00)  
AI95-00379-01/01   2004-04-20 -- Static evaluation of numeric attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (7-0-2) 04-11-21
    RM References:  A.05.03 (26)   A.05.03 (29)   A.05.03 (47)  
AI95-00429-01/01   2005-03-15 -- Representation of minus signs
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: WG9 Approved 06-06-09
    RM References:  A.05.03   


AI95-00060-01/05   1999-05-27 -- No predefined 'Truncate Attribute on Fixed-Point Types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved (8-0-0) 97-07-04
    RM References:  A.05.04 (00)  
AI95-00308-01/01   2002-08-30 -- Private generic children are private
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 03-02-09
    RM References:  A.05.04 (00)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00283-01/04   2005-08-11 -- Truncation of stream files by Close and Reset
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  A.12.01 (28)   A.08.02 (03)   A.08.02 (10)   A.08.02 (16)   A.08 (01)  


AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  


AI95-00056-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Create(Mode => Append_File)

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  A.08.02 (02)  
AI95-00085-01/09   2005-01-25 -- Append_File, Reset, and positioning for Stream_IO
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  A.08.02 (16)   A.12.01 (28.1)   A.12.01 (33)  
AI95-00248-01/17   2006-02-03 -- Directory Operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-12
    RM References:  A.16 (00)   A.08.02 (22)  
AI95-00283-01/04   2005-08-11 -- Truncation of stream files by Close and Reset
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  A.12.01 (28)   A.08.02 (03)   A.08.02 (10)   A.08.02 (16)   A.08 (01)  


AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  


AI95-00050-01/03   1999-08-31 -- External files of Standard_Input and Standard_Output

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.03 (25)   A.14 (03)   A.10 (05)  


AI95-00057-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Text_IO.Flush should use mode 'in'

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.01 (21)   A.10.03 (20)   A.12.01 (25)  
AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  
AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  


AI95-00050-01/03   1999-08-31 -- External files of Standard_Input and Standard_Output

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.03 (25)   A.14 (03)   A.10 (05)  
AI95-00057-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Text_IO.Flush should use mode 'in'

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.01 (21)   A.10.03 (20)   A.12.01 (25)  
AI95-00063-01/07   2000-07-13 -- Erroneous execution for closing default files
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.03 (23)  
AI95-00087-01/04   2000-01-25 -- Saving and restoring Current_Output
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  A.10.03 (00)  
AI95-00194-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Error in Standard_Error definition
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  A.10.03 (12)  


AI95-00223-01/03   2001-09-07 -- Line terminators are skipped by Get.
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  A.10.06 (05)  


AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  


AI95-00007-01/02   2000-07-11 -- Enumeration_IO does not allow instantiation for a float type
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.10 (17)  


AI95-00428-01/02   2005-05-05 -- Input-output for bounded strings
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  A.10.11 (1)  


AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  


AI95-00112-01/04   1999-05-27 -- Wide_String file names
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 96-12-07
    RM References:  A.11 (00)  
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00301-01/15   2005-09-20 -- Operations on language-defined string types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  A.04.03 (8)   A.04.03 (10)   A.04.03 (11)   A.04.03 (56)   A.04.03 (58)   A.04.03 (60)   A.04.04 (12)   A.04.04 (28)
                    A.04.04 (43)   A.04.04 (45)   A.04.04 (46)   A.04.04 (92)   A.04.04 (101/1)   A.04.05 (11)   A.04.05 (22)   A.04.05 (38)
                    A.04.05 (40)   A.04.05 (41)   A.04.05 (79)   A.04.05 (82)   A.04.07 (40)   A.04.07 (44)   A.10.01 (48)   A.10.07 (17)
                    A.10.12 (00)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00001-01/07   2000-07-11 -- Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream can raise Status_Error

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  A.12.01 (29)   A.12.01 (36)   13.13.01 (08-09)  
AI95-00026-01/06   2000-09-26 -- Stream_IO.Read and Stream_IO.Write advance the current index

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  A.12.01 (28-35)  
AI95-00057-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Text_IO.Flush should use mode 'in'

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.01 (21)   A.10.03 (20)   A.12.01 (25)  
AI95-00085-01/09   2005-01-25 -- Append_File, Reset, and positioning for Stream_IO
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  A.08.02 (16)   A.12.01 (28.1)   A.12.01 (33)  
AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  
AI95-00283-01/04   2005-08-11 -- Truncation of stream files by Close and Reset
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  A.12.01 (28)   A.08.02 (03)   A.08.02 (10)   A.08.02 (16)   A.08 (01)  
AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  


AI95-00027-01/02   1999-07-08 -- Typo: is access all {Ada.}Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  A.12.02 (03)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00132-01/06   2000-07-12 -- Exception raised at end of stream
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  13.13.01 (08)   13.13.02 (35)   A.13 (13)  


AI95-00050-01/03   1999-08-31 -- External files of Standard_Input and Standard_Output

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  A.10.03 (25)   A.14 (03)   A.10 (05)  


AI95-00292-01/00   2002-04-23 -- Sockets operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.15 (00)  


AI95-00248-01/17   2006-02-03 -- Directory Operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-12
    RM References:  A.16 (00)   A.08.02 (22)  
AI95-00302-01/07   2003-09-25 -- Data structure components for Ada
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.16   
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-03  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00302-02/02   2003-09-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.16   
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-03  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00324-01/01   2003-02-01 -- Physical Units Checking
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.16 (01)  


AI95-00302-04/00   2004-02-13 -- Container library (mail container)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (11-0-0) 05-04-16
    RM References:  A.17   
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-03
AI95-00370-01/06   2005-08-16 -- Environment variables
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  A.17 (00)  


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04
AI95-00371-01/01   2004-02-05 -- New hierarchy for OS-dependent services
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (6-1-3) 04-03-05
    RM References:  A.18   


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00302-03/18   2006-03-29 -- Container library
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-31
    RM References:  A.18 (00)   A.18.01 (00)   A.18.02 (00)   A.18.03 (00)   A.18.04 (00)   A.18.05 (00)   A.18.06 (00)   A.18.07 (00)
                    A.18.08 (00)   A.18.09 (00)   A.18.10 (00)   A.18.11 (00)   A.18.12 (00)   A.18.13 (00)   A.18.14 (00)   A.18.15 (00)
                    A.18.16 (00)   A.04.07 (1)   A.04.07 (29)   A.04.09 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00302-01  AI95-00302-02  AI95-00302-04


AI95-00036-01/06   2000-04-11 -- What are the rules for named notation in pragmas?

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  2.08 (04)   B.01 (09)  
AI95-00117-01/08   2000-04-11 -- Calling conventions
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  3.09.02 (10)   6.03.01 (13)   13.01 (11)   B.01 (28)  
AI95-00131-01/11   2000-04-11 -- Interface to C -- passing records as parameters of mode 'in'
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  B.01 (01)   B.01 (13-18)   B.01 (60-61)   B.01 (68-69)  
AI95-00320-01/05   2005-08-20 -- Violating Ada semantics with an interfacing pragma
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.01 (38)   B.01 (49)  


AI95-00204-01/06   2004-11-08 -- Language interfacing support is optional
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.02 (12)  


AI95-00037-01/07   1999-08-31 -- In Interfaces.C, nul and wide_nul represent zero
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  B.03 (20)   B.03 (30-31)   B.03 (63)  
AI95-00038-01/05   2000-01-25 -- Mapping between Interfaces.C.char and Standard.Character

    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  B.03 (46)  
AI95-00141-01/07   1999-05-27 -- Exceptions in Interfaces.C and its Children
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved  97-11-14
    RM References:  B.03 (00)  
AI95-00216-01/17   2005-09-28 -- Unchecked unions -- variant records with no run-time discriminant
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-17
    RM References:  B.03.03 (00)   B.03 (60.2)   B.03 (74)  
AI95-00258-01/03   2001-09-11 -- Behavior of Interfaces.C.To_C when the result is null
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  B.03 (50)  
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00337-01/03   2005-02-28 -- Applicability of C interfacing advice to private types
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  B.03 (71)  
AI95-00343-01/01   2003-08-04 -- C_Pass_By_Copy convention is required
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  B.03 (68.1/1)   B.03 (69/1)  
AI95-00376-01/04   2005-08-17 -- Interfaces.C works for C++ as well
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  B.03 (01/1)   B.03 (02)   1.02 (8/1)  
AI95-00383-01/02   2005-05-23 -- (Deleted)
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Deleted      06-03-15
    RM References:  B.03 (19)   B.03 (39)  


AI95-00039-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Effect of Update(Null_Ptr,...)

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  B.03.01 (44)  
AI95-00139-01/03   1999-08-31 -- Interfaces.C.Strings.Value raises Constraint_Error when Length is 0
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-06-02
    RM References:  B.03.01 (36)  
AI95-00140-01/06   2000-07-11 -- Semantics of Interfaces.C.Strings.To_Char_Ptr when Nul_Check is False
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  B.03.01 (24)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00177-01/04   1999-09-15 -- Interfaces.C.Strings.Value with Length returning String
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  B.03.01 (40)  
AI95-00242-01/02   2001-10-18 -- Surprise behavior of Update
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  B.03.01 (50)  
AI95-00276-01/02   2001-11-27 -- Interfaces.C.Strings.Chars_Ptr_Array has aliased components
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  B.03.01 (06)  


AI95-00142-01/01   1999-08-31 -- Incorrect example for Interfaces.C.Pointers

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  B.03.02 (49)  


AI95-00216-01/17   2005-09-28 -- Unchecked unions -- variant records with no run-time discriminant
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-17
    RM References:  B.03.03 (00)   B.03 (60.2)   B.03 (74)  


AI95-00071-01/04   2000-06-19 -- Correction to the Valid function in COBOL interface
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  B.04 (63-65)  
AI95-00072-01/04   2000-04-11 -- Clarification of result length for conversions in COBOL interface
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  B.04 (71)   B.04 (79)   B.04 (87)  


AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00121-01/06   2000-04-11 -- Pragma Attach_Handler on nested objects
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (12)   C.03.01 (14)  
AI95-00253-01/04   2005-08-17 -- The legality rules for pragmas Attach_Handler and Interrupt_Handler are similar
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  C.03.01 (08)  
AI95-00303-01/03   2004-12-02 -- Removal of library-level requirement for interrupt handler objects
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  C.03.01 (08)   C.03.01 (13)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00166-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Parameterless_Handler values designating default treatment
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  C.03.02 (16)   C.03.02 (18)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00314-01/00   2002-09-30 -- Standardize Discard_Names
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-2-0) 02-10-13
    RM References:  C.05 (00)  
AI95-00400-01/04   2005-06-01 -- Wide_ and Wide_Wide_ images of identifiers
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-03-03
    RM References:  3.09 (7)   3.09 (10)   11.04.01 (2)   11.04.01 (5)   11.04.01 (12)   C.05 (7)  


AI95-00259-01/05   2003-05-02 -- Can accesses to volatile objects be combined?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  C.06 (21)  
AI95-00272-01/02   2002-05-10 -- Pragma Atomic and slices
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  C.06 (07)  


AI95-00266-02/12   2005-10-01 -- Task termination procedure
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-25
    RM References:  C.07.03 (01)   C.07 (00)   C.07 (01)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00266-01


AI95-00101-01/06   1999-09-15 -- Abort_Task has a parameter of mode 'in'

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  C.07.01 (03)  
AI95-00206-01/05   2000-07-07 -- Ada.Task_Identification.Is_Callable for the environment task
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Ramification                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-24
    RM References:  C.07.01 (10)  
AI95-00237-01/08   2005-02-28 -- Finalization of task attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  C.07.01 (17)   C.07.02 (13)   C.07.02 (15.1/1)   C.07.02 (17)   C.07.02 (30)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  


AI95-00165-01/08   2000-06-19 -- Recursive use of task attributes
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  C.07.02 (13)   C.07.02 (15)   C.07.02 (16)  
AI95-00187-01/00   1997-08-19 -- Task attribute operations are atomic but not sequential
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  C.07.02 (16)  
AI95-00237-01/08   2005-02-28 -- Finalization of task attributes
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  C.07.01 (17)   C.07.02 (13)   C.07.02 (15.1/1)   C.07.02 (17)   C.07.02 (30)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00266-02/12   2005-10-01 -- Task termination procedure
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-25
    RM References:  C.07.03 (01)   C.07 (00)   C.07 (01)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00266-01


AI95-00090-01/04   1996-02-06 -- (Deleted)

    Class: Ramification                Status: Deleted      96-02-06
    RM References:  D.01 (22)  
AI95-00092-01/08   1999-09-15 -- Priority changes due to Set_Priority and Hold are not transitive
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  D.11 (05)   D.01 (21)   D.01 (22)  
AI95-00357-01/13   2005-12-02 -- Support for Deadlines and Earliest Deadline First Scheduling
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  D.02.06 (01)   D.01 (20)   D.11 (04)   D.11 (05)   D.11 (06)  


AI95-00321-01/06   2005-10-01 -- Definition of dispatching policies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02 (01)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.01 (02)   D.02.01 (04)   D.02.01 (05)   D.02.01 (06)   D.02.01 (07)   D.02.01 (08)
                    D.02.01 (09)   D.02.01 (10)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (07)   D.02.02 (08)   D.02.02 (09)
                    D.02.02 (10)   D.02.02 (11)   D.02.02 (12)   D.02.02 (13)   D.02.02 (14)   D.02.02 (15)   D.02.02 (16)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.02.02 (18)   D.02.02 (19)   D.02.02 (20)   D.02.02 (21)   D.02.03 (01)   D.05 (15)  


AI95-00321-01/06   2005-10-01 -- Definition of dispatching policies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02 (01)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.01 (02)   D.02.01 (04)   D.02.01 (05)   D.02.01 (06)   D.02.01 (07)   D.02.01 (08)
                    D.02.01 (09)   D.02.01 (10)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (07)   D.02.02 (08)   D.02.02 (09)
                    D.02.02 (10)   D.02.02 (11)   D.02.02 (12)   D.02.02 (13)   D.02.02 (14)   D.02.02 (15)   D.02.02 (16)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.02.02 (18)   D.02.02 (19)   D.02.02 (20)   D.02.02 (21)   D.02.03 (01)   D.05 (15)  
AI95-00355-01/10   2005-12-02 -- Priority Specific Dispatching including Round Robin
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.05 (00)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (01)   D.02.02 (02)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (04)   D.02.02 (06)
                    D.02.02 (06)   D.02.02 (17)   D.02.02 (18)   D.02.03 (01)   D.02.04 (01)   D.04 (07)   D.09 (14)  


AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  
AI95-00266-01/05   2002-03-09 -- Task Termination procedure
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  D.02.02 (5)   D.07 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00266-02
AI95-00321-01/06   2005-10-01 -- Definition of dispatching policies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02 (01)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.01 (02)   D.02.01 (04)   D.02.01 (05)   D.02.01 (06)   D.02.01 (07)   D.02.01 (08)
                    D.02.01 (09)   D.02.01 (10)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (07)   D.02.02 (08)   D.02.02 (09)
                    D.02.02 (10)   D.02.02 (11)   D.02.02 (12)   D.02.02 (13)   D.02.02 (14)   D.02.02 (15)   D.02.02 (16)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.02.02 (18)   D.02.02 (19)   D.02.02 (20)   D.02.02 (21)   D.02.03 (01)   D.05 (15)  
AI95-00333-01/07   2005-10-05 -- Other Locking_Policies can be used with FIFO_Within_Priorities
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (03)  
AI95-00355-01/10   2005-12-02 -- Priority Specific Dispatching including Round Robin
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.05 (00)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (01)   D.02.02 (02)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (04)   D.02.02 (06)
                    D.02.02 (06)   D.02.02 (17)   D.02.02 (18)   D.02.03 (01)   D.02.04 (01)   D.04 (07)   D.09 (14)  


AI95-00321-01/06   2005-10-01 -- Definition of dispatching policies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02 (01)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.01 (02)   D.02.01 (04)   D.02.01 (05)   D.02.01 (06)   D.02.01 (07)   D.02.01 (08)
                    D.02.01 (09)   D.02.01 (10)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (07)   D.02.02 (08)   D.02.02 (09)
                    D.02.02 (10)   D.02.02 (11)   D.02.02 (12)   D.02.02 (13)   D.02.02 (14)   D.02.02 (15)   D.02.02 (16)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.02.02 (18)   D.02.02 (19)   D.02.02 (20)   D.02.02 (21)   D.02.03 (01)   D.05 (15)  
AI95-00355-01/10   2005-12-02 -- Priority Specific Dispatching including Round Robin
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.05 (00)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (01)   D.02.02 (02)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (04)   D.02.02 (06)
                    D.02.02 (06)   D.02.02 (17)   D.02.02 (18)   D.02.03 (01)   D.02.04 (01)   D.04 (07)   D.09 (14)  


AI95-00298-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Non-Preemptive Dispatching
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02.04 (00)  
AI95-00355-01/10   2005-12-02 -- Priority Specific Dispatching including Round Robin
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.05 (00)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (01)   D.02.02 (02)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (04)   D.02.02 (06)
                    D.02.02 (06)   D.02.02 (17)   D.02.02 (18)   D.02.03 (01)   D.02.04 (01)   D.04 (07)   D.09 (14)  


AI95-00355-01/10   2005-12-02 -- Priority Specific Dispatching including Round Robin
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.05 (00)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (01)   D.02.02 (02)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (04)   D.02.02 (06)
                    D.02.02 (06)   D.02.02 (17)   D.02.02 (18)   D.02.03 (01)   D.02.04 (01)   D.04 (07)   D.09 (14)  


AI95-00357-01/13   2005-12-02 -- Support for Deadlines and Earliest Deadline First Scheduling
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  D.02.06 (01)   D.01 (20)   D.11 (04)   D.11 (05)   D.11 (06)  


AI95-00091-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Pragma Locking_Policy cannot be in a program unit

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  D.03 (06)  
AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  
AI95-00327-01/13   2006-02-08 -- Dynamic ceiling priorities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.03 (13)   D.03 (06)   D.03 (08)   D.03 (09)   D.03 (10)   D.05 (00)   D.05.01 (00)   D.05.02 (00)
                    D.07 (09)  
AI95-00356-01/01   2003-09-27 -- Support for Preemption Level Locking Policy
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-06-13
    RM References:  D.03 (00)  


AI95-00068-01/02   1999-09-15 -- Number of queuing policies defined

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.04 (01)  
AI95-00069-01/03   2000-01-25 -- One queuing policy per partition

    Class: Confirmation                Status: Records of Response for Ada 95 00-01-25
    RM References:  D.04 (15)  
AI95-00188-02/04   2005-12-05 -- Setting a task base priority is immediate
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  D.05 (10)   D.05 (12)   D.04 (15)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00188-01
AI95-00205-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Priority changes in abortable part
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  D.04 (10)   D.04 (11)  
AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  
AI95-00355-01/10   2005-12-02 -- Priority Specific Dispatching including Round Robin
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.05 (00)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (01)   D.02.02 (02)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (04)   D.02.02 (06)
                    D.02.02 (06)   D.02.02 (17)   D.02.02 (18)   D.02.03 (01)   D.02.04 (01)   D.04 (07)   D.09 (14)  


AI95-00188-01/07   2004-11-08 -- Setting a task base priority is vague
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Confirmation                Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-11-20
    RM References:  D.05 (10)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00188-02
AI95-00188-02/04   2005-12-05 -- Setting a task base priority is immediate
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  D.05 (10)   D.05 (12)   D.04 (15)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00188-01
AI95-00321-01/06   2005-10-01 -- Definition of dispatching policies
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-02
    RM References:  D.02 (01)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.01 (02)   D.02.01 (04)   D.02.01 (05)   D.02.01 (06)   D.02.01 (07)   D.02.01 (08)
                    D.02.01 (09)   D.02.01 (10)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (05)   D.02.02 (07)   D.02.02 (08)   D.02.02 (09)
                    D.02.02 (10)   D.02.02 (11)   D.02.02 (12)   D.02.02 (13)   D.02.02 (14)   D.02.02 (15)   D.02.02 (16)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.02.02 (18)   D.02.02 (19)   D.02.02 (20)   D.02.02 (21)   D.02.03 (01)   D.05 (15)  
AI95-00327-01/13   2006-02-08 -- Dynamic ceiling priorities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.03 (13)   D.03 (06)   D.03 (08)   D.03 (09)   D.03 (10)   D.05 (00)   D.05.01 (00)   D.05.02 (00)
                    D.07 (09)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  


AI95-00327-01/13   2006-02-08 -- Dynamic ceiling priorities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.03 (13)   D.03 (06)   D.03 (08)   D.03 (09)   D.03 (10)   D.05 (00)   D.05.01 (00)   D.05.02 (00)
                    D.07 (09)  


AI95-00327-01/13   2006-02-08 -- Dynamic ceiling priorities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.03 (13)   D.03 (06)   D.03 (08)   D.03 (09)   D.03 (10)   D.05 (00)   D.05.01 (00)   D.05.02 (00)
                    D.07 (09)  
AI95-00445-01/02   2006-01-18 -- Dynamic ceilings and interrupt handlers

    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 06-01-10
    RM References:  D.05.02 (1)  


AI95-00067-01/05   2000-04-11 -- Pragma Restrictions(Max_Tasks, Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting)
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.07 (15)   D.07 (17-19)  
AI95-00130-01/07   2000-04-11 -- Enforcing Restrictions might violate the generic contract model
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  13.12 (08)   13.12 (09)   D.07 (04)   H.04 (08)  
AI95-00190-01/05   1999-10-08 -- Compile-time enforcement of pragma Restrictions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  13.12 (09)   D.07 (15)  
AI95-00266-01/05   2002-03-09 -- Task Termination procedure
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  D.02.02 (5)   D.07 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00266-02
AI95-00297-01/15   2005-12-05 -- Timing events
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.13.01 (01)   D.15 (01)  
AI95-00305-01/14   2005-09-20 -- New pragma and additional restriction identifiers for real-time systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.07 (19)   H.05 (01)   9.05.01 (22)  
AI95-00327-01/13   2006-02-08 -- Dynamic ceiling priorities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.03 (13)   D.03 (06)   D.03 (08)   D.03 (09)   D.03 (10)   D.05 (00)   D.05.01 (00)   D.05.02 (00)
                    D.07 (09)  
AI95-00353-01/03   2003-12-04 -- New Restrictions identifier No_Synchronous_Control
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 05-02-13
    RM References:  D.07 (10)  
AI95-00360-01/07   2005-03-17 -- Types that need finalization
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  7.06 (09)   D.07 (04)   A.04.05 (72)   A.05.02 (15)   A.05.02 (27)   A.08.01 (16)   A.08.04 (19)   A.10.01 (85)
                    A.12.01 (27)  
AI95-00369-01/00   2004-02-05 -- Completions and renaming
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (8-0-0) 04-03-07
    RM References:  3.11.01 (04)   D.07 (04)  
AI95-00394-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Redundant Restriction Identifiers and completing Ravenscar definition
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  D.07 (09)   D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.13.01 (01)   H.04 (2)   H.04 (3)   H.04 (9)   H.04 (16)
                    H.04 (23)   J.13 (1)   13.12 (7)  


AI95-00386-01/03   2005-03-18 -- Further functions returning Time_Span values
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-01
    RM References:  D.08 (14)   D.08 (26)  
AI95-00432-01/02   2005-10-05 -- Out of range values in Ada.Real_Time
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  D.08 (24)   D.08 (26)  


AI95-00355-01/10   2005-12-02 -- Priority Specific Dispatching including Round Robin
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  D.02.05 (00)   D.02.01 (01)   D.02.02 (00)   D.02.02 (01)   D.02.02 (02)   D.02.02 (03)   D.02.02 (04)   D.02.02 (06)
                    D.02.02 (06)   D.02.02 (17)   D.02.02 (18)   D.02.03 (01)   D.02.04 (01)   D.04 (07)   D.09 (14)  
AI95-00358-01/01   2003-09-27 -- Application-defined scheduling
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 04-03-05
    RM References:  9.06 (00)   D.09 (00)  


AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  


AI95-00092-01/08   1999-09-15 -- Priority changes due to Set_Priority and Hold are not transitive
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  D.11 (05)   D.01 (21)   D.01 (22)  
AI95-00111-01/03   2000-04-11 -- Accept body not defined

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.11 (18)   J.07.01 (16)   J.07.01 (20)  
AI95-00357-01/13   2005-12-02 -- Support for Deadlines and Earliest Deadline First Scheduling
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  D.02.06 (01)   D.01 (20)   D.11 (04)   D.11 (05)   D.11 (06)  
AI95-00362-01/07   2005-11-15 -- Some predefined packages should be recategorized
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-29
    RM References:  3.09 (06)   11.04.01 (02)   11.04.01 (03)   13.07 (03)   13.07 (36)   13.07.01 (03)   13.07.01 (15)   A.03.02 (02)
                    A.04.02 (03)   A.04.06 (03)   A.04.07 (46)   C.07.01 (02)   D.05 (03)   D.10 (03)   D.11 (03)  


AI95-00342-01/00   2003-08-04 -- Requirement for freeing task storage on unchecked deallocation
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  D.12 (04)  


AI95-00249-01/12   2005-10-01 -- Ravenscar profile for high-integrity systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  D.13 (01)  
AI95-00352-01/01   2003-09-24 -- ARINC_653_Processes Profile
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (8-0-2) 03-10-03
    RM References:  D.13 (01)  


AI95-00297-01/15   2005-12-05 -- Timing events
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.13.01 (01)   D.15 (01)  
AI95-00394-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Redundant Restriction Identifiers and completing Ravenscar definition
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  D.07 (09)   D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.13.01 (01)   H.04 (2)   H.04 (3)   H.04 (9)   H.04 (16)
                    H.04 (23)   J.13 (1)   13.12 (7)  


AI95-00307-01/13   2005-10-01 -- Execution-time clocks
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.14 (00)   D.14.01 (00)  


AI95-00307-01/13   2005-10-01 -- Execution-time clocks
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.14 (00)   D.14.01 (00)  


AI95-00354-01/11   2005-12-05 -- Group execution-time budgets
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-25
    RM References:  D.14.02 (01)  


AI95-00297-01/15   2005-12-05 -- Timing events
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-06-24
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.13.01 (01)   D.15 (01)  
AI95-00422-01/01   2005-03-09 -- User data for timing events
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (11-0-0) 05-04-16
    RM References:  D.15 (1)  


AI95-00226-01/03   2004-11-30 -- Cyclic Elaboration Dependences
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-11-30
    RM References:  E.01 (10)  


AI95-00048-01/10   2000-04-11 -- An RCI unit can be a library subprogram
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.03 (07)   E.02.03 (09-14)   E.02.03 (19)   E.02 (04)  
AI95-00208-01/05   1999-08-31 -- What is the meaning of "same representation" in all partitions?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  E.02 (13)  


AI95-00003-01/02   1999-09-15 -- Access types declared in shared passive generic packages
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.01 (07)  
AI95-00058-01/08   1999-09-26 -- Accessibility Rules for Shared_Passive Packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (9-0-0) 04-03-05
    RM References:  E.02.01 (08)  


AI95-00004-01/06   1999-08-31 -- Conversions to types derived from remote access types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.02 (09)  
AI95-00046-01/05   2000-07-07 -- Intent of "only"

    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 95-06-14
    RM References:  E.02.02 (14)  
AI95-00047-01/05   2000-04-11 -- {User-defined} Read and Write attributes

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-17
    RM References:  E.02.02 (14)  
AI95-00126-01/11   2000-07-13 -- Classification of language-defined packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  E.02.02 (08)   7.06 (04)   A.05.01 (09)   G.01.01 (25)   G.01.02 (09)  
AI95-00164-01/07   2000-09-26 -- Definition of remote access type
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  E.02.02 (09)  
AI95-00240-01/04   2002-05-09 -- Stream attributes for limited types in Annex E
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  E.02.02 (8)   E.02.02 (14)   E.02.03 (14)  
AI95-00366-01/12   2005-12-02 -- More liberal rules for Pure units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)   3.02 (6)   3.08 (9)   4.08 (5)   10.02.01 (17)   10.02.01 (18)   13.13.02 (36/1)   E.02.02 (8)
                    E.02.02 (14/1)   E.02.02 (17/1)   E.02.03 (14/1)  
AI95-00431-01/01   2005-05-05 -- Conversions to remote access-to-subprogram types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  E.02.02 (11)  


AI95-00048-01/10   2000-04-11 -- An RCI unit can be a library subprogram
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-24
    RM References:  E.02.03 (07)   E.02.03 (09-14)   E.02.03 (19)   E.02 (04)  
AI95-00240-01/04   2002-05-09 -- Stream attributes for limited types in Annex E
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  E.02.02 (8)   E.02.02 (14)   E.02.03 (14)  
AI95-00366-01/12   2005-12-02 -- More liberal rules for Pure units
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-12-02
    RM References:  10.02.01 (16)   3.02 (6)   3.08 (9)   4.08 (5)   10.02.01 (17)   10.02.01 (18)   13.13.02 (36/1)   E.02.02 (8)
                    E.02.02 (14/1)   E.02.02 (17/1)   E.02.03 (14/1)  


AI95-00104-01/08   1999-09-15 -- Version and Body_Version attributes
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-25
    RM References:  E.03 (05)  


AI95-00082-01/03   2000-04-11 -- The PCS may be defined by the user

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-08
    RM References:  E.04 (20)   E.05 (24)  
AI95-00159-01/07   2000-05-30 -- Shared variables in Shared_Passive?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  9.10 (00)   E.04 (20)  
AI95-00215-01/02   1999-08-31 -- Returning remote class-wide values
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  E.04 (18)  


AI95-00082-01/03   2000-04-11 -- The PCS may be defined by the user

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-08
    RM References:  E.04 (20)   E.05 (24)  
AI95-00273-01/02   2002-05-09 -- Use of PCS should not be normative
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-09
    RM References:  E.05 (01)   E.05 (27)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00153-01/03   1999-09-15 -- Picture string grammar or composition rules need tightening
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-27
    RM References:  F.03.01 (04-38)   F.03.01 (01)   F.03.01 (43)  


AI95-00070-01/02   2000-06-19 -- Incorrect picture string example

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  F.03.02 (74)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00028-01/01   1999-08-31 -- Should "pragma" be in boldface?

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  G.01.01 (02)  
AI95-00126-01/11   2000-07-13 -- Classification of language-defined packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  E.02.02 (08)   7.06 (04)   A.05.01 (09)   G.01.01 (25)   G.01.02 (09)  
AI95-00156-01/07   2000-07-31 -- Polar implementation of complex exponentiation for negative exponents
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-05-27
    RM References:  G.01.01 (55)  
AI95-00161-01/13   2005-12-01 -- Default-initialized objects
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-07-10
    RM References:  10.02.01 (04)   10.02.01 (09)   10.02.01 (11)   7.06 (05)   7.06 (07)   13.07 (34)   13.11 (06)   13.13.01 (03)
                    A.04.02 (04)   A.04.02 (20)   A.04.05 (04)   A.04.07 (04)   A.04.07 (20)   B.03.01 (05)   C.04 (04)   G.01.01 (04)  
AI95-00380-01/00   2004-04-26 -- Sign of zero in complex values
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: No Action    (6-0-0) 04-06-14
    RM References:  G.01.01 (58)   11.04.01 (12)   11.04.01 (13)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00126-01/11   2000-07-13 -- Classification of language-defined packages
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  E.02.02 (08)   7.06 (04)   A.05.01 (09)   G.01.01 (25)   G.01.02 (09)  
AI95-00185-01/05   2005-12-05 -- Branch cuts of inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-05-09
    RM References:  G.01.02 (15)   G.01.02 (16)   G.01.02 (17)   G.01.02 (20)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00029-01/03   2000-04-11 -- Does Complex_IO handle extended real literals?

    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-08-13
    RM References:  G.01.03 (12)  
AI95-00328-01/03   2003-12-03 -- Preinstantiations of Complex_IO
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-07-15
    RM References:  G.01.03 (10)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  


AI95-00256-01/10   2005-10-07 -- Various wording changes to the standard
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-20
    RM References:  13.11.01 (01)   A.12.01 (30)   G.02.02 (03)   7.06.01 (12)   7.06.01 (16)   7.04 (09)   10.02 (09)   D.02.02 (17)
                    D.03 (15)   D.04 (15)  


AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00296-01/12   2005-12-05 -- Vector and matrix operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  G.03 (01)   G.03.01 (01)   G.03.02 (01)   G (05)   G (06)  


AI95-00296-01/12   2005-12-05 -- Vector and matrix operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  G.03 (01)   G.03.01 (01)   G.03.02 (01)   G (05)   G (06)  
AI95-00418-01/03   2005-05-05 -- Vector norm
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  G.03.01 (1)   G.03.02 (1)  


AI95-00296-01/12   2005-12-05 -- Vector and matrix operations
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-13
    RM References:  G.03 (01)   G.03.01 (01)   G.03.02 (01)   G (05)   G (06)  
AI95-00418-01/03   2005-05-05 -- Vector norm
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  G.03.01 (1)   G.03.02 (1)  


AI95-00346-01/02   2003-10-23 -- Roots of polynomials
    Priority: Low        Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (9-0-1) 03-10-03
    RM References:  G.03.04   


AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00209-01/04   2004-05-21 -- pragma Reviewable; can objects become uninitialized?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  H.03.01 (8)   H.03.02 (9)  


AI95-00207-01/05   2000-07-10 -- Only the current unit is affected by pragma Inspection_Point
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  H.03.02 (5)   H.03.02 (8)  
AI95-00209-01/04   2004-05-21 -- pragma Reviewable; can objects become uninitialized?
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-03-24
    RM References:  H.03.01 (8)   H.03.02 (9)  
AI95-00434-01/03   2005-11-22 -- More presentation changes to the Standard
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-08-17
    RM References:  C.03 (23)   C.03 (26)   C.03 (28)   C.03.01 (07)   C.03.01 (11)   C.03.01 (16)   C.03.01 (23)   C.03.02 (22)
                    C.07.02 (20)   C.07.02 (26)   C.07.02 (30)   C.07.02 (33)   7.01 (05)   7.01 (06)   11.05 (13)   12.01 (08)
                    A (03)   A.01 (11)   A.01 (20)   A.05.02 (53)   C.02 (01)   F (05)   F.03 (18)   G.01.01 (26)
                    G.01.02 (02)   G.01.02 (41)   G.01.03 (28)   G.02.06 (6)   G.02.06 (13)   H.01 (5)   H.01 (6)   H.03.02 (5)  


AI95-00130-01/07   2000-04-11 -- Enforcing Restrictions might violate the generic contract model
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Binding Interpretation      Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-20
    RM References:  13.12 (08)   13.12 (09)   D.07 (04)   H.04 (08)  
AI95-00210-01/03   1999-07-28 -- Questions on pragma Restriction No_Recursion and No_Reentrancy
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Confirmation                Status: WG9 Approved 99-06-12
    RM References:  H.04 (24)   H.04 (27)  
AI95-00285-01/17   2005-09-20 -- Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-27
    RM References:  2.01 (1)   2.01 (2)   2.01 (3)   2.01 (4)   2.01 (5)   2.01 (7)   2.01 (8)   2.01 (9)
                    2.01 (10)   2.01 (11)   2.01 (12)   2.01 (13)   2.01 (14)   2.01 (15)   2.01 (16)   2.01 (17)
                    1.01.04 (14)   1.02 (8/1)   2.02 (02)   2.02 (03)   2.02 (04)   2.02 (05)
                    2.02 (08)   2.02 (09)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.04.01 (05)   2.06 (07)
                    3.05 (27)   3.05 (30-34)   3.05 (37)   3.05 (39)   3.05 (43-51)   3.05 (55)   3.05 (56)   3.05 (59)
                    3.05.02 (2)   3.05.02 (3)   3.05.02 (4)   3.05.02 (5)   3.06.03 (2)   3.06.03 (4)   A.01 (36)   A.01 (42)
                    A.01 (49)   A.03 (1)   A.03.02 (13)   A.03.02 (14)   A.03.02 (16)   A.03.02 (18)   A.03.02 (42)   A.03.02 (43)
                    A.03.02 (44)   A.03.02 (45)   A.03.02 (46)   A.03.02 (47)   A.03.02 (48)   A.03.02 (49)   A.04 (1)   A.04.01 (4)
                    A.04.07 (46)   A.04.08 (1)   A.06 (1)   A.07 (4)   A.07 (10)   A.07 (13)   A.07 (15)   A.11 (00)
                    A.11 (01)   A.11 (02)   A.11 (03)   A.12 (01)   A.12.04 (01)   B.03 (39)   B.03 (43)   B.03 (60)
                    B.03 (62.1)   C.05 (07)   F (04)   F.03 (01)   F.03 (06)   F.03 (19)   F.03 (20)   F.03.05 (01)
                    G.01.05 (01)   H.04 (20)  
AI95-00347-01/04   2005-08-08 -- Title of Annex H
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-10-23
    RM References:  H    1.01.02 (13)   13.12 (10)   H (1)   H.04    H.04 (2)  
AI95-00394-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Redundant Restriction Identifiers and completing Ravenscar definition
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  D.07 (09)   D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.13.01 (01)   H.04 (2)   H.04 (3)   H.04 (9)   H.04 (16)
                    H.04 (23)   J.13 (1)   13.12 (7)  


AI95-00305-01/14   2005-09-20 -- New pragma and additional restriction identifiers for real-time systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 02-10-23
    RM References:  D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.07 (19)   H.05 (01)   9.05.01 (22)  


AI95-00265-01/09   2005-10-08 -- Partition Elaboration Policy for High-Integrity Systems
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-18
    RM References:  H.06 (00)  
AI95-00421-01/04   2005-05-05 -- Sequential activation and attachment
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-05-05
    RM References:  H.06 (01)  


AI95-00111-01/03   2000-04-11 -- Accept body not defined

    Class: Presentation                Status: Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 99-07-28
    RM References:  D.11 (18)   J.07.01 (16)   J.07.01 (20)  


AI95-00345-01/13   2005-11-29 -- Protected and task interfaces
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-07-02
    RM References:  3.09.01 (03)   2.09 (02)   3.02 (12)   3.02 (13)   3.09 (02)   3.09.01 (01)   3.09.02 (20)   3.09.03 (01)
                    3.09.03 (02)   3.09.04 (01)   6.03.01 (24)   6.04 (10)   8.03 (18)   9.01 (02)   9.01 (08)   9.01 (09.1/1)
                    9.04 (02)   9.04 (10)   9.04 (11)   9.05 (07)   9.07.02 (01)   9.07.02 (03)   9.07.02 (04)   9.07.04 (04)
                    9.07.04 (06)   10.02.01 (11)   12.05.05 (01)   J.09 (03)  


AI95-00217-04/04   2002-12-02 -- Type stubs with package specifiers
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    J.10 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-05  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00224-01/11   2005-06-10 -- pragma Unsuppress
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 03-02-17
    RM References:  11.05 (1)   11.05 (3)   11.05 (4)   11.05 (5)   11.05 (6)   11.05 (7)   11.05 (8)   11.05 (27)
                    11.05 (29)   11.05 (30)   11.05 (32)   J.10 (00)  


AI95-00217-05/02   2003-03-18 -- Type stubs with limited context clauses
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Hard
    Class: Amendment                   Status: No Action    (10-0-0) 03-10-03
    RM References:  3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (03)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)   3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)
                    10.01.02 (03)   10.01.02 (04)   10.01.02 (08)   10.02 (04)   J.11 (00)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00217-01  AI95-00217-02  AI95-00217-03  AI95-00217-04  AI95-00217-06  AI95-00217-07
AI95-00326-01/12   2006-02-01 -- Incomplete types
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-01-09
    RM References:  3.02 (04)   3.02 (05)   3.02.01 (08)   3.07 (01)   3.09 (30)   3.10.01 (02)   3.10.01 (04)   3.10.01 (05)
                    3.10.01 (08)   3.10.01 (09)   3.10.01 (10)   3.10.01 (11)   10.01.01 (12)   13.01 (11/1)   J.11 (00)  


AI95-00284-02/03   2004-11-09 -- New reserved words
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Medium
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 04-09-22
    RM References:  2.09 (02)   J.12 (01)  
    Alternatives:   AI95-00284-01


AI95-00394-01/06   2005-12-05 -- Redundant Restriction Identifiers and completing Ravenscar definition
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  D.07 (09)   D.07 (10)   D.07 (15)   D.13.01 (01)   H.04 (2)   H.04 (3)   H.04 (9)   H.04 (16)
                    H.04 (23)   J.13 (1)   13.12 (7)  


AI95-00395-01/11   2005-11-15 -- Various clarifications regarding 16- and 32-bit characters
    Priority: High       Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-02-25
    RM References:  1.01.04 (15)   2.01 (01)   2.01 (03)   2.01 (04)   2.01 (14)   2.03 (02)   2.03 (03)   2.03 (04)
                    2.03 (05)   2.03 (06)   2.09 (02)   3.05.02 (03)   6.01 (10)   A.01 (36)   A.03.01 (00)   A.03.01 (02)
                    A.03.02 (02)   A.03.02 (13-18)   A.03.02 (42-48)   A.03.04 (01)   A.04.07 (46)   A.04.07 (48)   A.04.08 (01)   J.14 (00)  


AI95-00425-01/02   2005-05-05 -- Organization of Annex M
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-04-06
    RM References:  M (1)   M.01 (1)   M.02 (1)   M.03 (1)  


AI95-00425-01/02   2005-05-05 -- Organization of Annex M
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-04-06
    RM References:  M (1)   M.01 (1)   M.02 (1)   M.03 (1)  


AI95-00425-01/02   2005-05-05 -- Organization of Annex M
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Presentation                Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-04-06
    RM References:  M (1)   M.01 (1)   M.02 (1)   M.03 (1)  


AI95-00440-01/01   2005-10-21 -- Index of language-defined entities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  Q (00)   Q.01 (00)   Q.02 (00)   Q.03 (00)   Q.04 (00)   Q.05 (00)   Q.06 (00)  


AI95-00440-01/01   2005-10-21 -- Index of language-defined entities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  Q (00)   Q.01 (00)   Q.02 (00)   Q.03 (00)   Q.04 (00)   Q.05 (00)   Q.06 (00)  


AI95-00440-01/01   2005-10-21 -- Index of language-defined entities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  Q (00)   Q.01 (00)   Q.02 (00)   Q.03 (00)   Q.04 (00)   Q.05 (00)   Q.06 (00)  


AI95-00440-01/01   2005-10-21 -- Index of language-defined entities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  Q (00)   Q.01 (00)   Q.02 (00)   Q.03 (00)   Q.04 (00)   Q.05 (00)   Q.06 (00)  


AI95-00440-01/01   2005-10-21 -- Index of language-defined entities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  Q (00)   Q.01 (00)   Q.02 (00)   Q.03 (00)   Q.04 (00)   Q.05 (00)   Q.06 (00)  


AI95-00440-01/01   2005-10-21 -- Index of language-defined entities
    Priority: Medium     Difficulty: Easy
    Class: Amendment                   Status: Amendment 1 for Ada 95 05-10-21
    RM References:  Q (00)   Q.01 (00)   Q.02 (00)   Q.03 (00)   Q.04 (00)   Q.05 (00)   Q.06 (00)